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Home Explore Cape Fear Region Kidsville News January 2023

Cape Fear Region Kidsville News January 2023

Published by Up & Coming Weekly, 2023-01-05 02:05:52

Description: Kidsville News is a family-friendly, educational and fun publication for kids in grades K-6 and their families in Cumberland, Harnett and Hoke counties.

Keywords: Cumberland County Kidsville News,Harnett County Kidsville News,Hoke County Kidsville News,Cape Fear Edition Kidsville News January 2023,Kids First Movie Reviews,NASA Space Place,NOAA Weather,Book Reviews for Kids,Dinosaur facts,Jelia Coleman-Hepner


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Proudly sponsored by: HEY! THIS PAPER BELONGS TO: UP & COMING WEEKLY The Cape Fear Region’s Fun Family Newspaper • January 2023 DYNAMITE DINOSAURS F REE

2 January 2023

THE FUN FAMILY NEWSPAPER Hi, Kids! owf Cwuwm.kbiedrslvanildle,nHeawrns.ectotm&/HCoukme bCeorulanntides r“DtaetHshcahpbgaicaEaserIehdrordmnocvmreeDeuibeoruTnaa“eaneitnvirgCntgtvgieoudcahooto,tmormousrihnrasnnetsweryaennibeoisi,mscouhdveneIshtf,srsacaeoealesJHia.ottturrurCnioiioiwabodnreedrfdakpnaisesifivrntnonp,srsawnhoooaetssn”yirefhlhsitsveelocbNuiteaioal“rssthisAraaue.trg,eleKernAwrrloihne,kso”aidrrwdatfeuenaYahtappsConredtobevybplterraadnoinoileeselcdrnliueucht,entnly?tea!hattieofnoNc.WterIaetdufhyHeodahse,Weyeo!cttapewtaoeouiphwr“nonsruaosWpsetraodgebhl,lpytdniiemdwaeekple”ddibdmeorretovfeeilifreosyotbi.rselotatdlnIyedhhefttfsrlue”ioepeyie.vgsrrworalRedoaerfudrdieon.icnfdniayrihneiooidanytaonusbsoovsgasoeuasau,apuun!dtrutrrhdseesr,nes.sdopeAacaistetroealyrnnsusoontafeneaxdalpltoitlnaitmighneeaor.bthleer PUBLISHER Until next time, Bill Bowman [email protected] to our partners for sponsoring our [email protected] Kidsville News! in literacy initiative EDITORCIhAaLyeVBOuLrnUsNTEER OPERATIONS MANAGER Paulette Naylor accounting PRODUCTION MANAGER/ GRAPHIC DESIGNER Courtney Sapp-Scott [email protected] SALES & MARKETING Linda McAlister [email protected] Jim Schaffer [email protected] DSISATLREISBAUDTMIOINNIDSTIRREACTTOORR/ Paulette Naylor [email protected] IILLUSTRATOR Cover & Truman • Dan Nelson Copyright © 2020 by Merrigold Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this issue may be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without permission of the publisher or copyright hftswoyuoiprblllomdugbneirertsat.operlNdhiecsieicmptiaeotaldhnteeemsrrriribaoapnllre.asu.MrsotTcrierchirliperipaitgsapb,otuliaelbndrltgfiwPoshruaoedbrmrklvsi,seisorhriertinsnioesfgoert,hvrrIesmenrtncahm.toeiiarosrtneitng,hrohiemattl.rpitseCoupshpberidoillnidnisttrhsseaiebnnorl’yesrs submissions should include name, address, telephone number, and permission to publish signed by a parent or guardian. Various pictures and vectors © freepik & Vecteezy. January 2023 UP & COMING WEEKLY 3

The Age of Dinosaurs If you think alligators resemble dinosaurs, you’re right. the fact is that the dinosaur diversity reached its peak They do! In fact, dinosaurs, alligators and crocodiles in the ensuing Cretaceous period. The Jurassic Period share the same ancestor — the archosaurs of the long- witnessed the breakup of Pangea, which formed ago Triassic Period. You are in luck if you are interested Gondwana in the south and Laurasia in the north. in different dinosaurs and the times during which they lived. You’re about to learn all about them! The Cretaceous Period was when dinosaurs attained their maximum diversity. The longest period of the The Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods were all Mesozoic Era was also during the Cretaceous, when a part of the Mesozoic era, otherwise known as the the Earth began to assume something resembling its age of dinosaurs. The extremely lengthy period saw modern form. At that time, life was dominated not by the development of dinosaurs, marine reptiles, fish, mammals but by terrestrial, marine and avian reptiles mammals, flying animals and an enormous range of and even ancestral sharks. Scientists theorize that 65 plant life. The biggest dinosaurs didn’t exist until the million years ago, a meteor impact killed most of the Cretaceous period, which started over 100 million years vegetation the herbivorous dinosaurs ate at the end after the start of the age of dinosaurs. of the Cretaceous Period, causing them to die out. As a result, the carnivorous dinosaurs that ate the The Triassic Period was the chapter of the age of herbivores died out. dinosaurs that was the most notable for the expansion of the archosaurs into pterosaurs, crocodiles and the earliest dinosaurs, as well as the evolution of therapsids into the first true mammals. During the Triassic Period, all of the planet’s continents were one big continent called Pangaea, surrounded by the super ocean Panthalassa. The Triassic/Jurassic extinction witnessed the demise of various marine reptiles, including large amphibians and certain branches of archosaurs. The Jurassic Period was when the first gigantic sauropod and theropod dinosaurs appeared on Earth, a big difference from their slender, human-sized ancestors of the preceding Triassic period. The first prehistoric birds may have evolved by the end of the Jurassic period, though the evidence is still limited. Still, 4 January 2023

