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Home Explore Virus Control Presents

Virus Control Presents

Published by cestlady, 2017-05-03 17:18:38

Description: Virus Control Presents


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Virus Control Presents Jhustin C. Toure B. Darien D. Xavier S.

Jhustin- IT Security Engineer:■ IT Security Engineer is like the specialist but probably has more experience and highly skilled in technology.

Toure- Network Security Engineer:■ A network security engineer is configuration, and administration of many different pieces of network and security- related hardware and software including firewalls, routers, switches, various network monitoring tools, and VPNs (virtual private networks).

Darien- CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker):■ The Ethical Hacker is an individual who is usually employed with the organization and who can be trusted to undertake an attempt to penetrate networks and/or computer systems using the same methods and techniques as a Hacker.

Xavier- Firewall Administrator:■ Responsible for maintaining the security of a computer network's data.

Objectives■ Today you will learn… The History of Malicious Software (Malware). You will learn about are three Malicious Software. How to DPR (Trojan).

History■ What is Malicious Software? Software that gives partial to full control of your computer to do whatever the malware creator wants.■ Who created it? Two Pakistan brothers- Basit and Amjad.■ When was it created? There were some malware for other platforms before 1986., but in 1986, appeared first malware for PC.■ Where was it created? N/A.■ Why was it created? They wanted to show PC isn’t a secure platform and they created the virus that was replicated using Floppy Disk.■ How was it created? With the use of Floppy Disk.

Malicious Software #1 – Desktop (FBI Online Agent Virus)■ A.) How is it detected? Will display a bogus notification, that pretends to be from Federal Bureau of Investigation and states that your computer has been blocked due to it being involved with the distribution of pornographic material, SPAM and copyrighted content.■ B.) How it infects the device: explain the symptoms that your devices is infected. The FBI Online Agent Virus will lock you out of your computer and applications.■ C.) How do you get rid of the Malicious Software? Remove all floppy disks, CDs, and DVDs from your computer, and then restart your computer. Press and hold the F8 key as your computer restarts.

Malicious Software #2- Tablet (GG Tracker)■ A.) How is it detected? It sneaks into your PC via vulnerabilities in your security system. It usually arrives as an attachment to email messages spammed by other malware or malicious users. It arrives on a system as a file dropped by other malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting malicious sites.■ B.) How it infects the device: explain the symptoms that your devices is infected. It deletes or overwrites the system files randomly, causing the system to malfunction. It also downloads and installs other malware, which brings more and more problems to the infected computers. However, the most dangerous thing is that it can allow the remote hackers to take control over the compromised computer. They can also take pictures using the web camera, disable the mouse and keyboard, restart the computer, and steal user’s identity information.■ C.) How do you get rid of the Malicious Software? There are 5 different methods you can use to get rid of this Malicious Software;■ Method 1: Restore the system■ Method 2: Use SpyHunter■ Method 3: XoftSpy AntiVirus Pro■ Method 4: Manually remove it■ Method 5: Delete it with STOPzilla (Free AnitMalware)

Malicious Software #3- Smartphone (CryptoLocker)■ A.) How is it detected? Do not open attachments or follow links contained in emails that you were not expecting.■ B.) How it infects the device: explain the symptoms that your devices is infected. It encrypts files on your computer, making them inaccessible, and then demands payment to decrypt the files so that they can be used again.■ C.) How do you get rid of the Malicious Software? Shutdown the infected computer immediately. Download SafeMSI.

DPR:■ Here we will teach how to (D)etect, (P)revent, and (R)emove if you computer has been detected by the Greek Trojan Horse Virus.

Detection:Here are three ways to detect if a Trojan Horse has infected your computer…

Visual Demonstration:Is your computer acting weird? Do pop-ups keep appearing on your screen even when you're notbrowsing the Internet? If so you may be infected with a Trojan Horse.

Visual Demonstration: A fast and easy way to determine this is to run acomplete scan with your anti-virus protection. Foralways-active, always-updating security protection that includes the detection and elimination of viruses, worms, and Trojan.

Visual Demonstration:You also will get emails with attachments, you haveno idea about (The best thing to do is avoid the email as best as possible).

Prevention:■ Here are some ways to prevent Trojan from infecting your computer…

Visual Demonstration:(Prevention tip# 1) Don't open unknown attachments in emails or do a virus scan after opening them.

Visual Demonstration:(Prevention tip #2) Make regular backups ofimportant work and data, and check that the backups were successful.

Visual Demonstration:(Prevention tip#3) Download files only from trustedsites. Use a firewall to protect computers that are connected to a network.

Visual Demonstration:(Prevention tip#4) Remember to do a virus scan forthem after peripheral devices are connected to your computer, use antivirus or endpoint security software

Removal:■ Now, that you have been infected with the Trojan Virus, here the steps needed to remove it…

Visual Demonstration:Step #1; Disable System Restore

Visual Demonstration:Step #2; Install an anti-malware program, if haven’t already

Visual Demonstration:Step #3; Reboot into SafeMode

Visual Demonstration:Step #4; Uninstall any unfamiliar programs

Visual Demonstration:Step #5; Start a scan with your anti-malware program

It’s time totake a quiz!

Review Question■ What is a Malicious Software and what are the three that we have been studying/learning in class?Software that gives partial to full control of your computer to do whatever the malware creator wants. The three that we have been learning mostly about are Trojans, Worms, and Virus.

Fill in the blank ___.■ 1. ____ are malicious programs that perform actions that have not been authorized by the user. (Trojan)■ 2. ____ are virus that replicate and spread via network connection. (Worms)■ 3. The first Malicious Software was discovered in __ by two Pakistan brothers- Basit and Amjad. (1986)

True or False time■ True or False: If you get an unfamiliar email that you weren’t expecting, you should open it and click on the link?(False)

Career Connection■ Job Title- IT Security Specialist■ Job Description- Responsible for keeping the company’s data and information secure from malware, viruses, and corporate attacks from hackers as well as any cyber attacks.■ Salary Range- $87, 000■ Education Level- Undergraduate degree (associate or bachelor)■ Information Source- security-specialist.html

Summary for the day (continue)■ Trojans are Malicious Programs that perform actions that haven’t been authorized by the user.■ Worms are a type of viruses that replicate themselves via network connection.■ Malicious software (malware) is any software that gives partial to full control of your computer to do whatever the malware creator wants.■ A computer virus attaches itself to a program or file enabling it to spread from one computer to another, leaving infections as it travels.

Summary Part 2..■ Anti-Virus Software are software that combats viruses■ Adware forces unwanted ads. onto your computer screen■ Spyware are “sneaky viruses” they spy on what websites you visit and what software you use■ Troubleshooting the process is which you seek, identify, and correct problems

Citation■ \"Remove FBI Online Agent, Removal Instructions.\" Remove FBI Online Agent, Removal Instructions. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2015. (1)■ \"GGTracker Malware Hides As Android Market - Android Authority.\" Android Authority GGTracker Malware Hides As Android Market Comments. N.p., 21 June 2011. Web. 23 Mar. 2015. (2)■ \"Trojan.Cryptolocker.\" Trojan.Cryptolocker. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2015. (3)


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