VOLUME 15 | ISSUE 5 MAY | 2021 Inspiring, educating, empowering and celebrating women in our community MAGAZINE More inside: Are You Warm or Cool? Color Analysis for Your Best Look CSYhooouwlrors Eat the Rainbow for Fitness and Health Home Decorating Trends Tap into Color Girlfriend Getaways for Spring & Summer
Close Letter from the Editor VOLUME 15 ISSUE 5 C olor makes me happy. From PUBLISHER the baby blue of a newborn’s Bill Bowman, F & B Publications eyes ― particularly the once- [email protected] upon-a-time ones of my three MANAGING EDITOR now-grown daughters ― to the crimsons April Olsen and golds of a summer sunset, color is [email protected] a constant source of joy in an EDITOR Crissy Neville ever-changing world. [email protected] Everyone has a favorite color, too. A North GRAPHIC DESIGNER Carolina State University graduate, I am Dylan Hooker partial to the red-and-white of my alma mater. GO PACK! A farm girl, I also like [email protected] the red around me: barns and tractors, tomatoes and peppers, cardinals and red- OPERATIONS DIRECTOR winged blackbirds. Come summer, however, my zinnia bed becomes a rainbow of Paulette Naylor sunny yellows, burnt oranges, pretty pinks and purples ― a crayon box in soil. [email protected] I also dabble with painting. While my products are only average, the processes of paint mixing and putting brush to canvas are like therapy: relaxing, inspiring, gratifying. I find MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE encouragement in mixing things up and getting requisite results from my work ― a Linda McAlister metaphor for life. [email protected] Mix up the colors and décor in your home to change creatively the atmosphere and cement a style. Be your best self by wearing what works; are you warm or cool, summer DISTRIBUTION DIRECTOR/ or fall, on the color charts? Or, try a new look with a new hair tone, makeup shade or SALES ADMINISTRATOR fingernail color-pop ― or not ― as going natural is never out-of-style. Add a colorful Laurel Handforth variety of foods to your diet to achieve nutrition and wellness. If white rice with steak and brown gravy is what’s for dinner, we should talk. [email protected] How about your relationships and perspectives on people? Are you colorblind or PHOTOGRAPHY INTERN color-conscious? Zoe Black Color is all around us, with the power to affect mood, create climate and change us for MAY the better. The May WVM takes aim at all three. CONTRIBUTORS Come on; let's show our colors. Ashley Blue Dianna Hughes Are you interested in writing? Consider contributing an article or pitching a Rebecca Crain, Ph.D. story idea to WVM. We want to elevate your voice. For more information, email Cathy McCamish 2 | M AwYom2 [email protected]. Be sure to like us and leave comments Alena Barosa on our Facebook page. Namera Graybeal 2 | MAY 2021 Tara Smith Taneisha Kerr Shelia Roberts Keyuri Parab Alison Davis Audrey Hasslocher Dinah Goodman Jelisa Clark, Ph.D. WOMEN'S VIEW MAGAZINE 208 ROWAN ST. FAYETTEVILLE, NC, 28301 PHONE: 910-484-6200 FAX: 910-484-9218 Women’s View Magazine is for, by and about women in Cumberland County. Published by F&B Publications in conjunction with Media Marketing Management. ©2021 by F&B Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction or use of editorial or advertisement without permission is strictly prohibited. Various vector sources credited to © Freepik and © Vecteezy. Association of Community Publishers
Inside May 4 WOMAN'S SPOTLIGHT 18 FIND YOUR COLORS, Meet Suzanne Owen, Cumberland County Schools Principal of the Year THEN SHOW THEM and educator extraordinaire. Color analysis is also the process of 6 CUT FLOWERS identifying the colors, shades and FOR COLOR hues that perfectly pair with a person's Bring buds and blooms inside to complexion, hair and eye color. extend color and beauty. 20 CHOOSE DIVERSITY 8 ESCAPE WITH ART Are you colorblind or color conscious in Many citizens have tapped into their your relationships? This insightful article creative side during the pandemic to helps you take notice. take advantage of extra time at home. 22 TATTOOS = ART ON SKIN 10 COLORFUL Tattoos are self-expressions on skin. TABLESCAPES Writer Shelia Roberts celebrates hers Polish Pottery is not your everyday in this article, offering advice and earthenware. These historical dishes information on this ancient art form. and collector items are historic, beautiful and functional. 24 COLOR RUNS FOR FUN When the Happiest 5K on the Planet™ 14 INTERIOR COLORS COUNT comes to town, people run to participate. Paint companies introduce color Learn about The Color Run and Glow of the year campaigns to help inspire Run events here. homeowners in their next design project. Find this year's brainchild here. 26 COLOR THEORY FOR LIFE AND CAREER Contributor Taneshia Kerr explains the wide-ranging applications of Color Theory - the art and science of how color is used. 16 A RAINBOW OF NUTRITION 28 GIRLFRIEND GETAWAYS The right color choices in foods can Jump in the car with some gal pals give the immune system power, help and explore Alena Barosa's travel eyesight, encourage growth and recommendations that dot the strength, heal aches and pains Carolina landscape. and protect against illness. 2021 MAY | 3
Woman's Carolina School Report Cards data. Spotlight Suzanne Owen \"I always wanted By Keyuri Parab to be a turnaround principal. When Suzanne Owen calls herself a \"Cumberland girl.\" asked if I could put everything (I A Fayetteville resident since 1978, Owen, who has had) learned into a dedicated much of her time and life to public education, is school that was low the Cumberland County Schools' Principal of the Year. performing and turn it around, what would \"My favorite part about being a principal is my gift. Some I do?\" she said. \"So, I people can sing and dance, and I can't but do it anyway, studied (the issue), but my gift is to love another person's child like they are and we made my own,\" said Owen, principal of Fayetteville's Cliffdale impeccable growth.\" Elementary School. Owen credits Before discovering the school’s her passion for improvement to the teaching, Owen focus on teacher understanding, standard-based teaching traveled the country and best practice usage. as a nanny caring for children from Unfortunately, in her second year, the school didn't achieve a different families. growth component \"due to COVID-19,\" she explained. After moving back home, she received \"Cliffdale is such a magical place right now; we have made a her teaching lot of changes and have an amazing community,\" she said. certificate in social \"Our parents are on board with our vision, and some great studies from the things are happening. So, it's been quite a gift to be here University of North because I can see incremental change.\" Carolina at Pembroke in 1997. She then Owen said being a principal is a passion, and on school days, became a high school spends time from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. there. Her schedule involves teacher in Fayetteville making sure everything's ready for the kids, eating breakfast and helped open with them, conducting classroom observations and meetings. Gray's Creek High School and another middle school. She ends her day with paperwork after the students are gone. \"I had many leadership positions in the schools as a teacher, \"Most of the time, I am in classrooms because that's where I but I wanted to be a principal to have a bigger impact. So, get my energy from,\" she said. \"Every single day as a principal I went back to school and became a principal fellow for is very different; every day is go-go-go.\" the state,\" Owen said. \"(After completion) I first became an assistant principal in an elementary school and then principal Owen was named the 2021 Wells Fargo Sandhills Regional at the Rockfish Elementary school in Hope Mills. My next Principal of the Year in December 2020. The Cliffdale move was to a position in Wake County, but I soon moved Elementary School leader moved forward in March to back to Fayetteville to become principal at Cliffdale.\" compete against seven other regional finalists from across the state. The 2021 Wells Fargo North Carolina Principal of the Since starting at Cliffdale Elementary in 2018, Owen helped Year will be announced May 21. lead the school from a low D designation in 2017-18 to a C overall performance rating for 2018-19, as reported by North \"I have been in Cumberland County schools as a student since 1980; I love my school community; I came back from Wake County because I realized there's nothing anywhere else any better than what I have here,\" Owen said. \"So being able to represent Cumberland County schools and the Sandhills region is quite an honor.\" Keyuri Parab is the editorial assistant for Up & Coming Weekly. She loves writing, news and cooking. Keyuri graduated from the University of Texas at Arlington and moved to the Fort Bragg/Fayetteville area in 2020. Originally from Mumbai, India, she speaks four languages: English, Hindi, Marathi and French. 4 | MAY 2021
