VOLUME 12 DECEMBER ISSUE 12 2018 for, by and about local women MAGAZINEGivingback and gearing up for Christmas Tips for building the best gingerbread houses Winter armor for your skin Cumberland Makers and Creatives: an artistic community
Women’s View Magazine presents D2S0a1at9TveHesESEFEBRUARY 14 • MAY 9 • AUGUST 8 • NOVEMBER 14 Ramada Inn Bordeaux 1707 Owen Dr.Keynote Speaker Sharon Valentine Logical solutions llc, business woman, conservationist SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: 10:00 am–12:00 noon..............Shopportunity Expo & Wine Tasting open 12:00 noon–2:00 pm................Luncheon, Keynote Speaker, Prizes and More 2:00–3:00 pm...............................Shopportunity Expo & Wine Tasting continuesTICKETS: $40.00 (includes the Shopportunity Expo and 1 Luncheon ticket) VENDORS: $80.00 (includes 1 Luncheon ticket) Join us for the with Each luncheon a portion of our profits will be Exclusive Wine Bar & given to the Kidsville News LiteracyThursday Shopportunity and Education Foundation. Tasting!FEB 14 Expo Call Paulette with any questions: WWW.FAYETTEVILLELADIESPOWERLUNCH.COM • #FLPL 910-273-2820 Riddle Family FoundationVENDORS Jewels by Park Lane Pure Romance with Dee Cape Fear Flooring & RestorationINCLUDE: Mary Kay Cosmetics Picture of Health & Thermography Paparazzi Jewelry MAGAZINE For more details on our WWW.FAYETTEVILLELADIESPOWERLUNCH.COM • #FLPL 2019 events, check out2 DECEMBER 2018
5 And so was birthed the Nessy Bag CONTENTS Y’all, try this unique gift idea made up by Big Mama Judy herself. 6 Local gingerbread bosses Tips from your neighbors on building the best gingerbread houses. 8 How to find \"me time\" on the busiest days Four strategies for four different types of moms. 9 A chat with Imogene Herdman and Beth Bradley Featuring actors from CFRT’s annual rendition of \"The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.\"1121 Winter armor for your skin Prevent and combat that dreaded dry winter flaking. Giving back to the community The spirit of giving is strong in this part of North Carolina. Check out this brief list of opportunities. 14 Cumberland Makers and Creatives Bringing local independent creators into community. 18 Simple ways to keep a realistic budget Budgets don’t need to be a chore, but they do require realistic planning. 19 Buffalo Chicken Dip for your holiday get-togethers This dip features cream cheese, spicy chicken and melted cheese baked up in 20 minutes.20 This month in and around Cumberland County An overview of what to anticipate.Building a lifetime of memories, NO RADIATION. NO PAIN. TATARIFFIC! BREAST CARE THAT Treat Yourself! One vacation at a time... MAKES SENSE Explore your surroundings & Shop Local Specializing in cruises, Book your appointment today groups, weddings, family, and take care of the \"girls\"! DECEMBER 2018 3 all-inclusives, adventure, Disney. www.phthermography.comJill Merrill Owner/Travel Agent/ Hope Mills, N.C. 910.580.2077910-423-2088 • [email protected] 117 BROADFOOT AVENUE www.FavoriteTravelAgent.com Suite 201 Haymount Healing & Wellness Building
notes from the assistant editor VOLUME 12 ISSUE 12Morning glories, PUBLISHERChristmastime and Jesus F & B PublicationsSoft grey skies, wet pine becoming obedient to the continues to have questions EDITORtrees, warm fires – it's hard point of death, even death about Jesus, to test out the Stephanie Criderto believe December is here. on a cross.” words he spoke: ask, seek [email protected] blue morning glories I and knock.planted this April recently In 2 Corinthians, Paul wrote: ASSISTANT EDITORsaid a hasty goodbye before “And (Jesus) died for all, that Leslie Pyothe winds got too chilly. Each those who live should nofinal bloom dropped off, but longer live for themselves but [email protected] before producing a small for him who died for thempod holding several seeds. and was raised again. ... ART DIRECTOR Elizabeth LongLooking at the papery brown \"All this is from God … God Another thing I’m thankful for [email protected], I thought of some words was reconciling the world to this month is the communityJesus spoke to his disciples in himself in Christ, not counting that came together to realize MARKETING REPRESENTATIVEthe gospel of John: “Truly, truly, people’s sins against them.” each issue of Women’s View Linda McAlisterI say to you, unless a grain of Magazine in 2018. Everywheat falls into the earth and We’ve all heard the Christmas month, local women shared [email protected], it remains alone; but if it story of baby Jesus in a their thoughts, knowledge anddies, it bears much fruit.” manger. But what if that story unique voices in these pages. OPERATIONS DIRECTOR is more than a story? What is This issue represents a beautiful Paulette NaylorThe birth of Jesus gets talked this “fruit” that Jesus spoke of culmination of that spirit. Readabout a lot during the to his disciples? Jesus said in on for some quality material [email protected] season. But why Matthew, \"Ask, and it will be brought to you by the peoplewas he born – and who is given to you; seek and you you work with, live next to DISTRIBUTION MANAGER/he, really? will find; knock, and it will be and might meet any day at a SALES ADMINISTRATOR opened to you.