VOLUME 15 | ISSUE 4 APRIL | 2021 Inspiring, educating, empowering and celebrating women in our community MAGAZINE Bloom More inside: DIY Flower Arrangements for Your Home Resources for Women and Children in a Crisis Floral Infused Food and Drink At Home in Haymount
Close Letter from the Editor VOLUME 15 ISSUE 4 B loom where you are PUBLISHER planted is more than just Bill Bowman, F & B Publications something people say. It’s [email protected] something some people do upon moving to a new town, MANAGING EDITOR starting a new job or making the April Olsen best of a bad situation. I say some because many, myself included, [email protected] may not always bloom but sometimes wilt, whine or wish the EDITOR days away in the hope of what’s to Crissy Neville come. Well, let’s face it: we never [email protected] know what’s coming up next or if there is any next at all. Bloom GRAPHIC DESIGNER where you are planted takes on Dylan Hooker new meaning in this light. [email protected] The best bloomer I ever knew was my late mother-in-law. A pastor’s OPERATIONS DIRECTOR wife, nurse and second mom Paulette Naylor to me, Lorraine Tarlton Neville juggled a lot in her much-too- [email protected] short 54 years. She held various nursing positions, from dull doctor’s office work in small towns to rock star positions MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE in city operating rooms, putting in her time on call, nights, holidays and weekends. Linda McAlister Despite her own career goals, when the time came, Lorraine would pack up the family of five and faithfully follow her preacher man to the next Baptist church. [email protected] Pray. Move. Repeat. DISTRIBUTION DIRECTOR/ SALES ADMINISTRATOR In each place, Lorraine sang in the choir, taught Sunday School, led the Baptist Women Laurel Handforth and held spots on nearly every committee — all the while making friends, helping the community, playing tennis, growing roses, playing pranks and raising one fine family. [email protected] She was humble, not prideful. She complimented, not complained. APRIL Flowers, too, have a short but powerful life span. Bringing beauty and color into a CONTRIBUTORS sometimes-lackluster world, buds bloom, flourish, grow and spread, giving joy for the day and a fragrance to remember — forever. Keyuri Parab Alison Hurley Just like Lorraine. Chrissy Fair-Curran Women’s View April celebrates the blooms of our gardens — and those who bloom in Jen Smith their worlds and ours. Alison Shirley Cathy McCamish Are you interested in writing? Consider contributing an article or pitching a Rev. Felica R. Thompson story idea to WVM. We want to elevate your voice. For more information, email Anna Salenko 2 | A P [email protected]. Be sure to like us and leave comments Hannah Willoughby on our Facebook page! Kimberly Frazee Melissa Reid 2 | APRIL 2021 WOMEN'S VIEW MAGAZINE 208 ROWAN ST. FAYETTEVILLE, NC, 28301 PHONE: 910-484-6200 FAX: 910-484-9218 Women’s View Magazine is for, by and about women in Cumberland County. Published by F&B Publications in conjunction with Media Marketing Management. ©2021 by F&B Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction or use of editorial or advertisement without permission is strictly prohibited. Various vector sources credited to © Freepik and © Vecteezy. Association of Community Publishers
Inside April 4 WOMAN'S SPOTLIGHT 13 HAVE YOUR FLOWERS Meet Amy Sparks, principal, teacher and co- AND EAT THEM, TOO founder for Fayetteville's School of Hope, which Not just beautiful to the eyes but tempting to serves autistic youth in grades K-12. the taste buds, recipes using edible flowers are featured here. 5 SPRING INTO READING 18 HELP FOR THE HURTING Looking for something new to read? Check out WVM's quarterly book review from regular April is Rape and Sexual Assault Awareness contributor Alison Shirley. Month. Learn what valuable resources and advocacy Rape Crisis of Cumberland County provides victims. 6 PLANT NATIVES 20 WHAT'S YOUR Just in time for Arbor Day, flora SIDE HUSTLE recommendations from Cape Fear Botanical Educator Kimberly Frazee turned her passion Garden horticulturist Cathy McCamish for healthy living and nutrition into a side are here. consulting and sales position. 8 PROTECTING CHILDREN 22 BLOOMING April is National Child Abuse Prevention ONCE AGAIN Month. Read how the Child Advocacy Center of A local woman shares her story of Cumberland County equips churches and other transformation from drug addict to entities in its goal to end child abuse. motivational speaker and author in this inspiring account. 10 DIY FLORAL DESIGN 27 AT HOME IN Flower power up with tips on designing HAYMOUNT fantastic floral arrangements for Contributing writer Alison Hurley provides a your home using simple tools and glimpse of happenings and hotspots in homegrown or purchased blooms. Fayetteville's oldest community. 2021 APRIL | 3
Woman's Spotlight Amy Sparks By Keyuri Parab Amy Sparks endlessly strives to shine light on autism awareness. Principal, teacher and co-founder for The school offers students and my student's eyes and seeing pure joy The School of Hope, Sparks focuses on families many educational resources, for the successes that they experience is providing quality education for students including a website designed to provide worth all the hard work.\" with autism. information on workshops and other outlets and support parents and other Although she didn't grow up in Sparks knew she wanted to be a teacher caretakers as they endeavor to be better Fayetteville, she considers herself a since age 17 when she taught Bible advocates for their autistic children. \"Carolina Girl.\" Born in Hickory, North class at her local church in Kentucky. Carolina, she lived in New Bern as a She went on to earn a bachelor's \"This nonprofit organization has child and moved to Fort Bragg 29 degree in elementary education from also been able to donate funds to years ago when her husband was first Morehead State University and then a help classroom teachers take care of stationed at Fort Bragg with the United master's in counseling from Arkansas students who have disabilities,\" she States Air Force. State University. said. \"Many of our students do not have outlets where parents can go and feel \"I am proud to live in this community,\" Her dream of starting The School of safe, and so (a popular offering of) the she said. Hope was inspired by her late son Jarred Jarred Bryan Sparks Foundation is an Bryan Sparks, who lived with autism annual festival where students with Sparks taught in Cumberland County and died, June 10, 2011, at the age of disabilities can come and relax with schools for 25 years and was honored 19. With her husband Rob by her side, their families and have a day filled with as Teacher of the Year for the county Sparks' dream came true in 2017. fun and excitement at no cost.\" in 2002-2003, along with many other academic recognitions. The husband-and-wife team started Sparks is also responsible for providing the nonprofit Jarred Bryan Sparks an individualized educational program Mother of three and grandmother of Foundation to spread awareness about that meets each child's academic, social one, Sparks enjoys camping, swimming, autism. The foundation is an advocacy and emotional needs, something she whitewater rafting and spending time arm and financial support for the learned about firsthand with her son. with her family and friends when not school, a grades K-12 private facility at This knowledge propels her to help busy with school and nonprofit duties. 111 Burns Street in Fayetteville serving her desire to help other children She is active as a member at the students with the diagnosis of autism. and families. Helen Street Church of Christ and is available as a public speaker for autism \"We serve children who are severely \"I wanted to be an advocate and voice awareness and advocacy. autistic, all the way up to kids who are for children who have autism,\" she said. high-functioning autistic,\" Amy said. \"Sometimes my job can be stressful, but Visit www.theschoolofhope.net or \"We are not based according to grades; I wouldn't trade it for anything. Seeing www.jarredbryansparksfoundation.org it's based on ability levels, socialization a student read ― or say my name ― for to learn more. and skills and how we can meet the the first time is priceless; looking into needs of these students.\" Keyuri Parab is the editorial assistant for Up & Coming Weekly. She loves writing, news and cooking. Keyuri graduated from the University of Texas at Arlington and moved to the Fort Bragg/Fayetteville area in 2020. Originally from Mumbai, India, she speaks four languages: English, Hindi, Marathi and French. 4 | APRIL 2021
