GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTM TABLE OF CONTENTSEXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................ 11.0 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................... 2 1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 2 1.2 Course delivery data............................................................................................................................. 42.0 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS................................................................................................. 5 2.1 Analysis of course participants’ typical profile ................................................................................ 5 2.2 Analysis of consolidated recollection of satisfaction ...................................................................... 5 2.3 Analysis of variables cross-check...................................................................................................... 6 2.4 Analysis of impact indicators .............................................................................................................. 7 2.5 Analysis of impact dimension values................................................................................................. 8 2.6 Analysis of the obtained Win Index..................................................................................................... 93.0 IMPACT ANALYSIS........................................................................................................... 10 3.1 Impact on work environment and culture of collaboration .......................................................... 10 3.2 Impact on occupational safety and health ...................................................................................... 10 3.3 Impact on transferability to the job.................................................................................................. 10 3.4 Impact on professional competence................................................................................................ 11 3.5 Impact on productivity and operational efficiency ......................................................................... 11 3.6 Impact on working conditions and professional career................................................................ 114.0 QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS ................................................................................................. 12 4.1 Coherence analysis between L3 PTE scale responses and observations or proposals made by course participants in the post-training phase .................................................................................... 12 4.2 Comparative analysis of observations and proposals for improvement made in training and post-training phases ................................................................................................................................ 12 4.3 Observations and proposals for improvement made in post-training phase ............................ 125.0 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................. 13 5.1 General conclusions........................................................................................................................... 13 5.2 Recommendations from evaluator .................................................................................................. 14APPENDIX 1 ........................................................................................................................... 15APPENDIX 2 ........................................................................................................................... 23
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTM EXECUTIVE SUMMARY1.0 Course evaluated: Training Instructor Course2.0 Scope of analysis: Data collected from 250 evaluative responses representing 32.72%of the grand total of 764 trainees who attended 72 deliveries worldwide over the period ofDecember 2015 to September 2017.3.0 Obtained Weighted Impact Index (Win Index) value: OBTAINED L3 WIN INDEX DEVIATION COURSEL3 WIN INDEX (KPI) ACCEPTABLE EFFECTIVNESS Positive Negative Without 4.2815 STANDARD Changes % 4.00 0.2815 85.63 WIN Index distribution by regions4.3662 4.3524 4.2824 4.2543 4.2815 4.2007 4.1070AFRICA ASIA PACIFIC EUROPE MIDDLE EAST NORTH SOUTH WORLDWIDE AMERICA, AMERICA CENTRAL AMERICA, THE CARIBBEAN4.0 Main recommendations: The obtained Win Index value (4.2815 out of 5) represents theparticipants’ extraordinary perception about the impact of this course on theirprofessional performance. Based on the analysis of data collected, the mainrecommendations are detailed below: a) add more detailed explanation on the use of case studies in professional learning; b) increase the time allowed to prepare the instructor’s performance simulation exercise and mastery test in Module 2; and c) distribute the “Trainee Manual” using an online platform before the course delivery dates to ensure the participants’ are better prepared for the classroom course component and thus enhance the quality of classroom time with more interesting and useful discussions on the really important topics.5.0 Impact on GAT Level 3 Post-training Evaluation (L3 PTE) Key Performance Indicator(KPI): The obtained WIN Index value represents 85.63% of course effectiveness, which is aPOSITIVE deviation from the acceptable standard (80%).Training Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018 Page1
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTM 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 Introduction The ICAO TRAINAIR PLUS PTE methodology is based on a scientific basis of measuring the impact of training programmes developed under the guidelines set out in the Training Development Guide, Competency-based Methodology (Doc 9941). Given the inherent nature of the methodology and its competency-based approach, it is necessary to implement an evaluation procedure aimed at improving the quality of training developed and the instructional processes, as part of the continuous improvement of the TRAINAIR PLUS Programme (TPP). The figure on the following page shows a summarized structure of the L3 PTE methodology that has been developed by TPP with the purpose of collecting reliable and valuable data on the impact of training on the trainees’ job performance who attended courses, based on Doc 9941 and other competency-based methodology. These analyses in this report have been conducted using the TRANAIR PLUS PTE methodology. The report provides conclusions on the impact of the Training Instructors Course (TIC), an ICAO Training Package (ITP), on trainees’ professional performance as instructors following the course.Page2 Training Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTMTraining Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018 Page3
