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Home Explore Starters 8

Starters 8

Published by Thuy Ta, 2021-08-05 01:11:47

Description: Starters 8



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'''''~'C''A''MBRIDGE :': CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH \".\"'M,'\",'\" L anguage A ssessment ':' UNIVERSITY PRESS . II /, Part of the University of Cambridge Cambridge English tarters Student's Book.

CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS 79 Anson Road, #06-04/06, Singapore 079906 Cambridge University Press is part of the University of Cambridge. It furthers the University's mission by disseminating knowledge in the pursuit of education, learning and research at the highest international levels of excellence. This FAHASA reprint edition is published by Cambridge University Press for Ho Chi Minh Book Distribution Corporation (FAHASA). © Cambridge University Press 2013, 20I4 This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 20I3 FAHASA reprint edition 20I4 Printed in Vietnam by FAHASA Printing Factory ISBN 978-I-I07-4I 5 54-6 Student's Book FAHASA reprint edition Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Information regarding prices, travel timetables and other factual information given in this work is correct at the time of first printing but Cambridge University Press does not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafter. This FAHASA reprint edition of ISBN 978-1-107-62901-1 is for sale in Vietnam only.

Contents 5 11 Test 1 47 Listening Reading and Writing 51 Test 2 55 Listening Reading and Writing Test 3 Listening Reading and Writing Speaking Tests Test 1 Test 2 Test 3

Test 1 Listening Part 1 - 5 qu.estions - Listen and draw lines. There is one example. 5

Test 1 Part 2 - 5 q,uestions - Read the q,uestion. Listen and write a name or a number. There are two examples. Examples 7 How old is Nick? Lime Tree School Wllat's tile name of Nick's school? 6

Qu.estions Listening 1's th.e name of Nick's Miss . 2 How many ch.ildren are th.ere in Nick's class? 3 How many girls are th.ere in th.e class? 4 Wh.o sits next to Nick at sch.ool? 5 Wh.o does Nick play with. at sch.ool? 7

Test 1 Part 3 - 5 questlens - Listen and tic~ (v') the box. There is one exampLe. Which colour does Mum like? cD 1 What's Pat's favourite animal? cD 2 What's Sue doing? cD 8

Listening, 3 Which bou is Ben? cD 4 What does Ma~ want for her birthdnq? cD 5 Which is Sam's dad? cD 9

Test 1 Part 4 - 5 questlens - Listen and coLour. There is one exampLe. 10

Test 1 Reading and Writing Part 1 - 5 q,uestions - Look and read. Put a tick (II) or a cross (K) in the box. There are two exampLes. ExampLes Hlis is a desk. IV I is a plane. I )( I Questions 1 is a goat. D 11

Test 1 2 This is a mouse. D 3 This is a sock, D j 4 This is a mirror. D 5 This is a bookcase. D 12

Reading and Writing, Part 2 - 5 q,uestions - Look and read. Write yes or no. ExampLes yes Th.ere are tomatoes on th.e ch.air. no Th.e bananas are between th.e two windows. Questions 1 Th.ere are six oranges. 2 : Th.e floor is ver~ dirtq. 3 Th.e old man is sad. 4 Th.e pears are on th.e table. 5 Th.e bo~ is wearing red sh.oes. 13

Test 1 Part 3 - 5 questlons - Look at the pictures. Look at the letters. Write the words. Example Questi.ons 3 4 5 14

Reading and Writing Part 4 - 5 questlens - Read this. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 1-5. There is one exampLe. A bird I live in a tree or on water. M~ babies come from small (1) I have got a (2) at the end of m~ bodu. I can walk on m~ two (3) I sing beautiful (4) . Some (5) catch me. What am I? I am a bird. ExampLe tree cats door eggs songs legs sand tail 15

Test 1 Part 5 - 5 q,uestions - Look at the pictures and read the q,uestions. Write one-word answers. Examples What colour are the T-shirts? on the cupboard Where are the hats? Questions the 1 Who is sitting down? 16

Reading and Writing' 2 How many monsters are there? the 3 Who is pointing to the monsters? 4 What has the big monster got on its head? some 5 What is the small monster holding now? a 17

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Test 2 Listening Part 1 - 5 qu.estions - Listen and draw lines. There is one example. 19

Test 2 Part 2 - 5 questions - Read th.e question. Listen and write a name or a number. Th.ere are two exampLes. ExampLes Kim What's the girl's name? 6 How old is she? 20

Questions Listening 1 What's the name of Kim's school? School 2 Which class is Kim in? Class 3 What's their teacher's name? Miss 4 How many children are in the class? 5 What's the name of Kim's friend? 21

Test 2 Part 3 - 5 q,uestions - listen and tick (V) the box. There is one exampLe. What's Bill doing? cD 1 What does Tom want? cD 2 Which is Lucq? cD 22

