VOLUME 11 DECEMBERISSUE 12 2017 for, by and about Fayetteville women MAGAZINESarahAn artist at work:Busman more inside:Holiday adventuresnear and farKeeping your golf gamestrong in the off-season
Serenity Integrated Medical Spa Find your strongest self this New Year! Sandhya Thomas-Montilus, M.D.Give Pure Barre one month and see change you have Arthur L. Bradford M.D. been looking for! COSMETICEnter code EMPOWER for $10 off your first month Vampire Facial • Vampire Facelift • Custom Facials www.purebarre.com/nc-fayetteville Chemical Peels•Dermal Fillers • Neurotoxin (Botox) NonInvasive Liposuction with Sculpsure WELLNESS Sexual Dysfunction Evaluation and Treatment for Women and Men (“O” Shot & “P” Shot) Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Custom Body Treatment Integrative Medicine Medical Weight Loss (910) 485-4171 www.YouthBeautyHealth.com Save DatesTHESE 2018 FEBRUARY 8 • MAY 10 • AUGUST 9 • NOVEMBER 8 Thank You to All Our Sponsors Who Made the November Event Possible! Special Thanks to our Speaker, Ret. Col. Marsha Lunt!Early Bird Special! Receive $5 OFF When You Register by December 31st! The Perfect Holiday Gift!TICKETS: $35.00 (includes the Shopportunity Expo and 1 Luncheon ticket) VENDORS: $75.00 (includes 1 Luncheon ticket) Join us for the with Each luncheon a portion of our profits will be Exclusive Wine Bar & given to the Kidsville News LiteracyFebruary 8 Shopportunity and Education Foundation. Tasting! Expo Call Paulette with any questions: 910-273-2820 MAGAZINE For more details on our WWW.FAYETTEVILLELADIESPOWERLUNCH.COM • #FLPL 2018 events, check out2 DECEMBER 2017
TABLE OF CONTENTSKeeping your golf game 14Behind closed doors:7strong in the off-season Downtown Fayetteville's Candlelight Loft Tour 2017Local artists: \"TheNutcracker\" ballerinas on 15Christina's Readingwhy they dance Corner: \"The Nest\"10Ryan's Reindeer Run:11Through his mom's eyes 16Holiday adventures near CoverAn artist at work: and far Story12Sarah Busman 19Concierge medicine: The direct pay modelBuilding a lifetime of memories, Thermograms, One vacation at a time... Health Coaching Specializing in cruises, & More groups, weddings, family, all-inclusives, adventure, Disney. Affordable PreventionJill Merrill Owner/Travel Agent/ Hope Mills, N.C. A Picture of Health Thermograms o ers mobile medical Treat Yourself!910-423-2088 • [email protected] thermography to people in the Cape Fear region of North Explore your surroundings & Shop Local www.FavoriteTravelAgent.com Carolina at doctors’ o ces and other medical settings and at 1404 Raeford Rd. DECEMBER 2017 3 Please call for more information 910-527-7733 or email [email protected] PictureOfHealthThermograms.com www.jillmerrill.thehealthcoachgroup.com
A Dreamy New Year VOLUME 11 ISSUE 12Everyone’s got a mix- ture of dreamer and dreamy-to-practical spec- PUBLISHER pragmatist inside trum? In achieving one’s life F & B Publicationsthemselves. January is typi- goals, could the pursuit ofcally a time when people on idealism be as important as EDITORthe more idealistic end of the pursuit of pragmatism? Stephanie Criderthe spectrum feel the need [email protected] straighten up and create There’s not a black andrealistic, concrete goals and white answer to this ques- ASSISTANT EDITORmethods of achieving tion. But I do think it’s worth Leslie Pyothose goals. considering, especially at a time of year when the gener- [email protected]’s been much written al group-think is flowing inabout this topic; every kid- the opposite direction. ART DIRECTORat-heart who’s ever been told Elizabeth Longto get their head out of the This January, consider [email protected] knows they’re sup- making a list of things youposed to pull themselves out could never achieve in a year. MARKETING REPRESENTATIVEof dreamland to make things Think about what made you Linda McAlisterhappen. And it’s a good happiest this year and whatthing, too. Dreamers do need made you most sad. Write [email protected] create schedules and ways down your feelings with noof working that will allow outcomes attached. OPERATIONS DIRECTORthem to produce tangible Paulette Naylorproducts and results. This It might turn out that youmonth’s cover girl, Sarah realize you do need or want [email protected], said as much in her to make a to-do list. But forinterview: “If anything, espe- some, these kinds of exercis- DISTRIBUTION MANAGER/cially in the current econo- es could provide the room for SALES ADMINISTRATORmy, artists have to be … way some air to get in – oxygen to Laurel Handforthmore structured, way more get the fire going again. Be-planned, way more sched- cause sometimes, when we [email protected] than folks who may not only focus on the achievabledo that for a living.” and on output, we may be in CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Angelique Seymour-GrandeHowever – what about the danger of losing that impos-other side of things? Have sible, ridiculous madness LaNatria Ellisyou ever wondered if there that makes artists artists and Ella Lewismight be, for different people humans humans.and at different times in Tiffany Alexanderlife, value in traveling the Have a happy, dreamy Dr. Hank Parfittopposite direction on the new year. r Christina Arreola Dr. Sandhya MontilusIs writing a gift you think you can use to impact this community positively? Are youinterested in covering local stories, causes or organizations that matter to Fayetteville? April PertonConsider contributing an article or pitching a story idea to Women’s View Magazine. Wewant to elevate your voices. Email [email protected] for more information. WOMEN’S VIEW MAGAZINE 208 ROWAN STREET4 DECEMBER 2017 FAYETTEVILLE, NC, 28301 PHONE: (910) 484-6200 Fax: (910) 484-9218 Interested in contributing to Women's View Magazine? Email: editor@upandcomingweekly. com or call (910) 484-6200 Women’s View Magazine is by, for and about Fayetteville women. Published by F&B Publications in conjunction with Media Marketing Management. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction or use of editorial or advertisement without permission is strictly prohibited. Various vector source artwork created by © Freepik, © Vecteezy and © Pixabay.