Fossils and the Facts They Provide W hat would you do if one day, while you hardened form of tree sap. Here, paleontologists were playing outside, digging for buried usually find pieces of insects or plants. treasure, you came across a dinosaur bone? People get paid to search for dinosaur bones or fossils • Most animals don’t fossilize; most decay to the worldwide. Paleontologists are the ones responsible point we know nothing about them. for carrying out this task. Let’s dig deeper into the subject of fossils. • Paleontologists estimate that only a small percentage of the dinosaurs that ever lived have • Fossils are relics of ancient animals and plants been or will be fossils. or traces or imprints of living things from many years ago. JANUARY • Over 1000 species of dinosaurs have been Jan. 1 New Year’s Day and the first day of named, and the list continues to grow as new the year in western countries. It is also Betsy fossils are discovered. Ross’s birthday, who was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1752. She was a seamstress • Dinosaur fossils have been around for a long credited with helping to originate and sew the time in human history, but it wasn’t until the Stars and Stripes flag of America in 1776. early 19th century that they were formally Jan. 7, 1714 A patent was issued for the first recognized as the dinosaurs we know today. typewriter designed by British inventor Henry Mill “for the impressing or transcribing of letters • Paleontology is a combination of biology and singly or progressively one after another, as in geology that examines life forms that existed writing.” millions of years ago. Jan. 8 Elvis Presley’s birthday in Tupelo, Mississippi, in 1935. Elvis Aaron Presley was an • Paleontologists gather information from American singer and actor known as the “King fossilized bones, footprints, stomach stones, of Rock and Roll.” He died in 1977. feces, internal organs, soft tissues, eggs and Jan. 12, 1991 Congress authorized President feathers. George Bush to use military force against Iraq following its invasion of Kuwait. • Paleontologists’ work helps us understand the Jan. 22, 1901 Queen Victoria of England died life span and cause of death for living creatures. after reigning for 64 years, which was the longest reign in British history until that of • Petrification is a process in which matter that Queen Elizabeth II, who reigned 70 years and has been living is exposed to minerals over a 214 days, succumbing to death in 2022. long period and turns into a stony substance. • Petrification can save hard and soft parts and slowly replaces the living material with silica, calcite or pyrite, forming a rock-like fossil. • Some organisms are surrounded in amber, a January 2023 5

Herbivores vs. Carnivores During the age of dinosaurs, various types of T-Rex up to 42 feet and the weight up to 16 tons. This dinosaurs roamed the Earth. The creature were dinosaur roamed around North America, specifically different in many ways, yet similar in others. The main the areas we now call Canada and the United States. distinguishing feature that separated dinosaurs was diet. Who ate what? Come find out! Stegosaurus The meat-eating dinosaurs are carnivores, while the The Stegosaurus was plant-eating dinosaurs are herbivores. Some dinosaurs a herbivore believed ate both and were omnivores. to have eaten mosses, ferns, horsetails, cycads, Megalosaurus conifers or fruits. The Stegosaurus didn’t have The Megalosaurus was a many teeth. It only had a toothless beak at the front horrendous predator that of its mouth and small teeth in its cheeks. To help him was almost 9 meters long, digest his food, the Stegosaurus probably swallowed twice as high as a double- stones. The stones would have moved about inside its decker bus. This dinosaur stomach, and the rough edges would help break up had powerful jaws and the plants the dinosaur had eaten. sharp teeth, perfect for ripping through his prey’s thick skins and devouring huge chunks of flesh. His Triceratops teeth were serrated – meaning they were zig zag- shaped along the edge, saw-like and able to slice Triceratops were through flesh easily. herbivores who grazed in large herds together Tyrannosaurus Rex and had nose horns used for defense. Nine The Tyrannosaurus Rex or meters in length and T-Rex is probably the most weighing five tons, Triceratops lived in the upland well-known dinosaur to exist. This dinosaur was a forests of North America. Some Triceratopses carnivorous predator and the largest apex predator had knobs of bone on their neck frills, a defensive of the dinosaur era. Estimates put the length of a attribute. 6 January 2023

