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Home Explore Furzedown Festival 2018

Furzedown Festival 2018

Published by David Andrew, 2018-05-16 13:26:06

Description: Furzedown Festival 2018

Keywords: Furzedwon Festival


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Issue No 23

Furzedown Summer Festival Editorial The theme of this year’s Big Day Out Furzedown Community Network is Love Furzedown. This is a great (FCN) events, and we always welcome place to live, so let’s keep it that way new people to get involved. You can by reducing both litter on the ground become a member of FCN by and fly-tipping. Mitcham Lane has completing the form on page 27 or been regenerated; details of ‘Love the you can do it online at our website: Lane’ on page 6. In this newsletter you’ll find spreads So, thanks to all our newsletter on ‘music’ (pages 12-13) and on the advertisers, sponsors and funders ‘spoken word’ (pages 9-11) as well as who help make the annual Summer those on the Big Day Out and on Festival possible. Now, we are just Mitcham Lane. hoping for sunshine! Remember, the Festival is totally organised by volunteers, as are all Tim Kahn, editor Editor: Tim Kahn Postal address: c/o Furzedown Project, Produced by the Furzedown Community Network 91-93 Moyser Road, SW16 6SJ Email: Front cover design: Kathy Kavan Website: Furzedown Summer Festival 2018 Newsletter design by Shirley Trimmer FurzedownNetwork @furzedown_net Printed by The views expressed in this newsletter do not necessarily represent those of the Furzedown Community Network. Furzedown Community 3 Network

Big Day Out CAKE Furzedown COMPETITION Festival Theme is Love Furzedown Bring your labelled cake to 2018 the cake stall between 13:30 and 14:00. Nut free please. Competition judged by local cake maker Emrah Piro. Age categories: under-16s, and 16 and over. Cakes will be cut and sold by the slice unless you indicate otherwise. Please label your plate if you want it back! ON THE STAGE (all timings are approximate) 12:45 Attic Indie rock. Named Attic as they practise in a loft! 13:30 Stagecoach Showcasing song, dance and drama performances 14:00 Dandaya Traditional Indian stick dancing 14:20 Aisha Brown Sings soul with passion 14:50 Custard from the Ministry of Giggles Stage-side fun for our younger audience 15:10 Andy Gibbons An eclectic mix of folk, acoustic rock and classical songs 15:40 Custard from the Ministry of Giggles Stage-side fun for our younger audience 16:00 Modern Apes Good-old fashioned 60's rock'n'roll 16:30 Elite Everyone’s favourite local street dance performers 17:00 Tupelos Indie rock and Americana. Songs of love, loss and heartbreak 17:30 Zlatni Pendari Bulgarian dance 17:50 Neil Gowans and the Winos Countrified rock'n'roll full of twanging romanticism, soul and new wave attitude 18:35 Trevor John and the Longstones A bluegrass trio 19:00 R&D Acoustic duo playing rock covers spanning the ‘60s to the noughties 4 Furzedown Community Network

Where: on the Rec SW17 9BP When: Saturday 16 June Time: 12:00-20:00 STALLS LOTS OF FREE ACTIVITIES • Tennis – fun coaching sessions and games for adults and juniors (with All Star Tennis) FOOD • Korfball – showcasing Korfball with fun tasters and demos (with Bec Korfball) • Football – some small-sided games (with Furzedown United FC) • Fitness class and lots of info on healthy living (with Enable Sport and Leisure) • Skateboarding and scooter session run by Rubicon 13:00-18:00 • African drumming run by Ancestral Hands from 15:30 • JuiceSteps – Break and Hiphop dance performance in mosaic area at 13:30 FCN LOVE SHACK BAR WITH PIMMS • Ministry of Giggles – Custard makes a FLOWER FESTIVAL, welcome return, with games and ART EXHIBITION AND bubbles for under 10s – in the mosaic area throughout the day CHILDREN'S ART • Arts ‘n’ crafts – building, making COMPETITION & collage Flower Festival, Art Exhibition and • Baby chill tent – entertainment for Children’s Art Competition on the Under-5s theme of Love Furzedown. • Give the dog a bone/Ball in a bucket 11:00-16:00 Tea, coffee, cakes, soup, games (free but donation welcome) ploughman’s lunch and cream teas • Children’s Lucky Dip/Tombola on sale. If you would like to • Donkey rides from 13:00. contribute a flower display, please Rides have to be booked on the day. contact Sue Clarke at • Giant inflatables on the bowling green, run by Activ Camps. At St Paul’s Church, SW17 9BT Cost £2.50 for all day (corner of Welham Road and Please go to the Big Day Out page on Chillerton Road). for more info Photos may be taken and used for social media purposes. Furzedown Community 5 Network