What’s Your Color Code? We are all born with a unique set of and stable but also perfectionistic, By Dr. Rebecca Crain traits that make up our personality. moody, self-righteous and insecure. Gaining a better understanding of your Careers likely to attract blues include of blending in, being slow to anger and personality can be a fun, informative teachers, musicians, bankers, architects being receptive to suggestions. Careers and valuable endeavor. Personality tests and nurses. likely to attract whites include those of help to assess patterns of traits people dentist, computer programmer, military display across various situations. Reds are generally referred to as the service, veterinarian and FBI agent. Power Wielders. Reds need to look A famous personality test developed good technically, be right and garner Yellows are collectively referred to as by psychologist Taylor Hartman, Ph.D., respect. They are strong leaders and the Fun Lovers. As the name implies, in 1989, is The Color Code. In this test, love challenges. People with this they need to be noticed and have fun. the rater is asked a series of questions profile type are ambitious and They love life, social connections and about likes and dislikes resulting in a visionary but insensitive and self- being positive and spontaneous. People personality type. According to Hartman, focused, too. Careers likely to attract with this profile type are impulsive, four possible primary personality types reds include administrators, police naive and trusting and are likely to be exist ― blue, red, white and yellow. officers, politicians, entrepreneurs, highly energetic and unpredictable. lawyers and salespersons. Yellows pick professions like those of a Generally, code blue people are referred firefighter, travel agent, entertainer, tour to as the Do-Gooders. Blues have Whites are the Peacekeepers. Code guide, retailer or receptionist. integrity and need to feel appreciated. white individuals value acceptance and They are focused on quality and kindness. People with this profile type To access a free online, limited version of creating solid relationships. People are gentle, passive, objective and more the Color Code assessment, visit www. with this profile type are self-disciplined tolerant than most. Whites are capable colorcode.com/choose_personality_test/. Rebecca Crain is a licensed psychologist in Fayetteville with 10 years of experience. Before forming a private practice, she worked in a variety of mental health settings including university, community, corrections, public school and integrated primary and behavioral health. Contact her at www.rebeccacrainphd.com. 2021 MAY | 5
Creating a Cutting Garden Outside for Inside Color By Cathy McCamish T he glittering gold of black-eyed Susan, passionate purple of blazing star, electric blue of balloon flower and polished pink of a rose in a bouquet or vase will add to the indoor ambiance in your home. By creating a cutting garden, you can walk outside and pick a bouquet to bring indoors. This resource will reward you with the natural beauty found outdoors and benefit the plants as they are pruned ― promoting new growth and additional flowers for cutting. A pleasing bouquet is derived from carefully cultivated plants, market since 1881, and order them, too, by going to https:// including annuals, perennials, shrubs and even trees. Using a www.burpee.com/flowers/flowers-for-cutting/. The online combination of all four can give your cutting garden plenty of vendor sells seeds and plants and offers horticulture help, too. variety throughout the seasons. Plant a shrub or two of butterfly bush, camellia, gardenia, How do you choose what to plant? Good plants for a cutting hydrangea or a host of others for another cut-flower source. garden generally have a few unique characteristics: flowers See my resource list in this article for more ideas. The online that last a week or more in a vase; petals that won't fall off resources https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/ easily; and long, slender, sturdy stems that make arranging flowers/fgen/plants-for-a-cut-flower-garden.htm and https:// easy. They should also be free of sap that may irritate the skin salisburygreenhouse.com/flowering-shrubs-for-cut-flowers/ or cloud the water. Foliage, branching twigs and berries can provide more recommendations. be used as fillers, adding a nice touch. Many shrubs respond well to cutting by blooming again Many perennials produce outstanding cut flowers. Pick your and again. Some shrubs like hydrangea and lavender make favorite from the featured resource box to get started or check excellent dried flowers. Camellias can provide winter color for out online recommendations from HGTV (https://www.hgtv. up to three days, possibly longer. Zinnias are easy to grow and com/outdoors/flowers-and-plants/flowers/perennials-for-cut- make great cut flowers. Choose varieties that have longer, flowers-pictures) or Better Homes & Gardens (https://www. sturdier stems and are resistant to powdery mildew. Pinching bhg.com/gardening/flowers/perennials/the-best-perennials- off the flower stems will promote bushier growth. for-cutting/). You can choose a separate, out-of-the-way area in a sunny Fill in with annuals ranging from Angelonia, also known as location for a cutting garden, informally planted for a colorful summer snapdragon, to zinnias, a genus of plants within the daisy family. See the recommended list featured here or for a list of 12 easy-to-care-for favorites, visit https://www.gardeners. com/how-to/cutting-garden/5011.html. You can peruse the best annual advice from Burpees, a trusted name in the seed Cathy McCamish is the horticulture manager at Cape Fear Botanical Garden. She was born and raised near Niagara Falls, New York, where her passion for plants grew after buying her first home. 6 | MAY 2021
display and where cut flowers would not be missed. Or, try flowers in the back of the bed so the shorter plants will also adding annuals, bulbs and perennials to the shrub border, receive plenty of sunlight. Tall plants may need to be staked. a perennial bed or a row in the vegetable garden where Flowers planted close together and mulched may help to the flowers will also attract pollinators. For a small space or keep weeds to a minimum. Weed and deadhead throughout patio, add a grouping of containers for seasonal color and the season to promote healthy, sturdier plants, and provide cut flowers. supplemental water during prolonged dry spells. Decide what you like and note the size, height and bloom Cut your flower stems longer than needed by using a clean, time. Plants for a cutting garden do well in organically rich, sharp knife or snips early in the morning or the evening when moist, well-drained soil. Add compost or leaf mold to amend it is cooler. Strip the stems of lower leaves so no leaves are in the ground if needed, and incorporate an excellent organic the water. Inspect your cut flowers and gently shake or rinse or slow-release fertilizer at planting. Take a soil test before them off to keep those little critters outside so they can do starting to find out what is necessary for your cutting garden's what they are meant to do outdoors in their natural habitat. optimal growing conditions. You can have a soil test done Arrange in cool, clean water to enjoy flowers indoors. through your local county extension office; it's free. Plant tall Recommended fountain grass dahlia caryopteris Plantings gerbera daisy geranium elderberry ginger lily marigold dogwood Perennials gladiolus petunia crape myrtle goldenrod salvia camellia aster iris snapdragon azalea astilbe Lenten rose spider flower (cleome) rhododendron balloon flower lily sunflower holly beardtongue pincushion flower zinnia peony black-eyed Susan pinks rose of Sharon blazing star speedwell Flowering Shrubs butterfly bush bleeding heart Gerber daisy gardenia butterfly weed Shasta daisy hydrangea kerria coneflower yarrow lilac lavender coreopsis Japanese maple rose crinum Annuals rose viburnum spiraea daffodil pussy willow dahlia Angelonia forsythia 2021 MAY | 7 celosia Ohio buckeye
Art in Insolation Creativity Expands During COVID By Namera Graybeal M arch 2020 ― my job announced that our building For creative persons, this time was a gift. Due to being would be closing. My colleagues and I were told not quarantined, serious artists and even dabblers had hours to return to the building until notified otherwise; we of freedom interspersed in their days to dedicate to artistic would work from home via the internet. You know interests. Even though few jobs shut down entirely but why. In a word ― COVID. continued virtually or in amended ways, adults who typically would be at ballgames, PTA meetings, committee meetings I remember that day vividly, as I am sure most of you do. or dining or socializing with friends were now primarily at What in the world? Not go to work? After packing up all of my home. Many activities and services are still in limbo. What things to go home for what I thought would be a couple of better way to fill the open hours than with art? days or weeks at the most, I stood in the room where I worked and tried to comprehend what had just happened. Online art groups emerged from isolation as people sought connection with others. The internet exploded as a mecca for Fast forward one month, and my everyday wardrobe ― learning and teaching art, with frontrunner Facebook hosting nightgowns and pajama onesies ― was unfortunately numerous groups dedicated to artistic niche networking. consistent with the homebody I had become. The world Today art enthusiasts are signed up in everything from adult halted its usual fast pace, and I settled in for the long haul, coloring and Zentangles to sketching and watercolor. what was to become a whole year. One group, Cabin Fever Creative Community, started by With more time on our hands than any time since joining the Facebooker Helen Klebesadel, was created for artists to share adult world, people like me quickly leaped to fill in the gaps their ideas and artworks. The group has 7.5K members today with spontaneity and creativity ― conditions that resided and is still going strong. Painters, potters and artists of all within us from the past. Unfortunately, we also had more time kinds belong to the friendly group. Seeking to build a creative to think and stress about the uncertainties looming ahead. community from a distance, the group invites individuals to What fit the bill best to quiet both voices was art ― share their artistic works via photos or videos, including music, a destresser for calming nerves and an escape from it all. poetry and dance. Namera Graybeal is a professional artist and high school art teacher for Cumberland County Schools. She specializes in drawing, painting and pottery. 8 | MAY 2021
