Proudly sponsored by: UP & COMING WEEKLY My paper UP & COMING WEEKLY TThhee CCaappee FFeeaarr RReeggiioonn’’ss FFuunn FFaammiillyy NNeewwssppaappeerr •• JJuullyy 22002211 THE LAND OF THE FREE F REE
Many of us take drinking water for granted, and sometimes we hurt our water supply by polluting it. You can help Fayetteville PWC and Willy Water Drop protect our precious water supply by learning more about watershed protection and conser vation. Whatʻs a Watershed? A watershed is a region where all water flows to and collects in a common body of water, like a lake or river. It can be as small as your backyard or as big as the ocean! Things we do on land can greatly affect the quality of water. So when we throw trash on the ground instead of in a garbage can, we may be damaging our drinking water supply. Local Watersheds Types of Litter Often Cape Fear River Bonnie Doone Lake What Can You Do? found in Watersheds Start with your own backyard! Paper Kornbow Lake Mintz Pond Pick up any trash littering your backyard before Cardboard Glenville Lake its swept away to our rivers and streams. Plastic Big Cross Creek Organize a cleanup in your neighborhood. Me t a l Remember to ask a grownup to help! Glass Visit PWCʻs website to learn more about water- Old clothes sheds and how to protect our drinking water! For more conser vation tips, visit us on the web at or call the Communications & Community Relations Office at 223-4009 2 July 2021
THE FUN FAMILY NEWSPAPER Hi, Kids! of Cumberland, Harnett & Hoke Counties RmgcwybgweoooGoACfuyoTrdnmvooueamoYhcrre,rrkrHnowohneipmlWrsessdrtuantaeahgerti.didihpiornlnandceicLfeainipetganatelottIioyentnnmnIaeg“hnhtIvAtrIahemeamoancttnahrnhehlootfdk“oaaadaeiWClueEpUeswborrbosnnpkrBkUnonmhoondstgeolui.iteuchuSetgnouhltterteats.eehrnedhridAsnCes!tweteAeschisdmohsSnnomesdet.nWp’tsuocerTatadsefeeehrnoh“yttrhecirCeieecrtnaDiitcoolrcasoeaudtolyWwuaaal’n!dtos.y”rnlrdtiHnoofooeo!hsTnameernAgnodDtehylahcrdgmomiseetattgdbev”eihir’noweesrroeyresayedtnrnrce’etuobthsianocoscBdunetitAms.atune”htcedioim.klhngsoEoeelceOtnentldmonertatronnofurtihtarewiiaheRncceJncstduaeangiediJgotnlluriyeeheintsunlsxbyt4lfeisieronis,4,nnat1rottj7idmionehfs7eyg!eeK6Ap, d,i1ment3nhgedereicnac’se,bir thday ? Until next time, PUBLISHER Bill Bowman [email protected] Managing Editor April Olsen [email protected] EDITOR Crissy Neville [email protected] OPERATIONS MANAGER Paulette Naylor accounting ART DIRECTOR/GRAPHIC DESIGNER Dylan Hooker [email protected] SALES & MARKETING Linda McAlister [email protected] Jim Shaffer [email protected] DISTRIBUTION DIRECTOR/SALES ADMINISTRATOR Laurel Handforth [email protected] IILLUSTRATOR Cover & Truman • Dan Nelson CNihnooolpadnyperyarirg.fthoNtor©emf itt2hhw0ie2sirt0hipsbosayuurtMetipcmeeirprramiaygtoiibsnlsdegioPrnaeudpbovrlifoeshrdthtiuniescgee,prdIusnbicnnl.iosAwrhlelhtrrhoigeloehrptoscurorbepilsnyiesrrhpivgeeahrdrstt. will be responsible or liable for misinformation, misprints or typographical errors. The publishers reserve the right to edit any submitted material. Merrigold Publishing, Inc. is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, artwork, or other material. Children’s submissions should include name, address, telephone number, apnicdtupreersmanisdsivoencttoorsp©ubflrisehepsiikgn& or guardian. Various COOPERATIVE WORD SEARCH As a member of an electric cooperative, you’re part of something special! Read the facts below to learn how co-ops are unique, then find and circle the BOLDED words in the puzzle. I S V S L NVQOSNMF SE WORD BANK: F E Q G I T HWK E X B G L Z B VM E M B E R S RH F E UH • COOPERATIVES are local K I B P O E G E N VWC H DQ organizations and businesses, so they S T WU R MWX X E T N LWS understand the communities they U A S T L I P F F R P A QVQ serve. X R H U E MNO I L K Y F FM O E F O R O Y C E O T O H GQ • Co-ops don’t have customers; instead, GP FAK Y NO I I B AEAJ they have MEMBERS. A O HWX P E N N P K G Y UD PO I CEOAUO I L VXEP • All co-ops are guided by the same set Y C PWNWM I C G Z E S V T of cooperative PRINCIPLES. KAQV T MZG L Z I U SGT Q K M S O GWA Q O B H C I A • “Concern for COMMUNITY” is the A P T C M D X J W L Q V B RW seventh cooperative principle. • Co-ops are led by the members they SERVE. • You’re a member of an ELECTRIC cooperative, but there are also housing, grocery and other types of co-ops. South River Electric Membership Corporation A Touchstone Energy Cooperative 910-892-8071 July 2021 3
T The Bill of Rights he American Constitution outlines cannot take over a home during war or peace the rules that define our government. without the owner’s permission. Written in Philadelphia in 1787, the • The Fourth Amendment protects property. document was remarkable because it established An American citizen’s property cannot be searched or taken without reasonable cause. an American national government. However, • The Fifth Amendment says that citizens it was not perfect. One flaw was that it did not don’t have to testify against themselves if they think it will incriminate them. It also says include some fundamental rights for American that private property can’t be seized without fair compensation. citizens. Many states would not ratify ― sign or • The Sixth Amendment guarantees a speedy give formal consent ― the Constitution without trial by a jury of one’s peers and legal representation. People accused of crimes also these guaranteed rights. have the right to know what charge(s) have been brought against them. Congress can change the Constitution by passing Amendments. James Madison wrote 12 • The Seventh Amendment says that civil cases amendments in 1789 and presented them to the must be tried by jury. First Congress. Ten passed and became known as the Bill of Rights. They focus on guaranteeing rights and freedoms for American citizens. Many of these rights were inspired by things that the British did during the Revolutionary War. • The First Amendment protects freedom of • The Eighth Amendment protects citizens from religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the cruel and unusual punishment. press, freedom of assembly and the right to protest. • The Ninth Amendment says that people have rights other than just the ones listed here. • The Second Amendment protects the citizens’ right to bear arms. • The Tenth Amendment gives all the power not given to the U.S. government by the • The Third Amendment says that soldiers Constitution to the states or the people. 4 July 2021
