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Home Explore #SELFIE


Published by amuz_baby, 2016-06-14 08:46:03

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• Lifestyle Magazine • • June 2016 •

#SELFIESELFIESelfies!? How did they start? When did they become a global phenomenon? Are you a selfie addict or just wondering why so many people are crazy over their selfies!? Well heres why...The First ever ‘Selfie’ was taken in 1839 by a American Pho- tographer and lamp manufacturer, Robert Cornelius, he was the first to discover about Photography. However was it really the first ever selfie!? It is still debatable, on whether itreally was selfie or not. In 1839, Cornelius had to be his own model,hence he set up is camera, and as you know in the olden days theydid not have the timer setting as we do now. So how did he do it, wellit’s really simple all he did was removed the lens cap ran towards theframe, whilst the camera does its job, the covered up the lens again,he called this “The first light picture ever taken in 1839”.So was this the first ever selfie? Or did it start years later!? Peopleargue that it actually started in 2002 when a man took a picture of hisfacial injuries falling down drunk, this was on the BBC news and went viral for a while. Shortly after this Hashtags were introduced, on Twitter and Instagram, however this didn’t gain its popularity until sometime within 2013. Selfies were popular back then, however not as popular as they are in this day and age. In 2012 snapchat, started to become more popular, by the middle of the year you would see mostly every person at school, or college taking selfies. Are you a selfie addict? Or wondering why so many people are addict. Well selfies are just something that can either make you feel good about yourself or it could just make you feel worse, however social media has evolved so much in the last few years that you can now edit your pictures and totally transform yourself, brightening them up adding in contrast and changing the effect. Just recently snapchat added in filters in where you can swap your face with someone else, or have flowers going round your head etc.

Instagram has now become more popular thanFacebook, as back in the day it was all about Facebook, until sometime around2011-2012, where Instagram started a showing up more it is now one of the world’s mostwell known social media sight.There are around 400 million daily active users, so thinking about the amount of selfies they up-load would be crazy! Instagram is such a place where you can become famous within a few monthsof trying, the main reason for this is the hashtags which I’m sure a lot of you have heard of. Hashtagging your pictures and making your profile public for a while if it is not already public can get youlikes from many other users, sometimes they can be famous and sometimes they could just be a nor-mal account for example if you upload a picture of your newly bought make-up and hashtag and taga few famous people, continuously, then they are likely to like your pictures, people who are passion-ate about recognition, will love the feeling of this. A lot of young people tend to gain their popularitythrough social media. A lot of people who are social media famous are either make-up artists, fitnessinstructors, Youtubers etc, people who follow them are either great supporters and motive them to dothe best or they are haters who only throw out negative energy, however the real question is do the so-cial media famous people react to it or just ignore it, a lot of people tend to ignore hatred and welcomein positive vibes as that is what they want on their pages. This not only motivate them but it also gives[“BTUATKFEIRASSTELLEFTIEM” E[them the reassurance and confidence.Selfies have evolved remarkably, everywhere you go these days, you will see people taking selfies,whether it’s selfies with the animals or just selfies of your beautiful self. Almost every month socialmedia sites are bringing out new things, such as each time Snapchat have an update they come out withnew filters to use which go on for a long time until something new comes out, or sometimes even afterthat it still does not go out of fashion.Selfies can either make you confident about yourself or it could break that confidence, however it’smore about your inner confidence, if you’re confident about yourself from the inside you will ALWAYSbe confident about yourself from the outside no matter what people say about you. Confidence is theKEY to life. However don’t let social media take over your life and the most essesntial thing is don’tever compare yourself to another person on social media who you think is prettier than you, as every-one is beautiful in their own way. They may not have something which you have visa-versa. By Aanmol Gudka


Aanmol Gudka“Always love yourself”