Understanding Extinction If we were here roughly damage, including a giant conditions, slowly making Volcano theory 100 million years ago, dust cloud leading to them die out. This we would have roamed massive climate changes. theory has been largely Massive volcanic activity the streets alongside Such an event would discarded for one simple occurred 63-67 million dinosaurs. Do you have destroyed many reason: scientists have not years ago, particularly on ever wonder what Cretaceous Period plants found any evidence of an the Deccan Plateau in happened to the T-Rex and animals. ice age occurring during western India. Such action or Velociraptor? Multiple the life of the dinosaurs. would have caused a theories suggest what Ice Age theory massive change in climate could have happened to Competition from other problematic for dinosaur them. To learn more, keep Every so often, the Earth animals survival. reading. cools down into a period we call an ice age. As Fossils of small mammals Gradual extinction Asteroid impact dinosaurs were thought to have been found from 65 be cold-blooded, it would million years ago. Another The number of dinosaurs A massive asteroid hit have been hard for them extinction theory is that declined throughout the Earth on the Yucatan to cope with such cold these small Cretaceous the Cretaceous Period. Peninsula in Mexico about conditions. For example, Period animals started to Maybe several factors 65 million years ago. The if large parts of the planet compete with dinosaurs, contributed to their meteor’s crater is 180 were covered in ice, then stealing and eating eventual extinction, and km from rim to rim, and little or no plants would dinosaur eggs. However, they died out. Dinosaur scientists have figured survive for herbivorous no one is sure whether extinction is a big mystery, out that the asteroid dinosaurs to eat. A very mammals caused the because while dinosaurs must have been 10 km severe ice age could have extinction of dinosaurs or died out at this time, across. It is suggested altered climates and if they thrived because many species survived, that the impact would frozen waters so dinosaurs dinosaurs were no longer including similar animal have caused extensive could not weather the around any longer. types like crocodiles. January 2023 7

Animals that Descended from Dinosaurs C hildren with special needs often benefit from gifts with specialized purposes. While general that also includes • About 80 million years ago, the mDiinlloiosnauyresargrosiafatmsgoec,desrotthayiisnoulEyawcrtaohnuoldbveethrfii6ntt5king, customizing turtles, crocodiles and Archelon was over four meters long thethree agrieftns’tttootohme arencyipaineinmt’aslspraerltaicteudlar emotional or snakes. and almost five meters wide from ttorubttheheh. mMava.iHonryoawml neovedeeerd,rsnth-cdiasaniysbafaenriamfrgoamrlseaatthrewe ay to ensure kids • Although they split flipper to flipper. off early on, dinosaurs • Today, the leatherback sea turtle is degsceet nthdeanmtsoosft duisneosoauutros.fLtehte’sirlotokysa. t and these animals its closest living relative. a few dinosaur relatives. share common ancestors. • Modern crocodiles and alligators Sharks ChicFkoernhselp with making selections, gift-givaerres amlmayost unchanged from their • wTahnetktiongvisoift Miniland Educational USA, wwaPnewcri.ioedn,tmanecaensitnogrsaonfimthaelsCpreratcatciecoalulys • The earliest sharks first emerged around 450 million years ago, with mdiinniolasnaudresd,, widheicnhtiocaffletros the ones you can see modern sharks appearing about 100 aTsvu-aRrrpeirexi,tssyinhogafraeidmseaoaus,nctomprehensive informattoiodnayonexisted alongside dinosaurs. million years ago. • Today’s sharks are descended from tooyf sD/pNrAodwuitchtsthaend its own rating systemSe, aknTouwrtnlesas relatives that swam alongside • ABmbilroeddPselaarnyre™-dc,aofymocrmhsipcoekncelyinat.lhnoeuegdhstitnodividual•s . InSeaadtduirttiolens, are dinosaurs in prehistoric times. thbee cthoemopnalny yanoifmfearslsstoolduatiyotnhsaftoarrsemart groowftethn, ccaalrled, • The largest predator of all time was a Megalodon shark, reaching • fudWnirheaeccnttidcveoitsmiceeps,naadrenaddnttlsoeaosrfendvieinnrgaolsoaoputphrsoe.rrtunities f“docironuossianusr”so. Tf hey up to 20 meters in length and 103 asllpcehciledsr,etnh.e collagen levels in tons in weight. It lived just after the developed dinosaurs 23 million years ago and dinosaurs were closer to that of alongside dinosaurs, emerging as became extinct 2.6 million years chickens and ostriches than any a distinct type of turtle about 110 ago. oMthineirlaanndimisala. n educational-toys brand wimthillion years ago. expertise focused on social and emotio•n alTlheearsneivnegn species of sea turtle still Crocodiles around today have ancient origins, toys, delivering on the values of diversity, binuctluthsieonm, ost impressive turtle of all • cDooinpoesraautirosnwaenredrteopletirleasn,caeg. roup time is probably the Archelon. commonly,the%20world%20has%20ehvtetrp%s2:/0/ PARENTS! Hey, teachers, parents and students— Give them the Gift Did you know That Keeps on Giving! that every issue of Kidsville News! has Kidsville accompanying enrichment lessons called News! Brainworks to extend the fun and learning? Each issue has free downloads of activities to print as wall is online! as an online electronic version, which is adaptable for use on classroom smart boards, white boards, computers and tablets. Check these out at: https://www.kidsvillenews. com/parents/resources-for- teachers-and-parents/ ene8w Enjoy! January 2023