Look no further.F9RBroau2odys0dneH:ent9Bhtayaeke1rasovwDyvii0hgudiianelA-fShmlrslpu4yereLgst,RShr,Gaot8.atSiAsIuIeNlsniMbr0lNoIoNUnD.rraCNcuR-metnyrtGuYGltoY1oLitoidGh2Doenm0slLeOwnllo8tLuTgIc1ow,EigsnbVOfi30,EaOvAthpgesOh1nLewKgye4eeAODmoRdIearAyNctseDunloOCRioktDrildGtgoaVEEfiKusuotVslwolDAEao!nIorEFapNwrNvMnnInaOyNeetGiT.nhdnhtRTfrwhUeehgsablUtwewimfivRoioTSuzotkReihpaOHInyytriFaNbOWhnyroiAUntEOGedsofuS,ughGUDIodor,usSwIU,R’D,sevONLSmtrVmPhYeiielmEnOGlNEaoyealKlbRrLaoDeNWgoLoosobEmerOvFNOsaEEnkevTeuuheaEOtsiknOeiUnTyPhaorewnRDMiKoltu!dRwEdEWhtogcaEAIfCnoArsOisioCuNNyAanksLi,sRafteLkLtU.r-iDrGTohnsDuAlnIiuE,eMblEnoNSrVeIgrhFATIn5kuOtgmeDr’,EuGOhrm5,olsItfBoeNaNsOoIG5eeLRwmrftoTacrLcwtTAurNEy!hbSikaarOulaEUntDeohIeeieAhnSncNsnnuReYsageDmatdiBHgGrOnuoytsnenRhiLLogIytUmlaoldPkooid,EfEiauoEfwDSotfiwn.Auaed!trlaloAyfLigorrsMDrfuIyayoseO,Rsnmltpt.I.oLhshuuSIgVfOMGabwviaoNeSAenIarriOuewtrKNwImmUenilvDuGsoaLNotltDRdeiIathGYsuftOeYnNliwGyehlotCIonTacwrkLygoVOAobG.gniavLaGEgOosEtiuShOsnDeedwfhnK,EnuDIU’oevNFsaLRVDmdIacmynrYeNnOyAOGslEoeCoeRlkbiAoLatdotGNgRlDuLEOosEhferiuOvDsrotaElwTDeVeeAKaiuo!OTtrFaVznlUhrEnonMIpIanHOKaEyNolRNvWtnhorid.htINnREheedOfGiohNiATwkeeInsrlasTkeUD,i-iDGUwmOTivhgzniUthnSepaVOHRhigNFIakWgRr’,iEOOWmEedsiEFfOnNoILrRUsOrD,grOUtTAu,!hSSh,ROUnDNSIeaNnRWYsEgiGOnu It’s what I do. GET TO A BETTER STATE™. CALL ME TODAY. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, State Farm Indemnity Company, State Farm Fire and Casualty Company, State Farm General Insurance Company, Bloomington, IL 1101201 No matter your skill level, your work is welcome in the Cabin Moving mom into senior living Fever Creative Community to show off to the world, which seemed like a difficult decision until can become a way to sell your work, join classes or learn new we toured Harmony! artistic skills. ASSISTED LIVING | MEMORY CARE Group creator Klebesadel stated, “My purpose in starting 910.849.2306 · HarmonyAtHopeMills.com the Cabin Fever Creative Community when it all shut down was to build a creative community encouraging the creation 2021 MAY | 9 and sharing of art to help us deal with anxiety and fear of living through a pandemic that brutally exposed endemic inequalities. I hoped to dilute the 24/7 feed of coronavirus and politics with art. The world is not improved if we do not do our creative work.” A similar creative pursuit is “Inktober,” created by Jake Parker, and is a drawing prompt month, held each October and created for artists to build drawing and artistic skills using inks. Read all about it at https://inktober.com or watch to learn at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpuU1B3_-4Y People from all over the world respond to Parker’s daily prompts by drawing and posting in October. Many groups host these activities, and rest assured that an artist outlet awaits, one that will encourage you to grow in the art you love.
Plate Up Your Next Meal with Pretty Polish Pottery By Tara Smith The backstory If you are bored with your everyday dishes and never touch the china from your Archeologists have found evidence of wedding registry, maybe the time is ripe to change up your tableware patterns pottery made and used in the region with something eclectic, unique and collection-worthy. One look at the beauty, of Silesia over 7,000 years ago. From quality and creativity of Polish Pottery will have you starting on your own set. the 15th century, a brown slip glaze Beware: collecting is addictive! was standard in this area. In 1742, Boleslawiec became part of Prussia. Local potters began to make new items like coffee pots and teapots and used molded reliefs glazed in white over the brown slip. It was not until the 19th century that the classic look still used today became popular. At this time, a more refined clay was being used. A feldspar-based clear glaze replaced the brown slip glaze, which contained lead. Potteries began to use cast molds rather than a wheel to make pottery. In the early 20th century, the peacock's eye pattern became popular. Over the last 400 years, this area was under Poland, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Prussia and Germany. Each of these countries’ influences is still felt today. In the 1880s and 1890s, more than 20 shops in the city of Boleslawiec existed. World War II nearly eradicated Polish Pottery. Eighty percent of all the manufacturers were destroyed during World War II. After the war, Germany forfeited the area of Silesia to Poland, and German residents of Boleslawiec were expelled, which included many potters. In 1946, the Polish government began its efforts to rescue traditional folk art. While under communist rule, Tara Smith is a long-time Fayetteville resident who enjoys cooking, junking and repurposing furniture as well as spending time with family. She and her husband J.J. have five children and three grandsons. 10 | M AY 2 0 2 1
Add Polish Pottery is versatile for cooking and serving. the potteries became cooperatives, degrees. In completion, the pottery As a former military spouse, I have and training programs produced new is oven, microwave and dishwasher spoken to and met many other many artisans. Since the fall of communism, safe. This functional art comes in many military-connected women who also the local potteries have continued different patterns and shapes, and as a started Polish Pottery collections while to thrive. clay product, extends the freshness of stationed overseas. Like me, they fell food stored in it. The hard glaze makes in love with the colors and sought out A collector’s need-to-know clean up easy. Polish Pottery because it was historic, affordable and beautiful. Several well-known potteries were Traditional patterns of Polish Pottery founded after World War II. Ceramika exist, such as the peacock's eye ― a My friend Kim McKinney, whose Artystyczna was founded in 1950 and symbol of prosperity and wealth pottery is pictured on these pages, Zaklady Boleslawiec factory in 1946. ― along with more contemporary has thousands of pieces. About her Most patterns and shapes are known designs. Most Polish Pottery is painted collection she said, “Growing up on a by numbers, not names. If a business in cobalt blues, forest greens, rich farm in rural Missouri with a mom that uses a name for a pattern, chances creams and reddish browns, making antiqued and loved primitives, I had no have it that it is just their given name it very versatile in the kitchen and tastes for crystal or fine china. Polish for an item and not uniform across all dining room. Some patterns include Pottery's folk design and feel caught factories or stores. Quality 1 products reds, yellows and purples, but the my eye immediately; it's affordability are labeled with a blue sticker in pottery is revered for its striking cobalt (back then) was just the cherry on top! local shops in Poland and with white blue color. The fun in collecting Polish Possibly my favorite thing about the stickers for export. Quality 2 pottery Pottery is that all the patterns work pottery I believe, is its history of unique may have cosmetic imperfections. together, even if they are not precisely yet humble origins and here it is, still Lower quality levels have different the same. Note that since the pieces gracing tables today. I use my pottery colored stickers. are all handmade, none is exactly alike. ― old and new pieces alike ― in so many ways.” If you have traveled to Europe, as I began my collection in 1994 when many military families have, you may I was stationed in Germany with my McKinney mentions price, despite be familiar with Polish Pottery. If not, family. My great-grandmother was the perception that foreign goods a love affair with the dishes is easy born in Poland, so I was interested in are pricy, in terms of Polish Pottery, a to start. Polish Pottery is stoneware it from first sight. I visited Boleslawiec price point — as well as a style — exists original to Poland, first handmade with my mother, where we started our for everyone. While the prices have and hand-painted by artists and then collections and have added to them gone up over the last 25 years, just fired in coal and gas kilns at over 2000 over the years. like everything else, Polish Pottery 2 0 2 1 M AY | 11
continues to be a fun way to remember places Inspiring, educating, empowering and we have visited, shopped and bargained. celebrating women in our community With the internet and other shopping platforms, collectors find it easier than ever to search for and seek out coveted pieces. Polish Pottery comes in just about any tabletop dish you need, from dinner and salad plates to serving pieces, casserole dishes and more. Seasonal works like Easter rabbits, Santas, Christmas trees and Halloween pumpkins are also popular. A piece of Polish Pottery exists for every want or need, from tiny miniature tea sets to oversized lidded-casseroles. Signature patterns are only created by master artists. These patterns, referred to as Unikat, have colors and designs crafted to complement each other and are unique to their creator. Since choosing just one favorite pattern is so difficult, it is advantageous that the patterns work together to form a stunning table or display. As I leave you to ponder these delightful dishes, I say Na Zdrowie, Polish for cheers to your health! And, let's also hear it for the fun of Polish Pottery. Happy Nurses week Thank you for working tirelessly to provide comfort and compassion for each of our patients and their families. Not all Nurses save lives. God made some to give out angel wings and called them Hospice Nurses. We are so lucky to have each and every Nurse here at Cape Fear Valley Hospice and Palliative Care. Want to join our amazing team? Please call 910-609-6710 for more information. 12 | M AY 2 0 2 1