THIS MONTHin and around FayettevilleTLhiegahtteDr iasnpdlaDysance Performances ConcertssE1onC21ujoa21no1/$f2d2ypE/W7l1sni//ea7g-0jo12eo17h-Fh2f13peytae--aC/2de9k0tallCifhri3eHg9-srhHSrpmpnhio-BCrwseolt1diiatlolhrmysdel0s1seyittri1oda2maTssse1iN2aptnsrasaa2/nrti.atlto/tnC|nyami/T|1GcslCideyl1tw4a1LSa(yiosaia19-mnil-l,-wtsgnb1p2E1w1a3mGoSt7ewhei0p7a/wh0tnwruhrae)ti.eFe“st4pdssw“awCPr3.ceiTBaeTcd-DPi|kwaoh0.ahn1,hnvcaeaeprirer6(.S7etrescatol9inroaasad-Rlshnr1kne7dp“Bwtltone|ee0ewmr3tICietaweginrsa:t)ywd2Gaa’hsitacen“’|s4go5lwstuoAaokrscTe3naawerwiCmowrnhrn.Lca3tcd’nhmowgih.Wpselo*-PcgIeerr1clTpwamt“s|akehNinrt5heoeslpsaBxt.retwe4ehge”tnuaeasinxemlao7ifwdptcdtPlaanaehtpcb..r1aeacwiantctro,ees6.arodsrDrptc.erlbs|fhkdmtfocoPteuwotgAaekh,mnwanrl.ekeecoyadCtLgweeraorreirergteF”wfitinttondeaesoea.arewia”cRtlil.nhsnkscftsiertcnodhattClEh.mausngoihvdedkgerereeghmCissrtsspr”o1toaem2reawna.adrencsr.ceCosamntataa”ndFaaBytaGe9CntiatdutvFhet“emapvSWAny(rbiewwsa9nleealee1PtwwSenstb0reFtpeS1wuwlre“Sir)aa2ronieaf..A1vtsn(6otfson/atc9ta2liigM7rntk1ld“BCtHy3m/la12eg0eGaet1eAa2Ooci-o1w5)2tnptU1ruSu/rthl6ge5otir/5ieRdpoyltnida9vsha2l2a5i.eAd2mitiit1mactvrln8ot8mioClrops-ye7e.pratJt6rshs.ips:eromuhi.U3Eyu3oHosC.mmymoxmr0.ni6recotgS”n1itb.pyhnvprliyehietHan.deCmorrvgOorsah”n,.aieltoyyrPiygrcd.ei”oshrama:rengybszrtoarake’sParades Other Events 1i(n291/d0o1)w02nC2toa3wn-1nd0Fle8a9lyigethtetvLiolleft Tours 1Riw2ny/wdao1wn6w.’rsny8Rta:o3enw0sinrneadFi.neamdey.eeretRtreruvuninll.ecom 1Hf(2o9o/l1lpo02ew)3e4Md2pi6.blml-ys4.CC10hhr9riissttmmaas sinPtaheraVdilelage 1Ya(2u9t/1lHe01at)-iyd26me37o0F:u3e-n70at1Usp0tn.0emite. d Methodist Church 1KRw2we/wcar3wen0.auztm6aio-aon8jacCpefea.lmneyt.nbecrr.aotrigon at Smith 1Riw2no/wdtao9wrw.1yr1notCtoaahw.rmrynic.shFtrmaiysatemsttaePsvapilralearaddee.com 1Mw2wa/rw1k,.ms2ma, re8kn,sm2h2eon,ch2ko9ecykFeaayyt.ctehotemteCvriollwen DDEECCEEMMBBEERR 22001177 55 1H(29o1/l0i3d) 1a4-y856Jp-u1.bm3i3.le0e at the Poe House 1S(29a1/n09t)a-21i7n23dC-oa1w0rrn8ita9ogwen RFaidyeetstewviiltleh
John Doerner Actors John Doerner and Patty Cucco hail from New York but have spent the last 15 years in the Sandhills. He is an actor and part-time teacher at Fayetteville Technical Community College, and she is a professional actress. and Patty Cucco HE: SHE: The pair are favorites at Cape Fear Regional Theatre. Together, they've performed at area theaters like Fayetteville's Gilbert Theater and Sanford's Temple Theater along with the N.C. Shakespeare Festival in High Point and even as far away as New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. Locally, Doerner most recently (November 2016) appeared in CFRT’s “Henry V” as the King of France. Cucco most recently (February 2017) appeared in Gilbert Theater’s “August: Osage County” as Violet Weston.How did I was a student at a community college, and Patty (We met in) college, in a production of \"Annie Get Youryou two was member of a theater company associated Gun.\" I was Annie, he Pawnee Bill. I was suffering frommeet? with the college. We were both members of the a bad cold and sore throat. He offered me a cup of RedWhat’s the first theater crowd, so we had a passing relationship. Zinger tea backstage. I was sold. (I hate tea!) We struck upnew thing you We both got cast in a production of “Annie Get a friendship, but at the time (I) was dating a friend of his. (I)learned about Your Gun.” By the end of the production, we were never forgot his kindness, though.your spouse? seeing each other. After living together for 30 years, we did decide to marry. I soon learned that her idea of being on New? I guess how much he really loved me. It was his idea time is being 20 minutes late. to make it legal, and I'll never forget that.What's your Sitting down to Thanksgiving dinner with I'm a sucker for Thanksgiving. (It’s) the best! All about thefavorite family and friends. food and family and friends – the things you truly shouldpart of the be thankful for.holiday I was doing a dinner theater/murder mystery with Doing “August, Osage County” atseason? an inexperienced actor, and we had a pivotal scene Gilbert Theater one night, I took aDo you have where she asked me about each of the suspects. She misstep around a platform, trippeda weird/ came out, I said my line, and I looked at her and and went flat on my face (hiddenfunny story saw a deer in the headlights. She was silent for too mostly from audience). It took at leastabout your long and then just walked off. I ad-libbed something three or four seconds before my fellowexperiences and exited. The next night, the actress (who was actors knew it wasn't in character. Theyas an actor or playing a secretary) had her lines on 3- by 5-inch came to my rescue, and we went on.actress? index cards and an armload of notebooks. It got to Humiliating but hilarious.What's the our scene, I said my line, and she dropped her cards (For a) birthday, long ago in NYC, John gave me abest present and books on the floor. Again she walked off, and beautiful white sundress. It was from Barney's (a high-end(Christmas or again I was alone on stage ... store), and nothing made me feel happier. Of course, Iother) you've A pair of Eddie Bauer fleece-lined suede don't fit in it anymore, but the thought ... (I) can't describe.ever received slippers that I've been wearing for years.from yourspouse?What does My wife makes me laugh when she critiques a When he dances. He does this ridiculous foxtrot (?)your spouse scene or play or movie that she didn't like. standing still. Bouncing up and down. In the middle of thedo that makes living room or in the middle of a party. (It's the) silliest thingyou laugh? I've ever been through, and I love it.6 DECEMBER 2017
