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Published by Meghana Naik, 2021-09-02 05:59:06

Description: ESNC_August_Newsletter


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Editorial “The Great Aim of Education is not Knowledge but action” - Herbert Spencer The above quote is apt to the motto of EuroSchool – ‘Discover Yourself’. We at EuroSchool North Campus make our students learn, explore and discover themselves. Thus, strengthening the 21st century skills in our learner. Amidst the plethora of events, activities, and celebrations which give the ample of opportunities to our learners to explore and polish their skills, is our signature event – Belles Lettres E-litfest 2021. This special edition of our newsletter covers in detail the literature festivista, the celebration of literature and the love for literature. The grandeur with which it is celebrated cannot be truly expressed in words. Independence day celebration, various events and activities at school and student contributions are also something to watch out for in this edition. As you flip over the pages of this newsletter, the glimpses of the month gone by will leave you awestruck. Dear readers, we are elated to introduce our Student Editorial Team, comprising of students from Grade 9 to 11, which is working with great zeal to bring some interesting and innovative articles. Special mention to Pratyush Vishal who has designed this very creative and alluring cover page of the newsletter. With abundance of energy and enthusiasm, our students are ready to conquer this world. We leave you with this beautiful quote by J K Rowling: “I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book”. Hope you enjoy our special edition.

E-LitFest 2021

Inauguration Ceremony EuroSchool North Campus hosted Belles Lettres, To Manifest Literature Festivista, the E-Lit Fest 2021 edition on 27th and 28th August. The fest was ideated by the Principal, Dr. Vandana Gupta. With close to 1200 participants from across the globe that made the fest a grandeur. Congruent with the new education policy, the focus of the fest was the niche genres of literature, drama, entrepreneurship, journalism and art. The fest revered the art of eloquence, creativity and witty banter, paving way for a caravan of ideas with a magical flow of conversations with acclaimed writers, artists and entrepreneurs. The fest was inaugurated by Mr. Prajodh Rajan, Co-founder and Group CEO, Lighthouse Learning. The Key note address was by Mr. Rahul Deshpande, CEO K-12 Schools, Lighthouse Learning. The special guests for the fest were Ms. Elizabeth Sen, Chief Client Officer, MENA and Mr. Pavan, Founder of Metamorphosis. The central highlight of the inauguration was the Slick Art Gallery. Cultural heritage is a great inspiration. The Slick Art Gallery was inaugurated by Mr. Rohit Kumar, CHRO, Lighthouse Learning. The theme was History and Heritage. The art gallery had paintings and art works from all over the Globe. The inauguration of Virtual Library was the need of the hour. It was just like walking through a good library with all the genres. A click took us through books, audios, videos, podcasts etc. Relive the event at

Belles Lettres E-Lit Fest-2021 On Stage and Off Stage Events Cute little fancy dressers singing their way into your hearts while young orators enthralling you with their story-telling. Be it eloquent role-plays, exuberant poetic expressions or thought-provoking posters, the young minds wow us all at the On Stage events. The Off Stage events had set the stage for budding writers to express their thoughts, eloquent dancers to orchestrate breath-taking performances and upcoming artists to articulate their vision into delightful comic strips and mesmerizing documentaries.

Belles Lettres E-Lit Fest-2021 Webinars The unprecedent present situation has brought us to an unknown yet exciting time. From the times immemorable, the teachers have been known to break the shackles of the stereotypes and always went an extra mile when it came to the welfare of their children. Even during the captive times, a creative and determined group of teachers along with eminent personalities came in solidarity to arrange an array of fun filled, informative and interactive webinars for the children of Euro School family. EuroSchool North Campus has set a benchmark for organizing various webinars which are innovative ways by which students can break the monotony of mundane academic classes and learn a great deal from them and evolve as better individuals and hone their literary skills. The webinars were hosted with a purpose in mind which would definitely fructify the desired results in the long go. Interesting webinars like The Art of Tattooing and Entrepreneurship by Mr. Deep Kundu, Weaving Magic with Words by Ms. Lalithashri Shankar, The Need for Communication Skills in the World of Advancing Technology by panellist Mr. John D’Souza and Films and Journalism by famous Bollywood playwright, Mr. Mahendra Jhakar left the audiences awe-struck and mesmerised. The effect of the webinars was ethereal and surreal. The children learnt the most valuable lessons and received the important tools for fostering their minds creatively during pandemic.

