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Published by Nut Tanawat, 2022-01-28 07:11:41


Keywords: 2022


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FFOORREEWWOORRDD This edition of “Thailand's Budget in Brief” intends to summarize the main feature of the Annual Budget Expenditure Act B.E. 2565 (A.D. 2022) which serves as plans for disbursing the country's funds and managing the government's monetary and fiscal policies. This publication is a compilation of important and detailed contents from various volumes of budget documents to present an overall picture of the budget allocation from different perspectives and to make it clear, easy to understand and convenient for further study and research. It contains four parts: Part II Highlights of the FY 2022 budget Part IIII Estimated receipts Part IIIIII Budget expenditures Part IV Government finance We hope that this \"Thailand's Budget in Brief\" will be helpful to budget receiving agencies, the legislative, academic community, the general public and those who are interested in the budgeting policy. Budget Bureau

CCOONNTTENNTTSS PARTT I Highlights of the FY 2022 Budget Page 1. Economic outlook for FY 2022 1 2. The FY 2022 Budget Policy 2 3. Budget Structure 3 4. Expenditures classified by groups 6 5. Strategy for the FY 2022 budget allocation 9 6. Budget appropriations classified by objects of expenditures 42 PARTT II Estimated Receipts 45 46 1. Revenue 2. Borrowings PARTT III Budget Expenditures 67 82 1. The Functional and Economic Classification of Expenditures 87 2. Expenditures classified by Budget Structure 120 3. Expenditures classified by Ministry and Receiving Agencies 122 4. Budget Allocation for the Local Administrative Organization 5. Multi-Year Commitment Budget PARTT IV Government Finance 131 133 1. Financial Outlook 145 2. Public Debt 3. Foreign Aid

CCOONNTTENETNSTOSFOSFTSATTAISTTIISCTAICL ATALBTLAEBSLES PAARRTT I Highlights of the FY 2022 Budget PPaaggee Table 5 7 I-1 Budget Structure FY 2021 - 2022 36 I-2 Expenditures Classified by Groups FY 2021 - 2022 37 I-3 Budget Allocation Strategy FY 2022 42 I-4 Budget Allocation Strategy and Programme FY 2022 I-5 Budget Appropriation by Objects of Expenditures FY 2021 - 2022 PPAARRTT IIII EEssttiimmaatteedd RReecceeiippttss 47 49 Table 50 II-1 Receipt Estimates 53 II-2 Revenue Estimates by Departments 54 II-3 Revenue Estimates by Ministries 56 II-4 Estimated and Actual Revenue 57 II-5 Revenue Estimates by Types 58 II-6 Actual Receipts by Types 60 II-7 Revenue Estimates by Regions 61 II-8 Gross Taxes Revenue Collected by Departments 62 II-9 Non-Taxes Revenue Collected by Departments 63 II-10 Estimated and Actual Taxes Collection II-11 Government Revenue and Gross Domestic Product 64 II-12 Domestic Borrowings for Financing Budget Deficit II-13 Actual Domestic Borrowings and Principal Repayment for Financing Budget Deficit

PAARRTT IIII Budget Expenditures PPaaggee Table Functional Classification of Expenditures 70 III-1 Appropriation for General Public Services 72 III-2 Appropriation for Defence 72 III-3 Appropriation for Public Order and Safety 73 III-4 Appropriation for Economic Affairs 73 III-5 Appropriation for Environmental Protection 74 III-6 Appropriation for Housing and Community Amenities 74 III-7 Appropriation for Health 75 III-8 Appropriation for Recreation, Culture and Religion 75 III-9 Appropriation for Education 76 III-10 Appropriation for Social Protection 76 III-11 Budget Appropriation by Functions and III-12 Objects of Expenditures FY 2022 77 Budget Appropriation by Economic Classification III-13 According to Government Finance Statistics System (GFS) 78 Budget Appropriation by 3 Types of Functions 79 III-14 Budget Appropriation by Functions and Budget Structure 80 III-15 Budget Appropriation by Budget Structure 83 III-16 Budget Expenditures and Gross Domestic Product 85 III-17 Expenditures by Ministries 87 III-18 Expenditures by Budget Receiving Agencies 89 III-19 Budget Appropriation by Ministries and III-20 Objects of Expenditures FY 2022 116 119 III-21 Actual Expenditures FY 2016 - 2020 III-22 Budget Appropriation for the 121 Local Administrative Organizations FY 2022 III-23 New Multi-Year Commitment Budget 123 to Commence in FY 2022 by Ministry

III-24 Total Multi-Year Commitment Budget PPaaggee to Commence in FY 2022 III-25 (Total Budget and Contingent Budget) by Ministry 125 III-26 Total Multi-Year Commitment Budget by Ministry 127 Total Multi-Year Commitment Budget Classified by Approved Commitment Budget and 129 New Commitment Budget 131 PAARRTT IIVV Government Finance 133 134 Taabbllee Treasury Account Balances 136 IV-1 Outstanding Public Debt as of June 30, 2021 138 IV-2 Outstanding Direct Government and 142 IV-3 Government Guaranteed Debt as of June 30, 2021 144 Outstanding Domestic Debt as of June 30, 2021 145 IV-4 Direct Domestic Government Loans IV-5 Outstanding External Debt as of June 30, 2021 IV-6 Direct Government Loans IV-7 Foreign Aid by Source IV-8

COCONNTTEENNTTSSOOFF SSTTAATTIISSTTIICCAALLFFIIGGUURRESES PAARRTT II HHigighhlilgighhtstsoof fththeeFFYY2200222BBuuddggeett PPaaggee FFiigguurree 8 I-1 Budget Expenditures by Groups FY 2022 41 I-2 Budget Allocation Strategy FY 2022 43 I-3 Budget Appropriation by Objects of Expenditures FY 2013 - 2022 48 52 PAARRTT IIII Estimeted Receippts 59 Figure 65 II-1 Receipt Estimates of FY 2022 II-2 Net Revenue Estimates by Departments FY 2022 71 II-3 Gross Taxes Revenue Collected by Departments FY 2022 84 II-4 Actual Domestic Borrowings and 118 Principal Repayment for 130 Financing Budget Deficit FY 2005 - 2020 132 PAARRTT IIIIII BBuuddggeettEExxppeenndditiuturreess 135 137 FFiigguurree 143 III-1 Budget Expenditures by Functions FY 2021 - 2022 146 III-2 Budget Appropriation by Budget Structure FY 2008 - 2022 III-3 Objects of Expenditures FY 2022 III-4 Summary of Total Commitment Budget PAARRTT IV GGoovveerrnnmmeennttFFininaannccee Figure IV-1 Treasury Account Balances FY 2016 - 2020 IV-2 Outstanding Direct Government and Government Guaranteed Debt as of June 30, 2021 IV-3 Outstanding Domestic Debt as of June 30, 2021 IV-4 Outstanding External Debt as of June 30, 2021 IV-5 Foreign Aid FY 2018 - 2020

PART I Highlights of the FFYY 22002222 BBuuddggeett 1. Economic outlook for FY 2022 Thailand's economy in 2021 is expected to expand in a range of 0.7 - 1.2 per cent resulting mainly from the recovery of the world's economy and trade volume following the progress in distributing the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine in advanced economies and positive effects of the continued additional economic easing measures in both monetary and fiscal policies. Other supporting factors include an expansion in government consumption expenditures and public investment, an improvement in the expansion of the agricultural sector, as well as an adjustment against an exceptionally low expansion during the year 2020. However, there are some limitations and risks that can affect the recovery of the Thai economy during the remaining period of 2021. These include the Coronavirus Disease 2019 outbreak, unfavorable conditions of the households' and private sector's financial situations, the problems of supply chain and international logistics, and volatility of the world's economy and financial system. With reference to the economic stability, inflation rate is expected to be in a rage of 1.0 -1.5 per cent and the current account balance is expected to be in deficit at 2.0 per cent of the GDP. For the year 2022, Thailand's economy is expected to expand in a range of 3.5 - 4.5 per cent with supporting factors from a satisfactory expansion of the world's economy and trade volume as well as progress in the vaccine distribution resulting in an improvement in the domestic demand for both private consumption and investment. Exports and manufacturing sectors will expand at a satisfactory level following the continued recovery of the world's economy and trade volume as well as the recovery of tourism sector. However, Thailand's economy in 2022 is likely to encounter vital limitations and risks including the mutation of disease virus leading to a relentless outbreak of virus in the country and abroad, volatility of the world's economic and financial systems, the constraints of the households' and private sector's financial conditions and the decrease of the fiscal impetus. With reference to Thailand's economic stability, the inflation rate is expected to be in a range of 0.7-1.7 per cent and the current account balance is expected to be in surplus at 1.0 per cent of the GDP. 1 1