\" I’ve found coffee shop. Laurel HandforthIn Philippians, Paul wrote these words to be true in myof Jesus: “Though he was own pursuit of truth. Merry Christmas, and [email protected] the form of God, … he happy holidays! Mayemptied himself, by taking This Christmas, I’m so thankful your celebrations be full of CONTRIBUTORSthe form of a servant, being for who I’ve found Jesus to love, joy and slightly more Judy Stapletonborn in the likeness of men. be and what he has done cohesion than this column. ;)And being found in human for me. I encourage anyone Kimberly Bakhakhform, he humbled himself by who, like me, has had and Juvilee Villanueva Edina AmundsenReferences: 2 Corinthians 15-19John 12:24 (abridged) Carol TuttlePhilippians 2:6-8 Matthew 7:7 Alannah McMillian Justice Haygood LaNatria Ellis Sheilah Fulton Mindy Love Ashanti Bennett Adrienne Trego WOMEN’S VIEW MAGAZINE 208 ROWAN STREET FAYETTEVILLE, NC, 28301 PHONE: 910-484-6200 Fax: 910-484-9218 Interested in contributing to Women's View Magazine? Email [email protected] or call 910-484-6200. Women’s View Magazine is by, for and about women in Cumberland County. Published by F&B Publications in conjunction with Media Marketing Management. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction or use of editorial or advertisement without permission is strictly prohibited. Various vector source artwork created by © Freepik, © Vecteezy and © Pixabay. Are you interested in writing about stories, causes and organizations that matter to Cumberland County? Consider contributing an article or pitching a story idea to Women’s View Magazine. We want to elevate your voices. For more information, email [email protected] DDEECCEEMMBBEERR 22001188
JUST SAYIN’ …It sure is gettin’ mighty crowded out there, what In order to make this special for each individual, I would with everyone searchin’ for those special gifts save the large brown paper bags from the grocery store, for their family, friends, co-workers, mailman, buy a coloring book and color that one special picture for beautician and such. Oh my, what happens if you each one. Then I would cut it out and glue it on the bag. fail to get all those presents? I mean, who wants The first year I did this, I was kind of thinking this hadn't all that stress?! been a good idea ... SURPRISE! SURPRISE! Everyone, to include the adults, loved everything in their bags. After years of trying to buy that special something for my Of course, as they have gotten older, it has gotten harder grandkids from their Big Mama, I to buy for those special bags. Everyone has their own felt like I was goin’ to CRAZY town! specific products and such, so I guess now it's gonna have So, when my eldest grandchild to be gift cards. was about 9 years old, I decided to try something I thought would be I can still do some Nessy Bags, but not the 15 or 20 I used really special, just from me. to do. It makes me a little sad. Oh, and after decorating those bags and tying them with ribbon, tape and name And so was birthed the Nessy Bag. tags, they are beautiful under the tree. Try it – you might No, it does not have anything to do like it! with the Loch Ness monster. If you decide to try these Nessy Bags out, the most cost- Now, before you think I have effective way to do it is to make a list of what you want to lost my mind, well ... I have, but put in them, how many bags you will make and how many that is beside the point, let me explain what a Nessy Bag is. of each item you will need for the Nessy is short for necessary, and bags. Use your list each time you ya'II know necessities are not go to the store and buy one or two cheap. They include things that items. Before you know it, you have we need and use daily in our lives everything you need for your bags like toothpaste, a toothbrush (in and you're ready to color, decorate their favorite color), hand and and stuff them. body lotions, liquid body soaps, shampoo/conditioner, perfume, I have to laugh – as my children cologne, Kleenex, ChapStick/lip and grandchildren have gotten gloss, socks, favorite candies, pj's, older, when I say something to undies, a small flashlight (with batteries) and so on. It's them about a gift card or giving almost like a bag of junk, but it's not – everything can and them money, they still want their will be used during the weeks/months ahead, not just for Nessy Bags. It has been fun and that one day! heartwarming for me to see them dig into their bags and talk about their funny socks or what flavor of ChapStick they got. But, most of all, we are all together, sharing, laughing and celebrating the real meaning of Christmas, and that is Jesus' birth. I am sending a prayer and a special Merry Christmas to all our soldiers and their families. This is Judy, just sayin' – I hope to hear from you, and I’ll be praying ya'II have a blessed New Year! DECEMBER 2018 5
