Created and Brought to you by: The Equity Alliance P.O. Box 331821, Nashville, TN 37203 615-492-0061 • info@theequityalliance.org • www.theequityalliance.org @theequityalliance @EquityAlliance1 @theequityalliance
Graphic Design Community Partners Thank you to our Media Sponsors: AAbyssinian Missionary Baptist Church About The Guide Black Millennials 4 Flint As part of our voter education and outreach Berean Missionary Baptist Church programs, our goal is to expand the electorate The Center of Attention Boutique by creating new and informed voters. The Christ United Baptist Church Memphis Voter Guide is a free, nonpartisan, CivicTN public resource to help Memphis area voters The Destiny House make an informed decision in the voting ElectroLyfe Juice Bar booth on Election Day. The widely popular JUICE Orange Mound publication is produced by The Equity Alliance LiUNA in partnership with Tell Publishing and is Memphis Urban League Young Professionals distributed by a host of community partners. Muggin' Coffeehouse Nabaa Consulting, LLC Official Black Lives Matter Memphis Chapter Privileged Memphis Progeny Place Riverside Missionary Baptist Church Tennessee Educators of Color Alliance TN Holler The TN Lookout The Tennessean UpTheVote901 Special Thanks The Equity Alliance Board, Staff, and Volunteers oPrufbinlaisnhceiarlsly Nsuoptpeo: rTthcias nisdaidafrteees,. nonpartisan publication. The Equity Alliance does not endorse Every effort was made to contact each candidate who qualified with the local county election commission to obtain their profile information. In the event we couldn't reach a candidate, readily available information was captured from online sources. Due to the large number of candidates, candidates' campaign platforms may be edited; community affiliations were limited to five; and those who did not return a profile were only listed by name. Profiles were printed as-is from questionnaire responses and were only edited for word count, grammar or clarity.
THANK YOU to the Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC) for translating our November 8 Voter Guides which expands our reach to garnering more informed voters. ABOUT TIRRC VOTES In August 2018, the Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC) launched an affiliated 501(c)(4) social welfare organization - TIRRC Votes - to build political power for immigrant and refugee communities and to create a pro-immigrant majority in the state. TIRRC Votes strengthens and expands our democracy by building power in immigrant and refugee communities and advocating for equitable and inclusive public policy. TIRRC Votes has emerged as the leading organization in Tennessee capable of building a new electorate, effectively mobilizing voters, and creating a model for effective, immigrant-led political organizations in the Southeast. CONTACT US 3310 Ezell Road, Nashville, TN 37211 615.833.0384 • www.tirrcvotes.org @tirrcvotes @tirrcvotes @tirrcvotes @tirrcvotes
GUIDEINSIDE THE Introduction From The Equity Alliance 1 Voter Registration Requirements & Deadlines 2 Voter ID Requirements 2 Absentee Ballot Info 3 Tips for Voting in the midst of COVID-19 3 What Does Voter Suppression Look Like? 5 November 8 Election Calendar 7 What’s on the Ballot? 7 Constitutional Amendments 8 Candidate Profiles & Elected Office Definitions 11 Early Voting Times & Locations 57 Election Day Polling Location & Hours 57 Getting Your Voter Rights Restored 58 Voting as a College Student 59 Poll Watch: Being Turned Away 59 Contacting the Election Commission 60 About The Equity Alliance 60
CDoeuanrtyShVeoltbeyr: The United States Supreme Court's controversial decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade, a constitutional right of abortion, upheld by almost a century, has been a hot topic amongst politicians in this upcoming election. Regardless of which side you agree with, knowing which candidate aligns with your values is vital. Other hot topics in Tennessee are scrutiny and censorship of school library content and imposed tougher restrictions on transgender athletes. Regardless of where you live in Tennessee, you should have a say in who represents you. Voters should pick their representatives and not the other way around. These upcoming elected positions should be vetted carefully even beyond what you read in our Tennessee Voter Guides. We include contact information for some candidates if they submitted it and/or if we found it, so you can reach out to them to ask specific questions. Make it a priority to attend in-person or tune-in virtually to events they are on program to speak at. Are you hearing your priorities being discussed? Your community's priorities? Outside has opened up with the availability of Covid-19 vaccines and boosters and we've adjusted to living within the COVID-19 virus as it continues to generate new strains. Be sure to check out how to continue to stay safe and vote in the midst of the virus on page 3. We know that voter suppression is a big deal and we want you to be diligent in identifying what that looks like so be sure to check how what does election day voter suppression look like on page 5. The Equity Alliance equips Black Tennesseans and other communities of color with the proper information in the civic process so we all can show up informed on Election Day. The Equity Alliance is proud to provide you with our 2022 Tennessee Voter Guide, a free, nonpartisan, public resource for Memphis voters to be informed. In this guide, you'll find unbiased candidate profiles, a description of what each elected office does, polling locations and hours, voter ID requirements, etc. Our goal is to empower you to exercise your right to vote as a means to bring a balance of power to these public offices. Thank you to our community partners, the TEA team, 529 Graphics, Tell Publishing, and our volunteers and distribution partners for their contributions to the 2022 Tennessee Voter Guides. Be sure to share the guide with your family, neighbors, friends, customers and on social media. Visit www.TNvoterguides.com to access our mobile-friendly site and obtain your free copy. Stay vigilant, Tequila Johnson Co-Founder and Co-Executive Director The Equity Alliance MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 1
VOTER REGISTRATION Voter Registration Requirements Once you complete the form, you may either mail-in the application to: To be eligible to register to vote in Shelby County, Shelby County Election Commission: Tennessee all the following qualifications must be met: 980 Nixon Dr Memphis, TN 38134 • You must be a United States citizen or hand-deliver applications to: • You must be a legal resident of Shelby County when Shelby County Election Commission Downtown Office 157 Poplar Ave, Suite 137 submitting a voter registration application Memphis, TN 38103 • You must be 18 years of age or older by the date of the 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday OR next election 80 Nixon Dr • You must not have been convicted of a felony or, if you Memphis, TN 38134 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday – Friday have such a conviction, have your voting rights restored as required by state law, and • You must submit a properly completed voter registration application at least 30 days before an upcoming election Voter ID Requirements All voters must present a federal or Tennessee state ID containing the voter's name and photograph when voting at the polls, whether voting early or on Election Day unless an exemption applies. Acceptable forms of ID include: • Tennessee driver's license with your photo Voter Registration Deadlines • United States passport • Tennessee Department of Safety photo ID This election's voter registration deadline is Tuesday, October • Photo ID* issued by the federal or Tennessee state 11 by the close of business. Deadlines can creep up quickly. Make sure you're registered to vote! New registrations must government be postmarked or delivered to the Shelby County Election • United States Military photo ID (active or retired) Commission no later than thirty (30) days before an election, in • Tennessee handgun carry permit with your photo order to vote in that election; that is state law. *These photo IDs may be expired, unless you are voting in DID YOU Shelby County for the first time. Student IDs, library cards and KNOW: photo IDs issued by cities, counties and other states may not be used. These photo IDs may be expired, unless you are voting in Shelby County for the Ways to Register To Vote first time. Student IDs, library cards and photo IDs issued by cities, counties and Online Voter Registration: bit.ly/teavote You must have other states may not be used. a Tennessee driver's license or Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security ID in order to submit this application online. If you do not have a Tennessee driver's license or Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security ID, you will be able to print the voter registration form and submit by mail. Register in Person: Paper Registration: You may complete a paper form at the Shelby County Election Commission office, Department of Safety (motor vehicles division), Department of Health (WIC program), public libraries,and many other designated government agencies. MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 2
Absentee Ballot Info Tips For Voting In The Midst Of COVID-19 MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 3