Books in Bloom Women's View Magazine greets spring with books in hand By Alison Shirley At WVM, we are springing into our reading recommendations, sourced from The New York Times and The Washington Post bestsellers lists and readers' suggestions. As the pandemic continues, I felt the need to find books that could offer a positive frame of mind; I hope these books are just the ticket. Hoda Kotb with Love and Loss is a family story of faith and positivity for Jane Lorenzini, all ages. This Just Speaks to Me: Words Michael J. Fox to Live by Every Day No Time Like the Future: An Following, I Really Needed This Optimist Considers Mortality Today, Kotb sought another book that would encourage Many readers remember readers with additional favorite Michael J. Fox as an actor who quotes. Readers will find a starred in the 1980s television quote for each day with a show Family Ties and movie story that relates to each one. Back to the Future. After Many quotes come from a diagnosis of Parkinson's famous personalities such as disease in 1991, Fox's entire Maya Angelou and Art Garfunkel and some from less well- world changed. In his memoir, known people. Either way, the stories are centered around he discusses the ups and positive examples from the pandemic and focus on kindness, downs of living with a chronic friendship and love. This book quickly found its way to the illness while trying to maintain New York Times bestsellers list. family, career and sanity. At one point in the book, he writes, \"I love my mother too much to hug her,\" which explains Jenna Bush Hager why at times, he cannot hug his mom because of sporadic movements. Fox explains his way of becoming a realist and Everything Beautiful in Its Time: optimist and how his father-in-law taught him that gratitude Seasons of Love and Loss makes optimism sustainable. Many know Jenna Bush Hager Maggie Smith as the co-anchor of NBC's TODAY and the daughter of Keep Moving: Notes on Loss, 43rd president and first lady Creativity and Change George W. and Laura Bush. She is also the granddaughter I was captivated by this book's of 41st president and first lady tagline: “Sometimes you need George H. W. and Barbara a book with happy endings.” Bush. In this memoir, Jenna These days, I really do search Bush Hager relates how her for happy endings. In this book, maternal grandparents, Harold our protagonist is looking for and Jenna Welch, too, played a role in her upbringing. She happiness during and after a reveals happy memories with her family and the lessons that failed marriage, different life those times taught her. In losing her maternal grandfather struggles and helping her early, she shares how devastating it was to lose her namesake daughter cope with everything. and \"Gampy\" and \"Ganny\" within the same year. In an Smith delivers a realistic happy ending with the reader feeling interview on TODAY, Bush Hager shared that the book's title pleased but knowing that there are still issues to be resolved. comes from a Bible verse that her sister read at her Grandma This book is on The Washington Post bestsellers list. Jenna's funeral. Everything Beautiful in Its Time: Seasons of Alison Shirley is a WVM contributor and elementary school library media coordinator with Cumberland County Schools. She appreciates the opportunity to promote reading throughout Cumberland County. 2021 APRIL | 5
Landscaping with Native Trees & Shrubs By Cathy McCamish W ith National Arbor Day arriving time to plant in North Carolina is fall. of some plantings — messy flower April 30, are you thinking of This season gives the root system the petals, tree leaves, berries or seeds sprucing up your landscape right amount of time to establish before that litter your sidewalk, maintenance, with new trees and shrubs? Have you the plant is stressed by humidity and such as pruning and raking or tree ever heard the phrase \"right plant, right summer temperatures. Now is a great fruit or nuts produced and dropped on place?\" This year, why not add the right time to start planning, so you will be the lawn area where you mow. Note native plant in the right place in your prepared to plant in the fall. the mature size of plants to ensure landscape. You don't have to forfeit plenty of room to grow and all cultural ornamental value or seasonal interest Goals requirements –– soil, light, water, such as blooms, berries, fall color or hardiness zones, etc. If you plant an decorative bark by going native. First, consider your objective. Are understory tree in full sun, this action you looking to provide shade or a puts the plant under stress, bringing Why native? Native plants have stood windbreak, hide a view or utilities, create on more insect and disease problems. the test of time. They have endured a view or attract wildlife? Do you want You know what that means ― more the South's weather challenges, from to update your property's front area maintenance. droughts to floods, high winds to to make it more appealing or create a hurricanes, frosts and a freeze one day backyard sanctuary? Define your goal Test your soil. Once you figure out to heat waves and high humidity the before you begin. where your plants will go, examine your next. They have adjusted to an ever- soil. This test is essential for the health changing climate and overcome pest Assess your property. Will you be and vitality of your plants. You can pick and disease problems. Native plants planting in the sun or shade, on the up soil test kits and instructions at support native insects, which in turn north, south, east or west side, in a your local cooperative extension office; feed native wildlife. All of these positives, low or wet area, on a slope or close to Cumberland County’s is located at 301 E. plus selecting the right native plant for your home's foundation? Do you have Mountain Drive. Tests are free from April the right place in your landscape, may irrigation, or will you have to provide through November. produce healthier plants with minimal supplemental water to get your trees care. Whether you have sandy, humus- established? Do you have a septic Prepare the plot. Now you are ready to rich or clay soil, the right plant can thrive system to avoid? You won't want a tall create a new bed or prepare the area in your landscape. tree that will grow into overhead power where you will be planting. Remove any lines or one that has an extensive root weeds or grass, amend the soil per soil While spring and Arbor Day are great system that may develop into your test results and mulch. Working ahead times to think about trees, the best driveway or crack your sidewalk or ensures your bed is ready for planting foundation. Think about the aftermath Cathy McCamish is the horticulture manager at Cape Fear Botanical Garden. She was born and raised near Niagara Falls, New York, where her passion for plants grew after buying her first home. 6 | APRIL 2021
come fall and gives you a chance to get ones you will love in your yard. and does excellently in warm, humid a feel for the new area in your landscape. climates in light shade. When planting new plants, dig the hole • American beech (Fagus grandifolia) a • The Sourwood (Oxydendron twice as wide and only as deep as the large tree for full sun, will tolerate arboretum) has fragrant bell-shaped, root ball. Make sure you ruffle up the shade in hardwood forests. Its leaves creamy white flowers in summer and roots well so that they will grow outward turn a coppery color and hang on beautiful orange and scarlet leaves into the soil. Finish with mulch and through winter. in fall. water in. • American holly (Ilex opaca) is a slow- • The Fringe tree (Chionanthus growing evergreen tree with red Pick your plants. Natives come in a virginicus)is an open shrub to a small berries in winter, providing winter variety of sizes and shapes to fit any tree with lightly fragrant greenish- cover for wildlife. landscape with so much to offer. Shrubs white flowers in spring. Fall color is • Carolina silverbell (Halesia Carolina) incorporated into the landscape will give bright to deep yellow. is a medium-sized tree with clusters of more satisfaction over the years than white bell-shaped flowers in spring any other plant. If \"happy\" in the garden, • The Red maple (Acer rubrum) is a and yellow fall foliage. This tree a shrub requires little care. Consider the favorite native to low swampy areas is a suitable replacement for the following shrubs for the Sandhills. with showy flowers in late winter and native dogwood and does well in the brilliant scarlet fall color. woodland garden, planted in rich, • Native azaleas attract ruby-throated well-drained acid soil. hummingbirds, tiger swallowtails • The willow oak (Quercus phellos) is a and other butterflies and have vibrant, moderate to a fast-growing deciduous Learn about local resources. You can fragrant flowers. tree with willow-like leaves that turn save considerable time and money yellowish or reddish in the fall. This oak on your landscape by doing all your • Buttonbush (Cephalanthus can tolerate poor drainage and needs research upfront. Visit your local garden occidentalis) attracts approximately 18 acidic soil. center to look around and ask questions. species of butterflies. If a native plant is not available, the • The Eastern red cedar (Juniperus garden center may order one for you. • Native viburnums, wild hydrangea, virginiana) is a common evergreen Hydrangea arborescens, sweet in dry, moist or wet soils and is a great For virtual help, visit https://content.ces. pepperbush (Clethra alnifolia) and winter cover for wildlife. ncsu.edu/landscaping-for-wildlife-with- Virginia sweetspire (Itea virginica) native-plants for a list of and resourceful can handle wet soil and shade, If looking to plant in the understory ― information about North Carolina native provide pretty blooms and fall color the underlying layer of vegetation in a plants. Learn more about National Arbor and attract wildlife. forest or wooded area ― consider the Day, its history and how to celebrate at following ones for the Cape Fear region. https://www.arborday.org. Native trees are great for providing shelter, food and nectar for pollinators, • The Red buckeye (Aesculus pavia) 2021 APRIL | 7 birds and mammals. These trees are a small shrub or tree with 10\" clusters of bright red or orange-red flowers in spring, attracts hummingbirds