LocalgingerbreadBOSSESTips from your neighbors on building the best gingerbread housesThe warm, spiced scent of gingerbread baking – what could churches, fire stations, hospitals and more on display atbe better? Gingerbread houses trace their origins to 16th- SkyView on Hay. These buildings make up a community.century Germany, and their subsequent spike in popularity Habitat for Humanity uses this event as a fun way to raiseis due in part to the Grimm brothers’ story of Hansel and awareness for its mission: working to make affordableGretel. For modern-day Fayettevillians, gingerbread houses housing attainable to everyone in the community.pop up every November at \"A Dickens Holiday.\" But whatexactly is this event that took place last month? Three local women who have participated in Fayetteville’s Gingerbread Community of Hope sharedFayetteville Area Habitat for Humanity’s Gingerbread some interesting tidbits about themselves along withCommunity of Hope sees a confectionary assortment of their best tips for gingerbread house-building. Edina’s Favorite Gingerbread Frosting Recipe • 1 pound powdered sugar • 1 large egg white • 1 teaspoon natural almond extract • food coloring, if needed • lemon juice, if needed 1. Sift sugar, then add other ingredients. Mix all with a mixer until smooth. 2. Add food coloring as needed. 3. You can add lemon juice if the frosting does not get smooth enough to put it in a pastry bag to decorate with.6 DECEMBER 2018
3 KIMBERLY BAKHAKH Bakhakh is an art teacher for Cumberland LocalWomen County Schools and has been teaching at Baldwin Elementary School for 21 years. Growing up, her mother was a bakery manager for Winn-Dixie. In 1985, her aunt, Nathalie Mathis, became the first African-American female certified executive chef received by the American Culinary Federation out of Saint Augustine, Florida. “To me, this is edible art.” JUVILEE VILLANUEVA Villanueva, who is originally from the Philippines, is a stay-at-home mom who manages a small home business, JACE Cakes and Cupcakes. Last year, as a first-time gingerbread house builder, she won the Gingerbread Community of Hope People’s Choice Award. “Curiosity and challenge are what made me want to try the gingerbread contest.” EDINA AMUNDSEN Amundsen was born and raised in former Yugoslavia, relocating to Germany at 19 and to Cumberland County after meeting an American soldier in her late 20s. She has been a visual arts instructor for 21 years. As a B Street Coalition member, she helps raise awareness of and promote revitalization in downtown Fayetteville. She is also the prophetic arts painting director at Cliffdale Church and leads the stage design team for the Kiwanis performing arts club at Baldwin Elementary School. “(After making the first), worst gingerbread house that I could imagine, I really got hooked! It is like a fever; (I) have to make the next one better than the last one!”Gingerbread House Tips & TricksBakhakh: This is a very humid environment that we looks like you have your fingers intertwining. We do learn something new each time, and we get better each year.live in. Use a competition gingerbread recipe; these recipesare technically edible, but truly they are for structural pur- Villanueva: As a first-timer building a gingerbreadposes and can stand up to our everchanging climate. Avoidrecipes that use any types of fats, which make the structure house last year, I was worried it would collapse due to theless stable, and also baking powder or soda, which make weight of the royal icing that I planned to decorate with. Ithe dough rise and lose its shape. Many recipes also alter- decorated all the panels prior to assembling it and let themnate the molasses with dark corn syrup or honey. I tried dry for a few days. Since I am a cake decorator and do struc-them all and like the color of molasses the best. tural cakes, I asked my husband to drill holes on the base inside the corners where the house would be so I could putAmundsen: A sturdy gingerbread house needs thick cake dowels there to hold up the structure. I sealed it with plenty of royal icing, most especially all the seams.walls, and the pieces have to be dry when putting themtogether. I am going to try something different this time Bakhakh: The best tip for those who don't want toby cutting the pieces like a puzzle, except these pieceswill be cut in straight lines. I did woodworking in school bake is to go get a gingerbread kit. The most importantone year, and that is how we put wood houses together. It thing is to have fun! Get creative and add more decorat- ing elements to the kit.To learn more about Fayetteville Habitat for Humanity, visit www.fayettevillenchabitat.org. DECEMBER 2018 7