Governments Around the World July T he government of a modern nation, or country, is an to improve the conditions of the July 2, 1788 The United organization that does many things. It is responsible people. Stalin in the Soviet Union, States Congress announced that the required nine for defending the country from outside enemies, Adolf Hitler in Germany and Benito states had ratified the U.S. Constitution, the keeping order within the country and providing services Mussolini in Italy were among the fundamental law of the U.S. federal system for its people. The citizens in return have responsibilities, most notorious dictators of the 1900s. of government and a landmark document of too. They must pay money to the government called the Western world. taxes and also must obey the government’s rules called • Another type of government has rulers deemed July 4 Independence Day is a federal holiday in the United laws. States and cities have governments, too. worthy instead of people who inherited power or States celebrating America’s independence from won it through military means. This type of England, as declared in the Declaration of Independence. The nations of the modern world are not all government is called an aristocracy. This important American document was adopted governed in the same way. at the Second Continental Congress meeting in • When a government is composed Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 4, 1776. • Some nations have kings or of a few rulers who seek to benefit only July 6, 1885 Louis Pasteur queens, called monarchs. These themselves, the type of government is gave the first successful anti- rabies vaccination to a boy governments are monarchies. called an oligarchy. bitten by an infected dog. Ancient Egypt was led by July 20, 1969 A global audience watched on monarchs known as pharaohs, • Communism is a government television as Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong who ruled until taken over by the and economy that exists to control took his first step onto the moon. As he stepped onto Roman Empire in 30 BCE. When the nation’s wealth and distribute the moon’s surface, he exclaimed, “That’s one small power stays in one family a long it to all of its citizens. Communism step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” time, the period is known as existed in the former Soviet Union and a dynasty. currently in China, Cuba, North Korea and several countries in Eastern Europe. • Others are constitutional states or democracies. In a representative • Totalitarianism, also called Fascism, is democracy, people are governed by a rule by the government over every part of social small group who represent them in the affairs of life. It is founded on the belief that the government government, like the elected leaders in America do. has total authority over the individual. • Still others are ruled by dictators ― violent leaders • Socialism and capitalism are economic ways to who rule by putting down opposition and ideas organize a society, not forms of government. to our partners for sponsoring our Kidsville News! in literacy initiative UP & COMING WEEKLY July 2021 5
The Bald Eagle COMMON NAME: Bald Eagle SCIENTIFIC NAME: Haliaeetus leucocephalus TYPE: Bird DIET: Carnivore AVERAGE LIFE SPAN IN THE WILD: Up to 28 years SIZE: Body: 34 to 43 inches; wingspan 6 to 8 feet WEIGHT: 6.5 to 14 Pounds The American bald eagle has been a U.S. symbol and our nation’s • Bald eagles are large birds, with the females 25% larger. bird since 1782. The graceful birds are not bald, though their white • Eagle nests, called aeries, are built at the top of tall trees and are heads do give this appearance. Their name comes from an old English word, “balde,” which means white. Almost extinct due to hunting and the largest nests of any North American bird, up to 2,000 pounds! pollution some 40 years ago, protective laws saved the famous fowl. • Both male and female eagles take turns sitting on the nest which • Bald eagles are sea eagles with brown feathers, a white head and is known as incubation, but the female participates the most. tail and a yellow beak. Young eaglets are brown and white. • Eagle parents often return year after year to the same nest, • The predatory birds have large, strong talons on their feet used to building it up with more sticks, twigs and grass each time. capture and carry prey. Fish is what they eat the most. • In much of North America, you can find eagles near lakes, oceans • Have you heard the term eagle eye? This phrase comes from the and in wooded areas with good nesting materials. eagle’s excellent eyesight, enabling them to see and then catch • They soar as high as 10,000 feet and dive up to 100 miles per hour. small animals ― their prey ― from very high in the sky. bald-eagle 6 July 2021
The Three Branches of American Government T he government of the United The legislative branch makes laws. department of defense, the department of education and the States of America is divided • The legislative branch includes the department of labor, make up into three sections called House of Representatives and branches. These are the legislative the Senate. this branch. branch, the judicial branch and the • Legislators also have the power to • Much work is done by independent executive branch. Each branch has declare war and must approve the agencies that are part of the specific powers, and no branch is more president’s choices for essential executive branch like the Central powerful than the other. This system was positions like federal judges and the Intelligence Agency, Environmental written into the Constitution to provide justices of the Supreme Court. Protection Agency and National checks and balances. Each branch The executive branch carries out and Science Foundation. makes sure that the others do not get enforces laws. The judicial branch interprets the too powerful. Instead, they must work • The president, vice president, meaning of laws. together to govern the United States. independent agencies and executive • The Supreme Court and other federal departments, including the courts make up the judicial branch. HiddenPicturePuzzles! AnswersonPage21 July 2021 7
