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Home Explore Cumberland County Kidsville News April 2018

Cumberland County Kidsville News April 2018

Published by Up & Coming Weekly, 2018-04-02 13:23:49

Description: Kidsville News

Keywords: children,North Carolina children,kids magazine,children's publications


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Proudly sponsored by:UP & COMING WEEKLY My paperNNoorrtthh CCaarroolliinnaa’’ss FFuunn FFaammiillyy NNeewwssppaappeerr ••AApprriill 22001188Understanding the earthF REE 1MARCH 2018

It’s My Job: PWC Lineworkers Rodeo Team Wally Watt Watcher Willy Water DropThis is Wally Watt Watcher with the Fayetteville PWC. One of my favorite activities islearning all about our Hometown Utility. Did you know that in addition to restoring powerwhen the lights go out, working on power lines in all kinds of weather conditions, ridinghigh in bucket trucks – sometimes 60 feet in the air, and making sure you have electricitywhenever you need it, some PWC linemen also compete in a cool rodeo!I sat down with my friend Jeremy to learn all about the National Lineworkers Rodeo.Jeremy has been a lineman at PWC for a long time and has been competing in the rodeosfor almost a decade! For the first time ever its taking place in Wake Forest next month andTruman asked me to share what I learned with Kidsville News readers!What is the APPA The event is a simulationLineworkers Rodeo? of rescuing an injuredThe American Public co-worker. The fastestPower Lineworkers Rodeo competitor wins, but youis awesome! It’s one day have to do it safely. Safety isa year where lineworkers key in our industry, so if youfrom all over the country don’t do it safely, you loseget together to compete in points. It doesn’t matter howseveral different events and fast you get the job off skills unique to their My fastest time is 1 minute,career field. The winners 40 seconds. That’s prettytake home big trophies and fast!get bragging rights! What kind of equipmentWhy do you compete in the and tools do you use torodeo? compete?I compete in the rodeo We use rubber gloves,because I enjoy winning climbing gear, hot sticks,big trophies and I love hard hats, and steel toechallenges! I grew up shoes.playing sports and I reallylike competing against What’s your advice for kidsothers and doing things I who want to compete indon’t get to do every day. a Lineworkers Rodeo onePlus, this is a way for us to day?show people what we do. You should definitely study hard, stay in school andWhat is your favorite make good choices. Listen toevent in the rodeo? your parents and teachers,My favorite event is the and do your homework.“Hurt Man Rescue.” We have And you shouldn’t be afraidto rescue a really heavy of heights because we climbdummy from a really high poles 40 feet in the air!pole. The pole is 40 feet high!If you’re interested in attending the American Public Power Lineworkers Rodeo with your parents on April 28,you can! It’s FREE, open to the public, and starts at 8am. The Rodeo will take place in Wake Forest’s Holding Village, located off South Franklin Street via Rogers Road. There will be food trucks and a fun zone for kids! Various artwork from © www.faypwc.com2 or call the Communications & Community Relations O ce at 223-4009 MARCH 2018

THE FUN FAMILY NEWSPAPER Hi, Kids! of Cumberland and Hoke Counties masponoiemdDrceeeci.dtosimlyclieoadsuleles.kcdRnaeotreawycdttothhthineneigce“spaChlratoahtnpeinpss?eemcnItta’isowdntehrsue”uenps. etChocerftaisloaeznyrpgtaloeantlfedelosaarstnhinifgt “msatIvacWpatironohreiinsdarlaTiAcoeIlsehnadnnatoperthalvgunssamreiboelcoilodalrle,ooeetud.hw“hu.usot”oTiAettnahfitimnohtrteyhtlroeahneysetuthernehmettnoeodoem.bdfsAiRseteCncohthenahaasehaadeturpirtldCpetheeiWinfso’husg–hpiMlolaseucsrvhsooallroidaefamuntl”raicncnerapttttoguaainevhrskieeoptoeneselslsai.sdta.easyloscoathknaattfall PUBLISHER Subscribe FREE online at Bill Bowman EDITOR Stephanie Crider stephanie@kidsvillenews.comART DIRECTOR/GRAPHIC ARTIST Elizabeth Long SALES & MARKETING Linda McAlister DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Laurel Handforth ILLUSTRATOR Cover & Truman • Dan Nelson Copyright © 2017 by Merrigold Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this issue may be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without permission of the publisher or copyright holder. Neither participating advertisers nor the publishers will be responsible or liable for misinformation, misprints or typographical errors. The publishers reserve the right to edit any submitted material. Merrigold Publishing, Inc. is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, artwork, or other material. Children’s submissions should include name, address, telephone number, and permission to publish signed by a parent or guardian. FTCC Children’s CENTER C7eAnMter i-s6opPeMn Monday - Friday and Follows the FTCC Calendar for Holiday & Other Closings.Child Care (6 wSeuemksmtehrroCuagmhp5s y(Reiasrinsgol1ds)t-tAhrftoeurg-ShchRoisoinl gCa7rteh(GPrrae-dKertsh)rough Age 12) TOUR OURCFAACLILLTITOYS-CMHOEDNUDLAEYA- NFRAIDPAPYOI9N-1T0M:3E0NTA!M & 3-4 PM Call/email for details and to enroll your child today! 910-678-8560 2201 Hull Road, Fayetteville, NC Education for Life License ID 26001112 2018 3

