VOLUME 12 OCTOBERISSUE 10 2018for, by and about local women GVTOOEM A G A Z I N E 610Favorite The U.S. local midterm election autumnal adventures is almost here! What's it like to intern at Christian Dior Couture? 19 Book review: \"Crazy Rich Asians\"
Women’s View Magazine presents D2S0a1at8TveHesESEFEBRUARY 8 • MAY 10 • AUGUST 9 • NOVEMBER 7 Ramada Inn Bordeaux 1707 Owen Dr.Keynote Speaker Lisa Powell owner/Franchisee McDonald’s Restaurants SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: 10:00 am–12:00 noon..............Shopportunity Expo & Wine Tasting open 12:00 noon–2:00 pm................Luncheon, Keynote Speaker, Prizes and More 2:00–3:00 pm...............................Shopportunity Expo & Wine Tasting continuesTICKETS: $35.00 (includes the Shopportunity Expo and 1 Luncheon ticket) VENDORS: $75.00 (includes 1 Luncheon ticket) Join us for the with Each luncheon a portion of our profits will be Exclusive Wine Bar & given to the Kidsville News Literacywednesday Shopportunity and Education Foundation. Tasting! NOV 7 Expo Call Paulette with any questions: WWW.FAYETTEVILLELADIESPOWERLUNCH.COM • #FLPL 910-273-2820 Riddle Family FoundationNOVEMBER Jewels by Park Lane Paparazzi Jewelry Pure Romance with Dee Mary Kay Cosmetics Picture of Health ThermographyVENDORSINCLUDE: MAGAZINE For more details on our WWW.FAYETTEVILLELADIESPOWERLUNCH.COM • #FLPL 2018 events, check out2 SEPTEMBER 2018
TABLE OF CONTENTS 6 My favorite local autumnal adventures One blogger shares her best memory-makers. 9 Take care of your tatas October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. 10 What's it like to intern at Christian Dior Couture? Fayetteville Academy graduate Emma McCauley knows. 12 GO VOTE The U.S. midterm election is almost here! 16 Is what you learned in history class wrong? Common myths and their factual counterparts. 18 Holiday shopping facts and figures Fun facts as the hunt begins. 19 Book review: \"Crazy Rich Asians\" The novel that inspired the hit film. 20 Learn about the human gut biome Two-thirds of the gut biome is unique to each individual. 21 Cumberland Makers and Creatives welcomes you to join A sneak peak at the new Arts Council organization.Building a lifetime of memories, Treat Yourself! One vacation at a time... Explore your surroundings & Shop Local Specializing in cruises, groups, weddings, family, SEPTEMBER 2018 3 all-inclusives, adventure, Disney.Jill Merrill Owner/Travel Agent/ Hope Mills, N.C.910-423-2088 • [email protected] www.FavoriteTravelAgent.com
notes from the assistant editor VOLUME 12 ISSUE 10After Florence PUBLISHER F & B PublicationsA s the pages of this issue were designed and finalized, Hurricane (downgraded to Tropical Depression) EDITOR Florence came and lingered. During that week, the Stephanie Cridersky was an endless mass of wet, grey, gauzy clouds. The air [email protected] shockingly clean, having been washed, re-washedand then infused with the scent of broken pine trees. Safety ASSISTANT EDITORand well-being felt tenuous. Voluntary evacuations became Leslie Pyomandatory. Power could go in a second and come back in afew minutes or a few weeks, as could clean drinking water. [email protected] dangers and sobering outcomes, whether fulfilled ornot, were sudden. On a walk to assess damage in my ART DIRECTORneighborhood the first night after the rain started, I stopped Elizabeth Longshort just before walking into a downed power line. Our street [email protected] were out, and I hadn't been able to see the black line inthe dim light. A tree fell on my friend's house. Thankfully, he, his MARKETING REPRESENTATIVEpartner and their 1-year-old were not in it at the time. Linda McAlisterWhen this issue prints, I am not sure what the state ofFayetteville will be. I do not know how many in our community [email protected] have suffered damage or loss in one of the many areasthis kind of natural disaster affects. OPERATIONS DIRECTORI do know that many of us will be in pain. And we will all have Paulette Naylorchoices to make. Will we commit as much time to helping ourneighbors and our city recover as we do helping ourselves? If [email protected] got through the storm with minimal damage, will we seekout opportunities to help those who lost much more? Or will DISTRIBUTION MANAGER/we count ourselves lucky and return solely to our own life's SALES ADMINISTRATORconcerns? As we recuperate and mourn that which we've lost, Laurel Handforthwho or what will we turn to for comfort?I have hope that the aftermath of this disaster will show [email protected] at its best. Working together. Loving each other.Approaching matters with honesty and integrity. The choices CONTRIBUTORSmade by each of us, toward each other and modeled within Mindy Loveour families and for our children, will have much longer-lasting LaNatria Elliseffects than this storm. Judy Stapleton4 SEPTEMBER 2018 Emma McCauley Sade' Wilson Christina Arreola Adrienne Trego Ashanti Bennett WOMEN’S VIEW MAGAZINE 208 ROWAN STREET FAYETTEVILLE, NC, 28301 PHONE: 910-484-6200 Fax: 910-484-9218 Interested in contributing to Women's View Magazine? Email [email protected] or call 910-484-6200. Women’s View Magazine is by, for and about women in Cumberland County. Published by F&B Publications in conjunction with Media Marketing Management. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction or use of editorial or advertisement without permission is strictly prohibited. Various vector source artwork created by © Freepik, © Vecteezy and © Pixabay.