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTM 1.2 Course delivery data The information compiled in this report includes data obtained from 72 TIC deliveries worldwide with 764 trainees over the period of December 2015 to September 2017, recorded in the TRAINAIR PLUS Electronic Management System (TPeMS) and distributed as follows: Total of training deliveries Total of trainees SOUTH AFRICA, 199 193 AMERICA, 19 62 8 NA, CA, 150 TC, 91 10 69 MIDDLE ASIA EAST, EUROPE, PACIFIC, AFRICA ASIA PACIFIC EUROPE MIDDLE EAST NA, CA, TC SOUTH AMERICA 11 6 18 The analysis of the data is based on the implementation of L3 PTE methodology in the civil aviation training centres (CATCs) of the following countries, grouped into their respective regions as follows: Africa: Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, and South Africa Asia Pacific: India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, and Thailand Europe: Ireland, and Turkey Middle East: Iran, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates North America, Central America, The Caribbean: Canada (ICAO Headquarters), Cuba, El Salvador, Jamaica, Mexico, and Trinidad and Tobago South America: Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, and VenezuelaPage4 Training Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTMResponses were collected through the TPeMs from 250 trainees, representing 32.72% ofthe total number of TIC trainees and considered as valid data for the TIC impact analysis.The response rate among TIC trainees on a worldwide scale is distributed as follows:Total of trainees participated in PTE procedures Trainees response to PTE processes46 44 58 53 SOUTH AFRICA, 26.13% 35 AMERICA, ASIA PACIFIC, 58.24% 31.09% 14 EUROPE, 22.58%2.0 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSISAFRICA ASIA PACIFIC EUROPE MIDDLE EAST NA, CA, TC SOUTH AMERICA NA, CA, TC, MIDDLE EAST, 49.28%Note: Appendix 2 shows the details of all statistical results. 36.00%2.0 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS2.1 Analysis of course participants’ typical profileThe typical profile of course participants appears to be male, aged between 30 and 45, with18 or more years of education, 3 to 10 years seniority in an organization, and more than 10years of job experience, having completed 10 or less training courses in the last 5 years. Ingeneral, the participants’ common profile is a relatively young professional, with jobexperience, medium to high qualification level, and highly motivated by continuousprofessional development.2.2 Analysis of consolidated remembering of trainee satisfactionThe consolidated remembering of trainee satisfaction, following a six-month period fromthe end of the course delivery, turns out to be highly positive. Below is a breakdown of theinformation collected from the 250 evaluation questionnaires: a) 96.80% considered the procedures for disseminating information about the course were adequate and effective; b) 96.80% considered the course’s target professional competencies were sufficient to execute the planned work procedures as an instructor of competency-based courses; c) 97.60% considered the course content was adequate for achievement of expected competencies; d) 97.20% considered the implemented methodology were motivating and effective; e) 96.40% considered the materials and training aids were adequate; and f) 96 % considered the evaluation procedures were adequate.Training Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018 Page5
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTM 2.3 Analysis of variable cross-check Variable cross-checking allows the Global Aviation Training Office (GAT) to identify the relationship between the responses received from the L3 PTE Self-Assessment questionnaire and the participants’ profile (refer to Appendix 1 herein). As a result of this exercise, a correlation between the participants’ profile and items related to certain impact dimensions were found, as follows: a) the age with the impact on the Transfer to Professional Performance (items 5 and 6); b) age with the impact on Working Conditions and Professional Career (items 14 and 15); c) number of years of education with the impact on Professional Competence (items 7, 8a, 8b, 8c, 8d, 8e, 8f, 9 and 10); and d) number of years of job experience with the impact on Productivity and Operational Efficiency (item 13). The conclusions drawn from the analysis of the results revealed that age has an important influence on the response of course participants, when assessing the impact of training on the transfer of acquired knowledge to professional performance. Trainees up to 45 years of age assigned high values (values 4 and 5) to the transferability factor, allowing them to apply acquired skills into their professional performance. For this group, which represents 57.20% of course participants, their expectations for professional promotion and improvement of working conditions are maintained at a high level in their working environment. The responses from participants between 46 to 60 years of age on what they can expect from the effort required by training is rated at a medium level, given the remaining years of active working life until retirement. The course participants’ educational background determines the responses to the L3 PTE scale items under the “Professional Competence” dimension. The educational background data obtained from course participants, in terms of their years of education, is the following: a) 11.60 % of course participants have 16 years of education; and b) 62.0% of course participants have more than 18 years of education, which is compatible with their professional currency. Course participants who assigned the greatest values on the L3 PTE scale to items 8a, 8b, 8c, 8d, 8e and 8f, belonging to the Target Competencies indicator, have more than 18 years of education, likely due to the need to renew or update their professional currency. As forPage6 Training Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTMthe Professional Autonomy, Enhanced Professional Skills and Problem-solving indicators,the greatest values were given by trainees with the highest years of education.Finally, the years of work experience have a decisive influence on the trainees' perceptionof the impact of training on their productivity and operational efficiency in realperformance conditions. The 67.6 % of responses with the highest impact assessment(values 4 and 5) are related to the impact on productivity and operational efficiency (item13), among trainees who have 3 or more years of professional experience.2.4 Analysis of impact indicatorsThe 15 impact indicators are statistical representations of the L3 PTE Model, grouped intosix dimensions that represent the impact of training on work performance. The numericalvalues of the impact indicators will have greater significance once historical data has beengenerated to identify trends.A sustained incremental trend of impact indicators shows a cyclical process oftransferring acquired competencies into best practices. Alternatively, a random trend inthe values represent a non-linear evolution of learning results, depending on the expertiseof the course instructor.Since this report tabulates global data, the current indicator analysis is not based onhistorical data from course deliveries in one training centre and/or deliveries by onespecific instructor. However, it should be noted that indicators related to the impact oftraining rate among the highest on the scoreboard.Obtained values (from highest to lowest):Position Indicator’s Indicator’s name Obtained N0 value 1st Transferability of acquired knowledge, 4.49 2nd 5 Enhanced professional skills 4.46 3rd 9 Target competencies 4.45 4th 8 Problem solving 4.40 10 Healthy condition at work 5th 3 Prevention of occupational hazards 4.39 4 Responsiveness of work environment 6th 6 Professional autonomy 4.33 7 Operational efficiency 7th 13 Quality of hierarchical relationships 4.23 1 Coordination and cooperation 8th 2 Working conditions 4.21 14 Resource optimization 9th 11 Professional career 4.10 10th 15 4.08 11th 4.00Training Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018 Page7