Furzedown Summer Festival Sprout Out: Art Loan Scheme Fancy having original artwork in your home? Join Sprout (£10 annual membership) to borrow a painting, drawing, photograph or print for 3 months then return it for someone else to borrow. All artwork available to loan will be on display at E&A Wates throughout the Festival. The first loan events (at which you can choose and pick up your picture) will be on Friday 22 June from 16:00-19:00 and Saturday 23 June from 10:00-17:00. At E&A Wates, 82-84 Mitcham Lane, SW16 6NR For more information as a contributing artist or borrower, visit and click through to Art Loans or visit for details of this and other events. Bex Clarke Photography Bump to Baby • Family Portraits • Headshots • Weddings • Events Streatham based Photographer who works with you to get the photos you'll love! 07766917353 7 Furzedown Community Network

Furzedown Summer Festival Spoken word We❤Furzedown – a collaboration between FCN, and FYC (Furzedown Youth Centre) Saturday 9 June 15:00 – 17:00 Seely Hall, Chillerton Rd SW17 9BE What do local young people love about Furzedown? On day-one of this year’s Summer Festival they celebrate with a creative showcase of poetry, video, art and music following a series of creative workshops facilitated by local artists and performers, the FYC and members of FCN. 1968: Radicals and Rioting Tuesday 26 June, 10:30-12:00 Furzedown Project, 93 Moyser Road, SW16 6SJ We’ll be looking back 50 years and listening to and talking to ‘1968: Radicals and Rioting’, a Radio 4 Start the Week discussion hosted by Andrew The Van Lady, and Other Heroic Tales Marr and guests. Storytelling Gig The Furzedown Project’s Thursday 14 June, doors 19:30; stories 20:00 regular Radio Group meet on 42 Parklands Road SW16 6TF the fourth Tuesday of the Nibbles and soft drinks included. Wine by month to debate a topic donation. Tickets in advance £6, on the arising from a recent radio door £8. Tickets and info: broadcast. Cost £2 Programme also on with more details Furzedown Community 9 Network

Furzedown Summer Festival Spoken word Women’s Health – an Osteopathic The Remarkable Women of and Chinese Medicine Approach Furzedown – walk and talk A talk by Alan Coles, Francesca Sunday 17 June, 14:30 Wiggins and Robin Burby Meet at Furzedown Lodge on Wednesday 13 June, 18:30-20:30 Furzedown Drive Furzedown Project, 93 Moyser Road, In this centenary year of British SW16 6SJ women getting the vote, Helen will be A talk on Women’s Health covering celebrating some of the remarkable the traditional Chinese medicine women of Furzedown; those who approach; changes to the body have lived here, worked here or just pre- and post-pregnancy; passed through. Come and join the mindfulness and stress. walk with local historian, Helen Long, and find out all about them. What Makes an Ideal City? Wednesday 20 June, 19:30, talk at 20:00 The Living Room, 19 Thrale Road, SW16 1NS A talk with Ayca Vural-Cutts, local architect with a special interest in design. Using London and Furzedown as examples, with projects from around the world, Ayca will talk about how to create and sustain the ‘ideal city‘ and the importance of public realm and the power of civic leadership. The talk will explore design solutions not only at the city scale but also in the context of our local environment. Tickets £5 includes refreshments. To book: call Christy 07963 823233 or email Programme also on with more details 10 Furzedown Community Network