The Value of the Church in Investing in Child Abuse Prevention By Rev. Felica R. Thompson D own through the years, the church has been a beacon of light in the community, where couples are brought together in holy matrimony and babies, children and new converts are baptized. The church has served as a place for families to worship together, serve the community together and learn the word of God together. Perhaps traditional family slogans like \"Children are to be seen and not heard\" or \"What goes on in this house stays in this house\" are familiar to you. On the contrary, you never hear \"What happened to you?\" or \"We're getting some help.\" Family issues have always been kept behind closed doors because people prefer to keep some issues hidden, but this mindset leads to more questions. How will things ever be fixed that way? How can the future be better if we keep doing the same thing? This dilemma is one reason why, when approached about Such data points to the importance of education and security, offering church members training from Darkness to Light, a starting with a background check of all personnel and staff nonprofit committed to empowering adults to prevent child who work with our congregation's children and youth. sexual abuse, my husband and I were so excited. While some Outside our walls, the church also has the responsibility to the would not expect the church to talk about such gruesome community of ensuring the safety of children. Herein lies the topics, the church is supposed to be a haven for everyone. If value of Darkness to Light, a program I would recommend all we don't educate the community on these real-life topics, churches to join us in participation. who will? Another vital project from the CAC is Pinwheels for The Child Advocacy Center of Cumberland County offers the Prevention, a campaign hosted each April ― Child Abuse Darkness-to-Light Stewards of Children Training to educate Prevention Month ― to raise community awareness about parents, grandparents and everyone who works with children child abuse. Organizations and individuals are invited to plant to recognize, prevent and react responsibly to child sexual a pinwheel garden, representing the bright future that every abuse. Through this initiative, we at Simon Temple A.M.E. child deserves at their agency and home. Zion have educated hundreds of parishioners, making it mandatory for all who work with youth and children to Our community has been planting pinwheel gardens for over complete the certification. Knowledge is power. 10 years, planting nearly 12,000 pinwheels in all. Each April, the blue and silver pinwheels can be seen spinning throughout Throughout time, the church has been dependent on Cumberland County, reminding us to invest in children. Visit parishioner volunteers to educate children at church, serving CAC's website at www.cacfaync.org to learn more about as Sunday School teachers, daycare workers and youth purchasing a pinwheel garden. educators. Recently, we have seen and learned that sexual predators have evolved and manifested in the church. Heartbreaking, increasing and leaving an indelible mark on the sanctity of what the church stands for, these horror stories have two commonalities: the violation of children and church members' involvement, from ministers to volunteers. Rev. Felica R. Thompson is the first lady and director of women's ministries at Simon Temple A.M.E. Zion Church. She also serves as a board member of the Child Advocacy Center of Fayetteville. 8 | APRIL 2021
Join hands to provide the bright & happy future every child deserves. Clubs Cultivate the Love of Flowers By Crissy Neville April is Child Abuse C Prevention Month an’t get enough of flowers? Feed your fetish by joining a flower club. Cumberland County Please join hands with us and offers outstanding choices through the clubs become a partner in child abuse prevention. of the Fayetteville Camellia Club, Sandhills To learn how, visit Orchid Society, Fayetteville Rose Society and Sandhills Daylily CACFayNC.org. Club. Check each clubs’ calendar for 2021 COVID updates. When her changing needs are always met, Since 1955, the Fayetteville Camellia Club has followed its it’s Harmony. original purpose of promoting an appreciation for this sophisticated shrub. Meeting the third Monday evening of the ASSISTED LIVING | MEMORY CARE month, the club hosts guest speakers presenting on a variety 910.849.2306 · HarmonyAtHopeMills.com of camellia culture topics. Spring brings the club’s annual spring show, public workshops and a members’ picnic and 2021 APRIL | 9 auction. To join or learn more, visit the club website www.fayettevillecamelliaclub.org/. The Sandhills Orchid Society facilitates the understanding of all things orchid. Meeting the Tuesday after the second Monday of the month, the club assembles at Fayetteville’s Trinity Episcopal Church. Interesting, informative and fun, meetings feature guest speakers, members’ orchid displays, games and prizes. The annual Growers’ Day workshop is always the highlight of the year. Get details at www.sandhillsorchidsociety.com/. Fayetteville Rose Society educates, encourages and engages people who love to share their experiences with roses. Meeting monthly, the club hosts workshops, guest speakers, pruning demonstrations, tours of the Fayetteville Rose Garden located at FTCC and fun socials. Many of the society members have beautiful roses and rose gardens. Connect with the club at [email protected]. Part of Region 15 of the American Hemerocallis Society, the Sandhills Daylily Club promotes the use of daylilies in gardens and landscapes and sponsors the Bettie Jernigan Historical Daylily Garden at Cape Fear Botanical Garden. While focusing on this versatile flower, the club also promotes other aspects of gardening. Meetings, shows, garden walks, plant tours and socials are featured annually on the club calendar. Check them out at https://www.facebook.com/Sandhills-Daylily- Club-120392988012624/.
Enjoying Your Garden Inside and Out By Chrissy Fair-Curran Y ou work hard to make your house a home. Special touches. Cozy corners. Odds and ends and a lifetime of memories inside brick, mortar and a roof. While inside you retreat, outdoors is where you roam ― and if among fanciful foliage and beautiful blooms, then all the better ― for when Mother Nature calls, especially after the long winter, her command is clear. Spring is here, time to go outside. If you're like me, you may wander barefoot around your yard and garden, pinching off old blooms, pulling wandering weeds, drinking in the splendor and enjoying the beauty outside. What about inside? We've all tried our best at snipping favorite seasonal plants or flowers from our yards and gardens and managed to make a mismatch or hodge- podge DIY arrangement to enjoy in a vase. Sometimes it works and sometimes, not so much! As a seasoned floral designer, let me share tips you may find helpful for future flower creations. Vessel and Vantage Point compact and upright, consider • River rocks, stones, or gems. Toss a adding a grid to the container. A few large handful into the bottom of First, pick a vase and location for the ways exist to do this that are fun and your vase. This method creates arrangement. A short, squatty vase creative using various materials. weight and a sturdy holding or narrow container may be helpful • Floral tape. Using this thin anchor place for flowers. The stems will for starters. Something small for your dig in naturally to nooks and kitchen or countertop, bedside or tape, available at some craft stores, crannies created. coffee table should work well and create a tic-tac-toe pattern across provide a fun burst of color that makes the top of the vase. Don't cut your • Pliable wood. Bring texture and you smile when you enter the room. pieces too long; the idea is for the sturdiness to the container with an grid not to show. additive such as curly willow. Gently To keep the flowers Chrissy Fair-Curran is the manager and head designer of Ann's Flower Shop in north Fayetteville. An award-winning floral professional, she has 16 years of experience in the retail floral industry and a background in silk and fresh flower design instruction. 10 | A P R I L 2 0 2 1