Listening 3 What's for lunch? 4 Where's Anna's pencil? cD cD o ~ I II 5 Whlch picture does Nick like? cD 23

Test 2 Part 4 - 5 questions - Listen and colour. There is one example. 24

Test 2 Reading and Writing Part 1 - 5 q,uestions - Look and read. Put a tick (II) or a cross (K) in the box. There are two exampLes. ExampLes is a ruler. IVi is a potato. I )C I Questions 1 is a watermelon. 25

Test 2 2 This is an ear. D 3 This is a shell. D 4 This is a wall. D 5 This is a lizard. D 26

Reading and Writing Part 2 - 5 questions - LOOR and read. Write ~es or no. ExampLes yes A boy is playing the piano. no Four children are reading. Questions 1 TILe boyan the floor is eating an apple. 2 TILe door 'is open. 3 Two girls are watchinq the television. 4 There's a Rite under the sofa. 5 There are five cars on the mat. 27

Test 2 Part 3 - 5 questions - Look at the pictures. Look at the Letters. Write the words. ExampLe ~[] -li-m--e ~ITJ Questions 1 ---- @][] ~[EJ 2 3 4 5 28

Reading and Writing Part 4 - 5 questions - Read this. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 1-5. There is one example. A crocodile I am a long, green animal. My babies come from ~98~ . I see with. two big (1) and eat animals with. my very big (2) I can walk and run on my sh.ort (3) ........................... I swim in (4) . and I live next to it. Ch.ildren come and see me in a (5) am 17 I am a crocodile. Example eggs eyes mouth. skirt h.ockey water legs zoo 29

Test 2 Part 5 - 5 questlens - Look at the pictures and read the questlens. Write one-word answers. ExampLes Wh.ere is th.e girl with. brown h.air? in the ............h..e.l.i.c.o..p..t.e.r....... How man~ people are sitting down? two Questions 1 colour is th.e sch.ool? 30

Reading and Writing_ 2 How man~ trees are there? in the 3 Where are the children? 4 ~Who is waving the . 5 What is the woman doing? taking a 31

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Test 3 Listening Part 1 - 5 questions - listen and draw Lines. Th.ere is one example. 33

Test 3 Part 2 - 5 questions - Read the question. listen and write a name or a number. There are two exampLes. / c:::J 0 ExampLes Kim What is the girl's name? 8 How man~ people live in her house? 34

Questions Listening 1 Where does Kim live? 2 What number is Kim's house? street 3 What is Kim's grandma's name? 4 How many brothers has Kim got? 5 How old is Kim's big brother? 35

Test 3 Part 3 - 5 questions - Listen and tick hI) the box. There is one exampLe.'s Btll's favourite fruit? BO cD 1 Wh.ich. bag can May h.ave? cD 2 is Grandad's favourite game? cD 36

Listening 3 What can the bo~ have for lunch toduq? cD 4 Where's Ben qoinq? cD 5 What's Anna drawing? cD 37

Test 3 Part 4 - 5 questions _ Listen and colour. There is one example. 38

Test 3 Reading and Writing Part 1 - 5 questions - Look and read. Put a tick (V) or a cross (K) in the box. There are two exampLes. ExampLes This is an elephant. IV I This is a desk. I )( I Questions 1 This is a lemon. D 39

Test 3 2 This is a shell. D 3 This is a ruler. D 4 This is an armchair. D 5 This is a camera. D 40

Reading and Writing Part 2 - 5 questions - LOOR and read. Write yes or no. ExampLes yes.' There is a bag under a chair. no The boy is smiling at the baby. 41 Questions 1 There are five children in the picture. 2 There is a clock on the wall. 3 The man is reading a book. 4 There is some fruit on the table. 5 The girl is wearing a blue dress.

Test 3 Part 3 - 5 questions - Look at the pictures. Look at the Letters. Write the words. ExampLe hand Questions 2 c 3 4 5 42

Reading and Writin~ Part 4 - 5 questions - Read this. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 1-5. There is one exampLe. A street I am long. The houses in me have 9~~~~.~~ with trees and flowers in them. People drive cars and (1) . in me. Friends stop and talk in me. Three families live in the new (2) People get food from a (3) . . in me. Lots of children have their lessons in the big (4) in me. Some people walk with their (5)............................ in me. What am I? I am a street. ExampLe gardens dogs sofas buses school shirt shop 43

Test 3 Part 5 - 5 questions - Look at the pictures and read the questtens. Write one-word answers. Examples some cake What is Grandpa giving to the birds? two How many boys are there? Questions on the 1 Where is the yellow bird? 44

Reading and Writing. 2 What is Grandpa doing now? the 3 Who is eating the coke now? 4 What are the boys pointing to? the 5 Who is smiling? 45

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