How to find ‘me time’ CAROL TUTTLE on the busiest days www.thechildwhisperer.com Admit it. You’ve fallen intobed at night with that feeling … Carol Tuttle is the CEO of Live Your Truth, LLC, and author of the best-selling parenting book “The Child Whisperer: theYou hurried all day, shuttled the kids, ran the Ultimate Handbook for Raising Happy, Successful, Cooperativeerrands, worked hard. You got things DONE. Children,” which has sold over 75,000 copies worldwide.But in the rush of the day, YOU got a little lost inthere somewhere. If only you could have a few LIGHT, UPWARD TYPE 1 MOM: FLUID, FLOWING TYPE 2 MOM:uninterrupted minutes to take care of yourself These women express a random, These mothers express a gentle,without everything falling apart. Lying there at effervescent energy that moves subdued energy that movesnight, you think about the next day and realize randomly through life. They steadily through life. Theyyou don’t have time for yourself tomorrow either. prioritize their children having fun prioritize their children feelingYou’re exhausted just thinking about it. and are drawn to activities that comfortable and are drawnSo, how do you carve out a little “me time” when allow them to connect socially. to activities that allow them tothere’s so much to do? Type 1’s best \"me time\": Give quietly unwind. yourself something to look Type 2’s best \"me time\": Connect HINT: “ME TIME” IS NOT ACTUALLY forward to. It can be a fun event with your emotions. Take a few ABOUT TIME at the end of the week or even quiet minutes alone to think, write, just a phone call to a friend later read or talk about your feelings.Truth is, every mom would love a whole day to in the day. Of all the moms, you The three minutes you take to beherself – but we can get re-energized on a lot love surprises the most, so be quiet will make you infinitely moreless. Feeling taken care of is less about the time open to them. effective the rest of the day.you spend doing it and more about what you do.Have a plan. Identify exactly which kind of activity SWIFT, DETERMINED TYPE 3 STILL, CONSTANT TYPE 4 MOM:will recharge you. And when those extra 10 MOM: These mothers express These mothers express a boldminutes show up, do it! a dynamic energy that moves energy that has a reflective qualityHOW TO CUSTOMIZE YOUR “ME TIME” forward swiftly. They prioritize to it. They prioritize their children’s engaging their children in activity progress in terms of routines FOR MAXIMUM BENEFIT and are drawn to physical outlets and structures and are drawn toIn my 20 years of work in the field of self-help, for their energy. activities that allow them to focus.I’ve found four different types of moms. They’re Type 3’s best \"me time\": Go Type 4’s best \"me time\": Doenergized by four different types of activities. outside! Even if it’s just a quick something with laser-like focus. YouWhen you identify which type of mom you are, lap around the house or the feel centered when you can zeroyou get the key to re-energizing yourself in half office, you connect to the world in on what you want and completethe time. physically and you need to it to perfection. Choose something recharge by moving your body. small you want to do with zero THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP TO You and your children will be interruptions and plan it into “ME TIME\" happier if you do. your day.As mothers, we often buy into limiting beliefs that“me time” is tough to come by, or that we needto sacrifice in order to be good mothers. It’s justnot true. The most important step you can taketo having time for yourself is believing that youcan. Next time you’re lying in bed, wonderinghow you’ll squeeze yourself into the upcomingday, make a choice. Choose to make yourself apriority. Choose to reenergize. Don’t get lost in allyou have to do. Find the woman you are and takecare of her. Everything else you do will be betterbecause you did.8 DECEMBER 22001188
IHmeordgmenaen BBerthadley Alannah McMillan Justice Haygood Age: 14 Age: 15 Years participating in BCPE: 4 Years participating in BCPE: 6 “I’m excited to teach people the actual meaning of the “I am so excited to be in this play because theater is such a big part of Christmas season through theater.” my life and so is BCPE. It’s my own piece of Christmas tradition.”Best ChristmasPageant Ever'A chat with Imogene Herdman and Beth Bradley Cape Fear Regional Theatre’s “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever,” in its 28th year, has become a local holiday tradition. Ittells the uplifting story of six misfit, rough-edged kids, the Herdmans, and what happens when they collide with their small- town church’s traditional Christmas play. BCPE characters Imogene Herdman and Beth Bradley recently sat down with Women's View Magazine for a quick chat.Women’s View Magazine: Why do what I want, and nobody can tell be that I pre-judged the Herdmansyou want to be in this play? me different. I don’t have to worry before I even knew them. about what people say about meImogene Herdman: I want to be because it doesn’t matter. One of the WVM: What do you want forMary in the play. The reason that I worst things about me is that I don’t Christmas?want to be Mary is so that I can take really look for the good in anything.away Alice’s role. Alice thinks SHE I’m always so focused on trying to Herdman: What I originally wantedis the only one who can play Mary! mess everything up that I forget to was to totally destroy the ChristmasWhatever! appreciate what’s in front of me. I run play. I really wanted to mess up (off ) people, and I really want friends. everything so that nobody could enjoyBeth Bradley: I actually don’t want People are scared of me and won’t Christmas. My wish now is that I getto be in the play, but my mother is even sit by me at lunch. the chance to make a fresh start anddirecting it – so I am forced to do it begin again. I want to see the worldonce again with my brother, Charlie. Bradley: The best thing about being for all it has to offer me. I want people me is that I have a family. We do a lot to accept me for who I am and who IWVM: Tell us about yourself. of family things together, like family am trying to be.Herdman: The best thing about dinners and game nights. Althoughbeing who I am is that I don’t have to my mother is a little crazy and my Bradley: I don’t really want anythingworry about any type of consequence brother is a little wild, I still love them. but to be with my family and churchor repercussion to my actions. I do The worst thing about me would (friends). I truly love my family.See McMillan and Haygood of the Ivy cast on December 6, 8, 13, 15, 17 and 21. There are two other casts, Holly and Mistletoe, and shows run Dec. 6-22, Thursday through Sunday. For more information, visit www.cfrt.org or call 910-323-4233. DECEMBER 2018 9
Ankara FASHIONAnkara, or Dutch, wax with LaNatria Ellisprints are infiltrating thefashion world. Thesecolorful and sturdy fabricstypically originate fromAfrica, and they are fun towear and style!Peplum top – b.l.i.s.s. by Karen AllPants – RomweShoes – Jessica BuurmanMakeup – Posh Glam eyelashes, Urban Decay Naked Cherry PalettePhotographer – Tim EllisFollow LaNatria:Instagram: @Caribbean_cowgirl10 DECEMBER 2018
SHEILAH FULTON Sheilah Fulton has resided all over the U.S. prior to landing in Fayetteville. She is a licensed aesthetician who has been practicing for more than 10 years. She currently worksMedical Aesthetician, as a medical aesthetician and holds a Master of Business Administration in health careTouche Medical Spa & management and is completing her Ph.D. in health services. She’s also a freelance writerSkin Care and enjoys dancing and visual art.Winter armor for your skinPrevent and combat that dreaded dry winter flakingOur skin is our largest organ and powerful antioxidant that’s presentserves as a protective barrier in our connective tissues and playsto shield from environmental an integral role in the plumpnessstressors. However, our skin and hydration of our skin. Topicalis under constant attack from hyaluronic acid can hold up tofree radicals such as pollution, 1,000 times its weight in waterultraviolet rays, temperature and helps draw water from the(whether hot or cold), chemical environment into your skin.substances, disease and more. Even though our bodies produceAs we embark into wintry outdoor hyaluronic acid like collagen,chill and blasting indoor heating over time, the productionsystems, our skin becomes more slows down. This can lead tovulnerable to dehydration and transepidermal water loss, anddryness. There are two keys our skin becomes dehydrated.to winter armor for your skin: Some of my favorite moisturizersexfoliation and the incorporation that have hyaluronic acidof topical hyaluronic acid. and multiple antioxidants that nourish our skin include DermaGentle peel. E Hydrating Day Crème and L’Oreal Hydra Genius WaterTo prevent the dry skin common Cream.in winter, it is crucial to gently Lastly, as with all days andexfoliate every other day, or even seasons of the year – pat yourdaily. Examples of quality products face with a broad-spectrum SPFthat achieve this include PCA before you walk out the door.Mild Exfoliant, Dermalogica Daily The FDA only allows SPF to beMicrofoliant and SkinMedica’s labeled “broad-spectrum” whenAHA/BHA Exfoliating Cleanser. the product protects againstThe idea is to regularly remove both UVA and UVB rays. Trydead skin cells. Dead skin cells Obagi Hydrafactor SPF 30, PCAblock pores and can cause Skin Protecting Hydrator Broadyour face to look dull in addition Spectrum SPF 30 or Dynamicto causing blackheads and Skin Recovery Broad Spectrumwhiteheads. Exfoliation helps peel SPF 50.away the dull, withered surface Even though you may find thereskin to reveal a brighter and more are more gray days in winter,vibrant complexion. the indirect sunlight can still damage your skin. SustainablyHeal and seal. hydrated skin requires diligence and consistency. Invest in yourAfter the use of an exfoliant, it is skin’s health so that it continuesimportant protect and heal the to protect you and look radiantskin. Hyaluronic acid is one of the while doing so.best things you can incorporateinto your skin care regimen forthis purpose. Scientifically calledhyaluronan, hyaluronic acid is a Sheilah is accepting new DECEMBER 2018 11 patients and can be reached at 910-689-2610.