Dynomite playing until Dinosaur Games it’s one person left. D inosaurs are one of the world’s greatest mysteries. Pin the Tail on Everything we know about them is from fossils. People the Dinosaur have come up with dinosaur games to learn about these You will need a prehistoric creatures. Let’s seek the facts that hide within large dinosaur these games! poster or drawing hung Frozen Fossil on the wall for this game. Each participant gets a dinosaur You’ll need plastic dinosaur toys and a few other objects tail cut out with blu-tack or sticky tape attached. Every for this game. A couple of days before you play the game, kid gets a turn to be blindfolded and attempts to pin the take a large plastic container and add the toy before dinosaur tail closest to the actual tail on the poster. Each freezing. You could use paddle pop sticks, kitchen utensils, player should spin around a few times before their turn to or other non-dangerous digging tools when it’s time to make it more challenging. play. Once the large block of ice is removed, everybody can dig in. Dinosaur Egg Hunt If you want to play this game, you would first ask an Hot Dinosaur Egg adult to fill some plastic Easter eggs with small dinosaur This game is like “hot potato.” Everyone participating must trinkets, candies, and toys. You would then let the adult sit in a circle, and one player is given a large, filled water hide the eggs around the yard or house, and every balloon, egg, or ball. Once the music starts, that’s when participant can hunt for the eggs. If there is a wide range you pass the egg round. Once the music stops, the person of ages playing, the adult might want to designate a holding the egg is extinct – out of the game. You keep specific color to each seeker so everyone ends up with a fair share of eggs and is encouraged to use teamwork. Hidden Picture Puzzles! Answers on Page 21 January 2023 9

?? ? ? ?? ?? ?? ? ?? ?? What’s It Like to Be? ? ? ? ? ?? ?? ? ? ? ?? ? ? A Radio Show Host, Author & Journalist - Jelia Coleman-Hepner hired because of the dedication and hard work I put forth as an intern. Regarding my career in journalism, this field has always been my first love. I began writing in journals at age 10, and this passion deepened as I pursued my education and started writing for the college newspaper. After graduating, I obtained a job with the city newspaper as a news reporter. From this positive experience, I returned to school to earn an advanced degree in journalism. Please share your name, profession, What training or education did you doctors told her parents that she was and details about your job with our obtain to enter this field? not expected to live until December of readers. For both fields, I give full credit to the that year. Since her favorite holiday was My name is Jelia Coleman-Hepner; I am college Fayetteville State University, Christmas, the neighborhood where an author and radio personality from where I received the opportunities and the family lived had a Christmas parade Fayetteville. I currently have a career as training I needed to have a career in in October for her. Each neighbor a radio personality for stations Magic radio and journalism. At this institution, adorned their house and even some 106.9 and 92.1 Choice FM in Raleigh. In I received my bachelor’s and master’s vehicles with Christmas decorations. addition, I am a journalist contributing degrees. The on-the-job training as a That story touched me because it to various publications, including The college intern was also valuable. showed a community coming together Fayetteville Press newspaper and to give this little girl her dying wish and Women’s View Magazine. With my Describe a typical day on your job. support her parents. passion for writing, I recently released A typical day on the job is first looking a book called Give God your Broken up relevant stories or trending topics. What are some pros and cons of your Pieces, a 30-day devotional. On my radio show, I like to tell my work? audience about the issues, events, Meeting new people, especially When and why did you decide on politics, local news and celebrity gossip celebrities, is one perk of my job. I love this career path? that is out there. After that, I review my connecting with individuals because With my radio career, I fell into it by show’s music and ensure no issues or I am very social, so that has always chance. During my time at Fayetteville problems exist. I also look in our system been my favorite part. Saying “no” is a State University, I was required to to see if there are any liners, which challenge I have faced throughout my complete an internship to earn a are promotion events, to mention or career. Trying to get the job done and degree in mass communications. As an discuss. For example, the radio station help others can sometimes exhaust me intern for Beasley media group, I had currently has a text-to-win contest or place me in specific binds. the opportunity to job shadow several where our listeners can win a cash radio personalities. They trained me prize of $25,000. So, I mention that What would you like others to know on how to operate the soundboards, throughout the show to tell people about pursuing a career? create music logs, write promotions how to win money and remind them I recommend the readers out there to and more. Eventually, the company not to text while driving. After that, I follow their desires. Whether becoming had a job opening at the WZFX Foxy get on the air for my radio show. an entrepreneur, writing a book or 99.1 station for a weekend radio creating a podcast is the goal, don’t personality. I decided to apply and was Please share a career highlight or let fear overtake your thoughts and go special story, if possible. for it! One of my career highlights was a story I covered working as a news reporter for the Fayetteville Observer. I reported on a Fort Bragg family with a 7-year-old daughter who was dying of cancer. The 10 January 2023