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTM Impact indicator breakdown 4.21 4.21 4.39 4.39 4.49 4.33 4.33 4.45 4.46 4.40 4.08 4.07 4.23 4.10 4.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2.5 Analysis of impact dimension values Impact dimensions defined by the L3 PTE methodology represent professional behaviours that can be improved through training. In this case, six dimensions, three refer to the general impact of the training on professional performance (soft) and three refer to the impact of the specific course on professional performance (hard). The values obtained by each dimension show some important issues for the analysis of the global impact generated by training. Although the average values obtained from the impact dimensions are considered highly positive (ranging from 4 to 5), the following aspects should be considered: a) The impact dimension entitled “Working Conditions and Professional Career” ,in relation to their expectation of the impact of this training in their work environment and the development of their professional careers, is considered the least valued by course participants . The lowest results were obtained from participants in the following regions: Africa, North America, Central America, the Caribbean and South America. They point to the necessity to identify and implement some strategies in their training centres aimed at promoting the importance of training among their staff in the development of their professional careers. b) There is a contradictory relationship between the values obtained from the impact dimension on “Productivity and Operational Efficiency” versus the values obtained from the impact dimensions on “Professional Competence” and “Transferability to the Job”. The contradictory result was mainly obtained due to low values given by participants from the Asia Pacific Region who represent 18% of the surveyed population. It could also relate to the need for revision and improvement of training and operational procedures within their training centres.Page8 Training Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTM Impact Dimensions 4.393 4.410 4.411 4.212 4.129 4.050 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D62.6 Analysis of the obtained Win IndexThe course Win Index is derived from the sum of the impact dimensions weighted valuesand represents the overall impact of training on work performance. IMPACT DIMENSIONS WEIGHTING DIMENSIONS WEIGHTEDIMPACT ON WORK ENVIRONMENT AND CULTURE OF COLLABORATION FACTOR % AVERAGE VALUE SCORES 10 0.4212 4.2115IMPACT ON OCCUPATIONAL HEALT AND SAFETY 15 4.3931 0.6590IMPACT ON TRANSFERABILITY TO THE JOB 15 4.4096 0.6614 25 4.4111 1.1028IMPACT ON PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE ATTAINED UNDER REAL-LIFE 25 4.1287 1.0322CONDITIONS 10 4.0502 0.4050IMPACT ON PRODUCTIVITY AND OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY UNDERREAL-LIFE CONDITIONSIMPACT ON WORKING CONDITIONS AND PROFESSIONAL CAREERL3 WEIGHTED IMPACT INDEX (WIN) 4.2815The value obtained on a global basis for Win Index is very high with impressive results.This value (4.2815) represents a positive deviation in relation to the acceptable standard(4.0000), representing 85.64% of course effectiveness. OBTAINED L3 WIN INDEX DEVIATION COURSEL3 WIN INDEX (KPI) ACCEPTABLE EFFECTIVNESS Positive Negative Without 4.2815 STANDARD Changes % 4.00 0.2815 85.63Training Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018 Page9
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTM The distribution of the Win Index value by regions is as follows: 4.3662 WIN Index 4.3524 4.2824 4.2543 4.2815 4.2007 4.1070 AFRICA ASIA PACIFIC EUROPE MIDDLE EAST NORTH SOUTH WORLDWIDE AMERICA, AMERICA CENTRAL AMERICA, THE CARIBBEAN It is worth mentioning the necessity to implement a new strategy for L3 PTE methodology, aimed at reinforcing a culture of evaluation among trainees, in order to promote a more reflective response to the L3 PTE scale items. This action could have a positive impact by obtaining more objective responses and realistic values regarding the impact and quality of training delivered. 3.0 IMPACT ANALYSIS 3.1 Impact on work environment and culture of collaboration Almost 77% of course participants strongly agree or absolutely agree that the course has contributed to improving their hierarchical relationships with supervisors as well as subordinates. More than 79% strongly agree or absolutely agree that the course has contributed to improving the degree of understanding between departments that share work processes. 3.2 Impact on occupational safety and health 91% of course participants agree or absolutely agree that the course has allowed them to identify the health risks (physical or mental) that the application of acquired competencies entails and how to avoid them. While 89% strongly agree or absolutely agree that the course has strengthened their attitudes and abilities, relative to prevention of occupational hazards in their performance, according to their job rules and regulations. 3.3 Impact on transferability to the job 91% of course participants strongly agree or absolutely agree that the course objectives and contents were aligned with their job needs, which allowed them to apply the acquiredPage10 Training Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTMskills to their professional performance. 87% of course participants agree or absolutelyagree that the work organization model in their institution/company has allowed them toapply acquired competences to their professional performance, which assigns a very highvalue to the indicator of receptivity by their institution/company for applying the acquiredknowledge.3.4 Impact on professional competence91% of course participants agree or absolutely agree that the course has prepared themto execute instructional tasks, according to the ICAO Instructor Competency Framework.More than 90% of course participants strongly agree or absolutely agree that the coursehas favoured the acquisition of attitudes of \"internal entrepreneurship\", generatinginitiatives and proposals adding value, a preventive treatment of problems and permanentimprovement. And lastly, more than 91.5% strongly agree or absolutely agree that thecourse has broadened their view on the problems’ causes and effects they face in theirinstructor tasks and operational capacity to find solutions.3.5 Impact on productivity and operational efficiency75% of course participants agree or absolutely agree that the course has allowed them toeliminate errors during training delivery. A 100% of course participants agree orabsolutely agree that the course has allowed them to minimize conflict situations withtrainees and their institution/organization. Finally, 82.8% of course participants stronglyagree or absolutely agree that the course has allowed them to apply acquiredcompetencies to all training deliveries in their training organizations, including theStandardized Training Packages as well as conventional courses.3.6 Impact on working conditions and professional career78% of course participants strongly agree or absolutely agree that the course hascontributed to improving their conditions of job stability, compensation and performance.74% strongly agree or absolutely agree that the course has had a positive and significantinfluence on their professional career.Training Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018 Page11