Grow Gray Hair Out Gracefully A staff report G ray hair is a natural side effect of aging, but the rate at which hair grays differs by genetics and other factors. Some people may go gray almost overnight, while others gray gradually, often first at the temples and then spreading slowly from there. Aging women often wonder if they should cover up hair can take some time. Transition naturally to gray hair their gray hair or embrace it. Going gray is no longer with these simple techniques. something that has all women running to their stylists at first sight of a gray strand. However, for centuries, people Prepare yourself mentally. Hair does not generally have chemically dyed or colored their gray hair or tried other alternatives like henna. A move to let nature take its turn gray overnight. Therefore, people must expect to live course instead has only become popular in recent years. with the gradual change and insecurities that arise as hair starts to turn gray. The process requires patience just North Fayetteville's Venetian Spa owner Amber Upchurch like any other hair change, whether growing out a short spoke of this trend. \"One of the latest beauty trends is hairstyle or your bangs. embracing and accentuating one's natural look, such as celebrating one's gray hair,\" she said. \"Never hesitate Work with a stylist. Hair stylists can make the to ask your stylist regarding color choices and the latest options, whether you seek transition to gray hair a bit easier. Careful placement of drastic changes in your highlights can blur the graying hairlines from the other appearance or simple sprinkles colors. A new hair cut can also draw attention away from such as a bright pop of cotton- candy-colored underlayer of graying roots. your hair or highlights to your natural grays.\" Consider a significant haircut. Sometimes the process Upchurch believes in the \"you do you\" approach to personal can be sped along with a dramatic styling. \"Whether you prefer to haircut that removes much of the color your hair bright blue or dead ends and hair that has not yet let your silver shine, whatever turned gray. color makes you smile when you look in the mirror, this is Stop using color-care indeed the color that is right shampoos. Certain shampoos for you,\" she said. are designed to lock color in place. Some do opt for silver hair and different shades of gray Use regular or clarifying shampoos on purpose, even before their own gray sets in ― a trend to help strip old hair dye from the particularly popular with young women. hair shaft. Switch over to a toning shampoo that leaves a bit of But for those women who choose to go cold turkey with pigment to counteract brassiness in their gray, achieving and adjusting to a head full of gray gray hair. Consider a makeup swap, too. Transition makeup color to give the face a warmer, rosier glow. Avoid dark eye shadows, which can wash out a complexion. Embracing your gray is one way to achieve a natural look, helping you feel confident and beautiful. 2 0 2 1 M AY | 13
Decorating with Color in Mind By Ashley Blue S pending more time at home during the pandemic significant effect. Trim doesn't always have to be white; try has many of us ready for a refresh. One way to do a bold color to give your room an exciting contrast. Did you that is as easy as changing a paint color. However, know painting the trim and wall the same color can make whether it's painting a piece of furniture or a whole house, a room feel larger? Try one gloss and one eggshell in the deciding on color is often tricky. But it doesn't have to be! same shade. And, don't forget to look up. A colorful ceiling can bring a whole new dimension to a room. Try a glossy Why paint? A fresh coat of paint can make the traditional lacquer ceiling to reflect light and draw your eye upward. feel modern, the worn-out look new and a brand-new piece feel antique. The colors surrounding us can change our If you have a hard time imagining what your room will mood and style and even make us look better. If you want look like in a new color combination, technology can help. a bit of inspiration, turning to social media, an app or the Benjamin Moore has a great mobile app that's easy to use great outdoors can be a great place to start. called Color Portfolio.™ The tech feature lets you use your phone's camera or video to see your room in any color. Each year companies introduce color of the year campaigns Take redecorating even further with the Benjamin Moore to help inspire homeowners in their next design project. ColorReader, the company's integrated color capture Benjamin Moore's choice for 2021 is an earthy blue-green device. The built-in feature enables you to match your called Aegean Teal (BM 2136-40), while Sherwin Williams favorite hues to Benjamin Moore colors. In other words, if chose a deep dark Urbane Bronze (SW 7048). I'm happy to you want to paint your bedroom the same color as that see more color make its way back into home trends. If you beautiful blue sky yesterday or the petals of your favorite are a traditionalist, color never left. But for everyone else, flower, this resource will tell you just what color to use. grays and neutrals have been in vogue for a while now. Sherwin Williams also has an app to help see your room The new dramatic color pallets feel very exciting to me. If in any shade instantly. Their ColorSnap® app uses your you love a neutral, accents in these dramatic colors have a camera to paint photos or videos. This feature portrays Ashley Blue is a Fayetteville native who has worked within the building industry for over twenty years. She is currently an empty nester enjoying work on a new nest. 14 | M AY 2 0 2 1
your room with different shades of lighting so you can see just how it affects the paint colors. Another resource helps DIYers calculate just how much paint to use. If you are still overwhelmed with the thought of selecting a color, most companies offer sample sizes to use in your home before you fully commit to several gallons and hours of painting. Once the field is narrowed, here's a tip to help you decide on your single color: paint a poster board size sample you can move around the room and view throughout the day. Everything from windows to lighting affects paint colors. So, if you don't like it, repaint and try again. Don't worry so much if the colors you choose for your project will be in style or stand the test of time if you like them ― it's just paint. No matter what color we are told is \"in style,\" your best bet is always what speaks to you and what makes you happy. The eminent and legendary American decorator Billy Baldwin said, \"Be faithful to your own taste because nothing you really like is ever out of style.\" So, if your favorite is yellow, use it! Even if only in the accents, throw it in; the color pop will make your project feel more personal. If you are worried working a new color into an existing room will stand out like a sore thumb, try repeating it in at least three small places. Picking it up in fabric or accessories will help it feel blended. When asked about my favorite color, I usually reply blue ― my byline reveals why. However, after writing this article, I have to say that Aegean Teal is growing on me. Just remember, paint is a great way to freshen up, and, it's just paint, so have fun! For a little online inspiration, follow these fun hashtags: #ColorTrends2021, #coloroftheyear, #SWColorLove and #interiors #paintcolor. 2 0 2 1 M AY | 15
Taste the Rainbow Fueling your body with colorful nutrition By Audrey Hasslocher Y ou are as strong as the food you put on your plate. Yellow & Orange = Sight & Height The food rainbow provided by the natural and earth-grown fruits and vegetables benefits your Figuratively, of course, yellow and oranges provide health in a wide range of ways. When we fuel our body with \"height\" in that these colorful foods support healthy nutrient-dense foods, we equip ourselves with the tools our growth, development and overall body health. Known for bodies need to perform better, function efficiently, handle eyesight benefits, carrots, pumpkins, pineapples, squash life's stressors more easily and sleep sounder. The right and oranges contain higher carotenoids and lutein levels. color choices in foods can give the immune system power, Carotenoids are plant pigments responsible for yellow and help eyesight, encourage growth and strength, heal aches orange hues in many fruits and vegetables. Nutritionally, and pains and protect against illness. carotenoid is grouped into provitamin A and no provitamin A, which maintains eye health. A study from the National What are the most impactful colors of the food rainbow? Eye Institute concluded that lutein reduces the risk of age- No single color stands out in this query because each related macular degeneration, which is the leading cause serves a particular purpose in the body and a role in human of blindness. health. The best way to eat is to put a palette of colors on our plates at every meal. As the saying goes, we are what we eat, and each color cultivates nutrition. Green = Healing Red = Power Inside of all green foods is chlorophyll, responsible for making greens green. Foods such as spinach, parsley, peas, Choosing healthy red fruits and vegetables, like wheatgrass, arugula and broccoli serve to heal you from tomatoes, strawberries, red onions, red the inside out. These foods detoxify the blood, cleanse cabbage, beets or cherries, increases intestines, rid the body of foul odors, eliminate fungus in the heart's power and ability to regulate blood pressure the body and support the immune system. More and fight against than holistic, greens are vital to illnesses. Red foods your body's survival. deliver vitamins and mineral- Blue/Purple = packed punch Protection like vitamin A, vitamin C and While most fruits and potassium. Deeper vegetables maintain and colors, like the dark hue of support health, blues and beets, usually mean that the vegetable is richer in these purples are known for their phytonutrients, including antioxidants, vitamins and antioxidant properties. Jewel minerals. The phytonutrients that give these ruby beauties tone-colored foods such as eggplants, their color also come with powerful health benefits. purple cabbage, blueberries, blackberries These \"power-giving\" red foods are proven to reduce and plums contain high levels of nutrients such as B inflammation, fight cancer, protect against heart disease, vitamins and antioxidants. Health stores, fitness coaches improve mental functions and more. and medical professionals speak about antioxidants, but what are they, you ask? In simple terms, antioxidants are molecules that fight free radicals in your body, which means if your immune system detects higher than normal levels of free radicals, it has the energy and resources to Audrey Hasslocher is a Coast Guard military veteran, U.S. Army wife, mom of three and MBA grad student. She recently launched her own business, Freebird Communications, a boutique marketing, advertising and public relations agency specializing in startups and military spouse-owned businesses. 16 | M AY 2 0 2 1
fight these off. Refined sugars and carbohydrates are the leading sources of free radical production and are substances worth minimizing to give your body the best chance at fighting off illnesses. Certified nutritionist and personal trainer Hilary McCarthy is the owner and founder of The Playground Fit Happens Here, LLC, and one who recommends a color-rich diet. \"Eating a diversity of colorful foods can be an easy way to get a complete range of the vitamins and minerals your body needs to thrive. The advice to 'eat the rainbow' is often used with kids. And while kids especially need a diversity of foods in their diets, so do adults.\" Therefore, eating the rainbow is not about munching anything with food coloring and Skittles®, but rather about sampling a wide variety of fruits and vegetables in six different colors. Aside from the appealing aesthetic, what's impressive about eating the rainbow is getting a combination of different natural phytonutrients from fruits and vegetables. Eating the rainbow ― a diet rich in different colored fruits and vegetables that deliver diverse carotenoid pigments ― is known for improving skin wellness and appearance, too. This benefit is why a salad will indulge your skin and your entire body more than if you stick to one or two of your favorite vegetables. Try getting the variety and quality of products you need by buying seasonal and local when possible, as it guarantees you a larger variety of fruits and vegetables. Eat a rainbow for your health and wellness. 2 0 2 1 M AY | 17
Accent Your Attributes: A Guide to Discovering Your Seasonal Palette By Dianna Hughes I t’s common to pull whatever seasonal or personal color analysis or your eye color. The way these traits items strike your fancy off the skin tone matching ― identifying the interact and play off one another will shelf when shopping, but have colors, shades and hues that perfectly ascribe you to a particular “season”: you ever wondered why you pair with a person’s complexion, hair winter, spring, summer or autumn. might reach for the same pieces in and eye color. By pinpointing your The variety of colors that fall into your your closet over and over ― even after color analysis, you can ensure you seasonal palette harmonize with your buying countless new items that you leave unflattering shades on the shelf features and give the illusion of a think you’ll love? and build a wardrobe stocked with fresh-faced glow. clothes and a vanity with makeup that You may have noticed that an olive enhance your natural beauty. Why seasons? Think of winter. Icy blouse brings out the golden tones in blues, cool grays and crisp whites your hair and an application of fuschia Here’s the good news — you don’t naturally come to mind, right? When lipstick makes your skin glow. Maybe need to spend any money, see a fancy you think of spring, bright greens you have a royal blue scarf that you specialist or even leave your couch and buttery yellows likely flood your can’t wait to don every fall because it to discover the color palette that memory. For many, associating a makes your eyes pop. Whatever your reveals the best you. It’s pretty easy to particular color palette with each staple items may be, you’ve probably calculate this information yourself in season comes naturally. Once your noticed that specific colors give you just a few steps. So, let’s find out how. season is identified, you can develop a confidence boost when you’re your true colors further with adjective preparing for the day. Traits that matter subtypes such as cool, warm, deep, light, clear and soft. Your color analysis This phenomenon can be explained by When calculating your color analysis, can be as detailed or as high-level color analysis ― sometimes known as you will need to focus on three key as you feel comfortable exploring. traits: your skin tone, hair shade and Dianna Hughes is a Fayetteville native and a 2019 graduate of Appalachian State University with degrees in journalism and public relations. With a passion for writing and branding, she currently serves as an advertising account executive and helps local businesses share and cement their message. 18 | M AY 2 0 2 1
In terms of seasonal color analysis, a Light and deep seasons Clear and soft seasons good rule of thumb for keeping things simple is to go for colors with the same Whether light colors or dark colors A chroma determination is needed if undertone as your skin: cool ― blue or suit your complexion will depend on you don’t fit into the light/deep or the pink and warm ― yellow. how high the contrast between your cool/warm subtypes. The chroma scale features is and how light or dark your depicts how bright, saturated and Identifying your season features are. Those who fall into “light” clear or how muted and soft color is. subtypes have fair skin tones, hair, Clear colors are pure and bright. The First, examine the hue and and eye colors for their ethnicity. As a more gray is added to a pure color, the temperature of your skin. If you result, the most flattering shades for more muted and delicate it becomes. have warm coloring, meaning you light subtypes are soft but not overly have yellow undertones, you are faded or faint. Those with deep, dark So, ask yourself, “Do I look better in either spring or autumn. If you hair and eye colors fall into the “deep” bright, stark colors ― like royal blue or have a cool shade with blue or rosy subtype; the colors that work for magenta ― or in muted, desaturated pink undertones, you’re a winter these individuals are deep, dark colors, like baby blue or dusty rose? or a summer. Easy, right? These and pigmented. Those with high contrast between observations are the foundation for their features are “clear” subtypes. your entire color analysis, and you Cool and warm seasons Those with a very subtle contrast can build it further from here. Pro tip: between their hair and skin tone fall If you’re having trouble determining Cool-season persons are not reliant on into “soft” subtypes. your undertone, look at the veins the contrast or lack thereof between under the thinnest parts of your skin features but rather the overall So, what’s your color analysis? –– your wrists. If these veins appear undertone of their key traits. Those in Discovering it is the key to looking your bluish, you have a cool undertone. If this season have a cool or bluish hair, best all year long. they seem to be more green, you have skin and eye undertone, meaning warm undertones. medium-cool tones flatter best. My Online resources for color analysis cool-season friends should steer • https://thelaurieloo.com/blog/ The next step is to determine clear of warm-toned shades to avoid your season according to 12 appearing washed-out. seasonal-color-analysis possible subtypes. • https://thelaurieloo.com/blog/ On the other hand, warm-season • Winter cool, clear or deep individuals have deep coloring and seasonal-color-analysishttps:// • Spring light, clear or warm warm, golden undertones and, theconceptwardrobe.com/colour- • Summer light, soft or cool similarly, dark eyes. The color palettes analysis-comprehensive-guides/ • Autumn soft, warm or deep for such persons are muted ― not dark which-colour-season-are-you or pastel ― but nod toward neutral • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_ Ready to find yours? brown bases. analysis_(art) • https://www.canstockphoto.com/ stock-vector-seasonal-color- analysis-64285367.html 2 0 2 1 M AY | 19
