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Home Explore Kidsville News May 2022

Kidsville News May 2022

Published by Up & Coming Weekly, 2022-05-02 20:50:11

Description: The Cape Fear Region's fun family magazine for kids in grades K-6 and their families.

Keywords: Kidsville News May 2022,Cape Fear Region Kidsville News May 2022,Fayetteville Kidsville News


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Proudly sponsored by: UP & COMING WEEKLY My paper TThhee CCaappee FFeeaarr RReeggiioonn’’ss FFuunn FFaammiillyy NNeewwssppaappeerr •• MMaayy 22002222 Here’s to Your Health F REE

May is Wally Watt Watcher Electrical Safety Month! Willy Water Drop May is Electrical Safety Month, and Wally Watt Watcher with Fayetteville PWC is here to help you learn how to stay safe around electricity. Unscramble the words below and follow the safety tips provided. And remember, if you think something is dangerous, ask an adult for help. 1. Don’t drag appliances by its ________. drco 2. Never stick things into electrical _________. ecktoss 3. Don’t go near downed _______ lines. eowrp 4. Water and electricity don’t mix, so never put electric ________ near water. psecnailpa 5. Don’t plug too many cords into an ______. ltteuo 6. Climbing is fun, but don’t climb _______ poles or trees that are close to power line. iilutty 7. Frayed power cords can be __________. Tell a grownup about damaged plugs and cords. egrnadsuo 8. Don’t ever climb the _______ around an electrical substation. ceefn 9. Fly ______ far away from power lines and substations. ietks 10. Tell your friends and family it’s cool to be ________ around water and electricity! efsa Answer Key 10. safe 8. fence 4. appliances 6. utility 1. cord 2. sockets 7. dangerous 9. kites 5. outlet 3. power Share What You Learn with Friends and Family! Various artwork from © 2 or call the Communications & Community Relations O ce at 223-4009 May 2022

THE FUN FAMILY NEWSPAPER Hi, Kids! of Cumberland, Harnett & Hoke Counties ihaOniWymerboouitvCuogoYuphteruhrhooersalntedtuyrnowect”NrfddaofekoaheanodsPrrtweylcdltoeld,aiieansceaZl.sytlposaeeeth,”fhnaesweaipledsafaienfohcn“litduylmCyahdosankoi,pinnusdincwnoiraeng“girhlbWxnehteefaoictitnhrrntdthectneitythoii.ressrhnaeeiHisesninssssie”gginsvdaaauiaetalenntenttahnnydht.dmiewdtLnsas“eiWhglsnAnegaledsreeaoreroneplreatwlulpndmatieneinhd,bnl”dloselog“nrnerCteuteeuhpyoatsteprdmsrtoieheipesnenecotrlsfluyfydoaoeotudennsaigteihendtg. the Find out even more about New PUBLISHER Bill Bowman aMZneadaylraaanrrtdeiciylneesltl.hoYweo-ouet’ylhleeldorvKpeeidtnhsgveuiilrlienfasNm! eowuss! Until next time, [email protected] EDITOR Crissy Neville [email protected] OPERATIONS MANAGER Paulette Naylor accounting PRODUCTION MANAGER/ GRAPHIC DESIGNER Dylan Hooker [email protected] SALES & MARKETING Jim Shaffer [email protected] Linda McAlister [email protected] DISTRIBUTION DIRECTOR/ SALES ADMINISTRATOR Laurel Handforth [email protected] IILLUSTRATOR Cover & Truman • Dan Nelson Copyright © 2020 by Merrigold Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this issue may be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without permission of the publisher or copyright holder. Neither participating advertisers nor the publishers will be responsible or liable Itrmfoenelsracee.tpmreivhsrieoisnaintnlohe.fteoCnrrrumehigsmiphaldtotbironeteornsn,i,eb’amdslneitisdsfuaoppnbrreyimnurmstniusssisboosimsloriicontiitynsttpeedstodohgmmorpauaaupltnbhdeulriicissiaacnhlrl.cisepMliurtgrsdeno,reerrasdirn.gtoTwablmyhdoeraePk,pu,puaboabdlrriledsionshrhtteihnesoergsrsr,, guardian. Various pictures and vectors © freepik & Vecteezy. to our partners for sponsoring our Kidsville News! in literacy initiative May 2022 UP & COMING WEEKLY 3

