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Home Explore Client Brochure Final

Client Brochure Final

Published by jhershman1, 2020-10-21 17:33:40

Description: Client Brochure Final


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Jesse RaymondUnderstandingWhy Use Nova Land Solutions 740.781.0025 Ext. 2 JRaymond@novalandsolutions.comOil & Gas MineralDue to the additional work required to research oil and gas vs real estate (150 years of research compared to Rights in Ohio42 years of research) oil and gas searches can be several times the fcost of a real estate search. Not with us. Due to our decades of experience with oil and gas title research we are able to deliver the information you need on the oil and gas rights at price ocomparable to a real estate search. We understand you are on a short timeline to close on the property. Not only do we understand this requirement but we are committed to complete your search well within the timeline needed to close on time. oDon't let cost and timeline barriers Prstop you - contact us today!

We are a land service provider specializing in oil and gas title related services in southeast, northeast and central Ohio. We have been working in these areas since 1996. We are a close knit group having worked together for oil and gas companies and law firms for many years now. Our average team member has 10+ years experience running oil and gas title in Ohio. fDoes The Oil & Gas Come with it? Can You Prove You Own the Oil & Gas? Real Estate Vs Oil & Gas Searches It seems like a simple enough question. Many times the Seller will state something to the affect of \"all Being able to answer yes to this question can Just as a real estate search is essential to confirm mineral rights transfer\". However you can only sell increase the value or marketability of your property the Seller has the right to convey the property to significantly, however you must be able to prove the Buyer, an oil and gas search confirms the owhat you own, if the Seller doesn't own the oil and you own the rights. Seller has ownership to all or a fraction of the oil and gas rights. gas mineral rights they wouldn't be able to transfer Why does this matter? those rights to you. Typical 42 year real estate searches do not go Having documentation which shows you own the oil back far enough in time to confirm ownership has Why wouldn't the the Seller own the mineral rights? and gas rights potentially gives you and your agent not been previously reserved or sold off. the ability to sell those rights for an additional price. Oil and gas has been a valuable commodity since Oil and gas searches go back 120 - 150 years. the mid 1800s. These rights can be sold off Confirming you own the oil and gas rights also These types of searches are designed to identify helps you stand out in the market by being able to those early (1900s) reservations or selling off of oseparately from the property or reserved from a confidentially tell the potential Buyers the oil and the oil and gas rights. Again, when you are gas rights do transfer, and more importantly you're buying a property the real estate search transfer. This occurred often in the early 1900s. If able to prove it unlike other Sellers who can only performed before closing is not designed to tell either one of these scenarios happened prior to the transfer whatever oil and gas rights they may (or you who owns the oil and gas. Seller owning the property then the Seller wouldn't may NOT) own. own the oil and gas mineral rights. Often times the Due to our experience in Ohio with oil and gas Oil and gas development over the last century have searches most of the time we are able to offer a rSeller is not aware they don't own the rights. made land owners throughout Ohio wealthy. Don’t search suited to your needs for not much more give up an opportunity to make money off the than what a real estate search costs, and have it Why should I care if the mineral rights are part of property you are selling – call us today. completed in under a week! the sale? Oil and gas holds great value, that hasn't changed. PThere have been many oil and gas booms over the last century. Get the most value from your puchase - be sure you know what you are buying call today. BUYER SELLER NOVA LAND SOLUTIONS