America MONTHLY DIGEST Travel to marvelous beaches while exploring diverse cultures
7 Cultural Dishes I Recipes 9 15 Dive into México’s Culture with this Ceviche Recipe. 25 By Natasha Kravchuk Santorini, Greece Everything we love about Greece can be found on the island: beautiful scenery, relaxing beaches, delicious food and wine,and a glimpse into the past. By Piper Taylor Cancún, your next Caribbean destination Besides visiting the most breathtaking beaches, you have the opportunity to experience one of the Seven Wonders of the World. By Sandy Allen Cancún, your next Caribbean destination Besides visiting the most breathtaking beaches, you have the opportunity to experience one of the Seven Wonders of the World. By Sandy Allen
CULTUR AL DISHES I RECIPES DCCiuveelvtuiicnrhetoewMRiteéhcxitiphceois’s Recreate this succulent prawn cocktail utilizing cooked or raw shrimp, or tilapia. By Natasha Kravchuk Ceviche is loaded with shrimp or tilap- What is Ceviche? 4. Lastly, season with black pepper, and ia, avocados, tomatoes and cucumbers; add Clamato juice (although Clamato is which are marinated in lime juice. It is Ceviche has many names including ce- not required to have a delicious shrimp essentially your choice to choose the fi- biche, seviche, or sebiche. The origin is cocktail, thus a great outcome). sh you want to utilize when recreating debated; however, it is thought to have this recipe. You are capable of either us- its roots in Peru. It is a seafood cocktail Is Ceviche Safe to Eat? ing raw or cooked shrimp for this dish utilzing fresh fish that is marinated or that is a Mexican shrimp cocktail. “cooked” in a large amount of lime juice. Marinating shrimp in lime juice essent- It also includes tomatoes, onion, cilant- tially cooks the shrimp due to the high Ceviche is among our favorite appe- ro and some format of spice or pepper. acidity of lime juice. Due to food safety, tizers, along with the very popular shr- We love bulking it up with fresh cut cu- if using raw shrimp, purchase it from a imp salsa. It is a crucial crowd pleasing cumber and diced avocado. trusted source (preferably shrimp labe- recipe and it is so satisfying served over led “wild caught”) and one should con- crisp tostadas or with tortilla chips. How to Make Ceviche: sume the ceviche the first day it is made for quailty and security. This authentic Mexican ceviche rec- 1. Place chopped shrimp in a large bowl ipe was shared with us by one of our re- bowl and stir in 1 cup of fresh squeezed Use pre-cooked shrimp if not comf- aders, Blanca Villasenor. The secret in- lime juice. Refrigerate and marinate (1 ortable with raw (or want to save mari- gredient for the best ceviche is Clamato 1/2 to 2 hours for raw shrimp and a total nating time), and it will remain tasting juice which melds the flavors together of 15 minutes for cooked shrimp). as good. We frequently use cooked shr- and makes it one of the most fresh and 2. Then, slice the remaining vegetables: imp meat to save time and one does not satisfying appetizers you will try. How- cucumber, avocado, tomato, onion, cil- have to dice it. In either case, you rinse ever, incorporating Clamato is not nec- antro and jalapeno. the shrimp and thoroughly pat dry with essary. One is fine with simply adding 3. Once the shrimp is done marinating, paper towels to remove excess moisture lime juice to the shrimp or tilapia. stir the shrimp in the diced vegetables. so your cocktail isn’t watered down. 7 May 2022 I America’s Monthly Digest
Ceviche Recipe Ingredients Instructions In order to prepare this prawn cocktail The following information pertains to 1. Dice your shrimp or tilapia and place it will take approximately fifteen minu- the supplies that one needs to execute into a massive glass (non-metal mixing tes. Hence, this meal or appetizer does this ceviche appetizer; however, one is bowl). Squeeze around 1 to 1 1/4 cups of not require extensive time. But, the til- able to substitute some of these items, lime juice from 6 limes over the shrimp. apia or the shrimp must be marinated such as the fish you decide to use since Stir to combine, then cover and marin- in lime juice for about two hours to pro- it does not have to be shrimp. ate in the refrigerator (marinate 1 1/2 to vide the fish with flavor. During those •1 lb of shrimp or tilapia (it can be raw two hours, the raw shrimp or until you hours of waiting, how about watching or cooked) peeled, deveined, and diced no longer view translucent and marina- some Netflix, or you can also begin cho- •1 cup of lime juice, implement 6 limes te 15 minutes for cooked shrimp), stirri- pping the vegetables that will be necce- •1 cucumber, must peel and then dice ng halfway through. sitated to complete and