22.. TThhee FFYY 22002222 BBuuddggeett PPoolliiccyy In the preparation of the FY 2022 budget, the government gives priority to administering the country in order to mobilize the country's development in accordance with the National Strategy, the Master Plans under the National Strategy, the National Economic and Social Development Plan, the National Security Policy and Plan, the Ad Hoc Master Plan under the National Strategy resulting from the 2021 - 2022 COVID-19 situation, the Subordinating Plan of the Master Plan under the the National Strategy, the Country Reform Plan (a revised version) and the government's important policies to accomplish and achieve concrete results as well as to support the country's continued economic expansion. In preparing the budget for FY 2022, the government has set the following policy. 1. The budget deficit policy will be adopted with consideration of the monetary and fiscal discipline framework and necessity of the public expenditures in efficiently mobilizing the expansion of Thailand's economy. 2. Priority will be given to a holistically integrated approach in preparing the budget encompassing the Ministry/Agency dimension, strategically integrated dimension, and integrated area dimension. All of these dimensions will be in harmony and providing a cohesive support with efficiency, cost effectiveness and absence of repetitiveness in order to mobilize the government's administration to achieve concrete results, and the country's stated development goals. 3. Priority will be given to strengthen the fiscal capacity of the Local Administrative Organizatons (LAOs) to accommodate the transferring of responsibilities in providing public services at a local level in order to further improve people's well-being. This will also reduce fiscal disparities among localities as well as improve efficiency in the Local Administrative Organization's revenue collection and effectiveness of its spendings. This action is in congruence with the principles of the Determining Plans and Process of Decentralization to Local Government Act B.E. 2542 (A.D. 1999) and its Amendments which requires more decentralization. It is also in harmony with the Local Administrative Organizations' revenue reform direction. 4. To improve the efficiency of budget preparation to cover all sources of funds including public sector's budget expenditures, borrowings, Public Private Partnership's investments, state enterprises' investments, investments from public funds and foreign investments. In addition, budget receiving agencies which have non-budgetary funds or have accumulated retained balances will be required to utilize these funds in administering their missions first. Agencies also have to review their operations in order to delay, reduce or terminate low priorities or unnecessary projects and replace the designated budgets with important policies or urgent policies with high degree of readiness in order to address the country's major problems, reduce social inequality and stimulate economic expansion. In addition, the budget disbursements of the FY 2020 2 2

and FY 2021 will be considered in allocating the budget to be in accordance with the spending potentials of the budget receiving agencies to ensure budget spending efficiency and cost-effectiveness. 5. Priority will be given to public participation and people's needs at a national, area, regional, clusters of provinces and local levels. In addition, missions at a local level will be implemented and distributed with fairness, cost effectiveness and absence of redundancies on a basis of transparency, verifiability and capability to deliver the country's achievement. 6. Priority will be given to provision of necessary welfares to the vulnerable groups in order to have adequate incomes for living expenses and reduce undesirable repercussions from the Coronavirus 2019 pandemic. For FY 2022, the government has set the amount of 3,100,000 million baht for the budget expenditures, equivalent to 18.26 per cent of the GDP, to provide the government's budget receiving agencies with sufficient funds to mobilize the government's policies and national development strategies to be in accordance with the country's current economic and social conditions. The net revenue has been estimated at 2,400,000 million baht equivalent to 14.14 per cent of the GDP, while borrowings of 700,000 million baht, equivalent to 4.12 per cent of the GDP, will be made to balance the budget deficit. The amount of deficit is still at the level which will not affect the country's fiscal discipline and position in the long term. 33.. BBuuddggeett SSttrruuccttuurree The budget structure can be summarized as follows. 3.1 Budget Expenditures for FY 2022 The FY 2022 budget expenditure has a total of 3,100,000 million baht, a decrease of 185,962.5 million baht or 5.66 per cent from that of FY 2021. It is equivalent to 18.26 per cent of GDP. 3.2 Current Expenditures Current expenditures are set at 2,373,009.5 million baht, a decrease of 164,642.8 million baht or 6.49 per cent lower than those of FY 2021. These expenditures account for 76.55 per cent of the total budget compared with 77.23 per cent for FY 2021. 3.3 Expenditures for Replenishment of Treasury Account Balance Expenditures of 596.7 million baht, equivalent to 0.02 per cent of the total budget, are allocated for the replenishment of treasury account balance. 3.4 Expenditures for Replenishment of Reserve Fund Expenditures of 24,978.6 million baht are allocated for the replenishment of disbursed reserve fund with reference to Article 45 of the Budget Procedure Act B.E. 2561 (A.D. 2018). They account for 0.81 per cent of the total budget. 3 3

3.5 Capital Expenditures Capital expenditures amount to 611,933.4 million baht, a decrease of 37,376.8 million baht or 5.76 per cent lower than those of FY 2021. Their proportion is equivalent to 19.74 per cent of the total budget compared with 19.76 per cent in FY 2021. 3.6 Principal Repayments The amount of 100,000 million baht is designated for principal repayments, an increase of 1,000 million baht or 1.01 per cent over those of FY 2021. These repayments account for 3.22 per cent of the total budget compared with 3.01 per cent in FY 2021. Of these principal repayments, state enterprises' investments borrowings of 10,518.2 million baht are accounted as capital expenditures. The budget structure for FY 2021 - 2022 is summarized in Table I-1. 4 4


4. Expenditures classified by groups Budget expenditures for FY 2022 of 3,100,000 million baht can be classified into 8 groups in accordance with the Budget Procedure Act B.E. 2561 (A.D. 2018) as follows: 1. Group of expenditures for Central Fund of 587,409.3 million baht, equivalent to 18.95 per cent of the total budget. 2. Group of expenditures for budget receiving agencies of 1,019,674.2 million baht, equivalent to 32.89 per cent of the total budget. 3. Group of integrated budget expenditures of 204,179.4 million baht, equivalent to 6.59 per cent of the total budget. 4. Group of expenditures for the public sector personnel of 770,160.0 million baht, equivalent to 24.84 per cent of the total budget. 5. Group of expenditures for revolving funds are set at 195,370.4 million baht, equivalent to 6.30 per cent of the total budget. 6. Group of expenditures for the public sector's debt repayments are set at 297,631.4 million baht, equivalent to 9.60 per cent of the total budget. 7. Group of expenditures for replenishment of treasury account balance are set at 596.7 million baht, equivalent to 0.02 per cent of the total budget. 8. Group of expenditures for replenishment of reserve fund are set at 24,978.6 million baht, equivalent to 0.81 per cent of the total budget. The budget expenditures classified by groups for FY 2021 - 2022 are summarized in Table I-2. 6 6


Budget ExpendiFtuigruersebIy-1Groups FY 2022 Budget Expenditures by Groups FY 2022 FiguFriegIu-r1e I-1 FiBgudreBgeIut-d1EgxetpeEnxdpietunrdeitsubryesGbryouGprsouFpYs 2F0Y222022 Budget Expenditures by Groups FY 2022 9.60% 0.02% 0.81% 18.95% 9.60% 0.02% 0.81% 18.95% 6.30% 18.951%8.95% 6.30% 90.6.801%%9.60% 0.02%0.020%.81%0.81% 0.02% 9.60% 6.30%6.30% 18.95% 24.84% 32.89% 24.84% 32.89% 24.842%4.84% 6.59% 32.893%2.89% 6.59% 6.59% 32.89% Budge6t e.5x9p%e6nd.5it9u%res : Central Fund BBuuddggeett eexxppeennddiittuurreess o: fCBenutdragletFRunedceiving Agencies IBnutedggreatteedxpbeunddgiteutreexspoefnBdiutudrgeest Receiving Agencies BuBIdnugtedeBggtreuatxdteepgdxepntbedeunxidtdpugierteenutsdreei:xtsuCp:reeePnnsedtr:isatCuol renFenustenrladl Fund Budget expenditures : CenBtruBBadluugFddeBuggt neeuttdxdeepgxxeppnt eedennxitddpuiierttenuusdrreeiotssfu::rBePRuseedrovsgfooeBlntvnuRinedeglceeftuivRnidnescgeAivginengcAiegsencies Budget expenditures of BuIndtBBgeeuugtddraIRggnteeetttedcgeeebixxrvuappitdeengnndgeddbtAiittueuugxdrrepgeenesscnti::edeRPsxituepubverloenislcdviSitnuegrcetfsourn'sdDs ebt Repayments Integrated budget expendiBtuuBBrdeuugsddeBggt eeuttxdeepgxxeppnt eedennxitddpuiierttenuusdrreei:tssuP::reeRPrsueo:bpnPllineecnerlSissoehncmtnoerln'st DofeTbtreRaespuaryymAecnctosunt Budget expenditures : PerBsouBBndnuugeddeBlggt eeuttxdeepgxxeppnt eedennxitddpuiierttenuusdrreei:tssuR::reeRRvseeo:pplvRlleeiennvgiissohhfluvmmnineedgnnsttfoouffndTRsreesaesruvreyFAucncdount Budget expenditures : RevBoulBvduigndeBggt eueftuxdnepgxdepsnt edenxitdpuiertenusdrei:tsuP:rueRbseli:pcPleSunebiclstihocmrS'seenDctteoobrf'tsRRDeesepebartyvRmeeFepnuatnysdments Budget expenditures : PubBliucdSgeeBct tueoxdrpg'seDnt deexibtput erRenesdpi:tauRyrmeepselne: ntRsieshpmlenenisthomf eTnrteoasfuTrryeAascucroyuAntccount 8Budget expenditures : RepBleundigsehBtmueexdnpgteont fdexiTtpureerenassdui:truRyreeApscle:cnRoiuesnhptmlenenisthomf eRnetsoefrvReeFseurnvde Fund Budget expenditures : Replenishment of Reserve Fund

