VOLUME 16 | ISSUE 6 JUNE | 2022 Inspiring, educating, empowering and celebrating women in our community MAGAZINE More inside: Word to the Wise The Impact of What We Do and Don’t Say We Scream for Ice Cream! Introducing Sherri Coultrup Owner of The Piccadilly Circus Have You Heard of Linden? Small, Yet Significant Conversation Starters Girlfriend Getaway Lake Life
Close Letter from the Editor VOLUME 16 ISSUE 6 W e live in the PUBLISHER communication age. Bill Bowman, F & B Publications Despite dozens of new [email protected] ways to keep in touch with one another like never before, plain EDITOR talk, at least in my opinion, is the Crissy Neville most effective way to say what [email protected] you need to say. Texts and emails can be misinterpreted — can I get PRODUCTION MANAGER/ a witness? — and social media GRAPHIC DESIGNER reveals what you have to say to not Dylan Hooker just one person but pretty much the whole world. That’s a far- [email protected] reaching conversation, folks. OPERATIONS DIRECTOR Words matter. And it turns out, Paulette Naylor there’s a place for both good and bad words, praise and criticism, in [email protected] today’s world. MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE You may know the negative words time. Praising our children when Linda McAlister and occurrences in life add up to they’re young — too much and the most of what we remember; for too many meaningless things [email protected] research shows recall is a ratio of — means they don’t build up a five bad incidents for every one resilience when they do receive DISTRIBUTION DIRECTOR/ good. That’s five rebukes to one negative feedback. Or when SALES ADMINISTRATOR compliment. Five bad reviews for things don’t go their way. Laurel Handforth every one good. Five to one for jeers vs. cheers. In the article, “Bad Professor Baumeister said: “If [email protected] is Stronger than Good,” author and criticism was more common, we professor of social psychology Roy. might be more accepting of it.” JUNE CONTRIBUTORS F. Baumeister, reveals some not so Looks like how we handle what Angela Berry Lewis surprising facts about psychology happens to us in life might all Cynthia Ross and even genetics: emotional boil down to, sometimes, what’s Amy Stidham baggage, poor parenting and bad in a word. Sherri Coultrup impressions pack a strong punch, Lynne Smith and negative stereotypes form fast Leslie Corpening and change much slower. Jelia Coleman-Hepner So, we should up the applause Crissy Neville and back off the boos? While that Lisa H. Thomas might seem like the answer, it is Kalin Williams not. Too many good words have Crissy Neville consequences, too. Taneshia Kerr Mary Baggett We need the critics to point out mistakes —just not all the WOMEN'S VIEW MAGAZINE 208 ROWAN ST. FAYETTEVILLE, NC, Editor's retraction: In the May 2022 WVM issue, a featured artist's name was misprinted on the cover. The artist's name is Katie 28301 Crawford Allen. Regrettably, it was listed as Katie Crenshaw Allen. PHONE: 910-484-6200 Are you interested in writing? Consider contributing an article or pitching a FAX: 910-484-9218 story idea to WVM. We want to elevate your voice. For more information, email 2 | J U [email protected]. Be sure to like us and leave comments Women’s View Magazine is for, by and on our Facebook page. about women in Cumberland County. 2 | JUNE 2022 Published by F&B Publications in conjunction with Media Marketing Management. ©2022 by F&B Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction or use of editorial or advertisement without permission is strictly prohibited. Various vector sources credited to © Freepik and © Vecteezy. Association of Community Publishers
Inside June 4 WOMAN’S SPOTLIGHT Regular WVM contributor and local businesswoman Taneshia Kerr is a 4 6 mover and shaker both in and outside the office. 6 COOL CONFECTIONS Food blogger Kalin Williams shares her secrets for how to keep cool this summer à la ice cream. 8 STRESS RELIEF Lisa H. Thomas of The P3 Group, Inc. shares tips on how to destress at 8 10 home or work. Get help with your stressors today with this read. 10 OUTDOOR ALMANAC Amy Stidham is back this month with yard and garden advice for the summer, including help on growing healthy and versatile herbs. 12 NEW BUSINESS BUZZ We welcome to town new business The Piccadilly Circus, an antique 12 marketplace that opened in May. Meet owner Sherri Coultrup in this Q&A. 14 STICKS AND STONES The saying that words can’t hurt us is not exactly true; words matter. Writer Lynne Smith explores this truth in her June faith-focused article. 14 16 16 GIRLFRIEND GETAWAY Summer brings the heat, but relief awaits with a visit to a local or out-of- town lake. Get the scoop on great N.C. lakes to visit in the June Girlfriend Getaway article. 18 LET’S CHAT Communications instructor Leslie Corpening wants to help you with your next small-talk encounter; read tips on dos and don’ts here. 18 20 JUNETEENTH Learn how Fayetteville is celebrating Juneteenth, a federal observance synonymous with the end of slavery in our nation which honors the freedom of all in the U.S. 22 BRAIN HEALTH Get the word on how to improve your brain health and cognitive functioning in this month’s fitness focus from contributor Cynthia Ross. 20 22 24 YOUNG LEADERS OneFayetteville is a youth-founded-and-led nonprofit that seeks to help others while building connections. It celebrates its second anniversary this month. 26 LEARN ABOUT LINDEN Have you been to Cumberland County’s smallest town? The hometown of WVM Editor Crissy Neville, Linden is the final destination of the one- 24 26 and-a-half-year long “It’s A Woman’s World” monthly feature, bringing this column to a close. 2022 JUNE | 3
Woman’s Spotlight Taneshia Kerr By Jelia Coleman-Hepner \"I don't quit when I'm knocked down because it's just a step, not my stop,\" said Taneshia Kerr. Many women face As a trailblazing single rather than getting I am helping people be adversity, change and mother of twins, she did fixated on the past. She their best,” said Kerr. misfortunes during not reach this level of discovered how to allow \"For a business owner, their lifetime that success without hitting challenges to improve that means leveraging can emotionally and major obstacles during herself and not be resources to grow their physically break them, her life journey. Not only overwhelmed through business, and for my or they overcome with did she give birth to the process. clients, that means success. Learning how to micro preemie twins 14 understanding, balance work and caring weeks early in 2014 and \"My biggest challenge working within for children can be extra face heartbreak with is that I really, really love their temperament, challenging. Yet single a divorce, she also had to work, and this has put healing as well as mothers like Kerr show the battle of learning to a strain on many of my navigating challenges.\" the world that success balance her career and personal relationships,\" can be achieved through personal life. said Kerr. \"I try to find Besides on-the-job perseverance, hard work balance, but it's difficult, llielong learning through and dedication. \"When my twins were and I encourage the her work roles, Kerr born, they had a 10% twins to be vocal about received education Recently accepting chance of survival needing my attention through various degrees the role as President of and other issues,” said because that usually and now is putting her The Greater Sandhills Kerr. \"Also, in 2016, provides the jolt I need efforts back into Chamber of Commerce, when my husband to step away.\" the community Kerr opens up about and I separated, I was to help others. her life's journey to this unemployed and on the In a full circle of success, point of her success. brink of homelessness.\" Kerr lives her best life \"I am also a licensed The Greater Sandhills and found her niche by Christian counselor, Chamber is the newly Although encountering doing what she loves and I am laying the revamped Spring Lake life-changing and helping others. groundwork for the Chamber which opened circumstances, Kerr did opening of a stress May 3. the ultimate bounce \"I love that in all the recovery center called back from catastrophe work I do through the The Enclave,\" said Kerr. \"I \"I have been in by maintaining her focus Chamber and through spend many weekends Fayetteville since 2016 on her family and future my counseling practice, doing training seminars and was born and raised in Jamaica,\" said Kerr. \"My studies took me to London and California, where I lived for seven years.\" A Fayetteville native, Jelia Coleman-Hepner is currently a graduate student living in Raleigh. With a degree in mass communications, she is a former reporter for The Fayetteville Observer and The Paraglide. Business, relationships, parenting, entrepreneurship, events and women’s issues are topics she enjoys covering. 4 | JUNE 2022
on emotional trauma to help her children in broadcast and a cape, Kerr is a and stress recovery.\" with assignments communications, an superwoman, doing it for since they're in a MBA in marketing and her family and helping Also, in discussing Spanish Immersion a master’s in pastoral others throughout her daily routines, program. Finally, once ministry and current her life's journey. She Kerr gives a glimpse they're off to bed, she work on a doctoral is a walking testimony of how she maintains completes the night by degree in clinical that you can’t judge a such a successful going back to finishing Christian counseling. book by its cover and career through daily anything that was left that you can’t always rituals, including living hanging and preparing Kerr often shares her see what people have by time blocks on her for the next day. expertise in these been through from their calendar, stating that areas by writing outside appearance. Yet if it's not written down, Outside of her career, articles for Women’s persons like Kerr help it doesn't exist. Kerr has been a great View Magazine on others handle and even example to women and topics relating to overcome hardships \"I start with coffee and youth in the local area. business, counseling, through the sharing of prayer at 5 a.m.,\" she said. She was honored as communications and their stories. \"Once the kids are off to part of the 2019 Class of women’s issues. Her school, I use the first part Fayetteville 40 under 40 spare time is spent Before her current of my morning to write and, in 2021, accepted reading, crafting, doing role, Kerr served as the or do schoolwork.\" into the invitation-only science projects with her interim president and Forbes Business Council. son and daughter and CEO of the Greater Additionally, she says enjoying downtime Fayetteville Chamber of that she tries to schedule \"I am clear on my with them. Commerce. \"Now, I am all meetings between goals, and I work with president of a second mid-morning and noon intentionality,\" said Kerr. \"Our new favorite thing is Chamber of Commerce,” to use the afternoon for singing the soundtrack she said, “and I'm not uninterrupted work. Kerr Her educational for Encanto at the top of done yet.\" also spends her evenings background includes our lungs,\" said Kerr. using Google Translate undergraduate degrees While not wearing 2022 JUNE | 5