enjoy the cevi- •1 large avocado (or two tiny avocados) 2. Chop the following vegetables: cucu- che. Therefore, total estimated time to •2 roma tomatoes, that must be diced mber, avocado, tomatoes, red onion, ci- make this recipe is 2 hours and 15 min- •1/2 red onion, diced into small pieces lantro, and jalapeno. utes. Individuals who aim to make this •1/4 bunch cilantro, chop idealy thinly 3. When shrimp or tilapia is done mari- recipe should know that it is uncompli- •1 jalapeno that is seeded and minced nating, place the chopped vegetables in cated to prepare, as well as inexpensive •1/4 tablespoon black pepper or taste your bowl of choice. since it will cost $18 to $20 for the nec- •1 cup clamato juice (utilize “picante” 4. Add 1/4 tbsp of black pepper, or seas- essitated materials that make this cev- version for spicier salsa) on to taste it and gently stir to combine. iche recipe. This recipe is capable of fe- Lastly, one will need to stir 1 cup of cla- eding around 8 people, but it all depen- To serve mato juice, mixing in order to combine. ds on the total amount of fish one uses You should serve with tortilla chips or or incorporates with this cocktail. •16 Tostadas (or a bag of tortilla chips) with tostadas, and even salty crackers. •Add hot Sauce (or any that you prefer) America’s Monthly Digest I May 2022 8
Santorini, Greece Everything we love about Greece can be found on the island: beautiful scenery, relaxing beaches, delicious food and wine, and a glimpse into the past. By Piper Taylor
reece has to upper 70s, the beaches are the perfect 16th century. Here, you’ll feel like you beauty and spots to relax and to unwind while on tour walking amongst the Ancient Greeks! history around in the island of Santorini. Who wouldn’t want to experience this every corner, incredible and surreal feeling? and Santorini Hoping for a quiet vacation is no exception. without the crowds? Then Novem- Enjoy a dip in the Nea Kameni Hot Springs. Take a quick boat ride GAfter all, every- ber through February is the time to go si- thing we love nce these months are considered the off- over to the small volcanic island of Nea about Greece can be found on the island: season of travel, however, make for a un- Kameni, to admire otherworldly terrain. beautiful scenery, relaxing beaches, de- ique and relaxed vacation, without crowd- After, stop by the sulfur-rich hot springs, licious food and wine, and a glimpse into ed streets, beaches, and restaurants, you which are noted for healing abilities. the past. There are so many things to do can take advantage and experience more in Santorini on tour. of the island than you would during peak- Take in the views from Oia. travel season. Off-season travel means fl- Want to spend your days lounging on bla- ights are cheaper as well as accommoda- If you’re looking for beauty and Greek ck-sand beaches or how about enjoying a tions, making the perfect time to plan a history, this village is a must-see! Oia is cliff-side dinner at sunset, or taking a st- trip to Santorini without having to break located on northwestern part of Santor- roll through local markets? Then read our the bank. ini and has some of the greatest hidden guide to Santorini to find out why this is- gems for history buffs and nature lovers land should be on the top of your travel Want the best sightseeing alike. Here, you will find the Naval Mari- bucket list! experiences? March through June time Museum, and the legendary suns- sets over the Aegean Sea. The currency that is utilized on this island and September through November are is Euros, while the main language spoken the best months to plan a trip to Sant- SPENDING FREETIME is Greek, as it is evident. Despite this, loc- orini; being in between off-season and als speak English. There is no better time peak-season, these months are perfect There are countless things to do while in than the present to pick up a few words of times to explore the island, because the Santorini; therefore, filling your free time the native language! weather will be just right in order to go while on tour in Greece will not be a chal- on hikes, visiting shops, and observing lenge, especially with the expert guidance To get around there is a bus system, ca- the local beautiful scenery. from your Tour Director! But, to give some lled (KTEL), a cheap and easy way to tra- ideas, here are a few free time tips for Sa- verse the island. For a little more money THINGS TO DO ON THE ntorini that you should accomplish before out of pocket, you can always rent a local ISLAND leaving this magnificent island. taxi to get around. Of course, walking th- rough the alley ways and winding hills is Stunning beaches, ancient ruins, plenty Enjoy a sunset cruise around