Healthy Eating Habits A re you a healthy Group. Fruits may be fresh, cauliflower and a large and refined grains. Whole eater? The United frozen, canned or dried, menu of choices. grains contain the entire States Department and may be whole, cut-up, grain kernel and include of Agriculture developed pureed or cooked. At least Grains whole-wheat flour, cracked a guide called MyPlate to half of the recommended wheat, oatmeal, whole help Americans of all ages amount of fruit should Any food made from grain cornmeal and brown eat a more nutritional diet. come from whole fruit, wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, rice. Refined grains are Each person’s age and rather than 100% fruit juice. barley or another cereal milled, a process that not gender determine what Berries, apples, oranges, grain is a grain product. omly removes the kernel they should eat. Why is bananas and more await Bread, pasta, breakfast to make the product finer a healthy diet needed? you in the fruit group. cereals, grits and tortillas and long-lasting but also, According to the USDA, it’s are examples of grain unfortunately, removes because “the benefits of Vegetables products, along with dietary fiber, iron and healthy eating add up over popcorn, rice, oatmeal many B vitamins. Refined time, bite by bite.” Small Any vegetable or 100% and more. grain choices should be changes matter. MyPlate vegetable juice counts enriched to add nutritional recommends that you as part of the Vegetable Grains are divided into two value back. Group. Vegetables may subgroups: whole grains • make half your plate be raw or cooked; fresh, fruits and vegetables frozen, canned or dried; and focus on whole and may be whole, cut-up fruits, or mashed. • make half your plate Based on their nutrient fruits and vegetables content, vegetables and vary your veggies, are organized into five subgroups: dark green; • make half your grains red and orange; beans, whole grains, peas and lentils; starches; and other vegetables. • eat different proteins, The vegetable group features foods like broccoli, • and move to low-fat squash, chickpeas, corn, or fat-free dairy milk or yogurt. Let’s learn about the top tier foods first: fruits, vegetables and grains. Fruits Any fruit or 100% fruit juice counts as part of the Fruit 4 May 2022

Proteins and Dairy Products esides fruits, vegetables Dairy Products or paste; and some leafy greens, including collard and turnip greens, B and grains, humans need The Dairy Group includes milk, spinach, kale and bok choy. These food from the protein yogurt, cheese, lactose-free milk, alternatives, however, are not part of and dairy groups or substitutes for fortified soy milk and yogurt. You the Dairy Group. them to maintain a healthy diet. may be surprised to find out the The United States Department of group does not include foods made May Agriculture’s MyPlate plan makes from milk that have little calcium recommendations for our protein and a high-fat content such as May 5 Celebrated in Mexico as and dairy intake. cream cheese, sour cream, cream Cinco de Mayo, this date is a and butter. national holiday in remembrance Protein Foods of the Battle of Puebla in 1862 in Want to build and maintain strong which Mexican troops defeated People obtain protein in their diets bones? Dairy products are for you, the invading French forces of by eating seafood; meats such as then. Foods in the Dairy Group Napoleon III. beef, pork, lamb and poultry; eggs provide nutrients that are vital for May 8, 2022 Mother’s Day is a from chickens and duck; beans, the health and maintenance of your celebration honoring the mother of peas and lentils; and nuts, seeds, and body; calcium, potassium, vitamin D the family or individual, as well as soy products. Eating a wide variety and protein. motherhood and the influence of of protein foods helps supply the mothers in society. In the U.S., it is nutrients your body needs. celebrated on the second Sunday in May. Meat and poultry choices should be Calcium and vitamin D build bones May 14, 1796 The smallpox vaccine lean or low-fat, like 93% lean ground and teeth and help maintain bone was developed by Dr. Edward beef, pork loin and skinless chicken strength as you grow older. Dairy Jenner, a physician in rural breasts. Vegetarian options in the products are the main source of England. Within 18 months, 12,000 MyPlate Protein Foods Group include calcium in American diets. persons in England had been eggs, beans, peas, and lentils, nuts, vaccinated, and the number of seeds and soy products like tofu. Those who do not eat or drink dairy smallpox deaths dropped by two- products can consume alternatives thirds. Proteins provide nutrients that are including calcium-fortified juices May 21, 1881 The American Red vital for the health and maintenance and calcium-fortified plant-based Cross was founded by Clara Barton. of your body and function as building milk alternatives such as rice milk The organization today provides blocks for bones, muscles, cartilage, or almond milk; canned fish such volunteer disaster relief in the U.S. skin and blood. They are also one of as sardines and salmon with bones; and abroad. Community services the three sources of the calories your tofu made with calcium sulfate; include collecting and distributing body uses to produce energy. tahini, which is sesame butter donated blood and teaching health and safety classes. May 2022 May 30, 2022 Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for mourning the U.S. military personnel who have died while serving in the United States armed forces. It is observed on the last Monday of May. 5

