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Home Explore 20220109 English Bulletin

20220109 English Bulletin

Published by vchairman.cmcacamberwell, 2022-01-08 04:20:56

Description: 20220109 English Bulletin


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WELCOME TO CAMBERWELL METHODIST CHURCH We are a faith community that is growing in our love for Jesus, who died for our sins, and is raised from the death. We are called to follow Jesus, and to make disciple of all nations. If you would like to know more about God, Jesus, or our church or the bible, please use [email protected] / Minister-in-Charge Rev. James Kong 0413 953 238 / Assistant Pastor (English) Ps. Allan Quah) 0402 675 219 to Get in Touch. 58 Cooloongatta Road, Camberwell, VIC 3124 • Tel: (03) 9889 0702 •

ORDER OF WORSHIP Baptism of the Lord Sunday Service (2021-01-09) Silent Prayer <Be Still in the Presence of the Lord> Call to Worship Adoration & Praise Prayer Responsive Reading Psalm 49:1-8 The Lord’s Prayer Welcome/Notices Offering 398 <All to Jesus I Surrender> Intercessory Prayer Scripture Reading 1 Peter 5:1-14 Proclamation of the Word Standing Firm Knowing God Will Restore Chorus of Response Benediction Ministry Roster 9/1/2022 Preacher Ps. Allan Quah Worship Leader Chris Ting Song Leader Felicia Teng Backup Cassandra Lim Pianist Adeline See Keyboardist - Accompaniment Simon Wong Cajon Bryan Law Bible Reader En Sing Lim Multimedia Aaron Tiew Live Stream/PA Gerald Wong & Alister Chew Ushers Joyce & Jaden Wong Floral - HC Prep - Preacher LP Chris Ting Ministry Roster 16/1/2022 Song Leader Diana Kong Worship Leader Jimmy Kong Pianist Jason Ting Backup Jennifer Yap Accompaniment Steven & Jonathan Lee Keyboardist Dennis Yong Bible Reader Jaden Wong Cajon Jonathan Liew Live Stream/PA Bryan Law & Andrew Zhang Multimedia Jocelyn Wong Floral - Ushers Cassandra & Josiah Tan HC Prep - 2

“God looks for those whose hearts are prepared to be intercessors before Him ...Intercessors can be the only ones standing between an individual or a nation and God’s wrath.” Henry Blackaby Weekly Praying for the Church 1. Pray for coming back to church to 3. Pray for Annual Conference continue worship to be faithful in leading all churches in Australia, that we may work together to 2.1 Pray for ongoing streaming work to bring the gospel to the those who are be effective, and glorifying God; lost, and discipled to be fisher of men and women. 2.2 Pray for wisdom to discern how to allow congregation to come back to 4.1 P ray for Jimmy Kong (therapy worship with limited seat capacity due treatment), Ken Hii, Clarence Yek, to social distancing; Uncle Hii, Aunty Su King Ting, Mdm. Lu (Mrs. Kong’s mum), Christina (Boon 2.3 Pray for the small groups, and Koh’s sister, Canada), Flora (Singapore) fellowships continue to connect with and Ben (USA). Thank you all for each other, and reach out to other; upholding them in prayer. 2.4 Pray for God’s break through in 4.2 P ray for our brothers and sisters who all that church is doing so that we contracted Covid and those in close may experience renewal in the life of contact. Let us continue to uphold community and ministry. them in prayer as well as showing our care and support to them. 2. Pray for LCEC 2022 and English Ministry Committee that they may work together to reach out to families, our young people, and our community. 3

“God looks for those whose hearts are prepared to be intercessors before Him ...Intercessors can be the only ones standing between an individual or a nation and God’s wrath.” Henry Blackaby Weekly Praying for the Church 5. P ray for our church family continue to 6. P ray for spiritual awakening experience living God in each of these household at Camberwell Methodist 1.1 Your plead with the Lord to be Church. We pray for deeper relationship merciful to us and graciously draw us among the family members, deeper back to Himself and His ways. Ask Him to relationship between husband and show us unfailing love and grant us His wife, and deeper relationship between salvation that we may rejoice in Him. parents and children. I cannot stress more than saying this is the time, God 1.2 Restore us again, O God our is at work through and in our families. Saviour...Will you not revive us again, Let us not look else where but instead that your people may rejoice in you? look within our daily relationship and Show us your unfailing love, O Lord, and our family. God is right there with us. grant us your salvation (Psalm 85:4,6-7); Seek Him first and His kingdom, all these things shall be added to you. 1.3 Thank God that He is willing to give the Holy Spirit to those who ask. Cry out to Him for an outpouring and mighty working of the Holy Spirit in our day. 1.4 If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him. (Luke 11:13) 4