MINDY LOVE Mindy Love is a full-time environmental program manager with the U.S. Army Reserve Command and creator of the blog Sweet Tea and Pasta. She’sCreator/blogger, Sweet Tea and Pasta lived in North Carolina for over 20 years and started her blog to share herwww.sweetteaandpasta.com Southern experiences with others. When she’s not assisting the military in saving the earth, she’s eating her way around the South, meeting new people and looking for new small towns to explore.Giving back to the community in the spirit of Christmas The spirit of giving is strong in this part of North Carolina. Each year, numerous people seek avenues to assist their neighbors and others throughout the surrounding area. Perhaps it’s the large military population that influences the generous nature of our community. No matter the reason behind the charitable tendencies, each year, many good things are done to help those in need. Check out this brief list of ways to give back to the local community. Salvation Army www.salvationarmycarolinas.org/fayetteville/volunteer The Angel Tree at Cross Creek Mall In the wake of the Hurricane Florence, many families are unable to provide a Christmas for their children or elderly family members. In 2017, the Salvation Army, which services families from Cumberland, Hoke, Moore, Robeson and Scotland counties, served 2,700 families. This year it is expected that those numbers will increase. Now, more than ever, the residents of these counties can show their Christmas spirit and help those in need. The Angel Tree serves children up to the age of 12 and seniors 65+. Items for children include things like toys, clothes, diapers and baby care products. Seniors can request gifts of clothing, books or personal care items. There are several ways to help. You can volunteer to man the Angel Tree or select an ornament tag from the tree and “adopt” a child or senior for Christmas. Other Volunteer Opportunities There are other ways to help via the Salvation Army. Bell-ringers for the kettles are needed across the area at shops and grocery stores, soliciting donations from the community. Or perhaps a behind-the-scenes role is more appealing. In that case, consider volunteering at the Christmas Warehouse, where all the donations are accepted and processed for delivery. Coats for the Children www.wral.com The Coats for the Children campaign is a community partnership with WRAL and Jiffy Lube that supplies coats, hats and gloves to children in need. There are two ways to give to a child who does not have warm clothing for the chilling months of winter. Donate clean, gently used coats, hats and gloves at a local participating Jiffy Lube location. Monetary donations are also welcomed through the WRAL Annual Coats for the Children Telethon. WRAL hosts the telethon around the second Friday of each year. Donations are accepted online as well at www.wral.com. Toys for Tots Local Toys for Tots information: https://cumberlandcounty-nc.toysfortots.org/local-coordinator-sites/lco-sites/default.aspx National Toys for Tots donations: https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/Default.aspx The Toys for Tots program started in 1947 as the creation of Marine Corps Reserve Major Bill Hendricks after his wife Diane prodded him to start an organization to help children in need. That first year, Hendricks and his unit passed out more than 5,000 toys to children in Louisiana. By 1948, the program went national.12 DECEMBER 22001188
Hendricks worked for Warner Brothers and used his COVER STORYconnections to get assistance from celebrities he metthrough work. Perhaps the most legendary celebrity, Bladen, Cumberland, Duplin, Harnett, Hoke,Walt Disney, was responsible for creating the Toys for Robeson, and Sampson. While the waters mayTots miniature train logo we all know and love today. have receded from the recent floods, the need for food in the community has not ebbed. Ever sinceSeventy-one years later, the Toys for Tots program is going Hurricane Matthew devastated North Carolinastrong. Each year, the program distributes around 18 in 2016 followed by the recent destruction frommillion toys to less fortunate children across the country. Hurricane Florence, the number of families in needThere are numerous ways to donate: Cash donations are has dramatically increased.accepted online, by mail and in person. New toys areaccepted at area toy donation sites. The Second Harvest Food Bank is located at 406 Deep Creek Rd. in Fayetteville.Holiday Hearts Steele AngelsFort Bragg Morale, Welfare and Recreation910-396-8747 Search the group on FacebookThere are numerous programs in place to help military For those who want to feel the wind in their face whilefamilies, but the best way to help locally is to go through promoting the greater good, consider the Steelethe Fort Bragg MWR office. Fort Bragg hosts the Holiday Angels Riding Club. This all-women motorcycleHearts Program. The program is similar to the Salvation riding club is a 501c3 nonprofit organization thatArmy Angel Tree and helps families of soldiers in need. helps the local community by hosing a toy run each year. The group adopts several families, and allTo donate, pull a heart from the tree located in the additional funds and toys are then donated to theInstallation Volunteer Services area on the third Floor Cumberland County Department of Social Services.of the Soldier Support