PYeellnogwu-EiynesD Scientific Classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Aves Order: Sphenisciformes Family: Spheniscidae Genus: Megadyptes Species: M. antipodes The Antarctic been extinct between 24 and 25 deserving of our help million years. and protection. is not the only place to see penguins. They can also be found in much Did you know that yellow-eyed • Predators like ferrets and humans warmer homes like New Zealand. In penguins are the most endangered threaten them by destroying fact, eight species of penguin can penguin species in the world? Let’s their habitat. be found on the various islands that learn more about this rare bird. make up the country. • The yellow band of feathers • The Maori name for the yellow- surrounding their eyes is what Some fossils found on the islands eyed penguin is hoiho. This inspired their name. suggest that penguins may have translates to noise shouter. originated in New Zealand and that In New Zealand, seeing native the yellow-eyed penguin might be • They are very shy and build their penguins is a popular tourist the most ancient species of penguins nests in private areas. attraction, which is good for the still alive today. penguins because it encourages • They might dive 200 times a day people to protect these birds and The very first ancient penguins, to catch prey on the sea floor. their habitats. The Recovery Plan is a which are now extinct, evolved 62 project working to protect the yellow- million years ago. • They can dive up to 492 feet deep. eyed penguins and prevent their extinction. Locals also help protect These fossils were found in New • Their favorite prey is small fish the penguins by training their dogs Zealand. Most of the ancient and squid. to chase away local predators during penguins were much larger and breeding season when the chicks are taller than the ones that are alive • Only 4,000 yellow-eyed penguins most vulnerable. today. These ancient penguins have exist now in the wild. • They are rare and endangered, 6 May 2022

New Zealand Zealand were the Dutch. An explorer • The capital is named Abel Tasman found it in 1642. Wellington. Europeans didn’t start regularly visiting the island until whalers, sealers and • The most populous traders started coming in the 1830s. city is Auckland. Among the most rested countries The British wanted to stop the • The official languages surveyed by Sleep Cycle, an app that lawlessness in the area and keep the are English and Māori. tracks how much shuteye people are French from establishing a colony. They getting, New Zealand ranks first with also started taking land from the Māori, • The area is 103,883 square miles. citizens clocking up more than 7.5 hours which started a war for control of North per night. Island. In the 1870s, the British sent • Australia is the nearest neighbor, thousands of settlers to New Zealand. 1,000 miles away. Location New Zealand is an island country in the southwestern Pacific Population Today, the majority of New • A nickname for people from New Ocean. It consists of two main Zealand’s population of 5.1 million is of Zealand is “Kiwis.” landmasses — the North Island and the European descent. The Māori are the South Island — and over 700 smaller largest minority, followed by Asians and • New Zealand was the first county to islands. Pacific Islanders. The island’s culture is give women the right to vote. That mainly Māori and British. was in 1893. History The Māori are the indigenous Polynesian people of mainland New • The country’s name comes from a • New Zealand is officially a separate Zealand. Māori originated with settlers Dutch mapmaker who named the colony within the British Empire. from East Polynesia, who arrived in New island Nieuw Zeeland. Zealand on canoe voyages between 1320 • Elizabeth II is the queen of New and 1350 A.D. • The Māori call the land Aotearoa. Zealand and the head of state. • Aotearoa means “Land of the Long • New Zealand was one of the last White Cloud.” major landmasses settled by humans. The first Europeans to discover New • Rugby is the most popular sport. Hidden Picture Puzzles! Answers on Page 21 May 2022 7

Māori Weaving W eaving is a craft involving the interlacing of threads or other the winters. They used their natural flexible materials to create fabrics, surroundings to create art, tell stories baskets and other usable objects. In past and celebrate their gods. times, weaving was a necessity of life for people all over the world, like the Māori of After the European settlers arrived New Zealand. While no longer essential in the modern world, weaving exists still as with different fibers like wool and an art form today. cotton, weaving flax was not as Weavers made many everyday objects like clothes, mats, baskets, fishing nets and eel important for surviving the cold Image via traps. They used flax in a lot of their work winters. Now many Māori practice because flax is a common plant all over the island of New Zealand. The bushes weaving again to keep the tradition (te whare pora) and other arts typically have very strong and durable outer leaves alive and to connect with their ancestors. pursued by women. that the Māori used for weaving. • Flax leaves are very strong, but when • Weavers had to go through Māori weaving is unique to New Zealand. treated can also be as soft as silk. The traditional techniques use local flax initiation ceremonies and years plants to create one-of-a-kind designs. • Other uses for flax include using the For the Māori, weaving was about more than just creating clothing to survive flowers to sweeten food and drinks and of intense practice. flax root juice as a wound disinfectant. • Part of this practice was learning • Weaving was a very spiritual art form the many kinds of weaving and for the Māori. incorporating varied materials. • Women were usually the weavers. • For example, taniko is a weaving • Hineteiwaiwaa is the Māori goddess technique that was used to decorate of weaving. the borders of fine garments, like • She represents the house of weaving those worn by chiefs. https://www.tepapa.govt.nzh/dttipscso:/v/ewr-wcowll.elicvteiosncsi/ernecade-.cwoamtc/h-play/maori/maori-weaving http://ngaitahu.iwi.nzh/ottupr_ss:/t/owriewsw/th.ber-iatratn-onf-iwcae.acvoimng//art•/lehpttrpe:/c/ T hey might not get as much attention as apples, oranges or bananas, but pears pack a nutritional punch that puts them on par with other popular fruits. A medium-sized pear provides of Nutrition and University found Dietetics, pears that individuals roughly 21% are loaded with who consume antioxidants that fruits like pears of the daily can help people that are rich in reduce their risk anthocyanin, recommended for cardiovascular which is a disease and flavonoid with value of fiber, cancer. In antioxidant-like addition, one effects, have an essential study from a lower risk of researchers developing Type 2 For educational resources, visit component of at Harvard diabetes. a healthy diet that helps keep May 2022 Report Stormwater Pollution: hunger and blood 910-433-1613 sugar levels in 8 check. According to the Academy

