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Home Explore UKG Term 2 Maths

UKG Term 2 Maths

Published by John Alex, 2022-01-07 11:51:20

Description: UKG Term 2 Maths


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Say Aloud from 1 to 40 1 One 11 Eleven 21 Twenty One 31 Thirty One 2 Two 12 Twelve 22 Twenty Two 32 Thirty Two 3 Three 13 Thirteen 23 Twenty Three 33 Thirty Three 4 Four 14 Fourteen 24 Twenty Four 34 Thirty Four 5 Five 15 Fifteen 25 Twenty Five 35 Thirty Five 6 Six 16 Sixteen 26 Twenty Six 36 Thirty Six 7 Seven 17 Seventeen 27 Twenty Seven 37 Thirty Seven 8 Eight 18 Eighteen 28 Twenty Eight 38 Thirty Eight 9 Nine 19 Nineteen 29 Twenty Nine 39 Thirty Nine 10 Ten 20 Twenty 30 Thirty 40 Forty Date Teacher’s Signature 23

Say Aloud from 41 to 80 41 Fourty One 51 Fifty One 61 Sixty One 71 Seventy One 42 Fourty Two 52 Fifty Two 62 Sixty Two 72 Seventy Two 43 Fourty Three 53 Fifty Three 63 Sixty Three 73 Seventy Three 44 Fourty Four 54 Fifty Four 64 Sixty Four 74 Seventy Four 45 Fourty Five 55 Fifty Five 65 Sixty Five 75 Seventy Five 46 Fourty Six 56 FiftySix 66 Sixty Six 76 Seventy Six 47 Fourty Seven 57 Fifty Seven 67 Sixty Seven 77 Seventy Seven 48 Fourty Eight 58 FiftyEight 68 Sixty Eight 78 Seventy Eight 49 Fourty Nine 59 Fifty Nine 69 Sixty Nine 79 Seventy Nine 50 Fifty 60 Sixty 70 Seventy 80 Eighty Date Teacher’s Signature 24

Write the Numbers Name to the Given Numbers 2 Two 44 6 50 9 53 13 56 15 58 17 62 19 66 22 69 24 70 28 72 32 74 35 75 38 77 40 79 41 80 Date Teacher’s Signature 25

Write the Numbers from 81 to 90 Eighty - One 81 81 81 81 Eighty - Two 82 82 82 Eighty - Three 83 83 83 Eighty - Four 84 84 84 Eighty - Five 85 85 85 Eighty - Six 86 86 86 Eighty - Seven 87 87 87 Eighty - Eight 88 88 88 Eighty - Nine 89 89 89 Ninety 90 90 90 Date Teacher’s Signature 26

Write the Numbers from 91 to 100 Ninety - One 91 91 91 91 Ninety - Two 92 92 92 Ninety - Three 93 93 93 Ninety - Four 94 94 94 Ninety - Five 95 95 95 Ninety - Six 96 96 96 Ninety - Seven 97 97 97 Ninety - Eight 98 98 98 Ninety - Nine 99 99 99 Hundred 100 100 100 Date Teacher’s Signature 27

Write the number and number names Eighty Two 85 96 Ninety Two Eighty Four 93 87 Ninety Ninety Five 100 Date Teacher’s Signature 28

Circle the correct number to the given number names Eighty three Ninety two Seventy seven 91 83 92 44 77 71 Ninety six Eighty eight Sixty two 86 96 53 88 63 62 Ninety Ninety five Fifty five 90 80 99 95 50 55 Eighty seven Hundred Fourty one 87 94 100 90 44 41 Date Teacher’s Signature 29

Count and Write 5 Date Teacher’s Signature 30

Addition Date Teacher’s Signature 31

Addition 8 +1 = 7 +2 = 6 +1 = 1 +4 = Date Teacher’s Signature 32

Count and Add 12 3 Date Teacher’s Signature 33

Count and Subtract Date Teacher’s Signature 34

Subtract and Match 3 Date Teacher’s Signature 35

Count and Subtract Date Teacher’s Signature 36

Count by 5’s and Fill in the Blanks 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 Date Teacher’s Signature 37

Count by 10’s and Fill in the Blanks Skip counting is the method of adding the same number each time to the previous number. Count by tens means adding five to the previous count: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50......... 20 40 60 Date 100 Teacher’s Signature 38

Greater than (>) The symbol > means greater. Example: 5 > 3 shows that 5 is greater than 3. 4 is greater than 2 4 > 2 5 is greater than 3 5 > 3 Date Teacher’s Signature 39

Count and Put Greater than (>) > Date Teacher’s Signature 40

Less than (<) The symbol < means less than. Example: 4 < 9 shows that 4 is less than 9. 4 is less than 5 4 < 5 Date 1 is less than 2 1 < 2 Teacher’s Signature 41

Count and Put Less than (<) < Date Teacher’s Signature 42

Greater than(>) or Less than (<) 5 >2 3 <6 63 24 42 13 74 67 83 45 97 29 3 1 68 Date Teacher’s Signature 43

Equal to (=) = = Date = Teacher’s Signature 44

Fill in with Equal (=) if the Numbers are Same 5 =5 66 33 44 22 15 53 97 88 55 77 99 32 22 Date Teacher’s Signature 45

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