Cool Confections By Kalin Williams Delighting in an ice-cold treat on a blistering hot day is the pinnacle of summertime eats. The blazing sun always tends to melt a few drops onto your hand regardless of how fast you devour your favorite cool confections. It is a small price to pay to indulge in these delectable goods, from ice cream bars to homemade fruit popsicles. MANGO COCONUT Additional toppings: FRESH FRUIT bite-sized pieces that ICE CREAM BARS ¼ cup mango, POPSICLES will easily fit in your finely diced popsicle mold. Serves: 10 1 tablespoon toasted Serves: 10 coconut flakes Fill the wells with fruit Mango Coconut Ice Cream Fresh Fruit Popsicles are pieces, alternating as you Bars are dairy-free, fruit-filled Instructions irresistible frozen treats go. Add as much fruit as you popsicles that I never knew Combine all ingredients in to enjoy all summer long, can into each well, using I needed. Welcome in the a blender and blend until completely guilt-free. Filled blueberries and small warmer months with this smooth, approximately with whole fruit pieces and pieces of cantaloupe to fill sweet mango and creamy 1 minute. natural fruit juice or water, in any gaps. coconut combo that is there are no hidden syrups refreshingly sweet and will If using, put mango topping or sugars to worry about. Finish with apple juice or transport you to the tropics. in the wells of the popsicle Spend a carefree afternoon water but be careful not to All ages will enjoy this chilled mold. Pour the mixture into soaking up the sun with a overfill. Leave about ¼ of an treat to help beat the heat! the mold, being careful not Fresh Fruit Popsicle in hand! inch at the top. If your mold to overfill. Insert popsicle requires popsicle sticks, Ingredients sticks and freeze overnight insert them now with at ½ cup mango or 2-3 hours at the minimum. least an inch sticking up 18 ounces coconut cream from the top. ¼ cup almond milk When ready to enjoy, run ½ cup water under warm water and Freeze for 2-3 hours or until 2 tablespoons honey carefully remove each solid. To carefully remove the 1 teaspoon vanilla extract mango coconut ice cream popsicles, place the entire 1 tablespoon cinnamon bar from the mold. mold in warm water for 15-30 2 tablespoon unsweetened minutes. Enjoy right away or coconut flakes store in the freezer for up to 3 months. Ingredients 2 kiwis, sliced 1 cup cantaloupe, chopped small 1 cup strawberries, halved or quartered 1 cup blueberries 2 cups organic apple juice or water Instructions Chop the fruit into small, Through her food blog, Abundance of Flavor, Kalin Williams loves encouraging others in the kitchen to step out of their comfort zones and try something new. A Fayetteville native now living in Chapel Hill, she loves trying new restaurants and exploring different cuisines. Connect with her and find recipes and cooking tips at AbundanceofFlavor.com. 6 | JUNE 2022
CREAMSICLE FLOATS Orange LaCroix 2-4 cups orange juice Serves: 4 Creamsicle Floats are dreamy ice Instructions cream creations that will quickly In each glass, place 3-4 scoops of become a summertime favorite. ice cream. Pour about half a can of Combining an old-fashioned treat LaCroix into each glass. with bright citrus flavor, these chilled beverages will keep you cool and Top each float with ½ cup of orange wow your tastebuds! juice. If a more prominent orange taste is desired, add another ½ cup Ingredients to each. 1-quart vanilla ice cream Finish with an additional scoop of ice 2 12-oz cans cream on top. Enjoy! MINI KEY LIME Instructions CHEESECAKE BITES Line a muffin pan with cupcake liners or grease heavily. Serves: 12 Crush graham crackers into crumbs Mini Key Lime Cheesecake Bites and mix with melted butter. Press effortlessly transform two classic into the bottom of each well in the recipes into one incredible dessert. muffin pan. Place in the fridge Tart key lime pie meets rich to cool. cheesecake in bite-sized frozen sweets that are bursting with flavor! Whip heavy cream until stiff peaks begin to form; transfer to the fridge. Ingredients 1 cup graham crackers Beat cream cheese until smooth. ¼ cup butter, melted Add sweetened condensed milk and ½ cup heavy cream mix. Add whipped cream and mix 7 ounces sweetened until combined. Stir in lime juice and condensed milk lime zest. 4 ounces cream cheese, softened Divide the mixture into the muffin ½ cup key lime juice pan and refrigerate overnight. For an Lime zest, to garnish extra sweet treat on a hot day, freeze and enjoy. VERY BERRY, NO-CHURN VANILLA ICE ¼ cup diced blackberries CREAM Optional red, white and blue toppings such as berries, whipped Serves: 8 cream and sprinkles A can’t-miss dessert at this summer’s Instructions cookout is Very Berry No-Churn In a blender or by hand, mix heavy Vanilla Ice Cream! Homemade ice cream, sweetened condensed milk cream couldn’t be easier with this and vanilla extract for about 30 3-ingredient no-churn recipe. Add seconds until well combined. in a variety of blue and red berries to create a patriotic treat for the Pour mixture into a loaf pan or whole family! another freezer-friendly container. Stir in diced strawberries, blueberries, Ingredients raspberries and blackberries. 2 cups heavy cream 14 ounces sweetened condensed Cover and freeze overnight. Set out milk for 15 minutes at room temperature 1 teaspoon vanilla extract to soften before serving. ¼ cup diced strawberries ¼ cup diced blueberries Top with red, white, and ¼ cup diced raspberries blue toppings if desired and serve immediately. 2022 JUNE | 7
Destressing Tips for Home and Work By Lisa H. Thomas only added an extra layer recommend taking a Do a random act of fuel to the fire. Stress mid-week break in the of kindness A s we wind down into is something that seems middle of the day. You When we act outside of the aftermath of the to come knocking at will be amazed how the our own concerns, the COVID-19 blur, people everyone’s door at some additional 30 minutes mind shifts. It is quite are finally finding their point in time. If you find mid-week will impact difficult to truly give your way back to something yourself dealing with and interrupt stress attention to two things that seems like normal. stress, the following are patterns. at once. By redirecting But after two years, I’m a few steps to manage your thoughts towards not sure we can truly stress. Take a brisk walk an act of kindness, you live into what one might Research shows also inadvertently give call back to normal. Acknowledge stress movement is a huge whatever stresses you a Things have changed! is a real thing factor in reducing stress; break. Once you pivot to I mean just think of it. I find that managing however, time can be a be of service, stressing There you were having stress at home and/ factor for high achievers. over your concerns take the typical experiences or work is a lot easier A brisk walk from your a backseat. in life and navigating all said than done. In fact, car into the office that it brings, when out the first step for me is building or from your car All these tips work hand of nowhere COVID-19 simply acknowledging into a grocery store helps in hand. Don’t just do rips through the country. that stress does exist, integrate movement one of them; give them Life as we knew it whether I can “feel” into the natural flow of all a try and see if your changed in an instant. it or not. Many high your day. Park your car as body lightens and the We had strict guidelines performers have far away as possible and day seems a bit brighter. and curtailed access normalized being kick up the pace. to all that was normal. impacted by the weight Perhaps someone close of their responsibility. to you or someone you They say it just comes know lost their life to this with the job, which dreaded virus. Are we to nullifies any stressful sweep what happened experience. I can relate under the rug and move to this processing style. on after two years and To challenge it, I’ve given go back to “normal”? myself permission to embrace that I do have Stress is defined as stressful moments in a state of mental or business and at home. emotional strain or tension resulting Stop and breathe from adverse or It takes two seconds to very demanding slow down, and many of circumstances. I’d say us do take that literally. that an unexpected We take “a moment.\" I’ve unpredictable global found that 30 minutes event like COVID-19 of deep breathing to would cause a state of re-center myself is key mental or emotional to focusing on regaining strain. Even if we can’t my power position. I sit exactly pinpoint the quietly and just allow stressful points during my mind to be free. I the pandemic, we can suggest doing this daily likely attest that there as a part of a morning were moments of stress routine, but I also in life already, and the global wave of concern Host of The P3 Power Boost Radio Show and Past President of the Board of Directors of NetWorth, a professional women’s organization, Lisa H. Thomas is a 25-year veteran in business, executive leadership and performance coaching/ consulting. 8 | JUNE 2022