ABSENTEE 1. Name of the registered voter BALLOTS: 2. Address of the voter's residence 3. Voter's social security number Tennessee law allows for absentee voting 4. Voter's date of birth only under certain circumstances. You 5. Address to mail the ballot must submit a written request containing 6. The election in which the voter wishes to participate. If the the information below to your local county election commission office by the seventh election involves a primary, the political party in which the voter day before Election Day. You can use the wishes to participate. absentee ballot request form to make sure 7. Reason the voter wishes to vote absentee. If applicable, a copy all required information is provided. of the CDL containing the CDL number or the TWIC card must You can submit your written request for an be included in the voter's request. absentee ballot by mail, fax, or e-mail. If 8. Voter's signature emailing your request, be sure the attached document contains the information below Email: absenteevoting@shelbycountytn.gov and your scanned signature. Phone: (901) 222-6800 Fax: (901)-222-6811 Mail: Shelby County Election Commission Attn: Absentee Department PO BOX 342798 Bartlett, TN 38184-2798 A request that contains this information will be processed and a ballot will be mailed to the voter. NOTICE: A person who is not an employee of an election commission commits a Class E felony if such person gives an application for an absentee ballot to any person or commits a Class A misdemeanor if such person gives an unsolicited request for application for absentee ballot to any person. T.C.A. § 2-6-202(c)(3) and (4). COVID-19 IS There are several categories you would need to fall under in order STILL A REASON to request an absentee ballot but below is the wording specifically TO REQUEST about COVID-19 from the Tennessee Secretary of State AN ABSENTEE website: BALLOT: You are hospitalized, ill or physically disabled and unable to appear at your polling place to vote (this includes persons who have underlying medical or health conditions which in their determination render them more susceptible to contracting COVID-19 or at greater risk should they contract it). For a list of underlying health conditions that makes a person more susceptible, see the [CDC guidelines]. A physician's statement is not required to check this box. You are the caretaker of a hospitalized, ill or physically disabled person (this includes voters who care for or reside with persons who have underlying medical or health conditions which in their determination render them more susceptible to contracting COVID-19 or at greater risk should they contract it). For a list of underlying health conditions that makes a person more susceptible, see the [CDC guidelines]. A physician's statement is not required to check this box. MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 4
COVID-19TIPS FOR VOTING IN THE MIDST OF While voting is important, voting safely is more important while COVID-19 is still a part of our lives whether you are fully or partially vaccinated or not vaccinated at all. So as you decide which method of voting is suitable for you, keep these tips in mind for the upcoming August 4 County General Election and State/Federal Primary Election. If you're going to do in-person voting, make sure your address is updated to limit the amount of time you have to be in the polling station. Use this link to update your address: ovr.govote. tn.gov. C onsider early voting during times when there aren't huge crowds and you have the option to choose which polling location to vote. Visit page 57 of this guide for early voting locations and times. To minimize the amount of time at the polling station, review the Memphis Voter Guide so you'll know who you're voting for before you get there. F ollow guidelines issued by public health officials, including safe practices when in a public setting like wearing a mask and gloves and practicing social distancing - staying 6 feet apart from everyone. B ring your own ink pen to sign documents. Bring your own stylus pen to use on the touchscreen while using the voting machine. Do not take additional people with you who are unable to vote. Use hand sanitizer before and after you use the voting machine. If you are sick or test positive for COVID-19, please stay home. DID YOU The Center for Disease Control (CDC) KNOW: says for COVID-19, a close contact is anyone who was less than 6 feet away from an infected person for a total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period (for example, three individual 5-minute exposures for a total of 15 minutes) – excluding K-12 school settings. MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 5
WHAT DOES ELECTION DAY VOTER SUPPRESSION LOOK LIKE? The Black and brown vote has increasingly shown its power to energize and disrupt elections. No matter who you vote for, voter suppression manipulates and toxifies the voting process by placing undue barriers and burdens on voters. That is why we want you to know what voter suppression looks like and how you can call it out, share it with others, and combat it with correct information and appropriate actions. Voter Intimidation and Misinformation Threats, physical acts of intimidation and misinformation are tactics used to sway voters from voting. People have threatened that the police or immigration authorities will be at the election polls lingering and looking for a reason to arrest voters. Rumors may be spread that voters will be stopped at the door and election officials will overly question voters' eligibility. Since Tennessee law prohibits poll workers from campaigning within 100 feet of the polling locations, campaign workers will likely be on the sidewalk, in the parking lot and in adjacent areas to attempt to give you candidate materials. You are free to accept or decline the materials. Please do not allow the presence of campaign workers, volunteers or media representatives to deter you from voting. Long Lines It's easy to see a long line and be compelled to turn away, but voting is important. A way to minimize election day long lines is to take advantage of early voting, which lasts two weeks prior to the election day. For the November 8 election, the Early Voting dates are OCTOBER 19 - NOVEMBER 3. If you choose to vote on Election Day, be prepared for the long lines. This includes consideration for comfortable clothing and shoes, bringing snacks, bottled water, medication as needed, portable cell phone charging device and cord, and something to hold your attention such as a book or magazine. Provisional Voting If you claim to be registered to vote but are not on the list, you can receive a provisional ballot for later verification. Ballots are eligible for verification if votes are cast in the correct precinct. Tennessee does not provide a limited provisional ballot. Provisional ballots are counted within FOUR business days after Election Day. Unofficial Poll Watchers Tennessee law allows for official poll watchers, who have to submit paperwork to the election committee, to sit in and watch. If they have questions about any irregularities they see, they are to bring it to the attention of the manager on-site and not directly to a voter. Sometimes unofficial poll watchers may be there but the election officials should handle them. Make sure you view the POLL WATCH: IF YOU ARE BEING TURNED AWAY on page 59 in this voter guide to report any voter suppression. MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 6
2022 October 11 Voter Registration Deadline ELECTION YEAR October 19 Early Voting Begins November 1 Last Day to Request an Absentee Ballot November 3 Early Voting Ends November 8 Election Day *rPeAeclrtohmtohumegehSnhtdheitslhbiasyttahCeroeduqenuatedysltinEbeleeincmtlaaiowdne, aCnsooamlaptmeraricstthsicaioannl Omwcatetotbbeser irtth2eis5: ,d2o0e2s2n. ot allow enough time for a ballot to be mailed and returned by election day. We NOVEMBER 8TH BALLOT SHELBY COUNTY GENERAL ELECTION AND MUNICIPAL ELECTION Amendments C onstitutional Amendments 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 Federal Offices United States House of Representatives Districts 8 • 9 State Primary Offices Governor Tennessee House of Representatives Tennessee State Districts 83 • 84 • 85 • 86 • 87 • 88 •91 • 93 • 95 • 96 • 97 • 98 • 99 Districts 29 • 31 • 33 Municipal Offices M emphis Municipal Court Judge G ermantown Mayor Division 2 G ermantown Alderman Memphis City Council Positions 1 • 2 District 4 B artlett Mayor Germantown School Board B artlett Alderman Positions 2 • 4 Positions 1 • 2 • 3 B artlett School Board Lakeland Mayor Positions 2 • 4 L akeland Commissioner (vote for 2) C ollierville Alderman L akeland School Board (vote for 3) Positions 1 • 2 • 4 M illington Alderman Collierville School Board Positions 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 Positions 2 • 4 M illington School Board 2 • 3 • 4 • 6 MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 7
Constitutional Amendments MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 8
CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT #1 SUMMARY: This amendment would add a new section to article XI of the Tennessee Constitution to make it illegal for any person, corporation, association, or the State of Tennessee or its political subdivisions to deny or attempt to deny employment to any person because of the person's membership in, affiliation with, resignation from, or refusal to join or affiliate with any labor union or employee organization. QUESTION: Shall Article XI of the Constitution of Tennessee be amended by adding the following language as a new section? It is unlawful for any person, corporation, association, or this state or its political subdivisions to deny or attempt to deny employment to any person by reason of the person's membership in, affiliation with, resignation from, or refusal to join or affiliate with any labor union or employee organization. YES NO CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT #2 SUMMARY: This amendment would add to article III, section 12 of the Tennessee Constitution a process for the temporary exercise of the powers and duties of the governor by the Speaker of the Senate—or the Speaker of the House if there is no Speaker of the Senate in office—when the governor is unable to discharge the powers and duties of the office of governor. While a Speaker is temporarily discharging the powers and duties of the governor, the Speaker would not be required to resign as Speaker or to resign as a member of the legislature; but the Speaker would not be able to preside as Speaker or vote as a member of the legislature. A Speaker who is temporarily discharging the powers and duties of the governor would not get the governor's salary but would get the Speaker's salary. The amendment would also exempt a Speaker who is temporarily discharging the powers and duties of the governor from provisions in the Constitution that would otherwise prohibit the Speaker from exercising the powers of the governor and from simultaneously holding more than one state office QUESTION: Shall Article III, Section 12 of the Constitution of Tennessee be amended by adding the following language immediately following the current language in the Section? Whenever the Governor transmits to the Secretary of State, the Speaker of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, a written, signed declaration that the Governor is unable to discharge the powers and duties of the office, the powers and duties of the office of Governor shall be temporarily discharged by the Speaker of the Senate as Acting Governor, or if that office is unoccupied, then by the Speaker of the House of Representatives as Acting Governor, until the Governor transmits to the same officials a written, signed declaration that the Governor is able to discharge the powers and duties of the office. Whenever a majority of the commissioners of administrative departments of the Executive Department transmits to the Secretary of State, the Speaker of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written, signed declaration that the Governor is unable to discharge the powers and duties of the office, the Speaker of the Senate shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting Governor, or if that office is unoccupied, then the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting Governor, until the Governor MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 9
transmits to the same officials a written, signed declaration that the Governor is able to discharge the powers and duties of the office. Whenever a Speaker is temporarily discharging the powers and duties of the office of Governor as Acting Governor, such Speaker shall not be required to resign the Speaker's position as the Speaker or to resign as a member of the general assembly and shall retain the Speaker's salary and not receive the Governor's salary, but such Speaker shall not preside as Speaker or vote as a member of the general assembly during the time the Speaker is Acting Governor. And Shall Article III, Section 13 of the Constitution of Tennessee be amended by adding the following language immediately before the period at the end of the Section? except as provided in Article III, Section 12 with regard to the Speaker of the Senate or the Speaker of the House of Representatives temporarily discharging the powers and duties of the office of Governor as Acting Governor and Shall Article II, Section 26 of the Constitution of Tennessee be amended by adding the following language at the end of the Section? This section shall not apply with regard to the Speaker of the Senate or the Speaker of the House of Representatives temporarily discharging the powers and duties of the office of Governor as Acting Governor under Article III, Section 12. YES NO CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT #3 SUMMARY: This amendment would change the current language in article I, section 33 of the Tennessee Constitution, which says that slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a person who has been duly convicted of crime, are forever prohibited in this State. The amendment would delete this current language and replace it with the following language: “Slavery and involuntary servitude are forever prohibited. Nothing in this section shall prohibit an inmate from working when the inmate has been duly convicted of a crime.” QUESTION: Shall Article I, Section 33 of the Constitution of Tennessee be amended by deleting the section and substituting instead the following? Section 33. Slavery and involuntary servitude are forever prohibited. Nothing in this section shall prohibit an inmate from working when the inmate has been duly convicted of a crime. YES NO CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT #4 SUMMARY: This amendment would delete article IX, section 1 of the Tennessee Constitution, which prohibits ministers of the gospel and priests of any denomination from holding a seat in either House of the legislature. QUESTION: Shall Article IX, Section 1 of the Constitution of Tennessee be amended by deleting the section? YES NO MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 10
Candidates Profile & Elected Office Definitions MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 11
GOVERNOR PROFILES Governors are responsible for implementing state laws and overseeing the operation of the state executive branch. As state leaders, governors advance and pursue new and revised policies and programs using a variety of tools, among them executive orders, executive budgets, and legislative proposals and vetoes. Governors carry out their management and leadership responsibilities and objectives with the support and assistance of department and agency heads, many of whom they are empowered to appoint. BILL Party Affiliation: Facebook: BillLeeTN LEE Republican Twitter: billleetn Candidate Status: Website: billlee.com Incumbent Elected office you're seeking: Governor Previous elected offices held: N/A Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: Governor Mechanical Engineering, Auburn University Active in Grace Chapel Church and in numerous faith-based ministries, which have taken him all over the world to serve people in need, including to Africa, Central America, and the Middle East. Top Three Issues: Traveling around the state, I’ve learned that most Tennesseans have a few things in common: • They want a good job. • A good school for their kids. • A safe neighborhood for their families. MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 12
DR. JASON Party Affiliation: Email: info@martinfortn.com Website: martinfortn.com MARTIN Democratic Facebook: DrJasonMartinTN Candidate Status: Twitter: jasonbmartin Challenger Elected office you're seeking: Governor Previous elected offices held: N/A Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: Doctor Tulane University; medical school at the University of South Alabama Top Three Issues: • Covid-19 Rebound: As an ICU doctor, I have spent the last two years in the trenches fighting the virus. When I am governor, I want to make sure we beat this pandemic using science, sound thinking, and a plan to get us back to living our lives as normally as possible. • Women’s Rights: Protecting the health and reproductive rights of women across the state is not just important, but the right thing to do. There are widespread attacks on women’s rights and as a physician, it is important to me that we make sure women have full control over their reproductive rights. • Cannabis: Pass cannabis for recreational use. Period. Decriminalize small drug offenses. This is a bipartisan issue, and as a governor for all Tennesseans, I will make sure that we do not lag behind on this issue. CONSTANCE Party Affiliation: Email: admin@tn4every1.com Website: tn4every1.com/about EVERY Independent Facebook: tn4every1 Candidate Status: Twitter: TN4EVERY1 Challenger Elected office you're seeking: Governor Previous elected offices held: N/A Current Employment/Occupation: Community Affiliation: NonProfit Founder/U.S. Army Veteran Sleeves4Needs; Black Coffee Justice Top Three Issues: • Public Safety: Statewide alternative response program. • Housing: Endow local community land trusts. • Education: Trade skills back in every Tennessee school. JOHN Party Affiliation: Email: johng@wethepeoplev50.com Facebook: Gentry4ThePeople/?modal=admin GENTRY Independent Twitter: JohnG4ThePeople todotour Candidate Status: Website: wethepeoplev50.com Challenger Elected office you're seeking: Governor Previous elected offices held: N/A Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: Accountant/U.S. Marine Corp Veteran Accounting, University of Maryland Top Three Issues: 13 • Tennessee Constitution • Restoring Cornerstone Rights • Masks Mandate and Vaccine Passports MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022