Center. Unwrapped gifts must be Though this year’s toy run already occurred on Nov.dropped off no later than Wednesday, Dec. 7, at the ACS/ 17, the group does year-round charitable work.IVS office on the third Floor, Soldier Support Center, Bldg.4-2843, Normandy Dr.Monetary gifts may be contributed by purchasing giftcards in $25 increments to AAFES, Walmart, Target, CrossCreek Mall, the Commissary, or by purchasing Visa/Mastercard gift cards.Other military-related Christmas programs, includingTrees for Troops and Wreaths Across America, can befound at militarybenefits.info/christmas-programs-for-military-families-in-need.Second Harvest Foodbank of Southeast NorthCarolinahttps://hungercantwait.orgNo matter the time of year, Second Harvest Food Bankaccepts donations and has opportunities to volunteer.Hungry tummies transcend the holidays, and the foodbank assists numerous programs in the counties of DECEMBER 2018 13
Education and Outreach Director, ADRIENNE TREGO The Arts Council of Fayetteville/ Cumberland County ASHANTI BENNETT Assistant to the Executive Director, The Arts Council of Fayetteville/ Cumberland County Cumberland Makers and Creatives: Bringing local independent creators into communityOver the course of the last few years, it has become clear that there is a shift in the way artists delivercreative experiences to audiences.With the rising social movement of amaker culture, individual creators havean independent spirit and are oftennot associated with any establishedorganization. The Arts Council ofFayetteville/Cumberland Countyrecognizes that this is not just a trend;it is a fundamental shift in creativeculture. Arts Council Executive DirectorDeborah Martin Mintz approachedthe two of us with the task of creating agroup that could speak to the needs ofindividual artists and makers.We were able to identify our topobjectives for that group, which wenamed Cumberland Makers andCreators. First and foremost, we wantedto create a space where artists couldgather, share and collaborate. Second,we wanted to offer high-caliber, uniqueartistic experiences for our creativecommunity that would also provideprofessional development. Lastly, wewanted to cultivate and engage agroup of future arts and culture leaders.14 DECEMBER 2018
CREATIVE PROCESS Upcoming CMAC events: December: Show & Tell/CMAC is a multi-disciplinary group. One of our challenges is Holiday Gatheringfinding a way to offer inclusive programming that is meaningfulto all artists. One thing common to us imaginative types is that What happens when you mix creatives andwe’re often as inspired by the creative process as we are the cocktails and talk about art?creative product. January: Gastro Geeks How does a creative utilize anThrough the lens of a different discipline each month, CMAC’sCreative Process series thematically targets aspects of the unconventional medium to elevate thatcreative process that are universal, regardless of your craft. medium to an art form?For instance, our session in May 2019 will feature two local February: Art For the People,artists, a poet and a dancer. These two artists collaborated on a By the Peoplemulti-disciplinary performance art project and will speak to theirexperience of blending poetry and movement to create a new How can art be used to explore issuesartistic experience. Part of their creative process was navigating of social justice?effective collaboration to give voice to a broader creativeperspective. This is a skill that is applicable to all of us. March: Stake a Claim to Your CommunityVOX ARTIFEX: VOICE OF THE ARTIST What role can artists play in creativeOne of the things that CMAC offers in its mission is a philosophicalspace in which to engage. In 2018, that typically translates to placemaking?a digital space, where community-building is more accessible. April: Impressions & ImpactEnter Vox Artifex, Latin for “voice of the artist.” It is time to show your work. How do you pick your best pieces? How do youOur phantom artist liaison, Vox, has reached out to our makers showcase them in the best way? How doand creatives in a more direct and personal way. Vox is tuned you price it? How do you present yourselfinto maker culture, which emphasizes peer-led and -sharedcreative learning and experiences. as an artist? May: femMasculine – Gender,On CMAC’s Facebook page, you can view one-on-one Movement & Collaborative Artinterviews with local visual and performing artists, sneak peeks How do you cross disciplines to createof public art installations and spotlights on upcoming events a new artistic experience? How do youfeaturing CMAC members. navigate the collaborative process? June: The Power of the Written WordEven now, Vox is hard at work developing a CMAC YouTube How do you incorporate vulnerability intochannel as well as a digital gallery that will be inclusive of all the craft of story to stay true to yourself?disciplines beyond just visual and will be available on the Arts For dates, times and locations, please joinCouncil website. Cumberland Makers and Creatives on Facebook or email [email protected] is not an individual. Vox is the voice of all artists, amplifyingthe practice of accomplished individuals whose endeavors DECEMBER 2018 15often go unseen. CMAC seeks to acknowledge, develop andembrace those individuals who contribute their passion andtalents to making our community a thriving cultural center here inSoutheastern North Carolina.