Summer Garden Refresh Heat-loving herbs to the rescue TBy Amy Stidham here’s nothing like some shade and a cool flavor enhancer to help reduce calories and the glass of water after a morning of harvesting need to reach for the saltshaker, plus their seeds fresh fruit, veggies and flowers. Better yet, have protein. harvest a few herbs to add some zing to your drinks and dishes. You can grow them right Pick a good place to plant herbs, and they will thrive. outside your door! Sunny to partly sunny areas, with well-draining, fertile soil and access to consistent water will make Herbs are one of my favorite plants; they offer so them happy. If your plant shows signs of drooping, many scents and even more possibilities. History scorching or stretching, try adjusting the amount of reveals many uses, including remedies, food water and sun that it receives. seasoning, liqueurs, dyes, perfumes, pest repellants, cultural and spiritual traditions and therapeutic It’s never too late to plant herbs. Keep in mind that gardens. Herbs activate our senses with flavor, small, newly transplanted herbs can be stressed fragrance, texture and color. They are easy to by high heat and humidity. Likewise, some herbs grow and pair well with many plants. Pollinator- growing in our 7-8 zone won’t tolerate dips to friendly, visually appealing and when mixed with freezing temperatures. There’s no time like the ornamentals and edibles, they are breathtaking. Full present, so let’s get growing! of vitamins, minerals and fiber, herbs act as a natural Herb or Spice? chives, sage, rosemary, oregano, beds. Lavender and sage create Sometimes an herb is also a mint and thyme, grow well all mini-shrubs with loose flower spice — for example, cilantro season. Trim the perennials — no stems that sway in the wind. is also coriander — and it all lower than 2” above the woody Rosemary can grow into an depends on which part of the stems — and they will grow back evergreen shrub or trail along a plant you harvest. in the summer, flower and attract rock wall. Oregano and marjoram pollinators. Growth slows during create large clumps needing Spices, like fennel, ginger and the winter; some die back and division to remain healthy, and turmeric, are typically flower become dormant. Others become mint is boundless, so be sure buds, seeds, roots, stems and woodier until spring temperatures to pot it up! Thyme is forgiving; leaves. Herbs, such as lavender, stimulate them to put out flavorful frequent trims send out delicate lemongrass and mint, are leaves, new growth. bushy stems that trail over edges stems and flowers. or low growers that fill between Store it, share it stones on a path. Annual, Biennial or Perennial Most dried fresh herbs and spices, In our area, annuals like basil, particularly those that we harvest cilantro, borage and summer from the garden, are freshest savory grow well into the fall within a year and even longer if but don’t tolerate cold winter kept cool, dark and dry. Not to temperatures. Let the plant worry: once you get your garden flower, gather the seeds and start growing, you will have plenty! them next spring. Design tips Biennials, for example, parsley, Choose varieties that grow well stevia and caraway, are great leaf together where you plant them — growers during the first year into containers, vertical wall hangers the second when they will flower or beds paired with flowers and and seed naturally. You can get veggies. Smaller “bush-like” basils long seasons of leaf harvest before look great as fillers in containers collecting the seeds or let them or borders. Taller basils, dill, fennel drop to the ground to self-sow. and lemongrass look best in the Perennials, such as bay, lavender, middle to back of your garden Amy Stidham, a lifelong gardener and outdoor enthusiast, settled in NC as a dual-military family. A Cumberland County Master Gardener Volunteer, NC Environmental Educator and former Therapeutic Horticulture Program Manager at Cape Fear Botanical Garden, she enjoys time with family and friends in the most restorative place she knows — outside in the garden. 2022 JUNE | 9
Get growing, start sowing The North Carolina State Time to Eat Starting herbs with seeds is easy. Cooperative Extension is a great • Dry, preserve or use herbs Plant seeds in moist soil that resource for horticulture help. drains well and in a partly sunny See https://content.ces.ncsu. fresh to make oils, rubs, area. Pick a soil mix that does edu/harvesting-and-preserving- marinades, compound butter, not contain bark. When sprouts herbs-for-the-home-gardener# dips and dressings. appear and grow a second set of for specifics on harvesting the • Try stems of basil, lemon leaves, you can be confident that leaves, stems, flowers, seeds and verbena, lemon balm, dill, the plants have strong enough roots of herbs and preserving mint and rosemary with stems and a sufficient root system them afterward. Our local lemonade and tea. to allow for transplant. Move the Cumberland County Extension • For a great salad dressing, add sprouts into larger containers or at 301 E. Mountain Drive offers chopped herbs and crushed outside into the ground. Lightly a wealth of resources through garlic to olive oil and vinegar, shade transplants with a light row agents, workshops, soil sampling shake and let sit an hour cover for a few days and keep the and much more. Find out more at before serving. soil moist. https://cumberland.ces.ncsu.edu. • Sprinkle flower petals of saffron, lavender or borage When growing flora, be on the Get free plants over salads or ice cream or lookout for the fauna that appears. To keep the planting coming year freeze into decorative ice Herbs are rarely bothered by pests after year, follow these steps. cubes for drinks. because of their strong scent and • Trim long stems of rosemary, taste, but an occasional aphid Collect seeds as they mature on soak them in water and then or spider mite can be rinsed off the plant. use the stems as skewers easily with the hose. Calendulas Clip stems of basil, mint, lemon for grilling. are aphid magnets that draw balm, stevia or oregano; place • Have too much to use pests away from other plants. the stems in a glass of water; and now? Preserve them by Plant extra host plants like parsley, when roots grow about 3 inches, chopping the herbs and dill and fennel; green and black pot it up! combining them with water caterpillars love these herbs, Trim 4-inch rosemary stems, in an ice cube tray at a ratio and their chrysalises become remove the bottom 2” of leaves of 1 tablespoon herbs to 1 swallowtail butterflies! and plant in a pot. Water your teaspoon water; freeze and fledgling plant well, cover with a place cubes in a container for Harvest Tips plastic top and set in the bright use later in sauces and soups. You put in the effort, and now for shade until rooted. the payoff. After harvesting your Divide perennial herbs that Tasty, Tempting Varieties herbs, it’s time to use them to have formed clumps, such as Mint: Chocolate, Apple, flavor, create and scent your world. oregano and chives, after they Spearmint, Peppermint, The best time to harvest is in the finish flowering. Pineapple, Moroccan, Lemon morning after the dew has dried. Basil: Sweet, Spicy Globe, 10 | J U N E 2 0 2 2
Genovese, Lemon, Lime, Greek, Search plants in the morning and harvested by this month. When Purple, Thai Sweet evening for leaf chewing, frass, developed or shiny in color, Sage: Purple, Cardinal, Pineapple spittle or webbing. Pick off these produce is ready to pick; keep Thyme: Lemon, German, French, pests, squish or drop in a bucket produce growing by harvesting Creeping, Wooly, Orange, Mother- of soapy water — cucumber pickle regularly. Some crops like of-Thyme worm, Colorado potato beetle, watermelon and butternut Parsley: Curly, Flat Leaf squash vine borer, cutworms — squash need to fully mature. Oregano: Mediterranean, Greek, and hose off aphids or mites. Summer squash, zucchini and Italian, Turkish Know your beneficials! Ladybug cucumbers should be picked To learn more about cooking with larvae look like little alligators and when smaller and can grow to a herbs, try these organizations: eat lots of aphids. Large garden huge size virtually overnight! • Growing Culinary Herbs – weaver spiders, with a zig-zag in their web, trap a lot of pests like Trim NC Cooperative Extension: aphids, ants, mosquitoes and flies. Cut and come-again flowers, a https://chatham.ces.ncsu.edu/ Parasitic wasps lay their eggs on phrase that describes certain culinary-herbs/ tomato hornworms and look like flower plants that thrive with • Herb Society of America: rice, and ground beetles eat slugs, frequent cutting, can be trimmed https://www.herbsociety.org nematodes and thrips. weekly to encourage new blooms. Herbs can be trimmed to Garden Checklist for Fertilize encourage fresh leafy growth. July-September Lightly fertilize containers Water according to package directions. Compost Keep plants hydrated by using Make sure to water well to ensure Green garden and disease-free a drip or soaker hose system fertilizer gets to the roots where lawn trimmings, veggies scraps, connected to a timer. If it rains it’s needed. Plants in the ground eggshells, strips of paper, brown heavily, try not to walk through that are growing well usually do bags and napkins all go into the garden beds — it will compact soil not need much fertilizer. compost. Oil, meats, and dairy and transfer plant pathogens. stay out! Flip or turn the compost Harvest every couple of weeks to get it to Scout Potatoes and garlic should be heat up; it’s soon to be black gold! Less than 3% of insects are pests. NOW OPEN 2828 Raef d Rd. Experience Unique ElegwanhtilCeuystooumesrhSoeprvice Hours Mon-Sat 10-6 • Sun 12-5 910-988-7777 Fayetteville’s One-of-a-kind Owner Sherri Coultrup destination when shopping for unique Gifts and Antiques from all over the world. www.fayettevillepiccadillycircus.com 2 0 2 2 J U N E | 11