American Symbols United States symbols include objects, of Washington, D.C. The U.S. House of The Statue of Liberty This gift from songs, animals, plants and places that Representatives and the Senate are tell the story of American culture. housed here. France to the United States came in the Discover some of the things that 1800s and stands in New York represent the country’s principles of The Great Seal of the United States Harbor. Often referred to as freedom and democracy. Lady Liberty, this lovely statue This is the emblem of America. There is was dedicated in 1886. The American Flag Also called Old only one official seal in existence, and it shows the national bird, flag and The North American Bison Glory, the flag’s 50 stars stand for the Latin motto. 50 states. The 13 stripes represent the This great animal was named original 13 colonies. Liberty Bell This object has long the country’s national mammal in 2016. Bison have lived in The White House This great house been a symbol of American freedom North America since and democracy and is on display in prehistoric times. in Washington, D.C., has been the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. official residence of every U.S. The American bald eagle president except George Mount Rushmore This is Washington, who oversaw In 1782, the founding fathers of the United its construction. The a carved monument States of America chose the bald eagle to president works from the in the face of Mount be the country’s national bird. Oval Office inside the Rushmore, South historic home. Dakota, depicting four Other national symbols include America’s of America’s presidents: anthem, “The Star-Spangled Banner,” The U.S Capitol This unofficial motto, E Pluribus Unum and George Washington, official motto “In God We Trust.” The is another important Thomas Jefferson, nation’s flower is the rose, march, “The building in the Theodore Roosevelt Stars and Stripes Forever” and tree, the nation’s capital city and Abraham Lincoln. mighty oak. Su er Sun Safety it's fun to play in the sun, but did you know that too much sun can be bad for you? SunWise Kids Action Tips If you ever had a sunburn, you have felt some of the bad e ect of too much sun and ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Ultraviolet radiation comes from the sun’s rays and is located beyond the visible light. only a bee can see ultraviolet light, this type of light cannot be seen by humans. Too many UV rays can cause more serious health e ects too, such as skin cancer; Limit time in the Midday Sun . . . The Suns rays are strongest older looking skin, eye damage and weakening of the immune system. Children need between 10 a.m and 4 p.m. Whenever Possible, limit exposure to sun protection eduction since too much sun when you are young may lead to skin the sun during these hours. cancer later in life. Seek Shade . . . Staying under cover is a good way to protect yourself from the sun. Even if it is cloudy outside you should still The good news is that you can prevent UV radiation from hurting you. You only need seek shelter from the sun. to practice sun safe habits while you are young, such as following the SunWise Kids Always Use Sunscreen . . . Apply a broad spectrum sunscreen Action Tips. Be sure to stay sun-safe all of your life. with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of at least 15 or higher and use a lot wherever your skin is showing. Reapply every 2 hours when Sun Safety W d Search playing outdoors. Even waterproof sunscreen can come o when E RVACAT I ONSS F T you towel o , sweat or spend extended periods of time in the water. frequency S HAD E B FUN ZUE R E Wear a Hat . . . A hat with a wide brim o ers good sun protection hat J L R D VWHA T QNS E L to your eyes, ears, face and teh back of your neck, areas particularly light M I L U I P OO L MS S QO prone to overexposure to the sun. radiation S K I N C ANC E R CAU I Cover Up . . . Wearing tightly woven, loose- ttin, and full length safety A WG C X E T Z I O R L E V clothing is a good way to protect your skin the from sun’s UV rays. shade F EHF R NG I N L EGNA Wear Sunglasses that Block 99-100% of UV Radiation . . . skin cancer E S TWA K PNO B ENC R Sunglasses that provide 99-100% UVA and UVB protection will greatly summer T D X T Y QNUMNNU Y T reduce sun exposure that can lead to cataracts and other eye damage. sunglasses Y U R E MMUS R WL SML Check the label when buying sunglasses. sunscreen W A V E L E NG T HHO T U Available online: ultraviolet wavelength x-ray Find the Listed Words in the diagram. The words run in all directions; foward, backward, up, down and diagonally. How many other words can you nd? 8 July 2021
A Fun Fourth FFOualdsnh-ioned pin the tail on the donkey or another version, pin the stripes or stars onto a flag and put the put Try these ideas the crown on the statue (of Liberty, of course). for family fun this July 4, adapted Scavenger Hunt from lifestyle experts at Real Hide patriotic images around the backyard (or house if it rains) such as Simple and Better printouts of the American flag, Liberty Bell, Statue of Liberty, bald eagle, Homes & Gardens. currency and more. Rhymes and codes help players find the objects in a fun and clever way. Rocket Tag Watersnake Here’s how to make a regular game of tag ready for July 4. The child who is “It” chases Using a garden hose to keep cool, one player stands and rotates a the other players, and once someone is tagged, they must squat and garden hose back and forth like a sprinkler while other players stand in perform five rocket blastoffs. That is, the tagged player squats and a circle. The outside circle players have to jump over the water stream, launches into a big jump right there on the spot. The game continues i.e., the “watersnake.” Whoever gets wet can become the next to control with the new “It.” the snake. Yard games Soda bottle bowling Old-fashioned yard games like ring or beanbag toss, tug-of-war, sack Wrap empty soda cans or 2-liter bottles with red, white and blue paper races, Hula-Hoop contests, badminton, water balloon baseball, balloon ― or paint them ― for a makeshift bowling game. Players can bowl with darts or horseshoes never go out of style in the backyard. Don’t forget any ball or and use Whiffle balls to knock the “pins” over. Aside from games, plenty of fun patriotic crafts exist, too. From making a tie-dye shirt to a Popsicle stick flag, creative activities can also make a fun July 4. T he Consumer Product Safety Commission reports that many parents are unaware that common sparklers can burn at temperatures between 1,200 and 2,000 degrees or more depending on the fuel and oxidizer used. Such temperatures are hot enough to melt some metals and can cause third-degree burns. Despite this, sparklers are commonly handed out to children at celebrations without anyone advising on proper safety use. The American Academy of Ophthalmology says sparklers cause 27% of all fireworks-related injuries. Parents may want to look for safer options for children, like noisemakers used during New Year’s celebrations. Confetti, water guns and balloons also can be relatively safe ways for children to participate in July 4 fun. Have a fun and safe Independence Day holiday this year. July 2021 9