Healthy You! Name the Flowers Plant a Garden Maze L __ __ __ Answer Keys: S __ __ __ __ __ __ 7,000 Pages of T__ __ __ __ Science and Nature D __ __ __ __ Activities for Kids V__ __ __ __ __ 9 May 2022

?? ? ? ?? ?? ?? ? ?? ?? What’s It Like to Be? ? ? ? ? ?? ?? ? ? ? ?? ? ? A Restaurant Owner Jamie Adkins Please share with our market features locally and restaurants over the years. My away from home! And, I try to readers your name, uniquely made food products first job was as a waitress at surround myself with hard- profession and some details including cookies, pepper jelly, age 15. I worked in restaurants working, fun and dedicated about your job. toffee, cheese straws, elderberry through high school and team members. A strong team My name is Jamie Adkins, and gummies and syrup, rice and college and after graduation. and a fun atmosphere are what I own and operate a restaurant our own Jamie’s Poppyseed make Broad Street Deli special. named Broad Street Deli and Dressing. Describe a typical day on Market, Inc., in Dunn, N.C. We your job. What are some challenges are open for lunch Tuesday- When and why did you My typical day begins around you face? Saturday from 11 a.m. until 3 decide on this career path? 7:00 a.m. in the kitchen at The high cost of food and gas p.m. My husband Jeff and I Jeff has always liked to cook Broad Street. I put the soup of is a great challenge for us. It opened the deli 17 years ago. and try new recipes, and I the day on to cook and then is very difficult for us to get love to serve people. Since bake cookies. Next comes some foods that we regularly Broad Street Deli and Market is we had both worked in other slicing deli meat, making serve like chicken, bacon and a quaint, friendly, neighborhood restaurants when we were chicken salad, pimento cheese some cheeses. sit-down lunch restaurant in in high school and college, and marinated slaw. My deli Harnett County. We offer freshly opening one of our own was team comes in around 8:30 a.m. What would you like others made salads, sandwiches, our dream. So, when a great and begins the preparations for to know about owning and wraps, soups and desserts. location became available in their particular shifts that day. working in a restaurant? our town’s historic downtown After hours, we clean up and Everyone should know how In addition to dine-in lunch district, we decided to “go for plan for the next day. hard working in a restaurant service, we offer take-out, it!” That milestone happened 17 can really be. Serving the public curbside delivery and outdoor years ago. What do you like best about is not an easy job, but it can dining, as well as boxed lunches your work? be very rewarding. To have the and deli platters. We have also What training or education What I like best about the deli opportunity to serve guests and added a “Grab and Go” area. did you obtain to enter this is the people — the guests we brighten their day with a simple You can find pounds of our field? serve each day and the team of smile and kind word makes it chicken salad, pimento cheese, I have a bachelor’s degree in people I work with. We call our all worth it. It warms my heart slaw, potato salad, pasta salad psychology from a four-year customers “guests” because we to see guests laughing and and desserts in the Grab and university and had a lot of want them to feel like they are smiling as they leave Broad Go refrigerator. Our in-house hands-on experience in other a guest in my and Jeff’s home. Street Deli and go back out to The deli really is our home continue their day. 10 May 2022

