Introduction to ArcGIS By Ranadheer Reddy Health GIS Workshop Asian Institute of Technology 2021
Assignment for the Class Lab @ 1: Introduction to ArcGIS Manual Software PPT Data Exercise : 1. Name your output map as “GIS-Lab-1_Name” 2. Only .pdf format is accepted 3. For any Queries Please feel free to reach out to me Mr Ranadheer [email protected] 4. Submit the output in Google Class Room.
My Background • Name Mr Ranadheer Reddy • Affiliation Program Officer & Coordinator • Education Research Fellow, AIT, Thailand M. Tech, RSGIS, AIT, Thailand, 2019 B. E., CSE, JNTU - Hyd, India, 2017 • Work Exp. Research Fellow, UN-EP, China, 2019 Research Fellow, Belt and Road, China, 2019 Research Fellow, Erasmus+ Project, Berlin, Germany, 2018 -- Education Program Officer, SDP, AIT, Thailand -- Research Fellow Project Coordinator, Edu Camp, AIT, Thailand -- Working @ • Research Interests 3 • Spatio-temporal change analysis of environmental • Land use change analysis and modeling across multiple scales • Health GIS Modelling • Geo Crowdsourcing Applications for data collection and visualization
•Remote Sensing (RS) • Use of satellites/ aircraft/ UAV to capture information about the earth’s surface •Geographic Information Systems (GIS) • Software systems with capability for input, storage, manipulation/analysis and output/display of geographic (spatial) information •Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) • A system of earth-orbiting satellites which can provide precise (100 meter to sub-cm.) location on the earth’s surface (in lat/long coordinates or equiv.)
Remote Sensing Data acquisition
“Satellite Remote Sensing” 1: A Uniform Energy Source \"Remote sensing is the science and art of obtaining information about an object, area, or phenomenon through the analysis of 2: A Non-interfering data acquired by a device that is not in contact with the object, Atmosphere area, or phenomenon under investigation\" (Lillesand et al. 2015). 3: Target at Earth’s Ssurface 4: Super Sensor which is highly sensitive to all wavelengths 5: Ground receiving Station 6: A Real-Time Data Handling System 7: Multiple Data Users 6
Passive (1) and Active (2) Remote Sensing Every object on the earth surface has its own intrinsic properties of absorbing and reflecting sunlight. The energy is either reflected (optical remote sensing) or emitted (thermal remote sensing) from the object and travels again through the earth’s atmosphere. This energy would be detected by a sensor, onboard a satellite, aircraft or drones. This type of remote sensing using the Sun as the source of illumination is knows as Passive remote sensing. In some cases, the sensor itself acts as the source of illumination (Microwave remote sensing), which is known as the Active remote sensing. 7
Landsat DATA Landsat Data is available for FREE and downloadable via the USGS at: • Earth Explorer: • GloVis Next: • Possibility of bulk download
What is GIS ? “A computer - assisted system for the capture, storage retrieval, analysis and display of spatial data, within a particular Organization”. (Clarke, 1986) A GIS is a computer-based system that provides the following four sets of capabilities to handle geo-referenced data: ✓ Input ✓ data management (data storage and retrieval) ✓ manipulation and analysis ✓ Output. (Aronoff, 1989)
What is GIS? GIS = Geographic Information System A GIS integrates hardware, software and data for capturing, managing, analyzing, and displaying all forms of geographically referenced information.
What GIS can do? Real world Problems Where ? What GIS can do What is there? Identification What if ? Locate What has changed ? Trends What relations exists between ? Patterns Optimum path What is the best route? Models
Real world by Layering ● GIS data represents real world objects (e.g. roads, land use, elevation, trees, waterways, etc.) ● There are 2 broad methods used to store data in GIS 1. Vector data model 2. Raster data model
Data Representation (Vector) A coordinate-based data model that represents geographic features as points, lines, and polygons. 1. Points Location of Wells, Schools, or Points of Interest 2. Lines / Polylines Road Centerlines, Rivers, Trails, or Streets 3. Polygons Boundary of Cities, Lakes, or Forests
Data Representation (Raster) Data Representation (Raster) A spatial data model that defines space as an array of equally sized cells arranged in rows and columns. Each cell contains an attribute value and location coordinates. Raster as Satellite Imagery Raster as Elevation Surface
Common GIS Data Format Vector Data Model ● Shapefile (.shp, .shx & .dbf) ● Geography Markup Language GML (.gml) ● Personal Geodatabase (.mdb) ● File Geodatabase (.gdb) Raster Data Model ● Enhanced Compressed Wavelet ECW (.ecw) ● GeoTIFF = TIFF file with GeoReference (.tif) ● MultiResolution Seamless Image Database MrSID (.sid) ● JPEG2000 = JPEG file with GeoReference (.jpg)
Data Description
Vector Data - Format Geodatabase- .gdb
Concept of Geospatial Data Real World Vector Form Data model Raster Form Points Spatial Objects Pixels in Lines Raster Areas Attributes in Tables Parcel Owner House Stores Road Width Surface No Bill Bush No 1 No 8.0 paved 01 21 01 . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. 24
Major GIS Software Product Company Operating System (OS) URL ArcGIS ESRI Windows GeoMedia MapInfo Intergraph Windows http://www.intergraph.c TNT Mapinfo om QGIS Microimages GRASS Windows m Windows, MacOS X, Linux http://www.microimages and Unix .com Windows, MacOS X, Linux and Android Windows, MacOS X, Linux and Unix 29
School Noise Pollution Contour Map
Noise Pollution is a Serious Threat
Vector Data - Format Geodatabase- .gdb
ArcMap 10.7 Used to display, query, edit, create, and analyse geographic data Catalog Table of Content (TOC) Map Display Window
What map elements place in map? Title Date of data Map body Legend North arrow Scale bar Designed by Makram 2009 Projection, sources? Author Date of map UC2009 Tech Workshops 37
What is cartographic design? Useful map Complex task (unlimited options) Highly creative mental activity Use concepts of Think in communication visual terms Comfortable reading is NOT the MAIN objective, but it is very important. 38 The problem is how to deliver the information to your BOSS and CLIENT. UC2009 Tech Workshops
Recommended layout 1 • Description of the disaster Map title • Data sources Map • Satellite data Scale bar platform/sensors, observation date • Map GIS data Legend Author info
ALWAYS ? THINK ? the USER ? (BOSS and CLIENT) UC2009 Tech Workshops 43
Let’s start Working on ArcMap
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