?? ? ? ?? ?? ?? ? ?? ?? What’s It Like to Be? ? ? ? ? ?? ?? ? ? ? ?? ? ? A Surgeon Dr. Edward Dickerson What is your name and profession? What College, a public, historically black college. for and are satisfied with the surgeries and are the duties for your job? Graduate school followed with medical school procedures performed. I’m Dr. Edward Dickerson. I’m the chief training at the historic Morehouse School of medical officer of Fayetteville Plastic Surgery Medicine in Atlanta, Georgia, residency for What are some challenges you face? and Cape Fear Aesthetics, with locations in otolaryngology and subsequent training and The biggest challenges that I face are coming both Cary and Fayetteville, North Carolina. facial and body plastic surgery. up with day-to-day individual plans for our I’m also a board-certified ear, nose and patients, as well as managing the personnel throat surgeon, as well as a board-certified Describe a typical day on your job. that it takes to support each of these patients. facial plastic surgeon. My career really A typical day of my job starts pretty early. The focuses around helping both women and operating room can begin as early as 7 a.m. What would you like others know to men achieve confidence through cosmetic for procedures. Some patients come in for know about you? procedures. My work includes helping to follow-ups and others ― those considering Outside of my career, I’m an avid baker and repair injuries from accidents. surgical procedures ― for interviews and enjoy outdoor cooking. I love to play golf consultations. I strive to understand the needs and spending time with my beautiful wife of When and why did you decide on this of my patients to better help them reach almost 30 years, Dr. Andrea Dickerson. I have career path? certain goals. also been blessed with three adult children My career started when I made the decision who give me joy every day. to go to medical school. From there, I decided What do you like best about your work? on the surgical subspecialty, focusing on the The best part of my job is seeing the glow on head and neck and expanding to the body. the patient’s face when they come back after a procedure. I am always happy to see they’ve What background or education did you gained the confidence they were looking obtain to enter this field? First, I completed four years for my undergraduate studies at West Virginia State 10 July 2021
MATHTIME 1. Latesha is building with tiles. 2. Mary has three skirts, two Her design has a pattern like this: blouses and either black or white shoes that she likes to 1. wear to school. How many days 4. can she go without repeating the same combination of 9. skirt, blouse and shoes? __________________________ What will her next design look like? How many tiles will she use? __________________________ Answers on Page 21 Send it!* Sandhills Hey, Kids! Pediatric & Family We want to remind you to send us your photos, Dentistry original artwork, letters, poems and stories, We would really love hearing from you. We Dental care for the whole family. may even print them in a later issue or include them on our cool website. Free orthodontic consultations. Se habla Español. Name: Age: Bryan C. Dunston, DDS, 1st Dental Board Certified Visit at Age 1! Address: Grade: Pediatric Dentist \"Baby Teeth\" Need City: State: Zip: To Be \"Babied\" Phone: Name of your School or location where you picked up a copy of Kidsville News!: Parent, Teacher, Guardian Signature (Permission): 55 Amarillo Lane, Sanford NC Email: (Located off Buffalo Lake Rd., 8 miles (Receive a “Free” online subscription of Kidsville News!) north of Spring Lake near Carolina Lakes) Send to: 208 Rowan Street Fayetteville, NC 28301 • 910-484-6200 July 2021 11
12 on the hunt! BVRSwEaaRSVJwalUaenllefoBeNncelCtehrcEIneythG’i9syeA’sntRdRhOEDsPXDeEENaarhFInIeudNUNnhLtiOs!O! SSJJDDOUOUAPAPIINDNDEENNNANAEEIIYYUUONNO99GGSSttRRhhBBAABEOEUOUEWPWPBoBfRfBRECCErIICnrNIGGNiGiAeAeATntRTRnOROdRRhEEdRREsXRXseXEEAaERaaAaRrhaFFrnnFIenueddIUULdLUnLLhhLhLtiLiDsis!D!!s!Sweet Valley DINOSAUR WORLD fornientdhs earheunt!Ranch’s ORDERORTIDXERNOTIWX! NOW! 2990 Sunnyside School Rd dWdiinneoo’resesaannuuoorrttaajjututtstsrrtataococntntioeioeF2naon9osy9fs!ef0”!tt”thtTSheToauvoanskilskneeleeey,a“sNpa“ipdCsaesha2rh8Skurci3kutn1hitt2nglotegloelrol ilRdrotiddet etoto ORDER TIX NOW! O PDE NAIYN G 2990 Sunnyside School Rd ooDuuinrroppsaaavvueerddTqrqauuialarnrtteeeWsrFr-ta-elmeymdedniltieetliesendSvSatiwlhylwe-ee,SeeNuwetCntoVd2Vao8ayd3all11sle02l.aeymGyR-oRa8anpbmncahcckh Fayetteville, NC 28312 Dinintimoseatuor wTrhaeinl ndeiJnWsootienlseduandseuSsirnadstatuwyhr-daeSalukywnesodd8aoptymdh1-se09.a:p3mG0la-po8nmpbemat ck th ianntdimdeisctoovwehr eonvedrfJion2oro5iansnauaisnnutSimerasrtaauwcrttdraivoaleynksreiec8dspcdtmuihne-eom9s:pi3sa0lsaupionmrnse!, t Wednesday-Sunday 10am-8pm aabnnoodaatbbdhasaisnnacddnoodovnenoeretdohdverreeresrfssoep2erae5aarcnrcaciihannhtlilemaelrafbaafbce, tto,criovobtebnspresierceorsvcrpdavusiaent.iotmoNionsoisansuiorns!, Join us Saturdays 8pm-9:30pm bbdoey tooatuihlrshDaaisnnobdePoeltanhyeslapr nsapdreewdc!iitaAhlftFeeofrfsetshciletDptirgrao, iSpl,mss.taoNlpol for an interactive rescue mission! dBoeutanicl yhaCsabsteleesn, asnpdarKeiddd! AieftDeirntohReidtreasi!l, stop bEnyjooyuar Dfuinno-fPillleadyldaanydfowritthheFowshsoilleDifga,mSmilya! ll Bouncy Castles, and Kiddie Dino Rides! Enjoy a fun-filled day for the whole family! DINBOSAUER TRAICL DADIENINNJOOROYSESAVEAEUNUMRORFRTETFURARMAIALYILILFLUN!! EENNJJOOYY