ALFRED Party Affiliation: O’NEIL Independent Candidate Status: Challenger Elected office you're seeking: Governor BASIL Party Affiliation: Twitter: marceaux2010?lang=en MARCEAUX Independent Website: republicaninarepublic.com Candidate Status: Challenger Elected office you're seeking: Governor Previous elected offices held: N/A Top Three Issues: • Supporting citizens of Tennessee • Education • Jobs CHARLES Party Affiliation: Email: asafetaxi@gmail.com Website: drove.com/campaign/5c6ba662cb9bc- VAN MORGAN Independent Facebook: charlesvan.morgan 70001cece14 Candidate Status: Twitter: CharlesVanMorg2 Challenger Elected office you're seeking: Governor Previous elected offices held: N/A Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Business Owner Business Administration/Management, Tennessee Wesleyan College; MA in Sociology emphasis Criminology, University of Tennessee; JD, Nashville School of Law DEBORAH Party Affiliation: ROUSE Independent Candidate Status: Challenger Elected office you're seeking: Governor Previous elected offices held: N/A MICHAEL Party Affiliation: LinkedIn: michael-scantland-07871424/ SCANTLAND Independent Candidate Status: Challenger Elected office you're seeking: Governor Previous elected offices held: N/A Current Employment/Occupation: Education: International Sales Manager BS in Business, Tennessee Technological University MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 14
RICK Party Affiliation: TAYLOR Independent Candidate Status: Challenger Elected office you're seeking: Governor Previous elected offices held: N/A MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 15
UONFITREEDPRSETSAETENSTAHTOIVUESSE PROFILES The U.S. House of Representatives makes and passes federal laws. The House is one of Congress's two chambers (the other is the U.S. Senate), and part of the federal government's legislative branch. Also referred to as a congressman/congresswoman, each representative is elected to a two-year term serving the people of a specific congressional district. Among other duties, representatives introduce bills and resolutions, offer amendments and serve on committees. The number of representatives with full voting rights is 435, and is proportionate to population per state. DISTRICT 8 DAVID Party Affiliation: Facebook: RepDavidKustoff KUSTOFF Republican Twitter: repdavidkustoff Candidate Status: Twitter: repdavidkustoff Incumbent Elected office you're seeking: US House of Representative District 8 Previous elected offices held: N/A Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: Attorney University of Memphis with a B.B.A.; University of Memphis Board of BankTennessee; Tennessee Higher Education with a J.D. Commission Top Three Issues: • Agriculture: Throughout the last decade, our rural communities have suffered exponentially as factory jobs have disappeared and businesses have shuttered their doors. • Trade: Free trade has benefited the agriculture economy, and while agreements like NAFTA need to be updated for a 21st century economy, I believe strongly in protecting access to the global marketplace for Tennessee farmers. • Rights to Bear Arms: I believe we have an unequivocal Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. As a member of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus, I will work to ensure that this right is never infringed upon MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 16
LYNETTE P. Party Affiliation: Email: info@votedrwilliamstndist8.com WILLIAMS Democratic Website: votedrwilliamstndist8.com Candidate Status: Challenger Elected office you're seeking: US House of Representative District 8 Previous elected offices held: JAMES Party Affiliation: Email: JamesHart4Congress@gmail.com HART Independent Website: jameshart4congress.com Candidate Status: Challenger Elected office you're seeking: US House of Representative District 8 Previous elected offices held: N/A Top Three Issues: • Support the community’s ideas • Fight the needs of the community • Earning the community’s respect RONNIE Party Affiliation: Email: henleyr215@gmail.com Twitter: henley215 HENLEY Independent Facebook: ronnie.henley.988 Website: henleyr215.wixsite.com/henleycongress2022 Candidate Status: Instagram: henley6379 LinkedIn: henley6379 Challenger Elected office you're seeking: US House of Representative District 8 Previous elected offices held: N/A Education: Penn Foster College Top Three Issues: • Economy • Education • Healthcare MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 17
DISTRICT 9 STEVE Party Affiliation: Facebook: CongressmanSteveCohen Website: cohen.house.gov/issues COHEN Democratic Instagram: repcohen LinkedIn: repcohen Candidate Status: Twitter: repcohen Incumbent Elected office you're seeking: US House of Representative District 9 Previous elected offices held: Shelby County Commissioner; State Senator from District 30; 9th Congressional District seat in the House of Representatives Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: Congressman Bachelor’s degree, Vanderbilt University; J.D., Cecil Memphis College of Art, Board of Trustees; Memphis Zoological Society, Humphreys School of Law at the University of Board of Directors; Circuit Playhouse, Inc., Board of Directors; Memphis Memphis Redbirds Foundation; NAACP, Lifetime Member Top Three Issues: • Criminal Justice Reform: As the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice, Congressman Cohen is working to protect civil rights as well as reform the criminal justice system to make it more fair. • Women’s Issues: There are some in Congress who want to repeal the last 50 years’ worth of advances in reproductive rights for women, whether it’s through legislation or by cutting funding for vital women’s health services such as Planned Parenthood. I will continue to stand with women and make sure that their right to reproductive choice is protected. • Economy and Jobs: Generating jobs and strengthening the economy is one of Congressman Cohen’s top priorities in Congress. DENNIS Party Affiliation: Email: Info@dennisclarkforcongress.com Website: dennisclarkforcongress.com/bio CLARK Independent Twitter: dennisdacomic Candidate Status: Facebook: people/Dennis-Clark-for-Tennes- Challenger see/100057881927261 Elected office you're seeking: US House of Representative District 9 Previous elected offices held: N/A Education: Lemoyne-Owen College Top Three Issues: • Women’s Rights • Homeownership • Criminal Justice Reform CHARLOTTE Party Affiliation: Email: info@electbergmann.com hq@electberg- Twitter: ElectBergmann BERGMANN Democratic mann.com Website: electbergmann.com Candidate Status: LinkedIn: Challenger Facebook: ElectBergmann Elected office you're seeking: US House of Representative District 9 Previous elected offices held: TN State Executive Committee District 33 Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: RNC’s President Club under President George W. Bush; TN Managing Partner with Angelic Visits personal home State Tech Institute of Memphis; Christian Brothers University, VP of Kiwanis and is active in Shelby County Republican Women’s Club care for seniors BS Technology degre Top Three Issues: • Lower crime in Memphis: Under Cohen’s 15- year reign, Memphis is the 3rd most dangerous city in the nation! He sponsors legislation that wants to limit the 2nd amendment and take guns out of law-abiding citizens’ hands. • Increase Memphis Economic Prosperity: Elected Candidate Bergmann will help get the national and local economy going again by supporting less regulation and lower taxes. • Enhance Memphis Labor Force: In order to draw businesses, Charlotte knows we must develop a better, more educated and skilled labor force. MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 18
PAUL Party Affiliation: Email: paulcook4liberty@gmail.com COOK Independent Website: paulcook4liberty.com Candidate Status: Challenger Elected office you're seeking: US House of Representative District 9 Previous elected offices held: N/A Current Employment/Occupation: Education: U.S. Marine Corp Veteran Degree in Information Technology from Southwest Community College; Bachelor of Business Administration in Management Information System from the University of Memphis Top Three Issues: • Socialism vs Liberty • Government Corruptions • Religious Freedom DR. GEORGE Party Affiliation: Facebook: george.flinn FLINN Independent Twitter: GeorgeFlinn Candidate Status: Twitter: GeorgeFlinn Challenger Elected office you're seeking: US House of Representative District Previous elected offices held: County Commissioner Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: Owner of Flinn Clinics & Founder and CEO of Flinn MD in Medicine, University of Tennessee Health Science Appointed by the President to the National Institutes of Health, Broadcasting Corporation Center College of Medicine; BS in Electrical Engineering, Public HealthService in Bethesda, MD University of Mississippi; Electrical Engineering, Georgia Top Three Issues: Institute of Technology • Get rid of the two-party system MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 19
STTAETNENESSESNEAETE PROFILES The Senate is the upper house of the Tennessee General Assembly and is composed of 33 members who are elected to four-year terms of office. They are elected by the voters of their Senate legislative district. The functions of the Legislature are to enact, amend, and repeal the laws of Tennessee. Some of the specific powers granted to the Tennessee General Assembly by the state Constitution include: the appropriation of all money to be paid out of the state treasury; the levy and collection of taxes; and the right to authorize counties and incorporated towns to levy taxes. DISTRICT 29 RAUMESH Party Affiliation: Email: sen.raumesh.akbari@capitol.tn.gov Website: raumeshakbari.com/home.html AKBARI Democratic Facebook: SenAkbari Candidate Status: Twitter: SenAkbari Incumbent Elected office you're seeking: TN Senate District 29 Previous elected offices held: TN House of Rep District 91 Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: Attorney B.A. Washington University in St. Louis, Member, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated; Member, The Links Incorporated; 2006; J.D. St. Louis University School of State Legislative Leaders Foundation, Board Member; National Civil Rights Museum, Law, 2009 Board Member; Board Member, Downtown Memphis Commission Top Three Issues: • Akbari continues to introduce legislation affecting education and educational policy, criminal justice reform, job growth incentives, and other areas that affect her constituents as well as Tennesseans from all walks of life. One of her recent bills has now become law, reducing the amount needed for expungement of certain offenses from criminal records. For persons looking to turn their lives around, this will have a significant impact on their ability to seek gainful employment. MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 20