What's Color Got to Do with It? Colorblindness versus Color Consciousness By Jelisa Clark, Ph.D. I n a viral video captioned, \"and the children shall lead and white ethnicities in American history set the stage for us,\" a father calls his son over to a computer screen and centuries of racial tension and conflict, which remains an shows the boy four pictures of kids embracing. The open wound in American society. man asks his son what he sees. The boy describes two individuals, three boys and a girl. The father probes, asking Those who strive to be colorblind believe it's best to his son what else he notices; the boy explains the children minimize race in social interactions. In classrooms and are having fun, hugging, smiling and kissing. Finally, the workplaces where colorblindness governs interactions, father asks his son if the children are the same. The boy assumptions prevail that even noticing racial differences is affirms that they are. The boy took note of the children's wrong. This approach, however, denies the lasting impact body language, demeanor and gender. He does not, that racial subjugation and oppression have on Black however, notice the color of their skin. This example, along people. The wounds of slavery have festered. Some would with proclamations such as \"we're All-American\" and \"the say that Black men and women are routinely judged on only race is the human race,\" amounts to colorblindness. their hair, speech and body language and are required The implicit message is that the children, who don't see to prove they have no nefarious intentions for being in a race, should lead us. given space. For instance, a Black graduate student at Yale University was reported to the police for sleeping in a typical Colorblindness as a concept dorm room. Not seeing race also means not seeing these painful experiences of Black people. Colorblindness and race-neutral attitudes are favored by many Americans who believe that all men are created Despite these historical meanings rooted in conflict, black equal. However, in 1776, when Thomas Jefferson wrote, \"all and white colors have various purposes combined and men are created equal,\" the then abducted-and-enslaved independently. Together, the color combination is classic Africans were not considered human. The contrast of Black in fashion and home design. If you spend an afternoon and white races took on significant social, cultural and watching HGTV, you'll likely see a couple pairing black political meaning. Blackness symbolized a group of people and white in their kitchen renovation. Similarly, in fashion, subjected to enslavement. Whiteness symbolized freedom, designers such as Kate Spade have made black and white liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The contrast of Black stripes and polka dots a design staple. The colors black and Jelisa Clark earned a Ph.D. in applied sociology from the University of Louisville and is currently an adjunct assistant professor at Fayetteville State University. Her research and teaching are focused on the intersection of race and gender in education and examines how racial ideologies operate and shape the experiences of marginalized youth. 20 | M AY 2 0 2 1
white are also symbolic of new beginnings. Appreciating The UPS Store the contrast of black and white or practicing color Print/Sign Shop consciousness offers us a fresh start for race relations. Westwood & Fort Bragg ANYTHING!We Print, Pack & Ship! We Specialize in: • Acrylic Photos MPaIeNdreSfPeTficocOtrtRuGMErie!oftms • Photo Stickers • Magnets • Custom Puzzles • Signs • Banners Color Consciousness as a contrast • Business Cards To practice color consciousness means understanding how • Digital & Wide Format race impacts yourself and others. This knowledge begins with you. Check yourself through asking questions such Printing ADEpeGvtploeiirvfretMeycsrwoiioanmhftgeisorne! as what racial ideas and stereotypes have I been exposed to? What do I know about people of other racial and • Notary Services ethnic groups? Where did that knowledge come from? • Mailbox Solutions Practicing color consciousness should also involve trusting • UPS/USPS Black people about their experiences with racism. Educate • Packaging Material/ yourself by reading books by Black authors such as On the Come Up by Angie Thomas and Such a Fun Age by Kiley Supplies Reid. These fictional accounts are easy to read and provide an illuminating account of the social, cultural and political • Military/AAA/AARP discounts factors which shape the Black experience. • AND MUCH MORE! Talking with children as they make sense of the social world is another opportunity to practice color consciousness. As Steve & Debbie Milburn, Owners children begin to notice differences and ask questions, don't silence them or tell them it is rude. Instead, explain Westwood Shopping Center & Fort Bragg that human beings come in a variety of colors and have different life experiences. Like the contrast between black Westwood: 439 Westwood Shopping Center and white in fashion or home design, the beauty lies in 910.860.1220 | theupsstorelocal.com/2974 our differences. Fort Bragg: Fort Bragg Mini-Mall 910.436.7877 | theupsstorelocal.com/4787 LOCAL VETERAN OWNED BUSINESS 2 0 2 1 M AY | 21
Nice Ink T he words By Shelia Roberts nice ink and beautiful tattoos are words often spoken to me by those complimenting my full sleeve of tattoos. Pictured on my right arm is a long-haired mermaid perched in the sea, watching over her precious treasures with a large sea turtle swimming above. Worn as a memorial to my mother, this beautifully colored piece of art is special to me. My mom and I spent many hours together at the Curious questions beach ― her happy place and site People are like no other. My sea-themed tattoos very curious about tattoos. Did remind me of her. they hurt? What do they mean? Where do I love having tattoos because they you get them? How long did represent moments in my life. When your skin take to heal? Don't people talk to me about my ink, the you worry you will regret them? conversations bring me great joy. Are you getting more? People Tattoos and body art can tell a story pepper me with questions. when words fail. Through the tattoos, others see the I think each inquiry is excellent, and I piece of art on your body that's going expressions of my life story through take my time to answer them. While to be with you for a long time. This the canvas of my body. Many not a professional in the tattoo arts by decision is something permanent, different ways exist to use one's any means, I am a human who loves and it will not be easy to get rid of. body as a canvas. Some choose to them and has quite a few. So, while I Like me, you'll probably love your do so with fashion, while others use do my best to answer the questions, mom and your kids forever, but you the color of their hair. Tattoos are I don't tell people what to do. need to think twice about inking the my chosen expression. Understand that getting a tattoo is a name of or putting a tribute tattoo to personal journey. If you are ready to anyone else on your skin. Cover-up This ancient art of body marking also go down this road, do your research, tattoos are a thing for a reason. Tattoo tells others exactly who I am ― no learn the facts and make informed removal can be done as well — but words required. I have been described decisions based on your wants it can also be expensive and painful. as loud, bright and full of life. Likewise, and wishes. The decision is worth more than a few my tattoos are also vibrant, colorful minutes of serious thought. and full of character. Being prepared for the occasion is essential. Remember, you're putting a Shelia Roberts grew up and has strong roots in the Hope Mills community. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family, traveling and working on her side business creating vinyl projects. Shelia uses her love for music and creativity to connect with clients in her work as a trauma therapist. 22 | M AY 2 0 2 1
perfect art. You can pick an image ― called a flash― off the shop's wall. You could also choose an image from the internet, such as your favorite or meaningful image. Where to go What to ink will listen to the description of what you want, then propose a design First, while many avenues exist for I got my first tattoo at 18 by renowned before setting your appointment. getting tattoos, I recommend going Fayetteville tattoo artist Bill Claydon Advanced planning can help ensure to a tattoo shop, where health codes, at his circa 1986 shop, Bill Claydon's both you and your tattoo artist which vary from state to state, are Tattoo World. My first image was are happy, and your design will be enforced. Going to the shop in person the Ankh symbol ― a centuries-old precisely what you want. also allows you to check the shop’s Egyptian image symbolizing life and licensing, meet the tattoo artist and rebirth ― my favorite and one I drew The process and post-tat see his or her portfolio. on everything in high school. To answer an often-asked question, An alternative to a tattoo shop is a Some people choose their favorite yes, tattooing does hurt. Certain body tattoo convention. Fayetteville has a sticker or animal, family members' parts do not hurt as much as others, convention every year; since 2017, the names, faces or favorite family but if you're putting ink into your skin, All American Tattoo Convention has emblems, meaningful quotes, sayings pain should be expected. come each spring to the Crown Expo and so on. The choices are endless, Center, sans 2021 due to COVID-19. with no right or wrong answer when According to www.healthline.com, it comes to expressing yourself. If you aftercare starts as soon as your tattoo Another law to note is age: North are not into colorful designs like me, is done and like skincare, continues