5. SSttrraatteeggyyffoorrtthheeFFYY22002222bbuuddggeettaalloloccaatitoionn Strategy for the FY 2022 budget allocation is developed to be in harmony with the National Strategy (2018 - 2037), the Master Plans under the National Strategy, the National Economic and Social Development Plan, the National Security Policy and Plan, the Ad Hoc Master Plan under the National Strategy resulting from the 2021 - 2022 COVID-19 situation, the Subordinating Plan of the Master Plan under the National Strategy, the Country Reform Plan (a revised version) and the government's important policies. This is to mobilize the country's development along the guideline of the National Strategy to achieve fruition and goal with the vision of “Thailand: a developed country with security, prosperity and sustainability, through developments on the basis of Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy”. The FY 2022 budget allocation strategy consists of 6 strategies and a list of expenditures on general administration . In total, there are 63 programmes. The major aspects of the strategy can be summarized as follows: Strategy 11 : National security The government has allocated the budget for supporting the people to attain happiness while the country is secured at every dimension and level. Public, private and civic sectors will be prepared to defend and deal with security problems. This can be achieved by strengthening the nation's principal institutions, supporting the maintenance of peace and order in the country, maintaining security in bordering area and enchancing capability of the armed forces. Emphasis will be made on strengthening politics under the democratic regime with the monarchy as head of state and adhering to the juristic governance and law enforcement to provide justice. Problems in the south will be rectified, as well as addressing alien workers and human trafficking issues. Narcotic issues will be prevented and suppressed, and the drug addicts will be rehabilitated. Attention will also be made on preventing transnational threats and terrorism, along with keeping marine, information and technology and cyber security. Support will be given to prevent and mitigate public calamities, provide assistance to disaster victims and to develop mechanisms for security management on a holistic approach. Finally, the relations, cooperation and roles of Thailand in the world community will be supported. The amount of 383,798.4 million baht, equivalent to 12.4 per cent of the total budget, is allocated for this strategy and can be classified by the following programmes. 9 9

1.1 Strategic programme on strengthening the nation's principal institutions The amount of 5,924.3 million baht will be allocated to instill everyone in the nation a conscience to cherish and treasure, maintain loyalty and uphold the nation's principal institutions. This can be done by protecting, maintaining and upholding the monarchy, providing safety to the monarchy and the royal family, mobilizing area development along the royal initiatives and the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy, as well as giving support to the royal special activities. 1.2 Strategic programme on maintaining internal peace The amount of 21,590.3 million baht will be allocating to create security and safety in life and belongings for the people by maintaining internal peace and domestic security. Emphasis will be made on cultivating a conscience and awareness on unity and promoting solidarity of people in the nation. Support will be given to the mission of the Territorial Defense Volunteers and Local Militias; maintaining internal security with the civilian approach. Public policies will be mobilized through village mechanism. Weapontries will be provided to improve efficiency on crime preventing and suppressing operations. Attention will be on enforcing laws, providing justice and service to the people, as well as creating participation among the public agencies, private sector, civic society and the general public in the activities to maintain internal peace. 1.3 Strategic programme on developing and strengthening politics in the democratic regime with the monarchy as head of state The amount of 216.7 million baht will be allocated to create a higher level of political stability and governance by promoting public relations to develop politics and government under the democratic regime. People's engagement in politics, to create knowledge, understanding, faith and awareness as a good citizen under the democratic regime with the monarchy as head of state will be promoted. 1.4 Integrated programme on mobilization of problem rectification of southern border provinces The amount of 6,912.1 million baht will be allocated to support the integrated efforts in protecting and solving the violence in the southern border provinces on a systematic and solidified approach. Public participation will be promoted to create understanding among the people both within and outside of the southern border provinces. Emphasis will be made on improving efficiency of the intelligence operations 10 10

and database integration. Solutions to conflicts will be sought through peaceful means. Financial supports to the illegal activities will be halted. People's lives and belongings will be protected while knowledge on right, liberty and access to the judicial process will be disseminated. Cooperation with the civic sector and international community will be strengthened, by creating knowledge and understanding on a multi-cultural coexistence while justice and healing process will be provided to the affected people. In addition, economic development, career promotion, rural road network construction to various areas will be initiated, along with the provision of health service to the people, providing education welfare for students in the localities as well as ensuring quality and standard education and opportunities to diversified access. 1.5 Strategic programme on management of problems of alien workforce and human trafficking The amount of 292.2 million baht will be allocated to enable the victims of human trafficking, child labour, forced labour and vulnerable groups to be systematically protected by providing the target groups with knowledge and understanding on the problems of human trafficking and capability to protect themselves from the said activities. Victims of human trafficking will be protected and welcome back to the society. Alien workforce will be provided with legitimate documents for identification while local and foreign cooperating networks will be created to ensure efficient operations. Meanwhile, health issues of alien workforce will be attended to as well as the efficiency improvement in suppressing and taking legal actions on the crimes and special cases of human trafficking within the specified time frame. 1.6 Integrated programme on prevention, suppression and treatment of drug addiction The amount of 4,261.7 million baht will be allocated to create immunity from narcotics for children, youth, workforce and vulnerable groups and for them to avoid getting involved with drugs by organizing mechanisms to systematically prevent, solve the problems and assist people. Emphasis will be given to suppression and apprehension of drug producers and traffickers, influential people and every public official involved in the drug business. Legal actions will be taken on assets related to narcotic crimes in accordance with the anti-money laundering law. International co-operation will be generated to control and intercept narcotics as well as providing treatment and rehabilitation to drug addicts and giving them opportunity to return to a normal life in the society through a systematic assistance and treatment system. 11 11

1.7 Strategic programme on preventing and rectifying problems with repercussion to the security The amount of 14,082.8 million baht will be allocated to address the existing security problems for lasting solutions to the extent that there will be no further effects to the administration and development of the country. This can be achieved by developing an internal security maintenance and country development plan, preventing transnational threats and marine security, preventing and solving cyber security problems, and terrorisms. In addition, emphasis will be made on creating a battle-ready armed forces personnel and equipment, protecting and maintaining national interests along border areas and monitoring and surveilling fishery operations to be under the law. Devices, equipment or information technology system will be provided for investigation and apprehension of criminals in order to reduce damages from economic and social security related crimes. The potentials in coping with nuclear and nuclear-related emergency and radiation will be developed as well. 1.8 Strategic programme on developing national preparedness system and disaster management system The amount of 18,267.6 million baht will be allocated to improve reliability of emergency and rescue operations, as well as to minimize loss, and ensure safety in people's life and property. Effort will be made on improving operational capability and providing knowledge and awareness in order to be prepared in dealing with disaster management and improving efficiency. The public will be informed with disaster warning. The public personnel will be trained to improve knowledge, skills and capability in preventing and mitigating public calamities. More equipment will be prepared, in order to prevent and recover from the disasters. Disaster warning will be improved, as well as preventing river embankments corrosion in the country. 1.9 Strategic programme on developing potentials in national defence and preparedness in coping with all forms of threats The amount of 60,181.3 million baht will be allocated to prepare the armed forces and national security agencies in coping with all forms of threats at every dimenstion and every degree of severity. National preparedness system and plan will be developed to be modernized and deployable. Intelligence operations will also be improved. In addition, networks among civic and private sectors will be established to have knowledge and understanding of intelligence and maintenance of civil safety. The armed forces capability in developing the country and assisting the people will be improved while the national defence industry and military energy will be promoted and developed along with the research and development to support national defence. 12 12