The Piccadilly Circus Is in Town A Staff Report W omen’s View Magazine recently held a Q&A with Fayetteville business owner Sherri Coultrup of The Piccadilly Circus. Meet this interesting and all-in Fayetteville resident who recently opened a shopping destination sure to become a city favorite. Please share with WVM readers a bit about yourself and your new Fayetteville business venture. Hi, I am Sherri Coultrup, the you will find treasures including love of antiques and collectibles owner of The Piccadilly Circus porcelain, ceramics, handcrafted propelled me to expand into the located at 2828 Raeford Road in pottery, furniture, military retail industry. Fayetteville. The Piccadilly Circus memorabilia and so much more. is the combination of an antiquity Where and how is the store’s showcase, antique mall and Enjoy wine or water and sweets merchandise sourced? gift store, with an inventory of as you peruse the store; relax and items I handpick from locations enjoy yourself while you ponder The merchandise is from around worldwide. We opened in May purchases and appreciate our the 50 United States and around and are thrilled to have this one- vast selection — numbering in the world. I travel extensively of-a-kind store in Fayetteville. the thousands — of antiques, and pick up items wherever I Open Monday – Saturday from treasures, gifts and curiosities. I go. We also source from other 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Sunday want guests to be just as excited collectors who liquidate extensive from noon to 6 p.m., The about coming the tenth time as collections that they have Piccadilly Circus welcomes much as they were about coming accumulated over time and from all to come experience a the first time! all over the world. Cases in point different way of shopping. are Murano glass from Italy, What brought you to Daum glass from France, pottery The Piccadilly Circus is named our city? from Mexico and South America after the famous place of the and Hauger pottery from here in same name in London, England. My husband was stationed in the states. In London's West End, the Fayetteville for 18 of his 30 years Piccadilly Circus is a public during his Army career. So, the As a new neighbor, will you gathering space and junction Army brought us to Fayetteville, share with WVM readers much like New York City's Time and I consider it home. I also a little about yourself, i.e., Square, where people come to have an education company your family and background, visit, shop, eat, meet and greet. with a local office, Teacher CEU education and career(s)? It is one of London's most iconic Toolbox, which I started in 2009 crossroads, destinations and that supports teachers by offering I have been an entrepreneur tourist attractions, an experience continuing education units online since 2009, opening Dragonfly like no other. for teaching license renewal. I Consulting International, Inc., enjoy being a member of the which performed social-based Similarly, my store is designed Fayetteville Rotary Club and research for the government. I to be a destination. We have The Chamber of Commerce. My later opened Teacher CEU Toolbox curated a large variety of items from around the world and will add new pieces regularly to our shelves, striving to offer unique merchandise perfect for gifts, collectors and treasure hunters alike! At The Piccadilly Circus, 12 | J U N E 2 0 2 2
My husband, William, is a retired ventures as well as my personal Army Special Operations Colonel life. Every person you meet and who served 30 years on active every situation you encounter duty. He now owns his own daily has some valuable takeaway company in partnership with if you look for it. You are never retired U.S. Congressman Geoff too old or too successful to Davis of Kentucky, specializing keep learning. in government contract procurement and logistics. Tell us about your Grand Opening and those to assist teachers in renewing their What is your outlook on instrumental in making teaching credentials nationwide. business as a new store this happen. Then in 2021, I officially opened owner in a post-pandemic Piccadilly Circus, selling online economy? How do your It was amazing! We had our soft on different forums such as personal and business opening and officially opened the eBay, Mercari and Poshmark, philosophies come to bear doors on Monday, May 2. On May while preparing to open a retail upon this consideration? 19, we held our Grand Opening location in Fayetteville. I was a from 5-7 p.m. with a ribbon- professor in the business program This past year was a challenge cutting, door prizes, promotional from 2000 to 2010 at Methodist for everyone in business with the giveaways, food, specialized University, where I taught pandemic, supply chain issues desserts, wine and beer and a marketing, business, statistics and and material shortages. We had packed house. management courses. hoped to open last year, but finishing construction with the We are thankful for the support remodel and obtaining permits received from fellow business took longer than expected. owners, many new friends and community leaders who Before 2000, I was an international Now in a post-pandemic helped make this happen. We flight attendant for World Airways. economy, many risks are inherent are especially excited to be in I feel my travels abroad gave me a to opening any new business. such a wonderful and beautifully unique appreciation for antiques But with a strong business plan, renovated space, one Fayetteville and unique treasures. I hold a excellent marketing partnerships already knows; it’s the old Bob Bachelor of Science in marketing and the solid support of the local and Sheree’s Wine Shop at 2828 with a minor in quantitative community in Fayetteville, I have Raeford Road. We hope to see you business analysis from Robert faith that The Piccadilly Circus at the Piccadilly Circus! Morris University and a Master will be a big success. My personal of Business Administration from philosophy is every day is a fresh 2 0 2 2 J U N E | 13 Point Park University, both located opportunity to learn something in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. new; this is core to my business
Sticks, Stones and Words By Lynne Smith R emember the adage, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me”? Well, that phrase is not necessarily true, is it? Words. The average person speaks an estimated 860,341,500 words in a 70-year lifetime. To put that in perspective, the average person speaks the equivalent of the entire text of the complete 20-volume Oxford English Dictionary more than 14.5 times in their life. Or the equivalent of the entire 32-volume Encyclopedia Britannica 19.5 times. Or equal to reciting the entire King James Bible, both Old and New Testament, more than 1,110 times. And believe it or not, women are said to speak twice as many words a day as men. Imagine that. Words carry power, yet that power is not in the number of words that we say, but what those words convey. Although our words cannot change reality, they can change the way others perceive reality. Think of the words of Hitler in his autobiographical manifesto of hate. For every one word written in that book, approximately 125 people died. Or consider the inspiring words that our founding fathers wrote in the Declaration of Independence, stirring people to create a new nation. Or what about the message of Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream,” or the last words spoken by a loved one, long remembered after they are gone. While all profound, none of these utterings speak louder than the letters written in red, for The Bible — the Word of God — still stands as the best-selling book of all time, having sold around five billion copies to date. Lynne Smith is a Fayetteville native who worships with her family at Snyder Memorial Baptist Church. She has a hard-working husband of 37 years, two sons who aim to be just like their dad, two God-given beautiful daughters and two very well-loved grandsons. She is in her seventh year serving as a Snyder MOPS mentor. 14 | J U N E 2 0 2 2
Our speech must be of concern you wish you had never spoken, we need to be careful of what to God because God sure did use and words that you wish you had takes root there. much of His Word talking about never had to hear. Words that the gravity of it. The Bible reminds you preach to yourself because My heart can be deceitful above us that our conversations should outside of prayer with God, often all things, so therefore I need to always be full of grace, and that the most important conversation keep constant vigilance over it. the prudent always hold their we can have is the one we speak Because the thoughts I allow tongues. That a gentle answer to ourselves. into my mind can get down in turns away wrath, but a harsh my heart and then, in an word stirs up anger. unguarded moment, come out To be quick to listen, in the way I speak. My speech but slow to speak. That our mouths can either tear down and tongues are or build up. It can like the rudder of either lead me further a ship steering the away from what God pilot wherever they has called me to be, want to go or like a or it can lead me fire corrupting the closer to the image whole body. of Jesus. Author Tim Keller explains it this Scripture tells us way: “The heart is that God hates the not just the seat of lying tongue and the emotions, but commends truthful, also the source of rebuking speech. In our fundamental fact, the Bible says commitments, hopes that the mouth is a and trust. And from good barometer of the heart flow our the heart, and that thinking, feelings and the tongue holds actions. What the the very power of life heart trusts, the mind and death. justifies, the emotions desire and the will I remember carries out.” once reading that although the tongue If I want to bridle has no bones, it is my tongue, then I strong enough to better first focus on break a heart. With another organ of the that being the case, body — my heart. our words matter. The heart and mouth Every. Single. One. connection are real and unbreakable. And it’s not just our Of all God’s creatures, only What gets into my speech that conveys humans can communicate heart matters to God, messages because through the spoken word, yet because He wants silence can often we often misuse this incredible only good things to speak just as loudly. gift from God. Our words matter take root there, things Sometimes it’s the so much to God that one day that bear eternal fruit. words that we don’t we will give an account for every And since the words say that cut the deepest, delaying word spoken. We will be either needed healing, often leaving a acquitted or condemned by our of my mouth flow from my heart wounded and bitter. words, Scripture states. And since heart, then the desires of my the words that we speak come heart better reflect God’s desires. Consider for a moment the words from the overflow of our hearts, Only one way exists for this to that have had a powerful effect happen; to know the heart of on you. Words that changed the God, I must feed on His Word. trajectory of your life, or words that kept you stuck. Words that 2 0 2 2 J U N E | 15 you are still longing to hear from another, or words that you wish you had the courage to say. Words