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTM 4.0 QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS 4.1 Coherence analysis between L3 PTE scale responses and observations or proposals made by course participants in the post-training phase In general, a course with a Win Index value of 4.2815 is considered excellent. However, trainees submitted some important observations and proposals, which mainly addressed the time allocated to complete course activities, additional content on the adult learning theory, and teaching and training evaluation methods. 4.2 Comparative analysis of observations and proposals for improvement made in training and post-training phases There is close alignment between observations and proposals made by course participants during both the training delivery and the post-training phase. This alignment confirms the objectivity and relevance of the comments, observations, and proposals made by course participants. 4.3 Observations and proposals for improvement made in post-training phase Proposals on course promotion and communications: a) Implement a better communication strategy so that trainees are aware in a timely manner about the course general information and the pre-requisites to be fulfilled to ensure successful training b) Implement a strategy ensuring that the registered participants belong to the required target population profile for the course. This will improve the motivation level. c) Distribute the reference materials to course participants before training to ensure better preparation and more productive discussions of all topics treated in the course Proposals on didactic resources: a) ensure the availability of computers for all participants; b) make available a hard copy of the trainee’s materials for these participants, as required, for better understanding; and c) include more video resources; Proposals on the training methodology: a) add more practical exercises; and b) assign more time to practical exercises and debrief of results.Page12 Training Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTM5.0 CONCLUSIONS5.1 General conclusionsObtained data and values are coherent and relevant for constructing the Weighted ImpactIndex. The Win Index value obtained (4.2815 out of 5) represents the course participants’extraordinary perception about the impact of this course on their professionalperformance.Most likely, this result is related to course delivery excellence demonstrated by theinstructors. The implementation of a well-designed strategy and promoting a post-trainingevaluation culture will reinforce the importance of answering the L3 PTE scale in areflective manner that provides reliable data for the continuous improvement of developedcourses and instructional processes.Variable cross-checking is an excellent explanatory statistical tool to discern the optimalentry profile of the course. In this case, the optimal entry profile is people between theages of 30 and 45 years with ten or more years of education, plus ten or more years of jobexperience.There is practically a total alignment between the observations and proposals made bycourse participants during the training and the post-training phase, which means, amongother things, that observations made by course participants during the training werereasonable.The results related to each impact dimension show the following statistical results thatcharacterize the impact of training on the course participants’ professional competenciesand job performance: a) 79.8% of course participants strongly agree or absolutely agree that the course has contributed to improving the work climate and collaborative culture in their work environment. b) 90.8% of course participants strongly agree or absolutely agree that the course has contributed to improving occupational health and safety conditions in their performance. c) 88.8% of course participants strongly agree or absolutely agree that the course has enabled the transfer of acquired knowledge to their performance. d) 91.16% of course participants strongly agree or absolutely agree that the course has generated the expected professional performance.Training Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018 Page13
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTM e) 77.73% of course participants strongly agree or absolutely agree that the course has generated the expected improvement of productivity and operational efficiency in their professional performance. f) 76.60% of course participants strongly agree or absolutely agree that the course has generated a positive influence on their working conditions and career expectations. The impact generated by TIC on the trainees’ professional performance shows a high degree of influence of this course in improving the performance issues that were identified during the analysis stage of the TIC course development. 5.2 Final recommendations It would be advisable to review some of the proposals for improvement made by the course participants, particularly those aimed at adding new content and improving didactic resources for a learning experience that meets requirements of new technologies used in aviation instructional environments. It is recommended to: a) add more detailed explanation on the use of case studies in professional learning; b) increase the time allowed to prepare the instructor’s performance simulation exercise and mastery test in Module 2; and c) distribute the “Trainee Manual” using an online platform before the course delivery dates to ensure the participants’ are better prepared for the classroom course component and thus enhance the quality of classroom time with more interesting and useful discussions on the really important topics.Page14 Training Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTM APPENDIX 1Level 3 Post-training Evaluation Scale TRAINING INSTRUCTORS COURSE (TIC)Training Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018 Page15