EEVVEENNJMJMUUoNONOEnRER9E9EtFFhOAOAPePMEMENNIFOhLILYuYOPnFFUtURNT!N! !IOPENWe’renotjustoneofthose“parkinglot NOW! thOOPDPEDNEANAIYNIYNGG 2990 Sunnyside School Rd thO PDE NAIYN G Fayetteville, NC 28312 W2Fea9d9yn0eetSstdueavniynll-yeSs,uiNdnCed2aS8cy3h110o2aoml R-d8pm 2FfJoa9oJWr9yiona0eeintnudStsueinunvnSestiasnelSldtryeauaas,trciyuNddt-rCaiedSvya2uSes8ycnr83shedp1soa82mcoypulm-1Re09d-am:39m0:i3sp-0s8mipopmnm! for an interactive rescue mission! BIG REX and his SFwOeeRtVCCaattttlleemmaann’’ss LLoofftt MMuussJeeUuumNmE 9aDodinuniinntrdioompsdsaaeaisvuutceorrodaTwvtqertharureaiaolncrvnttdeieeorisrnn-2toslm5e!s”daialTeunianriSkmstwehwaeeaaterwslotkhoenVuodiactdtltldlhseei.enyrGiodpRsoelaaanbtnuocaershct,odWk uineoWdro’ruipneesiERCnranao’hefrjanpoepvesmuyctoakaeooirnlouutveduursaoetH2jrAuo,t0qtlodduta0suarjru0ubrttsqaesarteqspaorucuttratialonatetrorcieethoeroontftriosnuie-eooeosstsemr,nfm-Bw!o”osmutiitfnshlh!Tene”tsiiuoaehnlTmeSaaskoaknwweeeSdskist,hCweeela“ilzaypaedla“lrsaeptdtey.shpsar,VtemkuhsrVaiakutanctnailatngldlwetlegsllseiel,yzroaeliysnrodRtdoidRtfeaofuoeanrstsnoticlsoc!hhTOIRXDENRO TWI!X Cattleman’s Loft Museum SIL04471_BTMSIL04471_BTM NOW! ORDER DDIINNOOSSAAUURR WWOOORRPLLDDT IRReeppttile Housebooths and other special effect props. No TIX SEEwnnjejooeyytoouurr 22,,000000 ssqquuaarree ffoooottmmuusseeuummwwittihhthaallWJltoleyitndpynupeessseSdasaatyuna-rddSnaudysnsdizsa8eiypzsm1e0o-sa9mfo:3f-0of8psfpmosmsilss!ils! ORDER VRSVaawalnllecleeheyt’sy for an interactive rescue mission! detail has been spared! After the trail, stop frBieEndCsAaRrEeF U L !byourDinoPlaylandwithFossilDig,Small Bouncy Castles, and Kiddie Dino Rides! DINOSAUDR TIRNAILOSAUR WOSRwLeDetVENJOY EVEN MORE FAMILY FUN!Enjoy a fun-filled day for the whole family! or call 8an abandoned research lab, observation Animals We have over 350 animals representing 5 continents! SVRiCwniCaaRnhflhenafaaelecnmcmetchckyko’hosoou’ususstAAolldduaar brberrpaatttitiloloeerrththooooiisusuesessese, ,BwBwoiotinthnhnnsiesnienaaaaknkendesds,Cl,Cilzlyialzdyardedre.ds,.sm, macaacwaws, sa,nadndouorur in tinimtGieomKteaorttwoNahwteuhrneeTdnraindiloiTnosouarsuarusrFswishwainlakglekadet tdhtehtRheaenpcplhalanneett anadndBdoisudcnicsoycvCoeavrsetolervsoevre2r525anainmFimaactaerPtoranoininctiincdgdininoossaauursrs, , on tBhIGeREXhaundnhtis! or call 8DINOSAUR TRAIL ENJOY EVEN MORE FAMILY FUN!booths and other special effect props. No No trip to Sweet Valley Ranch is complete without seeing our animals.SIL04471_BTMdin.Wioens’aredurndoatttjruasc1ttoionnes!o”fTtahkoesae s“phaurtktliengridloetto DINOSAUR TRAILAAnniimmaallss ENJOY EVEN MORE FAMILY FUN!anaanbaabnadnodnoenderderseesaeracrhchlalba,bo, bobseservravatitoionn We’re not just one of those “parking lot Cattleman’s Loft Museum EnCjoay ottulre2m,00a0ns’qsuLaoreftfoMotumsuesuemum with all types and sizes of fossils! booths and other special effect props. No No trip to Sweet Valley Ranch is complete without seeing our animals.oudrinpoasvaeudrqauttarratcetri-omnsil!e” TSawkeeeat VshaulltetyleRraidnectho FOR TICKfErTiends aredetail has been spared! After the trail, stop We have over 350 animals representing 5 continents!dininDtoiimsnaoeustraoauwtrtrhTaercantiildoninnesos!”stlaTeaudkrseinwatahselhkeuwdtotltoehdreisd.pelGatonoebtack CRaeEtnptjotleiylemouHaro2n,u0’s0s0eLsoqfutaMreufsooetummuseum with all types and sizes of fossils! ECnhjRoeyecopk uotriul2te,0oH0u0rorsueqpsuteailerehfoouostemwuitsheusnmakweisth, liazallrtdysp,ems aacnadwssiz, easnodfofousr sils! detail has been spared! After the trail, stop We have over 350 animals representing 5 continents!Bring in this ad for a WDeion’ruoersnpaoautvrjeuTdrsatqiolunnaeertsoetflre-tdhmoiinsleethS“epwawereoktionVdgasl.loleGt yoRbaancckh by our Dino Playland with Fossil Dig, Small oaunrindptadimvisecedotvoqeuwrahorevteenrr-d2mi5niolaesnaSimuwreasetwrtoaVnlakicellddeyitnhRoeasapnulcarhns,et O P T I O N S V I S I T Go Kart Nature Trail Tour Fishing at the Ranchby our Dino Playland with Fossil Dig, Small iDnainntaiomansdbeaadutnoirsdTwcorohanveeielndrndoereivsnsteoleersad2ar5cuinhrastnlhawimeba,walkotoebrodosdnethsircv.eadGptiionloaonbnsaeactukrs, oOnPEtNhe FhRunEtE! Go Kart Nature Trail Tour Fishing at the RanchBouncy Castles, and Kiddie Dino Rides! abnoadondthaissbcaaonnvdedrooonthveeedrrr2sep5seeacaniarimclheafltfareobcn,toicpbrdsoeipnrsov.asNatoiuorns, infCahmeocuksoAultdoaubrraretpotritleoihseosu,sBeownnitihe sannadkeCsly, ldizea.rds, macaws, and our RCAhenienpicfmtakimloeauoltHusosouAurldrseaepbtrilae tortoises, Bonnie and Clyde. and our house with snakes, lizards, macaws, SIL04471_BTM inNfoaAtmrnipoimutosaASwlldseaebtraVatollertyoRisaensc, Bhoins ncioemanpdletCelywdieth. out seeing our animals. TOTE BAG!OPENING Bouncy Castles Face PaintingSweetEVnajBolloyeuyanRcfauynnCc-ahfislnltecled.csd,oaamnydfoKridtdhieewDhinooleRifdaems!ily!2990 Sunnyside School Rd adnebatoaboilathnhadssoabnnededonrtehsspeeararserpcdeh!cAliaafbtlee, roftfbehsceettrprvaaroilt,piosstno. Npo AWneNiohmatrvaipelstooveSwr 3e5e0t VaanlilmeyaRlsarnecphreissecnotmingpl5etceownittihnoeunttss!eeing our animals. bboydootehutsar iaDl hninadosoPbtlheaeeyrnlasspnpedacwrieaidtlhe! fAFfoeftscestrilptDhroeigpt, rsSa.mNil,oasltlop NoWtreiphtaovSewoeveetrV3a5l0leyanRiamnaclhs irsepcoremsepnletitnegw5ithcoounttinseeenitnsg! our animals. ORDER TIX NOW! WGeoGhoKaavKeratorvNteaNr 3tau5t0ruearnTeimrTaariallsTirleoTpuoreruserntinFgisF5hicsiohnnigtninagetnattsth!tehReaRnacnhch ORDER TIX NOW!OPENDAY Bouncy Castles Face Paintingor call 84E4n-jo6y22a-fFuAnR-fMilled day for the whole family!Fayetteville, NC 28312 dBeotbuaynilochuyarCsDabinsetoelenPsl,saapynaldarenKddid! AwdfiiettehDrFitnohosesRtilridaDeilg,ss,!tSompall GBooBuKonaucrntycNCyaaCtsuatrsletlsTersail Tour FFiasFchaeicnPegaPaiantittnihnteignRganch SIL04471_BTM.indd 1bEynBojoouyurnaDcifynunoC-Pafilslalteyledlsad,naadnydwfoiKtrhidthFdeoieswsDihlinoDoliegR,fiaSdmmesail!yll! BouEnjcoyyCaafsutnle-sfi,llaendddKaidy dfoier tDhineowRhiodleesf!amily! JUNE 9 JUNE 9 FFFOOORRRTTTIICCICKKKEEETTTSIL04471_BTM.indd 1 thOPDENAWJfoIoYNreinadGnnuthesinsSdtae2JFWataor9eyu9iaynd0e-rcnutdSStestuesauiSvndvainynaltleyeyusds,-rridNSa8deauCeypyns2Ssdmc8c1a830hupy1o-a2me1o09lm-amR:9m3d:-30-i08s8pppspmmmimo4n/27!/21 2:32 PM Enjoy a fun-filled day for the whole family! Bouncy Castles Face Painting for an interactive rescue mission! FFOORR TTIICCKKEETT OOOPPPTTTIIOOIONNNSSSVVVIISSISIITTIT TFTFOOTRTREEEBEBAEAGEG!Sweet !Valley INOSDAINUOSRAUWR WOORROOLLPPDDTTIIOONNSS VVIISSIITT FREERanch’s Bring in this ad for aBBBrrrBiiinnnrggigniniignntihttnhihstiisphsaiaaspddearffdofoorfrroaaar a July 2021 SISLIL0044447711__BBTTMM SSwSwweeeetetVVtaValallleellyeyRyRaRanancnchhcnhncnc..cccB.oocrmominmg in this ad for a SIL04471_BTM ooror crcacalalll8l8l 48444-4-66-26222--2FF-AAFRARMRMM TM SIL04471_BTM.indd 1 4/27/21 2:32 PM