The earth is made of layers • Earthquakes usually • This is an earthquake. The largest earthquake ever recorded of different materials. The happen along transform • The hypocenter is is called the Valdivia Earthquake. It top layer that we live on happened in Bio-Bio, Chile, in 1960. is called the crust. It is a boundaries. These are the place where the Earthquakes are measured on a scale thin layer of rock that floats on a of 0-10 called the Richter scale. This thick layer of magma. Magma is areas where two plates earthquake starts was a 9.5. The earthquake caused a semi-molten rock. Lava is magma lot of damage to buildings, but the that reaches the surface. The slide past each other. underground. tsunami it caused was even more crust floats on the magma, which • These areas are also • The epicenter is the deadly. Tsunamis are giant and allows it to shift and move as the dangerous waves that often follow earth rotates. called faults. location on the surface large earthquakes that occur near • Tectonic plates usually the ocean. They can spread across The crust is not one solid piece. above the hypocenter. the ocean for thousands of miles. It is broken up into large pieces only move 6 inches • Earthquakes can have called tectonic plates. There are seven major plates and eight a year. three stages: foreshocks, minor plates. Some are so large • Sometimes the plates can that they hold entire continents. the mainshock and get stuck against each Really interesting things happen aftershocks. where these plates meet. A lot of other and then massive • Earthquakes are pressure can build up between plates that can cause things pressure builds up. recorded and measured like mountains, volcanoes and • When the plates finally earthquakes. by seismographs. move, they release all • The size of an earthquake that built up pressure at is measured by once, and millions of magnitude and intensity. tons of earth move very suddenly. LAVA CRUST MAGMA THE OCRFUMSAT NISYMPALADTEES UP Vectors altered, but original vectors © Vecteezy.com4 MARCH 2018

WAroOunRd LthDe • 90 percent of all volcanoes Volcanoes are also most commonly tectonic plates pull apart and reveal the are located around the Pacific found near tectonic boundaries, where magma underneath.Fun Facts Plate. This is called the Ring two tectonic plates meet. The twoabout Volcanoes of Fire. types of boundaries most likely to have The largest recorded volcanic eruptionfrom Around the volcanic activity are convergent and happened on April 10, 1815. MountWorld • Volcano comes from the divergent boundaries. Convergent Tambora, located in what is now Roman name for the god of boundaries are where two plates Indonesia, erupted. When it exploded, fire, “Vulcan.” are pushing together. Two things can it released 38 cubic miles of melted happen here. Often these boundaries rock and ash into the air and onto the • Volcanoes come in all shapes have subduction zones. This is where island. The explosion was so large that and sizes. They also have one plate is pushed under another it affected the weather of the entire many kinds of eruptions. plate and melts into the mantle below. planet. The explosion threw ash into the The friction of the two plates rubbing atmosphere the blocked out the sun and • Some volcanoes, like Mount together creates magma, which reaches killed crops in the Northern Hemisphere. St. Helens in Washington the surface and forms a volcano. 1816 was known as the “Year without state, sit quiet for thousands of Divergent boundaries are where two Summer.” Some nearby villages were years and then have one huge, found buried in 10 feet of volcanic ash. destructive eruption before going dormant again. Dates to remember in April: • April 1 is April Fools’ Day. • Passover runs from March 31 through • Some volcanoes continuously It is a time for playing jokes April 7. It is a Jewish celebration that release smaller amounts of and tricks on friends and commemorates their liberation from magma for years. • Volcanoes are classified as active, dormant or extinct. • 1,900 volcanoes on earth are considered active. family. No one knows for sure Egypt and their freedom as a people under when April Fools’ Day started, Moses’ rule. although some people believe it • Earth Day fallsInside the active Mount dates back to the Roman Empire. on April 22. It is a • Easter falls on April 1 this year, too. Easter day to celebrate theMerapi on Indonesia is a Christian holiday that celebrates the earth and promote resurrection of ways to protect theImage © of Jimmy McIntyre on flickr environment. Jesus GEE THANKS!to our partners for sponsoring our Kidsville News! in literacy initiativeTo be a corporate educational sponsor, call: 910.484.6200MARCH 2018 5