MATHTIME 1) How many dinosaurs do 2) The Tuttle family went to Sci- you see? How many tails are zone and bought passes for each there? How many eyes do these show. They spent exactly $20.00. dinosaurs have? How many passes could they buy? For which shows? Answer: $4.00 Planetarium ___ dinosaurs $3.00 Holograms $6.00 Dinosaurs ___ tails ___ eyes Answers on Page 21 Send it!* Sandhills Hey, Kids! Pediatric & Family We want to remind you to send us your photos, Dentistry original artwork, letters, poems and stories, We would really love hearing from you. We Dental care for the whole family. may even print them in a later issue or include them on our cool website. Free orthodontic consultations. Se habla Español. Name: Age: Bryan C. Dunston, DDS, 1st Dental Board Certified Visit at Age 1! Address: Grade: Pediatric Dentist City: State: Zip: Phone: Name of your School or location where you picked up a copy of Kidsville News!: Parent, Teacher, Guardian Signature (Permission): Email: (Receive a “Free” online subscription of Kidsville News!) 55 Amarillo Lane, Sanford NC (Located off Buffalo Lake Rd., 8 miles north of Spring Lake near Carolina Lakes) Send to: 208 Rowan Street Fayetteville, NC 28301 • 910-484-6200 January 2023 11

12 Britlle, age 10 Alannah, age 11 Nicco, age 6 I l Pia, age 11 Gisndan Leslie, age 8 January 2023

January 2023 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 23 45 6 7 Come See 8 13 the Trains 15 9 10 11 12 Fascinate-U 22 19 Children’s Museum International Downtown Fayetteville Thank You Day 1st & 3rd Sat. each month. Noon-4 p.m. Free. 18 14 16 17 20 Public Radio Broadcasting Day Martin Luther King Benjamin 25 26 National Take a Walk Jr., Day Franklin Day Outside Day 21Come See Visit a park or trail in the Trains 23 24 Cumberland, Harnett or Fascinate-U Hoke counties. Children’s Museum Downtown Fayetteville 27 1st & 3rd Sat. each month. Noon-4 p.m. Free. 28 Opposite Day National Lego Day 29 30 31National Draw a Dinosaur Day and send it to Kidsville J a n u a r y 2 0 2 3News!forpublication! See page 11! National Hot Chocolate Day 13

Game Day Party Ideas Football season has been in full swing for several raffle ticket out of a bag or bucket. The called number months and will soon culminate in the game of all gets a prize. games in early February, the Super Bowl. Watching the action on the field is exciting, but game day Consider a tailgate theme experiences can be enhanced by festivities with friends Evoke the feelings of a true stadium tailgate by hosting or family. the party outdoors in the neighborhood. Each home can have its station in the driveway, with partygoers Football parties can take enjoyment of the game to walking from home to home to load up on snacks and the next level and be enhanced with each game that talk about the game. occurs on the road to the playoffs. The following are some ways to score touchdowns when hosting game Game day is a great time to get together with fellow day gatherings. fans, friends and family. Create a DIY football field table cover Head to the nearest party store and purchase green craft paper or a plastic tablecloth. Stretch it over the expanse of the table you need to cover and secure it underneath with tape or clips. Use white tape or ribbon to mark off the field yard markings and utilize white stick-on numerals to enhance the yard line measurements. Such a festive table can double the perfect playing field for table-top football. Decorate a drink station Dress up your cooler with team colors and logos. Make a goalpost out of PVC piping to add a little whimsy to the design. Create game-inspired foods Football-shaped foods, from mini meatloaf to calzones to cookies to doughnuts, will make the event even more fun. Invest in a football-shaped cookie cutter to cut just about everything, from sliced cheeses to sandwiches, pie crusts, into that pigskin shape. Set up games of chance Buying boxes and gambling on the outcomes of the quarters is a tradition for many people who participate in football parties. However, gambling isn’t for everyone. Party hosts can come up with other clever ideas to give people chances to win prizes. Purchase inexpensive gift cards to local coffee shops, sporting goods retailers or supermarkets. Give out raffle tickets to all in attendance. Each time the team scores, pick a 14 January 2023

Tru favo finis TTrruuma-n Truman’s Tricky Picture Answers on Page 21wpTuwirtuzewzmm.lkeassin!da’Bssnvehdilaslgeut!anFrmeFeinwotedorss,.tmfichvonoeimsdsrieet. January 2023 15