Furzedown Summer Festival The Secret Pigeon Service – Gordon Corera is a Talk and Book signing with British author and Gordon Corera journalist. He has been Friday 15 June, 19:30 the BBC's Security Correspondent since Furzedown Project, 93 Moyser Road, 2004 and specializes in SW16 6SJ computer technology. Between 1941 and 1944, 16,000 of the feared V-1 and V-2 rockets that plucky homing pigeons were terrorised London. At the centre of dropped in an arc from Bordeaux to the story is the ‘Leopold Vindictive’ Copenhagen as part of ‘Columba’ – a network – a group of Belgian secret British operation to bring back villagers prepared to take huge risks, intelligence from those living under led by an extraordinary priest, Joseph Nazi occupation. Messages flooded Raskin, a man whose intelligence was back. Authentic voices from rural so valuable, MI6 parachuted agents France, the Netherlands and Belgium, in to assist him. were sometimes comic, often tragic Tickets £5 includes refreshments and occasionally invaluable, with To book: call Christy 07963 823233 details of German troop movements or email and fortifications, or the deployment Programme also on with more details Furzedown Community 11 Network

Furzedown Summer Festival Music Before They Were Famous 3 Friday 22 June 19:00, music from 19:30 49 Chillerton Road, SW17 9BE Now in its 4th year, the garden gig benefit for Furzedown Annual Charity Events (FACE) is set to outdo even last year’s event – with incredible entertainment, including the return of some Graveney students from last year, another exquisite BBQ with all money raised going to local causes – see the FACE advert on p18 To book places please contact Alan on 07973 216260 or Donations to FACE. Fuzion Garden Gig Friday 6 July, 19:00 3 Brookview Road, SW16 6UA Fuzion Four features local musicians Ollie Haffenden (sax), Erica Simpson (cello), Bob Broad (piano), and Jake Colman (cajon), a blend of instruments not usually played together to explore a fusion of jazz, Latin and classical music. Bring a picnic – please notify us in advance that you plan to attend so that we can ensure seating space for all. Contact Denise Broad at or on 07951 803274 Donations to WaterAid. Check wheelchair access with organiser. In case of rain, please phone the organiser as the event may be cancelled. 12 Furzedown Community Network

Furzedown Summer Festival Mid-Summer Concert of Light Organ Recital on our recently Classical Music by local choirs and restored organ, followed by choral musicians. evensong at 18:00 Saturday 23 June, 19:00 Sunday 24 June, 16:00 Entrance charge £5 for adults, £3 for seniors and students, children free. Entrance includes a glass of something chilled and sparkling! Both events will take place in St Paul’s Church, SW17 9BT (corner of Welham and Chillerton Road) If you are interested in performing in the concert, then please contact Sue Clarke on Jazz on the Lawn Sunday 8 July. Gates open at 13:00 music from 14:30 Streatham Park Bowls Club, Pringle Gardens, SW16 1SH South London Jazz Orchestra returns for an afternoon of fabulous music in the wonderful garden of the bowls club. We can’t guarantee sunshine (although we’re trying) but we can guarantee fun in the form of music, barbeque, bar, tea and cakes (all very reasonably priced) plus all the best people will be there! Cost: £6 on the gate, £5 for FCN members, under-18 free. No alcohol may be brought in. Support our Bowls Club by patronising their bar. Programme also on with more details Furzedown Community 13 Network