Belles Lettres E-Lit Fest-2021 Live Events Live Events at the E-LitFest were a reflection of the trending topics and issues which impact today’s generation and times. We had eminent personalities reflecting on their experiences and sharing thoughtful insights. Mr. Pavan Allena, Founder & CEO, Metamorphosis deliberated about the benefits of entrepreneurship at school level with our students. Mr. Anupam Srivastava delved into the realms of the Literary Mind and the Craft of Writing. Ms. Elizabeth Sen underlined the importance of internationalising education through intercultural projects. In the Teacher’s event, we had our teachers demonstrated how they are leveraging AI in revolutionising the teaching learning process.

Felicitation Ceremony Belles Lettres E-Lit Fest-2021 was indeed a literary and cultural extravaganza where audiences were mesmerized, speakers were specially charged and eloquent and the environment was one of pure joy that comes from intellectual deliberation even amid Covid scenes. It was the manifestation was of literary excellence. These two days were a sumptuous feast of ideas, engaging and inspiring the students to explore boundless possibilities of intellectual and literally discourse with a wide range of webinars and talk shows on entrepreneurship. It promised to be a riveting and engaging event, bringing together stalwarts in fields of literature, arts, culture and media along with a lot of renowned authors, young entrepreneurs and tattoo artists. Competitions bring the whole school together like scattered pieces of cloth stitched together to craft a beautiful apparel. Euro School North Campus has set a benchmark for conducting various competitions which are innovative ways by which students can break the monotony of mundane academic classes and learn a great deal from them. During the felicitation program, the names of the worthy winners were announced and the dignitaries congratulated all the participants for their performances. They stressed upon the point that winning is not important but participating in any event ang giving your best towards it is all that matters. It was such a synergistic literary escapade where everyone had felt celebrated for their exceptional talent and creativity. Euro School North Campus promises to come back the next year even bigger and better with a wider range of competitions and webinars. Catch the glimpses of the event at

Independence Day

Independence Day Celebration 15th August 1947 is the day embossed in the golden history of India. This year we celebrated our 75th Independence day with great spirit and enthusiasm. The celebration commenced with the unfurling of the national flag by our beloved principal Dr. Vandana Gupta. Students presented a medley of dances, patriotic songs and poems, all the while showcasing their love for the country. A quiz was conducted for teachers and students, where we could flaunt our knowledge about our nation. This allowed us to appreciate the diversity among different people and cultures. Students of grade 10 performed a wonderful skit displaying India’s social progress over the years. The cherry on the cake was the adorable performance by the students of pre-primary, where they dressed up as various freedom fighters and touched us with their patriotism. The celebrations came to an end but the idea of freedom, faith in the nation, and pride in our Motherland will always remain in our hearts.

Artwork by students on the occasion of Independence Day

Students’ Corner

Self Confidence Self Confidence is the only Sword in the battle of “A winner is a dreamer, who never gives challenge. Self confidence, at first is not given by up” – By Nelson Mandela default. You have to develop the quality. It can never leave you abandoned in the time of need. It is the boat that takes you across the river of fear. Challenges are sometimes difficult sometimes easy. However, you should burn yourself with self confidence. Whenever you are scared, you will have to self confident. Self confidence does not come to you, you have to invite it. If you are in any challenge, first believe in yourself, and then make plans to get rid of it. If you are self confident, then you will never fail in anything. It is a golden virtue, when your self confident, then you are stiff and strong in any situation. When you see a person in fear do not forget to remind him that he should be self confident. My quote: “If you are scared then you are ready to give up; but if you are Self confident you are ready to achieve victory”. - Ashtha Ashok , Grade 5C

