Vision: Building a Church after God's Own Heart SUNDAY 21th FEBRUARY WELCOME TO CAMBERWELL METHODIST CHURCH We are faith community that growing in our love for Jesus, who died for our sins, and raised from the death. We are called to follow Jesus, and to make disciple of all nations. If you would like to know more about God, Jesus, or our church or the bible, please use [email protected] / Minister in Charge Rev James Kong 0413 953 238 to Get in Touch.
Silent Prayer ORDER OF WORSHIP Call to Worship Adoration & Praise (21 February 2021) Prayer Responsive Reading <B e Still in the Presence of the Lord> The Lord’s Prayer Welcome/Notices Proverbs 3:25-35 AC Theme Video Offering 406 <Take My Life and Let It Be> Intercessory Prayer Micah 6:6-8 Scripture Reading Proclamation Micah# What Does the Lord Require? of the Word Chorus of Response Benediction Ministry Roster 21/2/2021 Preacher Ps. Allan Quah Worship Leader Jimmy Kong Song Leader Jennifer Yap Backup Diana Kong Pianist Jason Ting/ Dennis Yong Accompaniment Steven Yek Multimedia Yew Fong Lim Livestream Gerald Wong & Jin Loong Ushers Victor & Wilson Loh HC Prep - Floral - Ministry Roster 28/2/2021 Preacher Dr. Peter Lam Worship Leader Joo Soo Lim Song Leader Felicia Teng Backup Gladys Chandra Pianist Adeline See Accompaniment Simon Wong Multimedia Jocelyn Wong Livestream Bryan Law & Gerald Wong Ushers Jacklyn & Jamilyn Wong HC Prep - Floral Vera Liang 2
“God looks for those whose hearts are prepared to be intercessors before Him ...Intercessors can be the only ones standing between an individual or a nation and God’s wrath.” Henry Blackaby Weekly Praying for the Church 1. Pray for coming back to church to 2. P ray for new LCEC 2021 and English worship working Committee that they may work together to reach out to families, our 2.1 Pray for ongoing streaming work to young people, and our community. be effective, and glorifying God; Please pray for the search of suirtable new pastor for English Congregation. 2.2 Pray for wisdom to discern how to allow congregation to come back to 3. P ray for Annual Conference continue worship with limited seat capacity due to be faithful in leading all churches in to social distancing; Australia, that we may work together to bring the gospel to the those who are 2.3 Pray for the small groups, and lost, and discipled to be fisher of men fellowships continue to connect with and women. each other, and reach out to other; 4. P ray for Boon Koh’s sister and her family 2.4 Pray for God’s break through in in Canada: Christina, Samuel and Ruth. all that church is doing so that we may experience renewal in the life of community and ministry. 3
“God looks for those whose hearts are prepared to be intercessors before Him ...Intercessors can be the only ones standing between an individual or a nation and God’s wrath.” Henry Blackaby Weekly Praying for the Church 5. P ray for our church family continue to 6. P ray for spiritual awakening experience living God in each of these household at Camberwell Methodist 1.1 your plead with the Lord to be Church. We pray for deeper relationship merciful to us and graciously draw us among the family members, deeper back to Himself and His ways. Ask Him to relationship between husband and show us unfailing love and grant us His wife, and deeper relationship between salvation that we may rejoice in Him. parents and children. I cannot stress more than saying this is the time, God 1.2 restore us again, O God our is at work through and in our families. Saviour...Will you not revive us again, Let us not look else where but instead that your people may rejoice in you? look within our daily relationship and Show us your unfailing love, O Lord, and our family. God is right there with us. grant us your salvation (Psalm 85:4,6-7); Seek Him first and His kingdom, all these things shall be added to you. 1.3 Thank God that He is willing to give the Holy Spirit to those who ask. Cry out to Him for an outpouring and mighty working of the Holy Spirit in our day. 1.4 If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him. (Luke 11:13) 4