MATHTIME 1. Six rabbits had a race. Peter and another rabbit tied for second place. Pokey came in last. Flopsy was ahead of Cottontail. Cottontail beat Hopper. Mopsy was beaten by only one other rabbit. First: Second: and Third: Fourth: Fifth: Color the rabbit! Answers on Page 21 Send it!* Sandhills Hey, Kids! Pediatric & Family We want to remind you to send us your photos, Dentistry original artwork, letters, poems and stories, We would really love hearing from you. We Dental care for the whole family. may even print them in a later issue or include them on our cool website. Free orthodontic consultations. Se habla Español. Happy Mothers Day! Name: Age: 1st Dental Address: Grade: Visit at Age 1! City: State: Zip: Bryan C. Dunston, DDS, Board Certified Phone: Pediatric Dentist Name of your School or location where you picked up a copy of Kidsville News!: 55 Amarillo Lane, Sanford NC Parent, Teacher, Guardian Signature (Permission): (Located off Buffalo Lake Rd., 8 miles Email: north of Spring Lake near Carolina Lakes) (Receive a “Free” online subscription of Kidsville News!) Send to: 208 Rowan Street Fayetteville, NC 28301 • 910-484-6200 May 2022 11

12 May 2022

May 2022 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 31 24 53 6 7 8 9 10 11Clean Up Your 12 13 14 Room Day 21 15 16 17Love a 18 19 Frog Jumping Tree Day Day National Endangered 25 Species Day 20 National Brown 28 National Chocolate Bag It Day World Plant a Pick Chip Day Vegetable Garden Day Strawberries Day 23 24 26 27 Lucky 31 Penny Sally Day Ride Learn about MayDay 29 30Composting Day 13

HOAETALBTRHEYADBANANA Makes 1 loaf Healthy banana oat bread is a nourishing take on a classic recipe with a few wholesome swaps. It’s quick, delicious and a great way to use up bananas that inevitably get ripe before you can eat them. This recipe comes from North Carolina cook Kalin Williams and her monthly food blog, An Abundance of Flavor. Ingredients 1/3 cup coconut oil Instructions Add the dry ingredients to 1 cup whole wheat flour melted (or swap for Preheat the oven to 350 the wet ingredients and stir 1/2 teaspoon baking soda unsalted butter) degrees Fahrenheit. to combine. If using chocolate 1 teaspoon baking 1/2 cup milk of chips, add at this time. Pour powder your choice In a mixing bowl, combine into a well-sprayed or lined 1 cup old fashioned oats + 1 teaspoon vanilla extract dry ingredients: wheat flour, loaf pan. Sprinkle any leftover 1 tablespoon to reserve 2 eggs baking soda, baking powder, oats on top and cover with foil. 1 tablespoon cinnamon 1/2 cup chocolate chips or oats and cinnamon. 2 ripe bananas raisins optional Bake covered for 45 minutes. 2/3 cup honey In a large mixing bowl, mash Remove the foil and continue the bananas well. Whisk cooking 15-20 minutes or until in wet ingredients: honey, a toothpick comes out clean. coconut oil, milk and vanilla. Let cool before serving. Whisk in the eggs one at a time. 14 May 2022

Answers on Page 21 May i books throug May 2022 Truman’s 15 Tricky Picture Find these items! Be sure to find Truman’s hat! Look for more fun and games at

Answering Questions about Added Sugars T hanks to during processing. The Centers for Disease Control each day. The American Heart the internet, Association is even more the average What distinguishes sugar and Prevention notes that cautious, urging women to consumer from added sugars? overconsumption of added consume no more than six now has access to more sugars can contribute to an teaspoons of added sugars per information than ever before. Many foods, including fruits and assortment of health problems, day while recommending that In the days before the internet, vegetables, naturally contain including obesity, Type 2 men limit their intake to nine or trust factored heavily into the sugar, but a difference exists diabetes and heart disease. fewer teaspoons per day. consumer-business relationship. between natural sugars and That’s especially troubling when Though trust still has a place in added sugars. Natural sugars, considering just how much Unfortunately, data from that relationship, consumers can like those found in fruits and added sugars the average the USDA released in 2020 now access product reviews on vegetables, contain calories and person consumes. indicates that the average male seemingly anything, removing nutrients, while added sugars between the ages of two and much of the risk associated with 19 consumed 18 teaspoons per buying a product or service. contain all the calories without The U.S. Departments of day, while the average female However, many consumers are the nutritional value. Agriculture and Health and in that age group consumed not making the most of that 15 teaspoons per day, meaning access, particularly when it So why is sugar added to Human Services update their adults age 20 and over comes to buying food. foods and beverages? Dietary Guidelines for Americans consumed roughly the same at least once every five years. number of added sugars each When buying food, individuals Manufacturers add sugars for In 2020, those guidelines day as younger people. can rely on product labels to many reasons. According to the recommended that individuals determine nutritional value. Mayo Clinic, added sugars can over the age of two limit their What can consumers do A quick glance at food labels provide additional flavor, serve as added sugar consumption to to avoid overconsumption reveals the amounts of various a preservative or a bulking agent less than 10% of their calories of added sugars? ingredients, including sodium and balance the acidity of certain per day and that children two and fiber, that are present in foods, such as those that contain and under consume no added The easiest thing to do to a given product. Customers vinegar and tomatoes. sugars. For individuals two and limit added sugar intake is to may know to check for sodium read product labels and avoid content, but added sugars have If added sugars are so older, these recommendations products with especially high long slipped under the radar. commonplace, how translate to no more than 12 amounts of added sugars. Such That’s unfortunate, as high products may include beverages amounts of added sugars pose a harmful can they be? teaspoons of added sugars like fruit juice, soda or sports significant threat to consumers’ drinks; certain breakfast cereals; overall health. and baked goods and desserts like cookies, pies and ice cream. What are added sugars? Added sugars pose a significant threat to public health. But The Mayo Clinic explains that informed consumers can added sugars are the syrups and do much to eliminate this sugars that are added to foods threat entirely. 16 May 2022