ANGELIQUE SEYMOUR-GRANDE FITNESSWomen's Division champion,Cumberland County Golf Championship ClassicKeeping Your Seymour-Grande is a 16-year-old local golfer who attendsGolf Game Liberty Christian Academy. This September, she won theStrong in the Cumberland County Golf Championship Classic’s inauguralOff-Season Women’s Division by 53 shots at 227. She has a black belt in Taekwondo and placed in the top three of her division in the 2012 USA Taekwondo National Championship in Dallas, Texas, when she was just 12 years old. She also enjoys volleyball, tennis, skateboarding, surfing and soccer.Being an athlete means keep- green. Different golfers prefer to give a reminder to keep my putter head ing your body in shape even more attention to specific areas of aligned straight through my stroke. during the off-season. For golf- the game; my focus is irons becauseers located in warmer terrain, there I believe they are the most important In a golf round, a player walks antechnically is not an off-season since part of your game. Therefore, the average of 5 miles. I am fortunate toit is a year-round sport. However, we majority of my typical practice week own a treadmill; walking on it allowsnorthern golf players do not have the is spent on the range. me to keep my stamina up during theluxury of enjoying 80-degree weather winter season. Sometimes I like toevery day of the year. When it’s too cold to practice incorporate cardio reps pertaining to outside, you will find me in my abs or the glutes. These exercises aid True, in the cooler weather you garage on my synthetic grass mat, in hip rotation of the golf swing andtend to lose yardage, and you look hitting balls into a net in the corner. the overall strength of your heart.very silly as you aggressively rub I usually hit about 150-200 ballsyour hands together just to keep the either in the garage or at the practice Unfortunately, there are times youfeeling in them. But personally, I love range during a session. The key for can’t avoid a needed play day. Whenwinter golf – the cooler days, being iron practice isn’t necessarily a long, this happens, I throw on my warmestless sweaty and sticky, the hot re- open driving range but consistent- sweatshirt and hit the course.freshments on the course – plus you ly striking sweet ball contact anddon’t have to wave pesky bugs out of keeping in touch with that as long as Speaking from personal experience,your face. possible because you don’t want to as far as drilling goes, the golf com- lose the feeling. munity has made it possible to accom- In the winter season, I combine plish your practice virtually anywhereoutdoor and indoor training. The same thing goes for putting. with the design of artificial grass pads, I like to use a putting mat. The one Styrofoam balls and the like. Indoor I practice pretty much every day I own has a painted line straight practice is valuable during the coldof the week (except for rainy or sick down the center and a cross point at months – or any time – because ulti-days), whether that’s playing holes, three different distances on the mat mately, you do not need a fancy golfhitting balls on the range or work- to emphasize accuracy. It serves as course or perfectly rolled greens to seeing on my short game at the putting good results in your game. DECEMBER 2017 7
FASHION with LaNatria EllisIt's time for Earrings - www.nettysglitz.comholidayparties Dress - kairosshoppers.comand holidaylooks. Being (North Carolinapregnant boutique)doesn't meanyou have to be #slayingfortwoless glam!Photographer:Timothy EllisFollow LaNatria:Instagram: @Caribbean_cowgirlwww.caribbeancowgirlweebly.com Shoes - Bag - www.ego.co.uk thrifted locally DDEECCEEMMBBEERR 22001177 99
LOCAL TiffanyEllaARTISTS ALEXANDER LEWISWhy do we dance? Is it for Charlotte Blume opened her dance I've been dancing in “Thephysical fitness? Mental clarity? school in 1959, and until her death Nutcracker” since I was 9 yearsEmotional stability? It could old, and somehow, I can't getbe any of these, but for me, it is in 2016, she taught Fayetteville enough of performing in it.a way to express myself when to dance. Thousands passed There's something about itwords are insufficient. through her school, taking dance that makes the holiday season skills and the many life lessons she more special to me.Ms. Blume was my beloved ballet taught them out into the world. Theteacher who taught me to own Charlotte Blume School of Dance Performing is mythe stage by demanding the continues to perform Blume’s favorite part ofcrowd's attention. She accepted traditional holiday piece and being a dancer.nothing but perfection. I have passion project, “The Nutcracker.”been a part of the North Carolina Local ballerinas Ella Lewis and Last year was the first yearState Ballet Company since the Tiffany Alexander, both advanced our company performedage of 8 and have performed in pointe dancers, share the roles without our director, Charlotteseveral different productions of Snow Queen, Snow Princess, Blume. She was my inspirationthroughout my dancing career. Dewdrop, Arabian and Jewel in for dancing. Now, when I dance and perform, I do it forMs. Blume taught this year’s performance. her. Dancing together andher students to preparing for a performancealways value Ella Lewis is a 15-year-old bring people closer. It is likethemselves, to sophomore at Terry Sanford being part of a family.continue to improve Senior High School. She has beenand to give back. This summer, I went to another dancing since she was 3. studio for their summerWhen she died in May 2016, the Tiffany Alexander is an program, but it was not thedancers saw it as an opportunity 18-year-old senior at Village same as being at Charlotteto give back to someone they Christian Academy. She has been Blume's. Being an outsider atrespected. Performing in “The dancing since she was 4. another studio made me realizeNutcracker” was a tribute to her. Both Alexander and Lewis have how much I love and appreciate performed the major roles in my own. Coming back in theLike Ms. Blume, dancing has several of The North Carolina fall to see all my friends and thetaught me many life lessons and State Ballet's productions, people I know was refreshinghas made me a more disciplined including “Swan Lake,” “Sleeping after being the new girl in class.person, but it is also fun. The best Beauty,” “The Nutcracker,” “Fairiespart is that anyone can dance. The in the Woods” and Charlotte Performing in Charlottehardest part is taking the first step. Blume's production of “The Blume's tribute dance, Nutcracker” will forever beSo why do we dance? Every “The Dying Swan.” irreplaceable in my heart, justanswer is one’s own, and that's as there will never be a danceexactly how it should be! instructor as special as Ms. Blume.10 DECEMBER 2017
