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Home Explore Women's View Magazine November 2017

Women's View Magazine November 2017

Published by Up & Coming Weekly, 2017-11-06 12:18:46

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VOLUME 11 NOVEMBERISSUE 11 2017for, by and about Fayetteville women MAGAZINE GAME-CHANGERS EDITIONTheImportanceof NutritionThree WaysFemaleDirectors areChangingLeadership p.10Jill Palmer:\"Be the change you wish to see in the world.\" —Gandhi

Save DatesTHESE 2017 FEBRUARY 9 • MAY 11 • AUGUST 10 • NOVEMBER 9 Thank You to All Our Sponsors Who Made the August Event Possible! Special Thanks to our Speaker! TICKETS: $35.00 (includes the Shopportunity Expo and 1 Luncheon ticket) VENDORS: $75.00 (includes 1 Luncheon ticket)Join us for the with Each luncheon a portion of our profits will be Wine Bar & given to the Kidsville News Literacy Exclusive and Education Foundation.November 9 Shopportunity Tasting! Expo Call Paulette with any questions: WWW.FAYETTEVILLELADIESPOWERLUNCH.COM • #FLPL 910-273-2820 MAGAZINE WWW.FAYETTEVILLELADIESPOWERLUNCH.COM • #FLPL2 NOVEMBER 2017

THIS MONTH'S THEME: GAME-CHANGERS TABLE OF CONTENTSHe Said, Jill Palmer:She Said: \"Be the changeA Dickens you wish to seeHoliday TagTeam in the world.\" —GandhiThree WaysFemale COVER STORYDirectors areChanging Christina’sLeadership Reading Corner: Zadie Smith and “White Teeth” Spending the Holidays in Their Forever HomeBuilding a lifetime of memories, Thermograms, One vacation at a time... Health Coaching Specializing in cruises, & More groups, weddings, family, all-inclusives, adventure, Disney. Affordable PreventionJill Merrill Owner/Travel Agent/ Hope Mills, N.C. A Picture of Health Thermograms o ers mobile medical Treat Yourself!910-423-2088 • [email protected] thermography to people in the Cape Fear region of North Explore your surroundings & Shop Local Carolina at doctors’ o ces and other medical settings and at 1404 Raeford Rd. NOVEMBER 2017 3 Please call for more information 910-527-7733 or email [email protected]

What Can I Give? VOLUME 11 ISSUE 11The average person has passions. We can do our about, gifted in and given PUBLISHERnever before been so research to see what ways we access to theater and film, F & B Publicationseasily informed (and can employ these things we she’ll make a necessarymisinformed) about have to offer most effectively. difference in that world that EDITOR IN CHIEFdomestic and international And we can determine in our many others couldn’t even Stephanie Criderhumanitarian crises of all hearts to consider our literal if they wanted to. [email protected] of severity. All it takes and figurative neighborsis one visit to Facebook or above ourselves. April Fischer recently ASSISTANT EDITORTwitter, and you’ll see video adopted two children Leslie Pyoclips, first-hand accounts This month’s issue features through the Boys and Girlsand opinion pieces on several game-changers – Homes of NC. Fischer’s act [email protected] in your state women who have made is different from Palmer’s orand across the world that a positive impact in an Klein’s, and it’s a way of doing ART DIRECTORyou probably would not area that employs their good that only someone with Elizabeth Longhave known about in such unique skills and passions. a heart for it can do. [email protected] intimate way had they Jill Palmer, director of theoccurred 10 years ago. Steven A. Cohen military People need each other. MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE family clinic, doesn’t run No individual can solve the Linda McAlisterI have started to freeze up a clinic that serves all world’s problems, but weand feel helpless in the people with medical needs can commit to using what [email protected] of so many needs, everywhere; she runs a we’ve been given for morewhether thinking about practice that specifically than our own benefit. We OPERATIONS DIRECTORFayetteville’s homeless meets the needs of military, can choose to do our part Paulette Naylorpopulation in the National Guard and Reserve with the tools we have.coming winter months or families in Fayetteville. As [email protected] the life-changing the daughter of a Vietnam Is writing a gift you thinkdevastation Hurricane veteran who struggled with you can use to impact this DISTRIBUTION MANAGER/Maria inflicted on those PTSD and as a Navy veteran community positively? Are SALES ADMINISTRATORwho live in Puerto Rico. herself, she's specially you interested in covering Laurel Handforth qualified to meet the needs local stories, causes orHowever, this freezing up of this demographic. organizations that matter [email protected] to stop. It's important, to Fayetteville? Considerif cliched, to remember Talya Klein, director contributing an article or CONTRIBUTING WRITERSthat no one person can be of Cape Fear Regional pitching a story idea to Leslie Jonesresponsible for or effective Theatre’s “Wait Until Dark,” Women’s View Magazine. LaNatria Ellisin solving every problem at has chosen to use her time We want to elevate your Talya Kleinevery level of society. What blazing a new pathway in a voices. Email leslie@we can do is assess our male-dominated industry. Megan Maxwellstock of resources, gifts and Because she’s passionate for more information. Christina Arreola4 NOVEMBER 2017 Tracey Natale April Fischer April Perton WOMEN’S VIEW MAGAZINE 208 ROWAN STREET FAYETTEVILLE, NC, 28301 PHONE: (910) 484-6200 Fax: (910) 484-9218 Interested in contributing to Women's View Magazine? Email: editor@upandcomingweekly. com or call (910) 484-6200 Women’s View Magazine is by, for and about Fayetteville women. Published by F&B Publications in conjunction with Media Marketing Management. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction or use of editorial or advertisement without permission is strictly prohibited. Various vector source artwork created by © Freepik, © Vecteezy and © Pixabay.