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTM L3 PTE SELF-ASSESSMENT IMPACT QUESTIONNAIRE STP TITTLE Training Instructors Course COURSE CODE 212/02/ICAO TIC DELIVERY CODE START DATE END DATE TRAINING CENTRE COUNTRY ICAO HQ / GAT Office CATC CODE INSTRUCTOR ADDRESSED TO Instructors CLASSIFICATION DATA. PARTICIPANT’S INFORMATION Name and surname Participant code Age < 30 30-45 46-60 60> Gender M F Education (in ≤10 ≤12 ≤14 ≤16 16› 10> years) 10> 250> Job experience (in years) <3 3 - 10 10 > 500> None Number of courses taken during previous year None One 2 to 5 6 to 10 None One Number of courses taken during last 5 years <40 2 to 5 6 to 10 Number of training hours received during previous year 40 to 80 81 to 250 Number of training hours received during last 5 years None <40 40 to 161 to 500 160 Phone number (work, home) ( 1) Mobile phone number (2) Work email address Location Country City CLASSSIFICATION DATA. PARTICIPANT’S WORK ENVIRONMENT Company/Organization Name Company/Organization postal address City Country CLASSSIFICATION DATA. PARTICIPANT’S WORK PLACE Name of participant’s work place Company employee Name of (If YES : Type of company/organization YES NO Company/Institution 101 to If NO: go to next section) Nº of employees 500 <100 501 to 5000 >5000 Part Time Type of Company/Organization Public Private Work day Full time Years in the actual work place < 3 3-10 10 > Years in the <3 3-10 10 > organization Who do you report to? Director Area manager Department Team leader Manager Do you coordinate any work team in your professional role? Yes No Do your team members report to you? Yes No Do you interact with other teams of professionals in your work? Yes No Consultant Name of If YES: Type of YES NO Company/Institution 101 to 501 to company/organization where Nº of employees 500 5000 you work MOST of the time <100 >5000 Type of Company/Organization Public Private Years in your current work place < 3 years 3-10 years > 10 years Who do you report to? Director Area manager Department Manager Team leader Do you coordinate any work team in your professional role? Yes No Do you interact with other teams of professionals in your work? Yes NoPage16 Training Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTM RECOMMENDATIONS FOR COMPLETING THE QUESTIONNAIRE1. The evaluation of the impact of training delivered through the TRAINAIR PLUS programme is an essential tool to enhance the quality, adequacy, and outcome of its courses. Accordingly, we ask you to complete this questionnaire in a responsible manner so that it may serve as a reliable source of information.2. Thoughtful completion of this questionnaire requires no more than 30 minutes.3. The questionnaire must be completed between three months to six months after completion of the course.4. Read the questions carefully to ensure that you understand them fully.5. Rate your level of agreement or disagreement with the statements in a scale of 1 to 5, where NA means Not Applicable (you have no opinion, or answer,), 1 represents “Disagree totally”, 2 “Disagree”, 3 “Agree partially”, 4 “Agree strongly”, 5 “Agree totally”.6. Finally, in the third section of the questionnaire, you are requested to suggest improvements to the course. Rest assured that the programme will analyse and assess all proposals and will incorporate those that represent a clear improvement to the organisation, structure, content, methodology, teaching resources of the course and/or enhance its impact on the professional performance of the participants. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COLABORATION.Training Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018 Page17
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTM L3 PTE SCALE FOR ASSESING THE PARTICIPANT'S SELF-ASSIGNED IMPACT OF \"TRAINING INSTRUCTORS COURSE\" ON THEIR WORK PERFORMANCE Rate the following statements concerning the impact of the course on your professional performance and, by such changes, on your job performance. Apply a 1 to 5 scale, where 1 means Totally disagree , 2 Disagree, 3 Partially agree , 4 Strongly agree, and 5 Totally agree. If you don’t have an opinion about, or an answer to, a given question, checkmark the Not Applicable (NA) box. PART I. OVERALL IMPACT OF THE COURSE ON PROFESSIONAL PERFORMANCE 1. The course has helped you to improve hierarchical relationships with supervisors and/or subordinates. N/A 1 2 3 4 5 (Influence of received training on the quality of hierarchical relations with supervisors and / or subordinates, in terms of personal respect, information transparency, instructions clarity, opinions consideration and participation in the decision making) 2. The course has allowed you to clearly understand the relationships and interdependence between your work department or area with others in the organization sharing work processes. N/A 1 2 3 4 5 (Influence of received training on the development of collaborative attitudes among others professionals in others departments that share work processes) 3. The course has allowed you to identify the sources of occupational risk (physical or mental) that entails the application of new acquired competences and develop capacities to prevent such risks. N/A 1 2 3 4 5 4. The course has reinforced your attitudes and behaviors related to prevention of occupational hazards in your performance, in accordance with applicable regulations for your work place. N/A 1 2 3 4 5 (Influence of received training on the internalization of the work place safety regulations) 5. The alignment of the course objectives and contents with the needs of your work place, has allowed you to apply the acquired skills to your professional performance. SR 1 2 3 4 5 6. The work model of your company/organization has allowed you to apply the acquired skills acquired in the course to your professional performance. (Your work environment has allowed you to apply the acquired competences to your performance) N/A 1 2 3 4 5 PART II. SPECIFIC IMPACT OF THE COURSE ON JOB PERFORMANCE 7. The course has improved your autonomy for the accomplishment of professional tasks. N/A 1 2 3 4 5 (Influence of delivered training on the development of the professional’s ability to plan, manage and perform his / her job tasks according to established quality standard, evaluate his / her achievements and solve unforeseen problems in the absence of operative supervisor)Page18 Training Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTM8. The course has allowed you to reach the planned target competencies, and verify your mastery in real life conditions 8a. Competence 1. Set-up training environment 8b.Competence 2. Manage trainees 8c.Competence 3. Conduct training 8d.Competence 4. Conduct trainee’s evaluation 8e.Competence 5. Conduct course evaluation 8f.Competence 6. Continuously improve performance9. The course has favored the acquisition of \"internal entrepreneurship\" attitudes, generating initiatives and value added proposals, preventive treatment of the problems and permanent improvement. N/A 1 2 3 4 5 (Influence of delivered training on strengthening of responsibility attitudes, professional initiative and problems anticipation)10. The course has expanded your vision on the causes and effects of the problems faced by instructor’s tasks and the operational capacity to find solutions. (Influence of received training on strengthen of the solving problem capacities)11. You have verified in your work place that the course has allowed you to reduce errors during training delivery in your Organization / Training Centre. N/A 1 2 3 4 512. You have verified in your work place, that course has allowed you to minimize a non-conformity situations of trainees and participating Institutions / Companies in the courses N/A 1 2 3 4 513. You have verified in your work place, that the course has allowed you to apply acquired competences to all training activities of your Organization / Training Centre, including TRAINAIR PLUS program courses as well as your own courses N/A 1 2 3 4 514. The course has helped to improve your work stability, compensation and performance. N/A 1 2 3 4 515. The course has had a significant and positive impact on your professional career. N/A 1 2 3 4 5PART III. QUESTIONNAIRE FOR RECOLLECTION OF SATISFACTION AND PROPOSALS FOR IMPROVEMENTTraining Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018 Page19