fBooroKkidRs ebvyieKwidss By Nyara A., The Missing Map follows Upton, understand. The drawings make the right direction but develop KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 13 a Bichon Frise (that’s “BEE-shon a fun addition. in a very age-appropriate way. free-ZEY”), a little white dog, The story is a mysterious one, Missing Map: on his journey to recover the Told in Upton’s voice, this story where the characters find Upton Charles- Waldorf Map. Known for his flows well and is easy to follow, adventure as they pursue the Dog Detective canine detective skills, Upton engaging and appealing to the missing map. gets involved at the request of imaginative child. The story Missing Map from the Upton the local police chief. Hot on happens over a few hours, Engaging, fun and entertaining, Charles-Dog Detective series is the trail, he encounters many which keeps the reader on their this book will encourage kids to an enjoyable read. The story is clues while sniffing around a toes. It commands interest from read. It might also encourage told from the perspective of a librarian’s van. He gets help start to finish, as new clues and children to think about animals dog who “share” his thoughts from his cat friend, Watson, and hints necessary in solving the or pets and wonder whether and ideas. It makes one wonder a Great Dane and faces a few mystery continually arise. they have deeper thoughts. if dogs know more than you challenges from a doubting think and, if only they could librarian. Will the clues lead to speak, would you be amazed? the map, or will he have to start My favorite part of the book is back at square one? The story, when he proves the librarian told from a dog’s perspective, wrong by solving a mystery. sparks the imagination. The vocabulary is easy to A work of fiction, the book I give Missing Map: Upton portrays very positive Charles-Dog Detective 4 out of interactions between humans 5 stars and recommend it for and animals. Everyone is treated ages 5 to 9. It is available online, with respect except for the where books are sold. potential antagonist — the librarian. She is sometimes mean to the protagonist — Upton — because she does not believe in him. Problem-solving is central to the story as many things go wrong. The clues don’t always lead in May 2022 17

Springtime Catspotting Lynx and Leo Minor By David Prosper Map of the sky around Lynx and Leo Minor. Notice the prevalence Hanny’s Voorwerp and the neighboring galaxy IC 2497, as imaged by of animal-themed constellations in this area, making it a sort of Hubble. Credits: NASA, ESA, W. Keel (University of Alabama), and the celestial menagerie. If you are having difficulty locating the fainter Galaxy Zoo Team Source: stars of Leo Minor and Lynx, don’t fret; they are indeed a challenge. news-2011-01.html Hevelius even named the constellation as a reference to the quality of eyesight one needs to discern these faint stars since supposedly Its “triangle” is most Lynx and Leo Minor one would need eyes as sharp as a Lynx to see it! Darker skies will noticeable, tucked in are relatively “new” indeed make your search easier; light pollution, even a relatively between Leo and Ursa constellations, as they bright Moon, will overwhelm the faint stars for both of these celestial Major. Leo Minor is the cub were both created by the wildcats. While you will be able to see NGC 2419 with a backyard of Leo the Lion, similar to legendarily sharp-eyed telescope, Hanny’s Voorwerp is far too faint, but its location is still Ursa Minor being the cub European astronomer marked. A few fainter constellation labels and diagrams in this to the Great Bear of Ursa Johannes Hevelius in the region have been omitted for clarity. Image created with assistance Major. While home to some late 1600s. A few other from Stellarium interesting galaxies that constellations originated can be observed from large by Hevelius are still in M any constellations the remote starry orb of amateur scopes under dark official use: Canes Venatici, are bright, big and the globular cluster NGC skies, perhaps the most Lacerta, Scutum, Sextans fairly easy to spot. 2419. As it is so distant intriguing object found and Vulpecula. What if your within Leo Minor’s borders eyes aren’t quite as sharp Others can be surprisingly compared to other globular is Hanny’s Voorwerp. This as Johannes Hevelius, or unusual deep-space object if your weather and light small and faint, but with clusters — 300,000 light- is thought to be a possible pollution make searching “light echo” of a quasar in for fainter stars more practice, even these years from both our solar neighboring galaxy IC 2497 difficult than enjoyable? that has recently “switched See if you can spot the next challenging star patterns system and the center of off.” It was found by Voorwerp by participating Hanny van Arkel, a Dutch in one of the many citizen become easier to discern. the Milky Way — it was schoolteacher, via her science programs offered participation in the Galaxy by NASA at A couple of fun fainter thought that this cluster Zoo citizen science project. Since then, a few more And of course, you can constellations can be may be the remnants of intriguing objects similar find the latest updates and to Hanny’s discovery observations of even more found in between the a dwarf galaxy consumed have been found, called dim and distant objects at “Voorwerpjes.” brighter stars of Ursa by our own. Additional Major, Leo and Gemini: studies have muddied Lynx and Leo Minor, two the waters concerning its wild cats hunting among possible origins, revealing the menagerie of animal- two distinct populations themed northern of stars residing in NGC star patterns. 2419, which is unusual for normally-homogenous Lynx, named for the globular clusters and species of wild cat, is seen marks it as a fascinating as a faint zigzag pattern object for further research. found between Ursa Major, Gemini and Auriga. Grab a Leo Minor is a faint and telescope and try to spot diminutive set of stars. 18 May 2022