Ryan’s Reindeer Run: Through his mom’s eyesRoberta Humphries is the executive director of the Child Advocacy Center in Fayetteville. No stranger to the nonprofit sector, she’s also previously held leadership positions at the Cumberland County nonprofits United Way and Better Health. Humphries sat down with Women’s View Magazine to talk about one very special event she organizes every December: Ryan’s Reindeer Run.WVM: Please tell our readers a people throughout this whole ordeal WVM: What is your favorite thinglittle bit about yourself and why you have asked me why I chose to do what about hosting the run?started Ryan's Reindeer Run. I did. I always told them that I really didn’t see much of a choice in it. Now Humphries: Seeing all the funHumphries: After the death of my I realize there was, because so many people are having the day of the eventson Ryan in 2003 at the age of 18, 15 of us sit on the sidelines and watch. As and seeing many of Ryan’s friendsmonths after he was diagnosed with for me, I just love to run.” return each year to participate.Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, we wanted todo something to continue to honor his Although Ryan was talking about WVM: How does this run impact thememory and allow him to continue to running in a metaphorical sense, community and local charities?make a difference in this world. having a run in his memory just seemed like the thing to do. Humphries: The net profitsHe was a wonderful of this run are returned to theathlete and loved WVM: How is this event different community to support programsthe holidays. from other runs? that I believe Ryan would haveHaving a holiday supported if he were still able.run just seemed Humphries: I think the family Many of the programs supportedlike a nice way to awards, the reindeer-themed trophies through this event benefit childrenraise money for the and the costume contests make it and individuals dealing with thecommunity and to unique – and also, all children under 13 diagnosis of cancer. To date, we haveprovide a fun yet receive finisher medals. Also, although given back over $163,000 to variouschallenging event only a 5K, it is very challenging, organizations from proceeds raised.for individuals and family. It was with many hills. That was designedalso an opportunity for Ryan’s purposefully. Life is full of challenges, WVM: How long does it take to planfriends and family to get together with many ups and downs, and the run an event like this?and remember his joyful spirit. is meant to reflect that. People should feel a sense of accomplishment by Humphries: Since this is the 12thSome time after his diagnosis, Ryan completing this run. It is also conducive year for the run, it doesn’t take me aswrote in his journal: “But every to those just wishing to walk. long to get everything put togethermorning when I would crawl out of as it used to. I start planning in Junebed, dreading the oncoming day, I WVM: The costumes are always a and really get things moving aroundstopped thinking about winning and hit – what do first-timers need to know September.losing. I experienced victory every about the costumes?morning by merely waking up, because WVM: Where can people go towith every day I lived, I won, and Humphries: There is a costume register/learn more?cancer lost. I didn’t try in school so contest for both male and femalethat I could be a winner, and I didn’t runners, couples and groups. It Humphries: Registration is availablesprint up and down the basketball is important to register with the at active.com; search Ryan’s Reindeercourt to achieve any victory. I didn’t do costume judges so that they are sure Run or go to www.ryansreindeerrun.it for the praise or the glory. So many to see your costume. com for more information. DECEMBER 2017 11
LESLIE PYO COVER STORYAssistant EditorSarahAn artist at work:BusmanSarah Busman has been the principal flute – the notes and play along with the choir. There were, like, most skilled player and leader of the flute section three or four people in the whole band.” – with Fayetteville Symphony Orchestra and theCarolina Philharmonic since 2011. She’s also been an Her breakthrough came a few years later when, as a highadjunct professor of flute at the University of North schooler in Middle Tennessee, she started taking privateCarolina at Pembroke since 2012. Busman is an artist lessons from Deana Little, a new professor at the nearbywho makes a living practicing her craft in Fayetteville Middle Tennessee State University. “(Deana) was the oneand the surrounding area. In a community rich with who realized (and told me), ‘You’re very far behind, but it’screatives working hard to support themselves while OK. We can handle it,’” Busman said.doing what they love, her success is both an inspirationand an opportunity to learn. Today, Busman holds a Master of Music in Flute Performance from the prestigious Peabody Conservatory of Music. “I wish more people realized that the skills you need to perform or teach In her careers as flute professor and flute player, Busman music successfully are the skills lives out her words about the need for structure in an artist’s that you need to do everything else career. She runs three arts-related social media sites, successfully,” Busman said. serves on judging, leadership and planning committees with UNCP, and is a board member of the Raleigh Flute“Oftentimes when you are in a creative field, you get the Association as well as a member of the National Flutemisnomer that you’re sort of flighty or … you don’t have Association. She also consistently participates and isa plan for your life. If anything, especially in the current recognized in regional and national competitions – eighteconomy, artists have to be … way more structured, way since 2004 – and collaborates with other music entities – sixmore planned, way more scheduled than folks who may since 2011. “Waking up and not (planning your day out) justnot do that for a living.” isn’t a thing for an artist,” she said.Though she’s now got the well-fed artist thing down pat, As principal flute with the FSO and CP, she’s responsibleit all started as what she called a fluke. for nailing flute solos and artistically guiding the typically three-person (and therefore extremely competitive) fluteThe music program at fifth-grade Busman’s section. She is also often responsible for leading practiceselementary school in Naugatuck, Connecticut, was in which the woodwind instruments play without the restcomprised of one teacher who taught chorus and of the orchestra.offered basic lessons in percussion, clarinet and flute.“I started (flute) because my best friend was doing it,” Busman was the only female musician on the committeeBusman said. “Essentially, all we did was learn some that selected FSO’s new music director, Stefan Sanders, in April. “As far as being a woman in the arts, or in music, 12 DECEMBER 2017 ... I always feel vindicated when somebody will say to a