July 2021 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY July 6 1 2 3 14 Visit Dinosaur World at Dinosaur World is open 2990 Sunnyside School Wed-Sun 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Road in Fayetteville. 21 45 13 28 8 9 10 More family fun awaits at 20 Sweet Valley Ranch. Find Look to Sweet out all the details at Valley Ranch for fun all summer! 11 Visit Dinosaur 12 27 15 16 17Visit Dinosaur World’s Dinosaur 19 World on Trail, Dino Bewdairneoosafuthrse! Sat. nights Playland, Fossil 8-9:30 p.m. for Dig, Kiddie 22 23 Interactive Dino Rides and Rescue Missions more! 24 18 25 26 National Day of the Cowboy National Day of the Cowboy Rodeo at 7 Branch Farm Rodeo at 7 Branch Farm I cmane’ettwyaoiut!to 29 Lumber Bridge, NC Lumber Bridge, NC July 23-24 July 23-24 30 31 Dinosaur World is open through August 8! 13
Take your Fourth of July Burgers Up a Notch Fourth of July celebrations often take place in the backyard by the grill. This recipe for Best Burger with Blue Cheese Butter courtesy of Eric Treuille and Birgit Erath’s Grilling offers a new take on a backyard barbecue staple. BEST BURGER WITH BLUE CHEESE Serves 4 1 pound ground chuck steak 2 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon black pepper 4 1/2-inch slices blue cheese butter 4 sesame hamburger buns, halved Combine ground steak with salt and pepper. Divide into four equal-sized pieces and gently shape into four burgers about 1-inch thick. Grill burgers and warm buns according to instructions below. Top burgers with butter and serve hot in sesame buns. Outdoor cooking: slicing, always tightly rewrap the unused flavored butter roll in the foil before returning to refrigerator or freezer. Grill over hot coals for 3 minutes per side for rare, 4 minutes per side for medium-rare or 5 minutes per side for well done. Place Best Burger Variations: buns cut side down on grill until warm and lightly golden, 1 minute. Herbed Burger: Add 2 teaspoons fresh thyme leaves or 1 teaspoon Indoor cooking: dried thyme, 1 crushed garlic clove and 1 tablespoon finely chopped onion to the ground steak. Preheat a ridged cast-iron grill pan over high heat. Cook for 3 minutes per side for rare, 4 minutes per side for medium-rare or 5 Spicy Burger: Add 1/2 teaspoon Tabasco, 1 tablespoon minutes per side for well done. Place buns cut side down on grill pan until warm and lightly golden, 1 minute. Worcestershire sauce and 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard to the ground steak. BLUE CHEESE BUTTER Notes: Makes 15 servings Overhandling the meat when shaping will result in a tough, 16 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened dry burger. To guarantee a juicy burger, handle the meat as little 4 ounces or 1 cup crumbled blue cheese as possible. 2 teaspoons black pepper To make ahead, shape burgers up to one day in advance. Cover Place ingredients in a food processor or blender; pulse until well with plastic wrap and refrigerate. blended. Wrap in foil. Place in the freezer until hard, about 45 minutes. To serve, roll back foil and cut into 1/2-inch slices. When slicing from frozen, warm the knife under hot water first. After 14 July 2021
Answers on Page 21 July 2021 15
How to Be Safe in the Sun A relaxing day outdoors soaking up some of the of the many ways to protect yourself while still enjoying sunny sun’s rays is how many people prefer to spend their days outdoors. free time when the weather allows. While the very vision . Go out at the right times of day. The ACS notes that UV rays are of a warm summer afternoon spent outdoors can invoke positive at their strongest in the middle of the day between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., so staying inside during these hours can feelings, it’s important that people take protective measures before protect your skin. This measure is especially important in the going outside and continue to do so while they’re out there. spring and summer, as the ACS reports UV rays are stronger during these seasons than other times of year. According to the American Cancer Society, most skin cancers are . Employ the shadow test when going outside. the result of exposure to ultraviolet rays in sunlight. UV rays are While seemingly nonscientific, the shadow a type of radiation that do not have enough energy to penetrate test is a simple way for anyone to gauge how deeply into the body. As a result, they primarily affect the skin. strong UV rays from the sun are at any given Overexposure to these rays can lead to skin cancer. moment. According to the ACS, if your shadow is shorter than you that means the sun’s rays are Protection from UV rays at their strongest. This simple test can help people The ACS notes that there are no safe UV rays, so it’s imperative immediately determine how strong the sun’s rays are, that people take UV protection seriously. The following are some compelling them to be extra cautious if necessary. . Apply sunscreen early and reapply often. The ACS recommends using sunscreens with broad spectrum protection that protect the skin from both UVA and UVB rays and applying them before leaving the house and reapplying often while outdoors. . When choosing a sunscreen, choose one with a minimum sun protection factor, or SPF, of 30. Understanding SPF can help people recognize the importance of reapplication. When an SPF 30 product is applied correctly, a person gets the equivalent of one minute of UVB ray exposure for each 30 minutes he or she spends in the sun. So, one hour in the sun wearing SPF 30 sunscreen is the same as spending two minutes totally unprotected. Reapplying SPF 30 sunscreen often can ensure you are protected at all times. . Wear a hat. Hats with a brim that is at least 2 to 3 inches all- around protects vulnerable areas such as the eyes, forehead, nose, ears and scalp. Choose a hat with a dark, nonreflective underside, as such a hat can lower the amount of UV rays that reach the face from reflective surfaces such as water. Sun protection is important year-round, and especially so during spring and summer. 16 July 2021