A trip to beautiful Nantahala Lake delivers scenic water and mountain views. Photo credit: Franklin & Nantahala TDC Girlfriend Getaway Lake Life By Mary Baggett Summer has arrived, and lakefront retreats to mountain in Huntersville is the recent talk it is heating up. And, if you’re cabins available for your stay. If of the town. All of your favorites you are looking for nightlife and in fashion and food can be found anything like me, you are on the want to test your luck, Harrah’s in this little village of storefronts. hunt for the best body of water to Cherokee Casino is a short Make sure to stop in at Girl cool you down. Yes, North Carolina 60-minute ride up the road. Supply while you are there; their has wonderful beaches, but did North Carolina’s first casino self-proclaimed “sunshine-filled you know our beautiful state with live tables and electronic space” is sure to leave you with a also holds some of the largest machines is worth the trip, and smile on your face. Every Saturday lakes with the clearest water the drive through the Smokies and Sunday, a walk-up crafting just waiting for you to take the does not disappoint. session is held from noon-5 p.m., plunge? Join me while we explore if you need to beat the heat and them; I promise something awaits Lake Norman retreat to the shade. everyone, starting with a few out of town places. The next stop on our water Other out-of-town lakeshores adventure is 20 miles outside beckon — Kerr Lake, Lake Nantahala Lake of Charlotte at beautiful Lake Norman, High Rock Lake and Norman. It is the largest man- more — but sometimes the best The Nantahala National Forest made lake in North Carolina, finds are right here at home. nestled in the Smokey Mountains and with the special use of is home to Nantahala Lake, a hydroelectricity, it provides power Jordan Lake body of water known for its eight- for Duke Electric. With a high-end mile stretch of river conditions vibe ready to elevate your lake If you have been in the Fayetteville perfect for the most amazing of experience, a multitude of pristine area for any amount of time, white-water rafting adventures. lakefront properties welcome you you have probably heard of or Here you have the best of both for your weekend getaway. Many visited Jordan Lake. About an private residences for rent are hour northwest of Fayetteville, worlds, with a 1,605-acre lake for a even equipped with boats at the this vista, a laid-back summer more relaxed kayaking or boating property so you can skip the boat weekend adventure spot, awaits. experience and 47 miles of river rental line! How great is that? Accommodations look different that just so happens to also be a here, with very few residential popular fly-fishing destination. Tons of options await you in rentals available in the immediate Accommodations boast stunning nearby towns, but Birkdale Village area but massive campgrounds views and lots of options, including everything from Mary Baggett has a love for community and sharing all that our little towns and the state have to offer. She believes there is so much beauty and adventure here, and that we just have to find it. A licensed North Carolina real estate broker with Century 21 Liberty, Mary enjoys the outdoors, travel and spending time with her husband and children. 16 | J U N E 2 0 2 2
Lake Norman is a great location for boating. Photo credit: Visit Lake Norman instead, all suited for tents and RVs. The campsites P20O23CCoKmmEuTnitGy DUireIcDtoEry vary with respect to electric and running water options — some do, some don’t — so you can rough FayWeetlctoemevtiolle it or glamp it up to your heart’s desire. If you prefer a home for the weekend that doesn’t fold up into a 2022 Business & Community Directory bag, the city of Apex isn’t far away and regularly has residential homes for rent. Ladies, I promise, pitching Universities Television and a tent is not half bad! Especially when you have your & Colleges Radio Stations best girlfriends to laugh you through it. Once you are set up, the water fun is plentiful. Kayaks, motorized Local Annual Town of Hope boats and jet skis are welcome at Jordan. If you don’t Events Mills & Hope have your own water toys, Jordan Lake Motorsports Mills Chamber has you covered with rentals. The lake also features hiking trails of up to 15 miles to trek if you need a Frequently break from the water. Called Numbers White Lake POCKET GUIDE Schools Public & White Lake is another local favorite. Before we get Private there, let me just tell you to make sure you swing into Melvin’s in Elizabethtown on the way. Take Area Health vol. cash, get your order all the way and don’t mind the Facilities 22 greasy paper bag. Best burger ever –– period –– also exclamation point –– but period! The older I get, WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM the less comfortable I have become cannonballing into murky water. If you are anything like me, you County • City-Wide • County-Wide Museums are going to love the crystal-clear water and white Libraries • on Ft. Bragg • and I-95 & Galleries sandy beach of White Lake. With private residential homes available for rent all along the shoreline, you’ll Local Festivals 18 Month Parks & Live Theatre be all set for morning coffee with a sunrise over the Calendar Recreation lake. Goldston’s Beach is the site for local shops, restaurants, live music and more. Nearby the lake, nline 24/7 stop at Cape Fear Winery and the newer addition of Cape Fear Distillery to wet your whistle. For the FREE to Residents, Businesses and Organizations golfers, Vineyard Golf is near White Lake, and the throughout our Community experience for the value is worth the time out for at least nine holes. While the course was built in the Reserve your Full Page Ad NOW in the 2023 Pocket Guide. 1960s, it was renovated about 10 years ago and really brought back to life. For More Information Call 910-484-6200 I just love that our state has something for everyone! www.upandcomingweekly.com So, what is your idea of the ultimate lake weekend? Are you skiing and gambling in the casino, roughing it with your kayak for an all — outdoors experience, lazing in the clear water or boating and shopping until you drop? Either way, grab your gal pals and make a splash this summer! Oh, and don’t forget the SPF! 2 0 2 2 J U N E | 17
Cat Got Your Tongue? By Leslie Corpening Holidays, birthdays, gender with strangers than extroverts. or current events like the latest reveals, anniversaries and Regardless of whether you are sports scores, movies or television graduations are just a few withdrawn or sociable, most shows are all fair game. Small talk of the events that we gather of us have had silent, awkward may also include self-disclosing together to celebrate. Actually, moments at parties. Small talk is basic information like your name, we gather together to break the cure for these moments. age or work status. bread for just about anything, especially if the bread is free. We Small talk 101 Small talk occurs in the context mingle and exchange pleasantries of situations. Waiting in line to while sharing food, faith, laughter Small talk involves briefly enter a concert is sure to spark and love. discussing positive topics small talk concerning the length that should be general and of the line, the wait time in line Nonetheless, the conversation non-confrontational. Joseph and the anticipation of the artist's during these events is not always DeVito in his book, Human performance. Sitting in an airport productive. Some guests choose Communication, explains, yields small talk concerning not to say anything because \"Small talk topics must be luggage on the conveyor belt, they are unfamiliar with their noncontroversial in the sense TSA checkpoint frustrations or surroundings, other guests or the that they must not be something the flight board showing arrivals, occasion. These guests display the about which you and the other departures and the dreaded proverbial \"cat got your tongue\" person are likely to disagree. If cancellations. Baby shower small syndrome, which describes a topic is likely to arouse deep talk usually centers around the noticeably or unusually quiet emotions or different points of baby's name, gender and gifts. people. Introverts, in general, have view, then it is probably not a When was the last time that you a more difficult time interacting suitable topic for small talk.\" Trivial engaged in small talk? What topics like the weather and time Leslie M. Corpening has worked as a communication instructor at Fayetteville Technical Community College for the past 18 years. Having taught at numerous other institutions of higher learning, Corpening is also the founder and owner of LesCorp Communication Consulting, a human communication services provider. Learn more at www.lescorpcc.com. 18 | J U N E 2 0 2 2
was the event? What were the helps to ensure that the 24 hours a day and seven days a circumstances surrounding it? conversation is week. Choosing not to engage in Was there a conversation? Was non-confrontational. small talk is easy because at times the conversation productive or • Be positive. You don't want to interacting with cell phones feels a disaster? Was there awkward come across as a worry-wart. safer than talking to strangers. silence? The tips below will help If you can say something They are a party host's worst you to engage in effective positive then go for it. If you nightmare. The tips below will small talk. can't say anything positive, help hosts facilitate productive refrain from speaking about it small talk. • Choose topics carefully when or change the topic. initiating small talk. If you • Engage in a dialogue. A • Ask guests to silence phones frequently discuss celebrity or dialogue includes talking, or turn them on vibrate explosive politics, you could listening and responding and then put them away be perceived as someone only appropriately to others. while enjoying the festivities. interested in celebrity gossip Productive small talk is a Encourage them to use good or arguing. two-way conversation. Don't old-fashioned conversation to engage in a monologue mingle and interact. • Choose trivial topics or event- that entails talking but not specific topics that are not listening or responding • Encourage guests to meet controversial and easy to appropriately to others. one or two new people for follow. They will help you • Answer questions sufficiently. networking purposes because to pass the time and stay Providing enough information \"you never know\" who you engaged. to further the conversation will meet. shows a willingness to • Stress similarities rather than engage. One-word answers • Ask guests to pair up with differences. The purpose don't facilitate conversation. a new acquaintance and of small talk is not to win then prompt them to offer arguments or solve big For party hosts, silence among suggestions for activities to