Above: Busman conducts at UNCP.Busman gave birth to her first son, Arthur, this March. She poses Above: Busman's private flute students played a Christmas concerthere with her UNCP flute students in November 2016. at The Cedars of Chapel Hill in 2014.woman in Hollywood, ‘What’s it like being a woman Saturday, Dec.in Hollywood?’ and they’ll say, 'It’s like being a woman 2, 7:30 p.m.anywhere else. The things that are difficult are still Watch Busmandifficult, and the things that are easy are still easy.’ perform inI agree with that statement.” FSO’s upcoming “A CarolinaBusman explained that in her career she still feels the Holiday” concerteffects of second-wave feminism-era changes that began at Methodistin the 1970s. In the ’70s, she said, orchestral auditions University’s Huffunderwent a massive overhaul. “There was such a Concert Hall.preponderance of male players in orchestras that several The symphonyorchestral unions … decided … that from now on, they will be joined bywanted auditions to be blind. (Auditioning musicians) The Fayettevillestarted playing behind a screen so judges could not know Academy Chorusif a man or a woman was playing.” The number of female for severalmusicians hired dramatically increased. “And that is selections.still the way we conduct orchestra auditions, globally,” Bonus – Busman’sshe said. “You come, you get a number, you don’t have husband, Josh (alsoa name, and you don’t speak to the people who are a musician), willlistening to you until perhaps the final round. You are give a pre-concerttold not to wear high heels; they often have a carpet. It’s talk at 6:45 p.m.very much trying to make that (process) more equitable.” When asked to share something she wished more peopleDuring her interview, Busman took a moment to wonder understood about the flute, Busman said, “I think,aloud. What would happen, this year, if we again removed oftentimes, people associate the flute with frail, waifythose screens and women could audition as women? That’s women in a way they do not associate the trumpet, fora question she thinks is important to be aware of and work example. I often wish that instruments were not genderedtoward finding answers to as she continues to play, teach in that way, because I don’t think it’s accurate at all. Theand generally kick butt as a professional musician. flute actually takes ... the same amount of air as the tuba does, because the vast majority of air is going over the mouthpiece, not into the instrument.” When asked about advice she’d give to her younger self, Busman said she’d emphasize the importance of listening. Listening to her body – “your well-being totally, directly relates to your ability to be a good musician” – listening to her teachers and listening to the music. But, of course, “I value silence also,” Busman said. “When your profession is making sound, silence is also really nice.” DECEMBER 2017 13
DR. HANK PARFITTCo-owner, City Center Gallery & BooksBehindcloseddoors: I own the apartment above City Center Gallery and Books located at 112 Hay St., a regular on the tour. My wife Diane and ICandlelight Loft Tour 2017 purchased the property in 1999. Here are a few of its stories.The buildings downtown have stories to tell. The apartment was first occupied by Ray’s Grocers in the early 1890s, when grocery stores were a relatively new concept. CityEvery year, hundreds of people come to downtown Fayetteville residents still shopped for fresh produce and meats under thefor the Candlelight Loft Tour. Local residents generously open Market House, but it was becoming a less popular option, andtheir loft spaces, allowing visitors to explore the history and the open-air market there was closed by 1907.glamour of downtown during the holidays from an intimateperspective. The fascination with these apartments, designed Ray’s Grocers was replaced by Jenkins Shoe Store when theand constructed in buildings that are 100 and even 150 building was purchased by Duncan Ray Kelly in the 1930s. Atyears old, is understandable. The striking variety from one loft the turn of the century, he and his brother opened a suspenderapartment to the next is impressive. This one-night event takes factory in Fayetteville. Later, he became a highly successfulplace Dec. 10. salesman with the Altman Neckwear Company in New YorkBelow and right: Views of 112 Hay St. City. After 20 years, he returned to Fayetteville, invested in downtown real estate and built the family home in Haymont. It1144 DDEECCEEMMBBEERR 22001177 is now the Hilltop House Restaurant. In the 1940s, Kelly’s building became Miss Vogue’s, a young ladies' dress shop. During one of the loft tours, as a petite and slightly frail elderly woman entered our apartment, she stopped before the grand staircase and exclaimed, “This is where I bought my wedding dress!” In the 1980s, 112 Hay St. became home to Sally’s Wigs. In 2002, Sally left her wigs and Fayetteville behind and moved to Hawaii to marry an old boyfriend. The next year, Diane and I opened City Center Gallery & Books, specializing in used and hard-to-find books and art “of Fayetteville and by Fayetteville.” The apartment above was finished the next year. 112 Hay St. is just one of the many buildings downtown that holds tales of Fayetteville's rich history. Make plans now to take the Candlelight Loft Tour on Sunday, Dec. 10. The self- guided tour runs from 5-8 p.m. Check-in is at ReMax Edge, 214 Hay St., from 5-7 p.m. Tickets are $12 at the door or $10 in advance and can be purchased at The Pilgrim in Westwood Shopping Center, at the Cool Spring Downtown District office at 222 Hay St. and at many downtown businesses. Call (910) 223-1089 for more information.