DISTRICT 31 RUBY Party Affiliation: Email: info@rubypowelldennis.com Twitter: rpowelldennisTN POWELL-DENNIS Democratic Facebook: RPowellDennisTN Website: rubypowelldennis.com Candidate Status: Instagram: rpowelldennisTN LinkedIn: rpowelldennisTN Open Seat Elected office you're seeking: TN Senate District 31 Previous elected offices held: N/A Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: Community Outreach Director Bachelor’s degree, Advertising, Political Science and minored Board of Directors for the Junior League of Memphis; Board in Secondary Education, University of Florida; Master of Arts in of Directors at Leadership Preparatory Charter School; Organizational Communication at Southeastern Louisiana University; Census 2020 Complete Count subcommittee member Master’s in Business Administration at The University of Memphis Top Three Issues: • Education: Ruby is focused on fighting back against legislation, like Education Spending Accounts, that further increases inequality in our state compared to others in the U.S., and getting on a path to a weighted funding model for students based on need and increasing Basic Education Program. • Healthcare: Ruby supports legislation that expands affordable healthcare for people in need. Access to healthcare is a human right and it’s imperative that we listen to the concerns of everyday hard-working West Tennesseans’ who do not have adequate medical coverage. • Small Business Investment: Ruby supports increased economic investments in businesses during COVID-19 recovery, especially small businesses, in District 31 so that vibrant community-owned businesses remain viable both inside and outside of the 240 loop. BRENT Party Affiliation: Facebook: BrentTaylorForSenate TAYLOR Republican Website: brenttaylorforsenate.com Candidate Status: Open Seat Community Affiliation: Active members of Trinity Baptist Church Elected office you're seeking: TN Senate District 31 Previous elected offices held: Memphis City Council Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Business Owner Mortuary Science degree Top Three Issues: • Back our brave law enforcement officers • Support strong sentences for those who commit violent crimes • Maintain fiscal stability and live within our means MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 21
DISTRICT 33 LONDON Party Affiliation: Email: info@LondonLamar.com Website: londonlamar.com LAMAR Democratic Facebook: RepLondonLamar Candidate Status: Twitter: SenatorLamar Incumbent Elected office you're seeking: TN Senate District 33 Previous elected offices held: TN House of Rep District 91 Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: State Senator B.A. Political Science with double minors in Sociology and Chair of the Shelby County Delegation of State Legislators Intercultural Studies, Saint Mary’s College Top Three Issues: • Strong Schools: funding school systems 100% and providing resources for special education and at-risk youth. • Healthy Families: lowering the cost of healthcare and expanding insurance coverage for doulas, school nurses and community care health officials. • Safe Communities: Foster relationships between the community and police to keep communities safe DR. FREDERICK Party Affiliation: Email: tappanforsenate.com TAPPAN Democratic Facebook: tappanforsenate Candidate Status: Twitter: tappanforsenate Challenger Elected office you're seeking: TN Senate District 33 Previous elected offices held: N/A Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: Pastor Tappan has been a tireless community He attends Mid America Baptist Theological Seminary, where Pastor Tappan has been a tireless community advocate for advocate for over 30 years; from community feeding he is matriculating towards an MDiv. in Old Testament over 30 years; from community feeding programs, prayer programs, prayer vigils, Community Block Parties, Theology; Undergraduate degree in Psychology from vigils, Community Block Parties, Fall festivals, and events to Fall festivals, and events to support the homeless. Jacksonville Theological Seminary; an Honorary Doctorate of support the homeless. Divinity from Atlantic Coast Theological Seminary Top Three Issues: • Third grade literacy is a critical measurement of how successful or not successful Shelby County is educating our children. Therefore, we can see a distinctive link between third grade literacy and the increase in crime, especially juvenile crime, in our city. • Decreasing Crime: Enforcing the law and holding people accountable for their actions must always be a priority for the police and the justice system. I believe that the new “Truth in Sentencing” statute will ensure that the most violent criminals will complete the entire period of incarceration. • Return of MPD COACT (COmmunity ACTion) Units: They police substations that are located mainly in community centers. The officers that manned the units, often led many of the athletic and community programs that involved the community youths. HASTINA Party Affiliation: Email: HastinaRobinson@gmail.com ROBINSON Independent Facebook: HastinaRobinsonForSenate Candidate Status: Challenger Elected office you’re seeking: TN Senate District 33 Previous elected offices held: N/A MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 22
TEONFNRESEPSREEESSETNATTAETHIVOEUSSE PROFILES The House of Representatives is the lower house of the Tennessee General Assembly, composed of 99 members who are elected to two-year terms of office. They are elected by the voters of their House legislative district. In general, the functions of the Legislature are to enact, amend, and repeal the laws of Tennessee, and they can create changes in the form of bills, resolutions and joint resolutions. Some of the specific powers granted to the General Assembly by the state Constitution include: the appropriation of all money to be paid out of the state treasury; the levy and collection of taxes; and the right to authorize counties and incorporated towns to levy taxes. The House also has the power to start impeachment hearings. DISTRICT 83 MARK Party Affiliation: Email: rep.mark.white@capitol.tn.gov Website: c apitol.tn.gov/house/members/ WHITE Republican Facebook: StateRepresentativeMarkWhite h83.html Candidate Status: Twitter: repmarkwhite?lang=en Incumbent Elected office you're seeking: TN House of Rep District 83 Previous elected offices held: State Representative District 83 since 2010, Chairman of the House Full Education Committee Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: Conflict Management/Facilitator B.S. in Education from University of Memphis; Chairman, West Tennessee Economic Development Caucus, Chairman, Life M.A. in Conflict Management from Lipscomb Science Tennessee Caucus; Chairman, Quality Early Education Caucus, Top Three Issues: University Chairman of the Board Collierville Chamber of Commerce, Appointed • Firearm safety around minors Chairman of NFIB Tennessee Leadership Council • Education • Tourism MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 23
DISTRICT 84 JOE Party Affiliation: Email: rep.joe.towns@capitol.tn.gov Website: c apitol.tn.gov/house/members/ TOWNS JR. Democratic Instagram: explore/tags/joetownsjr h84.html Candidate Status: Twitter: RepJoeTownsJr Incumbent LinkedIn: explore/tags/joetownsjr Elected office you're seeking: TN House of Rep District 84 Previous elected offices held: State Representative District 84 since 1995 Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: Business/ Entrepreneur, Former College Instructor, B.A. in Political Science from LeMoyne-Owen Former member of Community Service Action Board; Democratic Executive has a Management, Consulting and Entertainment College; M.S. in Operational Management from Committee; Member Mississippi Boulevard Church; Co-founder of C.U.T.E.C. Co. University of Arkansas in Fayetteville Anti Crime Organization; Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Top Three Issues: • Criminal justice • Higher education • Election laws DISTRICT 85 JESSE Party Affiliation: Email: rep.jesse.chism@capitol.tn.gov Website: capitol.tn.gov/house/members/ CHISM Democratic Facebook: votejessechism85 h85.html Candidate Status: Twitter: JesseChism Incumbent Elected office you're seeking: TN House of Rep District 85 Previous elected offices held: TN House of Rep District 85 Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: Real Estate Investor B.A. Business Administration, Morehouse Shelby County Democratic Party; Memphis/Shelby County Consortium of College; M. Ed, Union University Care; PAIMA Council for Disability Rights Tennessee; Memphis/Shelby County Homeless Consortium; Board of Directors for Memphis Mental Health Institute Top Three Issues: • Legislation for solitary confinement limits for juveniles and pregnant women • Racial Profiling prevention training • Self-employment assistance program through labor & workforce development DISTRICT 86 MICHAEL Party Affiliation: PORTER Independent Candidate Status: Challenger Elected office you’re seeking: TN House of Rep District 86 Previous elected offices held: N/A MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 24
