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Home Explore 20230709 English Bulletin

20230709 English Bulletin

Published by vchairman.cmcacamberwell, 2023-07-08 12:57:56

Description: 20230709 English Bulletin


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WELCOME TO CAMBERWELL METHODIST CHURCH We are a faith community that is growing in our love for Jesus, who died for our sins, and is raised from the death. We are called to follow Jesus, and to make disciples of all nations. If you would like to know more about God, Jesus, or our church or the Bible, please use [email protected] / Minister-in-Charge Rev. James Kong 0413 953 238 / Assistant Pastor (English) Ps. Allan Quah 0402 675 219 to Get in Touch. 58 Cooloongatta Road, Camberwell, VIC 3124 • Tel: (03) 9889 0702 •

ORDER OF WORSHIP 6th Sunday after Pentecost/Youth Sunday Service (9 July 2023) Silent Prayer <Be Still in the Presence of the Lord> Call to Worship I Tim. 4:12-13 Adoration & Praise Prayer Proverb 3:1-12 Responsive Reading 1 Samuel 17:32-50 The Lord’s Prayer You can’t do it, you are only… Scripture Reading Proclamation of the Word Offering Offering prayer Welcome/Notices Spark’s Program Chorus of Response Prayer of Blessing Ministry Roster 9/7/2023 Preacher Ps. Robin Lim Worship Leader Youth Song Leader Audrey Ling Backup Fiona Tiang Pianist Verene Kang Accompaniment Drums Jonathan Liew Bible Reader Adrian See + Strings Multimedia Wesley Chew Live Stream/PA - Ushers Venus Kang, Esther Yee & Alicia Jin Loong Wong & Andrew Leong Floral Zhang HC Prep - - Preacher Rev. Elijah Chew Ministry Roster 16/7/2023 Song Leader David Chieng Worship Leader Michael Fung Pianist Ing Soo Tiong Backup Gladys Chandra Drums - Accompaniment Cheng Loon Leong Multimedia Ming Zhe Lim Bible Reader Bezalel Chieng Ushers Joyce & Jaden Wong Live Stream/PA Evan Kong & Joseph Fung HC Prep - Floral - 2

“God looks for those whose hearts are prepared to be intercessors before Him ...Intercessors can be the only ones standing between an individual or a nation and God’s wrath.” Henry Blackaby Weekly Praying for the Church 1. P ray for coming back to church to 3. P ray for Annual Conference continue to be worship faithful in leading all churches in Australia, that we may work together to bring the 1.1 Pray for ongoing streaming work to be gospel to the those who are lost, and effective, and glorifying God; discipled to be fisher of men and women. 1.2 Pray for congregation to come back to 4.1 Pray for Jimmy Kong, Aunty Su King Ting, physical worship in the church; Christina (Boon Koh’s sister, Canada), Flora (Singapore) and Ben (USA). Thank 1.3 Pray for the small groups, and you all for upholding them in prayer. fellowships continue to connect with each other, and reach out to other; 4.2 P ray for our brothers and sisters who are unwell and in distress. Let us continue to 1.4 Pray for God’s breakthrough in all uphold them in prayer as well as showing that church is doing so that we may our care and support to them. experience renewal in the life of community and ministry. 4.3 P ray for the world situation, may the war end and peace be restored. 2. Pray for LCEC 2023-2024 and English Ministry Committee that they may work 4.4 P ray for the Federal Government in together to reach out to families, our young Australia to govern with wisdom. people, and our community. 4.5 P ray for those affected by the natural disasters and the rescue effort. 4.6 P ray for Bishop Milton Nee, all chairpersons and members of AC boards for 2023-2026. 3

“God looks for those whose hearts are prepared to be intercessors before Him ...Intercessors can be the only ones standing between an individual or a nation and God’s wrath.” Henry Blackaby Weekly Praying for the Church 5. Pray for our church family continue to 6. P ray for spiritual awakening experience living God in each of these household at Camberwell Methodist 6.1 y our plead with the Lord to be merciful Church. We pray for deeper relationship to us and graciously draw us back among the family members, deeper to Himself and His ways. Ask Him to relationship between husband and wife, and show us unfailing love and grant us His deeper relationship between parents and salvation that we may rejoice in Him. children. I cannot stress more than saying this is the time, God is at work through and 6.2 restore us again, O God our Saviour... in our families. Let us not look else where Will you not revive us again, that your but instead look within our daily relationship people may rejoice in you? Show us and our family. God is right there with us. your unfailing love, O Lord, and grant us Seek Him first and His kingdom, all these your salvation (Psalm 85:4,6-7); things shall be added to you. 6.3 T hank God that He is willing to give the Holy Spirit to those who ask. Cry out to Him for an outpouring and mighty working of the Holy Spirit in our day. 6.4 If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him. (Luke 11:13) 4