bed the willow and submerge it Elements how airy or full you want your piece to into the vase. Coax it until the entire of Design look by the number of flowers you add. piece(s) are underwater; the wood Remember, less can sometimes now fills your vase's interior, A good rule of be more. creating a natural-looking frame thumb is to design and structure. with odd numbers, If purchasing flowers from your serving to balance local florist, remember, note a few Springtime Bouquets the arrangement out, facts. Most florists are not growers; unless, of course, you we order and buy fresh products Using flowers from your yard are using all the same from wholesalers that have flower or garden can be very different variety of flowers. Once farms all over the country and even depending on the season. A good deal you've chosen the floral overseas. Weather, season and climate of variety exists in the average North assortment, let the dependent, fresh product is accessible Carolina yard. Bulbs like hyacinth, crafting begin. but uncertainty is part of the industry. tulips and daffodils are early spring At a flower shop, flowers such as flowers that are easy to grow with little Place your focal flowers lilies, roses, hydrangeas, carnations, maintenance. While hyacinths lack in inside your vase and daisies, snapdragons, iris and more are height, they make up for fragrance lean on or around the available year-round. The list may be and color. Daffodils deliver a striking homemade grid. The shorter of things you cannot find! yellow color but have a short shelf life. grid is there to support Late-risers, tulips pop up in the garden your flower stems. Summer Arrangements bed in midspring, but the simple Keep adding and beauties are fragile to handle. turning the vase as you Maybe it's summer, and you're go. You may have to interested in making a taller, more While pondering your favorite spring slip in some greenery here and there whimsical bouquet for the dining flora, you must find a focal flower ― as you work. Some greenery choices room table. Well, go for it and grab the dominant bloom you want to growing around many yards include a vase! Remember, a good rule of stand out in the arrangement. Using variegated pittosporum, Ligustrum thumb is to be proportionate. Flowers sharp shears, carefully cut the chosen and euonymus bushes. Greenery should be cut at least the same flower stem at a 90-degree angle to adds much life and personality to an height or taller as the vase. Though no help it intake water from the vase arrangement ― especially the right restrictions apply to your design, the quickly and evenly. Cut the flowers you ones. Stop by a local florist to purchase vase should not upstage the flowers, or want to utilize and try to place them greenery if nothing from your yard the stems appear sunken in the vase. immediately in water to avoid dryness. seems to work. Greens last longer than the actual flowers, so if you find There is no need to grid the taller something interesting like eucalyptus vase, but you can and should start ― seeded, silver dollar or spiral ― with a larger focal flower to give Ruscus or myrtle, the stems will your arrangement a clear start and last awhile. 2 0 2 1 A P R I L | 11 A simple arrangement with 6-8 flowers can turn \"gardeny\" quickly with the right greenery added. Keep adding flowers, cutting all of them at similar lengths, to create an all-the-way-around arrangement. If using tulips, beware that they grow and bend toward the light, even after cut. Cut them a bit shorter if they are very fresh to avoid a too-leggy-looking arrangement. Control
foundation. Some designers also If using different varieties of summer mine in my yard. Plant the versatile create using tall, leggy greens such as flowers with hydrangea, I suggest perennial in pots or the ground. myrtle or Ruscus to provide a crutch gerbera daisies, roses or phlox ― all Though it does die back in the cold for the flowers to lean upon. For sturdy flowers that can hold their own weather months, lavender is an easy handcrafted arrangements, make the in an arrangement. You can achieve a one to revive with a spring pruning, handsome hydrangea your summer fresh-from-the-garden hand-picked full sun and sparse watering. Some go-to. Growing so well here in the look by gathering these flowers and soft springs of lavender will add a bit warm months, these big bloomers designing them by hand before of garden romance to this pretty vase vary in blue, pink, white and purple shades. The type of soil arrangement and are also good in you have is what changes the potpourri and lemonade, too! color of these beauties. Alkaline, more clay-based soil produces Some of my other favorite pink blooms. The more acidic easygoing summer flowers to add ground grows blue blooms. I have to this arrangement would be beautiful bluish-lavender blooms, zinnias or sunflowers. Given the a slight mix. time, sun and water to grow, these flowers can grow up to 4-5 feet tall. When cutting hydrangeas, use Add some natural greens from the your sharpest shears and cut yard to your budding display; crepe the stem at an acute angle. Very myrtle laterals grow long in the thirsty flowers, hydrangeas have summer heat, delivering dramatic a harder time with hydration and height. To give the piece a full and benefit from this trick. Pull or fresh look, variegated Pitt will do pluck off several of the large thick the job. leaves growing up the stem. If you have too many leaves left on, the settling them into the vase. Make sure When you've filled the vase to water goes straight to the leaves, you start with your hydrangea, and your liking ― whether in spring not to the beautiful large bloom, then \"build\" your arrangement around or summer ― and want to go and cause dehydration. that focal flower. The other stems you one step further, try placing a place around the hydrangea can be decorative charger plate under Using multiple hydrangeas in your taller, shorter, and some of each height your DIY design. From Walmart to design affords a very puffy and to give an overall balanced look. Michaels or Hobby Lobby, you can find full look. Place stems one by one, these anywhere, with many different almost stacking and staggering Arrangement Additions styles from which to choose. Finding flowers throughout the vase. Shorter, one or a few that fit your taste and expansive greens like salal accent Lavender is a personal favorite of style adds pop and punctuation to this look well for a simple look. For a your floral expression. cascading flair, add flowing greenery such as asparagus fern or seeded Now you can sit inside and drink in eucalyptus to give a bit more volume. the sweet smells and sights of your tabletop garden. 12 | A P R I L 2 0 2 1
A Floral Feast InfuseFoodandDrinkwithFlowers By Hannah Willoughby Spring has sprung! The season of birds ingredients, make sure your flora is the correct variety, pesticide-and-herbicide-free and cleaned well. If chirping, days lengthening and flowers blooming is you need help with flower identification, consult a here, at last. Not only pretty to look at, but in case you field guide before foraging. Two good sources are didn't know, many flowers are edible, too. Peterson Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants and the National Audubon Society Field Guide to North Just in time for spring, the following recipes feature American Wildflowers. floral ingredients. If foraging for any of the recipe Dining with Dandelions FRIED DANDELIONS Coat breaded dandelions in Serves: 2 the dry mix and shake off excess. Taraxacum officinale, the common 80 prepared dandelion blossoms dandelion, is a flowering herbaceous 2 tablespoons canola or vegetable oil Cook the dandelions in hot oil until perennial plant of the family golden brown. Flip over during Asteraceae. These small flowers Breading the process with a slotted spoon. seem to pop up everywhere in 1 cup all-purpose flour Avoid overcrowding the pan, as the the springtime. Some may find ½ cup Italian Breadcrumbs dandelions cook quickly. dandelions a pesky weed, but did you 2 tablespoons salt know they are popular to cook with? 1/4 teaspoon ground pepper Transfer to a paper towel-lined plate to Highly nutritious, they offer the health ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper soak up excess oil. Serve hot. benefits of being high in vitamins, ¼ teaspoon garlic powder mainly A, C, and K, antioxidants and Optional: Serve with sriracha, more. The entire dandelion is edible; Egg Wash mayonnaise or aioli. the leaves have more of an earthy 2 eggs flavor while the flower is sweeter. 2 cups of Milk Prepare the dandelions for the first Directions recipe, adapted from JustAPinch.com, Heat the oil in a pan on medium heat. by picking off the steam's dried green leaves to avoid a bitter taste. Clean the Make the egg wash and dredge blossoms by soaking in cold water for dandelion in the mixture. Shake off 10 minutes and rinsing before use. excess liquid. Hannah Willoughby is a North Carolina native. She displays delicious dishes from across the state via her food Instagram @ncfoodfinds. 2 0 2 1 A P R I L | 13