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTM A. The course information, its dissemination and communication media chosen were adequate and effective. YES NO N/A Identify those information and communication strategy aspects that in your opinion the training offer have not been effective. Propose alternatives ensuring that information is sufficient and can be on time reached to all B. The target professional competences of the course are sufficient to execute the planned work procedures. YES NO N/A Identify other work procedures not included by current course design and necessary for your performance Propose and justify new professional competencies for the course. C. The content of the course is appropriate for mastering target competencies YES NO N/A Identify deficiencies or absences observed in the modular organization of the course contents Propose new learning contents that improve the current modules linked to course target competencies. D. The teaching methodology has been motivating, effective and consistent with requirements of professional learning YES NO N/A Identify which are, in your opinion, the weak points related to teaching methodology, the type and degree of its negative influence on the final quality of the course Propose methodological alternatives to improve identified weaknesses. E. Training aids used and training materials available for participants were adequate for the accomplishment of course objectives YES NO N/A Identify training resources that in your opinion should be improved or incorporated. Propose alternative resources, and new course contents in case of any proposal to improve quality of used resources.Page20 Training Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTMF. Evaluation procedures implemented during course delivery were adequate to measure the Participant's degree of satisfaction and generated learningYES NO N/AIdentify evaluation procedure where you have observed deficiencies and the specific scope of evaluation processthat you found can be improved (evaluation content, evaluation tools ...)Propose alternatives and outline general orientation for proposed changes to improve evaluation process in theclassroom.G. Identify small problems and minor issues that can be improved, no matter how insignificant they may seem, observed during course delivery and propose alternative solutions (if any) that mitigate or solve problems, with more efficient and lower cost criteria. OVERALL COURSE MANAGEMENT REMARKS PROPOSALS FOR IMPROVEMENTS (Issues that can be improved)COURSE DESIGNCOURSE PROMOTION ANDCOMMUNICATIONQUALITY OF INSTRUCTORSLOGISTICS FOR INSTRUCTORS ANDPARTICIPANTSTRAINING METHODOLOGYINFRASTRUCTUREEQUIPMENTS USING IN TRAININGPARTICIPANT'S GUIDE ANDTRAINING MATERIALSEVALUATION METHODOLOGY INTHE TRAINING CENTERCERTIFICATION OF TRAININGDELIVEREDTHANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND ATTENTION. REST ASSURED THAT ALL RESPONSES WILL HELP TO IMPROVEFUTURE VERSIONS OF THE COURSE!!Training Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018 Page21
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTM This page is intentionally left blank.Page22 Training Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTM APPENDIX 2Level 3 Post-training Evaluation Statistical Results TRAINING INSTRUCTORS COURSE (TIC)Training Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018 Page23
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTM 1.1 Trainees´ worldwide demographic data a) Age b) Gender 51.60% 36.80% 80.4 0% 5.60% 6.00% 19.6 <30 30-45 46-60 60> 0% c) Educational background (in years) MF d) Job experience (in years) 62.00% 44.00% 36.00% 20.00% 9.60% 7.60% 9.20% 11.60% < 3 YEARS 3 - 10 10 > YEARS YEARS ≤10 ≤12 ≤14 ≤16 ›16 f) No. of courses taken in the last 5 e) Organizational seniority (in years) years 44.00% 34.14% 36.00% 29.72% 22.09% 20.00% 9.24% 4.82% <3 3 - 10 10 > None 1 2 - 5 6 - 10 10 >Page24 Training Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTM1.2 Worldwide trainees’ recollection of satisfaction after three to six months of course completion.a) The course information, its d) The teaching methodology has been dissemination and communication motivating, effective and consistent media chosen were adequate and with requirements of professional effective learning. 400 400 242 243 200 200 70 53 0 0 YES NO NA YES NO NA e) Training aids used and trainingb) The target professional materials available for participants competencies of the course are were adequate for the sufficient to execute the planned accomplishment of course objectives work procedures 300 242 300 241 200 200 100 100 71 90 0 0 YES NO NA YES NO NAc) The content of the course is f) Evaluation procedures implemented appropriate for mastering target during course delivery were adequate competencies to measure the participant's degree of satisfaction and generated learning 300 244 200 300 240 200 100 42 100 10 0 0 YES NO NA 0 YES NO NATraining Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018 Page25
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTM 1.3 Worldwide simple frequency distribution of L3 PTE Scale items Based on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 represents “Disagree totally”, 2 “Disagree”, 3 “Agree partially”, 4 “Agree strongly”, 5 “Agree totally”. NA means no opinion or answer. Item 1. The course has helped you to 37.60% 42.40% improve hierarchical relationships with supervisors and/or subordinates 13.60% 2.80% 0.80% 2.80% 5 NA Item 2. The course has allowed you to clearly understand the relationships and 1234 interdependence between your work department or area with others in the 37.60% 42.00% organization sharing work processes. 15.20% 2.40% Item 3. The course has allowed you to 0.80% 2.00% identify the sources of occupational risk (physical or psychic) that entails the 1 2 3 4 5 NA application to the work of new acquired competences and develop capacities to 43.20% 48.40% prevent such risks. 0.80% 1.20% 4.80% 1.60% Item 4. The course has reinforced your attitudes and behaviors related to 1 2 3 4 5 NA prevention of occupational hazards in your performance, in accordance with 49.60% applicable regulations for your work 40.40% place. 6.00% 2.00% 0.00% 0.80% 1 2 3 4 5 NA 62.00% Item 5. The alignment of the course 29.20% objectives and contents with the needs of your work place, has allowed you to apply 1.20% 2.40% 4.80% 0.40% the acquired skills to your professional 1234 5 NA performance.Page26 Training Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTMItem 6. The work model of your 52.24%company/organization has allowed you to 35.92%apply the acquired skills in the course toyour professional performance. 7.35% 4 1.63% 2.04% 2.86% 5 NAItem 7. The course has improved yourautonomy for the accomplishment of 123professional tasks. 50.80%Item 8a. The course has allowed you to 34.80%reach the planned target competencies,and verify your mastery in real life 10.80% 0.80%conditions to: Set-up training environment 1.60% 1.20% 5 NAItem 8b. The course has allowed you to 1234reach the planned target competencies,and verify your mastery in real life 44.51% 44.51%conditions to: Manage trainees. 2.89% 1.73% 6.36% 0.00%Item 8c. The course has allowed you to 1234 5 NAreach the planned target competencies,and verify your mastery in real life 56.80%conditions to: Conduct training. 35.20% 1.60% 1.60% 4.80% 0.00% 123 4 5 NA 62.80% 31.20% 2.00% 1.20% 2.80% 0.00% 1234 5 NATraining Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018 Page27