All that’s going on around Camberwell Methodist Church COMMUNITY WATCH Welcome Pastoral Needs We welcome everyone who join our worship If you have any pastoral needs, please do not service. May the peace of God be with you! If you hesitate to seek Rev. James Kong (0413 953 238), are a new friend to the church, please introduce Ps. Allan Quah (0402 675 219) or local preachers: yourself. Lina Lim, Chris Ting, or Joo Soo Lim. If you need the pastor to pray for you, do approach Rev. James Restrictions Kong or Ps. Allan Quah after the service. UPDATED PUBLIC HEALTH PROTECTIONS TO KEEP Family Devotion VICTORIANS SAFE Face masks will be required in all indoor settings, We encourage families to start a regular family except private homes, for persons aged eight and devotion each week. It is our main thing for our older will have to wear masks in all indoor settings church because we will grow stronger, closer, and - except private homes - and at all large outdoor more love for God and one another. Let us not events, from 11.59pm on Thursday 23/12/2021. waste this time of being together…. explore every Gentle Reminder: The church strongly recommends opportunity to play, to read, to do something all church attendees to check in with QR Code as together, to pray and to sing together. a loving gesture to enable us to keep track in the event of an outbreak. Furthermore, facemask will Personal Testimony need to be worn indoor together with frequent washing of hands. We encourage you to write your personal As the Omicron variant is contagious and transmit testimony and send it to [email protected]. fast, if you have any symptom, please go for testing and isolate until the test result returns Use of church venue for followship negative. Please book through to avoid clash Prayer Meeting Thursday (13/1) 7:30PM of use. Please make sure all lights, air-conditioners, and other equipment are switched off, also Prayer Meeting to be led by Michael Fung through making sure all doors are locked before leaving. Zoom. Let us come to count our blessings and give thanks. Let us continue to serve one another Family Discipleship Survey Form through prayer. We invite brothers and sisters to fill in the survey form to help the church in planning the family discipleship ministry. Camberwell MC Online Group (On Facebook) 5

All that’s going on around Camberwell Methodist Church COMMUNITY WATCH 1st Local Conference The Methodist Church in Malaysia-Relief Fund The First local Conference of Camberwell Methodist Church will be on 15/01/2022 (Saturday) Board of Christian Social Concern of CMCA wish @10AM in the Church Annexe 1. We invite all to collect target of $10,000 to support current flood members of the Local Conference (pastors, disaster relief happening in Malaysia. Please give stewards, retired pastors, local preachers) to generously and all collected fund will be given to attend, all committee chairpersons and fellowship Methodist Church in Malaysia for their distribution Chairperson shall submit reports to Rev. James in those affected areas. If you give in envelope or Kong and Choo Kai Kang (LCEC Chairperson) online, please put a reference MCM-RF. The local before 10/01/2022. church will contribute your amount into CMC. May the Lord be pleased with your offering and bless you. (Refer attachment on Page 9-10) Offering detail Thank you once again for brothers and sisters who faithfully support the ministry of the church through finance, prayers, and participation. May God bless you. Here is the bank detail for your reference: Account name: Chinese Methodist Church in Australia Camberwell; BANK: ANZ; BSB: 013 225; Account Number: 4939 79025. We have prepared an Offering Box in the Lobby for envelope offering. Offering: $9,673.50 (25/12-31/12/2021) Description Abbreviations Bank reference Tithing TITHE C9/E11 C9 TITHE Paul WONG General GEN C9/E11 C9 GEN Paul WONG Thanksgiving TKS C9/E11 C9 TKS Paul WONG Mission MIS C9/E11 C9 MIS Paul WONG Theological student THE C9/E11 C9 THE Paul WONG Special SPE C9/E11 C9 SPE Paul WONG Others OTH C9/E11 C9 OTH Paul WONG Building fund C9/E11 C9 Camberwell mc Paul WONG, E11 Mercy mc Paul WONG….. 6

