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Home Explore 20221002 English Bulletin

20221002 English Bulletin

Published by vchairman.cmcacamberwell, 2022-10-02 10:41:16

Description: 20221002 English Bulletin


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WELCOME TO CAMBERWELL METHODIST CHURCH We are a faith community that is growing in our love for Jesus, who died for our sins, and is raised from the death. We are called to follow Jesus, and to make disciples of all nations. If you would like to know more about God, Jesus, or our church or the Bible, please use [email protected] / Minister-in-Charge Rev. James Kong 0413 953 238 / Assistant Pastor (English) Ps. Allan Quah 0402 675 219 to Get in Touch. 58 Cooloongatta Road, Camberwell, VIC 3124 • Tel: (03) 9889 0702 •

ORDER OF WORSHIP 17th Sunday after Pentecost / Holy Communion Sunday Service (2 October 2022) Silent Prayer <Be Still in the Presence of the Lord> Call to Worship Adoration & Praise 400 <I Have Decided to Follow Jesus> Prayer (Third Order) Apostle Creed Sunday School Students Welcome/Notices Luke 14:26; Rom. 12:4-5 Offering Intercessory Prayer Be a committed member Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper Prayer Scripture Reading Proclamation of the Word Chorus of Response Benediction Ministry Roster 2/10/2022 Preacher Bishop Albert Wong Worship Leader Daniel Ha Song Leader Cheryl Chan Backup Zoe Ha Pianist Verene Kang Accompaniment Faith & Kelly Cajon - Bible Reader Sammi Chua Multimedia Aaron Tiew Live Stream/PA David Ha/Jin Loong Ushers Joyce & Jaden Wong Floral - HC Prep Evelyn Koh Ministry Roster 9/10/2022 Preacher Ps. Allan Quah Worship Leader Jimmy Kong Song Leader Jennifer Yap Backup Diana Kong Pianist Jason Ting Accompaniment Steven Yek/Dennis Yong Cajon David Chieng Bible Reader En Sing Lim Multimedia Ming Zhe Lim Live Stream/PA Gerald Wong/Andrew Zhang Ushers Isabel Kong & Charmaine Ling Floral - HC Prep - 2

“God looks for those whose hearts are prepared to be intercessors before Him ...Intercessors can be the only ones standing between an individual or a nation and God’s wrath.” Henry Blackaby Weekly Praying for the Church 1. P ray for coming back to church to 3. P ray for Annual Conference continue worship to be faithful in leading all churches in Australia, that we may work together to 2.1 Pray for ongoing streaming work to bring the gospel to the those who are be effective, and glorifying God; lost, and discipled to be fisher of men and women. 2.2 Pray for wisdom to discern how to allow congregation to come back to 4.1 P ray for Jimmy Kong, Ken Hii, Clarence worship with limited seat capacity due Yek, Aunty Su King Ting, Christina (Boon to social distancing; Koh’s sister, Canada), Flora (Singapore) and Ben (USA). Thank you all for 2.3 Pray for the small groups, and upholding them in prayer. fellowships continue to connect with each other, and reach out to other; 4.2 P ray for our brothers and sisters who contracted Covid and those in close 2.4 Pray for God’s break through in contact. Let us continue to uphold all that church is doing so that we them in prayer as well as showing our may experience renewal in the life of care and support to them. community and ministry. 4.3 P ray for the situation between Russia 2. P ray for LCEC 2022 and English Ministry and Ukraine, may the war end and Committee that they may work peace be restored. together to reach out to families, our young people, and our community. 4.4 P ray for the Federal Government in Australia, to govern with integrity and bring benefits to the people. 4.5 P ray for the coming Victorian State Election 4.6 P ray for the rescue efforts for the earthquakes in Taiwan and Mexico. 4.7 P ray for the coming CMCA AC Session and the election of Bishop and various AC Boards. 3

“God looks for those whose hearts are prepared to be intercessors before Him ...Intercessors can be the only ones standing between an individual or a nation and God’s wrath.” Henry Blackaby Weekly Praying for the Church 5. P ray for our church family continue to 6. P ray for spiritual awakening experience living God in each of these household at Camberwell Methodist 1.1 your plead with the Lord to be Church. We pray for deeper relationship merciful to us and graciously draw us among the family members, deeper back to Himself and His ways. Ask Him to relationship between husband and show us unfailing love and grant us His wife, and deeper relationship between salvation that we may rejoice in Him. parents and children. I cannot stress more than saying this is the time, God 1.2 restore us again, O God our is at work through and in our families. Saviour...Will you not revive us again, Let us not look else where but instead that your people may rejoice in you? look within our daily relationship and Show us your unfailing love, O Lord, and our family. God is right there with us. grant us your salvation (Psalm 85:4,6-7); Seek Him first and His kingdom, all these things shall be added to you. 1.3 Thank God that He is willing to give the Holy Spirit to those who ask. Cry out to Him for an outpouring and mighty working of the Holy Spirit in our day. 1.4 If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him. (Luke 11:13) 4