Carolina law prohibits anyone from you can opt for black and white ink a lifetime. This online resource tattooing a person under 18. Unlike or monochromatically, containing or provides useful information on tattoo body piercing, state law allows no using only one color. aftercare; see https://www.healthline. provision for parental consent for a com/health/tattoo-aftercare#Why- minor to obtain a tattoo. My personal choice is color; many aftercare-matters. different styles of color variations exist However, finding the shop is the easy as well as applications. You do you. I take care of my ink ― an extension part; challenging is deciding on the of myself ― because my tattoos bring Nowadays, with the world of Google, me absolute pride. They are art to me, you can research everything. Most just like a canvas on the wall. shops have a website and Instagram, Facebook and other social media platforms; check these out to peruse tattoo choices and see artists' portfolios. According to a report from Insider. com, in-demand artists will be booked for months, so the sooner you find your artist, the better. I am now a customer of the Chop Shop in Hope Mills. I have great respect for my tattoo artist; he puts much time and effort into giving me a beautiful piece of art every time. To see more of his work, note the images throughout this article. If you cannot find an exact image, be ready to talk to your tattoo artist ― one who chose for love of their work and interpretations. A talented tattooer 2 0 2 1 M AY | 23
These Do By Dinah Goodman T he word run or very act of running may conjure tutus, getting doused in color and rainbow medals every up images of a solitary figure steadily trekking kilometer, with twinkle socks to boot. The after-party, i.e., up a hill ― soaked shirt, sports watch and all. This Finish Festival, includes photo booths, vendors, music, scenario might be the case for some runners, but dancing, photo ops and more. what if I told you a whole party exists out there, centered on running with lights and colors and glowing and tutus? Your Along with all the fun and excitement, possibly the best running world, as you know it, could get exciting and fun. thing about this opportunity is that anyone and everyone Enter the world of The Color Run and The Glow Run. can participate — without time limits or winners, all participants achieve. This attractive aspect, unique in 5K The Color Run: Respect the Tutu racing, draws many first-time contenders. Known as the Happiest 5K on the Planet, The Color Run™ Even seasoned marathon runners love The Color Run. is the largest global event series, according to The Color Such is the case for Elizabeth H., who spends her days at a Run official website @thecolorrun.com. Created by Utah desk job. Elizabeth starting running in junior high school native Travis Snyder, the worldwide event brings people but continued during her stint in the military, she said. together to have fun while running. The first Color Run She cut her teeth on 5Ks, moving on to 10Ks and beyond. happened in Phoenix, Arizona, in 2011 and, after This runner credits the student athletes on the Jack Britt that, exploded across the nation. High School cross-country team, on which her children participated, for getting her started on The Color Run. The fun starts with a Get Up & Glow Party on race day. This event involves warming up, stretching and getting Elizabeth said she loved The Color Run’s music and bedazzled ― Color Run style ― at the Shake & Shimmer inclusivity. “It’s not so restricting,” she said, “Everyone can Station. Dancing music and giveaways ensure and add to run in it, including people of all sizes and families with the the excitement. Following the fabulous warmup, picture, kids. The excitement is what lured me into it.” Although if you will, excited participants wearing gold or pink Dinah Goodman is a fitness professional and the owner of Boone Trail Fit Body Boot Camp. She is a nutritionist, advanced personal trainer and group exercise instructor, as well as a former bodybuilder and powerlifter. 24 | M AY 2 0 2 1
Colors Run Elizabeth has now completed over 50 runs, she plans to filled pre-party. You run amid black lights, music and neon, keep on going and has amassed quite a few medals. Her feeling your heartbeat sync to the music as you move. You kids, now grown, remain active runners, as well. pause only to pose for blacklight zones photo ops with your friends. Another Color Run fan is Trisha S. After retiring from the Air Force in 2010, Trisha said she started gaining weight. You pass the finish line, but without the stress of a time This circumstance led her hiring a personal trainer who limit. Now you’re ready for the after-party, aka Light ‘Em Up encouraged triathlons, so she started training and has Experience, where you are immersed in a world of glowing to date completed three full marathons and several dance, high-beat music and what’s this? A beer garden! longer ultra runs. “I love it,” she said, “I didn’t like running in the military, but I like it now.\" Trisha said that she likes Anyone can participate in The Glow Run, be it beginners events like The Color Run because they are offered almost or advanced runners, children or adults, walkers or everywhere and are less challenging than a triathlon. She runners alike. Veterans enjoy a discount, and everyone now works at the post office but plans to continue running who participates receives a T-shirt and glow-in-the-dark as long as she is physically capable. finisher’s medal. Adults can partake of the makeshift pub's liquid refreshment. Ready to run? Right now The Color Run is scheduled for Fayetteville on May 27 but is subject to change. To stay up to Commenting on her Glow Run debut in 2010 or 2011, date, follow the website, www.colorrun.com. Elizabeth said her kids influenced her participation and enjoyed it. Trisha admits she wants to be in the end zone My My, You’re Glowing of the Fayetteville Cumberland Glow Run, estimated to happen Sept. 16. Follow www.raceentry.com for details. We have spoken of rainbows and glitter. Another run, however, creates just as much excitement and anticipation 5Ks Are a Great Start with parties, black lights, glow sticks, music and dancing. The Glow Run 5K promises a fun-filled evening with partial Whether you are a beginner or seasoned runner, 5Ks are event proceeds donated to a local charity. great fun. Both The Color Run and The Glow Run can Imagine lining up to start The Glow Run, your face painted in fluorescent shades of glowing war paint from the fun- provide a memorable and exciting time for you with family and friends alike. 2 0 2 1 M AY | 25
What's in A Color Branding, Mood & Personal Style By Taneshia Kerr I t's a little-known secret that fast-food restaurants often use red and yellow in their branding. On the other hand, health food brands and markets are more likely to use green and white. The choice is deliberate and based on research in color theory, dating back to 1810 when the first known book on the topic, Theory of Colors by German poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, was published. Color theory is both the art and science of how color is used. \"People interpret abstract meanings from colors,\" writes Karen Schloss, assistant professor of psychology at the University of Wisconsin– Madison. In a 2018 article in Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, Schloss explains that people attach concepts to colors, making it useful in creating perceptions in communication. Put simply, we make snap decisions about what we see based on past experiences with the same color. When understood and applied, this knowledge can be a powerful tool in design, branding and even mental health therapy. Color theory has been used in marketing and design for years. While the mantra of “red triggering hunger” has been widely circulated to explain why the color is so dominant in fast food branding, it is not exactly true. According to research, red is perceived as stimulating and exciting, while yellow is associated with happiness, satisfaction and comfort. This \"ketchup and mustard theory,\" as the color pairing has been dubbed, pulls from our subconscious memories of fun and contentment associated with sharing a meal with friends. Brands wishing to be perceived as healthy are more likely to use green and white in their designs. These colors are prominent outdoors, so our subconscious perceives these brands as pure and natural. The varying shades of a single color can also create a range of perceptions. Walt Disney World, for example, is known for being deliberate in the use of color and shades inside its parks. Red bricks at park entrances create the feeling of arriving on a red carpet, while light pink on the sidewalks causes the bright colors of surrounding buildings to stand out. Possibly the most infamous color Disney employs is the one designed not to be noticed ― Go-Away Green. In an interview with Business Insider, Disney expert Gavin Doyle remarked, \"The goal of this color is to cause the object to fade into your color spectrum so that your eye will miss it completely.\" That's why this color is used on trashcans to hide ongoing construction and other things Disney does not want you to see. Though popular in marketing and design, color theory is applied more cautiously in mental health and psychological functioning. \"Findings from color research can be provocative and media-friendly, and [we] On the staff and board of directors for the Greater Fayetteville Chamber, Taneshia Kerr is a marketing communicator and a member of the invitation-only Forbes Business Council. She is also a licensed counselor who works in stress recovery, goal setting and alignment. 26 | M AY 2 0 2 1