THIS MONTHin and around Fayetteville Holly Day Fair 21st Annual Fort Bragg 10-miler \"Cirque Dreams Holidaze\" atThe largest holiday gift and craft show at the corner of Longstreet Reilly Givens Performing Arts Center,in Eastern North Carolina returns to the Roads, 7:30 p.m. Ticket available at 8 a.m. Super Shopper tickets cost $15; general admission costs $10. event/fort-bragg-10-miler/1442534 “Wait Until Dark” Fayetteville Marksmen hockey at Fayetteville Ladies Power Lunch at at Cape Fear Regional Theatre the Crown Ramada Plaza Bordeaux, Desperate to reclaim a mysterious doll 10 a.m.-3p.m. Celebrating the lionesses in our community. $35.stuffed with illegal drugs, a con man lays a trap to ensnare a blind woman. or 910-323-4233 Community Concerts presents Vision Resource Center’s Out of \"It’s a Wonderful Life\" at Gilbert \"Dirty Dancing,\" Sight Blindfolded Dining Event at Theaterthe classic story, onstage at the Crown. the Hellenic Center. 5 p.m. \"The Heart of Christmas Show\" at WKML presents When Pigs Fly All-American BBQ the Crown \"Stars & Guitars,\" Festival in Festival Park, Noon-6 p.m. featuring Big & Rich, Drake White, Scotty when-pigs-fly McCreery, Lindsay Ell, Carly Pearce,Cannan Smith, Dylan Scott and Frankie \"A Dickens Holiday\" in downtown Ballard at the Crown. 6:30 p.m. Fayetteville, 1-9 p.m. Free to attend. things-to-do/a-dickens-holiday NOVEMBER 2017 5

Adrienne Trego is the Education and Outreach director for the Arts Council Fayetteville/Cumberland County. She and her husband, DanielDiMaria, have helped with the Arts Council’s popular November event ADickens Holiday for the past four years. DiMaria is an associate attorney for the Charleston Group. The 18th annual A Dickens Holiday will be held Friday, Nov. 24, from 1-9 p.m. in downtown Fayetteville. Visit to learn more.HE: SHE:How did We met at my high school job, (which Dan and I met when we were just 18 years old while heyou two was) managing a full-service gas station. was working at a gas station in his hometown of Forty Fort,meet? I was wearing cowboy boots; she was Pennsylvania. I used to drive by his workplace and gawk at himAfter getting driving a Volkswagen. a little before we ever met. I later found out we had a mutualmarried, That when she was a kid, she had friend. That friend eventually introduced us.what's the a pizza party with Newt Gingrich We were together for a long time before we got married, so Ifirst new (Adrienne’s childhood friend is think we both knew what we were getting into. But a great bonusthing you his niece). to being married to Dan is that he is an excellent baker – cakes,learned bread, cookies – you name it, he can bake it. Lawyer by day,about your baker by night.spouse? I know it is probably most people’s favorite part of Dickens, butWhat's your My favorite part of A Dickens Holiday the candlelight procession is truly magical. Seeing members offavorite part is the immediate sense of community our community together, walking through our beautiful downtownof A Dickens and togetherness at the opening of the all bathed in candlelight – it’s a beautiful visual, and it makes youHoliday candlelight procession. feel so connected to our community.every year? There is a fabulous photo of Dan lying on the ground on theDo you have I don't have a singular anecdote to sidewalk at the end of the night. It is such a wonderful event toa weird/ describe the extent of the fun of Dickens. work and volunteer for, but it is a long and exhausting day, andfunny story Let's just say you meet a lot of interestingfrom your time folks when you're dressed as the that photo reflected how all of us felt.participating Ghost of Christmasin A Dickens Future.Holiday?What's the Definitely Robo Dinosaur. It's a robot – and a For my 19th birthday, Dan bought me a banjo, which I alwaysbest present dinosaur. wanted to learn to play. It was a very exciting gift, but I’m(Christmas or embarrassed to admit that nearly 13 years later, I still haven’tother) you've learned to play it. One day I will, I swear!ever received Dan has a talent for being able to mimic other people’s voicesfrom your and accents. He does a Mickey Mouse voice that always makesspouse? me laugh. He’s found that if I am ever mad at him, he can use the voice to end any argument. It’s hard to be mad at someone whoWhat I laugh with joy every day for her just being sounds like Mickey Mouse.does your herself. She's hilarious!spouse dothat makesyou laugh?6 NOVEMBER 2017

LESLIE JONES FITNESSPersonal trainer, body builder andspecialist in fitness nutrition My background in athletics started and avoiding the fat gain that often and are important for hormones,with cheerleading and gymnastics and comes with aging is to get enough which are necessary for recovery andveered into an '80s aerobics phase and protein, something many people play a role in lean muscle gains.a little bit of softball before arriving at lack in their daily diets. Proteinmy mecca: competitive bodybuilding. is a filling macronutrient used to And last, but certainly not build and repair tissue, and it helps least, drink water. Water is In the beginning, I knew about maintain strong bones. It also assists hugely important in promotingcompetitions, but quite frankly, in maintaining and losing weight weight loss, flushing toxins andI was intimidated. After seeing and preserving muscle mass through increasing energy. Water willmy first show, the North Carolina protein synthesis, the process by also help maximize your physicalState Championships in High Point which cells use protein to build performance. If you are not hydrated,in 2009, I knew I wanted to do muscle. Eating fruit and yogurt for physical performance can suffer andwhat they were doing. I watched breakfast is great, but adding protein fatigue will increase, making exercisenow-International Federation of stabilizes your blood sugar levels feel more difficult.Bodybuilding and Fitness pro Sherri and will reduce “brain fog.” It willGray, who first inspired me, compete also boost your energy. Eggs, meat, Athletic competition is notas a female bodybuilder – and win. fish and Greek yogurt are all great for everyone, but everyone canShe not only looked amazing but sources of protein. benefit from even the simplestgenuinely seemed like she was implementations of exercise andhaving the best time. I was amazed Carbohydrates are important better nutrition. As I’ve increasedat her conditioning and knew I could for energy and a healthy digestive my fitness, what has been mostchallenge myself to do the same. system. Eating the right type of beneficial to me is the improvementSeven weeks later, I was onstage as carbohydrates provides dietary in confidence. How you feela bodybuilder. fiber and helps keep cholesterol in about yourself affects all areas of check. Starchy vegetables, fruits and life, including your job and your Proper nutrition is what ultimately grains are much better choices than relationships. Feeling confidentchanged my physique. It was a matter processed carbs. They digest slower makes me want to make others feelof managing the big three: protein, and tend to be higher in fiber. the same way.carbohydrates and healthy fats. Include plenty of healthy fats in Leslie Jones is sponsored by Bill Porter Protein plays a vital role in not your diet, especially unrefined fats – of MaxMuscle in Fayetteville. She writesonly lifting weights but in trimming think fat from fish, avocados, olives about her bodybuilding, food and otheryour waistline. Recent studies and nuts. These will assist in fat loss aspects of her life on her blog,show the secret to staying young NOVEMBER 2017 7