Honeysuckle Helpings 1 cup sugar Instructions 1 orange peeling Combine all ingredients into a I am a sucker for honeysuckle. cocktail shaker. Growing up, we had the plants back Instructions Strain into a copper mule mug or behind our house, and they were Clean the honeysuckle by dipping in shot glass. always such a treat. Unfortunately, cold water. Optional: Garnish with lime. the vine is not there anymore, so now, Bring flowers, water, sugar and orange when I smell their distinct scent, I hunt peel to a simmer for five minutes in a Honeysuckle Ade Mocktail them down to enjoy the sweet nectar. small pot. 6 lemons This simple honeysuckle syrup recipe Remove from heat and let steep for 5 limes can be used for teas ― hot or cold ― 1 hour. 4 oranges lemonades, mocktails or cocktails ― Pour through a mesh strainer into a 1 cup Honeysuckle Syrup really anything that needs sweetening. glass vessel. Discard flowers. 16 cups water The syrup will keep for approximately a Refrigerate for one month or use in month in the refrigerator. recipes accordingly. Directions Juice all citrus. Don’t forage the flowers unless you’re HONEYSUCKLE MULE sure it’s the right type of honeysuckle, Serves: 1 Mix all ingredients in a pitcher with because only the Japanese ice. Mix water and Honeysuckle Syrup Honeysuckle has the sweet Ingredients amounts to taste. nectar inside. 2 ounces vodka 1 1/2 ounces Honeysuckle Syrup Cocktail version: Add vodka to taste; HONEYSUCKLE SYRUP ¾ ounce lime juice 1-1 ½ ounce per drink should do Splash of ginger beer the trick. Ingredients 3 cups Japanese honeysuckle flowers 2 cups water Serve up the Squash One of the first things I learned how to cook was quesadillas. Pretty foolproof, and who does not like a gooey mess? Another great thing about quesadillas is how easy they are to customize. If you garden and have zucchini or squash ― or will soon ― the blossoms will not be hard to come by. If not, I am sure your green- thumbed friends will be happy to give you some ― in exchange, of course, for a few of these quesadillas adapted from Simplyrecipes.com. 14 | A P R I L 2 0 2 1
Squash Blossom Quesadillas Heat the oil in a pan over medium- tortilla. Place blossom mixture on top Serves: 4 to 6 high heat. Sauté the onions and of the cheese and then add another pepper for 5 minutes or until soft. After layer of cheese and fold your tortilla. Ingredients 3 minutes, add diced tomato — season Cook until all the cheese is melted and 30 squash blossoms with salt, pepper or other flavorings. your tortilla has a nice brown coloring. 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 tablespoon garlic powder Toss blossoms into the mixture. Cook Top with cilantro, sour cream or salsa. 8 ounces shredded Mexican cheese until the flowers are slightly wilted. 1 pepper of your choice Move to a bowl and set aside. Note: Not to distract from the squash 2 plum tomatoes, diced blossoms' flavor ― a muted zucchini, 12 tortillas, corn or flour In the same pan at medium heat, melt squash-like taste ― but add toppings butter. Heat tortilla for a minute on or ingredients to taste in the recipe. Instructions each side. Try adding mushrooms, chicken or Rinse squash blossoms well. Cut another protein for even more flavor. off the stems and roughly chop Add a layer of shredded cheese until the flowers. slightly melted on one-half of your Add Pansies to Your Palette 2 teaspoons pure vanilla or mix until combined. Divide dough into almond extract two balls; wrap in plastic wrap. Flatten If you sing spring’s praises and love 1 large egg white into disks. Refrigerate 30 minutes. a good cookie, then this pair is your 3 dozen pansy or viola blossoms, dream come true. Get out your spring stems trimmed Heat oven to 325 degrees. In a cookie cutters ― bunnies, eggs, flower 1/2 cup granulated sugar small bowl, whisk egg white with 1 blossoms and even last month’s Optional: tint granulated sugar with tablespoon water until frothy. On a shamrock ―and try this Pansy Cookie food coloring of different hues lightly floured surface, roll out one ball recipe adapted from Martha Stewart. of dough to a 1/4-inch thickness. You can have your flowers and eat Directions them, too! Line two baking sheets with Using cookie cutters, cut out shapes. parchment paper. In a large bowl, sift Place on baking sheets, spacing 2 PANSY COOKIES together flour, salt and baking powder. inches apart. Brush tops with egg Servings: Approximately 4 dozen Set aside. wash. Place a pansy or viola blossom on top of each cookie; cover petals Ingredients Using an electric mixer with a paddle with more egg wash. Sprinkle sugar 4 cups sifted all-purpose flour attachment, cream butter on medium over pansies. Bake until lightly golden, 1/2 teaspoon salt speed. Gradually add granulated 8 to 10 minutes. Transfer to wire rack 1 teaspoon baking powder sugar; beat until fluffy. Add eggs to cool. Repeat with remaining dough. 1 cup unsalted butter gradually; beat until fluffy. On low Store in an airtight container up to 2 cups granulated sugar speed, add extract and dry ingredients; one week. 2 large eggs, slightly beaten 2 0 2 1 A P R I L | 15
VinoCluumnbertlaenedrCoiunntgy By Melissa Reid \"The true meaning of life is to plant trees under whose shade you do not expect to sit.\" This quote, famously written by author Nelson Henderson, could be a bumper sticker slogan for volunteerism. By volunteering, you may never know the full impact that you have made on a person or a community, but still, you do it with the hopes of making a difference. T he vision of United Way of Cumberland County Where to Start is for this area to be a diverse and dynamic community where individuals and families What is the best use of your volunteer hours? To know thrive, a place where people willingly share the how to spend your time, begin by thinking about what responsibility of ensuring a safe and healthy community, matters most to you. Issues ranging from homelessness with an ongoing emphasis on enhancing the quality of life and education to poverty and environmentalism abound, for all citizens. We want to see our community bloom, and but if the problem or need is not something of interest, you we need volunteers to help make this happen. most likely will not stay with it. Check out the organizations that address the concerns of interest to you and see what Why People Volunteer suits you best. Decide how much time you have to offer, too. Some volunteer opportunities are one-day or one-time Volunteering is not new; the Greek philosopher Aristotle events, while others are daily, monthly or available at said, \"The essence of life is to serve others and do good\" other intervals. over 2300 years ago. Most people volunteer because they want to give back to their community or participate in a Volunteer Opportunities meaningful cause. Others volunteer as assignments for school or work or to fill spare time and gain experience for The world has changed much due to COVID-19, and so their resume or meet new people. have volunteering opportunities. In the past, volunteering on United Way Days of Caring meant going somewhere No matter the reason, nonprofits need volunteers. Most and doing something hands-on. People changed batteries 501(c)(3) organizations have a small staff with even smaller in home smoke detectors with the American Red Cross operating budgets and could not nearly be as affective if of Eastern North Carolina, sorted items in the food pantry not for volunteers. In 2020, UWCC's Community Impact at Fayetteville Urban Ministry or helped students with Partners helped over 400,000 individuals and families ― homework at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Cumberland that number directly bolstered by volunteers. County. While some in-person volunteering follows strict safety guidelines, such as the drive-thru Over the Counter Medicine Giveaway hosted by Better Health in February, Melissa Reid, the Director of Resource Development for United Way of Cumberland County, is a native of Fayetteville. She has been volunteering in the community for over 25 years. 16 | A P R I L 2 0 2 1