1.10 Strategic programme on development of mechanisms for security administration on a holistic approach The amount of 252.7 million baht will be allocated to increase efficiency of security administrative mechanism. This will be done by promoting integration of security administrative mechanisms, enhancing preparedness and elevating security mechanism among agencies. 1.11 Strategic programme on promoting international relations The amount of 4,049.5 million baht will be allocated to enable Thailand to have security and ability to cope with all forms of external challenges. This will also allows Thailand to become a sustainable development partner with other countries, and to be developed in harmony with international standards in every dimension. Thailand will play more role and become more recognized internationally through improved partnership and co-operation in military and economy with other countries and international organizations. Thai people's image in the world community will be strengthen as well as the role and status. The international operations will be promoted with solidarity and integration, and mobilized along the international and regional co-operation framework. Trade competitiveness will be enhanced by improving international relations, as well as developing skills of international workforce to improve economic co-operation. 1.12 Strategic programme on supporting national security The amount of 331.6 million baht will be allocated to support strategic goals on security by enhancing capability of the administrative system, maintaining the country's cyber security, mobilizing protection and problem solving in accordance with the transpiring situtations in the localities. 1.13 Fundamental programme on national security The amount of 52,752.3 million baht will be allocated to ensure efficient and cost effective administration of the missions on security and enabling public agencies to consistently perform and provide services according to the standard, authority and legal framework as well as taking good care of personnel, workplaces, equipments and working environment. 1.14 Programme on public sector personnel The amount of 194,683.3 million baht will be allocated to ensure efficiency and cost effectiveness in the management of public sector personnel with regard to the government's operations along with the development of work systems and improvement of personnel's competency in performing their duties with integrity and ethics while maintaining their work-life balance. 13 13

SSttrraatteeggyy 22 :: DDeevveellooppmmeennttooffccoommppeettiittiivveenneessss The government has allocated the budget to support economic expansion and enhance sustainable competitiveness with stability. Effort will be given to emphasize value creation agriculture, for instance, local identity agriculture, bio-agriculture, smart farming and management of an eco-agriculture system. Moreover, industries and services of the future will be promoted while entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises will be developed toward internationalization. The groundwork to accommodate new economic restructuring will be laid including bio-industry, integrated medical service industry, digital industries and services, downstream industries from development of transport system and development of manufacturing ecosystem. Development of new entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises will be initiated by creating smart entrepreneurs, providing them with access to financial and marketing services, as well as public data and services. Tourism revenues will be generated by creating diversity in tourism, for instance, creative-and cultural-based tourism, business and health-based tourism, beauty and Thai traditional medical tourism and regionally connected tourism. In addition, infrastructure in transport and logistic systems will be developed along with energy and digital. The potentials in science and technology will be enhanced as well as research promotion and innovation development. Attention will be given to the development of special economic zones at the border areas, the Eastern Economic Corridor, as well as the improvement of regional areas and smart cities by transforming the region's economic center cities and the medium-sized towns to livable cities. The amount of 332,133.6 million baht, equivalent to 10.8 per cent of the total budget, is allocated for this strategy and can be classified by the following programmes. 2.1 Strategic programme on value creation agriculture The amount of 45,542.2 million baht, will be allocated to enable expansion of the agricultural sector in the Gross Domestic Product, an increase in agricultural productivity and capability in processing products into high-value ones through value creation of agricultural products based on their potentials and uniquenesses. Technology will be applied to develop robust and sustainable agricultural resource bases. Emphasis will be made on promoting research and development of knowledge on technology, innovation and local agricultural wisdom. Strengthening the farmers' livelihood via Income Guarantee for Farmers Project. Agricultural and food production will be improved toward safety standards. Sustainable agricultural development projects will be promoted through the New Agricultural Theory, alternative agriculture, combined 14 14

agriculture along the guideline of \"Khok Nong Na Model\". In addition, conservation of bio-agricultural resource base will be supported, value creation of agricultural products based on their potentials will be promoted while agro-industrial production chains will be strengthened. Attention will also be given to promoting systematic and integrated agricultural product management, creating new generation of farmers and promoting aggregation of farmer groups, in order to become a production sector that can create income and improve farmers' quality of life and ensure self-reliant. 2.2 Integrated programme on development of future industries and services The amount of 856.6 million baht will be allocated to increase growth rate of the manufacturing sector in the Gross Domestic Product and increase manufacturing and service productivity throughout the supply chain. This can be achieved by promoting the food of the future industry on an integrated basis and creating the bio-industry economy, developing the medical services industry, promoting research and development and creating innovation to elevate the manufacturing and service industry of digital, data, artificial intelligence, robotic and autonomous systems. Moreover, the productivity of the manufacturing and service sectors will be improved along the value chain while management of industrial database and future technology forecasts will be developed along with development to extend the strength of industry and elevate it to the industry of high technology application. 2.3 Integrated programme on creating income from tourism The amount of 4,574.5 million baht will be allocated to enable tourism as a mechanism in mobilizing the country's economy. The goal is to increase revenues from tourism which consequently increase its proportion in the total Gross Domestic Product by promoting domestic tourism, distributing tourism activities in term of areas and income to the communities as well as giving priority to the development of sustainable tourism as the principal mechanism in mobilizing the country's economy. Moreover, emphasis will be made on quality tourists rather than the number of tourists. Diversity in tourism will be created to satisfy tourists' needs and expectation. Reserving the country's uniqueness regarding traditions, custom, culture and Thai identities through, culture-, business, medical and wellness, beauty- and Thai traditional medicine-based tourism and regionally connected tourism will be done by providing supports on transportation infrastructure, amenities in the tourist areas and an improvement and a development of tourist attractions in both primary and secondary cities with respect to the localities' conditions and being environmental-friendly. Marketing promotion and security system 15 15

placement in the tourists areas will help enhancing confidence among tourists. This also includes development of tourism personnel and entrepreneurs at every level as well as adjustments on operating plans and promotion to follow the government's various measures. 2.4 Strategic programme on area development and smart livable city The amount of 6,805.5 million baht will be allocated to improve Thailand's competitiveness by creating centers of economic and social prosperity in every region of the country and developing infrastructure for transportation, communication and energy systems with modern digital technologies. Economic and social prosperity will be distributed to elevate the cities' livability by emphasizing the development of cities based on a geo-ecology scheme as a framework in developing livable cities, secured rural areas, sustainable agriculture and eco-industry as well as an area plan to conserve natural resources, archeological sites, cultural, traditions and local identity. Compilation of database on city development will be conducted for city planning and land reform. 2.5 Integrated programme on development of transport and logistic system The amount of 107,481.0 million baht will be allocated for development of transport infrastructure and logistic system with comprehensive connectivity covering domestic and international routes leading to the enhancement of the country's competitiveness. Multimodal transport will be promoted in order to reduce logistic costs and increase the country's competitiveness. Moreover, road, waterway, rail and air transport infrastructure will be developed to enable efficient connectivity of logistic and transport systems both domestically and internationally. Public transport system will be developed to solve traffic problems and elevate the standards of transport services to an international quality level. Value of the supply chain in the agricultural, manufacturing and trading sectors will be increased through promoting convenience in business, customs procedures, linkage of electronic data and related activities. As a result, efficiency of international transport will rise and be able to compete internationally, capability and quality of service will be strengthened and Logistic Service Providers (LSPs) networks will be expanded. In addition, National Single Window (NSW) will be used to connect data of the public sector's agencies and the business sector on imports-exports and logistics. Other supporing factors such as standards, personnel, research, innovation and related technology will also be developed. 2.6 Strategic programme on development of energy security The amount of 1,139.3 million baht will be allocated to enable Thailand to have energy security and improve efficiency in the country's energy consumption. This 16 16

can be achieved by promoting energy exploration, supporting development of energy infrastructure at an appropriate level, maintaining domestic production of crude oil and liquefied natural gas, diversifying appropriate types of energy and creating a system to cope with energy emergency situations. In addition, support will be given to application of technology on management of energy conservation and production, promotion of renewable energy production and consumption in accordance with the renewable and alternative energy development plan, efficiency improvement on energy consumption in every sector and encouragement in changing consumer behavior. Supervision of energy market mechanism will be supported to create fair competition, adjustment of energy price structure will be promoted to reflect costs, along with the development and improvement of laws and regulations involved in order to promote creation of technology and new models of energy business. 2.7 Strategic programme on development of digital economy and society The amount of 1,719.9 million baht will be allocated to increase economic value of digital businesses utilizing digital technology. This will be done through developing digital infrastructure with emphasis on the thorough internet coverage, elevating digital community and online learning centers, enabling people an access to data and services, promoting investment and utilization of common digital infrastructure resources both domestically and internationally regarding land lines, underwater cables and satellite system for adequate connection with neighboring countries and creating redundancy networks for an uninterrupted international transmission. Moreover, measures and guidelines will be stipulated for service providers on protection of individuals' rights and personal data of users as well as provision of measures on surveillance to cope with cyber threats in accordance with international standards. People in every occupation will be provided with knowledge and skills on utilizing technology along with the improvement in international internet network toward the ASEAN Digital Hub, development of Big Data center and upgrading to attractive and modernized cities. 2.8 Strategic programme on development of business operators and small and medium-sized enterprises The amount of 1,867.9 million baht will be allocated to enable operators of small and medium-sized enterprises and community operators to have knowledge and skills for being entrepreneurs, ability to compete and possess innovation on creating business models, manufacturing process and service provision as well as digital and information technology skills and an access to domestic and international markets. Moreover, support will be given to capital acquisition which satisfies different operator's 17 17