problems. Even if the topic is guests is distressing because do at the event. This enables controversial, stress similarities guests to feel vested in and agree to disagree, which hosts want the festivities. guests to have a good time. • Lead the conversation by Partygoers that mentioning a topic that pass the time everyone can discuss. Then by mingling allow the discussion to and exchanging blossom. If the discussion gets pleasantries off track, change the topic to while enjoying keep it lively. the atmosphere are a host's • Flip the script. Ask guests dream. Festivities to use their phones to ripe with good retrieve one thing to discuss conversation, with others. It could be an sentiment and Instagram post, Facebook congeniality post, Twitter post, picture of a are golden. Yet, relative or a new app. the number one small talk Engaging in conversation while assassin today is attending parties does not have the cell phone. to be excruciating. Passing the The expression time on our “mini-computers” “can’t live with interacting with endless it and can’t possibilities like Facebook, Twitter, live without it” FaceTime, Duo, emails, calls or definitely applies. texts should not be the norm. Good old-fashioned effective Choosing to human communication through interact with small talk is much better. Don't phones rather let the cat get your tongue at the than people in next party you attend. Don't let person is easy the cat get your tongue during because we carry any kind of small talk situation them around that arises. Say something to someone and enjoy the conversation. Become a small talk connoisseur! 2 0 2 2 J U N E | 19
Celebrating Juneteenth By Jelia Coleman-Hepner Juneteenth is a remarkable celebration happening annually each June 19, a date synonymous with the end of the United States' historical tradition of slavery. In this sense, Juneteenth is a day for honoring the freedom of all people living in the United States, which became a federal holiday after President Biden signed the legislation on June 17, 2021. Whether you grew up celebrating Juneteenth or have never heard of it, you need to know about Juneteenth's meaning, how the holiday came to be and why it matters to so many people. Juneteenth history Studio, 109 Westwood Shopping Center from Juneteenth observes the day when federal troops 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Come out for a night of arrived in Galveston, Texas, in 1865 to take control fun, laughter and a history lesson on Juneteenth. of the state and ensure that all enslaved people were freed. The troop's arrival happened two and • June 18 The Debonaire Dad Walk & Juneteenth a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation. in the Park will happen on this date, located at Juneteenth honors the end of slavery in the U.S. and, 222 Hay St, from 10:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. This event according to www.history.com, is considered the is a two-part day and includes a Dad walk, pizza longest-running African American holiday. party and foot races. How do people celebrate Juneteenth? • June 19 CSDD in partnership with the Juneteenth affords everyone an opportunity to Juneteenth Freedom will host the Juneteenth celebrate by supporting black-owned businesses Jubilee Heritage Brunch, a ticketed event at and by appreciating and educating oneself through Studio215 downtown. The event will feature a full various activities, including cookouts, fireworks, brunch menu catered by The Friends Table, light barbecues, parades, block parties, etc. People can jazz by the Fayetteville Symphony Orchestra trio, even find events in their local neighborhoods. Even keynote address from NC Poet Laureate, Jaki though the pandemic shifted ways to celebrate, Shelton Green and community awards. many events are popping back up this year. Juneteenth events in Fayetteville in 2022 • June 19 Magic 106.9 and the City of Fayetteville The Cool Spring Downtown District, organizer for the are bringing the Praise Party in the Park to inaugural Juneteenth Jubilee celebration, has a full Festival Park from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. Hosted by lineup of events for festival-goers to enjoy. Magic 106.9's Alysse Stewart with headliner, • June 18 A full-day street festival is scheduled in three-time Grammy-award winner gospel singer Donnie McClurkin, the event also has praise downtown Fayetteville for this day, featuring dancers, choirs, food trucks, vendors, etc. multiple nationally touring headliners, local musical acts, other performances, food trucks, No matter how you celebrate Juneteenth, take the small-business and corporate vendors, artists time to enjoy activities and honor the important and artisans and more. history surrounding that day. It's a day we should recognize the struggles of what African Americans • June 18 The Juneteenth Create & Paint have gone through as a people, what has been Celebration by Love Jones Professional Services, achieved and what the future holds. LLC will be held at Elegant Emerald Dance A Fayetteville native, Jelia Coleman-Hepner is currently a graduate student living in Raleigh. With a degree in mass communications, she is a former reporter for The Fayetteville Observer and The Paraglide. Business, relationships, parenting, entrepreneurship, events and women’s issues are topics she enjoys covering. 20 | J U N E 2 0 2 2
Mommy Makeovers and more “I love it. At 40, Eva Pi of Fayetteville was unhappy with the body motherhood had given her – so she received I wish I had done it earlier.” a mommy makeover from Leif Nordberg, MD. Dr. Nordberg performed a tummy tuck, lifted her breasts, and finished with some liposuction. After surgery, she’s thrilled with the results. 1841 Quiet Cove, Fayetteville | (910) 323-2626 Cape Fear Valley Plastic Surgery offers surgical and non-surgical procedures www.cfvplasticsurgery.com to help you look as youthful on the outside as you feel on the inside. Leif Nordberg, MD 2 0 2 2 J U N E | 21
WBrhaati’snthHe Weaolrtdho?n By Cynthia Ross When we think of our brain generate more than 23 watts Coaching Senior Fitness and many times, we may think of power when we are awake. a Brain Health Trainer, written of people with high IQs, geniuses • Making up 2% of our body by Ryan Glatt, a personal trainer or contestants on the popular weight and using 20% of our and brain health coach. Until show, “Jeopardy.” However our total body energy, the brain is that time I did not realize the brains are different in terms of composed of about 75% water intelligence, they are remarkable (total weight). As the fattiest importance of physical exercise the same in terms of makeup. organ in the body, it consists which helps to promote a healthy Consider these common traits of of a minimum of 60% fat brain. The Brain Health course the human brain. (dry weight). was a fascinating study on the • The brain would have 100 complexity of the brain about • The brain is a complex thousand miles of capillaries if aging. Approximately one in nine organ that controls thought, you spread them end to end people aged 65 years or older may memory, emotion, touch, and if flattened, the surface experience cognitive decline that motor skills, vision, breathing, could be about the size of a can lead to dementia and temperature, hunger and small tablecloth. every process that regulates • It takes about 2% dehydration our body. to affect your memory and other cognitive skills. Babies • Together, the brain and have larger heads to support spinal cord that extends from brain growth and by the time it make up the central a child is two-years-old, the nervous system. brain is about 80% of • adult size. • Gray and white matter are • The person’s brain begins to two different regions of the reach maturity at age 25. central nervous system. In the brain, gray matter refers All these interesting brain facts to the darker, outer portion, have a profound effect on us while white matter describes especially as we grow older. Neuro the lighter, inner section studies are beginning to surface underneath. In the spinal cord, about the importance of exercise this order is reversed. for cognitive health. • The brain generally weighs I recently completed a two- about three pounds, with part course study that included men’s weighing slightly more. • It is one of the most important organs of the body and can Cynthia Ross is an ACE certified personal trainer and group fitness instructor at The Spa Fitness and Wellness Center in Fayetteville. She teaches senior fitness, barre, balance, strength and flexibility, with personal training concentrations in senior fitness and functional training. Visit her on Facebook @Ross Fitness. 22 | J U N E 2 0 2 2
Alzheimer’s. Dementia is currently to reduce inflammation and association of exercise with the seventh leading cause of stimulate growth factors, much other functions is beneficial death and a major reason for like the growing tree metaphor, for cognitive memory. Brain disability. Sadly, many of us have and new brain cells. Different health exercises can also consist had family members or friends exercises promote different results of exercises related to objects, that have had this debilitating in the brain. The 150 minutes of names, numbers and a vast disease. Although dementia suggested exercise per week can array of associations to mainly affects older people, it is include mind-body exercises such challenge memory. not an inevitable result of aging. as Yoga or Tai Chi, strengthening Cognitive decline in a mild form and aerobic exercises. Structured programs for cognitive is not an indication of oncoming Available programs for brain health are not the only ways to dementia. Mild cognitive decline health-related exercises are on the mentally exercise your brain. is normal for aging such as rise, including functional exercise An online game called Wordle forgetting a name or where you with activity. An example of this challenges players to guess the placed an object. Our lives are type of fitness is related to the five-letter word of the day. Other filled with daily multitasking on traditional Four Squares game mentally challenging games many levels. you may recall for elementary include websites such as Brain HQ, Luminosity and Sudoku. The study was complex with P.E. class. In the activity, four all the areas of the brain and numbered squares are displayed If you prefer hard-copy, the functions they have. If I on the floor, each with a different printed challenges, pick up a were