Calendar F JUNE EVENT SEE PAGE FOR DETAILS DATE E&A Wates Workshop Tours 08 Saturday 9 We ❤ Furzedown: Creative Youth Event 09 9 Fun Dog Show, Friends of Tooting Common 17 Sunday 10 E&A Wates Interior Design Workshop 08 Tuesday 12 Sprout Secret Postcard exhibition 19 12-23 E&A Wates Workshop Tours 08 Wednesday 13 Women’s health: an osteopathic & Chinese medicine talk 10 13 The Van Lady and Other Heroic Tales: Garden Gig 09 Thursday 14 E&A Wates Interior Design Workshop 08 14 The Secret Pigeon Service, talk by Gordon Corera 11 Friday 15 BIG DAY OUT 04-05 Saturday 16 The Remarkable Women of Furzedown, walk Sunday 17 and talk with Helen Long 10 What Makes an Ideal City? talk by Ayca Vural-Cutts 10 17 Scarecrow Trail 19 Wednesday 20 Plant Walk, Friends of Tooting Common 17 20 Before They Were Famous 3: Garden Gig 12 Friday 22 Art Loan Scheme launch 07 22-23 Mitcham Lane Celebration & Kite Trail 06 Saturday 23 Mid-summer Concert 13 23 Bat Walk, Friends of Tooting Common 17 23 Oakomotion Carnival 21 Sunday 24 Organ recital 13 24 1968: Radicals and Rioting, radio discussion group 09 Tuesday 26 JULY EVENT SEE PAGE FOR DETAILS DATE Family Fun Health Morning 21 Thursday 5 Fuzion: Garden Gig 12 Friday 6 Jazz on the Lawn 13 Sunday 8 14 Furzedown Community Network

Furzedown Summer Festival Furzedown Community 15 Network

Furzedown Summer Festival Friends of Tooting Common Summer Activities Fun Dog Show: Sunday, 10 June. Registration at 13:00, Dog Show begins 14:00 Everyone is welcome for an afternoon of fun and frolics on the Common. Sunday Evening Bat Walks: 27 May, 23 June, 22 July, 26 Aug, 30 Sept To attend or for more information contact Plant Walks: presented jointly with South London Botanical Institute Weds 20 June at 19:00; Monday 9 July at 19:00; Sunday 19 Aug at 14:30 and Sat 22 Sept at 14:30 We run regular litter picks and other events including an annual Pumpkin Parade in October. For more information email, visit our website or phone Peter Ramell 8677-5978 FoTC are local residents who care about the Common, promote its public use and enjoyment and aim to make it a better place for people, plants and wildlife. Furzedown Community 17 Network


Furzedown Summer Festival Furzedown Scarecrow Trail Sunday 17 June, 10:00-17:00 Find all the scarecrows hiding in Furzedown to be in with a chance to enter the prize draw to win £50. Entry maps £3 from Penwortham PTA Big Day Out Stall or outside Sprout Arts on the day. Secret Postcard Sprout Secret Postcard event returns Tuesday 12-Saturday 23 June, 11:00-17:00 74 Moyser Road SW16 6SQ We will have hundreds of miniature artworks created by children, art students, new and established artists for sale for £5 each. For further details, see Tim’s Tutoring A Malida Chartered Accountant Primary Additional school support • Local, friendly firm for 30 years trained • Self-assessment tax returns teacher Secondary • Business and limited company accounts transfer • Payroll and VAT returns English maths • Rental income matters and tax and verbal and non-verbal reasoning accountancy services for pensioners For further info and rates, contact Call or walk in for a free consultation 07903 599104 or 66 Moyser Road, SW16 6SQ Tel 020 8769 5705 Email info@ Furzedown Community 19 Network

Furzedown Summer Festival 20 Furzedown Community Network

Furzedown Summer Festival Oakomotion! Carnival Sunday 24 June, 14:00 Starting at Sprout Arts, 74 Moyser Rd SW16 6SQ Oakomotion! celebrates that big old American red oak from Furzedown Rec with an amazing sculpture trail parade with costumes, music and dancing. Join us for all or part of the events. See the sculptures Dance in the streets. Watch hip hop and lindy hop performed. Listen to the Burntwood Pearl Choir and hear the Furzedown Wind Band. Join in workshops at the Community Garden. Swing Patrol who are performing during OaKomotion! Meet for music at Sprout Arts at 14:00 and we will move off in two parades to visit the local sculptures. All meet again at the Furzedown Project around 16:30 for further entertainment. Then it’s off to the Transition Town Tooting Community Garden in North Drive for fun, fire and food. (Entrance on left of 5 North Drive) Healthy Family Fun Morning Wednesday 4 July, 10:00-12:00 Fayland Children Centre, Fayland Avenue SW16 1SY Play and activities for families with children under-5, with a focus on keeping happy and healthy. Advice available from a range of health professionals; local pharmacist, health visitor, speech and language therapist, dental health, educational psychologist, adult weight management scheme. Stories and singing with the fantastic Spud and Yam. Free healthy snacks Programme also on with more details Furzedown Community 21 Network