requirements and the expansion of trade and investment which focuses on research, development, technology transfer and creating environment suitable for industry development. Cooperation between the public and private sectors will be generated leading to higher incomes for farmers as well as covering development of entrepreneurs and groups of operators at every level. Operating models will be adjusted to meet the market's demand, the labour sector will be employed and people will have opportunities to generate incomes to the communities on a thorough basis. The goal is to enable Thai SMEs to grow, become robust and be able to compete at an international level as well as become an important force in mobilizing the economy. In addition, cooperation between the public and private sectors will also be strengthened. 2.9 Strategic programme on development of special economic zones The amount of 655.3 million baht will be allocated to develop the special economic zones as the centers of economic and social prosperity by providing infrastructure on communication, social, environment and education to the area, increasing efficiency of customs checkpoints and making proposals on new laws and regulations. Attention will be given to public relations focusing on both, Thai and international investors, to invest in the target areas including Tak, Mukdahan, Sa Kaeo, Trat, Songkhla, Nong Khai, Chiang Rai, Nakhon Phanom, Kanchanaburi and Narathiwat. Customs checkpoints will be developed to improve efficiency on immigration service through the One Stop Service. In addition, there will be improvement of public health at the borders as well as prevention, surveillance and disease control and development of skilled labor. Border areas will be ready in accommodating economic and social activities connecting neighboring countries through adopting technology, innovation and digital. 2.10 Integrated programme on development of the Eastern Economic Corridor The amount of 11,944.8 million baht will be allocated to promote modern and environmental-friendly economic activities, increase the country's competitiveness, develop efficient infrastructure and public utility system with continuity, accessibility, comprehensive and systematic connectivity. Emphasis will be made on development of attractive and livable cities with international modernity which will result in convenient business operations and better quality of life for people in the Eastern Economic Corridor. Moreover, this will strengthen Thailand's role as the gateway to the Asian region in the world context. Efforts will be made on seamless development of the infrastructure on transport and logistic systems connecting every transport dimension, namely, road network development, high speed train connecting the 3 airports, enhancement potentials of deep-water ports and multi-purpose piers, developing capability of the International 18 18

U-Tapao Airport as the aviation metropolis as well as development of personnel to accommodate target industries. 2.11 Strategic programme on innovation research and development The amount of 14,207.4 million baht will be allocated to promote, support and mobilize the country's research and innovation system to create and support application of research and innovation findings for economic and social benefits leading to a balanced and sustainable development of the country. This will be achieved by encouraging both the public and private sectors to use research and innovation findings with emphasis on those being responsive to the country's needs. The private sector will be encouraged to engage and cooperate with the education sector at the national and international levels to develop standards, quality and analytic testing services recognized by international agreements. Research and innovation will be a tool to mobilize Thai society and fast-paced world culture in the digital age, the becoming of the aged society and development of high-skilled and specialized workforce. Moreover, attention will be given to the diversity conservation of land, water and marine resources, management of pollutants affecting the environment and researches on adaption and expansion to economic or social innovation as well as effective and tangible management of researches leading to creation of the country's competitiveness, reduction of inequality and generation of a balanced and sustainable economic growth. 2.12 Strategic programme on development of science, technology and innovation potentials The amount of 445.6 million baht will be allocated to enable Thailand's development toward the society founded upon the knowledge-based economy. This can be achieved by developing infrastructure and amenities on science and modern technology, standards of quality system, and testing analysis accredited under the international agreements and in accordance with the current and future industry requirements. Research and development will be promoted especially for business extension, engineering designs and product development process. Support on science, technology and innovation structure will also be provided. 2.13 Strategic programme on supporting the development of competitiveness The amount of 19,989.5 million baht will be allocated to enable Thailand to achieve stable and sustainable economic growth by elevating the country's diverse potentials in the economy, identity, culture, tradition, way of life and natural resources as well as the country's other comparative advantages together with technology and innovation to be in harmony with the economic and social contexts of the modern 19 19

world society. Emphasis will be given to the development of the country's various infrastructures including transportation networks, science, technology and digital infrastructures as well as adjustment of the environment to enhance potentials of entrepreneurs, reduce costs of production and develop new generations of operators and business models. In addition, the public sector will support Thailand to create new income base and employment, expand trade and investment opportunities globally and raise the level of income and quality of life, namely, provision of low-interest loans to SMEs entrepreneurs and development of marketing channels, international trade competitiveness, Thai art and handicraft products and value creation of manufacturing, services, commerce and investment sectors. 2.14 Fundamental programme on the development of competitiveness The amount of 72,986.3 million baht will be allocated to enable the efficiency and cost effectiveness in implementation of the country's competitiveness development allowing government agencies to operate and provide services on a continued basis with standard. Transport systems connecting infrastructure and amenities within the cities and regions and quality of public transport and traffic will be improved. The agricultural sector's potentials will be enhanced through land and water resource management for conservation, improvement and rehabilitation. International trade, supervision of product standards, prices and services, operator's potentials and marketing activities for tourism will be promoted while personnel, places of work, equipment and the working environment will be maintained in good condition. 2.15 Programme on public sector personnel The amount of 41,917.8 million baht will be allocated to ensure efficiency and cost effectiveness in the management of public sector personnel with regard to the government's operations along with the development of the work systems of government agencies and improvement of personnel's competency in performing their duties with integrity and ethics while maintaining their work-life balance. Strategy 3 :: HHuummaannppootteennttiiaallssddeevveellooppmmeennttaannddrreeiinnffoorrcceemmeenntt The government has allocated the budget to develop and strengthen Thai people to be knowledgeable with morality, virture and respectable values by promoting preservation of culture and local wisdom. Emphasis will be made on human development in every stage of life from infancy to an early childhood and school age/adolescence. Skills of those in the working age group will be developed and promoted for quality with respect to the requirements of the labor market and modern technology. The elderly will be promoted to have good quality of life and be able to rely 20 20

on themselves as well as development of education quality and life-long learning. Promotion will be given to learning models and skill development that are responsive to innovation and changes in the 21st century, developing and promoting capability for multi-wisdom, as well as enhancing Thai people's health through accessibility to the standard public health system and being able to cope with emerging and recurring diseases along with the enhancement of sports potentials. The amount of 545,568.4 million baht, equivalent to 17.6 per cent of the total budget, is allocated for this strategy and can be summarized by the following programmes. 3.1 Strategic programme on realignment of value and culture The amount of 1,763.7 million baht will be allocated to enable Thai people to be of morality, value, respectable value with public conscience, responsibility to the society with patriotism and taking pride on the nation, religions and monarchy and adopting the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy in daily life. In addition, communities and conservation of localities will be encouraged to promote and disseminate, develop and inherit arts and cultural heritage, local wisdom to increase economic values and the country's revenues leading to the enhancement of Thai image toward internationalization with international respect and acceptance. 3.2 Strategic programme on development of human potentials on a life-long basis The amount of 6,088.4 million baht will be allocated to enable Thai people of every age group to have physically, mentally, morally and the surroundings enhanced in terms of potentials which will contribute to security in life through promotion and development of children from infancy to early childhood for the age-based development with quality. Attention will be given to promote education and lifelong learning with quality, standard and necessary skills to accommodate living in the 21st century for children and youth while potentials, skills and competency of those in the working age will be developed and improved for quality and standard in accordance with the labor market's demand and modern technology. Moreover, the elderly will be encouraged to develop knowledge and working skills in order to be active in making a living on a sustainable basis and become self-reliant. 3.3 Strategic programme on development of education and learning quality The amount of 12,225.3 million baht will be allocated to provide students, teachers, education personnel and the public to attain quality education conformed to national education standards by strengthening and developing learning systems responsive 21 21