Devotion Week 2: 8th January 2022 Theme: In the Shephard’s Care Psalm 23 ESV 1 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters.[a] 3 He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness[b] for his name's sake. 4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,[c] I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. 5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. 6 Surely[d] goodness and mercy[e] shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell[f] in the house of the LORD forever.[g] Like many of the songs found in the Bible, Psalm 23 states its case in the first verse and simply verifies it in the remainder of the song. The key thought is this: Because the Lord is my Shepherd, I shall lack nothing! No uncertainty should frighten me. Here is the way the theme of Psalm 23 is played out in the balance of David's famous song: I shall not lack rest or provision—why? He makes me lie down in green pastures. I shall not lack peace—why? He leads me beside quiet waters. I shall not lack restoration or encouragement when I faint, fail, or fall—why? He restores my soul. I shall not lack guidance or fellowship—why? He guides me in the paths of righteousness. I shall not lack courage when my way is dark—why? Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil. I shall not lack companionship—why? You are with me. I shall not lack constant comfort—why? Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. I shall not lack protection or honour—why? You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. I shall not lack power—why? You have anointed my head with oil. I shall not lack abundance—why? My cup overflows. 7a

I shall not lack God's perpetual presence—why? Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. I shall not lack security—why? I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Verse 1 The first verse establishes the theme of the song. But for now I call your attention to two things in this sentence: 1. David refers to God as \"the LORD.\" This divine name is based on the Hebrew verb \"to be\" and stems from God's identification of Himself to Moses. He said, \"I AM WHO I AM\" 2. David calls YHWH \"my Shepherd.\" To David (the sheep), God was his own personal Shepherd. Not merely the Shepherd of the great flock of all humanity, but the Shepherd who calls him by name and cares for him as an individual. Verse 2 Having established the theme, the composer begins to develop the word picture. He starts with the pastoral picture of sheep under a shepherd's care. In our hectic, hurried, harassed age in which headache and tranquilizer medications have become the best-selling national products, we must occasionally be made to lie down by our Shepherd- Saviour. When He steps into our helter-skelter world, He must often force us to rest. If that has occurred, give thanks—the pastures are green! This verse concludes with another pleasant picture: \"He leads me beside quiet waters.\" Look at that phrase. Literally, it refers to waters that have been stilled. Mentally capture the peaceful scene. The shepherd leads them to quiet, peaceful waters, where they may drink without fear. Reflection: Is God your Lord and Shepherd? Do your daily living reflect that assurance and peace? Prayer From Living the Psalms by Charles R. Swindoll, copyright © 2012. 7b

20th December, 2021 Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Greetings in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Our Methodist Crisis Relief and Development (MCRD) volunteers are already at ground- level rendering help where possible at places affected by the recent flood that has brought much damage in a number of States. To volunteer help in your localities affected by flood, please contact the following MCRD Coordinators:- Penang: Samuel Lee +60 16-424 1213 Kinta District: Goh Min Sum +60 12-517 3196 Manjung District: Peter Ling +60 17-548 3860 Lim Chee Wee +60 12-558 9753 Kepong: Andrew Lai +60 12-366 7712 Koh Hwei Yee +60 16-600 5205 Ampang: Samuel Chiam +60 11-2015 4556 Klang: Samuel Siah +60 12-297 7797 Melaka: Lye Ching Yen +60 16-227 8048 Segamat: Yeo Bee Hui+60 12-757 2998 Kuantan: Ngien Su Kong +60 19-824 3072 Raub/Benta: Guok Shu Yau +60 16-934 4135 General: Michael Chang +6011-2906 5092 Helen Ngu +6011-2906 5091 Leonidas Woo +60 19-290 6194 To donate money to bring relief to the families and individuals affected, you can either support through your local church or send the funds to the following account. AREA EXECUTIVE COUNCIL OF THE METHODIST CHURCH IN MALAYSIA UOB Bank Berhad Account number: 1293032896 After depositing the funds, please send us your bank-in slips and let us know via [email protected] your contact details for us to acknowledge your contributions with official receipts. Let us be praying for all the people and places that have been affected by the flood. We pray for the water to recede, roads and homes to be cleaned up speedily, water and electricity supply to be returned to normalcy. Pray also for all victims at the evacuation centres to be 8

taken care of with sufficient food, mattresses, blankets, medicines, and toiletries. Let us not forget to pray for the safety of those who are mobilised to help the affected areas. Pray everyone will be protected from the Covid-19 viruses too. Pray also for flood mitigation efforts to be undertaken by authorities regularly. The wonderful grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Blessings, Bishop Dr. T. Jeyakumar 9

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