How Does a Hurricane Form? This satellite image of Hurricane Michael from October 10, 2018, has arrows superimposed on top to show the closed circulation wind pattern that is characteristic of a hurricane. (NOAA Satellites/NOAA Office of Education) H urricanes are among surface of the ocean, the water tropical depression. As the extend up to 50,000 feet from some of the most evaporates and becomes water heat from the water vapor the surface and are usually intense and dangerous vapor before rising up into the continues to condense in the around 125 miles from one end storms on the planet, but how atmosphere. As it rises, the clouds, the air at the top of to the other. The eye of the do they get that way? water vapor cools down and the clouds becomes warmer, storm alone can be anywhere turns back into water droplets, changing the air pressure from 5 to 30 miles wide! The term “hurricane” is another forming large storm clouds. and forcing the wind to move name for a tropical cyclone. down toward the surface of the Winds blowing in from the Depending on where in Four stages of tropical cyclone ocean. This change in pressure east to the west push the the world these storms are formation exist. The first causes more thunderstorms to developing hurricane westward happening, tropical cyclones stage is known as a tropical develop over the ocean before toward the Caribbean, the Gulf can be called typhoons, disturbance, and it happens the wind rises back up through of Mexico and the southern hurricanes or cyclones. The when warm water vapor from the cloud again. The process United States. term “hurricane” is only used the ocean condenses, forms keeps repeating, and the winds for tropical cyclones that clouds and releases its heat keep moving up and down Usually, since they don’t have happen over the Atlantic into the air. The warm air through the clouds in a circular the warm ocean water to feed Ocean or the eastern Pacific continues to rise up and is motion. When the wind speed off of, hurricanes weaken when Ocean. These storms form pulled into clouds, where it reaches between 25 and 38 they hit the land. However, near the equator over warm continues to condense and miles per hour, the storm is that doesn’t stop them from ocean water. evaporate. This process helps called a tropical depression. dumping buckets of rain and to build the clouds higher causing lots of wind damage Tropical cyclones require two and larger. As this movement The third stage, or the tropical before they finally die out. main ingredients in order to continues, the wind begins storm stage, happens when form. The first, which is warm circulating at the very center the wind speed reaches 39 It’s always a good idea to be ocean water, explains why of all of the action. The miles per hour. The winds blow prepared in the event of a tropical cyclones only form moving air encounters more faster and continue to spin hurricane. Simple steps like in tropical regions — they clouds, creating a cluster around the eye, or the calm building an emergency supply need water that is at least 80 of thunderstorm clouds. center, of the storm. kit and coming up with an degrees! Tropical cyclones also This is known as a tropical emergency plan with family or require wind. In the Atlantic disturbance. Finally, when the wind speed loved ones can help keep you Ocean, the wind blowing west reaches 74 miles per hour, and others safe. from Africa provides this. As The second stage of the the tropical storm becomes the wind blows across the developing storm is called a a hurricane. Hurricanes can May 2022 19