describing a brain with exercise to perform. For example, Sudoku book, newspaper the benefits of exercise, the number one square might crossword puzzles or I would describe it as require participants to perform word searches. Multiple a tree with roots. A toe taps; the number two, knee board games promote healthy tree continues raises; the number three, squats; cognitive health, to grow and expand and the number four square for such as Scrabble, its branches bicep curls. When the numbers Bananagrams, generating new are called out in sequence or in Last Word, Taboo, growth with random order, the participants Scattergories and a healthy advance to the number and many more. root system perform the associated exercise. Learning a underneath Studies are finding that the new skill, to support such as regrowth and learning to sustainability. paint or to speak Branches create a new language, new growth with can also be a more branches great resource for and the tree grows cognitive health. with a healthy system resistant to diseases. As The bottom line is what we grow older, we tend to does not challenge you get less exercise and have probably won’t change fewer activities that promote you. Many benefits relate to our brain to think. Our body growing older and let’s face and brain can become much it, we are all headed in that like the tree. A healthy tree direction. Leading an active life begins to break down, branches and implementing supports for begin to break, and the tree takes cognitive, physical and mental in fewer nutrients of water and health are both valuable and oxygen. Although this may sound important. Nothing is wrong dramatic, our bodies are much with growing older; facing the like said trees. different stages of life with the wrong attitude — therein lies The American Council on the problem. How we approach Exercise suggests at least 150 aging is like everything else in minutes of exercise per week of life — having a direct result on our moderate-intensity or 75 minutes attitude. of more vigorous activity — or a combination of both. Exercise Live and love life with health helps to promote blood flow and oxygen to the brain. It helps and wellness. 2 0 2 2 J U N E | 23
OneFayetteville: friends. He was instrumental in helping Rachel through her depression after an ankle injury stopped One City, her competitive career. During COVID, they were both discouraged because the gyms and schools closed. Rachel also noticed that some of her classmates weren’t showing up online for school, One Goal, and she sensed they were suffering, too. Rachel and Manni needed an outlet for their creative energy, so they started making t-shirts from her One Hope dining room and selling them at local flea markets. They wanted to do something with the money they raised from the t-shirt sales, and OneFayetteville was born with Rachel and Manni as co-founders. Their By Angela Berry Lewis first project was a community clean up at Orange Street School so younger children attending in- “Red and blue make purple, and the white person tutoring sessions would have a safe place lettering symbolizes peace and hope,” said Rachel to play. That first project expanded into cleaning Bradford, describing the t-shirt graphic designs up that entire neighborhood. The 40-person group of OneFayetteville, the nonprofit organization the swelled to over 127 and went on to clean up the local high schooler started in 2020. During a time Massey Hill Community. when the country was most divided by red and blue political parties and racial tensions, Rachel wanted They’ve gone on to do many different projects in the city to come together for a common goal to help the local area. Michele puts out a clarion call via the less fortunate, no matter their race or political social media for volunteers, and people from the party, during the COVID crisis. Rachel sensed that community show up to do whatever work is needed. the pandemic was making people more divided and Whether it’s setting up for events for other non- depressed. In 2020, when school was closed and her profits, feeding the community or planting flowers, older siblings were either in college or busy working, OneFayetteville volunteers serve with a smile. Rachel, the youngest of five, felt lonely. Although her OneFayetteville continuously champions for Autism mom, Michele Ornelas, Awareness, Veteran Suicide tried to help by letting OneFayetteville’s mission is to Prevention Awareness and Rachel host her friends ending gun violence. over in their front yard create unity within the community. for meetups, it was still a Their goal is to give back a voice to Volunteers are from all rough time. walks of life — students, citizens who feel their voices are homeless people and other Rachel has always had no longer heard. The organization community members. a big heart. When she Anyone who wants to help moved here nine years ago strives to restore healing to the All- is welcome. They always at age six, she had never American city of Fayetteville. enjoy a meal together seen a homeless person. during these projects. Moving to Fayetteville was Michele believes this is culture shock! But instead of being afraid, she was important because it builds camaraderie and is also full of compassion. Rachel would often find ways a way to ensure that everyone’s eaten that day —as to get food for the homeless, and even their pets sometimes that’s their only meal. A true mama bear, sometimes. Rachel was also a champion for the Michele always makes sure she tells everyone that underdog at school, defending others who were she loves them. bullied or mistreated, in addition to being a peer buddy for autistic students. OneFayetteville also collaborates with other organizations in Fayetteville to help with their Emmanuel “Manni” Williams was Rachel’s cheer missions. One example of this is how they show coach before the pandemic. He’s originally from up for Carl Pringle, aka, Uncle Carl as he is more Florida, and Rachel followed his competitive affectionately known. He puts on “Lunch on Us” the cheerleading career. Manni was living with a family first Sunday of every month at Festival Park, where in Fayetteville while coaching at a local cheerleading he provides lunch for anyone who stops by. During gym when he and Rachel became these lunches, Rachel or her mom can be found Angela Berry Lewis is a Department of the Army civilian. She loves to read and listen to music in her spare time. 24 | J U N E 2 0 2 2
organizing volunteers, young philanthropist is a serving lunch and certified protection officer giving out hygiene and volunteer at the Hoke supplies along with County Animal Shelter hugs. They do all where she helps bottle of this with a smile, foster orphaned kittens because they believe and more. that sometimes that’s all people need to Manni moved back keep going and to Florida to help his not give up. mom care for a sick family member. He is These outings serve many purposes on various still coaching and inspiring young tumblers and levels. First, they bring people together and fill a cheerleaders at Top Gun Allstars. As OneFayetteville’s community need. But the deepest purpose has been co-founder, he’s also still very involved with the providing a sense of connection for so many whose organization and has other charitable aspirations feelings of isolation intensified during the pandemic, for the city, such as starting a low-cost cheerleading as well as for those who were experiencing trouble gym for kids who can’t afford the sport's expense. at home. The outings provide some hours of fun for those working to perform a common task. In doing OneFayetteville is celebrating its second anniversary so, everyone learns to work together and that they’re on June 13, 2022. Now it is set up with a Board of really not that different. The group has brought Directors who are students and other community people together who normally wouldn’t know each members and leaders. This board will allow the other. Such benefits occur as they serve others. group to continue to be a light in Fayetteville while bringing the community together. When asked to Life has changed since OneFayetteville began; the elaborate on their mission, Rachel said, “We are one pandemic is ending, and Rachel’s an almost 16-year- city united in one goal with the hope of showing old honor student at Pine Forest High School. She others that we can put aside our differences and still tumbles, is a member of the Future Farmers build friendships together.” Follow OneFayetteville of America and a part-time hostess at Scrub Oaks. on Facebook and Instagram to find out about Now that she is working, she puts most of her volunteer opportunities, fundraisers and ways to earnings into OneFayetteville. Additionally, the get involved. 2 0 2 2 J U N E | 25
It’s a students through high school Woman’s in its height but acquiesced to World... Fayetteville's Pine Forest High upon its 1957 opening (which became the junior high when the new senior high opened in the ‘70s). Today, reunion groups keep these schools of the past alive. Currently, though Linden youth attend the PF-district schools, the only school with a Linden address is Raleigh Road Elementary on Ramsey Street. By Crissy Neville Other ghosts of the past: Little River Academy. Bethune's store. Kaylin Arno is the 11-year-old owner of Linden's Luscious Llama Designs, LLC. Lake Teresa. Davis Grocery. Cowboy Cove. Zone-Free Linden G reat things come in small River and Little River meet. The NC. Hair Town. The Linden packages. Diamond rings. original land for the town was Auction. Gainey's Garage. Swaddled babies. Foil- part of a grant issued to Gilbert Bowden's Grocery. Denton Ridge. wrapped chocolates. Patterson by King George II Country Crossroads. The Bargain Linden, North Carolina, the in 1744. Barn and Bobby McLamb. The smallest municipality in the most Linden Ladies' Auxiliary. Tobacco northern part of Cumberland With just 130 residents today, farms and tobacco barns. The County (and parts of southern Linden's heyday as a turn-of-the- Linden Community Development Harnett), makes up in substance century railroad stop with a train Club and bookmobiles at the what it lacks in size. If you do not depot, cotton gins, cannery and community building. Memories know this town of old, allow me, several stores is a distant memory. dear to my family include M.J. a fourth-generation resident, to The trackside white-pillared Lucas Gas and Grocery, my show you around. colonial hotel that once housed father's long-tenured store, visitors and railway staff and later Parker's Grove United Methodist Location and History served as a school and private Church, the now-closed and residence burned down in the repurposed church my family Linden is situated on and off '80s. The long-abandoned Linden attended for years and before the Highway 401 and connecting School, 1932-1956, served primary 911-call system, Route 1 and even byways near where the Cape Fear Route 2 Linden. Can anyone relate to dirt roads, unnamed streets, unposted land, rotary phones and the forced busing of country kids to the city limits? Growing up in Linden back in the day meant long-distant phone calls to Fayetteville friends and summers filled with Vacation Bible School hopping (it was the only activity, so you went to several) and mouth-of-the-river swimming. Butterbean picking and shelling — night after night in front of the TV and window- unit AC. A day trip to a lake or the former waterslide on Yadkin Road was always a Godsend. Crissy Neville is the editor of Women’s View Magazine and Kidsville News at F&B Publications. A fourth- generation farm owner, retired teacher and mother of three daughters, she lives in Linden with her husband, Thomas, and a menagerie of livestock and pets, gardens and crops. 26 | J U N E 2 0 2 2
