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Home Explore US Design Elements

US Design Elements

Published by ВОПЛОЩЕНИЕ, 2016-02-12 01:36:25

Description: USDesignElements


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Vol.6 Arrows Pointers I Pointers 06I03 - Clock Hands 06I06 06I0906I01 06I02 06I12 06I1506I04 06I05 06I1806I07 06I08 10106I10 06I1106I13 06I1406I16 06I17 ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc.

Vol.6 Arrows Pointers JPointers- Hands (woodcut) 06J01 06J02 06J03 06J04 06J05 06J06 06J07 06J08 06J09 06J10 06J11 06J12 06J13 06J14 06J15 06J16 06J17 06J18 06J19 06J20 06J21 06J22 06J23 06J24 06J25 06J26 06J27 06J28 06J29 06J30 06J31 06J32 06J33 06J34 06J35 06J36 ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 102

Vol.6 Arrows Pointers KPointers- Hands continued (general) 06K01 06K02 06K03 06K04 06K05 06K06 Female Female Female Female 06K07 06K08 06K09 06K10 06K11 06K12 06K13 06K14 06K15 06K16 06K17 06K18 Yes/Good No/Bad Yes/Good No/Bad Down Down Up Up 06K19 06K20 06K21 06K22 06K23 06K24 06K25 06K26 06K27 06K28 06K29 06K30 ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 103

Vol.6 Arrows Pointers L Pointers - Weather Vanes 06L01 06L02 06L03 06L04 06L05 06L06 Bird Bird Bird Bird Bird BirdRooster Rooster Rooster Eagle Eagle Eagle06L07 06L08 06L09 06L10 06L11 06L12 Bird Bird Horse Horse Horse Horse & Carriage Pheasant 06L13 06L14 06L15 06L16 06L17 06L18Horse & Carriage Horse & Carriage Deer Deer Fox Dog Stag Stag Hound06L19 06L20 06L21 06L22 06L23 06L24 Cow Boat Boat Whale Fish Serpent Sailing Ship Sailing Ship Sperm Whale06L25 06L26 06L27 06L28 06L29 06L30Angel Angel Angel Cupid Woman Woman Gabriel Gabriel Love Herald Liberty 06L31 06L32 06L33 06L34 Woman Indian Indian ArcherStatue of Liberty Archer Archer ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc.Note: Arrows and posts can be detached from most shapes. 104

Vol.6 Arrows Pointers MPointers- Weather Vanes continued 06M01 06M02 06M03 06M04 06M05- Animals 06M06 06M07 06M08 06M09 06M10 06M11 Griffin Dolphin Seahorse Unicorn Lion Bird Silence Virginity Courage Rooster- Lightning 06M12 06M13 06M14 06M15 06M16- General 06M17 Feather Quill Literature ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 105

Circular 7Designs 107 Snowflakes 108 Concentric Circles / Targets 109 Spirals 110 Whirls Pinwheels 112 Rotors 113 Designs - Optical - General 114 Globes Gears 115 Radials 116 Asterisks 117 Compass ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc.To display page, click once on page number. 106

Vol.7 Circular Designs A Snowflakes07A01 07A02 07A03 07A04 07A05 07A0607A07 07A08 07A09 07A10 07A11 07A1207A13 07A14 07A15 07A16 07A17 07A1807A19 07A20 07A21 07A22 07A23 07A2407A25 07A26 07A27 07A28 07A29 07A3007A31 07A32 07A33 07A34 07A35 07A36 ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 107

Vol.7 Circular Designs B Snowflakes continued 07B01 07B02 07B03 07B04 07B05 07B06 07B07 07B08 07B09 07B10 07B11 07B12 07B14 07B15 07B18Concentric CirclesTargets 07B13 07B16 07B17 07B19 07B20 07B21 07B22 07B23 07B24 07B25 07B26 07B27 07B28 07B29 07B30 07B31 ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 108

Vol.7 Circular Designs C Concentric Circles continued 07C01 07C02 07C03 07C04 07C05 07C06 07C07 07C08 07C09 07C10 07C11Spirals 07C12 07C13 07C14 07C15 07C16 07C17 07C18 07C19 07C20 07C21 07C22 07C23 07C24 07C25 07C26 07C27 07C28 07C29 07C30 07C31 ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 109

Vol.7 Circular Designs D Whirls 07D01 07D02 07D03 07D04 07D05 07D06 07D07 07D08 07D09 07D10 07D11 Spiral Scroll Guilloche Infinity Figure 8 Figure 8 07D12 07D13 07D14 07D15 07D16 07D17 Monad Monad Monad Yang and Yin Monad Triad Creation Principle 07D18 07D19 07D20 07D21 07D22 07D23 Tomoye 07D26 Shinto SymbolPinwheels 07D24 07D25 07D27 * 07D28 * 07D29 07D30 07D31 07D32 07D33 07D34 07D35 ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. * Composed of separate shapes 110

Vol.7 Circular Designs E Pinwheels continued07E01 07E02 07E03 07E04 07E05 07E06 Triskelion Triskelion Progress 07E07 07E08 07E09 07E10 07E11 07E12Tetraskelion Tetraskelion Faith07E13 07E14 07E15 07E16 07E17 07E1807E19 07E20 07E21 07E22 07E23 07E2407E25 07E26 07E27 07E28 07E29 07E3007E31 07E32 07E33 07E34 07E35 07E36 ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 111