ARTS MThisONTHThrough Oct. 7 in and around\"Godspell\" at Gilbert Theatre.910-678-7186 or gilberttheater.com CUMBERLAND COUNTYOct. 3-7 \"Music City\" at Cape Fear COMMUNITYRegional Theatre. A modern countrymusical that celebrates integrity, Oct. 5 Woofstock at Capesuccess, service – and country music! Fear Botanical Garden. Support910-323-4233 or www.cfrt.org the Fayetteville Animal Protection Society in its quest to help animalsOct. 4-18 Sweet Tea Shakespeare’s find loving homes. 910-864-2077\"OthelLIT\" at various locations. The or search the event on Facebookclassic tragedy gets a new spin – funand booze await. 910-420-4383 or Oct. 6 Scotland County Highlandwww.sweetteashakespeare.com Games in Laurinburg. Celebrate North Carolina’s Scottish heritage.Oct. 6 The Marquis Slam at the Arts Council www.carolina-highlandgames.comof Fayetteville/Cumberland County. 8-11 p.m.A poetry slam is a competition where poets Oct. 6 15th Annual Heritage Fest atperformatively share their work. 910-745-7219 or Cape Fear Botanical Garden. Enjoywww.facebook.com/TheMarquisSlam a fun-filled day of history, including music, games, demonstrations andOct. 6 Fayetteville Symphony Orchestra more. Noon-5 p.m. 910-486-0221presents \"The Music of John Williams\" at or www.capefearbg.orgSeabrook Auditorium, Fayetteville StateUniversity. 7:30 p.m. Hear works from the Oct. 13 Historic Carriage Rides incomposer behind film scores from \"Star downtown Fayetteville. Take in localWars\" to \"Harry Potter\" to \"Saving Private history from a fresh perspective.Ryan.\" www.fayettevillesymphony.org 1-6 p.m. 910-223-1089 or www.visitdowntownfayetteville.comOct. 9 “Night Silence: Photographsby Andrew Johnson” opening Wednesdays throughreception at Gallery 208, 208 Rowan Oct. 24 Murchison Rd.St., 5:30-7 p.m. 910-484-6200 Community Farmers Market at Fayetteville State University’sOct. 12-14 Indigo Moon Film Festival at various venues in Bronco Square parking lot. Enjoydowntown Fayetteville. See over 70 films from local to international the bounty of our local farmers.filmmakers. 910-309-6580 or www.indigomoonfilmfestival.com 10 a.m.-2 p.m. 910-216-1242Oct. 25-Nov.11 \"Peter and the Starcatcher\" at Cape Fear Regional Oct. 20-21FayettevilleTheatre. In this prequel to the familiar story of Peter Pan, Peter explores ComiCon at the Crown Expofriendship, duty and love. 910-323-4233 or cfrt.org Center. Let your nerd flag fly at this celebration of pop culture andThrough Nov. 10 \"Fire from the Mountain: Glass and Steel\" at everything cool and geeky.David McCune International Art Gallery, William,F. Bethune Center $15-$25. 910-316-7251 orfor Visual Arts, Methodist University. Free. 910-425-5379 or www.fayettevillecomiccon.comwww.davidmccunegallery.org Oct. 27 Ole Mill Days at Hope MillsTurn the page Municipal Park. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Free toto check out attend. Enjoy food,autumnal games and more. 910-426-4107 oradventures! townofhopemills.com/346/Ole-Mill-Days SEPTEMBER 2018 5
MINDY LOVE Mindy Love is a full-time environmental program manager with the U.S. Army Reserve Command and creator of the blog Sweet Tea Creator/blogger, Sweet Tea and Pasta and Pasta. She’s lived in North Carolina for over 20 years and www.sweetteaandpasta.com started her blog to share her Southern experiences with others. When she’s not assisting the military in saving the earth, she’s eating her wayMy favorite around the South, meeting new people and looking for new smalllocal autumnal towns to explore.adventuresW hat is the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about autumn? Is it the cooler days, crisp nights, the scent of pumpkin spice orthe crunch of a juicy apple? In the South, rarely are theredays as beautiful as the ones in autumn. The oppressiveheat and humidity subside, giving way to warm, sunnydays and cool nights.Everything is better in the fall, whether it's