All that’s going on around Camberwell Methodist Church Church Announcements Welcome Pastoral Needs We welcome everyone who join our worship service. If you have any pastoral needs, please do not hesitate May the peace of God be with you! If you are a new to seek Rev. James Kong(0413 953 238), Ps. Allan friend to the church, please introduce yourself and Quah(0402 675 219) or local preachers: Lina Lim, Chris leave your contact details. Ting, or Joo Soo Lim. If you need the pastor to pray for you, do approach Rev. James Kong or Ps. Allan Quah Gentle Reminder after the service. The church strongly recommends facemask to be worn Family Devotion indoor together with frequent washing of hands. If you have any symptom, please go for testing and isolate We encourage families to start a regular family devotion until the test result returns negative. each week. It is our main thing for our church because we will grow stronger, closer, and more love for God Combine Missions Prayer Meeting and one another. Let us not waste this time of being together…. explore every opportunity to play, to read, to Thursday (06/10/2022) 7.30PM via Zoom and will be do something together, to pray and to sing together. led by Ps. Allan Quah. We invite all brothers and sisters to serve in prayer ministry. Friendship Evangelism Children Sunday School Sunday’s Basketball session will be from 3-4pm at Boroondara Sports Complex, 271C Belmore Rd, Holiday break (18/9, 25/9, 02/10) and class resumes Balwyn North VIC 3104 (Bring along a basketball) on 09/10 (next Sunday). Please bring your children COVID safe protocols apply and children under 10 with you to attend the service and bring some activities years old must have parental supervision. Please books for them. contact Joseph on 0411 539 082 for more information. 5

All that’s going on around Camberwell Methodist Church Church Announcements Annual Conference Ministry Online Sunday School on “An Introduction to Church History” Online Sunday School on “An Introduction to Church History” which will be taught by Rev PH Lam. It will start at the beginning of October. The course will be conducted in English. Melbourne & Sydney: 9-11 PM (AEDT) (Refer Page 9) Outline of the course: 2/10: T he Early Church and the Imperial Church (33- 313) 9/10: T he Canonisation of Scripture (4th C) and the Medieval Church (476-1498) 16/10: The Reformation and Its Aftermath (1498-1792) 23/10: The Church from the 19th Century to the Present Offering detail Thank you once again for brothers and sisters who faithfully support the ministry of the church through finance, prayers, and participation. May God bless you. Here is the bank detail for your reference: Account name: Chinese Methodist Church in Australia Camberwell; BANK: ANZ; BSB: 013 225; Account Number: 4939 79025. We have prepared an Offering Box in the Lobby for envelope offering. Offering $12,029.88 (18/9-23/9/2022). Description Abbreviations Bank reference Tithing TITHE C9/E11 C9 TITHE Paul WONG General GEN C9/E11 C9 GEN Paul WONG Thanksgiving TKS C9/E11 C9 TKS Paul WONG Mission MIS C9/E11 C9 MIS Paul WONG Theological student THE C9/E11 C9 THE Paul WONG Special SPE C9/E11 C9 SPE Paul WONG Others OTH C9/E11 C9 OTH Paul WONG Building fund C9/E11 C9 Camberwell mc Paul WONG, E11 Mercy mc Paul WONG…...... 6

Devotion Week 02 October 2022 Beyond Today Scriptures: Matthew 6:19–21 19 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 2 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. \"If you can look into the seeds of time, and say which grain will grow, and which will not, Speak then to me . . . \" Macbeth, act I, scene 1, line 58 Who wouldn't want to hear from someone like that? Who hasn't felt himself standing on tiptoe, straining to see what lies ahead? One question: Can we keep hoping? This is really the root issue, isn't it? Unless we have hope, it could mean some dismal years in front of us. Shakespeare's \"seeds of time\" might very well be scattered and dangerously thinned out by the next century. But let's limit our thoughts to something we can handle. How about that unit called your family . . . now there's something worth thinking about beyond today. Where are you going? What's your game plan for the next ten years? Given any thought to specific objectives you want to reach—or at least shoot for? How about selecting some priorities? You say there's no hurry? I challenge that. These ten years will literally fly by. A decade from now you'll rip the December sheet off your calendar wondering, \"How did ten years go by so fast?\" Ten years . . . Right now, stop and add ten years to your life and (if you have a family) do the same with each of your children. Suddenly we're all a bit more sober. The clapper of urgency has struck the bell of reality, and some of us sense a summons back to our inescapable responsibility. God commands us to \"number our days, that we may present to [Him] a heart of wisdom\" (Psalm 90:12). Forgive me for pressing the issue near the point of offense, but unless some of you who read these words stop and think and start to execute essential goals for the next ten years, indifference, passivity, and procrastination will win another victory. And instead of making a few hard decisions that will initiate beneficial changes, your 7a

family ties will loosen, your children will drift, and you'll dread the memory of the way you were. How much better to invite the living, all-knowing Lord to show you ways to make the coming years much better than the years before! To allow you to become better, as well as older. How about offering this prayer—in faith: Lord, since You can look into the seeds of time, and say which grain will grow, Speak then to me… Reflection: The heavy burdens of life can make us feel like we’re sinking at times. The words of comfort and understanding can ease our mind, restore our hope, and renew our faith. Prayer Excerpt taken from Come before Winter and Share My Hope by Charles R. Swindoll. Copyright © 1985, 1988, 1994 7b


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