BARBARA WARD Party Affiliation: Email: rep.barbara.cooper@capitol.tn.gov Website: capitol.tn.gov/house/members/H86. COOPER Democratic Facebook: profile.php?id=100050885291821 html Candidate Status: Twitter: barbara1204585 Incumbent Elected office you're seeking: TN House of Rep District 86 Previous elected offices held: Has held current office since 1997; Former Chair, Tennessee Black Caucus of State Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: Retired Educator, Community Relations Specialist B.S. and Master’s in Education, Tennessee State University; MLK50; W. C. Handy Park; Southbrook Center Project; Shelby and Parent Coordinator Ph.D., Religious Philosophy and Christian Psychology, County Democratic Women; Social Action Committee (St. Jacksonville Theological Seminary Augustine Church) Top Three Issues: • Increase awareness of background checks procedures for contract workers & volunteers at schools • Diversity in contracting with the lottery corporation • Adverse childhood experience training for school personnel to take online DISTRICT 87 KAREN D. Party Affiliation: Email: rep.karen.camper@capitol.tn.gov Twitter: KarenDCamper CAMPER Democratic Facebook: KarenDCamper Website: capitol.tn.gov/house/members/h87.html Candidate Status: Instagram: karendcamper LinkedIn: karendcamper Incumbent Elected office you're seeking: TN House of Rep District 87 Previous elected offices held: House Member of the 105th through 111th General Assemblies; Democratic Caucus Leader Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: Chief Warrant Officer, US Army Retired Associate of Science, University of Tennessee Knoxville; New Beginning All Life Ministries; President: National Primary, Basic and Advanced Leadership Development Organization of Black Elected Legislative (N.O.B.E.L.) Women; Courses, University of the State of New York, Albany Board Member: Memphis Branch, NAACP; Women’s Action for New Directions; TN State Director: National Foundation for Women Legislators Top Three Issues: • Focused on eliminating poverty • Empowering communities DISTRICT 88 LARRY J. Party Affiliation: Email: rep.larry.miller@capitol.tn.gov MILLER Democratic Facebook: replarryj.miller Candidate Status: Website: capitol.tn.gov/House/members/h88.html Incumbent Elected office you're seeking: TN House of Rep District 88 Previous elected offices held: House Member of the 98th -111 th General Assemblies Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: Retired Professional Fireman B.A., Social Science, LeMoyne Owen College Member, Tennessee Black Caucus of State Legislators; Former member, Tennessee Democratic Executive Committee; Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity; NAACP; Shelby County Democratic Party MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 25
DISTRICT 91 TORREY C. Party Affiliation: Email: info@torreyharris.com Twitter: torreyharris90 HARRIS Democratic Facebook: torreyfor90 Website: torreyharris.com Candidate Status: Instagram: iamtorreyharris LinkedIn: iamtorreyharris Open Seat Elected office you're seeking: TN House of Rep District 91 Previous elected offices held: TN House of Rep District 90 Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: Shelby County Government / Director, Human Christian Brothers University | Industrial & Executive Board Member & Finance Chair, CHOICES Reproductive, Health & Birth Resources Organizational Psychology Center, Board Member, Friends For Life HIV/AIDS Care & Prevention Corporation, Treasurer, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated, Treasurer, Shelby County Young Democrats Top Three Issues: • Fully Funded Public Education • Criminal Justice Reform / Elimination of Cash Bail • Access to Healthcare DISTRICT 93 G.A. Party Affiliation: Email: rep.ga.hardaway@capitol.tn.gov HARDAWAY Democratic Candidate Status: Incumbent Elected office you're seeking: TN House of Rep District 93 Previous elected offices held: N/A Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: Real Estate Investor Bachelor of Science in Finance from DePaul University Tennessee Black Caucus of State Legislators; Africa in April Festival – Board of Directors; Al- Kadosh Shrine Temple; Black Business Association; Black Family Channel – Board of Directors Top Three Issues: • Election laws • Criminal justice • Traffic Safety DISTRICT 95 PATRICIA Party Affiliation: CAUSEY Democratic Candidate Status: Challenger Elected office you're seeking: TN House of Rep District 95 Previous elected offices held: N/A Current Employment/Occupation: Professor at Southwest Tennessee Community College MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 26
WILLIAM KEVIN Party Affiliation: Facebook: Vaughan4TNHouse VAUGHAN Democratic Website: vote4vaughan.com/Home Candidate Status: Incumbent Elected office you're seeking: TN House of Rep District 95 Previous elected offices held: N/A Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: Collierville Rotary Club; Collierville Rotary Foundation; Licensed Professional Engineer; Real Estate Broker Memphis State University, B.S. of Electrical Engineering Collierville Chamber of Commerce; Collierville Education Foundation; Leadership Collierville Top Three Issues: • Protect Collierville & Germantown’s schools • Support police & first responders so they can keep our communities safe • Promote our conservative values & ideals DISTRICT 96 DWAYNE Party Affiliation: Email: dwayne@votethompson96.com Website: votethompson96.com THOMPSON Democratic Facebook: ThompsonTN96 Candidate Status: Twitter: hdwaynethompson Incumbent Elected office you're seeking: TN House of Rep District 96 Previous elected offices held: N/A Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: Retired Human Resources Professional Bachelors Political Science, Graduate work in Business Cordova Leadership Council; Wolf River Conservancy; Shelby Administration Farms Conservancy; Germantown Democratic Club. Top Three Issues: • Expanded and better quality healthcare. • Improved education and protecting education from outside influences like vouchers. • Improving Infrastructure DISTRICT 97 TONIKO Party Affiliation: Email: info@TonikoHarris.org HARRIS Democratic Facebook: TonikoHarris Candidate Status: Website: tonikoharris.org Challenger Elected office you're seeking: TN House of Rep District 97 Previous elected offices held: N/A Current Employment/Occupation: Firefighter/Paramedic Top Three Issues: • I will fight for YOUR...TAX DOLLARS not to be wasted, for child to have access quality public schools and other educational choices that do not take needed funding away from our public schools, for you and your family to have access to quality HEALTHCARE and to ensure that your family can live a life without fear of uncertainty and safety. MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 27
JOHN Party Affiliation: Facebook: VoteJohnGillespie GILLESPIE Republican Website: votejohngillespie.com Candidate Status: Incumbent Elected office you're seeking: TN House of Rep District 97 Previous elected offices held: None Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: Grant Coordinator at Trezevant Episcopal Home Bachelor of Art from High Point University in North Carolina Phoenix Club of Memphis Top Three Issues: • Public Safety • Schools • Healthcare DISTRICT 98 ANTONIO Party Affiliation: Email: info@TNRepParkinson.com Website: TNRepParkinson.com PARKINSON Democratic Facebook: TNRepParkinson Candidate Status: Twitter: TNRepParkinson Incumbent Elected office you're seeking: TN House of Rep District 98 Previous elected offices held: None Current Employment/Occupation: Community Affiliation: Retired Firefighter/Marine Veteran ABetterMemphis.com, The Raleigh Fire Victims Fund, Toys in the Garden, The Fresh Start Community Baby Shower & the Block Party for Peace. Top Three Issues: • Health • Education • Putting money back into your households DISTRICT 99 TOM Party Affiliation: Email: contact@tomleatherwood.com LEATHERWOOD Republican Facebook: Tom.Leatherwood.TN.Representative.District.99 Candidate Status: Website: tomleatherwood.com Challenger Elected office you're seeking: TN House of Rep District 99 Previous elected offices held: Register of Deeds & two terms in the Tennessee Senate Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: Retired Register of Deeds BS in Geology, University of Memphis; Teaching Certificate NRA; Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary Development from the Middle Tennessee State University Council; Shelby Co. Republican Party; Northeast Shelby Republican Club Top Three Issues: 28 • Immigration • Economy • 2nd Amendment MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022
MCIUTYNIOCJFIUPMDAGLEEMCOPUHRIST PROFILES Municipal courts, sometimes called “city courts,” hear cases involving violations of municipal ordinances. Most often, these courts hear speeding tickets and other traffic violations. However, these courts also hear codes violations such as dogs running loose, high grass or other violations of city ordinances that seek to ensure the public safety and welfare. While generally, a municipal court can impose a fine of up to $50 (Fifty Dollars) plus court costs for violations, in some instances, these courts can impose a civil penalty of up to $500 (Five Hundred Dollars). PATIENCE Candidate Status: Facebook: people/Patience-Missy-Branham/100079261425093 BRANHAM Challenger Website: patienceforjudge.com Elected office you're seeking: Municipal Court Judge Division 2 Previous elected offices held: N/A Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Attorney Russian Studies degree, Emory University; University of Memphis Law School Top Three Issues: • With cases that included women, men and police officers– as defendants and victims alike–her passion for the job has always been rooted in seeing people as people, not as statistics or stereotypes. She believes Domestic Violence court needs to team up with Mental Health Court, Drug Court and Veterans court. She believes in ensuring the system is working hard for every individual in Memphis. MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 29