Losing You is Difficult Enough... Don’t Leave Them Guessing. WILLS • HEALTHCARE POAOne Call Does It All. Better Call Boose Law 214 Dick St., PO Box 1766, Fayetteville, NC 28302 Pwhwonwe: .9b10o.4o8s6e.9-2la92wF.acxo: 9m10.221.0750 Get your figure ready stkanyinothe w for the Holidays. Treat yourself to We can help you learn what is happening in and around Body Fayetteville! In print and Contouring online! with SCULPSURETM 208 Rowan St. 910.484.6200Sandhya Thomas-Montilus, M.D. & OwnerSERENITY 910.485.4171INTEGRATED 3115 BOONE TRAILMEDICAL SPA FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28306 wYwOwU.yToHuBtEhAbUeTaYuHtyEhAeLaTlHth.C.cOoMm8 NOVEMBER 2017

FASHION with LaNatria Ellis Sweater weather is upon us … almost. I stole hubby’s hoodie and cropped it for extra cool points — and to accommodate my growing belly. Fishnet socks and Gucci mule slides make the look chic yet casual. #slayingfortwo Sunglasses – Dior Hoodie – DIY Camisole – Forever21 Pants, purse and socks – Shoes – Gucci Photographer- Timothy Ellis Follow LaNatria: Instagram: NOVEMBER 2017 9

TALYA KLEIN Three Ways Freelance director and producer Female Directors are Changing the Way We ApproachRight: Klein (foreground, holding a Leadershipwater bottle) and her team film herdebut film project, \"Brokers,\" in 2016.Photo courtesy of Geoffrey Olson. A year ago I was According to a study conducted by but also in the collaborative process.directing my very San Diego State’s Center for the Study It becomes a self-perpetuating cyclefirst film project, a of Women in Film and Television, where men hire other men who wantweb series called for the the top 250 domestic grossing to tell stories about men.“Brokers.” films in 2016, only 7 percent of them were directed by women. While However, I believe the things these numbers are depressing, I that have marginalized women can believe that we are on the precipice actually be transformed into strengths or even superpowers. I can’t speak of a female leadership revolution in for all women, but I know that being excluded and silenced from popularIt was day five of a six-day shoot. the entertainment industry and that narratives has only made me more sensitive to and aware of otherWe had just finished shooting female directors are quickly changing marginalized actor’s final scene, and, as is the way we look at leadership. Here As a result, more and more, female directors are seeking out the storiescustomary in the film world, the are three reasons why. that are unique and often overlooked. Films and plays with female directorscast and crew gave her a round of are more likely to have other femalesapplause after her final take. working with them. Directors like As the crew moved to set up the next Women understand Patty Jenkins, Ava DuVernay and Jill the need to listen to Soloway are not only paving the way1shot, she approached me and pulled marginalized voices. for more female narratives but forme in for a big hug. “Thank you,” she other female artists as well.said. “I’ve been on a ton of film sets, I’ve seen and experienced firsthand And women are showing up to see these movies and plays inbut this is the most females in charge the common misconception that record numbers: Patty Jenkins’ recent film, “Wonder Woman,”I’ve ever experienced. Believe me, it stories by and about women are broke box office records to becomemakes a huge difference.” optional. In film and theater,I knew what she meant. While 2016 women’s stories have traditionallywas my first time behind the camera, been pushed aside and minimized,I am no stranger to a film set. I acted even though women make up atall through my teens and 20s, and I least half of the audience for thesesaw it firsthand: film has always been stories. It’s not just in narrative wherea boys’ club. women’s voices have been silenced,10 NOVEMBER 2017