Benefits of VolunteeringmsvmosbWfmvevoDontvbpAraoehhooooosmrffeuoenorfcaooechllllohwcteiasouuuunrntytpisnweoirinaauhtennnnn'rtt.tlenshlmlcioissreeAtttte,npatkyfteeeeeyemacopsttsgilmvrseeeelom―oahmhsdsreloWtsgerrrrecfemaauuomliiiyeoensuvcnnsetvftnrpndounmaosaitrtntwggt2ocnliyeiunnhtlletoyh7dtre.uukahyfedefabaocSn%daoevnaltroeeegtasnuteeavoocorpbtnfar.oneeecelseticmwltelc,syguhtfeanhreoemparibraosnanopuaakdecemrttnhufiinsttbtaoseoshcsnsauryehieeka.escomurleefinsydeneeeAno.alinptri6osndrjcaeraugnobtllo,0urgiaesrwlgreesboya%tgrlngtevpwnia,oocoersaeootednahepfmirotrfnsrsyrdnoottoeoaeoppewawa.vpeludnllwnoTtooraorrpeh.sdoicylVrsrnuTetdeekfmboeiceisnrnmelsrwstetrsuet,eehounsxeytenneaaineproeheobttdvts-fuereenneeistpprtrrfeoiaoyoioceaseterc-len.rortnsghpnhagFhphnvCtuuedcooarionovralbresovnraswtoerre.afrcouiiaelcnzitlnsnuotnynaeoahtsa'ttknmsilardatohtwoaDchaiiatrudBgogaonaealeAfnjaresuonvyuonesteas,Rdcaeta..bsitrsuIsleroMbdailoNdaannrs,ufcsmeeuGvigttferse.watTscwbiaOthehneDmryseRiotloEfiuotw9rRBFAa!roarMu2Iodayyts0.dhnhefh:waeeekntaa9owBDwtmyiiveudet1reashAfmyrvsi0puyhLgs,RSiGat.ela-SASshIuIliM4brreNIoNUnDtrahNru,om8ettGuYGiltYoLietNloGhnDn0lsLeOw.nrlotCLcTgIcoRwEi-rgnbVOfi,EoaO1vtidh2esOhnmLe0wlKyel8AODmoRdIa1,rAyNseDu3l0oOCRAioktDrlGgoV1EEfiKusugotVslw4DAEao!nIoreEFaNrNvMnnInaOyNnmetpGiTL.hdnShttRTfGaawhUSAeeIhgabliUrwNIUewimnfDivRiTaSuNzotkRetiGYhtpaOHIYyytriiFGahNOWnhnyroiLAUntEOGedsooLuS,gghGUEiDIodr,unsSwfIU,,RE’D,evONLSmtVsmLPhYeieylmEOGlNEaoAOeallKRobrLaoDANWgLoosobEDmuerOOvONFDaEEenvTrkeuheVaEOtKuTOiknPneUiyhValoeRwDMnEoniIKEtEoWlu!dREdNhtoENvganAICfCnoNArssONiiouNeyALGnkis,TLsRaTefLnkDtU.rT-iDAGnosEulUnIieIuEhgMblnAoNSUOTVergDrFkIRni5ugmer’,kIEBuRGNOrm5s,GlOOtfioFeNasoOI5LeLnRwErcftUNoaOaTrcwtTEAugUry!hbSuAik,nalOSSa,RUntDohIeieSashndBcNnnHuRehYtnageDmkigLGrOoIaonluwyDdsePioREmhiuLodgytUala.nkAoif,EfEiauorsfwuDySotiewsg,RAuad!ttr.laoArfLsuorIrsMDMubIysoNaysO,Rnrmltput.I.omeLhshuuGSIgVfOMGabtwvaoNeSAeIasreiOwuewrKNwImmUetnivDTuGcwaNttRbdeIiathGaYOsteYtNihwGhelotChnnTcwkLeobGgiLaDmEgOsEtirhsneyfhn,EsDeRoeiotFsaLDmloynrEfiunOyAOsoteowRA employee volunteerism: job Look no further.satisfaction, fewer employee absences from work and more profitable connections with clients and associates. Above and Beyond Volunteering Having one special person for your car, home and life If you would like to take volunteering to the next level, insurance lets you get down to UWCC offers a few options. business with the rest of your life. • The Leadership Development Program. This free course It’s what I do. is held annually and is designed to identify, develop and enhance participants' leadership skills. This GET TO A program also teaches the skills and responsibilities BETTER STATE™. required for volunteers to become effective nonprofit CALL ME TODAY. board members. • Community Impact Review Panel. This group comprises the volunteers who put the action into the UWCC program funding process. The CIRP annually recruits volunteers to review and evaluate funded programs and services provided by UWCC's Community Impact Partners. Review Panel evaluations and recommendations guide funding decisions to address community needs relating to education, financial stability, health and basic critical needs. Find your place to volunteer or develop skills by learning State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, more about UWCC at www.unitedway-cc.org/how-to-help/ State Farm Indemnity Company, State Farm Fire and Casualty Company, volunteer or call 910-483-1179 ext. 228. State Farm General Insurance Company, Bloomington, IL 1101201 2 0 2 1 A P R I L | 17
Rape Crisis of Cumberland County A Victim’s Resource By Anna Salenko I was a young child when I first crime of sexual violence and to reduce committed by a person that the learned what rape was. I had its trauma. victim knows, with one-third being not yet had the famous “birds a romantic partner. History shows and the bees” talk and had no The agency has since grown to have that the closer a victim is to the idea about sex, but as an elementary a full-time staff and offer services perpetrator, the less likely they are school student, I found out. A friend such as a 24/7 crisis line, 24/7 to report the crime ― just one of the trusted me and told me how a family emergency room response, many hurdles victims face in their member had violated her. The court counseling services, support groups recovery. Victim advocates can help. system was already involved, and she and electronic filing of Domestic needed to tell a friend the truth. We Violence Protective Orders. Services at RCCC are always were only 9 years old. confidential, never contingent on Rape is a crime that affects all ages, a police report and always free of April is Sexual Assault all genders, all races, all religions charge. These simple facts help Awareness Month. and all economic backgrounds. victims know that they can seek Therefore, RCCC assists victims of professional services and begin to SAAM is an annual campaign to raise all demographics. According to the heal from the trauma inflicted on public awareness about sexual assault Rape and Incest National Network, them and not be pressured to report and educate communities and victims are most likely to be assaulted the crime to law enforcement before individuals on how to prevent sexual between the ages of 12 and 34. they are ready. violence. The journey from victim to Despite the statistic, more age groups survivor can be rough; while no set are affected. The youngest victim When a victim is ready to report, path exists, victims find a team of that RCCC has ever assisted was four RCCC helps with that, too. advocates ready to help at Rape Crisis months old; the oldest, 98. Cumberland County is gifted with of Cumberland County. law enforcement officers specifically Rape can happen anywhere. Society trained to perform trauma-informed RCCC was established in 1976 by a often sees this offense as something victim interviews. If desired, an group of volunteers who wanted to that happens in dark alleys and RCCC advocate can stay with a connect victims with community ignores the truth ― the home is the victim during this process, offering resources. Our mission is to achieve most common crime scene. Here’s moral support and comfort in another fact: 80% of all rapes are the investigative process. If the zero tolerance for the With a bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of Northern Colorado, Anna Salenko has served as a victim advocate for Rape Crisis of Cumberland County since 2018. She is a proud military spouse and a dog mom. 18 | A P R I L 2 0 2 1
investigators bring charges, RCCC 24-hour Emergency Room response Wear denim on April 28, Denim will also provide the victim with Victim advocates respond to the Day 2021, in a show of solidarity a courtroom advocate and legal emergency room 24/7 to support and support for victims of information. Seeking legal justice can victims during the forensic exam, talk sexual violence. be a long and challenging road, but to victims about resources available here at RCCC, we want all victims to to them and inform victims of 22002211 AAPPRRIILL || 1199 know that they do not have to walk the reporting options. path alone. Counseling Services Free counseling is available at the One terrible example of the lengthy Rape Crisis office. Please call for legal process occurred in the early 1990s information about completing a in Italy. The website www.denimdayinfo. counseling intake. org reports that a 45-year-old man Support Groups forcibly raped an 18-year-old young Facilitator-led support groups woman. She reported the crime, and are offered at RCCC for females he was eventually convicted. However, over age 18 who are victims this victim’s experience with the of rape, sexual assault or legal system did not end there. The domestic violence. Please conviction was overturned in an appeal call the office for that noted that because the victim’s more information. jeans were so tight, she must have Electronic Filing helped her assailant remove them. of Domestic Every year, those in the know show their Violence support for this young woman ― and Protective Orders every victim of sexual violence ― by You can now file for wearing jeans on a Wednesday in April. a Domestic Violence Anyone interested in joining this show Protective Order in the of solidarity is encouraged to wear jeans RCCC office instead of going to April 28, Denim Day 2021. the courthouse or magistrate. E-file hours are Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. I do not want any readers to be to 12:30 p.m. discouraged by this article. The Law Enforcement interview world surrounding sexual assault is A victim advocate can sit in during a complicated and pervasive, but some law enforcement interview to provide people care to make it better. Every day, victim support. the fight for victim’s rights and respect Courtroom Advocacy forges on. I was called to this fight at A victim advocate can accompany a age 9. victim to the courthouse to provide support and information. If you, too, feel the call to help, you can Community Awareness volunteer with RCCC or get to know the We are always happy to provide agency. If you are a victim, know that we information to agencies about sexual believe you, know that it is not your fault violence, domestic violence, community and know that a trained advocate is a resources and RCCC services. phone call away if you need someone Address Confidentiality Program to speak with. The crisis line number The North Carolina Address is 910-485-7273; we answer it 24 hours Confidentiality Program provides a a day. Learn more at https://www. substitute address for victims to rapecrisisonline.org/. use on public records such as their driver’s license or voter registration. RCCC Services This service is available to victims of sexual violence, domestic violence, 24-hour Crisis Hotline stalking or human trafficking. Victim advocates answer calls 24/7. This Safety Planning service is for any sexual or domestic Advocates are available to discuss violence victim to talk about how they safety plans for victims experiencing feel and address any questions that they further violence. may have.