If I were a Superhero Don’t you always wonder what it would be like to be a I can prank my friends but mostly, I can use it to sneak up superhero, well let me tell you something I do all the time. on super-villains. We’ve all had an instance where we wish we There are so many things to think about like what I would wear, could be a fly on the wall or disappear right? what would be my superpowers and which villain I would fight. So let me tell you some of the superpowers I would like to Generally, there are great things about being a have. super hero. Flying, helping and saving… all the great things everyone wishes for. Now, I can think of many other reasons I I think one of the best super powers to have is laser would want to be a superhero too. Generally, it’s because you vision. Oh, what I would do if I could see through the walls? I get to wear a cool outfit and have an awesome name. I would would save old ladies from burning buildings, stop burglars in wear a purple and black uniform and call myself Destiny. For their tracks and generally get up to no good spying on my now, I haven’t made any of this a reality but there is still hope. friends. - Aanchal R. Shetty, Grade 5C The next power I would want would be foretelling the future. This one is really useful. I can tell which villain will attack where and how. I can tell when my mom will scold me and make sure I’m out of the house. Most of all, I can save poor little dogs from unfortunate incidents before they happen! Lastly, don’t forget about invisibility. Like Harry Potter and his invisibility cloak, I can sneak around undetected.

Bits and Bops! Movie time! Important days of August-2021 Movie of the Month: Luca • 13 August - International Lefthanders Day Set in a beautiful seaside town Every year on 13th August Lefthanders Day is observed. It on the Italian Riviera, this movie raises awareness about the problems and difficulties that is about a young boy named left handed persons faced. Luca experiencing an • 26 August: International Dog Day unforgettable summer filled with It is celebrated on 26th August to recognize the number gelato, pasta and endless scooter of dogs that need to be rescued each year. rides. Luca shares these adventures with his newfound - Avni Bhat, Grade 10 best friend, but all the fun is threatened by a deeply-held Student Editorial Team secret: he is a sea monster from another world just below the water's surface. Watch it on: Disney+

Curiosity, our superpower We live in an era when machines take more jobs than they It does not matter how much time it takes; it can be five create. But we have an advantage that allows us to excel in this minutes but it must be done whole-heartedly. This curiosity can age of technology, our curiosity. be transformed through a more systematic and productive approach that many schools now implement to great success. Let's take a minute to learn more about curiosity. It is not Schools and other institutions must have one or two classes merely a habit of asking questions but a way of life in which we every week reserved for curiosity and brainstorming. Students’ indulge and engage with the world around us. Look around you. curiosity should be nurtured and grown. A.L.S.I. (Ask, Learn, Everything that you see exists because of a person’s curiosity. To Spread, Inspire) is a simple plan which can be easily be inquisitive is not easy. One should never fear making mistakes implemented in daily life. We must first ask questions, then find and asking questions. There is no such thing as a stupid question answers. We must then spread this knowledge and inspire others or an unassailable answer. Unfortunately, we often fear society to do the same. and avoid asking questions. Well, there is no better way to self- destruct. Curious people are the people of the future. It is my sincere request to all teachers, students and society as a whole, please Inquisitiveness is a skill that we must all learn. It is ask more questions and hunt for more answers. Today, we should impossible to master anything without being curious about it. know more than and learn more than yesterday. We need to The reason why we should be curious is quite clear, now let me build a future where every child is ignited, where every adult explain how to be curious. First and foremost, we have to yearns for knowledge, where no one is afraid to ask and seek conquer fear in order to ask questions. Many of us merely ask answers. This can only be achieved by harnessing the questions and never go beyond that. Seeking answers is the extraordinary power inside us, curiosity. goal, not just asking questions. We must devote some time every day to being curious. - Dhruva Nandakumar, Grade 9B, Student Editorial Team