Modern Times Republican primary ballot in Jill Renee Wilson Lee, on October May. The 71st High School and 4, 2021. The Western Harnett High While small and humble, Fayetteville Technical Community School class of 1985 graduate Linden has taken a progressive College nursing program was a warm and friendly face at posture in many areas. In my graduate worked professionally the Linden Post Office, one who lifetime, the town has had three as a registered nurse and in her loved to chat and hear family and female mayors, Velma O'Quinn family 's business. She served as community news. She took good Davis, Marie Jackson Butler a Cumberland County School care of those of us in the town, and today's Frances V. Collier, Board member from 1994 to 2004 and she is dearly missed. and was early in getting water and as a Cumberland County to residents — a great thing Commissioner from 2004 to 2008 Town leaders, past and present, for folks accustomed to wells. and remains active in community have ushered Linden to the place Continuing this thread today, the service and medical missions it is today. And where is that, town board is equal parts female exactly? An up-and-coming place and male, with Mayor Collier Another female hero or “shero” where people in the county want at the helm. Jonathan Collier, is Terry Nowiski, who, along with to live, that's Linden's current Barbara C. Denning, Ronnie S. her husband Chuck, founded location. With neighborhoods Manes, Larry Overby and Betsy Aaron’s Hope, NC, a nonprofit, popping up like dandelions in Small are commissioners. The nondenominational Christian the spring, Linden is growing additional Linden Town Hall boarding school opening soon by leaps and bounds. The rural staffers, Town Clerk Kimberly on Main Street. For boys ages setting is attractive to those who Turner and Assistant Town Clerk 13-17, Aaron’s Hope, NC has the like more land with their homes Debra Hughes Morgan bring the mission of helping teens find than what city subdivisions offer. women to the majority, though. hope and healing through People move here, plant gardens, academic, emotional, physical start farms, build barns and set Outside of Town Hall, influential and spiritual development while up backyard playgrounds. You women live out in the community, promoting family restoration can enjoy the countryside, hunt too. Headlining this list is long- through parental involvement. A and fish or raise horses, chickens term Linden resident, North Fayetteville native, Terry moved to or goats. Often whole families Carolina State Representative Linden a few years ago following buy tracts beside each other, and Diane Wheatley. Representing a 25-year career in education at homesteading happens. District 43. she assumed office on Northwood Temple Academy. January 1, 2021, and her current The neighbors of old are still here, term ends on January 1, 2023. Linden lost a beloved leader with but the demographic is changing. Wheatley is currently running the passing away of Postmaster I see plenty of new faces when for re-election and won the 2 0 2 2 J U N E | 27
I go to Linden Little River Park Churches Building, another town feature to run — moms with strollers, that serves as the community military families, grandparents Collier is very involved at the library, election day precinct with grandchildren and retirees circa 1816 Sardis Presbyterian and rental venue for reunions, out for a stroll. Residents and Church on Main Street, a hub birthday parties and other guests to the town of all ages of community activity for over events. Unity Baptist events this enjoy the park for which ground 200 years. The Sardis Women's year included a chili cook-off, was broken in 2015 and a splash Fellowship is full of lay leaders benefit community yard sales, pad added in 2019. Other for the church and town, such as a candlelight Christmas service amenities include a children's Sue Raynor, Kathy Jones, sisters at Fenwick Farms, an Easter playground with slides and Ann Bowen and Kay Williams egg hunt, VBS and much more. swings; a basketball court; and sisters-in-law Linda and The church has a strong and green spaces; a horseshoes pit; Debra Morgan. These ladies and active women's group, men's two picnic shelters; and a nice other church members like to group, children's ministry and track for walking, jogging get out in the community and community volunteerism. or rollerblading. serve, for exampe, by handing out hot dogs and candy at the These churches are only two of If not recreating, residents also annual Westarea Fire Station #20 the many places of worship. From enjoy event-going in the park; Halloween Trunk-or-Treat, leading Hairs Chapel Freewill Holiness it has recently been the site Christmas caroling and fruit and Colliers Chapel Community of Spring Market in the Park, basket deliveries and helping kids Church to Zion Wall Freewill Holiday Market in the Park and with their Shoe Closet Ministry. Baptist Church and The Vine several Night Market in the Park Community Church, more than happenings. New activities like Not to leave out the men, the a dozen places of worship exist these breathe fresh air into the Linden Christian Men's Fellowship in Linden. town and present an opportunity also meets at Sardis. The LCMF for folks to shop local, sell goods is an interdenominational men's Businesses and services and socialize. group from local churches that promotes fellowship, community Commercial activity is limited However, past blends with outreach, skill development and here. While 3-D and PetroMart present across the street in front fun! Can't miss LCMF events gas stations are open on Highway of the old Davis store where long- are the annual Valentine's Day 401 and the U.S. Post Office time resident, farmer and all- Banquet and Community operates in the town limits, around good guy Wayne Collier Fishing Derby. Linden is mostly a residential sells watermelons each summer and farming community. A — a quintessential Linden site if A church new on the scene is service provider important to the there ever was one. Unity Baptist Church which town and one big on bolstering meets at the completely community spirit is Westarea Fire 28 | J U N E 2 0 2 2 renovated Linden Community Station 20. It hosts the Trunk-or-
Treats, Bingo Nights and Santa's Deep Creek ATV Park on Slocomb arrival by fire engine at the Road is a popular attraction, Linden Christmas Tree Lighting owned and operated by Adamant and other seasonal events. ATV Riders. The family-friendly riders park is a BYOM — bring- While merchants are few, the your-own-machine — mud- service industry is alive and well slinging, adventure-seekers in Linden. Here you’ll find land paradise which also brings grading, timber management, concerts and camping events to lawn care, pressure washing, its property. mechanics, tax preparation, sandblasting, sewing, welding, Crafting is top-caliber in Linden, farrier work, plumbing, cake with female entrepreneurs of all decorating and barbecue ages getting in the groove. Most cooking, etc. sell their wares on Facebook or an Etsy site and set up at the Or if not services, but goods you market events in the park and need, you can source rock and other places. gravel, wood, pine straw, hay, corn, pecans, peaches, blueberries, Check out Southern Flare Design honey, collards and more from Barn for originally designed floral Linden locals. Even goat’s milk wreaths, home decor and gifts for soap and lotion! The list goes on all occasions. Krafty Momma Kate and on. is an online retailer in Linden who makes car freshies, pens, Easter Hair salons new to town include baskets, keyrings, decals, earrings, The She Shack in the town proper jewelry, etc. Lynn Heinrich owns and The Beauty Barn on Linden and operates Linden Acres Farm, Road; both attract clients from where she raises Nubian dairy near and far. Eat like a local at goats and a few other breeds, the 3-D Grill, the only place using the goats' milk to make in town to get a pizza or soap and fudge. Proceeds help cheesesteak, among other feed the goats and provide for dishes. Order ahead, dine-in and their medical needs — items for take out are all options. sale range from soaps and bath bombs to decal-laden mugs. Find Leilani Mae Horse Rescue and Linden Acres Farm online to shop Sanctuary on E. Reeves Bridge or see Heinrich at the Market in Road is a nonprofit on mission to the Park events she organizes. rescue, rehabilitate, and facilitate the adoption of neglected, And to show that good business is abused and slaughter-bound ageless, Kaylin Arno is the 11-year- horses. Volunteers are welcome old owner of Luscious Llama and needed; find them on Designs, LLC, a craft company she Facebook for various events and started during the COVID school opportunities to assist. shutdown. She makes resin keychains, earrings, coasters, car freshies and sells Linden-branded pillows. The #1 seller is her hot chocolate bombs. Kaylin's mom, Jennifer Arno, said, \"She loves being creative and thinking of new items to include in vendor events and her monthly mystery boxes.\" Linden may come in a small 29 package, but it is one worth opening. Every. Time. 2022 JUNE |
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