Furzedown Summer Festival WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP? Sherridan Hughes C.Psychol. Tel: 020 8769 5737 Mitcham Lane, SW16 6PN EXPERIENCED CAREER CONSULTANT • Chartered Psychologist expert in career assessment, analysis and counselling • Comprehensive, professional and personal service includes thorough psychometric assessment, in- depth face to face counselling, practical advice and a personally-written report • Universal model matches motivation, values, aptitudes, personality and personal circumstances to career, and to level, role and organisational type, ensuring total client buy-in, clear direction and confidence to act, so that maximum fulfilment and potential are realised • 30 years experience, consistently positive feedback and a constant stream of recommendations • Competitive fees (under 25 yrs £545; over 25 yrs £645) • Recognised career change expert often quoted in media (BBC News 24 and Radio4, The Times, Red Magazine etc), and one of the few career consultants recommended in the career bible 'What Color is Your Parachute' 2009 edition. Furzedown Community 23 Network

Furzedown Summer Festival Panto Jack and the Beanstalk Furzedown Community Theatre reached dizzying new heights in February this year as we clambered up the Beanstalk, together with a cow, a scary giant and a crocodile! Nearly 100 local enthusiasts aged from 7 to 76 took part in three sold out performances in facilities kindly provided by Graveney School. We are delighted that new performers join us every year and past members of the chorus and small parts have worked up to larger roles. It is also fantastic to have local professionals supporting and training in technical roles. Join us on our next adventure to be staged in 2019! Can you guess what it’s going to be? We aim to up our step count and set out along a yellow brick road on a quest for courage, a heart and a brain. A small band of true friends will face many challenges, some baddies’ evil plots, with songs to learn along the way. Find us at the Furzedown Community Theatre stall at the Big Day Out. Come along to say hello, sign up or just find out more! Programme also on with more details Furzedown Community 25 Network

Furzedown Summer Festival JILL SIMMONS CHARTERED PHYSIOTHERAPIST TOOTING BEC & FURZEDOWN PHYSIOTHERAPY & SPORTS INJURY CLINIC Clinic and Home Visits Priority for Sports Injuries & Neck/Back pain Easy Parking Monday to Friday 8.00am-7.00pm 32 Clairview Road, Furzedown 020 8677 5329 The Organisation of Chartered Physiotherapists in Private Practice 26 Furzedown Community Network

Furzedown Summer Festival Why not become a member of FCN? Annual membership is £5 per individual we take cash, cheque (payee: Furzedown Community Network) or electronic transfer (email for details) Please return this completed form (with payment) to The Furzedown Project, 93 Moyser Road London SW16 6SJ (Don’t forget it’s free to join the chatgroup). Name/s .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Address .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Telephone.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Email .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Furzedown Community 27 Network

Thanks to our sponsors FCN is an entirely volunteer-run organisation. The Big Day Out is the key event of our annual calendar and we aim to keep it accessible to all families but it costs us a lot of money to put on. Therefore we are very grateful to our sponsors who enable us to keep costs for activities free or low. This year our very big thanks to; Pearl Chemist Group for funding the donkey rides and the first aid tent KFH Estate Agents for funding the inflatables Savills Estate Agents and Rose & Crown Public House for sponsoring the FCN Love Shack Bar Aspire Estate Agents for a donation Wandsworth Grant Fund and Enable for funding the children’s activities 28 Furzedown Community Network