Vol.7 Circular Designs F Pinwheels continued 07F01 07F02 07F03 07F04 07F05 07F06 07F07 07F08 07F09 07F10Rotors 07F11 07F12 07F13 07F14 07F15 07F16 07F17 07F18 07F19 07F20 07F21 07F22 Triskelion Hurricane 07F23 07F24 07F25 07F26 07F27 07F28 07F29 07F30 07F31 07F32 ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 112

Vol.7 Circular Designs G Designs - Optical 07G01 07G02 07G03 07G04 07G05 07G06 Sphere 07G07 07G08 07G09 07G10 07G11 07G12 07G13 07G14 07G15 07G16 07G17 07G18 07G19 07G20 07G21 07G22 07G23 07G24- General 07G25 07G26 07G27 07G28 07G29 07G30 No Entry Tri-radial Triquetrum Peace 07G31 07G32 07G33 07G34 07G35 07G36 Crosshairs Registration Mark Registration Mark Registration Mark Dart Board Dart Board Dart 07G37 07G38 07G39 ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. CD-Rom CD-Rom Ball Bearing 113

Vol.7 Circular Designs HDesigns 07H06- General continued 07H01 07H02 07H03 07H04 07H05 Fallout Shelter Radioactive Atomic Atomic Atomic Nuclear Nuclear Electrons DangerGlobes 07H07 07H08 07H09 07H10 07H11 07H12 07H13 07H14 07H15 07H16 07H17 07H18 Atlantic Ocean SphereGears 07H19 07H20 07H21 07H22 07H23 07H24 07H25 07H26 07H27 07H28 07H29 07H30 07H31 07H32 07H33 ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 114

Vol.7 Circular Designs I Radials07I01 07I02 07I03 07I04 07I05 07I0607I07 07I08 07I09 07I10 07I11 07I1207I13 07I14 07I15 07I16 07I17 07I18 Trefoil The Holy Trinity 07I19 07I20 07I21 07I22 07I23 07I24Quatrefoil 07I25 07I26 07I27 07I28 07I29 07I30Triquerta07I31 07I32 07I33 07I34 07I35 07I36 Sigil of the World ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 115

Vol.7 Circular Designs J Asterisks07J01 07J02 07J03 07J04 07J0507J06 07J07 07J08 07J9 07J1007J11 07J12 07J13 07J14 07J1507J16 07J17 07J18 07J19 07J2007J21 07J22 07J23 07J24 07J25 07J2607J27 07J28 07J29 07J30 07J31 07J3207J33 07J34 07J35 07J36 07J37 07J38 ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 116

Vol.7 Circular Designs K Asterisks continued 07K01 07K02 07K03 07K04 07K05 07K06 07K07 07K08Compass Faces 07K09 07K10 07K11 07K12 07K13 07K14 07K15 07K16 07K17 07K18 07K19 07K20 07K21 07K22 07K23 07K24 07K25 07K26 07K27 07K28 North Star ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc. 117

Shapes Designs120 HeartsGeometrics8119 Crosses121 Droplets / TeardropsEggsPear Shapes- General122 Cartouches / Tablets125 General126 Geometrics- Circles- Triangles127 - Pentagons /Crystals /Diamonds- Diamond Cuts128 - Quadrilaterals /Squares- Hexagons- Polygons- General129 - Arches / Parabolas- Ovals- Ellipses ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc.- Elliptical Shapes130 Shields / Badges132 Tombstones / HeadstonesPuzzle Pieces To display page, click once on page number. 118

Vol.8 Shapes Designs Geometrics A Crosses08A01 08A02 08A03 08A04 08A05 08A06 Interlaced Greek St. George08A07 08A08 08A09 08A10 08A11 * 08A12Voided Wavy Voided08A13 08A14 08A15 08A16 08A17 08A18 St. Andrew St. Patrick08A19 08A20 08A21 08A22 08A23 08A24 Infinite Maltese Formée Eternity Variant 08A25 08A26 08A27 08A28 08A29 08A30Maltese Pattée Convex Voided MalteseVariant08A31 08A32 08A33 08A34 08A35 08A36Fleurée Patonce Pattée Patonce Pattée Bretessée Perronnée ©1994 Ultimate Symbol Inc.* Composed of separate shapes 119

Vol.8 Shapes Designs Geometrics B Crosses continued 08B01 08B02 08B03 08B04 08B05 08B06 Latin Greek Orthodox Russian Orthodox Faith Patriarchal 08B07 08B08 08B09 08B10 08B11 08B12 Celtic Tav; St. Anthony Egypt; Ankh Monogram of Christ Iona XPISTOS - Christos Life & Safety LifeHearts 08B14 08B15 08B16 08B17 08B18 08B19 Charity 08B20 08B21 08B22 08B23 08B24 08B25 08B26 08B27 08B28 08B29 08B30 08B31 Interlocked 08B32 08B33 08B34 08B35 08B36 08B37 120

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