LATONYA Candidate Status: Email: Latonya.Burrow@memphistn.gov BURROW Challenger Elected office you're seeking: Municipal Court Judge Division 2 Previous elected offices held: N/A Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: Attorney Rhodes College, the University of Memphis Board of directors of Knowledge Quest and former board member of S.O.S. Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law (Save Our Sons); D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education); G.R.E.A.T. (Gang Resistance Education and Training); Girl Scouts JOHN Candidate Status: Email: johncameronforjudge@gmail.com CAMERON Challenger Facebook: JohnCameronForMemphisJudge Elected office you're seeking: Municipal Court Judge Division 2 Previous elected offices held: N/A Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: Environmental Court Referee University of Memphis law graduate Scoutmaster of Troop 241; former board member of Evergreen; East Buntyn Neighborhood Associations Top Three Issues: • Safety for, and service to, all of Memphis VERONICA Candidate Status: Email: Votecooper22@gmail.com Twitter: votecooper22 COOPER Challenger Facebook: ElectCooperJudge Website: votecooper22.com Instagram: votecooper22 LinkedIn: votecooper22 Elected office you're seeking: Municipal Court Judge Division 2 Previous elected offices held: N/A Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Attorney JD, Villanova University LYNNETTE Candidate Status: Email: Campaign@Hall-lewis4judge.com Website: hall-lewisforjudge.com HALL-LEWIS Challenger Facebook: halllewis4judge Instagram: halllewis4judge Elected office you're seeking: Municipal Court Judge Division 2 Previous elected offices held: N/A Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: Attorney B.S. in Criminal Justice, Jackson State University; NAACP, Memphis Chapter; Association for Women Attorneys; National Bar Association, Ben F. Jones Chapter; Delta Sigma Theta, Sorority, Inc.; Rising Sun Outreach Ministries Church MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 30
LATRENA Candidate Status: Facebook: people/Latrena-Davis-Ingram-For-Judge LinkedIn: latrena-ingram-45385398 INGRAM Challenger Instagram: mrs trena Twitter: latrenaingram Elected office you're seeking: Municipal Court Judge Division 2 Previous elected offices held: N/A Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: Attorney Graduate of Dartmouth College; Graduate of the University of Board of Directors, National Bar Association; Alpha Kappa Michigan Law School Alpha Sorority, Inc.; Jack and Jill of America; Memphis Area Legal Services; Board of Professional Responsibility Top Three Issues: • Fair and impartial; belief in second chances; and a love of people WILLIAM Candidate Status: Facebook: profile.php?id=100081963337372 LARSHA Challenger Elected office you're seeking: Municipal Court Judge Division 2 Previous elected offices held: N/A Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Attorney B.A. Chemistry, University of Tennessee at Knoxville; Juris Doctorate, Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law in Memphis CHRISTINE Candidate Status: Email: christinestephenslawoffice@gmail.com STEPHENS Challenger Elected office you're seeking: Municipal Court Judge Division 2 Previous elected offices held: N/A Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Attorney B.S. degree from East Tennessee State University; J.D., University of Memphis School of Law CAROLYN Candidate Status: Email: judgecarolynwatkins@gmail.com WATKINS Incumbent Website: keepjudgewatkins.com Elected office you're seeking: Municipal Court Judge Division 2 Previous elected offices held: N/A Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: Judge and Adjunct Professor Jackson State University and Loyola University Law School Board of Professional Responsibility; Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.; Black Business Association; Leadership Memphis; Capital Case Resource Center Top Three Issues: • The people and their business are being taken care of rapidly, respectfully, efficiently and effectively. MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 31
CITCYITPOYRFOCMFOIULEENMSCPIHL IS PROFILES The City Council exercises the legislative powers of city government, including adopting the annual City budget, ordinances and resolutions; setting appropriate tax levies; establishing sewer and water rates, setting other general tax and service rates; Mayoral veto override authority, and setting the Council agenda. DISTRICT 4 LATONIA Candidate Status: Facebook: latonia.blankenship BLANKENSHIP Challenger Elected office you're seeking: Memphis City Council District 4 Previous elected offices held: N/A Current Employment/Occupation: Family Engagement Specialist Top Three Issues: • Sisterhood • Education • Equality MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 32
BARRY Candidate Status: Facebook: barryafordsr FORD Challenger Elected office you're seeking: Memphis City Council District 4 Previous elected offices held: N/A Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Shelby County Government/ Navy Veteran University of Southern Mississippi DEWAYNE Candidate Status: JACKSON Challenger Elected office you’re seeking: Memphis City Council District 4 Previous elected offices held: N/A JANA Candidate Status: Facebook: jana.richey.7 SWEARENGEN- Challenger Instagram: janaevette1 WASHINGTON LinkedIn: janaevette1 Elected office you're seeking: Memphis City Council District 4 Previous elected offices held: N/A MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 33
CITY OMFABYAORRTLETT PROFILES The mayor is the chief executive officer, centralizing executive power. The mayor directs the administrative structure, appointing and removing of department heads. While the council has legislative power, the mayor has veto power. The council does not oversee daily operations. STEVE Candidate Status: Website: hammondsformayor.com HAMMONDS Open Seat Instagram: hammondsformayor/ Elected office you're seeking: Bartlett Mayor Previous elected offices held: N/A Current Employment/Occupation: Community Affiliation: Police Officer Bartlett Baptist Church; D.A.R.E. Program Top Three Issues: • Business Development • Education • Maintain Safety JOHN Party Affiliation: Instagram: johnlackey.bartlettmayor LACKEY Candidate Status: LinkedIn: johnlackey.bartlettmayor Open Seat Elected office you're seeking: Bartlett Mayor 34 Previous elected offices held: N/A Current Employment/Occupation: Retired Engineer/Reserve Deputy Sheriff MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022
DAVID Candidate Status: Email: admin@ParsonsforMayor.com PARSONS Open Seat Facebook: ParsonsforMayor Website: parsonsformayor.com Elected office you're seeking: Bartlett Mayor Previous elected offices held: Bartlett Alderman Position 3 Current Employment/Occupation: Community Affiliation: Business Owner Advisory Board for the Bartlett Performing Arts and Conference Center; Bartlett Industrial Development Board; Charter member of the Family Assistance Commission; Memphis Area Homebuilders Association; Habitat of Humanity Top Three Issues: • Public Safety • Education • Economic Development KEVIN Candidate Status: Facebook: Bartlettaldermanposition6 Website: quinnforbartlett.com QUINN Open Seat Instagram: kevinquinnforbartlett/ LinkedIn: kevinquinnforbartlett/ Twitter: quinn4bartlett Elected office you're seeking: Bartlett Mayor Previous elected offices held: Bartlett Alderman Position 6 Current Employment/Occupation: Community Affiliation: Digital Media Specialist Bartlett Education Foundation; Shelby County Historical Commission; Bartlett Historic Preservation Commission; Bartlett Performing Arts & Conference Center; Bartlett Historical Society Top Three Issues: • Ensure first responders, schools, animal shelters, public works, engineering, utilities, etc. have what they need to keep our city the “Crown Jewel” of West Tennessee • To leave Bartlett in a better place than when elected • To inspire the next generation of qualified leaders to hand over the management of the city MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 35
CITYALODFEBRAMRATNLETT PROFILES The Town of Bartlett operates under a General Law Mayor-Aldermanic Charter. It is governed by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen, the members of which are elected to four-year terms. The aldermen shall be responsible to the citizens of the city for their actions at council meetings. POSITION 1 CASPER Candidate Status: Email: casperbriggs@gmail.com BRIGGS Open Seat Facebook: casperbriggsbartlett Website: casperbriggs.com Elected office you're seeking: Bartlett Alderman Position 1 Previous elected offices held: N/A Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: Sales Executive Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Vice Chair of the City of Bartlett Planning Commission; American Society of Christian Brothers University Heating, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers; Memphis Area Joint Engineers Council; Shelby County Code Advisory Board Top Three Issues: • Ensuring safe communities • Economic development • Education MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 36