This page proudly sponsored by Duck Donuts Kingdom: Animalia Infrorder: Phylum: Arthropoda Mygalomorphae Subphylum: Chelicerata Family: Theraphosidae Class: Arachnida Genus: Grammostola Order: Araneae Species: G. rosea The Chilean Rose The Chilean rose tarantula is native to South American countries Chile, Bolivia and Argentina. However, they are Tarantula now found all over the world because they are one of the most common species of tarantula sold in pet stores. These make good pets because they are shy and docile. The tarantulas have dark brown to black bodies. They get their name from the orangey-pink hair that covers it. This hair does more than look beautiful, however. It is also a self- defense system. These tarantulas are covered in urticating, or irritating, bristles that look like hair. Whenever it feels threatened, the tarantula uses its legs to flick the hair-like barbs onto predators. The barbs are irritating, itchy and difficult to remove. These barbs can be dangerous if they are inhaled because they can cause the nose and throat to swell. Tarantulas mostly use their venom for hunting. Tarantulas have an exoskeleton. • It is also known as the • Instead, they are called Lobsters, crabs and insects all Chilean red-haired wandering spiders; they use have exoskeletons. Instead of bones within their bodies, they tarantula, rose hair their excellent eye sight to have a hard outer layer that protects them and provides tarantula and the Chilean hunt. structure. The downside to this • In the wild, their diet system is that the hard outer shell fire tarantula. makes it difficult to grow. When • They grow to around 5 consists of small lizards, a tarantula gets too big for its exoskeleton, it molts. It sheds this inches long. young snakes, small outer layer and grows a new • Females can live up to 20 one. Right after a molt, its skin is mammals, grasshoppers, very soft and delicate, making it years. vulnerable in the wild. • Males have much shorter beetles and other spiders. • They use their silk to protect life spans. They live 5-7 their eggs and burrows. years. • They commonly live in • They are carnivores. • They do not spin webs and desert and scrub areas. • They are nocturnal. wait to trap prey. MARCH 2018

Weather An ice jam, or ice dam, is an accumulation of broken ice that clumps together or piles up to block the flow of a river. This can cause localized flooding in communities close to a river. But what causes ice jams, such as the one seen in this picture? Ice jams are typically caused by melting such as from a big rainfall, the river would meteorologists in assessing and keepingsnow and ice in the springtime. But then begin to quickly move downstream, track of how much ice there is along rivers,sometimes, this can occur during the carrying the pieces of ice with it. Then, creeks and streams by taking images of thewintertime if there is a prolonged period of if the ice gets jammed or caught up in a ice from space.cold temperatures followed by an extended narrow part of the river, it becomes an iceperiod of warmth. Warm temperatures jam. You can also help meteorologists byand significant rainfall cause snow and reporting locations of ice jams or floodingice to melt rapidly. These factors add a lot Because ice jams block the natural flow from them to your local National Weatherof water into the rivers and cause them to of the river, the water tends to be diverted Service office, but only if it is safe to dorise (like when you’re filling up a bathtub). and forced to flow in a different direction. so! To do this, you can utilize social mediaThe rising water of the river then cause This could lead to flooding in nearby towns platforms such as Facebook and Twitter orthe layer of ice on top of the river to begin and communities close to rivers, creeks or call your local office. This information canbreaking up into pieces or chunks of ice. If streams. also assist local emergency responders andthere is enough water added to the river, help keep you and the public safe. Ice jams cannot be forecast. However, satellites orbiting the earth can aidFor more information on flood safety and ice jams, visit: 2018 7

Machu Picchu Incan quipu The Incans were a people that lived in Andes Mountains in Peru South America dating back to the 12th Photo © of Martin St-Amant, Wikipedia Vectors © via century. At its height in the 15th century, the Incan empire stretched from northern8 Ecuador to central Chile and had 12 million inhabitants and 100 different ethnic groups. They were a remarkable and advanced civilization. They had roadways and complex agricultural systems. However, they didn’t have a writing system based on an alphabet. Instead, they used a system called quipu that was based on knots. Each knot had meaning and helped people to remember large amounts of very specific information. They used this tool to record any information they needed to remember, like dates, accounts, folk stories, bloodlines and poetry. Even though the quipu was a popular and common way of recording information, there are not many examples remaining. They were destroyed after internal conflict in the empire and when the Spanish colonized South America. However, some shepherds and other Andean people still use the system today. All the missing quipus makes it difficult for modern researchers to understand exactly how the system of knots worked. • The Incans were known for keeping detailed census and accounting records. • A typical quipu was made of a wooden bar with colored strings hanging from it. • The strings were usually made of cotton or wool. • Any number of strings could hang from the wooden bar. Large quipus had up to 1,500 strings. • Everything about the string carried information; the way it was woven, the color, the number of knots, the placement of the knots and the kind of knots were all important to understanding the meaning of the quipu. • Usually, people also memorized an oral explanation of the knots. • This was a very portable and durable way of keeping information. • Different systems of knots were used for recording numbers versus stories. MARCH 2018