Photo: Madeleine Talya Klein is an award-winningLambert as the director, writer, producer and visualPilot in Klein’s artist. She is the director of Cape2014 production Fear Regional Theatre’s “Wait Untilof \"Grounded\" Dark,” which opened Oct. 26 and runsby George Brant through Nov. 12. She has directedat Manbites Dog over 40 theatrical productions in theTheater in Durham. U.S. and abroad and is the producing artistic director of The Here & Now, a company that produces one-off, site-specific work. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Theater and Social Struggle from Duke University and a Master of Fine Arts in directing from Brown University. She is the executive producer and director of the series “Brokers” (www.brokerswebshow. com) now streaming online. A native New Yorker, Klein now lives in Durham, North Carolina.the fifth highest-grossing superhero about women fighting back and of damage to men, not just of all time. using their own strengths to When I’m directing, one of my their advantage.2WWe uenudnedresrtsatnadndthe favorite tools is harnessing what I imthpelicimatpiolincsatoifovnisoolefnce in Susy, the main character, uses like to call “the group genius.” Even ouvriowleonrkce. in our work. her blindness – traditionally seen though I am in charge and make the as a disability – to her advantage final call, I know the good ideas won’t Female directors are not only and uses it to defeat the men who come from me all the time. I havesensitive to marginalized narratives, are terrorizing her. Between myself, learned that if you populate the roombut also to the implications of the Artistic Director Mary Kate Burke and with smart, passionate people andsex and violence portrayed in those fight choreographer Jill Carlson (yes, then give them room to contribute,narratives. According to statistics we’re all women), we are creating the you will end up with a product that isfrom the Rape, Abuse & Incest space for the actors and audience to much greater than anything you canNational Network, one in six women feel taken care of even as we explore make on your own.will be the victim of an attempted some pretty rough and violentor completed rape in their lifetime. subject matter. I had no sense of this as aFemale directors don’t have the young director. The old system ofluxury of ignoring the current culture 3WcotWeolleaacbroaeorlnlera’nabtt’aoet f.rarafartiead.idto leadership, which I observed in myof sexual violence and therefore are 20s, considers not having all themore likely to prioritize safety on set Women striving for leadership answers to be a huge weakness. Itand in the rehearsal room. positions have often been called wasn’t until I was in my 30s and no “bossy” and “aggressive” when longer a novice that I realized there LA Weekly recently published an they are simply being direct and is a tremendous amount of power inarticle by April Wolfe about Hollywood decisive, which can be incredibly not having all the answers: it keepsviolence choreographer Deven discouraging. But as long as we you curious and open to new ideasMacNair. The article explores how don’t confuse that opinion with and surprising solutions.female directors are taking seriously truth, a real advantage begins tothe safety and mental health of their emerge: we can actually tell that It is this curiosity that leads toactors and the way that rape and there is a difference between true every great innovation. And whileviolence towards women are being power and tyranny. there are many male leaders whoportrayed and discussed in their work. have defied the system and workedOne of the reasons I was interested The patriarchal model for in that mindset, women are uniquelyin directing “Wait Until Dark” leadership, which considers poised in this moment not just tothis season at Cape Fear Regional anything less than omniscience a defy the system but to break it apartTheatre is that I think it’s important weakness, actually does a great deal and recreate it. So many of us havefor women to direct more stories grown up without a model for female leadership, which means we are free to create our own. NOVEMBER 2017 11

STEPHANIE CRIDER Editor in Chief Jill PalmerBe the changeyou wish to see in the world. —Gandhi Jill Palmer was diagnosed with dyslexia and a processing disorder when she was in elementary school. This disorder made learning difficult, but with the love and support of her family and community, she overcame these challenges. She credits her upbringing with setting her up for success. “I grew up with a sense of safety and community and the mentality that if you work hard, you can achieve goals and solve problems,” Palmer said. And that's what she did. Today, neither of these issues impacts her. She's a Navy veteran and a doctoral candidate at the University of Tennessee, where she is focusing on evidence-based practices, leadership and research. And, as of this summer, she’s the director of the Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Cape Fear Valley. It wasn't until she attended college that Palmer realized how lucky she was. “I met a bunch of people who had different backgrounds and upbringings,” Palmer said. “I remember going to New York City with a friend and seeing a skyscraper living complex and thinking to myself that more people lived there than in the five towns near where I grew up in Randolph, Vermont. And it hit me – no wonder there's so much struggle and poverty in this world. It helped me see that the world was not perfect. I struggled within a supportive community, but not everyone has that. I saw then that I needed to go into social work because it would give me options to work with all kinds of people.”1212NONVOEVMEBMEBRE2R0217017

Palmer has dedicated her career to helping others. She COVER STORYspent six years in the Navy and more than 12 years providingsocial work services to at-risk youth and domestic violence While the focus is on post-9/11 veterans, Palmer saidsurvivors. She’s also directed a children's bereavement camp the clinic is committed to helping all veterans findat Hospice of Northeast Florida, conducted mental health the care they need. “We work with Veterans Affairsevaluations and psychiatric social work in the emergency to connect Vietnam vets and others with the rightdepartment and inpatient unit at Baptist Medical Center in resources. Our Cape Fear Valley Health partnershipJacksonville, Florida, and directed a boys’ juvenile justice helps us connect with hospitals or outpatient services,program. And now, she’s landed in Fayetteville. so it's a warm handoff to other services when needed.” When she read the job description for the Steven A. Palmer noted that many female veterans are also oftenCohen Military Family Clinic at Cape Fear Valley, Palmer the family’s main earner, primary child care provider andsaid she felt as if the position was created just for her, and home manager while carrying the weight of serving theirshe said so at her interview. Three weeks later, she moved to country. Unfortunately, these can be barriers to gettingFayetteville to take the job. care. “The VA hasn't caught up in meeting the needs of women. They're trying, but they're still far behind.”The Clinic The clinic is designed to be a part of the solution. The Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Cape Fear Palmer added that they accommodate female clientsValley opened July 25 and is already impacting lives. with things like separate waiting rooms and entries and exits, evening hours and child care. Soon, Palmer This facility fills a significant gap in the care available hopes to see teleservices increase as well. “If talkingto veterans and their families by offering services with with your health care provider while you are waiting inlittle or no wait – regardless of insurance or a person’s the carpool line after school or while you are watchingability to pay. The clinic treats a variety of mental health soccer practice is the only time you have to talk withissues, including depression, anxiety, post-traumatic your counselor, we want to be available,” she said.stress, adjustment issues, anger, grief and loss, familyissues, transition challenges, relationship problems and Palmer's passion for helping veterans runs deep. Herchildren’s behavioral problems. dad was a Vietnam veteran. \"I was in my 20s before I understood what that meant ... my dad suffered from As of this writing, Palmer said the clinic has received PTSD. He never told anyone about it until the years of164 referrals. A referral is when someone calls and nightly nightmares, strong startle response, flashbacksis scheduled for an intake, which allows the clinic and avoidance symptoms landed him in the hospital forstaff to explore the person’s needs and evaluate the a alcohol-induced suicide attempt at age 62.\" This wasappropriateness for the clinical services. All 164 have been after a 25-year career in the Vermont State Police.offered support or resource connections if they needed it,including therapy services at the clinic. Since July 25, the He was finally enrolled in the VA and offered services,clinic has helped 75 clients. Those clients are receiving \"but for my father, it was too little too late,\" Palmerevidenced-based therapeutic services. “I am honored and said. \"In 2015, my father died from his untreated,excited to be leading this wonderful clinic and offering unsuccessful attempts to address his PTSD andthe amazing services to our veterans and their families,” alcoholism. His death is one of the reasons I believe inPalmer said. the Cohen Veterans Network. I believe if we can provide timely, high-quality, effective mental health care, then The clinic serves post-9/11 veterans and anyone who we can save lives and, in-turn, save a generation ofhas served in the United States Armed Forces, including children from suffering from unhealthy family systems.\"the National Guard and Reserves, regardless of dischargestatus, role while in uniform or combat experience. This Find out more about the Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic atgroup includes family members of and caregivers for Cape Fear Valley: www.cohenveteransnetwork.orgveterans and active-duty service members, National or (910) 615-3737.Guardsmen and Reservists. Jill Palmer with her father and mother. NNOOVVEEMMBBEERR 22001177 1133