The Big Debate Is Social Media the new bondage? Is social media really a bondage ? Are we really As a teenager using social media extensively can cause all of independent or we have become the slaves of social media ? Let these issues and affect them in the later years of their life. us see how social media is taking a toll on our lives these days. When it comes to branding, social media can also have When people communicate with others only through social negative consequences for a company. A single tweet or a bad media, it takes a toll on their social skills. When social media is review can ruin your company's reputation. overused, it can become addictive and can also take over your life. Communication through most social media can affect the When making these decisions we don't know whether the way you talk to others as well. information given on the internet is true or false. Social media isn't a reliable place and therefore we never know what to trust There is a lot more of false than useful information on as well as what not to trust. social media, which makes it hard to differentiate between them both. Social networking sites aren't that safe either and all of Social media is a great place to bring awareness about your personal information has a chance of being leaked. various issues, though it is also the cause of some of those issues. There are many sites where you can speak up about these Social media is a great place to find support, but it is also issues, but there are also various sites that target these issues the cause of a lot of mental illnesses, such as; depression, negatively. A lot of hate gets spread through social media, and anxiety, body dysmorphia etc. that's why it's hard to get the help you need online.

The Big Debate Is Social Media the new bondage? Why is social media so addictive? How does it relate to the Social media is a great place to make informed decisions modern world? around. Social media makes it easier to engage with customers and increase brand awareness. Independence day nowadays is spent so differently with social media. It shows that all of us have come a really long way. Youngsters can look to social media for getting the answers Here a couple of reasons as to why social media isn't a bondage. related to their career objectives, while, businesses can use social media to connect with their audience and to generate Social media helps people to stay connected with each brand awareness, leads, sales, and revenue. other. It makes it easier for people to communicate especially in these times. It helps us stay in touch with loved ones which we Consumers go to social media to make well-informed can talk to at any time. decisions around a wide range of topics shopping, holidays, eating places, to careers and education options. Useful information can be exchanged over social networking sites. Social networking sites can allow people to find Social Media generates awareness about global news, support online, seek advice and information that they may lack in which brings about a sense of unity across the world on social traditional relationships, especially for teens, during their critical issues like racism, natural calamities, global warming, feminism, development period. sexual harassment, etc. - Abigail Anthony, Grade 9D and Jia Srivastav Grade 10B Student Editorial Team

Afghanistan, under siege From students to conquerors, the members of the Taliban And once they had succeeded in doing so, they entered group has come a long way in a rather short amount of time. An Kabul and took over the entire country. With all of this chaos in Islamic religious political movement and a military organization the country, citizens are gathering at airports to flee the country founded in 1994 by Mohammed Omar and Abdul Ghani Baradar as they fail to see a future for themselves in the country. had taken over most of Afghanistan in 1996 and on 15th august 2021, history was set to repeat itself as this terrorist group Out of all citizens, women and girls were the most affected entered the city of Kabul and forcing the president, Ashraf Ghani as they were prevented from attending schools, couldn’t leave to flee the country and leading to a complete collapse of the their houses unless they were accompanied by a male relative at entire Afghan government. all times and were prohibited from working in any field other than healthcare and now, they face the danger of being married The United States of America had deployed troops in off at a very young age. Even though the Taliban have said that Afghanistan after the 9/11 incident in 2001 to counter the women rights will be respected under the Islamic law, we don’t militant group Al-Qaeda and their leader Osama Bin Laden who know a lot. was in Afghanistan at the time. When the Taliban refused to hand over Osama Bin Laden, the US used its military powers to remove People are afraid because they see the oppressive rule the Taliban, supporting democracy and also eliminating terrorist under the Taliban coming again. The future of Afghanistan is threats at the same time. bleak, nothing can be said at the moment. As the US prepared to withdraw its troops from the state, - Pratyush Vishal, Grade 11 the Taliban took advantage of this and started capturing cities Student Editorial Team around Kabul.