CHRISTINA ARREOLAContributing WriterColder weather means it is time for the holidays. The family, and he is again holidays mean it is time for family, with possibly a fresh out of rehab and dash of dysfunction. “The Nest” by Cynthia D’Aprix is caught by teenageSweeney is a feel-good novel with bite, revolving around four twins as he is buyingsquabbling siblings who will make your family seem a little drugs. Leo considersmore normal. hitting on the girls, whoUnlike most debut authors, Sweeney did not start to write end up being his sisterfiction until her mid-40s. A former marketing copywriter, Melody’s daughters.Sweeney went back to school at age 50 to learn to writefiction and published her first novel at 54. Simply hoping Then there is Jack,someone would want to read what she wrote, Sweeney and unaffectionatelyher agent decided to present publishers with her manuscript nicknamed “Leo Lite.”the Monday after Thanksgiving. They believed the best time Jack has his ownto send out a novel about a bickering family would be after financial burdens,editors were returning to work from a holiday spent with their which have causedown dysfunctional families. him to be led by money and not bySweeney has since landed in a predicament that every morals. He comesdebut novelist, even the most seasoned writers, hopes to be across a formerin: a seven-figure advance for her manuscript, hundreds of fireman who lost his wife in the 2001 attacks on the Worldthousands of copies sold, rights sold in 25 countries, her novel Trade Center. During his time working in the rubble of thebeing optioned for a film and 13 weeks spent on The New aftermath, the fireman found a statuette of two lovers andYork Times bestseller list. took it home as a reminder of his wife. Jack, however, seesSweeney’s phenomenal success may be attributed to luck this statuette as a possible pathway to cash, believing thisor good timing, but “The Nest” is simply a good book. well-known and valuable artifact could go for big moneyIt’s addictive. It’s touching. It’s enticing. Set in New York, on the black market – maybe even more money than hisSweeney’s former home, four adult siblings are fighting over share of the trust fund.a billowing trust fund that they’re all counting on to bail them Bea is a former famous short-story writer. She is strugglingout of their individual hardships. The trust fund is to be split to finish her novel that is now long overdue. Bea isamong siblings Leo, Jack, Bea and Melody, when Melody, the desperate to reach her former glory. However, the fact thatyoungest, turns 40. her former agent wants nothing to do with her but is nowFirst, we have Leo, to whom we are introduced in the prologue. living with her brother Leo causes strain in her family and inHe is fresh out of rehab and trying to take advantage of a her creativity.young waitress by making bogus promises of advancing her And finally, there is Melody, who is turning 40 and unleashingsinging career. Turn to the day he is supposed to meet with his “the nest” – the trust fund's pet name. Melody is much more tightly wound than her siblings. The stay-at-home mom tries to keep a watchful eye on her daughters, but she’s unaware that her twins have a habit of skipping important events like SAT prep. Melody is timid and conservative. The twins must be mindful of this as they try and hide the fact that one of them is a lesbian. “The Nest” forces these family members to come together over the thing that’s pulling them apart – money. This novel is perfect for a cold day in with your favorite hot beverage and a cozy blanket. Get ready to unravel all the juicy subplots and secrets. “The Nest” was named a best book of 2016 by NPR, People magazine, The Washington Post and The San Francisco Chronicle. Sweeney’s debut novel was also a Goodreads choice fiction finalist and a Barnes & Noble Discover New Writers pick. DDEECCEEMMBBEERR 22001177 1155
LESLIE PYO AdventuresNWEHAART'SAssistant Editor US? in light-seeing around Cumberland County, NC Photos courtesy www.dentonridge.comOften, the best memories this and free photos with Santa are also sights and sounds of Christmas. time of year are created in available. Open every weekend Other features include local mu- pared-down moments with Dec. 1-30. Entry is $10 per person. sicians, a Christmas Express train, close friends and family. The Fayette- For more information, visit food vendors, a marshmallow ville area offers several light displays www.dentonridge.com. pit, Santa, and an outdoor movie that are perfect for long walks, deep screen with holiday films. Tickets talks and a simple celebration of the Christmas in Paradise at Paradise cost $10 per vehicle. Open every beauty of the season. Acres in Hope Mills features, in day Dec. 7-21, 6-9 p.m. Call (910) addition to a light display, a hol- 433-1547 for details. Christmas Lights at Denton Ridge iday buffet, live Nativity scene, on Ramsey Street starts with a train rides, inflatables, fried moon Holiday Lights in the Garden at tram ride to a magical, wintery pies, marshmallow roasting and Cape Fear Botanical Garden village amongst oak and hickory the Clauses. Best of all, if you just provides a mile-long walk through trees. Christmas music and lights want to walk around and take in the a delightful, glowing and diverse accompany the ride, which first Christmas lights and sights sans the landscape. Lights and decorations stops at a live Nativity scene. Next other amenities, admission is free. adorn the garden’s natural winter stop is a country store where old- Open every Thursday, Friday and plant life and structures. Other timey Christmas candy and bottled Saturday from 5-9 p.m. Dec. 1-23. attractions include a synchronized drinks can be purchased. Other at- Call (910) 424-2779 for details. light show, Santa photos, s’mores tractions include Mrs. Claus’ bake and free kids’ crafts. Entry is $5-12, shop, a museum of early 1900s Christmas in the Park at Arnette depending on age and member- farming equipment, a traditional Park adjacent to the Cape Fear ship. Open Thursday through one-room school house and farm River offers a half-mile stroll on a Sunday, Dec. 7-30. Learn more at animals. Marshmallow roasting paved walking trail to take in the www.capefearbg.org.16 DECEMBER 2017