can be tempted to reach conclusions before the science is With a basic understanding of how people make color fully in place,\" Dr. Andrew Elliot writes in a 2015 article for inferences, you can anticipate your responses and those Frontiers in Psychology Journal. He further explains that around you. You will be prepared to curate your home, important weaknesses in the study of color theory must be office, brand or wardrobe with intention and purpose. Nikki addressed before the approach can be universally applied. Hesford, marketing adviser and founder of the Business Academy, was quoted as saying, \"Color plays a leading role For instance, although we may not think about it, we [in decision making], due to how people subconsciously interpret the world in the context of our age, gender and process them. Whether we are aware of it or not, colors cultural identity, among other factors. Nevertheless, some have connotations, and we make immediate judgments universally accepted responses to color supersede these based on that.\" variables. By understanding these universal constructs, we can carefully curate our person and spaces to set the desired tone for our daily life. Begin by making a mood board based on the impact you want to create. Do you want your spaces to feel energized or relaxing? When you walk into a room, do you want to be the power player or the connector of people? By focusing on the mood desired, you can zero-in on a dominant color. This focus, in turn, dictates the palette as you work in the color scheme that corresponds with the psychological values you wish to evoke. Blue walls are associated with water and sky and invoke feelings of serenity and relaxation. When paired with yellow, associated with sunshine, warmth and comfort, you can evoke peace and positivity, hope and the releasing of despair. Pink is often considered to be a submissive color because of its association with femineity. However, pink can be very powerful in its calming effect. This aura can create the perception of endearment, which could help a job interview or on a first date. Red is a definite power color associated with fire, dominance and passion. Red raises the energy of a room and increases viewers’ heart rates. This implication makes it great for social spaces and the perfect clothing or accessory choice when entering a negotiation. Unlike the explosive passion of red, orange calls to mind images of warmth, like glowing embers. This color brings together the intensity of red and the positivity of yellow to evoke enthusiasm, vibrance and creativity. Brown is regarded as the color of stability, associated with the grounding impact of the earth and the resilience of the tree trunk. Pulling brown into your wardrobe and décor invokes feelings of security, safety and dependability. Purple has a history that connects it with royalty since only the very wealthy could afford such an expensive pigment. The association still resides in subconscious perceptions. The use of purple creates an image of elegance and sophistication similar to a strand of pearls. Black is traditionally associated with death and negativity. However, as a fluid color it moves easily between formality and fun based on the pairing. Black is elegant on its own but also works effortlessly alongside other colors. This versatility makes black an excellent color for people who are overwhelmed, anxious or experiencing decision fatigue. 2 0 2 1 M AY | 27
Grandfather's Mountain in Boone Girlfriend Getaways: Summer Edition By Alena Barosa H ow many times have you entertainment and hidden wonders, thought about jumping the state offers much to see in an visitors with easy access to the light into a car, crossing the state under six-hour drive. For example, nature trails, rocky hikes, waterfalls, lines and driving for hours Wilmington's distance to Asheville murals galore, apple orchards, tulips, until you see a magical, amusing or is 336 miles, taking approximately tubing and zip-lining. Some of the curious sight? Imagine the adventure 5½ hours cover. Speaking of obscure hidden spots include the Foundation amplified by the company of a adventures, one of the favorite Spot ― located in the River Arts couple of your girlfriends. Since North websites for adventurers big and small District ― West Asheville to awaken Carolina became my home in 2008, I is www.atlasobscura.com. To access your inner hippie and Pisgah National have traveled hungrily, taking on new hidden gems, turn on your location on Forest's magical waterfalls. journeys as often as possible. One a mobile device and enter the words day I simply woke up and decided “Atlas Obscura near me” in your search The hill country town of Boone is that travel is indeed the greatest engine. Voilà! Little-known sites are familiar to those who enjoy mountains way to learn. now yours for the discovering. or Appalachian State University sports. Don't forget to take a short North Carolina flourishes with history, The Asheville area is a welcoming spot drive to the Mile High Bridge at arts and beauty from the mountains for seekers, finders and adventurers Grandfather Mountain. Breathtaking to the sea. Home to readily available of all sorts. It breathes new life into its views and a surging adrenaline rush. Await. While in the area, check out Alena Sergeevna Barosa is a 34-year-old Fayetteville resident originally from Siberia, Russia. Employed as a board-certified behavior analyst at Autism Therapeutic Services, the single mother has a second-grade son and is an active member of the community. 28 | M AY 2 0 2 1
the enigmatic Mystery Hill. This one affordable, hearty has a unique story. Prepare for a close adventure will make you question your meals with a nod encounter with a pig, a turtle and comprehension of gravity, engage to nostalgia. an inquisitive kangaroo. Coats is also your Native American arrowhead home to an old-fashioned bell tower appreciation and allow you to try Durham, also situated at the Coats Museum, out your aim at a Tomahawk known as the which features exhibits on local throwing range. Bull City, is agriculture, heritage, aviation, the everchanging military and more. If you are not up for a drive but would and expanding. like to admire a mountainous sight, Its Museum of The town of Prospect Hill holds the check out Stone Mountain State Life and Sciences secret of retired tobacco farmer Henry Park, located about three hours from allows even a Warren's magical stone miniature Fayetteville. The park's centerpiece grown-up to feel village, Shangri-La. Yes, the Old is a dome-shaped 600-ft granite and act like a kid. North State has its own Shangri-La. mountain from the Devonian period. The adventure Nearby Wilson is yet another small Visitors to the park enjoy nearly every involves butterfly but developing town, home to many type of outdoor activity – camping, encounters, mud fascinating artistic, recreational hiking, climbing, fishing, picnicking, and sand, upside- and educational ventures. Vollis horseback riding and more on the over down trees, tree Simpson's famed Whirligig Park is 18 miles of trails. houses, space a free and captivating experience explorations and settled in the center of a hot spot. If not new to the area, you surely have predators large Finally, the small sleepy town of Star, visited the capital city of Raleigh. and small. For a tasty treat, only miles away from the North Have you indulged in its nightlife, visit Guglhupf Bakery, Cafe & Carolina Zoo, is a southern charmer endless bright murals, coffee shops Biergarten. You'll feel you've traveled housing STARworks glass studio, and shopping experiences? Have to faraway Germany the offerings are café and taproom. Its quiet appeal is you witnessed the incredible log so authentic. juxtaposed with the beautiful, bright art at Umstead State Park? The and enchanting glass sculptures. transformative chain saw art was Winston-Salem and its neighbor High created by Jerry Reid and Randy Boni Point are famous for past industry's a few years ago. Although several years echoes, beautiful parks, art, bars, have passed, this fallen tree remains restaurants and artisan shops. If you a mystery for many. Hungry on your are a big fan of wine and llamas, the way there? Fuel up at the Sandler's Divine Llama vineyard will treat you Milestone Diner on your way up I-95 with both. High Point, the Furniture North. This charming ‘50s diner offers Capital of the World, is the home to many unique Go a little further, take a few more vistas like its sky- scraping chest of turns, be the adventurer and inspire drawers, charming coffee shops and others to do the same. The world is antique stores. too big to stay in one place, and life Away from the bigger cities lie is too brief to settle for the readily some lively, local curiosities. The available fun. Travel, explore and live Animal Edventures Sanctuary, located a great story. in the Harnett County town of Coats, is home to many abused and neglected animals and birds. Every animal in this inspiring place 2 0 2 1 M AY | 29
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HOME OF THE 30-MINUTE WORKOUT. CLASSES ULTIMATE TRANFORMATION Monday - Thursday: CHALLENGE5:30am/6:15am/8am/8:45am/10:30am 4:30pm/5:30pm/6:15pm Registration now open! Friday: 5:30am/6:15am/8am/8:45am/10:30am Saturday: Treat your Senior Mom 8am/8:40am of 60 and over to a FREE Month Sassy Seniors: and FREE body scan! Tues/Thurs 10 am • Sat 9:30 am DINAH GOODMAN Master Coach Personal Trainer 3039 Boone Trail Ext. 910-889-1155 www.facebook.com/FitBodyBooneTrail/ 2 0 2 1 M AY | 31
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