Teachers’ Corner

NATIONAL SPORTS DAY The National Sports Day, also known as Rashtriya Khel Divas He was known as The Wizard/The Magician of hockey for in India is celebrated on 29 August every year to honour the his superb ball control, \"Once Hockey authorities in the hockey legend, Major Dhyan Chand. National Sports Day was Netherland broke Indian hockey legend Dhyan Chand's hockey included in the list of celebratory days in India for the first time stick to check if there was a magnet inside\" for his extra ordinary in 2012 . Union Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports Kiren Rijiju ball controlling skills. will pay tribute to Major Dhyan Chand at Dhyan Chand Stadium in New Delhi on his birth anniversary. States like Haryana, Punjab Chand played internationally from 1926 to 1949; he scored and Karnataka, and others, organise various sporting events and 570 goals in 185 matches according to his autobiography. The seminars to spread the awareness about importance of physical Government of India awarded Chand India's third highest civilian activities and sports in life. honour of Padma Bhushan in 1956. Born Dhyan Singh in Allahabad on 29 August 1905, he was called ‘Chand’- moon in Hindi by his peers because he would often practice at night under the moonlight after his duty hours. He was an Indian field hockey player widely regarded as one of the greatest in the history of the sports. He was known for his extraordinary goal-scoring feats, he earned three Olympic gold medals, in 1928, 1932 and 1936, during an era where India dominated field hockey. His influence extended beyond the success, as India won the field hockey event in seven out of eight Olympics from 1928 to 1964.

NATIONAL SPORTS DAY Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that the Rajiv The Indian women's hockey team might have just missed a Gandhi Khel Ratna award will now be known as the Major Dhyan bronze medal, but this was just the third time in the history of the Chand Khel Ratna Award . Major Dhyan Chand was among India's Games that the Indian women's hockey team was making an foremost sportspersons who brought honour and pride for appearance. They made it through to the semi-finals, for the first India,” Modi added. “It is fitting that our nation's highest sporting time ever. We are proud of you . honour will be named after him.” India had dominated the game of hockey with the Dhyan Chand's Story has inspired every generation of maximum number of Olympic medals won by any country but hockey player , And it should be taught in schools too so that all had seen a rough patch since a few decades. The Bronze medal the kids also know the Indian sportsperson who was better than victory won by The Indian men's hockey team in the 2020 Tokyo the rest of the world. Olympics which came after a gap of 41 years. - Deepak. S Physical Education Teacher cum Football coach, Euro School North Campus

Creative Expressions

Artwork by students on Global Warming

Hindi Poems by students on Bird - खोल दे पर मेरी प्यारी चिड़िया ! पछं ी चिड़िया, मेरी प्यारी चिड़िया िया िनती है अपना घर , चंू चूं करके शोर मचाकर बिस्तर मंे मझु े जगाती| फकतना प्यारा फकतना सनु ्दर पेड़ो पर कदती पखंू ों को फै लाकर अपने, दर आसमाँा मंे उड़ जाती। नतनके चुन - चनु कर वह लती फु र - फु र कर उड़ जाती | पेड़ों पर कदती है कभी, और कभी पानी मंे नहाती। जोड़ - जोड़ कर इसे सजती। कभी दाना चंगुू जाते मेरी प्यारी चचड़ड़या ! इसके अदंू र हैं दो खाने पखूं फै ला कर क्यों? डरती हो मझु से, अजि ढंूग के ताने - िाने फफर आसमान उड़ जाती पास क्यों नहींू आती ? डाली पर वह झल रही है अगर मंै पास तमु ्हारे आती, िठै ख़ुशी से फल रही है। चचड़ड़या , मेरी प्यारी चचड़ड़या झट से क्यों आसमाँा मंे उड़ जाती। हमेशा हमे उड़ना ससखाती मेरी प्यारी चचड़ड़या ! - अमतृ ा पथ तक जाना ससखाती मत डर त मझु से, हर सुिह गाना सुनाकर कोई नहींू करेगा प्यार तुम्हे मेरे जसै े। मन को मेहम का देती । मेरी प्यारी चचड़ड़या ! चचड़ड़या , मेरी प्यारी चचड़ड़या - जननी गौड़ा - ध्वनन