All that’s going on around Camberwell Methodist Church Church Announcements Welcome Friendship Evangelism We welcome everyone who join our worship service. Basketball session on 9/7, 16/7@3-4PM. Boroondara May the peace of God be with you! If you are a new Sports Complex. Contact Joseph Fung 0411 539 082. friend to the church, please introduce yourself and leave your contact details. Special Ministerial Fund Raising Pastoral News Stewardship & Finance Committee has reported to the congregation on 25 June 2023 that the church (a). Rev. James Kong will be attending WFCMC needs to raise $100,000.00 for ministerial projects meeting and Youth Leadership Convention from 3/7- (including missions, PA System Upgrading, repair 11/7 in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. and maintenance, etc.). We invite you to join in the opportunity of loving offering to this special fund to (b). The church has engaged Rev. Michael Drennan as make our church a better and safer place. Please mark Youth Consultant (0.4 FTE) and he will start on 1st July or denote SPE (Special) when you offer or transfer 2023 working with English Youth Ministry. online. Offering detail: Prayer Meeting Account name: Camberwell Methodist Church Inc. BANK: ANZ Thursday (13/7/2023) @7.30PM will be led by Wesley BSB: 013 225 Chew via zoom. We invite all brothers and sisters to Account No.: 647177624 serve in prayer ministry. Description: Special Abbreviations: SPE Pastoral Needs Bank reference (service): C9/E11 If you have any pastoral needs, please do not hesitate LCEC Meeting to contact Rev. James Kong (0413 953 238), Ps. Allan Quah (0402 675 219) or local preachers: Lina Lim, The 4th LCEC Meeting will be on 22/7/2023 Chris Ting, Joo Soo Lim or Michael Fung. If you need (Saturday)@9.30AM at the church. We invite all the pastor to pray for you, do approach Rev. James stewards to prepare report and send to the LCEC by Kong or Ps. Allan Quah after the service. 16/7/2023. There will be sharing and prayer as well as fellowship lunch. Please bring a dish to share. Family Devotion We encourage families to start a regular family devotion each week. It is our main thing for our church because we will grow stronger, closer, and more love for God and one another. Let us not waste this time of being together…. explore every opportunity to play, to read, to do something together, to pray and to sing together. 5

All that’s going on around Camberwell Methodist Church Church Announcements CMCA Ministry Q&A Panel Discussion “Living Out Faith in a Post Christian World” 19/7/2023 @ 7.30PM at Camberwell Methodist Church. Panel: Dr. Timothy Tennent, Rev. Timothy Meyers. Ps. Robin Lim. We encourage you to reserve time to attend. (refer page 8) Offering detail Thank you once again for brothers and sisters who faithfully support the ministry of the church through finance, prayers, and participation. May God bless you. Please take note that Camberwell Methodist Church has a new bank account. Here is the bank detail for your reference: Account name: Camberwell Methodist Church Inc.; BANK: ANZ; BSB: 013225; Account Number: 647177624. We have prepared an Offering Box in the Lobby for envelope offering. Physical offering collection during the service will start from July, at the same time, you can still transfer your offering through bank transfer. Offering: 25/06/23 to 30/6/2023 $9,635.00 Description Abbreviations Bank reference Tithing TITHE C9/E11 C9 TITHE Paul WONG General GEN C9/E11 C9 GEN Paul WONG Thanksgiving TKS C9/E11 C9 TKS Paul WONG Mission MIS C9/E11 C9 MIS Paul WONG Theological student THE C9/E11 C9 THE Paul WONG Special SPE C9/E11 C9 SPE Paul WONG Others OTH C9/E11 C9 OTH Paul WONG Building fund C9/E11 C9 Camberwell mc Paul WONG, E11 Mercy mc Paul WONG…...... 6

@ WEEKLY BIBLE VERSE ? Deuteronomy 31:8 It is the LORD who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed. (ESV) Family Altar 2023-07-09 Walking Toward the Lions’ Den SCRIPTURE Daniel 6:10-17 It is one thing to be prepared to pay the cost of discipleship, but quite another to actually pay it, especially when the cost is very high. What was going through Daniel’s mind and how was he feeling as he was being led to the lions’ den? Before Daniel was thrown into the lions’ den, Darius said to him, “Your God whom you constantly serve will Himself deliver you” (v.16). Daniel’s thought might be, “God is speaking to me through the king. I am very certain about it”, or “Perhaps, God is speaking to me through the king. I am not sure”. Surely, Daniel recalled God’s miraculous deliverance of his three friends in Daniel 3. Would Daniel be expec�ng God to likewise deliver him? I believe Daniel held the same convic�on as his three friends: God can and will deliver, but He may not deliver (Dan 3:17-18). Walking by faith is a certainty accompanied by “not knowing where he was going” (Heb 11:8). I doubt that Daniel was cool and steady with an absence of any feeling of fear or anxiety. Jesus journeyed to the cross with “I have a bap�sm to undergo, and how distressed I am un�l it is accomplished” (Lk 12:50). This mysterious divine-human distress was real. But there was the peace of God in Jesus (cf. Isa 26:3). However, “Biblical peace is not o�en a general tranquility but rather a rightness at the centre in the midst of much turmoil.” That “rightness at the centre” is the persevering steadfast faithfulness to the faithful God enabled by God’s all-surpassing power (2 Cor 4:7). OBSERVATION What do you think Daniel might have been thinking and feeling as he was led to the lions’ den? APPLICATION How do I deal with my feelings of fear and anxiety in going through difficul�es in my discipleship journey? PRAYER Write a prayer to God as your response from your medita�on on and applica�on of the Scriptures. PRAYER POINTS Give thanks & praise; Pray for self: To fix our eyes on God, and not on the circumstances, in difficult �mes; Pray for those in need. SONG htps:// Dare to Be a Daniel 7


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