grabbing thatfirst light sweater to wear while tailgating or attending anafternoon picnic or taking in the kaleidoscope of colorsfound on every tree. Or maybe it’s realizing the harvestseason is finally here, filled with apples and pumpkinsgalore, clear night skies perfect for stargazing and nomore frizzy hair.Favorite fall flavors such as pumpkin spice, applecrisp, crusty breads from a local bakery, sandwiches,hearty stews or soups and hot apple cider are sure toleave everyone full and happy at any gathering. Gamessuch as Frisbee, corn hole and horseshoe are excellentrecreational activities to enjoy in the cooler air.There is so much to do in the area during this time ofyear. While preparing for an idyllic autumn, consider oneor more of these creeptastic fall events in CumberlandCounty and the surrounding area:Gallberry Corn MazeOpen through Nov. 4www. gallberrycornmaze.comWheat-colored cornfields transform into intricatemazes for kids of all ages. Every autumn, little ghoulsand goblins descend on the local corn mazes. There isnothing better than creeping though the maze, cornhusks softly rustling in the breeze, in an attempt tofind your way along the twisty labyrinth. With luck,snacks and drinks await those clever enough to findtheir way out.6 SEPTEMBER 2018
John Blue Cotton Festival LOCAL BLOGGEROct. 13-14www.johnbluefestival.com/homepage SEPTEMBER 2018 7In nearby Laurinburg, the John Blue house hosts its annualJohn Blue Cotton Festival, a celebration of the harvest. Eat whiletaking in the exhibits, historic cabins, a mule-powered cotton ginand antique tractors, and tour the historic John Blue house andhomesite. The festival also includes live entertainment, hayridesand pony rides for the kids. Additionally, this year the festival willhost an antique car show. A fun time will be had by all!Hallowe’en Revels at the 1897 Poe HouseOct. 24-26, from 6-10 p.m.museumofthecapefear.ncdcr.gov/EventsA spooktacular event for kids of all ages to kick off the Halloweenseason is found at the 1897 Poe House. The house belonged toEdgar Allan Poe, owner of the E.A. Poe Brick Company and not thefamous author of the macabre. But, on Halloween, one might thinkthe Poe House is indeed the home of the chilling author. Ravens,ghosts and other frightening creatures are found wandering thegrounds and halls of this usually peaceful Victorian home. As abonus, the little monsters can trick or treat, listen to a live band andparty until the sun goes down.Stoney Point Trail of TerrorOct. 5/6, 12/13, 19/20, 26/27, 30/31www.undeadfd.comIn the distance, screams pierce the night air. A chain saw buzzesloudly. More screams, then silence. What fate did they meet?Nobody knows. The only way to find out is to see what all theruckus is about in person at the Trail of Terror, a local haunt for theHalloween season. Shrieks have been heard by the locals for years,but the bodies are never found at this terrifying trail of horrors. Besure to take a buddy.4th Friday Zombie WalkOct. 26www.facebook.com/FayettevilleZombieWalkDon’t stop there! Go for a walk. A Zombie Walk, that is! Each yearin downtown Fayetteville, the streets are overrun with the walkingdead. A distant shuffle or a quiet moan goes unnoticed by innocentbystanders. Before they realize it, a wave of zombies is shufflingdown the street. It's fun, it's creepy in the good, goofy way, and it'slike one big community party.Halloween at the Boo-tanical GardenOct. 26-28www.capefearbg.org/event/halloween-at-the-boo-tanical-garden-2/?instance_id=2954Wrap up the month of demons and wizardry at the Cape FearBoo-tanical Garden, where witches and wizards in training cancome together for a bit of magic. Little ones can put on their bestgarb and grab their magic wands for this family friendly event.Later, those well versed in magic, age 18 and older, can leave theirchildren behind and cast their own spells at the Hogwarts & Allevening party.