This page proudly sponsored by Fayetteville Academy AJrimachCnaolrorgeisl tPlease tell our readers a little bit Do you have any fun facts aboutabout yourself and why you chose spiders you can share to ourto study spiders. readers?Hi. I’m Jim Carrel, a retired biology professor Spiders are not simply insects with eight legs. Theirwho remains active in research. My official title physiology is different. They lack the microscopicis Distinguished Teaching Professor of Biology organelles that power leg muscles in otherEmeritus at the University of Missouri in Columbia, animals, so they cannot run fast for far. In seconds,Missouri. they develop an oxygen debt and their movement declines to a crawl. So, no spider can chase a kidMy interest in spiders started when I was 23 years for more than several feet. You need not run farold. I tested how predators, such as wolf spiders, away from a spider on the ground. A few stepsrespond to insects that protect themselves from will do.attack by giving off stinky, irritating or distastefulfluids. At that time, I knew almost nothing about What is your favorite thing (or thespiders. But I became enamored with them, and by scariest thing) about spiders?reading books and articles, I learned a lot aboutthem largely on my own. Eventually I focused on I am enchanted by spider webs. I routinely gospiders themselves. out at sunrise on foggy mornings to view webs dew-coated. I find their designs awe-inspiring.Why are spiders important? The thought of a tiny spider constructing an ornate web that is inches across in a matter of minutesSpiders are important for several reasons. is truly remarkable. Furthermore, the fact that theFirst, there are many, many species of them shape of a web often is indicative of the identityin the world. In fact, the 50,000 described of a spider species causes me to wonder how thisspider species equal twice the number of birds, came about in the distant past.mammals and reptiles known today (25,000species). Second, spiders are common in fields What do you wish everyone knewand forests; they are almost everywhere on about spiders?land. Third, spiders are predators, eating mostlyinsects and other spiders, so they are vital links Spiders are not threatening. They mean you noin food-webs. Fourth, spiders often exert control harm. In the big scheme of things in life, spiderof pest insects as their populations start to grow, bites are way down near the bottom on the list ofpreventing damage to our food crops. risks to life and limb.MARCH 2018 9

Where in the World Is ...Chile is a country on the western coast of South America. Chile has been inhabitedfor 10,000 years. In early history, three different major groups of indigenous tribeslived in the area. The Araucanians were a hunter-gatherer society. The Patagonianswere nomadic tribes that survived by hunting and fishing. There were also pre-Incansthat lived in the north and developed handicrafts. Between 1460 and 1491, theIncan Empire spread into northern Chile. The very first European to come to Chile wasFerdinand Magellan, in 1520. However, the explorer did not find the gold he waslooking for and returned to Peru. The Spanish didn’t return until Pedro de Valdiva latercame in 1541 to colonize the area. He saw that the soil was perfect for agriculture.Chile was ruled by the Spanish until 1810, when they declared their independence.However, the Europeans left a deep mark on the country. Today, 95 percent ofChileans have European heritage. • The capital is Santiago. • Santiago has a population of 5 million. • Chile is very long and very thin. It covers 291,932 miles. • It is 2,700 miles long. • It has 4,000 miles of coastline, thanks to the many fjords. • At its widest, it is 217 miles across. At its narrowest, it is only 9.6 miles across, but the average is 110 miles. • The population is 17,216,945. • The language is Spanish. • The money is the Chilean peso. • The Andes Mountains form its border with Argentina and dominate most of the country. • There are active volcanoes in the Andes. • The highest mountain, which is also a volcano, is called Nevado Ojos de Salado. It is 22,572 feet high. • The Andes are also home to the highest lake, called Ojos de Salado. • The northern part of Chile has a large dry desert called the Atacama Desert. It is the driest in the world. • There are 3,000 volcanoes in Chile; 36 are active. • Easter Island is part of Chile. Vector Images © Atacama Desert, Chile MARCH 201810