Enjoy a Safe and Happy Independence Day • Exercise caution with sparklers. Children running around with sparklers in hand could be a recipe for disaster, as sparklers burn extremely hot. Make sure children do not wave them around or others can get burned. Keep a bucket of water handy to properly extinguish the sparklers. • Review safe boating practices. If July 4 festivities find you out on the water, be sure that life jackets are worn, and set boating and water safety rules for the family. I ndependence Day is a celebration • Do not drink and drive. Alcohol • Check in with a vet. The Fourth of July can of the United States of America. consumption may accompany be traumatic for pets not accustomed to The holiday is marked by fanfare Independence Day festivities. For those fireworks and other loud noises or crowds. and large parties, complete with planning on using a car to get to and from Behavior therapy, medication and ensuring parties, designating a driver who will not that pets do not run away from home and barbecues, fireworks and parades. partake is essential. Otherwise, utilize any get lost may be necessary. As fun as July 4 festivities typically are, injuries, number of ridesharing services or • Watch food temperatures. Do not leave food particularly those involving fireworks, are available taxis. out in the hot sun for too long; otherwise, harmful bacteria can grow and potentially a concern that celebrants should not take • Swim smartly. Always swim with a buddy cause foodborne illnesses. The USDA Food lightly. An estimated 11,000 people visited the and consider hiring a lifeguard if you’ll be Safety and Inspection Service says to never emergency room for fireworks-related injuries hosting a pool party and cannot keep a leave food out of refrigeration for more than in 2016, according to the U.S. Consumer Product watchful eye on guests in the pool. Adults two hours. If the temperature is above 90 Safety Commission. However, fireworks aren’t also should not swim intoxicated, as it can degrees, food should not be left out for more the only danger this time of year. impede the ability to stay afloat and may than one hour. lead to risky behaviors. Safety strategies that can keep Independence Day celebrations both safe and enjoyable Parents can plan ahead to protect themselves are important. and their children this summer by heeding • Leave fireworks to the professionals. Watch these tips. a public firework display instead of lighting fireworks on the street or in the backyard. July 2021 17
Astrophotography with Your Smartphone By David Prosper Pictured is a small tripod for a smartphone. They are relatively The moon is large and bright, making it an excellent target for beginners. The author took both of these photos using an iPhone inexpensive; I found this at a local dollar store. 6s. The crescent moon at sunset (left) was taken with a phone propped on the roof rack of a car; the close-up shot of lunar craters (right) was taken through the eyepiece of a friend’s Celestron C8 telescope. H ave you ever wanted to take timer options to delay taking a photo by a few additional detail. Post-processing is the secret nighttime photos like you’ve seconds, reducing the vibration of your fingers of all astrophotography. seen online, with the Milky when taking a shot. Way stretched across the You now have your own first astrophotos! sky, a blood-red moon during a total eclipse Next, lock your focus. Smartphones use Do you wonder what you can do next? I or a colorful nebula? Many astrophotos take autofocus, which is not ideal for low-light recommend you practice taking lots of photos hours, expensive equipment and travel, which photos, especially if the camera readjusts focus using different settings, especially before can intimidate beginners to astrophotography. midsession. Tap the phone’s screen to focus on deciding on any equipment upgrades. a distant bright star or streetlight, then check However, anyone with a camera can for options to fine-tune and lock it. Adjusting Luckily, many amazing resources exist take astrophotos; even if you have just a your camera’s exposure time is also essential. for budding astrophotographers. NASA smartphone, you can do astrophotography. The longer your camera is open, the more has a free e-book with extensive tips for But, beginners should not expect to obtain light it gathers, which is essential for low-light smartphone astrophotography at Hubble-level images. But you can take astrophotography. smartastrophoto, and you can also join the surprisingly impressive shots by practicing the Start by setting your exposure time to a few Smartphone Astrophotography project at bit. several basic techniques of steadiness, locked seconds. Now take a test photo of your target. ly/smartphoneastroproject. focus, long exposure and processing. If your phone’s camera app doesn’t offer these options, you can download apps that do. Members of astronomy clubs often offer tips First, steady your smartphone to keep your While some phones offer an astrophotography or even lessons on astrophotography; you can subjects sharp. This step is crucial in low-light setting, this perk is still rare as of 2021. find a club near you by searching the “Clubs conditions. A small tripod is ideal, but an and Events” map on the Night Sky Network’s improvised stand, like a rock or block of wood, Finally, process your photos using an app website May you have works in a pinch. Most camera apps offer on your phone or computer to bring out clear skies! 18 July 2021
