Quiz Club “Somewhere, Something incredible is waiting to be know” Carl-Sagan The solar system is a vast and complex topic, but that doesn't mean it should be inaccessible for our students. Even young elementary schoolers can grasp basic concepts about outer space and planets with that in mind this time in Quiz club the theme was based on space and planets (Space Tour). The session started with the video on the solar system and continued with the quizzes, related to the same, after which the students had a fun time, as a song was played related to the planets and the students were asked to dance. In the end, they were asked to create their own 9th planet, students were completely engrossed in making their own planet and also named it accordingly. They all enjoyed the Quiz club thoroughly.
Quiz Club “What feels like the end is often the beginning” The quiz club started with an activity were the teacher gave an alphabet and asked the children to get an object whose name starts with that alphabet. The children were very excited to get objects and show it. After this, the children played a quiz on Quizziz on the topic “National Symbols and leaders of India”. The children were in for a treat and felt extremely fascinated playing the quiz. Next it was dance time. All the children were dressed in partywear and were ready to rock n’ roll! After some great moves it was now time for a fun movie! The children settled down to watch their favorite character Mr. Bean in action with some snacks and beverages. Since this was the last day of the quiz, a feedback form was given to the children. Seeing the broad smiles on the children’s faces made the whole ending beautiful!
STREAM Club Simple machines are useful because they reduce effort or extend the ability of people to perform tasks beyond their normal capabilities. Simple machines that are widely used include the wheel and axle, pulley, inclined plane, screw, wedge and lever. We all do work in our daily lives and we all use simple machines every day. simple machines are an invaluable tool for helping engineers solve everyday challenges. They provide a mechanical advantage that makes it easier to get more work done in less time. The topic was introduced with a presentation and video. The children constructed a park with different play materials like slide and see-saw applying the concept. It was also a fun filled activity where the they enjoyed building different things.
STREAM Club The biggest problem that we face nowadays is ‘garbage’. It pollutes the environment and affects the life of all living organisms. To create awareness and promote 3R’s among students, Stream Club has conducted an activity- Unique wall hanging using waste cardboard and masks.
STREAM Club This activity was conducted on 2nd February as a feedback session to collect the feedback and suggestions from children for the club activities conducted for the whole year. The students made bookmarks of their choices with feedback written on one side. The google form which was created also helped in getting the feedback in a structured way.
MUN Club This Model United Nations curriculum is intended to help students understand the history, activities, and impact of the United Nations. They will not only explore the United Nations itself, but also analyze the world events it seeks to influence and the UN’s effectiveness in meeting those challenges. Lessons range in number of instructional units, but most allow the individual teacher to contract or expand the material covered to what is best for her classroom.
MUN Club The session focused on the presentation of MUN paper. Senior students presented the MUN paper ,junior students understood the way of presenting paper and clarified the doubts. Students presented the paper very well, it was quiet good presentation and interactive sector . With each session on MUN, the participants have shown keen interest and curiosity to learn and understand about the various global issues. End of the session students senior students gave topics to junior students for presentation ,sessions have become more interesting as there is lot of discussion and interaction
MUN Club Model United Nations is an academic simulation of the United Nations where students play the role of delegates from different countries and attempt to solve real world issues with the policies and perspectives of their assigned country. For example, a student may be assigned to the United Kingdom and will have to solve global topics such as nuclear non-proliferation or climate change from the policies and perspectives of the United Kingdom. Students can attend Model United Nations conferences around the world. These conferences are organized by universities, high schools, non-profit organizations, and other educational groups. Conferences are offered for different academic levels: college and university, high school, middle school, and grade school. Once a team has registered for a conference, it receives a country to represent . Each student on that team will represent that country in a different committee with different topics
Non-Academic Club Activities
Little Chef’s Club Italian food is all about ingredients and it's not fussy and it's not fancy. – Wolfgang Puck ’ The Little Chef’s club conducted on 16th December 2021 was about Italian appetizer ‘Burhseta’. The ingredients were shared before and students were excited to prepare the dish. The difference between Indian and Italian ingredients were shared .The speciality of Italian dishes were discussed with students. While teacher demonstrates students were able to do along with her. Complete participation of the students made the day. Students thoroughly enjoyed the session.
Little Chef’s Club ‘Drinking milkshakes occasionally makes one soft at heart and good on the inside ’ The Little Chef’s club conducted on 19th January 2022 was all about to make healthy milkshakes. Students were shown a video of how and where milkshake originated. Different types of milkshakes, their recipe and their healthy benefits were shared by the teachers.Students tried oreo milkshake with chocolate syrup, milk and cream. The presentation part plays a major role in cooking. Teacher demonstrated how to present a milkshake in a glass. Students enjoyed the session thoroughly.
Little Chef’s Club “In the childhood memories of every good cook, there’s a large kitchen, a warm stove, a simmering pot and a mom.” – Barbara Costikyan The Chef Club conducted on February 9th was to award the little master chef. The list of ingredients were shared with the students before. All the students were asked to prepare a dish of their choice and name them. Students participated with enthusiasm. Within 30 minutes children gave their best preparation and appropriate names for their dishes. It was a wonderful day to see big things made from little hands. As a part of encouraging and appreciation the best three chefs were awarded “Little Master chef”. We appreciated all the other participants. The session ended with beautiful smiles and the tasty dish on the lips.
Home Economics Club Repair and maintenance forms the integral part of the household maintenance. Whenever a new gadget is bought it is important to use it cautiously and do proper maintenance to improve their life and efficiency. The students were given basic knowledge about different essential home appliance. They were taught how to use these appliances properly so that there are minimal repairs and the gadgets work efficiently. They were taught about different repair tools used in the house .Furthermore to make the session interesting there was a quiz based on these tools to check their learning. Finally there was an Origami activity where children learnt how to make a wrench. It was a very informative session loved by the students.
Home Economics Club This was the last session of term – 2 and the culmination of the Home Economics club for the academic year 2021-22. The students were all excited about the activity that was planned . The activity was to make a dream-catcher, through which the mentors wanted to wish them all the best for their exams and to dream high and achieve their dreams. The students shared their thoughts about the activities which were done in the club throughout the year. They all unanimously voiced that their favourite activity was making of the ‘Oreo spin wheel’ a sweet delicacy which they relished too. They also learnt about the names of various gadgets in the kitchen, time management, communication skills, decision making, celebration skills, healthy habits organizing and decluttering in the club’s various sessions. Last but not the least, they shared their positive feedback through padlet. They all made colourful and beautiful dream-catchers to hang it up in their rooms or near their study place. The session ended with beautiful memories and wide smiles.
Guitar Club “If music is the place, then Jazz is the city, Folk is the wilderness, Rock is the road, Classical is A Temple” The students on the Culmination of Guitar Club said that the Clubs are the best place to learn and grow while having fun. School clubs create small communities. They attract people who share the same interest. They further added that because the club is open to all musical styles and ability levels, every student has the opportunity to learn something new by interaction.
Art Gallery
Origami book mark
Warm colours
Optical illusion
Toucan bird drawing