to every dimension of change and every age group in the 21st century. Emphasis will be made to a newly designed learning system, development of media and digital technologies, promotion of production and quality improvement of teachers and education personnel by adjusting the role of teacher to become a new-era one. Efficiency of education management system will be improved with emphasis on teaching and learning science, technology, engineering, mathematics, computer programming, and foreign languages. Schools at the tambon (sub-district) level will be developed to meet standard and quality, curriculum on learning and teaching will be developed in response to the labour market's demand which focus on a digital economy and targeted industries. Moreover, Thai people will be emphasized on development of skills according to their aptitudes and multi-wisdom capabilities along with creation of collaborative networks to exchange knowledge and improve academic competency. 3.4 Strategic programme on good public health promotion The amount of 51,978.5 million baht will be allocated to enable people to attain good health and have access to a standard public health system by promoting the public health system reform emphasizing promotion of a thorough medical system, providing family doctors and Tambon (sub-district) health promotion hospitals, elevating the education level of village health volunteers to become resident health-care providers to look after people's health in the communities. These measures will allow people in the communities to take care of their own health and the communities can be self-reliant on healthcare with sustainability. In addition, Thai traditional medical services will be promoted along with homely remedy and alternative medicine. Production of physicians and public health personnel will be accelerated and sufficiently distributed to rural and remote areas. Emergency medical service and referral systems as well as long-distance medical consultation will be developed along with promotion of technology and innovation applications to improve quality and efficiency of the health care system to international standard from the primary to secondary and tertiary levels leading to development of a health care service hub of the ASEAN. 3.5 Strategic programme on enhancing sports potentials The amount of 1,748.9 million baht will be allocated to enable Thai people to have good health by encouraging people to gain knowledge and realize the importance of excercising and participating in basic sports which are essential as living skills, promoting participation in exercise, sports and recreational activities among people of every age group, supporting the development of infrastructure, equipment and facilities for exercise, sports and recreational activities. Support for development of national athletes will be given from a youth level in accordance with personal proficiency and skills leading to excellence and professional sports. Emphasis 22 22

will be made on promoting and supporting participation in every level of international sports events, along with the development of personnel in physical education, sports, recreation, sports science and health science to become proficient and have excellent skills at an international level. 3.6 Strategic programme on supporting human potentials development and reinforcement The amount of 4,750.3 million baht will be allocated to support the strategic goal on developing and enhancing human resource potentials enabling Thai people to be decent, smart and be prepared for the 21st century with supportive environment for a life-long human development. Emphasis will be made on development of people in every dimension and age group to be decent and capable with quality enabling Thai people to be physically, mentally and intelligently prepared, comprehensively developed with morality, virtue and possess civic mind and social responsibility, to have logical thinking ability, as well as a passion for learning and life-long self development on a continuous basis. 3.7 Fundamental programme on human potentials development and reinforcement The amount of 58,730.3 million baht will be allocated to carry out responsibilities to develop and strengthen human potentials with efficiency and cost effectiveness. It will allow public agencies to operate and provide standard services on a continuous basis in accordance with the laws. Additionally, personnel, workplaces, equipment and working environment will be maintained in good condition. 3.8 Programme on public sector personnel The amount of 408,283.0 million baht will be allocated to ensure efficiency and cost effectiveness in the management of public sector personnel with regard to the government's operation along with the development of the work systems of government agencies and improvement of personnel's competency in performing their duties with integrity and ethics while maintaining their work-life balance. Stratteeggyy 4 :: CCreraetaitoinonofosfocsioaclioaplpooprptuonrittuiensiatineds eaqnudaleiqtyuality The government has allocated the budget to create opportunities and fairness, and to reduce inequality in every dimension, by distributing centers of economic and social prosperity to every province on a thorough basis. This is to provide opportunities to every segment to be a force for the country's development at every level, to increase capability of local communities in development by reinforcing the strength of the local 23 23

economies in the country through creation of occupation and distributing economic prosperity to primary and secondary cities. Emphasis will be given to promote savings and to systematically manage households' debts, to promote the social security system in order to assist destitute people and the vulnerable groups while community empowering will be promoted to become a social force as well as preparing the Thai to accommodate the aging society. In addition, a market system will be developed to link farmers' productions to consumers on a fair basis. Basic social protection will be provided to every person to gain access to public health service, education along with the extension of opportunities to the people to receive equitable public welfare on a thorough basis. The amount of 731,707.4 million baht, equivalent to 23.6 per cent of the total budget, is allocated for this strategy and can be classified by the following programmes. 4.1 Strategic programme on social empowerment The amount of 7,442.1 million baht will be allocated to encourage every segment to increase its engagement in strengthening the society by promoting the community empowerment in becoming the social force. This will be achieved by supporting role and potential development of social welfare organizations, volunteers, networks and the civic sector, strengthening robustness of the disabillities groups and networks, developing mechanisms and supporting systems for network management at province, ampoe (district), tambon (sub-district) and community levels through the rallying of cooperation from the public and private sectors, civic groups and people at every level along with the enhancement of women's potentials, roles and human rights empowering every gender in becoming the social force in developing the society. Emphasis will be given to development of capability on management of communities in creating jobs, income and self-reliant ability. People will be provided places for living and land to work on in accordance with the government's policy. Farmers will be promoted and developed for their potentials in the Royal Project areas and the Royal Initiated Projects. Community cultures will be conserved and rejuvenated by developing sources of learning in education, arts and culture with quality and standard and capability to transfer knowledge and wisdom. Social and cultural capital of the communities will be promoted and expanded to create economic and social values. 4.2 Strategic programme on decentralization to the Local Administrative Organizations The amount of 294,667.3 million baht will be allocated to be in harmony with the Determining Plans and Process of Decentralization to Local Government Organization Act B.E. 2542 (A.D. 1999) and its amendments requiring an increase in 24 24

decentralization and enabling people to receive efficient public services from the Local Administrative Organanizations (LAOs). Implementation will be on the important tasks, namely, providing basic education to students under jurisdiction of LAOs, providing supplementary food (milk) and lunches to school-age children, providing allowances to the elderly, as well as disability allowances. Moreover, people from each locality will be encouraged to display their ability in developing a self-determinant role for the communities along with the strengthening of security and robustness to the communities and country. As the problems are rectified, the society will be secured and prosper, and people will have a good quality of life and able to maintain their roles in the society. 4.3 Strategic programme on promoting integrated development of provinces and clusters of provinces The amount of 17,411.0 million baht will be allocated to support integrated operations covering every dimension of the development of provinces and clusters of provinces in accordance with the direction of the national development by giving priorities to the public participation process to meet the needs and solve local problems through projects under the province and cluster of provinces development plans integrated among every segment consisting of government agencies, state enterprises, local administrative organizations, other public agencies, the private sector and people. This will connect strategies on the country's development toward the mobilization at the local level covering every dimension including economic, social, country's stability, natural resources and the environment. 4.4 Integrated programme on preparedness to accommodate the aging society The amount of 617.6 million baht will be allocated to encourage population from 25 to 59 years of age to be prepared on every dimension by promoting awareness prior to entering the aging society. Priorities will be given to the public relations campaign providing data, news; development of network mechanism to create knowledge and skills in order to be prepared for the aging society. Occupational skills for secured living will be created as well as the promotion and skills development on digital work for the elderly and development of social protection networks. Living environment and amenties will be made suitable for the elderly along with provision of accessibility to the care and protection system. The elderly of every potential group will be given support to access standard health services and appropriate care. Emphasis will be given to accessibility to the health care innovation system with emphasis on treatment of symptoms and common diseases in the elderly as well as monitoring system for the vulnerable 25 25

elderly. Mental preparedness for the aging society will be strengthened. Health products and services will be developed by providing dental implant to the elderly and walking aids to those who suffer from stroke. Moreover, a long term preventive healthcare will be promoted among the elderly as well as integrated healthcare provision to the elderly and those in the long term dependent requirements. 4.5 Integrated programme on development and promotion of local economy The amount of 1,506.4 million baht will be allocated to enable people to attain higher income, reduce proverty and be able to manage debts with efficiency, develop new generation of farmers to become smart ones, elevate potentials of entrepreneurs by enhancing potentials of the target groups of people to have access to sources of capital and land for living. Attention will be given to promotion and development of occupations by preparing a career development plan at the tambon (sub-district) level, supporting learning centers for improvement of efficiency in producing agricultural commodities, promoting and creating skills for occupations within and outside the agricultural sector, supporting the cultivation of high value woods as economic plants by providing seedlings and knowledge in management to increase income and create security assurance to the farmers. Moreover, effort will be made on product development and community services by strengthening of farmers institute and community enterprises, developing potentials of new generation of farmers and community operators, promoting processing of agricultural products in the communities and improving community merchandises. Market mechanisms and management systems will be developed while a domestic marketing system will be promoted and developed for agricultural commodities as well as development of mechanisms and structures to absorb economic values and distribute income to the communities. Development of a marketing system will be promoted to link farmers' commodities to operators and consumers on a fair basis. Marketing channels will be developed to cover every channel including online marketing. 4.6 Strategic programme on creating social security The amount of 281,496.8 million baht will be allocated to enable people, especially the underprivileged and vulnerable groups to be protected and attain appropriate and fair social security and welfare with accessibility to medical and public health service under the universal health care system with thoroughness and quality. Moreover, additional benefits will be given to the case of liver transplant for the patients with cirrhosis, cancer and health care services from family physicians at the primary health care facilities along with the provision of allowances to new born babies to children up to 6 years of age. Support will be given to construction of dwellings, secured 26 26