BLACK FASHIONis the new black! TOP – @shop.yansa SKIRT – @thekemiststore SHOES – Chanel BAG – Amazon HAT – H&M LOCATION – Antonella's Italian Ristorante in downtown Fayetteville PHOTOGRAPHER – Tim Ellis88 SSEEPPTTEEMMBBEERR22001188
JUDY STAPLETON “Hey, JUST SAYIN’ … y’all”Contributing WriterPop me an email and tell me about the laughter inyour life: [email protected] care of your tatas.I t’s fall, ya’ll, and October is what’s goin’ on inside your breasts? It’s after your appointment to do something Breast Cancer Awareness Month. bad enough the machine is cold as ice you enjoy. and they mash you flat as a flapjack, but I’m gonna get a lil personal here. that tech sayin’ in the sweet drippy voice Now, don’t forget to wear your pink with to take a deep breath, hold it and don’t pride all month. Take care of your tatas. move gets on my last nerve! Do your monthly self-exam. If ya’ll have any questions, be sure and Right about this time in my torture call, or go see your doctor – no matter And for those of us of a certain age (appointment), I start imagining my left what month it is. I assure you, those torture … you knew this was coming. Ladies, breast being torn off as I bring the whole racks, I mean mammogram machines, are we all know how important our yearly machine down around me. It is time being used all year long. mammogram is. Such a sweet adventure to call it a day; there ain’t no way this that trip to the doctor is, and not even contraption was invented by a woman. And hey … Thanksgiving is just around the remotely one of my favorite things to do. corner, so share your recipes, traditions, Seriously, though, ladies, many memories and laughter with me at the Don’t ya’ll just love it when you have to improvements in technology have been email address above. stand on tippy toes so that they can twist, made over the years, and it is so vitally turn, mash, smash and flatten you in that important that we get our tatas checked I’m Just Judy, keepin’ it real til next time. clamp so that they get a clear readin’ on out. Just be sure to plan some me time SEPTEMBER 2018 9
PARIS, FRANCE EMMA MCCAULEY Contributing Writer Recently, Fayetteville Academy graduate and current Wake Forest University student Emma McCauley returned from an internship with Christian Dior Couture in Paris, France. She spent her summer assisting the Dior communications team with the company’s social media accounts. What's it like to intern at Christian Dior Couture? T here was something special about mornings in Paris. Many offices, mine included, didn’t come to life until 10 a.m., at which point the streets became crowded with people. Corner cafés and bistros were always packed, and the diners often flooded out onto the sidewalk. People from all walks of life – businessmen, construction workers, interns – enjoyed their morning espresso together. I often skipped a caffeine pick-me-up in favor of a few more minutes of sleep. However, on my first morning of work at Christian Dior, I chose to partake in the French ritual rather than give in to my desire to stay in bed. As one would guess, my nerves were beginning to get the best of me, and the curt service that I would soon come to expect was putting me even more on edge. Fortunately for me, my coworkers would prove to be anything but rude. My office was situated near the corner of Avenue Montaigne and Rue de Marignan. Walking into the lobby of the communications building was like stepping straight onto the set of \"The Devil Wears Prada.\" The ceilings were probably 15 feet tall, and the walls boasted huge mirrors and beautiful crown molding. The space was accented by Dior’s signature pale blue – the same blue that could be seen on the outside of the original flagship store. Overlooking the lobby was a beautiful portrait of Monsieur Dior himself, who founded the iconic brand in 1946. I was met at the entrance of the office by a fashionable man named Etienne, whom I would soon grow to admire for his strong work ethic and uncanny ability to keep things fun. He took me up to our fourth- floor office, stating “you’re going to fit in great here” before we even exited the 1100 SSEEPPTTEEMMBBEERR22001188
TRAVEL\"... you're going to fit in great here\"elevator. He was right. With minimal small SEPTEMBER 2018 11talk, they put me straight to work.Dior had just presented its “Cruise”collection, which meant there was plentyof work to be done. I worked mainly withsocial media platforms such as Instagram,Facebook and Twitter. Applications likeInstagram that my generation see as easyways to connect with friends are also usefulbusiness tools. During my internship, Ilearned that social media can be the bestand most efficient way to connect with anaudience. As a fashion house, Dior reliesheavily on beauty and aesthetics, and socialmedia is an amazing tool for displaying thedazzling work of its creative directors. Whilethe social media platforms of huge fashionhouses may seem effortlessly chic andput together from an outside perspective,there’s a lot of work that goes into keepingthese pages up and running. I was luckyenough to be able to help with this upkeepall summer. You can find the beautiful workof Dior’s digital teams by searching @Dioron Instagram or Facebook.During my time at Dior, I learned a lotabout managing social media accounts,a skill that is valuable in this day andage. Perhaps more important than that,I learned the value of working as a team.The communications team was welcomingand supportive of me while I learned theins and outs of a new skill and industry. Ithink that it’s also very important for me torecognize the strong foundation that gaveme the ability to take on a new adventurein Paris. My parents, of course, have alwaysbeen supportive of my dreams, and I can’tthank them enough for helping me fulfillthis one! Additionally, I truly believe thatthe years I spent at the Fayetteville Academygave me the courage to push myself out ofmy comfort zone in the pursuit of living asuccessful life.If you’d like to see more photos from mysummer in Paris, follow me on Instagram@emmamccauley.