MEGAN MAXWELL Create a Victorian Christmas Theme at HomeEducation and Events Coordinator,1897 Poe House Creating a traditional tabletop arrangements and available at many retailers, rian Christmas décor. ToursVictorian-themed Christmas pictures or artwork hanging but traditional white lights are provided Tuesday-Fri-in your home is relatively on your walls. work fine as well. A scrap day at 11 a.m., 1 and 3 p.m.;simple. Victorians in south- angel usually adorned the top Saturday on the hour fromern North Carolina decorated In many homes during the of the tree, but stars or tinsel 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and Sundaywith greenery such as holly, 1890s, the Victorian tree was flags were also common in on the hour from 1-4 p.m.magnolia, ivy, mistletoe, the focal point of the Christ- the Victorian era. Admission is free.nandina and pyracantha. It mas décor. In the Museumwas common to hang pine of the Cape Fear’s 1897 Poe For a festive Christmas Celebrate the Christmasgarland along porch railings House, we trim the tree with dinner, trim the dining season at the annual Holidayand to hang wreaths and Victorian scrap ornaments table with red satin ribbon, Jubilee, Dec. 3, at the 1897 Poedrape garland over the front made from bits of scrap fab- draping it across in a T-shape. House. This free event featuresdoor. Smaller wreaths and ric, tinsel and paper as well Ribbons can also be draped a concert by Fayetteville’s ownsprays decorated secondary as many reproduction glass from a central light fixture to Coventry Carolers. The carol-entrances. You can add a ornaments. Scrap ornaments the four corners of the table. ers will perform on the frontmodern splash of color with are fun to make at home Faux magnolia leaves can porch of the Poe House at 1:30,holly berries, bows or poin- using decorative Victorian be placed in a circle under- 2:30 and 3:30 p.m.settia stems. If you want to be scrapbook paper or recycled neath chargers and stationaryhistorically accurate, red satin holiday cards. Cut images arrangements. Trim napkin The house will be decorat-ribbons would have been out and glue them to a sturdy rings with holly. Decorative ed for a Victorian Christmas,used at the time, but modern cardboard base, then trim centerpieces called epergnes providing a beautiful back-wired ribbon gives bows a with tinsel scraps, paper or were common in the Victori- drop for this festive event,more structured look. ribbon. You can find repro- an period. These decorative and will be open between the duction Victorian-style glass bowls were filled with holiday caroling performances. Pine garland can also be ornaments at many local craft flowers or greenery and weredraped over interior doors, and Christmas stores. Tiny usually flanked by candles. The Poe House kitchenmantles and stair railings white candles clipped to the Poe House Holiday Décor will be alive with the smellsto create a festive welcome branches would have been of Christmas goodies cook-for guests. Simple magnolia, used to illuminate the tree and “Holiday Jubilee” ing on the museum's 1902holly or pine wreaths can be in the days before electric Visit the 1897 Poe House at Glenwood stove. Santa Claushung indoors as well. Use lights. Today, Christmas will also be in attendance andmagnolia and holly to accent lights shaped as candles are the Museum of the Cape Fear available for pictures through- Historical Complex from Nov. out the event. Santa photos 24-Jan. 7 to view the Victo- and admission are free.Maxwell received a BA in History from UNC-Pembroke and an MA in Public History from N.C. State University. She worked for the NCDepartment of Natural and Cultural Resources for nine years, serving as an interpreter at Brunswick Town/Fort Anderson State Historic Site andas the programs coordinator for Bentonville Battlefield State Historic Site. She has been in her current position as the 1897 Poe House Educationand Events Coordinator for the Museum of the Cape Fear Historical Complex in Fayetteville for five years. Maxwell is currently vice-chair of theFayetteville Historic Resources Commission and secretary for the North Carolina Museum Council Board of Directors.14 NOVEMBER 2017