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTM Item 8d. The course has allowed you to 52.00% reach the planned target competencies, 39.60% and verify your mastery in real life conditions to: Conduct trainees´ 2.00% 2.00% 4.40% 0.00% evaluation. 1234 5 NA Item 8e. The course has allowed you to 57.60% reach the planned target competencies, 33.20% and verify your mastery in real life conditions to: Conduct a course 2.00% 1.20% 6.00% 0.00% evaluation. 1234 5 NA Item 8f. The course has allowed you to 57.20% reach the planned targe t competencies, 34.00% and verify your mastery in real life conditions to: Continuously improve 6.00% 0.00% performance. 2.00% 0.80% Item 9. The course has favored the 1 2 3 4 5 NA acquisition of \"internal entrepreneurship\" attitudes, generating initiatives and value- 58.80% added proposals, preventive treatment of the problems and permanent 32.80% 0.00% improvement. 5 NA 5.60% 1.20% 1.60% 1234 Item 10. The course has expanded your 52.80% vision on the causes and effects of the 38.40% problems faced by instructor’s tasks and the operational capacity to find solutions. 1.60% 1.20%5.60% 0.40% 1 2 3 4 5 NAPage28 Training Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTMItem 11. You have verified in your work 40.80%place that the course has allowed you to 34.40%reduce errors during training delivery inyour Organization / Training Centre. 13.60% 2.80% 2.40% 6.00% 5 NAItem 12. You have verified in your workplace, that course has allowed you to 1234minimize a non-conformity situations oftrainees and participating Institutions / 40.00%Companies in the courses. 35.20%Item 13. You have verified in your work 16.40% 3.20%place, that the course delivery, has 1.20% 4.00% 5 NAallowed you to apply acquiredcompetences to all training activities of 1234your Organization / Training Centre,including TRAINAIR PLUS program 39.20% 43.60%courses as well as your own courses. 10.40% 2.40%Item 14. The course has helped to 2.00% 2.40%improve your work stability, compensationand performance. 1 2 3 4 5 NAItem 15. The course has had a significant 40.00%and positive impact on your professional 38.00%career. 16.40% 0.40% 3.60% 1.60% 5 NA 1234 36.80% 38.40% 14.40% 0.80% 4.40% 5.20% 5 NA 1234Training Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018 Page29
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTM 1.3 Worldwide data variable cross-check 1.3.1 Influence of the trainees’ age on the L3 PTE scale items response Item 5. The alignment of the 111 141 075 39 78 course objectives and 1 24 60 contents with the needs of 2 your work place, has allowed <30 6 6 you to apply the acquired 5 skills to your professional 3 4 performance 30-45 46-60 60> 68 49 Item 6. The work model of 47 your company/organization 29 4 has allowed you to apply the 5 acquired skills acquired in 221 043 269 6 the course to your 1 56 professional performance. 2 3 46-60 4 35 135 <30 30-45 60> Item 14. The course has 1 4 helped to improve your work 51 5 stability, compensation and 056 performance. 1 031 15 19 32 51 2 7 35 Item 15. The course has had 2 a significant and positive <30 3 46-60 4 4 impact on your professional 30-45 60> 5 career. 54 238 16 17 24 1 7 2 3 46-60 4 <30 30-45 60>Page30 Training Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTM1.3.2 Influence of the trainees’ years of educations on the L3 PTE scale items responseItem 7. The course has improved your autonomy for the accomplishment of professionaltasks. 76 5601003 00003 17 7879 14 8 12 17 3142 12345 ≤10 ≤12 ≤14 ≤16 >16Item 9. The course has favored the acquisition of \"internal entrepreneurship\" attitudes,generating initiatives and value-added proposals, preventive treatment of the problemsand permanent improvement. 86 5500003 10003 01238 7794 16 11 12 22 1234 5 ≤10 ≤12 ≤14 ≤16 >16Item 10. The course has expanded your vision on the causes and effects of the problemsfaced by instructor’s tasks and the operational capacity to find solutions. 81 6010003 00003 21227 8 6 10 12 13 12 11 15 12345 ≤10 ≤12 ≤14 ≤16 >16Item 8a. The course has allowed you to reach the planned target competencies, and verifyyour mastery in real life conditions to: Set-up training environment 90 5410004 00003 20324 5549 16 14 16 18 1 2 3 4 5 ≤10 ≤12 ≤14 ≤16 >16Training Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018 Page31
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTM Item 8b. The course has allowed you to reach the planned target competencies, and verify your mastery in real life conditions to: Manage trainees. 52 00004 10003 10335 9 7 8 12 1234 ≤10 ≤12 ≤14 ≤16 >16 Item 8c. The course has allowed you to reach the planned target competencies, and verify your mastery in real life conditions to: Conduct training. 87 57 10004 00003 00304 4548 19 14 16 21 12345 ≤10 ≤12 ≤14 ≤16 >16 Item 8d. The course has allowed you to reach the planned target competencies, and verify your mastery in real life conditions to: Conduct trainees´ evaluation. 81 60 00005 30002 00227 8 7 8 16 13 12 13 11 12345 ≤10 ≤12 ≤14 ≤16 >16 Item 8e. The course has allowed you to reach the planned target competencies, and verify your mastery in real life conditions to: Conduct a course evaluation. 88 53 00005 10002 50217 3 4 8 15 15 15 13 13 12345 ≤10 ≤12 ≤14 ≤16 >16 Item 8f. The course has allowed you to reach the planned target competencies, and verify your mastery in real life conditions to: Continuously improve performance. 85 56 10004 00002 20418 6 5 6 12 15 14 13 16 1 2 3 4 5 ≤10 ≤12 ≤14 ≤16 >16Page32 Training Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTMItem 13. You have verified in your work place, that the course delivery, has allowed you toapply acquired competences to all training activities of your Organization / TrainingCentre, including TRAINAIR PLUS program courses as well as your own courses.131 321 7 13 6 44 45 43 1 37 21 2 3 <3 3-10 17 5 4 10>1.4 Impact indicators’ values1.4.1 Impact indicators values by region1.4.1.1 IntroductionThe following section shows the impact indicators’ values distribution by regions. This dataprovides important information allowing make conclusions related to course'simplementation strategy for its continuous improvement.IND 1. Quality of hierarchical relationships IND 2. Coordination and cooperation4.280 4.260 4.230 4.240 4.350 4.140 4.290 4.220 4.220 3.930 4.140 4.140Training Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018 Page33