also a must - seeing the sites on foot is of spots to watch the sunset—there are the caldera on our Santorini Caldera one of the best things to do in Santorini! so many amazing Santorini attractions, and you’ll never run out of things to do Cruise & Dinner excursion. This is one of Santorini fun fact: The island is formed in Santorini! Here are some of our fav- the top things to do in Santorini! You may from a volcanic crater. orite ways to see the best of the island regret not having done this. Be certain to on a Santorini tour. bring your bathing suit since a day of sno- WHENSATNOTTORRAINVIEL TO rkeling, sunbathing, and consuming local Ride to the top of Mount Greek specialties at sunset is expected. One of our top travel tips for Santorini is Profitis Illias. The panoramic views this: GO! Really, the island is a must-visit place no matter when you decide to trav- of Santorini that you’ll see from the top el to Greece. However, to help you plan a of this mountain make it one of our fav- trip to Santorini at a time that’s perfect vorite places to visit in Santorini. There’s for you, the following are some of the also a monastery located here (complete best times to take off. with a beautiful courtyard and gardens!), so you can step into history while taking Going for the beaches? If your in the beautiful scenery. goal is to soak up as much sun as possi- See the Akrotiri Archaeological ble, the best time to travel to Santorini Site. Referred to as, “the Pompeii of the would be June through September. With the temperature consistently in the mid Aegean”, this Bronze-age village was fine- ly preserved by a volcanic eruption nearly 4,000 years ago. It’s home to beautiful fr- escoes and pottery which date back to the 17 May 2022 I America’s Monthly Digest
Since the landscape is one of the most photogenic things to see in Santorini! Don’t miss the opportunity to take your own photos of the iconic white-and-blue cave houses, called yposkafas.
Soak up the sun on Perissa Dig in to roasted lamb, a Greek Jewelry. Santorini is home to a mul- Beach. If you’re looking for an easy, classic, at Metaxi Mas. This restaurant titude of small boutiques run by local relaxing day on the sand and under the totes its authentic Cretan and Santori- artisans. Even if jewelry isn’t your thing, sun, this is the perfect beach for you! It nian tastes, as well as a carefully cura- these shops are a great stop to admire is also known as Black Sand Beach, this ted wine list. Surrounded by the moun- modern Greek art on tour in Santorini. hotspot has plenty of delicious restaura- tainous terrain, restaurant is great for ants and hotel accommodations that are a full sensory experience of Santorini. WTHRAIPTTTOOSPAANCTKOFROIRNIA just steps away. Enjoy a Horiatiki salad—it doesn’t A packing list may not be the most excit- Visit the Archaeological ing part of a Santorini travel guide—how Museum of Fira. If you’re looking get more quintessentially Greek than slic- can it be when it’s up against Greek bea- ed tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, lo- ches to visit and where to eat the best fe- to uncover more history after your ont- cal olives, and a brick of feta cheese! Rea- ta around?! However, you will be glad you our visit to Akrotiri Archaeological Site, lly, don’t even get us started with the feta. have these travel tips for Santorini when visit the museum during your free time This salad is yummy, no matter where you you’re swimming in the Aegean since you to check off your bucket list! The mus- try it on tour in Santorini, so simply look remembered to bring a bathing suit! The eum is home to artifacts from Akrotiri for a taverna with a view of the sea and following information pertains to necessi- and Thera, another nearby Bronze Age dig in to your greens. ties to pack for Santorini tours. civilization that was present here. Try Santorini’s famous white Universal adapter and WHAITNTSOANETAOT R&INDIRINK eggplant at Katharos Lounge. If you’re converters. The plug outlets are No Santorini travel guide is complete looking for delicious plant-based eats— shaped differently in Greece, so you without a mention of feta cheese, gr- including local eggplant, a staple in San- will need this to charge and use your illed octopus, Vin Santo wine. Long st- torini—this vegan spot is the place to be. electronics. Having a proper electrical ory short: the food you’ll try on tour in Located on the cliffside, Katharos is the converter helps your electronics from Santorini is top-notch! Here are some perfect place to enjoy a light lunch while overheating, because Greece runs on of our foodie tips for Santorini, and a enjoying the view. a different electrical voltage than the handful of our