The Basics of Pickleball A court sport is sweeping the nation, and it isn’t found at tennis or basketball. According to the Sports official-rules/rules-summary/. A game is typically & Fitness Industry Association, 4.8 million played to 11 points, and a team must win by two. people played pickleball in 2021, marking a nearly Tournament games may be played to 15 or 21, and a 15% growth in the total number of players from the team must win by two. year prior. Does pickleball utilize referees? Data from the SFIA suggests pickleball is popular Recreational games of pickleball can rely on the among people of all ages. Total participation honor system much like pick-up games of other among players between ages six and 17 (21%), 18 sports do. However, USA Pickleball™ notes that and 34 (29%) and 35 and 54 (20%) is significant, and referees and line judges are important components players 65 and older also are well represented (18%). of tournament play. More information about coming a pickleball referee can be found at https:// As the popularity of pickleball grows, now is a great time to explore the basics of this game that’s become a go-to pastime for so many people. Why should I play pickleball? Players enjoy the game of pickleball for a multitude What is pickleball? of reasons, including the thrill of competition, the USA Pickleball™ notes that pickleball combines chance to socialize and the opportunity to exercise many elements of tennis, badminton and ping- outside of a gym or home fitness center. But many pong. The game is played with a paddle and a play the game because they find it fun. Pickleball plastic ball with holes and can be played both has experienced a notable spike in popularity in indoors and outdoors on a badminton-sized court recent years. More information about the game with a slightly modified tennis net. Much like and how to get involved is available at https:// tennis, pickleball can be played in a single (one-on- one) or doubles (two-on-two) format. How long has pickleball been played? Despite a recent and meteoric spike in popularity, pickleball has been around since 1965. The brainchild of three fathers from Bainbridge Island (which is just a brief ferry ride away from Seattle), the game was invented as a means of entertaining bored children. It has since evolved from those roots and become a wildly popular game across both the United States and Canada, and the game has even begun to spread into Europe and Asia. How is pickleball played? January 2023 An extensive list of the rules of pickleball can be 16

Interesting Facts about Martin Luther King, Jr. M artin Luther King, Jr., was one of the most influential figures of the 21st century. His tireless activism during the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s improved the lives of millions of people, and his tragic assassination on April 4, 1968, marked one of the darkest days in American history. King’s oratory prowess is well-documented. Individuals across the globe are familiar with his “I Have a Dream” speech, which King delivered during the March on Washington. Less familiar are some other notable facts about the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. • If he were alive today, Martin Luther King, Jr. would still be years away from his 100th birthday. King was assassinated in 1968, when he was not yet 40 years old. Born in Atlanta in 1929, King could very much still be alive today and would have celebrated his 93rd birthday on January 15, 2022. • King was an extraordinarily gifted student. At emergency surgery and was hospitalized for an age when many students were preparing several weeks. to enter their sophomore or junior year of high school, King began his freshman year of • Conspiracy theories surround King’s college at Morehouse College. King enrolled assassination. King’s assassin, James Earl Ray, at Morehouse when he was 15 after the school was found guilty and sentenced to 99 years in opened enrollment to junior high students to prison. Authorities, including the United States overcome a dip in enrollment related to World Department of Justice, concluded Ray, a career War II. King passed the entrance exam and criminal, acted alone. However, some, including enrolled in the fall of 1944. surviving members of King’s family, believed his assassination was part of a conspiracy. • King was ordained as a minister prior to graduating from Morehouse. The Baptist • Despite his tragic assassination in 1968, Martin ministry was something of a family business Luther King, Jr., left his mark on the world. for the Kings, as Martin Luther King, Jr.’s father, That legacy is even more remarkable when grandfather and great grandfather were considering the unique twists and turns King’s all Baptist ministers. However, King did not life took prior to his death. initially intend to follow that path. He ultimately changed course and entered the ministry at age 18, graduating from Morehouse with a degree in sociology a year later. • King survived an attack years before his assassination. King was attacked during a book signing event in Harlem in 1958. His assailant, Izola Curry, was ultimately deemed mentally incompetent to stand trial. Though the attack did not kill him, King had to undergo intensive January 2023 17