STEPHANIE CRIDER EditorThe U.S. midtermelection is almosthere! GO VOTEA little more than a month from now, citizens across Registeringthe country will cast ballots that determine our future– as a country, as states, as communities. It’s a mid-term election, so no one is running for president. Thatdoesn’t mean it’s okay to stay home. Far from it. We havea lot at stake. There are candidates running for the NorthCarolina Senate and House and seats in the U.S. House ofRepresentatives. There are judicial candidates, board ofeducation contenders and clerk of court candidates vyingfor your vote.These are the people who make and enforce laws andpolicies. They carry out the will of the people. They areour chosen representatives who speak on our behalf onmatters large and small. Who do you want to speak onyour behalf? It is easier now to vote — and register to vote – than it has ever been. It may not be too late to register. To register to vote, you must be: A citizen of the United States (if convicted of a felony, citizenship rights must have been restored); A person 18 years of age or older; and a legal resident of Cumberland County for 30 days by the date of the next election. Cumberland County has a permanent registration system. You need to register, transfer or re-register only if you have not registered in Cumberland County before; have moved to and registered to vote in a different county or state; or have moved to a different voting precinct since you registered in Cumberland County. If you move, it is a violation of the law to return to your old precinct and vote after 30 days. A registration form must be postmarked 25 days before election or delivered to the Board of Elections office no later than 25 days before election in order to be good for that election.12 SEPTEMBER 2018
Voting COVER STORYOnce registered, voters will be assigned a voting placewithin their precinct. If you are unsure where youare supposed to go to vote, call the elections office at910-678-7733.One Stop Voting begins Oct. 17 and ends Nov. 3. TheBoard of Elections at 227 Fountainhead Ln., Ste. 101 isopen Monday through Friday 8-5 p.m. for early votingand Saturday, Nov. 3, from 8 a.m. – 1p.m. Other One StopVoting locations are Cliffdale Recreation Center at 6404Cliffdale Rd., North Regional Library at 855 McArthurRd. and Hope Mills Recreation Center at 5766 RockfishRd. The voting hours at all three of these locations areMonday through Saturday 7 a.m.-7 p.m. and Saturday,Oct. 27, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. and Saturday, Nov. 3, from8 a.m.-1 p.m.Voting places are open from 6:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m. onElection Day, which is Nov. 6 for the current election.The Cumberland County Board of Elections websiteoffers extensive information about the registrationand voting process: www.co.cumberland.nc.us/departments/election-group/elections.For a list of local candidates, go towww.co.cumberland.nc.us and search “currentcandidate list” and click on current_candidate_list.Source: Mental Floss • SWEDEN uses tax registries to automatically register its eligible citizens to vote. • In INDIA, elections take weeks. With more than 800 million eligible voters, • In AUSTRALIA, every citizen over 18 must register to vote India's general election in 2014 took and participate in federal elections. place over nine different days spread out over five weeks. There were 543 members • In BRAZIL, citizens can vote when they are 16. Everyone of parliament on the ballot. between the ages of 18-69 is required to vote. • When FRENCH citizens turn 18, they • Since 2005, ESTONIANS have ben voting online. In 2015, are automatically registered to vote. more than 30 percent of the voters voted online. • In CHILE, men and women were required to vote at different polling stations until 2012. • The QUEEN OF ENGLAND is eligible to vote. She chooses not to, though, to maintain the appearance of objectivity. • In NEW ZEALAND, media coverage that could affect election outcomes is illegal until after 7 p.m. on Election Day.Source of this information is contributed by: www.co.cumberland.nc.us/departments/election-group/elections/voters/voter-guide SEPTEMBER 2018 13
SADE' WILSON WHAT ISNEAR USContributing Writer YOU ARE HERE Downtown Oct. 13 in downtown FayettevilleE xplore our city’s rich history from a new angle – in in downtown that date to that era. We talk about why a horse-drawn carriage. The second Saturday of Fayetteville was important in the Revolutionary War – each month, Cool Spring Downtown District offers even though there were no battles here.”carriage rides through downtown Fayetteville. The nexthistoric tours are Oct. 13. The Oct. 13 tours take place from 1-6 p.m. Tours depart from the Cool Spring Downtown District office at 222 Hay“This is the third year we've done the tours, and it is going St. across from the Cameo Theater. Tickets are $25 for adultsvery well,” said Hank Parfitt, carriage tour organizer. or $20 with a military ID and $15 for children under 12.“What you get is a 45-minute tour on a carriage. It holds8-10 people and is covered with a canopy.” To book a large group tour for an organization, school or church, be sure to ask about special discounts. TicketsThe tours include several stops. “We cover the history are available at 222 Hay St. on the day of the event, butgoing back to early 1700s through the beginning of the advance reservations are recommended.20th century,” Parfitt said. “There were a lot of changesafter we were connected by railroad to other cities in Call 910-678-8899 to purchase tickets or to learn moreNorth Carolina in 1890. There are a lot of old buildings about the rides.14 SEPTEMBER 2018