WHAT'S FAR H DA FROM US? Book your Good Eats while you can for the Summer! National Gallery of Art Sculpture WITH GRACE ENTERPRISE A Garden Ice Rink in SALADMASTER DISTRIBUTOR Washington, D.C. In the comfort &Ice skating is a staple in December, convenience of and local options like Fort Bragg’s your own home or Cleland Ice Rink make it easy to in our beautiful enjoy. But if you want to kick your downtown kitchen skating experience up a notch, a trip to studio. Enjoy the National Gallery of Art Sculpture dinner again & let’s Garden Ice Rink is worth it. Washington, D.C. is an easy five-hour keep it healthy! drive from Fayetteville, making it ideal for a day or weekend trip. At the NGASG Ice Rink in D.C., right on the main strip of the BOOK YOUR FREE LUNCH OR DINNER SHOW National Mall, you’ll glide amongst towering, large-scale BY CONTACTING APRIL OR LYNN sculptures by renowned contemporary artists such as Louise Bourgeois, Sol LeWitt, Roy Lichtenstein, Roxy Paine and Tony (706) 393-5289 • FITNESS • Smith. It’s kind of like a trip through the front yard of “Edward Scissorhands,” but with abstracted forms made of bronze, [email protected] • COOKING • concrete and aluminum rather than animals made of bushes. 130 Bow St., Fayetteville, NC 28301 • OPPORTUNITY • When you want to sit down and warm up, the self-service Pavilion Café offers a panoramic view of the Sculpture Garden and a Bringing Food & Fun Back Into The Kitchen! menu that includes pizza, sandwiches, salads and desserts along with wine and beer. Grace Enterprises® is a direct dealer of SaladMaster. The rink opened Nov. 18 and will remain open through March 11, 2018, weather permitting. Hours are Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m.–9 p.m.; Friday, 10 a.m.-11 p.m.; Saturday, 11 a.m.-11 p.m.; and Sunday, 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Total cost of two 45-minute sessions on the ice, including skate rentals, is under $15. Learn more at www.nga.gov/visit/ice-rink.html.Above: \"Graft\" by Roxy Paine. Below: \"House I\" by Roy Lichtenstein. DECEMBER 2017 17
The winter solstice is considered the shortest day of the year. The solstice is when the sun’s path has reached its southernmost point, producing the fewest available hours of daylight all year long. The winter solstice marks the first day of winter. Also on this day, the sun is directly overhead at high noon on the latitudinal point called the Tropic of Capricorn. The Farmer’s Almanac says that some historians surmise Stonehenge was built to correspond with the use of solstices and other solar and lunar events. In 2017, the winter solstice arrives on December 21 at 11:28 a.m. EST in the northern hemisphere. Have No Fear Boose Law is Here! One Call Does It All. Better Call Boose Law 214 Dick St., PO Box 1766, Fayetteville, NC 28302 Pwhwonwe: .9b10o.4o8s6e.9-2la92wF.acxo: 9m10.221.075018 DECEMBER 2017
DR. SANDHYA MONTILUSOwner, Serenity Integrated Medical SpaConcierge medicine: The direct pay modelConcierge medicine provider, the person who became a necessity. office. Doctors let patients is a new name for an sets the treatment plan for Physician burnout was fre- know that if they are no old model of health the patient. Midlevel pro- quent, and the joy of taking better in a few days or if theycare – a model that existed viders may be used in these care of patients was replaced continue to get worse, theybefore insurance companies clinics, but there is always a with making sure that regu- are obliged to come in andand managed care seeped physician in charge. lations and rules were being get further evaluated.into the doctor-patient followed and protocols putrelationship. There was a When hospital systems in place. Somehow, in this In this model, a doctor is nottime, a long time ago, when took over the outpatient madness, the patient got forced to have thousandsa doctor thought nothing clinics some years ago, they lost. Attention to charts and of patients. They can haveof going to visit a patient at were anxious to replace electronic medical records as few as three hundred orhome or taking a call from physicians with midlevel became the focus. Often, pro- as many as six hundred, fara patient on the telephone providers because of cost. viders did not even touch the below the customary 5,000or sitting in a room talking While these providers are patient but had a “beautiful to 10,000 patients mostto a patient for longer than an integral part of a physi- note” that reflected other- primary care doctors usu-15 minutes. There was a cian’s practice, they were wise. Nowhere was this more ally collect. Specialists, oftime when a doctor even meant to work alongside evident than in the emer- course, have many more.saw a patient or two on a physicians, not to replace gency room. Patients oftenSaturday, if necessary. While them. The public, however, complained that they were Direct pay models also ar-these thoughts might be was unaware of the differ- seen in an emergency room range for discounted ratesnostalgic to many of us, the ences in training. Often, this and never examined. It is no with a network of otherpendulum has started to meant that patient care was wonder that patients were not physicians and services.swing back to a new version potentially compromised thriving in this environment. Patients are so pleasedof yesteryear. because of the differences in with this new paradigm the depth of knowledge. With the new concierge in health care that clinicsThese days, for one low model, time is a crucial like these are popping upmonthly fee, usually paid Insurance companies, of difference. Patients get time all over the country. Whileat the start of 12 months, course, benefited from this to tell their story and give this does not excuse you,a patient can access their change since they paid less their history, and a doctor the patient, from the ACAphysician every day if they for midlevel-provided care has time to listen, ask ques- individual mandate, youwant to, by phone or in in contrast to what they paid tions and do an actual, full can couple this with a highperson. They can get routine physicians. Copays for pa- physical exam rather than deductible plan for a lowerbloodwork as part of the tients were the same, regard- simply writing prescriptions premium. That will takepackage and have access less of who they saw, and the and sending the patients on care of big hospital bills orto affordable medications, belief that midlevel providers their way. catastrophic illness cover-amongst other things. were the same as physicians age while still enabling you was a myth largely propagat- Patients feel valued to pay a low fee and haveDirect pay clinics are ed by hospital systems and and cared for. unlimited access to regularoffering all types of pack- insurance companies. At the outpatient care.ages for patients to choose same time, the doctor-patient A patient who worksfrom, and these typically relationship became less through the day could call For more information on this topicstart at around $700 a year. personal, and patients were the clinic if they had a minor and for answers to other ques-Yes, this is not a typo. The treated as merely a number in illness and get treated, al- tions, visit www.robesonwellness.best part of this is that in all a waiting room. Reimburse- lowing them to stay at work com or call Robeson Wellness atthese clinics, patients see a ments shrank, and the push rather than having to take Robeson Medical Clinic atphysician – not a midlevel to see more patients a day time off to go to the doctor’s (910) 802-0280. DECEMBER 2017 19