favorite places to eat in United States and Canada. the regional unit of Santorini, too. Sip Vin Santo, a sweet white wine A hat, sunglasses, and Sip Greek wine at the Koutsoyano- that Santorini is known for. Try some of sunscreen. Whether you’re planning the best at Vassaltis, one of our favorite poulos Wine Museum. It is located within vineyards on the island, and one you’ll on spending the day at the beach or tak- a cave, this museum doubles as a winery. visit on tour in Santorini. ing a stroll around the town, these items After wandering through historic exhibits are must-haves! If you happen to forget a and learning the ins-and-outs of winema- SOUVENIRS TO BUY hat or sunglasses at home, never fear si- king in Santorini, unwind with a nice cool nce there are numerous local boutiques glass of wine in their tasting room. Be pr- The most important part of any Santorini that carry all the sunny-day essentials. pared to love every sip—Greece has a sto- travel guide is the must-have experiences ried grape-growing tradition and has been to seek out on tour! That being said, who A bathing suit. Speaking of sunnyd- making wine longer than anyone else in doesn’t love bringing home a few trinkets Europe has been. to remember their adventure? So, we are ay essentials, swimsuit will come in han- rounding out our guide to Santorini with dy if you desire to lounge on the island’s Taste fresh seafood dishes! souvenirs to snag on tour in Greece. beaches which is one of the best things to do in Santorini!, or set out on our San- The Greek Islands, known for fresh fish Bottle of Ouzo. This anise-flavored torini Caldera Cruise & Dinner excursion. gathered from the sea, and digging in to When you are deciding what to pack for everything from grilled octopus and cal- spirit is considered the national bevera- your trip to Santorini, be sure to check amari to sardines and swordfish on tour ge of Greece. Compared to the liquorice this one off your list. in Santorini is a must. You can try some -like taste of absinthe, ouzo is often se- of the best at psarotavernes, or fish tav- rved with a traditional Greek appetizers, Comfortable footwear. Comfort erns, or you can splurge and paya vist to called mezze. If you have time, come by Selene which is located in Fira, the capit- Canava Santorini, Santorini’s own distill- is key to enjoying a vacation in Greece. al of Santorini. This restaurant has some ery, in order to learn how ouzo is made Are you planning on strolling along the of the best Greek fine dining on the isla- and produced on the island. cobble-stone streets to enjoy the white- nd. Owner and chef Giorgos Hatzigianna- washed houses and nice ocean views? kis takes classic Greek tastes and re-in- Local honey. Surprisingly, Santorini is How about taking a nice hike over San- vents them with modern perspective. torini’s iconic volcanic terrain? Then pr- home to more than a few beekeepers! Sh- oper footwear is a must. aped by the local flora and its volcanic so- il, this island’s honey is unique in flavor. 19 May 2022 I America’s Monthly Digest
Inspiration for His & Hers Santorini Wardrobe
CaAnNcCúÚnN y r next Caribbean des na . Besides visiting the most breathtaking beaches, you have the opportunity to experience one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Written by Sandy Allen
“Favorite’s” in Cancún rom beautiful bea- Save Money in ches and stunning Cancún All-IncRluessiovretsFamily sunsets to advent- urous watersports, Between local transportation, all-inclusive • Fiesta Americana Condesa Cancún historic sites, wor- packages and careful souvenir spending, • Hard Rock Hotel Cancún ldclass entertainm- there are several ways to save money • Moon Palace – Cancún ent, Cancún, México during a Cancún vacation. Water Park Resorts Fis a favorite among Buses are available all over the place families, singles and in Cancún. They cost less than a dollar to • Moon Palace couples. The island, along with its people ride, making them an excellent alterna- • Hyatt Ziva have rebounded from the effects of Wilma tive over taxis or walking. the Hurricane, with spirit and resilience. • Royal Solaris Bundle your trip with Travelers can enjoy all the amenities, Family-Friendly Resorts restaurants and activities at an all-inclu- an all-inclusive package. sive resort, or they can take in the casin- • The Grand at Moon Palace os, attractions, shopping and nightlife of When accommodations, • Iberostar Selection Cancún downtown Cancún. Head off on a day trip to Isla Mujeres, Tulum or the Mayan arch- dining, resort activities • Paradisus Cancún aeological site of Chichen Itza, known to individuals as one of the Seven Wonders and taxes and gratuities Things to Do of the World. are all bundled into one • Walking Tour & El Rey Ruins If you’re looking for a dependable Ca- • Get Some Sun at Playa Marlin ncún, México travel guide in order to plan neat package, you’ll find • Speed through the Jungle Lagoon your next family vacation or romantic get- away, keep reading to check out our tips that a Mexican vacation Things to Do with Kids and advice on this Caribbean destination. • Ride ATVs Best Months to Visit can be quite affordable. • Swim with Whale Sharks • Captain Hook Pirate Dinner Cruise While Cancún weather is wonderful year- Beaches and attractions are popular round, there are certain times of the year places for vendors to sell overpriced Things to Do at Night that might suit your interests. December souvenirs. You will save money by po- through April brings low humidity, cooler litely declining and instead, buying at • Chichen Itza Light and Sound Caribbean waters and warm sun. Hence, stores and other locations. • Xcaret at Night this is a great time to vist Cancún if you want to visit cultural sites since you will What You Need to Know • Floating Tour at Nichupte Lagoon not be dripping in sweat before you get to where you’re going. Here are a few Cancún travel tips and Day Trips advice for tourists and visitors in order If you want to avoid crowds, the best to make your experience a good one •Rio Secreto time to visit Cancún is April through June, and one you will never forget. •Xcaret and November. Stay away from this site 1. Most businesses in Cancún accept •Xel-Há from late February through March since credit cards and U.S. dollars. However, this period is prime spring break season; it’s still a good idea to exchange dolla- Excursions and Tours hence, the area is overwhelmed. rs for pesos to use at local markets and for tipping taxi drivers, street perform- • Amigo Tours – Chichen Itza Plus Nature enthusiasts will want to visit ers and waiters at off-site restaurants. • Jungle Tour Cancún Adventure in May for sea turtle nesting and whale 2. Timeshare solicitors are the bane of • Cancún Sailing – Premium Tour to Isla shark sightings. most every traveler I’ve ever met. They try to capture your interest everywhere. Mujeres For great deals and low crowds, July Give a polite, but very firm, “No, thank through October are your best bets. It is you” and keep walking. Beaches the rainy (and hurricane) season; hence, 3. Organized day trips to sites such as if you’re more into casinos, shopping and Tulum or Chichen Itza are the way to go • Playa Chac Mool indoor entertainment than the heat, hu- when it comes to seeing the cultural side • Playa Delfines midity and rain of the great outdoors, yo- of things. If you need help booking tours • Tulu u’ll be happy. There have only been two and making reservations, your resort hurricanes in Cancún over the past three concierge can assist you. decades, hence, the chance of a hurrica- ne is a fairly low possibility. Although, one may take place. America’s Monthly Digest I May 2022 24
What Not to Do At just four miles long, Isla Mujeres is lo- Mercado 28, known as Market 28 when cated off the coast of Cancún and provid- translated to the English language, in Cancún is tourist-friendly, but there are es an idyllic setting of crystal blue water, downtown Cancún is one of the best pl- some tips to follow to avoid trouble, lush palm trees and relaxation. aces to find local handicrafts, pottery wasting time and money. as well as jewelry. 1. Taxis can get extremely expensive and Puerto Morelos, located between the take longer. Consider using the bus for Hotel Zone and Playa del Carmen, offers Safety affordability and time constraints as boutique hotels and local businesses in buses have their own lanes. the charm of a Mexican fishing village. You’ll be happy to hear that Cancún 2. Don’t buy bottled water at the resort. is very safe. The Hotel Zone is guarded All-inclusive packages usually include Cozumel is one of the area’s most pop- with patrol cars and surveillance cameras beverages and bottled water. ular islands. It’s accessible by a 20-minute in public areas. However, it’s still wise to 3. Don’t accept the first price that is of- flight or a 45-minute ferry ride. Travelers pay attention to your surroundings and fered by street vendors. You can usually who enjoy history and authentic Mexican not wander off into unfamiliar areas. negotiate to get a better price. culture will love this island setting. 