Come Out & PlayThe history of kites • All you need to make your own kite is flying line, plastic This is just one way tostarts in China two materials like a shower curtain or garbage bag, two wooden make a kite; there arethousand years ago. many different shapes and dowels, a marker, measuring stick, scissors and tape. styles. Some of the shapesThe very first record describes a • First, lay the plastic sheet out flat on the ground. are complex and made toChinese general in 206 B.C. using • If you’re using a garbage bag, cut it open so that it is a be beautiful. Others areone to measure how far his troops intended to make the kitehad to tunnel for a surprise attack. As single sheet on the ground. faster or do incrediblekite flying spread around the rest of • One of the wooden dowels should be longer than the other. acrobatics. Some peopleAsia, people started using them for • Measure 6 inches down on the longer stick and lay the even compete in kitedifferent things. In Japan they were acrobatics. Usually thesetalismans that kept away evil spirits. shorter one across it at this point to form a “t.” kites, called stunt kites,There are also records of people using • Tie or tape the two sticks together. are designed to be fast andthem to fish. Marco Polo brought • Lay the sticks on the plastic. controllable. Stunt kiteskites back to Europe in the 13th • Use a marker to outline the frame of your kite in a are different from standardcentury. Kite fighting is a popular kites because they have twosport in Chile. There, fighter kites are diamond shape. strings and two handles forknown as volantín. They are square • Cut out the diamond shape 2 inches wider than the outline better control.shaped and made with light paper • Fold the edges of the plastic over the stick frame and tapeand bamboo sticks. Vector Image © it down.Flying kites is still very popular today. • Tie your string to the cross where the two sticks meet.Making your own is easy with the • Make sure to decorate your kite and add a tail before youhelp of an adult. take it out on the next windy day. • Use tape if you need to connect the string or the tail. Little Einstein’s Celebrating 32 Years! Summer Enrichment Camp July 9 - 14, 2018 Designed to enhance your child’s education along with Programs for Rising 6th-12th gradershaving Summer Fun! Offering Enrichment Programs in Day and Residential OptionsPhonics, Math Reading. Extended hours are available forearly morning drop offs or after hours pick up. Campers To See All Activities & To Register. Visit Our Website: must provide their own snack and lunch. 910-988-9375 Or 910-867-5258 Or contact Linda Lane at (910) 630-7100 Classical PreschoolSponsored in Part by:MARCH 2018 For more inTfohrims iastiaonfrepeleeavseenctoanntdacotpKeanmtoeothEevepnutbslNicC. G@agmmeasi&l.coDmooorrpcraizlle9s1.0-797-9568. 11

12 Hi, kids! We love shar- ing your art. Fill out Send It form on page 15 Thanks for the yummy Girl Scout and send it in with your cookies you brought to the office, work. You could win a Madison! free donut from Duck Donuts! Nora, age 9MARCH 2018 Madison belongs to GS Troop #1546

MARCH 2018 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 23 45 6 7 8 15 National Peanut Archery Clinic at Lake Dinosaurs in the Dirt at Fishing Basics at John Fayetteville Symphony Come See the Trains at 22 Butter and Jelly Rim Park for ages Lake Rim Park for ages E. Pechmann Fishing Orchestra presents Jazz Fascnate-U Children’s 29 Day 8 and up. 9 a.m. to 5-12 and up. 9 a.m. to Education Center. 9 Fest at Festival Park. Museum.Noon-4 p.m. nooon. $5. Call nooon. Free. Call a.m. to noon. Free. 6-10 p.m. Visit www. Free.Visit 910-433-1018 to 910-433-1018 to Call 910-868-5003 to fayettevillesymphony. register register register. org for details. to learn more. 9 10 11 12 13 Edible Science for Gallery 208 art 18 Story Time at Arsenal Tours at Museu Spring Lake’s Spring Kids at Spring Lake opening at 208 Rowan Fascnate-U Children’s of the Cape Fear Fling at Mendoza Park. Library. 4 p.m. Street. 5:30-7 p.m. Museum 10 a.m. Free. Historical Complex. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Free. Call 910-484-6200 for Visit Free. Call 910-500- Call 910-436-0011 16 details. 4240 for details. to learn more. 21 23 17 20 19 Summer Camp Expo at Story Time with Signs Nature Story Time at 27 Ramada Plaza. at Bordeaux Library J. Bayard Clark and Wacky Wednesday: Beauty and the Beast 10 a.m.-4p.m. Free. 6:30 p.m, Nature Center for ages LEGO Free Play at Temple Theatre. Fayetteville Dogwood Call 910-797-9568 for 6 and under. 1 p.m. at North Regional Call 919-774-4512 for festival April 26-29 information. Free. Call 910-433- Library. 3:30 p.m. details. in Festival Park. 1579 to register. 910-822-1998 Free to attend. www. 28 26 faydogwoodfestival. 24 25 com Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood: King NASA at my Library: Fort Bragg Fair at the for a Day at the Crown. Yes, it IS Rocket Fort Bragg Fairgrounds 2 p.m. Visit www. Science at Spring Lake through May 13. Call crowncomplexnc. Library. 4 p.m. 910-396-9126 for com for tickets and information. information.13 30 April