home, sufficient home, development of community dwellings along the Prem Prachakorn Canal, as well as access to sources of finance to purchase residences for low income people. Provision of amenities and public services will be made for people with disabilities, as well as assistance to those with social problems while destitute people and beggars will be supported on improving their potentials and accessibility to social welfare. People with low income will be provided with rental buildings and repairs to the dwellings. Moreover, improvements on consumer protection will be upgraded in order to provide people with reasonable prices of goods and services. Social security and welfare will be provided to workforce within and outside of the system enabling them to have access to the social security system on a thorough and fair basis as well as a provision of safety and occupational health in the workplace according to the international standard. 4.7 Strategic programme on creating equality in education The amount of 82,214.0 million baht will be allocated to create opportunities to access quality and standard education on a thorough basis, and to receive basic education on both formal and informal systems according to the stipulated right. These can be achieved by providing financial support for education from kindergarten to the completion of basic education, consisting of tuition fees, books and amenities, student uniforms and learners' quality development activity fees. This aims to reduce education inequality in the Thai society, enabling people to attain equitable education on a thorough basis with parity and gaining education with quality through a long-distance technology via satellite. In addition, opportunities in education will be generated, and education inequality in the areas will be reduced. Students with disabilities or special needs will be assisted as well as promotion of fund for education equality for those lacking financial supports and opportunities. Support will be given to accessibility to education according to individuals' needs in order to complete their education and development of full potentials covering every target group as well as development of school quality, strengthening and enhancing potentials of teachers, lecturers and educational personnel. 4.8 Strategic programme on targeted measures to solve group-specific problems The amount of 3,237.6 million baht will be allocated to provide a system and mechanism to target groups who need specific assistances and additional coverage by developing systems and mechanisms for assistance. Appropriate infrastructure will be supported and provided for various groups of people, especially children, youths, women, people with disabilities, the elderly and the socially under privileged to have access to basic public services and social opportunities on an equitable basis in order to 27 27

generate trust and improve quality of public services for safety as well as the creation of force for people's cooperation and engagement toward better social protection. 4.9 Strategic programme on supporting creation of social opportunities and equality The amount of 32,097.4 million baht will be allocated to elevate quality of life of low income people and farmers by providing welfare along the Pracharat guideline through the public welfare card enabling improved quality of life, accessibility to basic necessities in life as well as promoting savings as assurance for payments of pensions and benefits to members at the end of membership through the National Savings Fund. Members of co-operatives and farmers groups will be provided with a relief on debts while support will be given to the National Village and Urban Community Fund as well as a promotion of accessibility to financial credits under the public sector's housing loans for low income people. 4.10 Fundamental programme on creating social opportunities and equality The amount of 2,567.7 million baht will be allocated to support the strategy on creating social opportunities and equality, enabling people to attain opportunities in accessing public services on an equitable, fair and thorough basis; to strengthen the family with warmth and immunity toward good quality of life. People will be encouraged to engage in the development of community council which is a mechanism to strengthen the local communities. Quality of life of formal and informal workforces will be promoted and developed to have security in the society; to attain protection, safety and decent quality of life according to the law. Attention will be made in creating values for Thai people to preserve arts and cultural heritage and to take pride in the local Thai identity, to promote local wisdom as sources for learning and cultural propagation as well as operating programmes under the royal initiatives to enable the participants to have improved quality of life and become self reliant. In addition, improvement and repair will be made on rental buildings in the communities, as well as providing loans to improve dwellings for low income people and raise residents' well-being. 4.11 Programme on public sector personnel The amount of 8,449.5 million baht will be allocated to ensure efficiency and cost effectiveness in the management of public sector personnel with regard to the government's operations along with the development of the work systems of government agencies and improvement of personnel's competency in performing their duties with integrity and ethics while maintaining their work-life balance. 28 28

Strategy 5 :: CCrreeaattiioonnooffggrroowwtthh oonn tthhee eennvviirroonnmmeennttaall -- ffrriieennddllyy qquuaalliittyy ooff lliiffee The government has allocated the budget to develop resources and conserve environment on the sustainable environmental-friendly quality of life. Attention will be made on creating growth on the green social economy, and the eco-friendly marine economy as well as addressing dust, smoke, haze and forest fires problems; pollution problems, and the climate change. Along with the aforementioned, there will be development of cities, rural areas, agriculture, and eco-industires. Furthermore, priorities will be given to water resource management. The amount of 119,107.5 million baht, equivalent to 3.8 per cent of the total budget, is allocated to this strategy and can be classified by the following programmes : 5.1 Strategic programme on creation of sustainable growth with regard to conservation, rehabilitation and prevention of natural resources destruction The amount of 3,951.1 million baht will be allocated to conserve and rehabilitate bio-diversity by developing mechanisms and measures in conserving, preventing, protecting, rehabilitating and using the bio-diversity with sustainability. Appropriate utilizing of water source areas, cultivation of economic woods and comprehensive industries will also be promoted. Attention will be given to the increase of green areas, community forests, enlargement the values of bio-economic base will be added while bio-diversity within and outside its origin will be conserved and rehabilitated. Moreover, citizens for forest protection networks will be created to prevent forest fires. People will be encouraged to engage in management of forest resources and wild animals to reduce conflicts among residents in the areas as well as solving conflicts between men and wild animals. Support will be given to the reform and management of mineral resources, the development of learning sources and conservation areas, and the rehabilitation of near-extinct under-threat plants. Green areas will be increased through sustainable management. Moreover, there will be a rehabilitation of the decayed forest ecosystem. Land rights will be stipulated to people by providing land for the communities to make a living in order to solve the problems of people occupying and making a living in every type of forest. 5.2 Strategic programme on creation of sustainable growth of marine economic society The amount of 383.4 million baht will be allocated to improve, rehabilitate and renew marine and coastal resources by developing and increasing the 29 29

proportion of eco-friendly marine activities. Marine bio-economic values will be increased, coral and sea grass will be rehabilitated while the eco-system, and rare or near-extinct marine creatures will be conserved. In addition, protection, conservation and rehabilitation of the marine and coastal eco-system will be made by encouraging the engagement of the private sector and people in managing marine areas by increasing the proportion of eco-friendly marine activities, managing marine tourism with regard to the capability of the eco-system to accommodate it along with the reduction of disparities and taking care of benefits generated to people in the localities. 5.3 Strategic programme on coping with repercussions from climate change The amount of 1,108.8 million baht will be allocated to enable the country to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and lessen repercussions from natural disasters and climate change. Emphasis will be made on initiating co-operations among various members and strengthening capability in reducing industrial pollutants to support the measures on reducing green house gases from manufacturing plants. In addition, investments will be made on the low-carbon technology which will lead to development toward a sustainable low-carbon society in the future along with an increase in capability on carbon capturing in the forest areas. 5.4 Strategic programme on dealing with pollution and the environment The amount of 267.0 million baht will be allocated to enable efficient and quality management of the environment conducive to good quality of life of the people by implementing systematic waste and refuse management, dealing with toxic waste at originating sources and managing air quality of each locality to be within the standard. Emphasis will be made on development of tools and mechanisms in preventing and reducing pollution, improvement in collecting, transporting, and disposing of community wastes, hazardous wastes, infected refuse and industrial toxic substances, for correct treatments. A system will be set up in granting permits to dispose pollutants by covering activities on water, air, noise, vibration pollution, wastes, and agricultural residue management. Moreover, measures to realign behaviours of pollutant generators will be enforced. 5.5 Strategic programme on elevating paradigms to stipulate the future of the country's natural resources and environment The amount of 79.2 million baht will be allocated to enable Thai people to have desirable character and behaviour with regard to the environment and well-being by promoting development and elevation of an environmental assessment at the strategy level. There will be pressing for arrangement of a structure to mobilize issues on 30 30