CHRISTINA ARREOLAContributing WriterBorn in London to an English father and a Jamaican mother, abandoned her faith toZadie Smith writes novels that include themes of identity, religion, be with the rebelliousrace and class with inspiration drawn from her own life. After five Ryan Topps. She is leftnovels, and a highly-anticipated sixth to come in 2019, Smith alone when he becomeshas established her name among top-ranked novelists. She was a Jehovah’s Witnessincluded on Time magazine’s 100 best English-language novels himself. Desperate forpublished from 1923 to 2005. She was also included in the anything, she marriesliterary magazine, Granta’s, list of Best Young British Novelists Archie, who is more than twice her age.both in 2003 and 2013. Smith received the Welt-Literaturepreisaward in 2016 and the Langston Hughes Medal in 2017. Samad, meanwhile, is in an arranged marriage and faces difficulty living as a follower of Islam in an English world,While studying at Cambridge, where Smith graduated in 1998, despite living in the melting pot of London. Many of his mistakes,she published a collection of short stories in The Mays Anthology. including an affair, Samad blames on the torment and temptationThis anthology showcased new student writing and garnered Smith of Western culture. As a way to make up for his shortfalls as aattention from publishers. After being offered a contract for her first Muslim, he sends his son Magid to Bangladesh so the boy cannovel, she decided to hire a literary agent. In 1997, Smith released properly learn the practice of Islam. His other son, Millat, remainsa partial manuscript, which would become her debut novel in London, which leads to the children growing up to lead very“White Teeth,” to be auctioned off for publishing rights. During different lives. Magid ironically becomes an atheist who devotesher final year at Cambridge, “White Teeth” was completed and his life to science, and Millat follows a more rebellious path,subsequently published in 2000, when Smith was just 24. joining a militant Muslim organization after being angry at how marginalized his people are in English society.“White Teeth” made a name for Smith, winning her multipleawards. As of 2002, it had sold 42,000 hardback copies and Smith plays with multiple narrators and timelines, jumping from800,000 paperbacks; the average first book sells less than the past to the present, bringing into question whether everything40,000 copies overall. The novel encompasses the complicated, is connected or is all by chance. Many of the characters incharismatic and sometimes chaotic voice of London, focusing “White Teeth” are intertwined and dealing with major internalon two wartime friends – Bangladeshi Samad Iqbal and conflict – all set against the background of a London thatEnglishman Archie Jones – and the people in their lives. Their appears to be a bustling melting pot but is brimming with politicalaccidental friendship begins after they serve in the same tank turmoil, racism and a constant conversation about immigrationcrew during the final days of World War II. They both missed out and assimilation.on much of the action of the war. Archie has failed at marriageand even failed a suicide attempt. Samad is an old, unexcited Although published in 2000 and set in London, the novel is stillman who is now a waiter at a curry house. relevant. It is easy to see how America mirrors many of its strong themes. “White Teeth” has won the Guardian First Book Award,Eventually, Archie remarries. His bride is a Jamaican teenager, the Whitbread First Novel Award, the James Tait Black MemorialClara. Clara was once a Jehovah’s Witness but quickly Prize and the Commonwealth Writer’s First Book Award.15 NOVEMBER 2017 NOVEMBER 2017 15

Since 1993, WVM: How area coordinator. I lead like a stuffed animal or participation in it that you Operation Christmas many years have a team of year-round soccer ball — something as would like to share? Child has delivered you participated in volunteers who serve the focal piece of the box. more than 146 million Operation Christmas on a variety of teams. Then we ask that each area NELSON: This program shoebox gifts to Child and in what (Examples include) is supplied for — school has not only impacted children in more than capacities? drop-off location team supplies and hygiene the children who receive 160 countries and leaders, church relations, items. Most children will these gifts but also every territories, including NELSON: I have community relations and say that their favorite item, person involved in the about 11.5 million been packing boxes media relations. however, is a picture of ministry — the packer, the last year alone. To for over a decade. I the family that packed the church, the processing learn where you can started serving in the WVM: What are the box and a letter. The box center and volunteers, drop off a shoebox processing center in most popular/most represents three things — the loaders, truck drivers, in Cumberland Charlotte five years needed items to pack in a the love of Christ, the love airport personnel, pilots County and to ago where I learned of box for this year? of a stranger (the packer of and then the receiving learn more about the year-round service the box) and a tangible gift countries and their teams the organization, opportunities. I became NELSON: We for them to have. of people bringing the visit www. the area coordinator encourage every box to be good news to these shortly after and have packed with a “wow item” WVM: Are there any children — and then to operation-christmas- been serving for four other thoughts about their families and villages. child. Drop-off runs years year-round now. the program or your Nov. 13-20. WVM: How are (Left) Alex Nsengimana fled his home during Nicole Nelson you participating in a period of extreme tribal unrest in his native is originally from Operation Christmas country, Rwanda. He found refuge in an Chicago, Illinois, Child this year? orphanage. He received a shoebox from and is a former NELSON: This year I Operation Christmas Child one year later. Army officer. She is am the Eastern Sandhills Nsengimana now serves with OCC. married and has two sons, 6 years and 6 months old. She has been attending and serving at Village Baptist Church in Fayetteville for the past 10 years.16 NOVEMBER 2017

TRACEY NATALEDirector of Foster CareBoys and Girls Homes of NCAPRIL FISCHERFoster and adoptive parentThanksgiving and Christmas are I celebrated the last two Christmas An Angel Tree putsupposed to be the most wonderful seasons with two little boys that I up by Boys and Girlstimes of the year – and for many desperately wanted to adopt. Well, Homes of NC fosterthis is true. But for children in my wish became a reality, and this children that wasfoster care, the holiday season can Christmas will be extra special sponsored by thebe emotionally traumatic. When since the adoption was finalized staff and patientsyou have foster families who are earlier this year. I was blessed to of Stout and Boothcommitted to providing a safe, loving adopt my two little boys and give Orthodontics inand nurturing home, it can make them their forever home and my Fayetteville last year.the experience a little less traumatic. last name.April Fischer, a foster and adoptive L to R, back to front: Grandma Dee, Aprilparent, shared her thoughts on this This year, my sons will only receive Fischer, Papa and the boys. Editor’s note: Fulltopic in her own words: presents from me (aka Santa) and names have not been used for the privacy and my family. I told my boys that Santa safety of the family.I absolutely LOVE Christmastime! I am will be putting fewer gifts under the Boys and Girls Homes of NC is a nonprofita Christmas junkie when it comes to Christmas tree this year because of foster care and adoption agency. It placesdecorating, singing Christmas songs helping other little boys and girls children who are in the legal custody ofand watching everything Christmas who are not in their forever home county department of social services agencieson TV as well as wishing for snow on this holiday season. into licensed foster homes in the state of NorthChristmas Eve, and most importantly, Carolina. If you would like to know how youspending time with loved ones. I don’t think they understood what can help sponsor a foster child this Christmas I was saying, but they will see a big season or would like more information aboutI became a foster parent with Boys difference under the tree this year becoming a foster parent, call the toll-freeand Girls Homes of NC in 2012. I on Christmas morning for sure. I number 1-877-211-5322.quickly became accustomed to how am trying to find the perfect threemagical celebrating the Christmas presents for my boys this holiday NOVEMBER 2017 17season would be with a foster child season. Each one will receiveas well as with my own family. The something they want; somethingChristmas presents that the foster they need; and something that willchildren received from the community surprise the heck out of them.were unlike anything I had ever seenbefore. It looked like the North Pole It is not about how much money Ihad exploded in my living room on spend on the presents but the qualityChristmas morning. The children all and thought that goes into finding thereceived presents every year from perfect gifts that I, as their mommy,numerous agencies in the community know they will love and cherish forand from me and my family. months to come.