4. Don’t exchange money at your hotel or According to official travel at the airport. You’ll get the best rate by What to Eat doing it ahead of time at a bank. information for Cancún, 5. Don’t book tours and excursions off-site Between your resort and the Hotel Zone, from your resort since this may result in you will have plenty to choose from when México, the area is safe scam as well as safety issues. it comes to finding the best restaurants in Cancún. The area is filled with choices wh- for tourists and visitors. Culture & Customs ich range from steak, sushi andseafood to Mexican, Italian and French cuisine.Hence Many of the large resorts My favorite thing about visiting another carnivores, vegetarians and the pickiest of country is experiencing different cultur- eaters can all find something that will ple- have gated entrances and es and customs. Cancún offers museu- ase their palate and appetite. ms, cultural attractions and archaeolo- strict security rules. gical sites such as Coba, Xoximilco Can- For dinner with a view, El Fish Fritanga cún, the Museo Maya de Cancún, Tulum Navios and Captain’s Cove feature seafood The biggest safety issue you may encoun- and Mexican-themed Xcaret park. and Mexican cuisine by the beach, a deck ter is rough surf at the beach. Swimming and overlooking Nichupte Lagoon. If you in warm waters of the Caribbean is one of Cultural festivals and events include are craving sushi, head to Irori. For vege- the best things about Cancún. You will ju- Dia de los Muertos (taking place, from tarians, Elefanta has lots of options. st need to use caution and pay attention October 31 – November 1 and 2), Child- to conditions and the lifeguards in order ren’s Day in April, Semana Santa (Holy Parque de las Palapas is a casual and to avoid unfortnate accidents such as Week) at Easter, Carnival in Cozumel laid-back park setting with taco, dessert drowning. (which coincides with Mardi Gras) and and empanada vendors. the Spring Equinox at Chichen Itza. Getting Around Cancún If you’re a fan of creative cocktails, Where to Stay check out Nebrina Gin & Cocina. Their Unless you have a rental car, you’ll find menu offers a variety of gin concoctio- that buses are the best way to get around Whether you’re looking for a luxury resort, ns and Mediterranean cuisine. Cancun. They are cheaper than taxis and a small hotel or mid-size accommodations usually faster. You will want to take a taxi, with a kitchenette, deciding where to stay Tempo, offers a Basque menu in a or a resort shuttle bus, to and from airpo- in Cancún can become overwhelming. To contemporary setting. Lorenzillo’s is a rt. The ferry is a fun and usually the only help narrow it down, start by deciding wh- popular place for lobster. For a traditi- way one is able to get to the islands such ether you prefer a bustling city vibe or a onal Mexican meal, go to La Fonda del as Isla Mujeres. laid-back and natural setting. Zancudo. Breakfast and brunch at Café Antoinette or Marakame Café are good What to Pack The Hotel Zone is the most popular ways to start the day. resort area and offers a wide variety of Cancún is typically warm and sunny year- family-friendly hotels with all-inclusive Where to go Shopping round, so you’ll want to include light and packages, pools, fitness centers, spas, comfortable items. Shorts, cool tops, flip restaurants, and live entertainment. For mall and big-name brand Cancún flops and water shoes for the beach and shopping, head to La Isla Shopping pool, while pair of sunglasses, and a sun The downtown El Centro area is a Village, Malecon Americas and Plaza hat are the top items for a sunny and rel- good choice if you like the beach, but Las Americas in Cancún. axing Cancún vacation. Don’t forget sun- want to engage and participate in oth- screen, though you can purchase this in er activities and attrations. Puerto Cancún Marina Town Center places in the city and in the resort. has local boutiques, souvenir shops, and About an hour from downtown, the as well as a movie theater, restaurants laid-back Playa del Carmen is for the and chain stores. nature and water lovers. For bars, restaurants and designer shops, you should check out Luxury Avenue and Plaza Kukulkan. 27 May 2022 I America’s Monthly Digest
“ Do not exchange money at your hotel or at the airport. You will get the best rate by doing it ahead at a bank! ”