WHAT IS FAR FROM US Blue Ridge Mountains, NC all month longFall foliage in theBlue Ridge MountainsO ne of the greatest benefits a Fayetteville resident Thank You enjoys is getting to choose between the beach and the mountains. As fall visits us again, we have one our gallery events inof the greatest art shows Mother Nature puts on right here in 2018 were successfulthe state – and you only need one day for the experience. Thefall foliage in the Blue Ridge Mountains is one of nature’s most because of you.magnificent and unique sights, and with the trip come many fallactivities you, your family and your friends can all enjoy. 2019 events to be announced soonJust three hours west of Cumberland County are various SEPTEMBER 2018 15hiking trails and waterfalls within the mountains that allow forexquisite views of the region. In Cataloochee Valley, elk roamthe forests as well. Feeling adventurous? You can zipline inAsheville, the perfect mountain town that finds itself right in themiddle of the foliage.If you decide to stay for longer than a day, be sure to bookreservations early. Folks in and out of state flock to the regionthis time of year. Ensure that you are prepared for suddenweather changes and that you have plenty of gas.Experts say the peak times to visit this season are the beginning ofOctober and the early days of November. For more informationand more tips to optimize your excursion to the western half ofthe state, visit blueridgemountainlife.com/fall-foliage.
IN THE KNOW Is what you learned in history class wrong? Christopher Columbus I f you think your history lessons in confessed to his father that he school were completely factual, damaged his cherry tree. However, you may be mistaken. one of his biographers, Mason Locke Weems, had no such problems with “Much of what you know about the truth and invented this whopper history may be limited or even in the fifth edition of his Washington wrong,” says Marc Wilson, author biography, entitled “The Life of of “Kidnapped by Columbus,” a Washington” in 1806. new historical novel. “All too often, legends, poems and myths are And Washington never wore wooden emphasized in favor of more complex dentures, either. He had different truths. History is usually written by dentures made from gold, ivory and the victors, not the victims.” even lead. With that in mind, here are four NAPOLEON: NOT SHORT historical facts that may surprise you. COLUMBUS A KIDNAPPER Napoleon wasn’t actually short. At the end of his life he was measured at “In 1492, Columbus sailed the 5 feet, 2 inches – which sounds short Ocean Blue,” says the famous poem until you learn this was in French that most Americans know. But inches, which are longer than British Columbus never landed on or even inches. In today’s inches, the fiery saw North America, and when he tyrant actually stood around 5 feet, 7 sailed in the Caribbean and along inches, which was slightly taller than the coast of Central and South the average European man of his day. America, he kidnapped natives to act He also employed tall soldiers in his as guides in his search for gold and personal guard, which made him the Garden of Eden. seem shorter by comparison.1166 SSEEPPTTEEMMBBEERR22001188 Napoléon Bonaparte At the end of his first voyage, he JACKIE ROBINSON: NOT FIRST kidnapped six natives from the island of Hispaniola and took the “Indians” Jackie Robinson was not the first to Spain to prove that he’d reached African-American to play baseball India. Native Americans have been in the major leagues. While he was mislabeled as “Indians” ever since. the first in the modern era, breaking into the National League in 1947, “While many around the world hail way back in 1884, Moses Fleetwood Columbus as a hero, even honoring Walker played for the Toledo Blue him with a U.S. federal holiday and Stockings as catcher. The team was naming cities after him, his actions part of the American Association, led to the exploitation and deaths of one of three major leagues of its day. millions of people. He was a great Baseball maintained segregation sailor and explorer, but he traded for many decades after this and in slaves and brought devastating Robinson became the first player to diseases to the New World. He end this segregation in April, 1947. opened the door for Cortez to conquer the Aztec Empire, and for So, how can those interested in Pizarro to conquer the Inca Empire,” history go about arriving at the Wilson adds. truth? From historical novels to primary source materials, reading WASHINGTON’S CHERRY TREE beyond the textbook can give you a more complete and accurate As the myth goes, young George account of history. Washington couldn’t tell a lie and