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTM IND 3. Healthy conditions at work IND 4. Prevention of occupational hazards 4.390 4.400 4.500 4.590 4.500 4.430 4.360 4.360 4.310 4.300 4.070 3.860 IND 5. Transferability of acquired IND 6. Responsivness of work knowledge environment 4.610 4.530 4.630 4.350 4.320 4.460 4.350 4.290 4.500 4.400 4.200 3.930 IND 7. Professional autonomy IND 8. Target competencies 4.390 4.440 4.430 4.470 4.510 4.550 4.340 4.290 4.260 4.330 4.180 4.190Page34 Training Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTM IND 9. Enhanced professional skills IND 10. Problem solving 4.660 4.5704.520 4.460 4.430 4.390 4.490 4.400 4.250 4.270 4.290 4.070 IND 11. Resource optimization IND 12. External customer satisfaction4.340 4.210 4.160 4.120 4.110 4.020 4.000 4.020 4.000 3.930 3.930 3.920 IND 13. Operational efficiency IND 14. Working conditions4.400 4.290 4.270 4.140 4.140 4.110 4.140 4.140 4.210 4.180 4.020 4.040Training Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018 Page35
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTM IND 15. Professional career 4.160 4.090 4.070 4.110 3.880 3.850 Conclusion From the collected data, it can be seen that the impact indicators 1, 4, 11 and 12 obtained the lowest values in courses delivered in European region. Although the obtained values are close to the acceptable performance value of 80%, it also draws attention and must be taken into account in order to make the appropriate conclusions. Given that the affected indicators have more to do with training centres’ operational issues, it can be suggested for instructors in charge of future deliveries in the European region, to inquire about these matters and obtain more feedback on these issues that may originate new proposals for improvement of Training Centres operations in that region. A similar situation is observed with the 15th indicator, which has obtained its lowest value in the courses given in North America, Central America, the Caribbean and South America regions. The value obtained by this impact indicator represents a small negative deviation of 3% in relation to the acceptable standard of the 80%. It is important to pay attention to this fact since it has to do with course participants' perception about the impact of the new acquired competences in the Training Instructor Course on their professional career. To make a proper conclusions leading to identify strategies aimed to enhance the instructors' professional career and have more positive impact in their job performance, it's suggested in upcoming deliveries, research more about promotional policies implemented in the instructors' Training Centres.Page36 Training Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTM1.5 Impact dimensions’ values1.5.1 IntroductionImpact dimensions values are the result of arithmetic mean of participant's responses torelated items in the self-assessment questionnaire (see Appendix 1). They represent thelinks and correlations between acquired knowledge, skills and attitudes and show the wayin which work environment influences and conditions professional's behavior.1.5.2 Worldwide valuesD1 IMPACT ON WORK ENVIRONMENT AND CULTURE OF COLLABORATION 4.212 4.393D2 IMPACT ON OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 4.410 4.411D3 IMPACT ON TRANSFERABILITY TO THE JOB 4.129 4.050D4 IMPACT ON PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE ATTAINED UNDER REAL-LIFE CONDITIONSD5 IMPACT ON PRODUCTIVITY AND OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY UNDER REAL-LIFE CONDITIONSD6 IMPACT ON WORKING CONDITIONS AND PROFESSIONAL CAREER1.5.3 Impact dimension values by regions Africa Asia pacific 4.489 4.478 4.376 4.434 4.261 4.2584.250 4.315 4.141 4.114 4.061 4.089D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 Europe Middle East 4.309 4.333 4.376 4.420 4.214 4.208 4.179 4.109 4.1294.107 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 3.964 3.998D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6Training Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018 Page37
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTM North America, Central America, The South America Caribbean 4.371 4.410 4.422 4.500 4.548 4.555 4.184 4.070 4.230 4.142 3.957 3.980 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 1.5.4 Conclusions The breakdown of impact dimensions values shows that dimensions D2, D5 and D6 obtained the lowest results in North America, Central America, the Caribbean and South America regions. Those results are linked to low values obtained by impact indicators 4, 11, 12 and 15 in courses delivered in those regions. Better values are expected to obtain when the procedures proposed in point will be implemented and defined the strategies that could impact on these results in future deliveries of the Training Instructor Course 1.6 Weighted Impact Index (WIN) value 1.6.1 Introduction The Weighted Impact Index is a numerical representation of the impact generated by training. The calculation of the Weighted Impact Index is made through weighting of six impact dimensions derived from the 15 impact Indicators obtained from the course participants' responses to 15 items of the L3 PTE Self-Assessment impact questionnaire using a 1 to 5 additive scale (see Appendix 1). The course Win Index is derived from the sum of the impact dimensions weighted values and represents the overall impact of training on work performance.Page38 Training Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTM1.6.2 WIN Index values by regions: 4.4958 Africa4.3677 4.4191 4.3662 3.9479KENYA MOROCCO NIGERIA SOUTH AFRICA REGION Asia Pacific4.5354 4.5194 4.8375 4.5917 4.4276 4.2458 4.3161 3.8235 4.2007INDIA INDONESIA KOREA MALAYSIA PHILIPINES SINGAPORE SRI LANKA THAILAND REGION Europe4.2223 4.1070 3.9866IRELAND TURKEY REGIONTraining Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018 Page39
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTM 4.3604 4.3021 Middle East 4.2824 4.8000 4.2017 4.1321 IRAN JORDAN QATAR SAUDI ARABIA UAE REGION North America, Central America, The Caribbean 4.6958 4.2891 4.3837 4.2552 4.2543 3.9182 4.0269 CANADA CUBA EL SALVADOR JAMAICA MEXICO TRINIDAD & REGION TOBAGO South America 4.6903 4.3221 4.3524 4.2299 4.1779 ARGENTINA BRAZIL URUGUAY VENEZUELA REGIONPage40 Training Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018
GLOBAL AVIATION TRAINING TRAINAIR PLUSTM1.6.3 Conclusions:The breakdown of WIN index obtained values indicates a positive deviation from theacceptable standard of the 80%. However, it is important to refer to some values that donot meet this criterion as follow: Region Country Win Index Deviation Africa South Africa 3.9479 - 0.052Asia Pacific 3.8235 - 0.176 Europe Thailand 3.9866 - 0.013NA, CA, TC Turkey 3.9132 - 0.086 JamaicaThe obtained WIN Index values in the affected countries are consistent given theinterdependence of previously calculated data to obtain the final WIN index value.Despite of previously explained, it is also can be concluded that these results can belinked to a relative low participation rate of course participants in the response of the L3PTE Self-assessment impact questionnaire in those countries.Training Instructors Course (TIC) - Post-training Evaluation Report April 2018 Page41
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