STEPHANIE CRIDER NEAREditor in ChiefThe Heart of Show enjoy to Fayetteville. Locally written, well as many others. Since its first directed and produced by founder performance in 1999, The Heart ofFor many, one of the most Laura Stevens, this year’s show Christmas Show has raised more than treasured aspects of the contains many new skits and dances $700,000 for local charities. Christmas season is seeing the that are sure to please the audiences. A Tickets cost $15. Find out more atjoy on the faces of children as they 9-year-old Elvis on a Harley, a snow- the wonders this special filled scene, delightful costumes andtime of year offers. The Heart of choreography and even a song about W hile North Carolina’sChristmas Show gives voice to local a puppy are just a few of the things in Biltmore Estate is a trueyouth as they celebrate everything the many heartwarming vignettes that sight to behold during thegood and exciting about the season. It await. holidays, it is not the only historicalconsists of award-winning Christian establishment to go all-out this time ofvocal group Voices of the Heart “The Heart of Christmas Show year. If you are looking for an adventureand a cast of 32 local singers and demonstrates the fun and childlike a bit farther from home, considerdancers, all between the ages of 6 and anticipation of Christmas in the George Washington’s Mount Vernon.19. Saturday, Nov. 25, and Sunday, first half, then, it progresses into the Christmas at Mount Vernon runs Nov.Nov. 26, over the course of three Christmas story portrayed through 24–Jan. 6 and offers a peek into the livesperformances, these youngsters will beautifully choreographed songs of George and Martha Washingtonmake audiences laugh, reflect and combined with the amazing singing and their holiday traditions. Several ofeven cry. talents of Voices of the Heart,” the the holiday events are scheduled for website boasts. “Our audiences weekends only. The production has three goals: It experience the true meaning of • The Holiday Dinner for theseeks to help local sick and abused Christmas!”children by donating proceeds from Washington’s Tour is anthe show to local charities; it gives Touted as a Christmas show hourlong tour that includes avoice to talented children in the area “equivalent to those seen at Myrtle visit to the mansion basement.and a chance to grow as performers; Beach, South Carolina, and Branson, The focus is on food andand it brings a quality New-York-style Missouri,” the Heart of Christmas dining in the 18th century asChristmas show that everyone will Show is a longstanding local tradition. well as George and Martha In the true spirit of Christmas, the Washington’s impeccably proceeds benefit local charities generous hospitality. that help sick and abused children, • There are chocolate-making including Friends of Children demonstrations daily in the and the Child Advocacy Center as18 NOVEMBER 2017

FAR Vaughan Lobby. Dressed in period costumes, H DA presenters explain the chocolate-making process, including the preparation of Mount Vernon’s delicious Book your Good Eats while you can for the Summer! hot chocolate and chocolate tea. There is a tasting and a toast at 3:30 p.m. each day that includes a Washington WITH GRACE ENTERPRISE A family favorite: an 18th-century style chocolate drink. SALADMASTER DISTRIBUTOR• Music is a big part of the holidays for many, and at Mount Vernon the resident fifer performs Tuesday In the comfort & through Saturday on the Bowling Green. The convenience of performance includes 18th-century holiday music your own home or followed by a discussion. in our beautiful• In the greenhouse, actors in period costumes share downtown kitchen stories of Christmas at Mount Vernon and the studio. Enjoy traditions practiced there. This takes place each day dinner again & let’s at 2 and 3 p.m. keep it healthy!• Perhaps one of the most unique attractions at Washington’s home during the holidays is the camel. BOOK YOUR FREE LUNCH OR DINNER SHOW Washington loved exotic animals and often went out BY CONTACTING APRIL OR LYNN of his way to see them. That happened the Christmas of 1787 when he paid 18 shillings to bring a camel to (706) 393-5289 • FITNESS • the holiday festivities to entertain his guests. Visitors in 2017 can see Aladdin the camel on the premises. [email protected] • COOKING •• The weekends of Nov. 24-25, Dec. 1-2, Dec. 8-9, 130 Bow St., Fayetteville, NC 28301 • OPPORTUNITY • and Dec. 17-18, from 5-8 p.m., guests can enjoy a candlelit tour guided by characters in period Bringing Food & Fun Back Into The Kitchen! costume sharing about the holiday traditions in Virginia during Washington’s lifetime. Find out more at Grace Enterprises® is a direct dealer of SaladMaster. NOVEMBER 2017 19