What's Your Side Hustle? And why would you do that? By Kimberly Frazee E ver had a passion you loved so much that you about purchasing the products. Boom! That's how my side learned all you could about it and practiced it in business all began. your \"free\" time? If so, then you might understand a little about my story. I am an educator and To begin with, I fell in love with the products. My husband love what I do, but I also love health and fitness. I started lost 10 pounds within the first month, and I experienced running when I was 14 and have exercised and studied back pain relief at last. The results nutrition in one way or another felt surreal, as though we were ever since. I almost majored future-proofing our bodies by in nutrition in college instead investing in our health. If the of education, but my love of products could help us this quickly, teaching eventually won out. I felt many others could also However, this choice didn't benefit, too. stop me from pursuing my passion for health and You know what happened next; I wellness alternatively. also joined the company. Why not just buy the products, you might Fast forward to 2020 ― a ask? As a brand partner, I can friend presented me with an purchase the items for less, so why amazing opportunity. This not? Along with this perk, as a firm fellow educator had partnered believer in the product, came the with the Bravenly Global desire to spread the news. Why health and wellness company. wouldn't I want to share this with Aside from teaching, she everyone who needs support with worked as a brand partner their immunity, gut, inflammation, for the company, selling stress or weight management? products using social media Without health, enjoying life and her phone in place of gets difficult. face-to-face engagements ― pandemic protocol, you know. I also admire the ethics of My interest was piqued; I had the company. Per its mission been experiencing back pain from sitting at the computer statement, the company is built all day ― virtually teaching ― and my husband was told on the pillars of \"Courage, Integrity and Impact\" and prides he needed to lose some weight. So, I contacted my friend itself as being a family and \"more than a business, a product line, a compensation plan or a small side hustle.\" North Fayetteville resident Kimberly Frazee is an educator, wife, mom and avid runner. She is passionate about her work with Bravenly Global and desire to help others reach their wellness goals. To learn more, visit www.bravenlyglobal.com/kimfrazee. 20 | A P R I L 2 0 2 1
The UPS Store Print/Sign Shop Westwood & Fort Bragg ANYTHING!We Print, Pack & Ship! We Specialize in: • Acrylic Photos MPaIeNdreSfPeTficocOtrtRuGMErie!oftms • Photo Stickers • Magnets • Custom Puzzles • Signs • Banners • Business Cards For all its worth, consulting and selling is still work, but what • Digital & Wide Format a labor of love! Now, as a side hustle, you may be thinking health and wellness products are not your passion, and Printing ADEpeGvtploeiirvfretMeycsrwoiioanmhftgeisorne! that's OK. But something else might be and choosing to make an interest into a business may be the best thing you • Notary Services ever did. • Mailbox Solutions • UPS/USPS Why did I choose a side hustle? For one, I like being my • Packaging Material/ own boss; consulting can take as little or as much time as I decide to put in. The salary is also mine to set because Supplies I am paid based on how hard I work. As a people person, relationships matter to me, too. In working with individuals • Military/AAA/AARP discounts on their health and wellness goals, I feel a renewed sense of excitement and purpose each time a client reaches a • AND MUCH MORE! target. I find it satisfying to give time and service to help others by providing solutions to their needs. Steve & Debbie Milburn, Owners Colleagues also count. Belonging to a community of Westwood Shopping Center & Fort Bragg like-minded individuals with a shared passion, I know the connections and friendships made through Bravenly Global Westwood: 439 Westwood Shopping Center will last far beyond the paycheck. 910.860.1220 | theupsstorelocal.com/2974 Fort Bragg: Fort Bragg Mini-Mall 910.436.7877 | theupsstorelocal.com/4787 LOCAL VETERAN OWNED BUSINESS 2 0 2 1 A P R I L | 21
A Withered Flower Blooms Again By Keyuri Parab J enny Schumacher lights up any room she walks tailbone in half and some of my back,” Schumacher said. into –– all smiles, a booming personality who makes “It changed the whole turn of everything, the song and the everyone feel welcome. drums that I danced to.” A motivational speaker, author, mother, military wife and Continuing, she shared the impact of the accident of her life proud Christian, she wears many hats. Staying busy with and faith. “I thought, I love you God, but you didn't do me church activities and motivational talks ― many for military any favors here. So, I am just going to move on, and instead groups ― when time allows, she also works on her up of consulting with you about the next steps in life, I am upcoming book. going to move on and have a family, white picket fence and all that, like I came from. And so, I got married and started Schumacher grew up in a loving, fun-filled home with a having babies fresh off a broken frame,” Schumacher said. big family in Montgomery, Alabama, which she described as the dream American childhood. Family members Through her pregnancies and early years of raising her were extreme sports lovers and participated in water children, she faced multiple bone injuries and chronic pain ski competitions. resulting from the accident. Without any drinking, cussing or smoking, “we were (still) “Most people when they think of addiction, they think of always the life of a party growing up,” she said. some junkie at the corner of the street hanging out doing what they shouldn't be doing, and it's not like that; it can In March 1999, Schumacher met with a life-altering accident happen to anyone,” Schumacher explained. that changed the course of her whole life, leading to a cruel drug addiction. After running many tests, she found out she had osteoporosis and was placed back on medication. Following “I was ejected through the car, through the door. I broke my this discovery came another pregnancy, leading to a back pelvis in half and fractured it in multiple places, broke my fracture, more tests, bone problems and pills, she said. Keyuri Parab is the editorial assistant for Up & Coming Weekly. She loves writing, news and cooking. Keyuri graduated from the University of Texas at Arlington and moved to the Fort Bragg/Fayetteville area in 2020. Originally from Mumbai, India, she speaks four languages: English, Hindi, Marathi and French. 22 | A P R I L 2 0 2 1
“I wanted to be the mom who can pick her kid up when to be transparent about what was happening to me and he's skinned his knee and be able to run after the other not conceal my problems,” Schumacher said. “I began to toddler. I wanted to be a good homemaker, to educate, reach out in the community and use the church as my be with my kids at home and send them off,” accountability partner. Now I have a 100% faith-based Schumacher said. approach to all substance abuse issues Instead of sharing her struggles with her and problems of my past.” community and family, she began to withdraw and turn to reading medical While in prison she had nothing to journals and manuals to become a “smart do but work on her character and addict,” she said. remember that God was fighting for her and through her, she said tearing up. “There’s no such thing by the way,” Schumacher said and chuckled. Ashamed, “God did what he does; he purged me. It she said her pride stopped her from was fiery hell in the midst of that prison reaching out to her community. and hard work, too,” she said. Not soon after, Schumacher lost her Schumacher has now been 10-years marriage and kids, was sentenced the first sober. Allowing her faith in God to time for possession of narcotics and sent to change her life, she wrote Field of rehabilitation and therapy. Influence, a powerful story about PTSD and substance abuse she penned as “When I got out, I went to live with my sister Jenny Reese Clark, her married name. and then not seven weeks later, I managed to blow up her house manufacturing methamphetamine.” she said. She has rekindled her relationship with her son, which grows every day with a patience and a love she attributes to Schumacher ran and ingested more narcotics and God, she said, because “that’s what he did with me.” accidentally took the wrong dose, landing herself in the hospital and sentenced to the infamous Julia Tutwiler Now every duty station she goes to, the first place she walks Prison in Alabama. into is Protestant Women of the Chapel. Her life didn't change until she received a letter from her Schumacher shares her story to motivate others and help father that said she had another chance at life even when them as often as she’s asked, the same way her faith helped she didn’t deserve it when good men were dying. her. “If anyone’s listening,” she said, “I’m grateful for that,” “So, I began to allow my faith to transform my life; I began You can read more about Jenny and contact her at https:// www.jennyreeseclark.com. 2 0 2 1 A P R I L | 23
CIfoFullodwTearlsk And what I think about that By Jen Smith I n 2021, the idea of a cleanse to arrive from a potential suitor so the gentility of the women in of spirit or a return to more they could take out their language of the family.” innocent times seems the flower books, have a giggle-fest with most natural of things. Spring their friends and interpret messages. One romantic notion that bears merit Scholars of 19th-century garden is that flowers were more critical and has a blessedly reliable talent for history, autobiography and fiction more part of the past culture than don’t find evidence that the tradition they are now. The 19th century was putting us in touch with what is pure. was seriously pervasive in Victorian the great age of the flower garden culture and lifestyle. containing as many varieties as I don’t know about you, but I have my possible. Flowers used to be worn What we do see, going back many on many more occasions than the favorite sparkling crystal and rainbow- years and continuing to today, is the present. use of the concept in a garden gift hued jars waiting for the season’s first “table books for the parlor,” or what Women often wore elaborate sprays we would call today “coffee table” from the florist in their hair, at their fragrant batch of cut spring flowers. books. An interesting quote from bosom or on skirts. Flowers worn on Beverly Seaton’s The Language of clothing were kept in “posy holders” It amused me lately to learn of a past Flowers reads, “Most sentimental that were sometimes bejeweled and of genteel tradition recently revived, the flower books were intended for the precious metals. Bouquets for different use of bouquets to send a message center table, that institution of cultural occasions went through many designs or “make a statement” if you want to respectability in nineteenth-century and fashions. Of the male persuasion, be more 2021 about it. Most commonly homes. Books for the center table 19th-century businessmen and men associated with Victorian times (1820- were not only there so that the family of fashion often wore flowers in the 1914), the “language of flowers” paired could amuse themselves on winter buttonhole or as small bouquets: think each bloom with an attribute evenings; they were there to signify freesia, lily of the valley or hyacinth. or emotion. First, let me dispel a few myths about the tradition. Victorian gals generally were not sitting around fanning themselves, waiting for a bouquet Jen Smith is a ranger supervisor at the Clark Park Nature Center for the City of Fayetteville and was formerly the director of education at Cape Fear Botanical Garden. Jen volunteers on the board of directors of Sustainable Sandhills. 24 | A P R I L 2 0 2 1