Roughly 1.6 billion Se creative Ways eas Frame favoriteChristmas cards, cards. Make greetingincluding boxed cards, Chrtio sretusme as cards a permanentare purchased in a part of holiday decorgiven year. Here are Cards by framing the mostsome creative ways to decorative ones youput Christmas cards ven genius id receive. Use theseto new use once this frames year after yearholiday season has turned into block shapes area. If cards are too large, and put them on displaycome and gone. and hung with ribbon. punch out large circles with other holiday Another idea is to punch from the cards and then decorations.Make your own gift out circles or ovals from attach those disks totags. Christmas card the cards and tile them on heavy thread. Make a wine bottlestock is the perfect a foam egg to look like a gift tag. Use a 11⁄4-inchmedium to turn into gift multicolored pine cone. Decorate your hole punch to create antags for presents. Cut packages. Instead opening for the neckthe cards into squares Create greeting card of overspending on of a wine bottle on aor rectangles or use a garlands. Display preprinted gift bags, make piece of folded cardstencil to create whatever cards by stringing them your own. Buy plain bags stock. Glue a greetingshape you desire. Then together and hanging in a solid color and then card to the portion ofuse a hole punch to them from the mantle or embellish them with the card stock that willcreate a space for ribbon another prominent cutout patterns or pictures lay flush with the wineor another tie. Use the from Christmas cards. bottle, and you have atag to dress up gifts with decorative wine tag.something more uniquethan self-stick tags. Shred older cards for confetti. Fill gift boxesMake Christmas card or bags with homemadeornaments. Use the confetti made fromcards to create uniquely recycled Christmasshaped ornaments for the cards.tree. Cards can be stkanyinothe w We can help you learn what is happening in and around Fayetteville! In print and online! www.upandcomingweekly.com 208 Rowan St. 910.484.620020 DECEMBER 2017
APRIL'S Find more KITCHEN delicious recipes at cooking4fitness.com.APRIL PERTONOwner of GRACE ENTERPRISEPad Thai with Chicken and Shrimp(1/2 lb.) package rice noodles 1. Place noodles in large bowl and 12. Add sauce mixture and stir for three3 tablespoons fish sauce cover with boiling water for about more minutes.2 tablespoons ketchup 10 minutes.1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce 13. Add beaten eggs and stir constantly2 teaspoons chili-garlic sauce (sambal oelek) 2. Drain. for one minute. Check to ensure2 tablespoons sugar 3. Set aside. chicken is fully cooked.2 tablespoons peanut oil 4. Mix together fish sauce, ketchup,6 garlic cloves 14. Add drained rice noodles and toss1 lb. boneless, skinless chicken breast Worcestershire sauce, chili-garlic until coated.1/2 lb. fresh shrimp sauce and sugar.1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes (hot) 5. Set aside. 15. Stir in bean sprouts, onions and2 eggs 6. Cut chicken into 1-inch cubes. 1/2 cup cilantro.2 cups bean sprouts 7. Peel and de-vein raw shrimp and 5 green onions coarsely chop. 16. Stir and toss for a minute or so,1 cup chopped fresh cilantro 8. Finely chop garlic. until heated.3 limes 9. Heat peanut oil in large frying pan1/4 cup coarsely chopped roasted peanuts or wok. 17. Spoon onto large serving platter. 10. Add garlic, chicken, shrimp and red 18. Sprinkle with chopped peanuts and pepper flakes. 11. Stir until shrimp turns pink. remaining cilantro. 19. Top with slices or wedges of lime, which will be used to squeeze over noodles upon serving. DECEMBER 2017 21
STEPHANIE CRIDER LAST VIEWEditor in ChiefTradition. What do ourThere is plenty of it this time of year. Astraditions look likeCshaoriysftAtmhmeayse.roicbasensrvea community, the greater Fayettevilleas a country?exgcifhtsa.nge sChSohtepripspthimnagansiearea has many traditions. ThisA few years ago,issue includes several of them – theHistory.com putCandlelight Loft Tour, “The Nutcracker”together some telling statistics95and several theater performances,about Americans%concerts and light displays. There areand Christmas. Here are some ofplenty of holiday-related thingsits findings.to do here.As families and93%individuals, we havetraditions, too.65For many, this means lots of decorating,%cooking and eating. It means worshipping sereravliitgcteeionsud. sand reflecting and praying. There are8parties to attend and gifts to exchange.115..7886-1225 1.530 8%asmabMtAdModdatiypgfwodSce2neohphefonsovtereoeosho2fehcaayeoaeeosiccmodeyo2rleaonkgertscrooifosisrt,0afnaehcrpacDreihtttnmtrruiap1lsshaemsiogtazaaetEnt’molit7fohtiioCevtttrrtimfhofasntioeimshoporvemyddloEneamweadeyhuiiroea,Mb.ertagesst’ybso.hwsasrsuWbsteeinwWoBttacStrtrwltaadsit2triirieaEoutteeomtorase.pSdoa0esiReectahn’ne.Hduosedmpaa1vireedt2aHkssieetuvcrybeo8yioses0ietewswoerodgsh.etlu1ilssoanneaneinoifryi7rehetotoidnnut’otidehoyntstcctaicoaunaSudtgnrneluuoisVsiegtsposoysasesraetork,sretieuasonrhryasmt.hotebnibelro,batettAwawtltaue,aiortenhralvnttoeeteinbgahreeeypjgaoneluieaxmeas..ssdcm.otacnsnoWWchhWaaohttuhdaimdoearCxrwreaetboenernfeeia.h’’neo.fdeuevvt.aqdgauh.oTngtyreseWraeutaeSlfepetheeelencdlempiayneeeirrcadans-te’ttnGeintimlntdoeedaaenT.tbAsmthosei–mlererlagisresowre.i,earnieiacnpaW(cracamoaeflCnsiraueasdtmsdaodcvvnetsoirleoliIu,vllenlnaesnrriepfegoeyadincstrasrneitdaicnNyviacevtli;retkuCncaeBheotaaaraeolchaiereysgnr)hwtrltd,.h;iwdetatswieCnrNsmtPbeemSlsehioeeoovenarwsnlebeuioesosrailtuTw,tst,EfmhhnyAMbpvfydfbatalTiClbelraeiruaanheniss,esakheke.ls;eeststeskrrhrSowssas.ige,ae;.spcumTeAitaT;ovaarmrhe,uSniirbtrk;nenciaDecdazeigRhlesmonolmut,mi-shotunr.oVdaaeeignalsoinllrClit.Nagaolypcaltnisaoeonsh,npurdiam,Fadwesrrm,atcaaigfisonyieWeecinndstircaathiatoabawnnhlorfrdignidhlesClddisicctotohehoagnnereuoroisdsCnbntostmhr’l?uteyratl.AiosestbvamtaeWroceuanhueppadstysus.ePhtaeintcrnhgoCnegtushortynroonlitvsprwstyamtnp,anabrtiaoeasul,dlttaMrouOercveeireecesarrhgsamit.gohroeeann,ng
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