6 to 8 servings2-3 Tablespoons unsalted butter2 Pounds apples, peeled, cored and cut into thick slices1⁄2 Cup honey, preferably sage honey1⁄2 Cup white wineZest of 1 lemonJuice of 1 lemonFresh sage sprigsfor garnish1. Melt the butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the apples, turn the heat to high and sauté until they begin to brown on the edges, about 5 minutes. If some are getting too well done, remove them and place on a plate while the rest continue to cook, then return them to the skillet when all are done.2. Reduce the heat to low and add the honey, wine, lemon zest, lemon juice and 1⁄2 cup water. Cover and allow to cook until the apples are tender but still firm; you don’t want them to turn into applesauce.3. Serve this in a bowl, tuck in a couple sprigs of fresh sage from your garden, and tell your guests all about sage honey. SEPTEMBER 2018 17
T he holidays are almost here, and that means as well. NRF says around 15 percent of last-minute millions of people will spend time decorating, shoppers plan to buy gifts at supermarkets or making shopping lists, purchasing presents grocery stores.and stocking up on entertaining essentials. Variousgroups and consumer watchdogs track trends in holiday • Charitable giving tends to skyrocket at the end of thespending and giving, and many facts and figures may year, when the spirit of giving synonymous with thesurprise holiday enthusiasts. season inspires individuals to give back. According to PricewaterhouseCoopers, the average total cash • Economists with the National Retail Federation say contribution to charity by individuals is roughly $245. online and retail sales in 2017 increased by 10.5 percent over the previous year. The combination of job and • The NRF notes that, in 2017, only about 12 percent wage gains, modest inflation and elevated consumer of consumers finished their holiday shopping by the confidence has led to higher holiday spending. second week of December. • Between Thanksgiving Day and Cyber Monday 2017, • Research from Forbes found that gift cards will more than 174 million Americans shopped in stores continue to reign supreme. Gift cards are convenient and online, offers the NRF. Black Friday still reigns for gift-givers, and PWC found that 42 percent of supreme, with 77 million consumers. However, Small people prefer to receive gift cards for the holidays. Business Saturday was not far behind, with 55 million consumers. • Sales are strong for both online and brick-and- mortar retailers. Accenture’s “10th Annual Accenture • Data from Prosper Insights & Analytics says people Holiday Shopping Survey” discovered 84 percent of planned to spend an average of $967.13 in 2017 on the consumers plan to go online, particularly to Amazon. holiday season. That was up 3.4 percent from the com, to research and price-check gifts before looking year prior. or buying elsewhere. • Tracking of spending on video games by The NPD • The Accenture survey also found that at least three- Group reflects a growth of 15 percent when compared quarters of shoppers are enticed by coupons and to a year ago. All categories have shown gains, including other promotions to shop at stores they have not software, hardware, accessories and game cards. visited before. Fortnite has been a significant software sales driver for 2018, ratcheting up legions of fans seemingly overnight. • Don’t let the holiday buying season fool you. Shopping continues even after Santa has slid down • Many people pride themselves on shopping early the chimney. The NRF states 48 percent of shoppers for gifts, but there are eleventh-hour consumers will take advantage of after-Christmas sales in stores.18 SEPTEMBER 2018
CHRISTINA ARREOLA Local ReadingContributing Writer CornerCrazy Rich AsiansS ometimes, there’s nothing better than a quick perspectives without warning. However, this doesn’t read that’s fun, witty and a little trashy – similar to completely take away from the juiciness that having five the moods that lead us to watching those guilty- opinions can deliver.pleasure movies like romantic comedies. “Crazy RichAsians” isn’t a literary masterpiece. It falls short on some Astrid is well-known throughout Asia – for more than justcharacter development and expanding on the many her wealth. Her beauty is the talk of Singapore. While shesubplots throughout the novel. But this novel will make keeps it together for the public, her personal life is fallingyou feel good. “Crazy Rich Asians” explores the world of apart. Her husband, who worked his way up in life, doesrich – crazy rich – Singapore and invites us into the drama not come from money and money and often feels shamedthat comes with differing families. It plays into the age-old by the lack of his family's wealth. Astrid believes him to be having an affair and decides to investigate further. Andtheme of traditional versus contemporary concerns. then we have Edison, who is spoiled and fully lives up to the title of being a showoff among the wealthiest families.Rachel Chu is an American-born Chinese woman in New His goal is to impress all those around him, and he thinksYork City, teaching economics at New York University. money is the way to do it.She was raised by her single mother and leads a typicalmiddle-class life. She's dating Nick Young, also a professor This book and its characters are so overly dramatic andat NYU. Nick's family lives in Singapore. Nick decides that ridiculous that it makes the story that much juicier. Thinkhis best friend’s wedding is the perfect opportunity to bring a soap opera but bringing a North American audience intoRachel to meet the family. Of Nick's own doing, Rachel an often-hidden world of the elite in Asia. Are you going tohas no idea of the truth about Nick’s background. Upon get a ton of depth and burning questions