Associating either the form, fragrance in the classical period were the lily, products to sell as gifts to entertain or color of flowers with specific rose and violet. The lily was associated “the genteel female reader for a few attributes is an old tradition. Never with the Virgin Mary due to its pure dull afternoons.” While I can’t help but one of a fixed vocabulary, much like white color. The rose, first connected bristle at this archaic phrase, I must recipes handed down for generations, to Venus, was later identified with admit some of the books are the language of flowers contains Mary and then with the Passion of quite entertaining. some traditional elements. Still, many Christ. Finally, the violet in the Middle definitions and uses have changed so Ages meant humility and modesty. You quickly understand why the much that the meaning of a particular As a contrast, if you look at flower practicalities of using flowers as a bloom is now opposite to what it used meanings in the Orient, most are language seem a bit weak. One of the to be. concerned with living a long and amusing things one encounters in prosperous life rather than religion floral dictionaries is what I’d call floral White flowers, for example, have or romance. equivalents of the middle finger. For been used to symbolize purity in example, according to three books, many cultures and times in history. sending asphodel means “my regrets However, go to China, and you may will follow you to the grave.” Sending see red flowers at a wedding because beautiful but scentless camellias white blooms are used at funerals. A means “beauty is your only attraction.” purple violet may mean thinking of Sending a plant called belvedere, you, modesty or prudery, depending which may have been a type of rose, on which book you consult and which represented “I declare war against country or era you search. you.” I doubt George III’s declaration of war on Napoleon Bonaparte came Seaton states that every age writes Seaton reveals that most of the classic with a friendly bunch of posies; its language of flowers in its literature language of flower books, whether however, as parlor games, these books and customs. The Victorian language written in 19th-century France, and their traditions had and still have of flowers is the language of love, England or America, were created as their appeal. while earlier Western flower symbols dealt with religion. For example, three Let’s face it; we need all the fun and flowers associated with Christianity diversion we can get in these rather tense times. Whether it be through 2 0 2 1 A P R I L | 25
a hike or elbows deep in the garden, language of flowers Plant Name/Meaning connecting with the earth has been is a fun tradition. • Yarrow to cut (U.S., 1829) one of the few things that has been a • Alyssum tranquility (France, 1819) steady source of sanity. If you enjoy the Google around, and • Chrysanthemum cheerfulness symbolic, from emojis to birthstones, you will find new tarot cards or the zodiac or are just books devoted to the under adversity (Europe, 1825) a very thoughtful gift-giver, the topic that are feasts • Daisy innocence (Victorian France, for the eyes, just like their Victorian Europe and the U.S.) predecessors. You • Hawthorn hope (Victorian France, will also find florists using the concept Europe and the U.S.) to sell arrangements • Mophead Hydrangea courageous that will give you ideas on growing woman (France, 1811) or selecting. • Lily of the Valley return of I leave you with a list happiness (French and European of flowers I gift you as we advance into Victorian authors) 2021. The year started as an even more • Lily purity (Europe, 1825 challenging year for me than 2020, and historically) but from the look of my springtime • Mistletoe I surmount all difficulties yard, I should have enough mophead (Victorian French and hydrangeas to handle it. European authors) • Poppy consolation (Victorian France and Europe) • Sage strength (France, 1811) • White violet innocence, candor (Victorian and European authors) Save the Date April 9 th& 10th Love letters Sleight of hand “A Shocking Musical Murder Mystery” Written & Directed by Dr. Gail Morfesis for reservations and information www.fayettevilledinnertheatre.com or call: 910-391-3859 26 | A P R I L 2 0 2 1
I t's a Woman's World: Haymount H By Alison Hurley istoric Haymount, located about 1 mile from downtown Fayetteville, contains a lively mix High School, formerly Fayetteville High School, is on Fort of residential homes, parks and shopping Bragg Road. The area also contains Rowan Park and a destinations. Named in 1801 for the hilly area skatepark. A recent renovation updated the old tennis courts to pickleball courts, which are first-come, first-serve. bordering but then situated outside the city limits, General Lee Park is another popular spot for young families in the area. Haymount is connected to the downtown area by Hay The heart of Haymount is located at the intersection of Street and Fayetteville's shopping and restaurant district Morganton and Hay Street. In the heart’s center is Cape Fear Regional Theatre, formed in 1962 when a group of local via Morganton Road. The historic residences that make actors got together to start the Fayetteville Little Theater. Since then, the performance venue has grown to a regional up Haymount were originally constructed in a 130-year establishment for entertainment and arts education, with a six-show main stage season and special camps and shows time span — between 1817 and 1950 — and form one of for young actors. A few doors down, you can get fresh seafood and beach vibes year-round at Latitude 35, a locally Fayetteville's oldest and most cohesive neighborhoods. owned-and-operated restaurant and bar. The tiki-inspired patio features live music and trivia nights. The original area, 41-residences strong, was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1983. A boundary increase came about in 2007. Today most Fayetteville residents consider the area called Haymount to encompass all homes and businesses between Hay Street, Fort Bragg Road and Bragg Boulevard. Haymount is home to many different denominational Recently opened in 2020, the District House of Taps is churches, including Highland Presbyterian, Haymount located in the renovated historic Hilltop House and inspired United Methodist Church, Epicenter, St. James Lutheran, by taprooms in Charlotte. Fayetteville natives Eydie and Snyder Memorial Baptist and Saints Constantine and Helen Paul Hammaker decided to bring the concept home. Greek Orthodox. Many residents move to Haymount so Featuring a menu of 40 ever-changing craft beers and their children can attend the schools in the area. Alma wine, the self-pour taproom also features delicious food, an Easom Primary School, formerly Westlawn Elementary outdoor patio and an upstairs banquet room that can be School, is located on Westlawn Avenue, and Terry Sanford reserved for private parties. Alison Hurley has been an educator for over 18 years, serving as an information specialist, media coordinator, gifted education consultant and regular classroom teacher. A Fayetteville resident, she is married with two children. 2 0 2 1 A P R I L | 27
“The community is so supportive of local business, and we felt the neighborhood would really enjoy what we are offering, which is a unique experience,” commented owner Eydie Hammaker. When asked why Haymount, she said, “Haymount is bustling with energy and we wanted to tap into that liveliness.” The taproom location has some age, 100 years to be exact, but everyone who walks through the door gets treated like a new friend, she added, just as “a guest in my house.” A genuinely unique Haymount destination is LeClair's General Store, which opened in 2017. Here you'll see customers drinking coffee or enjoying a glass of wine or beer while browsing the store's ever-changing collection of vintage decor, local goods, antiques, jewelry and art. Described in Our State magazine as a \"modern mercantile,\" the laid-back nature of LeClair’s makes you want to slow down and stay awhile. Next door on a pretty day, you'll most likely see people eating soft serve ice cream at the Haymount Exxon. Betty Kelly's gift shop is another unique shopping destination and Haymount institution. The idea for the gift shop began years ago in Fayetteville resident Betty Kelly's grandmother's home, a place where locals purchased gifts for weddings and other special occasions. In 1978, Betty Kelly opened her Haymount store on Arsenal Avenue, naming it The Gift Shop. In 1982, the store moved to 1110 Hay Street, where it remained a place for beautiful gifts and bridal registries for 37 years. When Betty Kelly died in 2004, her daughter Frances Morketter took over the shop and renamed it Betty Kelly's. Today the shop is located just a block away from its original location, where third- generation family member Kathryn Morketter Parlett has joined the team. While bridal registry items are still an integral part of their business, the owners have expanded to include clothing, jewelry, high-end decorative items, baby items and more. “Haymount has always been an area of Fayetteville that our family has held dear. The house that my great- grandmother, Nettie Huffines, started the shop out of was on Westmont Avenue in Haymount, where she lived. From there, the store had a few moves but never more than a couple of miles. The small-town community feel of Haymount has made it a place where a store like ours feels right at home. We love all of our neighbors and the wonderful small businesses that we work side by side with each day. It’s really just a great spot to be.” said Kathryn Morketter Parlett. Located in Betty Kelly's original location is Vibra's, a fun boutique featuring clothing, jewelry, gift items, chalk paint and redesigned antique furniture. Residents can pamper their furry friends at Woof Gang Bakery and Grooming. The recently expanded store features pet treats and supplies in addition to full grooming services. Love Charms USA, located inside the Gossip Shop salon, is another unconventional shopping experience where customers can create personalized jewelry pieces. 28 | A P R I L 2 0 2 1
Casey and Carl Benander own and operate Haymount Homes, LLC, and renovate houses in the Haymount area. \"We love Haymount because the homes are historic and have Southern architectural significance, yet the feeling of the neighborhood is urban and developing. There is older wisdom but youthful energy inside local businesses, activities and engagement opportunities. Haymount is a close-knit community within Fayetteville's larger city, diverse in age, race and socioeconomic status. Neighbors look out for and care for one another and take great pride in the community,\" Casey said. The Army brought the Benanders to Fayetteville. The couple recognizes that while many people are scared by the layout and space of historic homes, they feel the individuality and character of the homes are what make Haymount special. \"Haymount truly connects people and builds community,\" she said, adding, \"We are blessed to live here.\" Check out these additional places in the Haymount area. • Fleet Feet — Fayetteville's only full-service specialty running resource, featuring running footwear, apparel and accessories. • Otrebla's Tailoring and Haberdashery — a full-service clothier and custom tailor. • Lisa's Framing — custom framing and art. • Top of the Hill Boutique — monogramming and unique gifts. • Gossip Shop Salon — a full-service Paul Mitchell salon. 2 0 2 1 A P R I L | 29
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