Hindi Poems by students on Bird - खोल दे पर खग तू है प्रतीक मेरी प्यारी चिड़िया रंूग बिरंूगे पखूं ों वाला, िेफफकरी से उड़ता हुआ खग। अि उसका घर था , यह खलु ा नीला सा नभ। तु उड़ती हे आसानी से! वह उड़ता हुआ पंछू ी, खुले आकाश मंे उस गया। इस कारण, जि भी में तुजे देखु, याद आती है मुझे और मुझे मेरे ववचारों की उधेड़िुन मंे कहीूं अके ले छोड़ गया। स्वतूंत्रता की प्रतीक उसकी उड़न मंे थी एक असीसमतता, और एक स्वचछादंू दता। उसे ननहारते देख म,ंै था अचूंसभत सा। तरे ी सुदंू रता चगना नहींू जा सकता मनुष्य अपनी जाती - धम,म ऊूं च - नीच, की िेड़ड़यों में है। इस कारण, जि भी मंे तझु े देखु, याद आती है मुझे कल तो परततूं ्र था, आज स्वतन्त्र होकर भी, उसी परु ाने वपजूं रे में सदुंू रता की प्रतीक िदूं है। आओ आज हम सि समलकर, खुस से यह वादा करलें। इक-इक नतनका से तु िनाती हे अपना घर। उस स्वतन्त्र खग की तरह ही, हम जीवन जीना सीखलंे। इस कारण, जि भी मंे तुझे देखु, याद आती है मुझे मेहनत की प्रतीक -अननका ससन्हा हर िार उड़ने से पहले, तुझे कोई भय नहीूं होता, इस कारण, जि भी में तजु े देखु, याद आती है मुझे आश्वस्त की प्रतीक - सयनम ारायण

Hindi Poems by students on Bird - खोल दे पर पक्षी उिते रहंे पछं ी सोिता चिड़िया ओ चचड़ड़या , त इतनी छोटी, आजाद है वो उन्हंे आज़ादी से रहने दो, पछूं ी सोचता - टहनी से त फु दकती हद आकाश है जजनकी, क्या समलेगा दाना? दानों को त कु तरती आकाश ही रहने दो….. क्या समलेगा पानी? रोज़ त अपने िसेरे से उड़ते हुए, कु छ देना है तो स्वचछ हवा दो, पछंू ी सोचता - मजूं ज़ल दर है तरे ा, लेफकन दर से मत दाना पानी ना माूंगे वो…. क्या समलेगी घोसले के सलए पेड़ की भर, आकाश में उड़ान, डाली? तुम रहो मेरी प्रेरणा भरते ही अचछे लगते वो…. क्या समलेगी ववश्राम का स्थान? मेरी चचड़ड़या, प्यारी चचड़ड़या!!! वपजंू रों में ना िाूंदो तमु , पूंछी सोचता - वपजंू रों मंे ना िादूं ो तमु || क्यों िने मनषु ्य दानव? - श्रीराम सागर मनुष्य क्यों है इतना स्वाथी? -गरु ुदत्त - ररनतका

Life in a few Words - Pahal S.K. Grade 8 Does it seem to you A plain merry ride Or a boat Sailing through a prickly tide To some it seems a bed of roses as easy as toast Just water the plants with hoses Tada! You have broccoli ready to toast. But do you ye folks, Know what it is about? Neither a boat ride nor a bed of roses It is but a hill climb Up and down every time Never know when you’ll fall So the only thing to do is Just keep going on and smile! Here you have me signing off Take these words or just fly!

Classroom Buzz

Calming Blue Day Blue is the colour of the ocean and the sky; it often symbolizes serenity, stability, inspiration, wisdom or health. On 3rd August 2021 (Tuesday) Calming Blue Day was celebrated at EuroSchool North Campus.The theme for the day was ‘Blue Sea Animals,’ our tiny tots of Pre -Primary looked beautiful and shared few ideas about the sea animals, they were dressed in. The activity was the ‘Cereal box aquarium’. The little ones were enthralled to make their own box aquarium. This activity helped them to enhance their presentation and fine motor skills respectively. Thus children thoroughly enjoyed the day with their teachers and peers.