Binoculars: A Great First Telescope By David Prosper Do you want to peer deeper into you may be able to spot Jupiter’s the night sky? Are you feeling moons, along with some globular the urge to buy a telescope? So clusters and fainter nebulae from many options exist for budding dark sites, too. astronomers that choosing one What do the numbers on those A pair of good binoculars can show craters can be overwhelming. A first binocular specs mean? The first on the Moon around 6 miles (10 km) across telescope should be easy to use number is the magnification, while and larger. How large is that? It would take and provide good quality views the second number is the size in you about two hours to hike across a similar- while being affordable. As it turns millimeters (mm) of the lenses. So, sized crater on Earth. The “Can You See the out, those requirements make the a 7x35 pair of binoculars means Flag On the Moon?” handout showcases the first telescope of choice for many that they will magnify 7 times using levels of detail that different instruments can stargazers something unexpected: a lenses 35 mm in diameter. It can typically observe on the Moon, available at good pair of binoculars! be tempting to get the biggest flagmoon. Moon image courtesy Jay Tanner binoculars you can find, but try Binoculars are an excellent first not to get anything much more most telescopes. For example, instrument because they are powerful than a 10x50 pair at first. most telescopes are unable to generally easy to use and more Larger binoculars with more power keep the entirety of the Pleiades versatile than most telescopes. often have narrower fields of vision or Andromeda Galaxy entirely Binoculars can be used for activities and are heavier. While technically inside the view of most eyepieces. like stargazing and birdwatching more powerful, larger sets are also Binoculars are also a great and work great in the field at a more difficult to hold steadily in your investment for more advanced star party, along the hiking trail hands and “jiggle” quite a bit unless observing, as later they are useful and anywhere else where you can you buy much more expensive for hunting down objects to then see the sky. Binoculars also travel binoculars with image stabilization observe in more detail with a well since they easily fit into carry- or mount them to a tripod. telescope. on luggage — a difficult feat for most telescopes. A good pair of Would it surprise you that amazing If you can do so, real-world advice binoculars, ranging in specifications views of some astronomical objects and experience is still the best from 7x35 to 10x50, will give you can be found not just from giant for something for which you will great views of the moon, large open telescopes but also from seemingly be spending a lot of time. Going star clusters like the Pleiades (M45) humble binoculars? Binoculars to an in-person star party hosted and, from dark skies, larger bright can show a much larger field by a local club is a great way to galaxies like the Andromeda Galaxy of view of the sky compared to get familiar with telescopes and (M31) and large nebulae like the binoculars of all kinds — just ask Orion Nebula (M42). While you likely The two most popular types of binocular permission before taking a closer won’t be able to see Saturn’s rings, designs are shown here: roof-prism look. You can find clubs and star as you practice your observing skills binoculars (left) and porro-prism parties near you on the Night Sky binoculars (right). Roof prisms tend to Network’s Clubs & Events page at be more compact, lighter, and a bit, and inspire more portable, while porro-prisms tend your binocular stargazing sessions to be heavier but often offer wider views with NASA’s latest discoveries at and greater magnification. What should you choose? Many birders and frequent fliers often choose roof-prism models for their portability. Many observers who prefer to observe fainter deep-sky objects or who use a tripod with their observing choose larger porro-prism designs. There is no right answer, so if you can, try out both designs and see which works better for you. 18 January 2023

WINTER SNOWFLAKES A s we move forward into winter through days As a snowflake forms, it can shift and move to of chilly weather, some parts of the U.S. have different parts of the cloud that it is in, exposing it to started to see their first snowstorms. Over the next different temperature and humidity conditions. For few months, as you perhaps watch the snowfall example, a snowflake’s branches might begin to take outside your window or go outside to play in it, you on a long, thin shape, but a sudden change in the may notice that no two snowflakes are exactly alike. temperature could cause the extensions to flatten Why is that? out or grow differently. Usually, meteorologists have found that higher temperatures, around 23 degrees First, let’s talk about how snowflakes are formed. F, cause long, needle-like crystals to form, while Snowflake creation starts when a very cold-water lower temperatures, about 5 degrees F, result in very droplet high up in the clouds freezes onto a pollen or flat, plate-like crystals. dust particle floating in the sky. This process creates an ice crystal, which then begins to fall to the Another reason for the difference in snowflake ground as snow. Other water vapor molecules freeze shapes is the path it takes to the ground. Once a onto it as the crystal falls, building new crystals and snowflake begins to fall, every single one follows a forming the standard six arms of the snowflake that slightly different direction. This variation exposes branch off the center, creating a shape sort of like a each one to somewhat unique atmospheric star. However, though all snowflakes have six sides, conditions along the way, causing occasional examples of this frozen precipitation do not look the bumping into one another, as well. With so many same. possibilities, two snowflakes being exactly alike is nearly impossible. The next time it snows where One main reason why every snowflake is unique is you live, investigate this weather phenomenon for due to the atmosphere in which it is created. yourself. January 2023 19

By Calee N., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 12 Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous Brooklynn, Ryan Potter as Kenji, Raini Rodriguez Hidden Adventure is super cool! as Sammy, Sean Giambrone as Ben and Kausar I especially like how, at the start Mohammed as Yazmine. The friendships between of the episode, you wake up in a these teen characters bring enough tension and Tarbosaurus nest where you have unpredictability to keep this familiar storyline moving to escape and then choose what and engaging. Brooklyn uses just the right amount of action to take to find the Hidden sarcasm, combined with Sammi’s naiveté, and Darius’ Adventure. leadership to complement Kenji’s arrogance and Ben’s skepticism. Just like the series, this episode finds the Based on the show Camp characters constantly facing adversity while on a quest to escape the dinosaurs on Isla Nublar. By Kira O. Cretaceous, this new show is an One thing I like about Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous KIDS FIRST! interactive special series where Hidden Adventure is that if you make good decisions, Film Critic, age 10 you survive the Tarbosaurus and can choose varied the campers survive more danger options for different outcomes. For instance, Darius put against them on Isla Nublar. has to choose to climb or jump to save the Hidden Adventure map. This episode’s platform makes the viewer one of the six The message of the characters from series — Darius (Paul-Mikel Williams), show is to be brave and trust in your friends to the teen’s leader stuck on the island of Isla Nublar. As overcome things that seem impossible. I do Darius, you, the viewer, must choose what actions to not recommend this for anyone under age seven, take to follow the clues across the island, survive the as it can be scary for younger kids. dinosaurs and find a secret stash of food supplies. You I give Jurassic World: are hunted by a Tarbosaurus who wants to feed you to Hidden Adventure 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it the eggs in her nest when they hatch. for ages 8 to 18, plus adults. Watch it on Netflix now. The show has many great attributes, including animation and plot. Visually exciting, the show’s detailed and close-up animation allows the viewer to experience the characters’ emotions and also the terrifying drool produced by a dinosaur’s scary and realistic roar. The plot has much mystery and suspense, like when the characters narrowly escape getting eaten by a Tarbosaurus or the time they get caught in a dinosaur stampede! Character development and voice are also strong qualities. The voice actors include Jenna Ortega as 20 January 2023