HAROLD Candidate Status: BRAD KING Open Seat Elected office you're seeking: Bartlett Alderman Position 1 Previous elected offices held: N/A Current Employment/Occupation: Retired Fire Captain JIMMY Candidate Status: Facebook: /jimnormanforalderman/?ref=py c NORMAN Open Seat Elected office you're seeking: Bartlett Alderman Position 1 Previous elected offices held: Community Affiliation: Business Owner VICTOR Candidate Status: Email: patriots4bartlett@gmail.com READ Open Seat Facebook: Patriots4Bartlett Website: patriots4bartlett.com Elected office you're seeking: Bartlett Alderman Position 1 Previous elected offices held: N/A Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Mechanic Mississippi College Top Three Issues: • Stop the New Union Depot development • Ban Section 8 housing • Restore parental authority in our schools POSITION 2 ROBERT Candidate Status: LinkedIn: in/robert-griffin-a961644/ GRIFFIN Open Seat Elected office you're seeking: Bartlett Alderman Position 2 Previous elected offices held: N/A Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: Managing Director of SmartCycle BS in Broadcasting, Pensacola Christian College American Cancer Society MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 37
STEPHEN Candidate Status: SPENCER Open Seat Elected office you’re seeking: Bartlett Alderman Position 2 Previous elected offices held: N/A THOMAS Candidate Status: STEPHEN JR. Open Seat Elected office you’re seeking: Bartlett Alderman Position 2 Previous elected offices held: N/A BRANDON Candidate Status: WEISE Open Seat Elected office you're seeking: Bartlett Alderman Position 2 Previous elected offices held: N/A Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: Shelby County Government Bachelor’s degree in Political Science, University of Boy Scouts; Eagle Scouts; St. Jude Children’s Research Tennessee-Martin Hospital Top Three Issues: • Smart growth in development • Crime • Sewer System POSITION 3 PAUL Candidate Status: Email: paulkaiserforbartlett@comcast.net KAISER Challenger Facebook: Paulkaiserbartlettaldermanposition3/ Website: kaiserforbartlett.com Elected office you're seeking: Bartlett Alderman Position 3 Previous elected offices held: N/A Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: Business Owner BS in Business Administration, University of Tennessee-Martin Bartlett Planning Commission; Bartlett Historic Commission; Bartlett Parks and Recreation Board; Bartlett Board of Zoning Appeals Top Three Issues: • Maintaining Superior Police, Fire, Public Works and Parks • Providing Quality Education • Driving Economic Opportunity and Development MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 38
DAVID Candidate Status: Twitter: hdreaves REAVES Challenger Elected office you're seeking: Bartlett Alderman Position 3 Previous elected offices held: Shelby County Commissioner; Shelby County Schools board member Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: Business Owner Bachelors Degree in Business Management Information Bartlett Youth Football Systems, University of Memphis Top Three Issues: • Small Business Development • Education • Public Safety MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 39
CISTCYHOOFOLBABROTALREDTT PROFILES School board members are locally elected public officials entrusted with governing a community's public schools. The role of the school board is to ensure that school districts are responsive to the values, beliefs and priorities of their communities. They set the vision and goals for the district, adopt policies that give the district direction to set priorities and achieve its goals, hire and evaluate the superintendent, adopt and oversee the annual budget, and manage the collective bargaining process for employees of the district. POSITION 2 ERIN Candidate Status: Facebook: ErinElliottBerry ELLIOTT BERRY Incumbent Website: bartlettschools.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=412363&type=u&pREC_ID=565985 Elected office you're seeking: Bartlett School Board Position 2 Previous elected offices held: Bartlett School Board Position 2 Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: Accounting Southwest TN Community College; University of Memphis Bartlett Citizens Police Academy; Bartlett Education Advisory with a General Education degree Committee; Better Bartlett Schools group; PTA MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 40
POSITION 4 BRYAN Candidate Status: Facebook: VoteWoodruff WOODRUFF Incumbent Twitter: bryanwoodruff Website: bartlettschools.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC ID=412372&type=u&pREC ID=565990 Elected office you're seeking: Bartlett School Board Position 4 Previous elected offices held: Bartlett School Board Position 4 Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: Senior Sales Engineer Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Christian Brothers Coaches youth soccer teams; Bartlett Education University; Master of Business Administration, University of Advisory Committee; Chairman of the Logistics and Memphis; a Graduate Certificate in Supply Chain Management from Facilities Subcommittees Penn State University AISLINN Candidate Status: Email: amcewen.tn@gmail.com MCEWEN Challenger Facebook: people/Aislinn-McEwen-for-Bartlett-School-Board/100085470515929 Elected office you're seeking: Bartlett School Board Position 4 Previous elected offices held: N/A Current Employment/Occupation: Community Affiliation: librarian Altruria PTO, and volunteer as Room Mom MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 41
CITY OAFLDCEORLMLIAENRVILLE PROFILES The Town of Arlington operates under a General Law Mayor-Aldermanic Charter. It is governed by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen, the members of which are elected to four-year terms. The aldermen shall be responsible to the citizens of the city for their actions at council meetings. POSITION 1 WILLIAM Candidate Status: Facebook: ElectWilliamBoone BOONE Challenger Elected office you're seeking: Collierville Alderman Position 1 Previous elected offices held: N/A Top Three Issues: • Roads and infrastructure • Lack of attracting businesses • Prioritizing the importance of what the citizens want and need MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 42
MAUREEN Candidate Status: Email: voteteammaureen@gmail.com Website: votemaureenfraser.com FRASER Incumbent Facebook: maureen.fraser03 Instagram: voteteammaureen Elected office you're seeking: Collierville Alderman Position 1 Previous elected offices held: Collierville Alderman Position 1 Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: Affiliate Broker and Marketing & Promotions Purdue University Collierville Chamber of Commerce; Collierville Rotary; board Manager member of Leadership Collierville; Friends of the Morton Museum of Collierville History; Girl Scout Leader Top Three Issues: • Committed to our Safety • Committed to our Schools • Committed to Fiscal Responsibility POSITION 2 JEWEL Candidate Status: Email: JewelJordan22@yahoo.com JORDAN Challenger Facebook: jewel.jordan.3956 Website: facebook.com profile.php?id=100082729447104 Elected office you're seeking: Collierville Alderman Position 2 Previous elected offices held: N/A Education: Community Affiliation: Tennessee State University Mayor’s Advisory Board; Collierville Park Commission; Shelby County Beer Board; Zone of Appeals Board Collierville Community Civic Club BILLY Candidate Status: Email: bpatton@colliervilletn.gov PATTON Incumbent Facebook: profile.php?id=100063465739691 Website: votebillypatton.com Elected office you're seeking: Collierville Alderman Position 2 Previous elected offices held: Collierville Alderman Position 2 Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: Business Owner Bachelor and Master’s Degree in Computer Science Collierville Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors; Bancorp South Engineering, University of Mississippi Community Bank Board; Collierville Beer Board; Design Review Commission (DRC), Heritage Commission; and the Town Library Board MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 43
POSITION 4 EMILY Candidate Status: Email: Collierville4ALL@gmail.com Website: collierville4all.com FULMER Challenger Facebook: EmilyFulmer4Alderman Twitter: mily4alderman Elected office you're seeking: Collierville Alderman Position 4 Previous elected offices held: N/A Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: Professor Masters in Theological Studies, Vanderbilt Divinity School Collierville Community Justice; Collierville NAACP; Collierville Community Justice; Leadership Collierville; Mid-South Peace & Justice Top Three Issues: • Collierville election reform • Affordable housing • Diversity, equity and inclusion MISSY Candidate Status: Email: info@missymarshall.com MARSHALL Incumbent Facebook: Missymarshall4collierville Website: missymarshall.com Elected office you're seeking: Collierville Alderman Position 4 Previous elected offices held: Collierville Alderman Position 4 Current Employment/Occupation: Education: Community Affiliation: Executive Director Currently pursuing graduate studies in Public Administration at the Town of Collierville’s Tourism Board; Design Review University of Memphis; Bachelors Degree from MTSU with a Major in Commission; the Planning Commission Mass Communications and a double minor in Business Administration and Psychology Top Three Issues: • I am running for Collierville Alderman Position 4 because I care deeply about our community and would like to use my twenty plus years of leadership and public service experience to help preserve the quality of life we’ve all come to love and appreciate. MEMPHIS VOTER GUIDE • 2022 44