Onam Celebration Onam is the festival of flowers. This day was celebrated at EuroSchool North Campus on Thursday, August 18th, 2021. The Pre -Primary children were all dressed in Kerala Style Attire, in which they looked gorgeous and stunning. The importance of the day was explained to the tiny tots. Different and delicious variety of sweets were packed for the snack break. Impressive designs of Pookkalam were created by our cutie pies, which turned out to be attractive and mesmerizing and took everyone into a world of festivity and fun.

Raksha Bandhan Celebration Raksha Bandhan is one of the most endearing ways to celebrate the bond between brothers and sisters. To strengthen this bond, EuroSchool North Campus conducted this event virtually for Pre -Primary tiny tots on Wednesday, August 18th, 2021. Teacher explained the importance of this day. The activity for the day was ‘Rakhi Making’. They were enthusiastic to make their own rakhis. It was indeed a fantastic day.

Social Science Activity We, at EuroSchool, encourage our students to apply technology in every field; rather integrate it with every subject. With this purpose, Grade 6 students were guided and instructed to present the story of Ekalavya in a different way, either through animation or through coding or merely by enacting. They were also given the option of presenting it through a puppet show. They came up with beautiful presentations. It was a great learning experience for them and we, the teachers, were amazed to see the presentation of the talented students.

Math Activity Mathematics educators have long known that engaging students in visual representations of mathematics is extremely helpful for their learning. Students of Grade 3 were taught the concept of multiplication through a visual activity of creating arrays. Arrays are an arrangement of rows and columns. Students were allowed to use materials like ice cream sticks, straws, packets of bindi to create arrays. They learnt how to use arrays to show a multiplication sentence.

Kannada Activity Students of Grade 3 dressed up as freedom fighters and great leaders of our nation who were instrumental during India’s freedom struggle. They dressed up the part and enacted their famous dialogues. It was a joy to see the students participate in the activity with so much zeal and fervour. Such activities help the students learn more about the our past leaders and freedom fighters and inculcate the spirit of pride for the country.

जानवरों की वाणी नन्हे ससतारों की जिु ानी पशु - हमारे जीवन मंे उपयोगी ही नहींू िजकक कभी - कभी वे हमारे जीवन का असभन्न अंूग िन जाते हैं। कक्षा १ के नन्हे ससतारों ने अपने मन पसदंू पशओु ंू के मखु ौटे पहनकर िहुत आनंदू का अनभु व फकया और साथ ही अपने पसंूदीदा जानवर पर कु छ वाक्य कहकर अचधगम के स्तर को और ऊपर उठाने का प्रयास फकया।


BellesLettres E-Lit Fest-2021 Winners EVENTS GRADE PRIZE WINNER Pick & Speak Grade 1 FIRST PRIZE Grade 3 SECOND PRIZE Maya Raj Litguise Grade 5 SECOND PRIZE Straight from the heart Grade 5 THIRD PRIZE Unnati Madan Straight from the heart Grade 5 THIRD PRIZE Grade 6 CONSOLATION Sowmitha B Jean Petite Grade 8 La Vi En Rose CONSOLATION Ananya Gautam Spill The Ink CONSOLATION SECOND PRIZE Kanisha Guleria CONSOLATION Niveditha Krishna CONSOLATION D Abigail Tanya Sanjeetha THIRD PRIZE Dramatic Monologue Grade 9 CONSOLATION Maya Kamath Happy to share that our students Grade 9 Dhruva Nandakumar participated enthusiastically and Critique THIRD PRIZE won many accolades at the literary Grade 10 Samiksha Pai extravaganza Belles Lettres E-Lit Le Petit Atelier Ria Mathias Fest-2021. d’Ecriture - Concours Grade 10 Shravya Rajagopalan Hearty congratulations to all the Grade10 Prakyath I M winners. We are very happy and d’écriture Grade 11 Swathi R Narayanan proud of them and wish all many Grade 11 laurels in their future. Jerk And Jive Critique Doculit Ode to my odyssey