Mark Your Calendar: Fayetteville Ladies Power LunchNov. 9, join the women of an exclusive Shopportunity This year, the Power Lunch hasFayetteville for the FayettevilleLadies Power Lunch, and Expo featuring dozens of local chosen education as its charity ofcelebrate the lioness within. Thekeynote speaker for the day is vendors. It also includes a wine choice platform. A portion of theretired U.S. Army Col. MarshaLunt. She served in the U.S. bar and wine-tasting. Network, luncheon proceeds will benefitArmy Medical Corps for 30 yearsbefore transitioning to serve build relationships with other the Kidsville News Literacyas the emergency manager forWomack Army Medical Center successful women and enjoy and Education Foundation, afor 15 years. Since joining themilitary, Lunt has succeeded in shopping. At 11:45 a.m., seating 501c3 nonprofit organizationthe high-pressure, high-profile,male-dominated profession, for lunch begins. At noon, that provides funding assistanceaccomplishing many firsts. Herrole as a mentor, though, is what there will be opening remarks for reading and educationalshe finds most rewarding. followed by lunch, entertainment resources to school children inThe Power Lunch opens at10 a.m. with registration and and the keynote speaker. At Cumberland and Hoke Counties. 1:45 p.m., there will be door prizes, a 50-50 raffle and closing The Fayetteville Ladies Power remarks. The formal portion of Lunch takes place at the Ramada the event concludes at 2 p.m. at Bordeaux and costs $35 to That still leaves an hour for register. Vendor tables and more networking, shopping and sponsorships are available. wine-tasting. The Power Lunch officially concludes at 3 p.m. Find out more or register: www.fayettevilleladiespowerlunch.com20 NOVEMBER 2017

DINNER StroganoffBeef or Eggplant APRIL PERTON Owner of GRACE + ++ ENTERPRISE APRIL'S KITCHEN Find more delicious recipes at cooking4fitness.com1 1/2 pounds cubed round steak or eggplant, cut 1. Sprinkle the steak strips with salt 4. Put the steak/eggplant back and pepper, and dust with flour. into the pan with the onion andinto thin strips 2. In a large skillet, heat the mushrooms. Add the mushroom butter and olive oil and quickly soup and broth. Cover andAll-purpose flour brown the steaks/eggplant on cook over low heat for about2 tablespoons olive oil both sides. Remove the steaks/ 30 minutes.2 tablespoons butter eggplant from the pan. 5. Add salt and pepper as1 medium onion, sliced 3. Add onion slices and needed. Stir in the sour cream8 ounces fresh mushrooms, sliced mushrooms to the pan drippings. just before serving. Serve over1 (10 3/4-ounce) can beef broth or vegetable both Sauté for a few minutes, until the cooked egg noodles.1 (10 3/4-ounce) can cream of mushroom soup onion is tender. Sprinkle with 1Salt and black pepper teaspoon of flour.1 cup sour creamCooked egg noodlesChocolateQ-uiSck atndrDaeliciwous berry Pie DESSERT 1 pint fresh strawberries, washed, trimmed and halved 1 store-bought (or homemade) chocolate cookie pie crust 2⁄3 cup sugar 1⁄4 cup cornstarch 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder 1⁄4 teaspoon minced crystallized ginger 1⁄8 teaspoon ground nutmeg Pinch of kosher or sea salt 6 large egg yolks 2 1⁄2 cups half-and-half 6 ounces bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, chopped 1⁄2 tablespoon rum extract 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Additional strawberries for garnish (optional) 1. Place the strawberry halves in a single layer 4. Add the chocolate and whisk until combined. in the bottom of the pie crust. Add the rum and vanilla extracts. Cool the 2. In a medium saucepan, whisk together the mixture for 4 minutes. sugar, cornstarch, cocoa powder, ginger, 5. Pour the filling over the strawberries and up nutmeg and salt over medium heat. to the top of the crust. Chill the pie for 2 hours 3. Whisk in the egg yolks to create a thick paste. or until set. Gradually whisk in the half-and-half until the 6. Garnish with additional strawberries. mixture thickens, about 5 minutes. Bring to a boil; cook for 1 minute. Remove from heat. NOVEMBER 2017 21

STEPHANIE CRIDER LAST VIEWEditor in ChiefDoes She Remember Me? This month’s cover girl, Jill Palmer, She was beautiful. The girl seemed — it all came together like a rock inmakes a living helping others. Have to be 8 or 9 years old. She wore jeans the pit of my stomach. I took a ever wanted to help someone and a T-shirt and had long black He lurched, stamping his foot at me.but you just couldn’t? hair. She looked bored, too. I sat on the steps at the end of the room, my I’ve relived this moment When I was (very) pregnant with two sweaty and exhausted children countless times throughout themy third child, we visited the Doge’s by my side. years. What happened next stillPalace in Venice, Italy. My husband breaks my heart and makes mywas in heaven, reading every plaque, I made eye contact with the cheeks burn with shame, althoughexamining every inch of every room. girl. She nodded back and smiled. I am not sure I could chooseMy children, 2 and 6 at the time, Before she could look away, the differently given the chance. Iand I were not. It was hot. They man snarled at her and kicked her scooted my children out of thewere bored. I was tired. So tired. We in the behind so hard she stumbled room and went for help. It took onlywandered aimlessly through the forward a step. I jumped. The a moment to find an employee, butechoing halls, stopping for them to woman winced and turned away. when we returned, they were gone.climb on stairs, look out windows, The girl fought to hold back tearscount floor tiles and whatever else we and stared hard at the ground. I It’s been almost 17 years sincecould find to pass the time. stood to confront the man, one arm it happened and I still cannot around my swollen belly, the other reconcile that moment. I’m thankful Amid the beautiful art and around my children. He hissed at me for the many opportunities sincecenturies of history, we came upon in a language I didn’t understand then to reach out and make awhat looked like a happy family. and took a step in our direction. difference, but that little girl in theThe man was stout with olive skin, cavernous hall of the Doge’s Palacegraying hair and a bushy mustache. The adrenaline, the heartache is forever in my heart. The one IHe wore a suit and pointy dress for the girl, the fierce rage toward could not/did not, looking crisp and professional the man, the pity for the woman,despite the oppressive heat. The the need to protect my family, my The girl would be well into herwoman was covered in a bright and unborn baby suddenly squirming 20s by now. I often wonder howcolorful sari. She wore a vibrant red uncomfortably in my belly, the sheer she is doing. Does she rememberBindi in the center of her forehead. unbelievability of what was unfolding me? Could she ever understand my decision? Would she forgive me?22 NOVEMBER 2017

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