All that’s going on around Camberwell Methodist Church COMMUNITY WATCH Ash Wednesday Prayer Meeting 17/2 is Ash Wednesday, signifies the start Thursday (25/02) 7:30PM Church Prayer of Lent. Our church will send out Lent Meeting (Bilingual Combined Mission Devotional for our congregation, do use Prayer Meeting): To be led by Methodist the material for devotion during Lent and Medical Missions, through Facebook practice fasting and prayer. “Camberwell MC Online”. Let us serve one another through prayer. Lunar New Year Pastoral Needs We wish all of you a happy and joyful Lunar New Year. This coming Friday If you have any pastoral needs, please (26/2) is the 15th day (last day) of the do not hesitate to seek Rev. James Kong New Year celebration. Though this year is (0413 953 238) or local preacher Lina Lim different, we still experience God’s grace or Chris Ting. and blessings. May God bless you all abundantly and mightily. Need for Prayer “111” Training in Evangelism If you need the pastor to pray for you, do approach Rev. James Kong after the The 3 mins Personal Evangelism Training service. video is now available for church members to view. Please go to the church website to Login as a member in order to access the training video - Chinese or English. ; www. ;” 5
All that’s going on around Camberwell Methodist Church COMMUNITY WATCH Family Devotion Offering detail We hope to see that there are at least 25 Thank you once again for brothers and families this year to start a regular family sisters who faithfully support the ministry of devotion. It is our main thing for our church the church through finance, prayers, and because we will grow stronger, closer, and participation. May God bless you. Here is more love for God and one another. Let the bank detail for your reference: us not waste this time of being together…. Account name: Chinese Methodist exploit every opportunity to play, to read, Church in Australia Camberwell; BANK: to do something together, to pray and to ANZ; BSB: 013 225; A.N: 4939 79025 sing together. Offering Sunday Services Livestream 7/2/21: $ 11,517 We continue to stream both 9am Chinese, (included offering in offering box) 11am English service and 4pm Church on the Corner online until further notice. 31/1/21: $8,315 Online worship is one of the many things we do to worship God. CAMBERWELL METHODIST CHURCH 58 Cooloongatta Road, Camberwell, VIC 3124 • Tel: (03) 9889 0702 • Minister-in-charge: Rev. James Kong 0413 953 238 6
CAMBERWELL METHODIST CHURCH The Proverbs Challenge The Book of Proverbs is a READ & STUDY very visual book. This is a challenge for the Read through Proverbs individual or the family until you find a verse (Chinese or English). No that really stands out to matter how young or old you. Then study the verse you are, we would love to until you know what it see your creativity. means. Once completed, the best three submissions will be EXPRESS framed and displayed in church. Find a way to express All entries will be your verse: photography, compiled into a memory graphics nature, book for our church for calligraphy, drawings, the 35th anniversary. paintings, ect. SEND IT IN! Send your verse to camberwell_methodist_c [email protected] by the 30th of April. And we will compile it into our very own Xia-En-Gia COVID-19 memory book. Each family or individual who contributed will receive a copy.
Devotion Week 3: 21st February 2021 Theme: We need the light of God’s Word Hymn: Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, And a light unto my path CHORUS: Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, And a light unto my path [X2] When I feel afraid, Think I’ve lost my way Still you’re there right beside me Nothing will I fear, As long as you are near Please be near me to the end CHORUS: Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, And a light unto my path [2] I will not forget, Your Love for me and yet My Heart forever Is wandering Jesus be my guide, And hold me to your side I will love you to the end CHORUS: Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, And a light unto my path [2] Psalm 119:105 (NIV) ‘Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path’ Have you ever wondered why you’re so afraid of the dark? I don’t like the dark because I can’t see what I’m stepping into and where I’m heading to. I’m afraid because there are so many unknowns and or dangers that may lay ahead. Sin brings darkness and death. But the Word of God brings light and life. We need the light of God’s Word to guide us through the pit holes and entanglements in the darkness of this fallen world. The Bible gives us guidance and direction in life Reflection: • How are you finding the Word of God lighting your path these days? • Are you putting your trust in God to guide you every step of the way? Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for your Word, which not only gives light but is the light. I pray for your Word to illuminate my heart and my mind and lead me to walk in the right path. Thank you for being the lamp to my feet and the light along my path in this dark world. Help me to follow you closely every step of the way so that I may not stumble, in Jesus’ name we pray, Amen
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