By Heather S., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 16 Big Nate Nate hates social studies teacher Mrs. episodes, we’re left wanting more of Nate Godfrey, whom he considers his nemesis and his friends. The translation of the Big Nate is a computer-animated and calls her names like “the school’s books to the small screen is spectacular. streaming television series developed by Godzilla.” Comedy develops in the show It’s clear how much the show’s creators Mitch Watson and based on the comic through the characters of Nate and his cared about doing justice to its published strip and book series of the same name friends, who each had his her sense of material. by Lincoln Peirce. The show has wonderful humor. The animation stands out — characters and amazing comedy and the computer animation makes the Viewers learn lessons through Nate, teaches valuable lessons. It’s an ideal characters’ heads bigger than their bodies, whose adventures teach him about series for families. giving their hair specific lines and an discovering who he is and who he wants exaggerated, stiff shape. These techniques to be, the power of friendship and family The story is about Nate (Ben Giroux), a boy make them look like the comics the show hardships. Nate makes some enemies in sixth grade, as he learns about life and is based on. and, at times, doesn’t know who he can grows into his own, while accompanied trust, yet he always has his friends in his by his friends, Dee Dee (Bryce Charles), The deep characters all have their corner. Francis (Daniel MK Cohen) and Teddy backstories and lines that they mutter (Arnie Pantoja). under their breath. These expressions I give Big Nate 5 out of 5 stars and make viewers laugh and provide clues recommend it for ages 10 to 16. It streams about their personas. By the end of the on Paramount+, so look for it now. 20 May 2022

Camp 2022 NURSES Surgical Mask Methodist Snyder University Music Academy DAY & OVERNIGHT CAMPS 910-630-7000 SUMMER MUSIC & ART CAMPS Athletics • Music Leadership • STEM 910-484-1041 Grades K-12 1. Camp Cumberland First: Flopsy County Second: Peter and Mopsy Rockfish Third: Cottontail Public Library Fourth: Hopper DAY & OVERNIGHT CAMPS Fifth: Pokey 910-483-7727 910-425-3529 May 2022 21

Snyder Music Academy Dthise cAodvevrenture! Summer 2022 FUN Offering Quality Music Education for All in a Christian Setting GEnrosuepmbPlieasno EGnrosuepmbGlueistar STIGONDAUYP! BootCamp Family Adventure Camp fW&oorBorSdatswrisninPgdlsas,y, ers July 3-8, 2022 • Camp Durant is open to everyone! “PeI’rvceusGsoiot nRhCyatmhpms” All-inclusive family camping in Carthage, NC &KinPdlaeyrmDautseiks Camps AND DON’T Cub Summer Adventure Days MISS... Dance Camps May-August • Throughout Central NC STEM-themed events for boys & girls, ages 5-10 Private Lessons Visit or scan here: Voice, Guitar, Piano, Percussion, Strings, Woodwinds, Brass 2022 Summer Reading Program For Details Visit June 1 - August 15 22 May 2022

Visit or call 910.630.7000 for more information. 5400 Ramsey St., Fayetteville, NC 28311 SummerJam! eaSnlMgeuahtevmhUyaseeoln1mstucg1.hee-nuIa1trgitt’8Jsdhaimaatesmhnnioure!cdpsmiepiesocoenuifarafsatfcnieeolcaxlclimmoepat xnoecpuprakssthhemiinrcseiptipilgeaadnwfnftofaocs.itreth ODRApeatcciiotlryinevaCaittlliiaoPesnrssiaevIlsnaAticenclutLMidevsuietssi:oeicnss Talent Show ORCHESTRA | BAND |CHORAL | PIANO Concert to End Camp JULY 11-16, 2022 ForDMr. MoriechIanefloMrmaratitnion: [email protected] Athletic Camps Include: • Softball • Baseball • Tennis • Basketball • Volleyball • Cheer • Soccer For More Information: Scan Here for a Detailed Athletic Camps Brenda McLamb List of Athletic Camps Age Groups Vary Per Sport 910.630.7175 [email protected] STEM Camp rETBiTsnoiiohFpgnSloiiigocscnrigse6ieesyneitn,nharscCici-ehnc8lhsuagtS,edhl,cMfmea-igednaMirnsadtatchyidremceyce,rm,auoHsNmtcbaeuhtuipaoidrclmlestfsoohin,ognrtrygse,.,! Camp Includes: T-shirt SCIENCE | TECH |ENGINEERING | MATH Daily Snacks JUNE 13-17, 2022 Friday Pizza Party For More Information: Maryanne Hickson 910.630.7057 [email protected] VaaCnludoHemS-ooBpncaaeisassstleiyoRd,nIen,sLpDteeoaignvdresireitbsyri,istlyiht,yip: AaTocebhpncxeoeuoephu-nbcfeawrlnorvileeiecrtiseaeeoahnsbkdrpcmciseusele,riueartasfnrykmohni,ircid–ntmpuehggsalreieu,ogmorncmahlrheileobsassfsruceonaishditcgn.ltoeduiidnnnosinetglgisg.a,l LGeaendeerrashl iSphCelatomnp For More Information: JULY 24-29, 2022 Dr. Drew Ziegler [email protected] May 2022 23

24 May 2022

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