Find us on Sponsored by:14 For more information, call (910)433-1730 N! Sparky wants you to learn to stop, drop, and roll if your clothes catch fire. Can you find the objects below in the pictures? Circle them and then color the MARCH 2018 Developed by the NFPA. 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169 The name and image of Sparky® are trademarks of the NFPA.

MATHTIMEHow many ways can you make change for a dollar? How can you remove twoSome numbers are missing. Write them on this toothpicks fromline: the square shape and leave 33 37 38 41 44 two squares of292. 293 if you count a one-dollar coin in change! different sizes? Cross out the two that should be removed.(32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46) This problem (The diagram shows one possible answer.) Some studentsreinforces the concept of using the number line while giving students the opportunity have difficulty with visual imagery; manipulates should be available for those who wish to construct the count and record numbers up to 50. It is sometimes difficult for students to startat a number other than one. Send it!*Hey, Kids!Meet my new BFF the Duck from Duck Donuts!We want to remind you to send us your photos,original artwork, letters, poems and stories,We would really love hearing from you. Wemay even print them in a later issue or includethem on our cool Age:Address: Grade:City: State: Zip:Phone:Name of your School or location where you picked up a copy of Kidsville News!:Parent, Teacher, Guardian Signature (Permission):Email: (Receive a “Free” online subscription of Kidsville News!)*If your submission appears in Kidsville News!you will be entitled to a FREE Duck Donut just by picking up your FREE Duck Donut Card at 208 Rowan Street, Fayetteville NC 28301. 910-484-6200. Each month, one lucky student chosen from ALL the submissions will win Duck Donuts for their entire class! Send to: 208 Rowan Street Fayetteville, NC 28301 • 910-484-6200MARCH 2018 15

Character Bear Says: “When you show CITIZENSHIP, you honor and contribute to the laws, policies, and human rights of the land.” Character Bear challenges you to be a good citizen. I can be a responsible citizenCitizenship At school... At home... In my community... My plan to be a responsible citizen... Character Education is supported by the Cumberland County Schools’ Counseling Department and the Safe and Drug Free Schools Grant. To link to the CCS Counseling Department, visit MARCH 2018

Truman loves ktiotefltyokliotoeks?CoWnoarlinotiecreainsspegrnitneCgndocearyan. bHeoourwt would you like for your it and color the picture. Truman Truman’s Tricky Picture Find these items!forwtwhVfweuis.nskiotialdounsutdviroiglWnlaemnaenbeewdss!ismt.ecooarmte APRIL 2009 KIDSVILLE NEWS 11MARCH 2018 17

why summer camp is 5 reasons agoodchoiceforkids Summer vacation offers students a kids accustomed to living sedentary respite from lessons and the routine lifestyles. Regular physical activity has of school. Children might once have many health benefits and can set a eagerly awaited those final days of foundation for healthy habits as an classes so they could lounge poolside, adult. skip rocks across ponds and spend 3. Gain confidence. Day and the long days of the season playing sleepaway camps offer campers with friends. But many of today’s the opportunity to get comfortable youngsters spend much of their in their own skin. Camps can foster summer vacations indoors playing activities in self-esteem by removing with their digital devices. the academic measures of success and fill in with noncompetitive Perhaps that’s why one of the opportunities to succeed. Campers last vestiges of the classic summer learn independence, decision-making vacation escape — summer camp skills and the ability to thrive outside of — remains such a viable option for the shadow of their parents, siblings or parents who want their children to get other students. outdoors once the school year ends. 4. Try new things. Camp gives children the chance to try new Although kids needn’t be in camp things, whether that’s learning to all summer long, a week or two cook, exploring new environments can benefit campers of all ages. or embracing a new sport or leisure The following are five reasons why activity. Opening oneself up to new summer camp might be the right fit this opportunities can build character and year. prove enlightening for children. 1. Explore talents. Summer camps 5. Make new friends. Camp is help young people explore their a great place to meet new people unique interests and talents. Under an and make lifelong friends. Campers organized, yet often easygoing camp flood in from areas near and far. schedule, kids can dabble in sports, This provides kids with a chance to arts and crafts, leadership, community expand their social circles beyond support and so many other activities their immediate neighborhoods and that may not be fully available to them schools. elsewhere. 2. Physical activity: Lots of camps Camps benefit children in a variety build their itineraries around physical of ways. Lessons learned in camp can activities that take place outdoors. strengthen values, build confidence, Campers may spend their time develop coping mechanisms when swimming, running, hiking, playing adversity strikes, and enable campers sports, climbing and so much more. to make lifelong friends. This can be a welcome change for18 MARCH 2018