Lights in the Sky: The Aurora Y ou may have seen an aurora or even heard about one — those colorful light shows that take place in the sky. But, what is an aurora? Why do they happen? An aurora is a display of light that occurs high up in the atmosphere. Even though they happen at night, they are caused by the sun. An aurora occurs when particles from the sun interact with gases in Earth’s atmosphere. They are most commonly seen in areas near the North and South Poles and are most likely to occur in the spring and fall. An aurora is called an “aurora borealis” or “northern lights” at the North Pole.” At the South Pole, an aurora is called an “aurora australis,” or “southern lights.” So, how exactly do particles from the sun cause an aurora to North and South Poles and into Earth’s atmosphere. As they happen? While the sun sends heat and light to Earth in the travel, these particles gain energy and collide with other atoms in form of sun rays, those aren’t the only things it sends ― lots of our atmosphere, like nitrogen and oxygen. These collisions cause energy and small particles make their way to Earth from the sun. the atoms to give off energy in the form of light, creating the However, the protective atmosphere around the Earth shields us beautiful auroras in the sky. from most of it. The sun also has an atmosphere and a magnetic field. Since the sun is so hot, some of its atmosphere “boils” Auroras can occur on other planets, too. If a planet has an away ― similar to how steam comes off a pot of boiling water. atmosphere and a magnetic field, they probably have auroras. This movement of particles away from the sun’s surface is called On Earth, the best time to see an aurora is around midnight, “solar wind.” This solar wind travels through space, and some of when the sky is the darkest. While they are usually green, they the particles even reach the Earth’s atmosphere. can change colors depending on how the particles interact in the atmosphere. Some have reported seeing red, blue and Did you know that, along with an atmosphere, Earth has a even purple lights in an aurora. Many auroras resemble curtains magnetic field? While the North Pole and the South Pole refer swaying in the breeze, while others can be circular and look to places on Earth, it’s no coincidence that they also refer to the like crowns. opposite ends of a magnet. Due to the materials in Earth’s core, our planet essentially has a big magnet inside. Like all other Although they are most commonly seen around the Poles, magnets, Earth produces a magnetic field, with its strongest people have reported seeing the auroras from all sorts of points at our North and South Poles. When the particles from different places. It all depends on what’s happening up in space the solar wind get close to Earth, some of the energy and small and the atmosphere. So, keep your eyes peeled ― you never particles can travel down the magnetic fields along with the know what you might see! July 2021 19
The KIdSvilLe NewS! CamP GuIde is here! Camp Dixie (910) 678-8309 373 Bladen Union Church Rd 910-865-5180 Camp Cumberland Rockfish County DAY & OVERNIGHT CAMPS Public Library 910-425-3529 910-483-7727 ASMcnauyddseiemcry Pick up a form at any Private Lessons branch or visit Kindermusik Playdates 910-484-1041 to use our Summer Reading app. 20 July 2021
Hidden Picture Puzzles C hildren with special needs often benefit from gifts with specialized purposes. While general gifts certainly can be fitting, customizing the gifts to the recipient’s particular emotional or behavioral needs can be a great way to ensure kids get the most use out of their toys. For help with making selections, gift-givers may want to visit Miniland Educational USA, www., welhoinch offers Paris a variety of ideas, comprehensive information on toys/products and its own rating system, known as AblePlay™, for special needs individuals. In addition, the company offers solutions for smart growth, care, fun activities, and learning opportunities for all children. 1. (16) This growing 2. (12) A tree pattern is actually diagram is one strategy which the square numbers students may employ to solve this Miniland is an educational-toys brand wlweahiritcnhhtochuislderiennlawteillr problem. Colored markers, cubes or expertise focused on social and emotionyaeal rlse. Cahrinldirnengcan other manipulatives can also help toys, delivering on the values of diversityat,teinmcpltutsoioprned, ict students model the situation. the continuation cooperation and tolerance. of this pattern and experiment with tiles Watermelon to test their predictions. 16. PARENTS! Hey, teachers, parents and students— Give them the Gift Did you know That Keeps on Giving! that every issue of Kidsville News! has Kidsville accompanying enrichment lessons called News! Brainworks to extend the fun and learning? Each issue has free downloads of activities to print as is online! well as an online electronic version, which is adaptable for use on classroom smart boards, white boards, computers and tablets. Check these out at: https://www.kidsvillenews. com/parents/resources-for- teachers-and-parents/ newJusl.yco2m0/2c1umberland Enjoy! 21 www.kidsvillenews.c2o3m/cumberland
Secrets of the Whales definitely is not. Its pictures This show is a classic and research to the film. If someone came up to you and views are absolutely documentary series that gives Cinematographer Brian and asked whether you outstanding; it features fairly an inside look into the lives Armstrong’s images are clear liked reading facts or fiction, unknown facts and, best of all, of whales. From showing the and relevant, always providing chances are you’d probably the film hooks you in! Kudos raising and feeding of young a highly appreciable visual say fiction. And, I can relate. to the creators of Secrets whales to featuring how they match to the story. Narrator Let’s face it, the real world of the Whales for making learn to swim and orient to Sigourney Weaver adds great can be boring, but the new something I love to watch, their surroundings, Secrets vocals to the marine film Secrets of the Whales again and again. of the Whales is an in-depth mammal tale. show that doesn’t miss a fact. Not only entertaining but The show is amazingly educational, the film helped entertaining and dramatic, me learn a lot about the featuring whales instead lives of whales. They are a lot of humans. We learn that smarter than we think! whales have emotions ― and show them ― such as I recommend Secrets of the grief. One thing I need to call Whales for ages 6 to 18; it is a attention to is the images and family-friendly show. Secrets cinematography. National of the Whales was produced Geographic explorer and by National Geographic and photographer Brian Skerry released on Disney+ in late brings expansive knowledge spring. Be sure to check it out. 22 July 2021
July 2021 23
24 July 2021
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