The Inquisity Club - Participation We are extremely happy to announce that Purvaja Mohan of Grade 4B has participated in the Doodle & Comic Art Contest conducted by The Inquisity Club, REVA University held on 17th August, 2021. We appreciate her interest in participating in an engineering college competition. We are very happy and proud of her and wish her many laurels in her future. Purvaja Mohan, Grade 4B

Paper Presentation We are extremely delighted to share that our Tennis Coach Mr. Manjunath S. presented the paper on the topic - The effect of Tennis Technical Training on Coordination Characteristics in the International Conference on Decoding Aliphatic Components of Health, performance and well being held from 9th to 11th August. We are very happy and proud of him and wish him the best in his future endeavours. Mr. Manjunath S Tennis Coach EuroSchool North Campus

Teacher’s Event - Winner Happy to share that our ICT Teacher, Ms. Sonam Sarda bagged the First Prize at the Teacher’s Event, COZMO CLENCH (Digitalization with AI). She impressed the judges with her excellent presentation on the Use of AI as a part of teaching, assessment and administration. We are very happy and proud of her and wish her many laurels in her future. Ms. Sonam Sarda ICT Teacher EuroSchool North Campus

Club Activities

QUIZ CLUB The Quiz club helps the student to enhance their skill in all possible ways, it intends to empower the students with knowledge and create interest, curiosity to collect information related to different fields and aspects of life. On 11th August 2021, Grade 1 and 2 took part in the quiz club. The club started with a ‘Brain Teaser’ activity where the children had to follow the instruction given by the teacher and do some changes in picture shown by the teacher and get the correct answers. After that students had a quiz round based on Math and EVS which was an extra booster as they all were completely engrossed in it. Finally, the quiz club ended with a hands-on activity which was clay modelling based on the theme ‘Nature’. The little hands worked smoothly and efficiently to fulfil their heart’s desires and fantasies. They pounded, squeezed, rolled and blended the clay to make some unique and amazing creations like flowers, butterflies, Sun, moon etc. and displayed them with pride. The feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction was evident in their smiling faces.

QUIZ CLUB “Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; Just never give up” – Dean Karnazes Sports are very important for the all-round development of the kids. Kids were in for a treat with “Thrill with Quiz” on 25/08/2021. The quiz started with an activity where the children had to guess the food item/ice cream flavors looking at the emojis. The children were very delighted when they gave right answers for the sports-related question. In the end, they enjoyed the hands-on activity. They had to make different art pieces with leaves. Their creativity was endless, and the kids enjoyed the session.

STREAM CLUB Constellations are useful in assisting astronomers and navigators to locate certain stars. The children of STREAM club experienced different constellations and learnt about their importance through the activity conducted on 25th of August as a part of their club activity. The topic was introduced through a puzzle followed by Power Point Presentation which made the concept clear. The children created three main constellations – Orion, Ursa Major and Cassiopeia using black colour papers, white poster colours and glitter stars. It was a learning trough fun activity for the kids.

STREAM CLUB The activity which was conducted on 11th August during STREAM club was based on the principle of Chromatography. The children were introduced to the topic using Power Point Presentation and video. They created beautiful flowers of multiple colours using tissue paper and poster colours. This STREAM club activity was a simple way to explore chromatography, and the kids loved turning the results into a colourful flower craft when they’re finished.

MODEL UNITED NATIONS (MUN) CLUB MUN club conducted a session on 11th August 2021 with the objectives: 1. To create the “LEADERS OF TOMORROW” 2. Discussion on Case studies: a. A Global Citizen’s Guide to Education b. Poverty in India Three students came up with the case study of some of the common issues like: • Dhwani: A Global Citizen’s Guide to Education • Koushik: Poverty – a common problem • Shreeram: Poverty in India We are proud of our students who were extremely confident enough to make choice and talk about the issues and solutions which seriously has to be looked into. We could in fact see the courageous LEADERS of tomorrow live on this platform.

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