Kidsville KitchenReserve the Rind Watermelon, both the flesh and the rind, is a pickles and relishes, grate into salads and slaws,good source of a compound called citrulline, an toss into stir-fry and add to smoothies and juices.amino acid that raises levels of arginine in the The key to chowing down on watermelon rindblood, which in turn helps maintain blood flow, is knowing how to prepare it. The preparationhealthy blood vessels and heart health. method below can help you put that rind to good use: Whether you’re eating for good health or goodtaste (or both), you can use the rind to make Watermelon Rind Pickles 4 cups water 1 tablespoon coarse salt 2 cups peeled watermelon rind, cut into 1-1/2-by-2-inch pieces (leave a thin layer of pink) 3/4 cup granulated sugar 1 allspice berry 1/2 cup cider vinegar 4 peppercorns 4 whole cloves 1/2 teaspoon pickling spice 1 long slice of fresh ginger root 1/4 teaspoon celery seeds 1. In a large pot over medium-high heat, bring water and salt to boil. Add rind pieces and boil until tender, about 5 minutes. Strain. Transfer rinds to large metal bowl. 2. In saucepan, combine watermelon rind, sugar, berries, vinegar, peppercorns, cloves, pickling spice, gingerroot and celery seeds. Bring to boil over medium-high heat, stirring until sugar dissolves. Simmer 15 minutes until slightly reduced. Pour over watermelon rinds in bowl. Place plate over top to keep rinds submerged in liquid. 3. Cover and refrigerate 1 day. Transfer to glass jar and keep sealed in refrigerator up to 2 weeks.MARCH 2018 Look for more creative ways to use your watermelon rind at 19

WHAT IS THE IONOSPHERE? By Linda Hermans-Killiam Left: This illustration Vector Images © shows the layers of Earth’s atmosphere. NASA’s GOLD and ICON missions will work together to study the ionosphere, a region of charged particles in Earth’s upper atmosphere. Changes in the ionosphere can interfere with the radio waves used to communicate with satellites and astronauts in the International Space Station (ISS). Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center/ Duberstein (modified) High above Earth is a very active part of our space weather. of the ionosphere over the Americas every halfupper atmosphere called the ionosphere. The These changes in the ionosphere can cause hour. It will measure the temperature and makeupionosphere gets its name from ions—tiny charged of gases in the ionosphere. GOLD will also studyparticles that blow around in this layer of the problems for humans. For example, they can bubbles of charged gas that are known to causeatmosphere. interfere with radio signals between Earth and communication problems. satellites. This could make it difficult to use many of How did all those ions get there? They were made the tools we take for granted here on Earth, such as A second NASA mission, called ICON, short forby energy from the sun! GPS. Radio signals also allow us to communicate Ionospheric Connection Explorer, will launch later with astronauts on board the International Space in 2018. It will be placed in an orbit just 350 miles Everything in the universe that takes up space Station, which orbits Earth within the ionosphere. above Earth—through the ionosphere. This means itis made up of matter, and matter is made of tiny Learning more about this region of our atmosphere will have a close-up view of the upper atmosphereparticles called atoms. At the ionosphere, atoms may help us improve forecasts about when these to pair with GOLD’s wider view. ICON will study thefrom the earth’s atmosphere meet up with energy radio signals could be distorted and help keep forces that shape this part of the upper atmosphere.from the sun. This energy, called radiation, strips humans safe.away parts of the atom. What’s left is a positively or Both missions will study how the ionosphere isnegatively charged atom, called an ion. In 2018, NASA has plans to launch two missions affected by Earth and space weather. Together, they that will work together to study the ionosphere. will give us better observations of this part of our The ionosphere is filled with ions. These particles NASA’s GOLD (Global-scale Observations of atmosphere than we have ever had before.move about in a giant wind. However, conditions in the Limb and Disk) mission launched in Januarythe ionosphere change all the time. Earth’s seasons 2018. GOLD will orbit 22,000 miles above Earth. To learn more about the ionosphere, check outand weather can cause changes in the ionosphere From way up there, it will be able to create a map NASA Space Place: can radiation and particles from the sun—called ionosphere.20 MARCH 2018