co-management of natural resources and environment at the country and international levels. In addition, support will be given to the creation of desirable characteristics to be acceptable in the local context. There will also be encouragement on decentralization and promotion of governance on conserving and managing natural resources and the environment. 5.6 Integrated programme on management of water resources The amount of 63,136.4 million baht will be allocated to enable the country to increase water security, have systematic and sustainable water resource management, increase a balance of usable water stock, and improve water productivity consumption. In doing so, water for consumption, agriculture, manufacturing and industry will be managed. Emphasis will be made on providing assistance and remedy to the problems of droughts, recurring problems in the arid areas as well as salinity problems. Solutions will be provided for the problems of waste water by managing water quality, artificial precipitation program will be deployed to increase reserved water and resolve droughts in arid areas, restoration of the watershed forest, passing related laws and providing data to support the decision-making process in order to create efficient water resource management. 5.7 Strategic programme on supporting creation of growth on the environmental-friendly quality of life The amount of 21,870.9 million baht will be allocated to conserve, maintain and utilize natural resources and the environment on a balanced and sustainable basis, elevate nature-based tourist attractions, promote water sources for the operations of the Royal Initiated Projects and promote the management of water for irrigation and the land realignment for irrigation. 5.8 Fundamental programme on creation of growth on the environmental-friendly quality of life The amount of 9,845.8 million baht will be allocated for the operations on natural resources and the environment, protection of conserved forest areas, national reserved forests for fertility, promotion of water management, provision of support to the entire artificial precipitation operations, development of learning sources and plant strain conservation, and creating security for mineral resource base. 5.9 Programme on public sector personnel The amount of 18,464.9 million baht will be allocated to ensure efficiency and cost effectiveness in the management of public sector personnel with regard to the government's operations along with the development of the work systems of 31 31

government agencies and improvement of personnel's competency in performing their duties with integrity and ethics while maintaining their work-life balance. Strategy 6 :: RReeaalliiggnnmmeennttffoorrbbaallaanncceeaannddddeevveellooppmmeenntt ofofadadmmininisitsrtartaitvievesyssytsetmemofofththe eppuubblilcicsescetcotror The government has allocated the budget to enable the public sector to have a work culture that focuses on achieving results and public benefits meeting people needs and demands with convenience, promptness and transparency. Emphasis will be on improving and developing basic factors in order to recover and develop the country, for instance, improvement and development of the integrated database by compiling and linking data among various agencies, promoting the digital public sector by adopting and applying digital technology to provide services to the people with emphasis on public service and the public sector's efficiency, namely, improvement of public service, monetary and fiscal management, public sector realignment, public administrative improvement, public sector personnel creation and development as well as prevention of corruption and fraudulent behaviours and improvement of laws and judicial process covering both economic and social aspects. The amount of 558,616.0 million baht, equivalent to 18.0 per cent of the total budget, is allocated for this strategy and can be classified by the following programmes : 6.1 Strategic programme on improvement of public service delivery and the public sector's efficiency The amount of 22,931.9 million baht will be allocated to improve public service delivery enabling ease, convenience, promptness, transparency, cost reduction and verifiability as well as monetary and fiscal management by improving efficiency of revenue collection, expanding tax base, and improving the taxation system suitable for the country's economic situation. Attention will be given to development of a medium and long-term fiscal system, improvement of the budgeting process for agility suitable for the situation and urgency, increasing efficiency of public debt mamagement for long-term fiscal sustainability along with the development of the monitoring and evaluating system reflecting the achievement of national strategies at all levels. This will include the monitoring and evaluating process prior to the project's initiation, work in process and post operation. Realignment of the public sector will be implemented through resizing of the public sector corresponding with the responsibilities while roles of other segments will be strengthened. In addition, the public sector's personnel will be made to be decent 32 32

with morality, virtue, conscience as well as being competent, knowledgeable, capable along with the creation of efficiency and quality under the moral system. 6.2 Integrated programme on digital government The amount of 2,409.4 million baht will be allocated to develop a model to deliver the public sector's services by adopting digital technology and putting people at the center. This will be supported by developing the public sector's service of worthiness and implementation at the international standard with promptness, ease, efficiency, transparency, verifiability through cost reduction, lessening steps of operations and being on par with the situation. This will be achieved with no constraints on time, space and group of people as well as the linkage among agencies and systems of electronic government's services in accordance with the demands from people, business sector and service users. Moreover, improvements will be made on the public sector's system on granting of approval and permission, development of the public sector's data storage and disclosing system, reduction of legal constraints and revising laws which are unfair, outdated and impeded to development in order to enhance the public sector's development toward being a digital government. 6.3 Integrated programme on anti-corruption and misconduct The amount of 478.9 million baht will be allocated to reduce corruption in the Thai society through instilling of conscience and creating values for every segment to be aware of integrity, morality, virtue and adopting the governance principle on organizational management. Emphasis will be made on revision of laws and strict and fair enforcement as well as allowing people to engage in preventing, suppressing corruption and misconduct and promoting engagement of every segment in preventing, monitoring and resisting all forms of corruption. Moreover, creation of anti-corruption networks will be promoted to support the engagement on surveillance, monitoring, following up suspicious behaviors and filing reports. This is to create an anti-corruption culture to impede corruption and misconduct along with the promotion of modern technology application for the intensive surveillance of corruption and misconduct in order to drastically rid the public sector of corruption and misconduct. 6.4 Strategic programme on developing laws and the judicial process The amount of 2,988.1 million baht will be allocated to develop laws applicable to different contexts to be in harmony with changes and development as well as enforcement of laws with transparency and efficiency. Judicial process will be promoted and managed for impartiality, equity and fairness in the society. This will be achieved by adopting and applying innovation and digital technology enabling people 33 33

to gain access to the judicial process with ease, promptness, impartiality and fairness along with the reduction of constraints in laws. Laws will be revised for modernization, while laws which are obsolete or become obstacles to the country's development will be abolished. Models for participation in the judicial process will be developed along with the development of mechanisms to protect rights and liberty of people affected by the legal proceedings and conflicts between the public and private sectors and communities. Moreover, efficiency improvement will be made on the scrutinizing and observing system for transparency while digital technology will be utilized as a venue for people to access to the judicial process along the legal proceedings with ease and promptness where every step has a clear stipulated timeframe for resolution. 6.5 Strategic programme on supporting realignment for balance and development of administrative system of the public sector The amount of 1,928.7 million baht will be allocated to support the strategic goal on realigning and developing the public administrative system that is for the public sector to have the work culture emphasizing the results and benefits for the general public, addressing people's needs with ease, promptness, transparency at a reduced size, agility for change, and absence of corruption and misconduct for the country's public benefits. Emphasis will be made on adopting and applying Big Data innovation technology and digital work process on operations comparable with the international standard. This will allow every segment to be engaged in addressing the people's needs with fairness in accordance with the rule of laws, ease, promptness and transparency. Joint effort will be made on instilling value, integrity, and thriftiness. Moreover, there will be laws as necessary but modernized with international characteristics and efficiency leading to the reduction of inequality and being conducive to development of judicial process which is fair, impartial and providing justice according to the rule of law. 6.6 Fundamental programme on realignment for balance and development of administrative system of the public sector The amount of 429,517.6 million baht will be allocated to carry out responsibilities on realigning and developing an administrative system to be efficient and cost effectiveness allowing public agencies to operate and provide standard services on a continuous basis and in accordance with the laws while personnel, places of work, equipment and the working environment will be maintained in good condition. 6.7 Programme on public sector personnel The amount of 98,361.4 million baht will be allocated to ensure efficiency and cost effectiveness in the management of public sector personnel with 34 34

regard to the government's operations along with the development of the work systems of government agencies and improvement of personnel's competency in performing their duties with integrity and ethics while maintaining their work-life balance. Strategy 77 : Expenditures on general administration The government has allocated the budget to be used as reserves for contingencies, emergencies or necessities, public debt management, replenishments of treasury account balance and reserve fund. The amount of 429,068.7 million baht, equivalent to 13.8 per cent of the total budget, is allocated for these expenditures and can be classified by the following programmes : 7.1 Programme on attending to emergencies or necessities The amount of 105,862.0 million baht will be allocated as reserves for expenditures to prevent or rectify problems detrimental to people's peace, and the state's security, to remedy or mitigate damages from public disasters and to be used for the state's urgent necessities with respect to the fiscal discipline. 7.2 Programme on management of public debt The amount of 297,631.4 million baht will be allocated to support the efficient management and repayment of public debt with maximum benefits to the economy. 7.3 Programme on expenditures for replenishment of treasury account balance The amount of 596.7 million baht will be allocated to reimburse expenditures which have already been made from the treasury account in accordance with the Treasury Account Act of B.E. 2491 (A.D. 1948) and its amendments. 7.4 Programme on expenditures for replenishment of reserve fund The amount of 24,978.6 million baht will be allocated to reimburse the fund used for spendings in the event of necessities and emergencies for the country's benefits where the Contingency Fund for Emergencies or Immediate Needs in the Central Fund was insufficient and the reserved fund has been used in accordance with section 45 of the Budget Procedure Act B.E. 2561 (A.D.2018). 35 35



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