LESLIE PYO Assistant EditorTHE POLAR EXPRESS Train Ride with the Great Smoky Mountains Railroad operates through Dec. 31, departing from Bryson City. www.gsmr.com/events/polar-express#.W-nBB3pKhsY The Great Smoky Mountains Railroad, tucked amongst the Carolina mountains, is a magical experience any time of year. It’s hard to avoid feeling like you’re on an adventure when there are 53 miles of track, two tunnels and 25 bridges, not to mention some of the most scenic views in America. But there’s something extra special about riding a train through the majestic mountains when they’re blanketed with snow, you’re peering out of warmly lit windows and you’ve got a mug of hot cocoa in hand. The Polar Express Train Ride, a little over an hour in length, features a read-along of the beloved children’s story “The Polar Express” along with the enchanting soundtrack from Robert Zemeckis’ 2004 film adaptation. Children will be ecstatic to discover they’ve soon arrived at the North Pole, where Santa Claus will board the train and give each child a gift and silver sleigh bell. As passengers cozy up for the return journey home, they can enjoy and sing along with Christmas Carols. Over 88,000 people enjoyed this ride last year. A young child’s smile captures what everyone loves about Christmas, and this family-friendly adventure will leave all feeling grateful, joyful and perhaps a bit more prone to believing in magic.16 DECEMBER 22001188
Thank Youour gallery events in2018 were successful because of you.2019 events to be announced soon Happy New Year! DECEMBER 2018 17
Simple waysto keep arealistic Successful financial plans oftenbudget begin with the creation of a budget. A budget is an estimate of income and expenses in a given period of time. Budgets help with long-term goals like paying off a mortgage or sending a child to college as well as short-term goals like financing a dream vacation. Not all budgets are alike, and when people hear the word \"budget,\" they may get apprehensive. Budgeting may require making some concessions in regard to spending habits, but it doesn't have to put a complete damper on plans. In fact, with a budget in hand, people may be more free to spend because they will have a stronger grasp of their financial situation. Making a realistic budget does not have to be a chore. Here is how to get started. • List the necessities. Begin by calculating the costs associated with fixed needs, including rent/ mortgage, utilities, food, and any other bills you have to pay each month. • Add existing debt. Debt includes any routine payments being made to credit card companies, student loan lenders, car payments, or unpaid medical bills. • Conduct a spending analysis over several months. Budgets are easier with fixed numbers, but unforeseen variables can affect spending every month. These can include the extras for clothing, entertainment and much more. Average the cost of these expenses throughout your analysis period so you can get some idea of how much to allocate for them. • Use software or apps to help. There are plenty of resources available to help people calculate their budgets and get a picture of their financial habits. Resources such as Mint, YNAB (You Need a Budget) and various accounting programs can produce spreadsheets, pie charts and bar graphs as you work to create a budget. • Start trimming gradually. Quitting a certain lifestyle cold turkey can be jarring. Gradually cut back on your spending if your analysis suggests that's the way to go. • Automate saving. Immediately removing a set amount from your paychecks by having it directly deposited into a separate account can remove the temptation of spending too much from your financial equation. Budgets are a key part of a financial plan and can help people reach their goals.18 DECEMBER 22001188
Associate PublisherAs soon as thewords were outof my mouth, Irealized that maybethis would not bethe merriest ofChristmases for theCriders.“Sing one more Christmas song and I am savior. I just didn’t have it in me. My all the magical Christmas-y adjectivesnot even kidding, I will stab you with a world was the darkest it had ever been. here – time of the year. But when you’recandy cane.” That’s what I’d said. To my not, oh man, is it agony. Trying to forcebest friend. The singing stopped, and a In the many years since then, there have it and fake it when what you really wantlife-changing heart-to-heart followed. been some less-than-perfect and even is to say f$%& it and hide under yourWe talked about managing priorities, downright pitiful Christmases and many bed until the new year is a horrible idea.keeping things in perspective, knowing that were amazingly wonderful, too. But It can make you do crazy things – likewhen to say no and when to ask for help. none as bleak as that year. threaten to impale your dearest friends with minty holiday confections.I was a young mom, and money was Every Christmas season, as decorationstight. My husband was gone for the go up in the stores and the jolly elf It’s okay if you don’t love the holidays orholidays, our children were small and takes center stage amidst carols if you are struggling. You aren’t the onlyneedy, and I was far from my family. and commercialism, I reflect on that one. There is no one-size-fits-all solutionOn my best days, I was overwhelmed, conversation and give thanks for my for the holiday blues, but there arelonely, scared and struggling. On my sweet friend, her compassion and the strategies and resources to help get youworst, just putting one foot in front of the wisdom she shared with me that day. through them. Being honest with yourselfother took everything I had. Traditions and those around you is a good placeand expectations aside, what hurt most It’s easy to get caught up in the holiday to start.was that I was incapable of rejoicing hustle, and when you’re feeling it, it trulyin or even appreciating the birth of my is the most beautiful, wonderful – insert22 DECEMBER 22001188
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