IDOLISATION By Aanmol GudkaIdolising celebrities, is this something good or bad? en’t been living the life they should all because they A lot of teenagers love following up celebrities on want to grow up so quickly in order to become like social media keeping up to date with what they’re celebrties, in where some notice and some don’t. doing in their daily life. However, is this good or From research, young adults state that you should does it affect their daily life. Idolising celebrities is nothing new, everyone in a way follows them just be yourself and do you, as that is 10 times and would like to become like them. Celebrities better than being someone who you’re not. Peo-such as Kim Kardashian are idols for thousands of ple should like you for who you are and not forteeagers they want to become like her dress like her someone who your “trying” to be. Kim Kardashianeverything. Just recently, Kim Kardashian changed doesn’t go round trying to be like everyone else, sheup her hairstyle, and had posted it on social media, is just being herself and hence she is where she is,since that day everyone had been styling their hair because if she didn’t she wouldn’t be at the plat- form of where she is right now. Just be you and do just like her. you! Idolising someone else could be good and atIdolising celebrities is nothing bad however, there the same time could be bad it all depends on howshould always be a limtit to how much you idolise much you idolise them and the affect it has on you them, as sometimes idolising too much can affect as a person don’t let them overrule you too much asyou internally, also can cause problems within your this may cause issues for you later on in and friends. Recently, young teenagers hav-


Are you up for a challenge? Count how many pictures you have uploaded on any so-cial media site without a filter and compare them to the ones you have filtered, how do you feel about each picture.Upload a selfie without a filter and hashtag them with postive words, and #NOFIL- TER. Keep doing this until you feel confident about yourself.

Q&A#SELFIE Featuring Amana SaghirQa;;What is your opinion on selfies? I absolutley love themQa;; Qa;;Are you a selfie addictedYES!!! Do you edit them? Yes however I only use the filters give on may social media ac- counts

What is your opinion on self-Q; love? I think everyone should love themselves despite what an- a; yone else thinks. Self-love is the key in life. Qa; ;Do you upload pictures without fil- ters Yes at times Qa; ;Do you take selfies everywhere you go? yes pretty much, I love capturing memorable moments

Shop now with 20% off your firstselfie stick!Code: SELFMAG20

#SELFIE Social298,831,327 using the #Selfie 400 million monthly users (September 2015) 350 million pictures uploaded daily. 1.59 billion users (December 2015)

l Media 100 milliom users everyday 9,000 snaps per second 10 billion daily videos viewed 310 million monthly active users 320 million users (March 2016)


CISEODLFIEENADNDFICCTIO-EN“Don’t let self-obsession take over your life” By Aanmol GudkaCharlotte a 22 year old who is addict to selfies, she takes out the best and edits them until she thinks they areover a thousand selfies a day, and no matter where she good, staying awake till 4/5 am in the morning to dois, she has to take selfies whether thats at a funeral, or so, when she finishes editing them and snoozes off, shejust chilling at home. How addicted can someone get? thinks about what she could have done to imporve itAre they insecure or do they just love themselves that or the changes she could have made. Taking selfies on amuch. Would you edit each and every picture you take daily basis makes her feel good about herself and statesspend hours and hours all night just to do so? How that its a “big part of me socialising”.much do you think it can affect your daily life and your Getting likes on her pictures also makes her feel goodrelationship with your family and friends? about herself, however when she sees a picture whichCharlotte, has no problem with taking loads of selfies she dislikes, her insecurity starts to fall in, to overcome24/7, however is that what her friends and family think. this she applys make-up to cover the areas she doesn’tHer ex boyfriend broke up with her because she was a like, or just in general puts on loads of make-up. Sheselfie addict, he stated that he just cannot to this any- then justifys to herself that shes not ugly and she canmore ‘she is just too obssesed with herself ’, and she has look pretty, trying to find the perfect lighting to get theno problem with this. However, is there a reason behind perfect shot of herslef.this selfie addiction of hers? Staying up till 4/5 in the After hours and hours of editing, she doesn’t uploadmorning editing, to make herself feel better, or does she any of her pictures due to other people judging her.just to it for the sake of it? However she gets a lot of male attention but states thatCharlotte was home schooled from the age of 11, due they only want one-thing from her, and it is hard toto getting bullied, when she hit pubertey, she started to find love, as her ex boyfriend dumbed her for being ‘selfget bad acney, and thin and thick skin. She stated that obssessed’.she started “loathing” herself. Charlotte, liked watching Is she really obssessed, or is it just insecurites from theTV shows such as top model, and ever since she wanted past?.to get noticed hence she too thosands of selfies editiedthem using programmes such as Photoshop Not only Click here watch for full documentarydoes she take thousands of selfies per day but also, picks


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