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Home Explore IT Business Plans Oak Brook

IT Business Plans Oak Brook

Published by eqinc, 2015-02-11 04:05:32

Description: Equilibrium’s engagement begins with a discussion about your business requirements and an evaluation of the technical health of your computer systems.

Keywords: It Business Plans Northbrook, It Business Plans Milwaukee, It Business Plans Elk Grove


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IT Business Plans Oak Brook

IT Business PlansEquilibrium’s engagement begins with a discussion about your business requirementsand an evaluation of the technical health of your computer systems. We take the outputof our findings to generate a comprehensive report that describes elements of risk andissues that impact your business. We then discuss with you the very specific observationsand recommendations for improving things.Standard Scope of Services:Interview Management to explore and understand key business and technologyrequirements.Provide systems engineering services to evaluate the overall technical health of yourcomputer systems.Implement Equilibrium’s Recon Server with IP-based utilities to: •Scan network to identify vulnerable security areas. •Trend CPU, Memory, Disk and Network performance metrics on all Servers. •Gather hardware inventory and software application licensing information.Review and document at a high-level the configuration of the current-state computingenvironment: Servers, Workstations, Firewall, Network Peripherals, Phone Systems, LANTopology, Internet Connectivity, and core applications.Provide professional observations and recommendations for improving the computingenvironment and IT operations.Generate a comprehensive IT Business Plan report that intends to help managementplan to:

Minimize IT risks that could impact the business.Reduce costs by understanding ways to get more out of current IT investments.Look at options to streamline operations and improve staff productivity.Understand budgetary product and labor costs related with possible future ITinvestments.Understand what level your business's current IT operations are performing at, as wellas how you can specifically get to the next maturity level. Standard Deliverables: Illustration of the current-state computing environment at a high-level. Recommendations for opportunities to improve the computing and network environment. Detailed product investment list for any required IT equipment or service purchases - accurate budget forecast. Project implementation plan - estimated effort, duration, & resource requirements. Illustration of a future-state computing environment.

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