See Something Say SomethingTogether, we can help keep our schools and community safe. LOOK. LISTEN. BE AWARE. STAY SAFE. #KeepHokeSafe Report threats or suspicious behavior to: Hoke County Sheriff’s Department (910) 875-5111 Raeford Police Department (910) 875-4251 Hoke County Schools (910) 875-4106MARCH 2018 21

“The Cat In The Hat Knows A Lot Nick, who grasp the innocence and About That: Season 2” portrays a youthful spirit by their voices. Rob dream-like world where learning Tinkler voices Fish, Thing 1 and Thing is adventurous and engaging. Each 2. The way he changes the tone and episode takes you on a ride to a variety pitch of the various voices is quite of places; some are even out of this unique. The voices for Thing 1 and 2 world. The animation brings you into are high pitched and humorous, while the realm of Dr. Seuss. I did not want the voice for Fish is lower and more to leave. serious. The story follows Sally (Alexa My favorite part of this show is the Torrington) and Nick (Jacob Ewaniuk) Cat’s personality. He brings fun traveling through everyday life, to learning and, when explaining curious and eager to understand the different concepts, he adds a sense of ways of the world. The Cat (Martin humor. For example, when explaining Short) always pops in at the right that the brain receives and sends time to help them find the answers signals from the nose, a phone rings to their dilemmas. Together they hop in his hat asking for his nose. He is on the Thinga-ma-jigger and fly on clumsy and modest about being smart. adventures to discover wonders. He makes the children laugh and ends each episode with a joke. Martin Short, the voice of the Cat, uses the perfect accent and voice to The message of this DVD is that complement the Cat’s personality. He learning can happen anywhere and is emphasizes certain words to achieve always an adventure. I give this DVD the goofiness in his voice. Alexa 4.5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for Torrington and Jacob Ewaniuk are ages 2 to 10. It is available now, so be the voices of the children, Sally and sure to check it out.22 MARCH 2018

BEGINNER READS Princesses Wear Pants By Savannah Guthrie and Allison Oppeheim The Seven Silly Eaters Illustrated by Eva Byrne By Mary Ann Hoberman For ages 3-7 Illustrated by Marla Frazee For ages 4-7 Princess Penelope Pineapple is not your ordinary princess. Sure, she lives The Peters Family is just like yours – that is, in a castle and owns many pretty if you also are one of seven kids with very dresses, but being a princess is more particular food habits. Son Peter only likes than just fashion. Penelope often milk, while Lucy prefers lemonade and Jack chooses to wear pants, depending on will only eat applesauce. With each new what job she has for the day. Whether child comes a particular diet. What is Mrs. commanding the royal air force or Peters supposed to do? tending to her garden, Penelope is the epitome of girl power. Maniac Magee By Jerry SpinelliPAGETURNERS For ages 10-13 Inside Out and Back Again Jeffrey Lionel “Maniac” Magee would have By Thanhha Lai most likely lived a normal, run-of-the-mill For ages 8-12 life if a freak accident hadn’t occured and made him an orphan. Now, after eight Inside Out and Back Again follows Ha, unhappy years of living with his grouchy a young girl who is forced to flee the aunt and uncle, he decides to leave their only home she has ever known after household and run away, but literally run. the fall of Saigon. Ha, along with her From there, the myth of Maniac Magee is family, boards a ship to America born. As he runs farther and farther away following the hope and dream of a into different towns, he meets different new life. Inspired by the author’s own people and has different experiences, childhood, the book is a recipient of leaving a unique impact on him and both the Newbery Honor and the Na- the reader. tional Book Award. This is one book you don’t want to miss. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time IndianADVANCED READS Frost Blood By Sherman Alexie By Elly Blake For ages 12 and up For ages 12 and up High school student Junior has spent his Seventeen-year-old Ruby has had whole life on the Spokane Reservation enough. After her mother is killed trying growing up and attending school. When to protect her, Ruby decides to come Junior decides to leave the reservation out of hiding and reveal her hidden school and attend an all-white high school powers. Ruby links up with rebel forces in town (where the only other Indian is the hoping to overthrow the king and ends mascot), you know things are bound to be up meeting the intriguing but frustrating interesting. Inspired by the author’s child- Arcus along the way. When Ruby gets hood and the winner of the National Book captured by the king, she has to figure Award, this is a fantastic book to add to out not only how to fight for her life but your reading list. for her love as well. Filled with magic, action and romance, this book has it all. Kidsville News, Truman and James Patterson's READKIDDOREAD.COM are pleased to partner on this page to help you discover books that the kids you love are sure to love.MARCH 2018 23

24 MARCH 2018