Hidden Picture Puzzles CENTRAL LAPTOP PROCESSING UNIT KEYBOARD (CPU) 1) ANSWER: 2) 5 passes: 2 3 dinosaurs Planetarium, 2 3 tails Hologram, 1 Dinosaur. 6 eyes Most students will use guess and check, branches on a tree or charts. Family-friendly Resolutions to Pursue Together Families can enjoy plenty of resolutions together. Undertaking goals as a family unit can create accountability that keeps everyone on track. Here are some resolutions to think about making right now. • Eating healthier meals together can move everyone’s health in the right direction. Start by adding a fruit or vegetable to every meal and try whole grains or a new grain, like quinoa. Small changes can add up to big gains and healthy results. • Transform negative thinking patterns into positive ones. The family can keep gratitude journals, highlighting things they are grateful for or actions that make each person proud. • Collectively aim to get more sleep each night. This goal may be achieved by turning electronics off earlier each night and spending an hour or two before bed engaged in lighthearted conversation or stress-busting activities like reading books. • Plan for screen-free family time each day. Make this goal a priority so everyone can engage without distractions from social media, work, friends and other digital activities. January 2023 21


Book Reviews for Kids By Andrea Horosko Let’s begin the New Year with three interesting books! For beginning readers: a simple text, the smiling characters show and tell the Maisy’s Chinese New Year facts and traditions surrounding this very important by Lucy Cousins Asian holiday, including the folk tale behind the 12-year 24 pages, ages 3-7 yrs. Chinese zodiac. This book is part of a series of Maisy First Copyright 2020 Experiences Books, all written and illustrated by Lucy Cousins. In other adventures, Maisy goes to a wedding, Maisy the mouse is getting has a wobbly tooth, learns to swim and flies on a plane; ready to celebrate the Chinese Cousins has written 21 different books in the series, so New Year with food, friends, decorations, presents and far. They all are fun to read, easy to read and full of good a special lucky color. With plenty of bright colors and information for curious young minds! Easy-to-read chapter book: it, he will probably say it is his King & Kayla and the Case of the Gold Ring favorite thing. King leads the by Dori Hillestad Butler, illustrated by Nancy Myers case through several false 47 pages, ages 7-9 yrs. starts, but fortunately Kayla Copyright 2021 also has some human friends who add some sanity to the King (a dog) and Kayla (a human) work together to solve story. In the end, King proves mysteries in this series of easy-to-read chapter books. to be a necessary member of The Case of the Gold Ring is perfect for January since it the team as he helps to solve is solved on a snowy winter day. The best thing about the mystery and finds the the King & Kayla mysteries is that they are narrated missing gold ring. If you like by King, a smart dog detective who is also very funny. this book, you should check For example, everything he encounters is his “favorite” out the other King & Kayla thing — snow, liver treats, marshmallows — you name mysteries — seven in all. Picture book for older readers: Yellowstone was killed in 1926. Now, you might think The Wolves of Yellowstone: A this is a good thing, but no, it’s not. Without the wolves Rewilding Story by Catherine Barr, of Yellowstone, the elk population increased and ate all illustrated by Jenni Desmond the plants. Without the plants, the bird population left 48 pages, ages 7-12 years for better nesting homes and so on. Mother Nature was Copyright 2021 upset. So, in 1995, 14 Canadian wolves were captured and brought to Yellowstone. This nonfiction, neatly This is a magnificent book for illustrated book tells the story of those first wolves, both children and adults. It tells how they survived, hunted, reproduced and carried on the true story of what happens when Mother Nature shifting the balance of nature and bringing it back to is challenged. In 1872, Yellowstone became the first Yellowstone. You will learn how the return of the wolves National Park in the United States. It was and still is positively affected all the animal and plant populations, an amazing place full of natural beauty and wildlife. mammals, birds, amphibians, trees, grasses, wildflowers; But, due to fear and overhunting, the last wolf of it is truly is a circle of life. Andrea Horosko still remembers the moment as a child when she realized she could read. In adulthood, she happily followed her Army husband around the world, raised her family and spent 26 years as a teacher and school librarian. Now retired, she continues to share the joy of reading. January 2023 23

24 January 2023

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