TOURISM FACTS I HISTORY People & the Culture of Cancún Learn some of this famed city’s history, the land the ancient and mystical Mayans once traveled on and lived thousands of years ago. By John Walsh The Cancun that people know today After the Spanish took over this ar- Mayans. They have many celebrati- only began in 1974. Before this time ea it was pretty much forgotten un- ons in a year, but the major Nation- this area was pretty much unknown til it finally was given an official te- al holidays include: New Year’s Day except by local fishermen. The reso- rritory name in 1902. It was known on Jan.1st, the Constitution Day on rt zone has a reputation of white sa- as the Quintana Roo after a famous February 5th, the birthday of Beni- ndy beaches and sun. However, one army general who was names And- to Juarez on the 21st of March, The will also see many of the rich past reas Quintana Roo. Holy Week Celebrations which inc- that this area once had. ludes Good Friday and Easter Sund- In the 1960’s, the Mexican gove- ay varies between March and April The ancient and mystical Mayans rnment became interested in this each year, Labor Day on May 1st, Ci- once traveled this area, and lived on area of white beaches and Caribb- nco de Mayo on May 5th (The Anni- the territory thousands of years ago ean Sea. They decided to take this versary of the Battle of Puebla which while they enjoyed their time before untamed jungle region, along with took place in 1862), Mother’s day on the arrival of the Spanish Conquist- its white sandy beaches and trans- May 10th, Independence Day - 16th adors, they constructed many mar- form it into the resort of Isla Canc- of September, Dia de la Raza on Oc- velous buildings that you see today. un. It took some time to bridge the tober 12th (the day of the race, mar- Among these erections is the Chich- mainland to the island, create ma- king the arrival of Christopher Col- en Itza, the Snail, Warriors Temple, nicured tropical gardens, and tame umbus in 1492), the Presients State the Castle, the Ball Game, the Tzom- the wild bush. But, their vision be- of the Nation Address on October 12 pantli, the Eagles House, the Osario, came true in 1974 when the resort Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead, the Temple of the Chac Mool, along first opened its doors. individuals that have died are hono- with numerous more. There are to- red) on November 2nd and 3rd, the ur packages that take you back in ti- The people of Mexico and locals Anniversary of Mexican Revoltion me when you visit these incredible surrounding Cancun are quite fes- on November 20th, and Christmas and historic ancient buildings. tive. Several of their traditions and culture date back to the time of the 31 May 2022 I America’s Monthly Digest
week celebrations that take place in Currencies other than the US dollar currency; however, there are insta- the month of December, occur from may be much lower than you expect nces when one is allowed to pay wi- the 25th to January 2nd. Despite this, the best place to learn ith American dollars. This of course, about universal currency rates is by solely depends on the individuals or If you are visiting Cancun during visiting the following website: Xe C- the company that you are purchasi- any of the above dates, you will love urrency Converter. This should aid ng items from. all the parades, decorations, and at- you understand a little bit more the mosphere that is present among th- conversion rate before traveling. When tipping, it should be about ese popular celebrations. 10% to 15% of your bill. There are no If you are planning on using your automatic tips included on people’s The United States dollar is wide- credit cards instead of cash or check bills, whether that be at a shop or a ly accepted in Cancun, but you may talk with your credit card company restaraunt. The average tip for a po- notice that sometimes there is a pr- before you go on vacation. They can rter at the airport is 1 US dollar and ice in both the Mexican dollar or pe- tell you their exchange rate for Mex- the same rate applies to housekeep- so. They have new and old pesos flo- ican pesos. You may or will find that ing and gas station workers. You are ating around Cancun and one shou- you can save money using your cre- also capable of tipping ushers, wash ld know how to tell these two apart. dit card because sometimes the exc- room attendants, and others people If you receive large bill, such as ten hange rate is better. When your cre- you desire to give change from your thousand, eliminate the last 3 zeros dit card is charged more than likely pocket, such as the homeless. to see what your bill is truly worth. it will result being charged by Mexi- On average, the American dollar bill can pesos instead of the U.S. dollar. Bargaining and bartering can be is equivalent to 20 pesos and the be- You can find ATM machines in many fun; however, most of the stores us- st place to get your moneys worth is areas througout Cancun; you usual- ually have fixed prices they are unw- at a bank located in downtown Can- ly receive pesos rather than US doll- illing to change. But, if you enjoy ne- cun. The exchange rate is frequent- ars, considering this is the nation’s gotiating a price, then you will love ly closer than any of the local shops. visiting the markets. America’s Monthly Digest I May 2022 32
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