answered out ofarriving in Singapore, she is thrown into the extravagant this novel? No. But you will be entertained.life that comes with dating a member of one of the top 10wealthiest families in Asia. Perhaps most ironic about this book is that, despite the fact that the family depicted is fabulously, unattainablyThe story follows Rachel's journey over the few weeks she wealthy, despite the fact that the material extravaganceand Nick are in Singapore, and she has her work cut out in the book is unimaginable for the average person, thefor her. Seemingly everything and everyone there only book is incredibly relatable. It hits home hard on manycare about status and family names. Rachel is an outsider. aspects of the Asian (and Asian-American) experience.Being born to an immigrant mother who lives paycheck The themes of family (especially large, feuding ones,to paycheck and who didn’t emphasize the material or overly invested in everyone’s relationships and ever keensuperficial, Rachel is forced to adjust to this new world to gossip) are common to us all. And as I discussed thiswhile also standing her own ground. Family members and book with my friends, each of us found characters who wefriends of Nick are constantly challenging her and trying to felt resembled our own family members or other peopleshow her how much she doesn’t belong. Nick’s mother is we knew. Nick’s chill father. The overbearing mother. Theso adamant about Rachel not being good enough for her gossip-happy cousin.son that she takes it upon herself to do a background checkon Rachel and her family, digging up long-buried secrets. “Crazy Rich Asians” was recently turned into a film that broke ground as the first film by a major Hollywood studio“Crazy Rich Asians” is told through the perspective to feature an all-Asian cast in a modern setting since 1993.of five different characters: Rachel Chu, Nick Young, The novel is followed by two books, “China Rich Girlfriend”Eleanor Young (Nick’s mother), Astrid Teo (Nick’s and “Rich People Problems.”cousin) and Edison Chang (Nick’s cousin). The changingvoices become confusing sometimes, often switching SEPTEMBER 2018 19
Learn aboutthe humanG ut biome, also called microbiome, gut microbiota or gastrointestinal microbiota, is acommunity of microorganisms (bacteria,fungi, viruses and other microscopic things)that reside in the human stomach andintestines. Many of these microbes livein a portion of the large intestines calledthe cecum. In humans, the gut biome hasthe largest number of bacteria and thegreatest number of species compared toother areas of the body. Medical NewsToday reported that tens of trillions ofmicroorganisms live in the gut, with at least1,000 species of bacteria.Two-thirds of the gut biome is uniqueto each individual. Many medicalprofessionals believe that the gut biomeis crucial to personal health. Healthlinesaid the microorganisms living therecan be extremely important to theimmune system, heart health, weightand many other aspects of healthyliving. New research suggests that thegut microbiome may affect the centralnervous system and affect brain function.It also controls how the immune systemworks, communicating with immunecells to fire up the body to respond toinfection. Gut bacteria are known to aidin the production of certain vitamins, likevitamins B and K, which play a majorrole in immune function.Antibiotics can impact the diversity ofgut flora and affect the microbiome.According to the American Societyfor Microbiology, only one week ofantibiotics can change the makeupof the gut microbiota for up to a year.Therefore, they should be used sparinglyand only when medically necessary. 20 SEPTEMBER 2018
ADRIENNE TREGO AND ASHANTI BENNETT ARTISTSContributing Writers Adrienne Trego is the Education Ashanti Bennett is the assistant to the executive and Outreach director with the Arts director at the Arts Council. She has an affinity for Council. She has a keen interest in storytelling and is inspired by the arts as a tool using the arts as a catalyst for social to shine a light on unsung human experiences, change and as a vehicle for education especially those of women and people of color. across disciplines. With over 12 years She has a degree in medieval and renaissance of arts administration experience and literature and history, which at the time she figured a degree in arts integration, she is also would land her a teaching position at Hogwarts. an artist and has a deep connection Instead, she transferred her passion for experience with creating and creators. into a nearly 15-year career in arts administration.Cumberland Makers and Creatives welcomes you to join!CUMBERLAND MAKERS AND CREATIVES is a new program we createdwithin the Arts Council of Fayetteville/Cumberland County. The missionof CMAC is to create a physical and philosophical space for artists, makers,tinkerers and other creative industry professionals to gather, collaborateand engage in professional development. Through CMAC, the Arts Councilstrives to build a community group that:• Connects individual creatives and existing arts and culture groups to consolidate resources and artistic opportunities.• Strengthens the community with a calendar of workshops, classes and special events.• Provides a physical space for collaboration, support, connectivity and work.• Cultivates a fresh, robust group of creative leaders that are invested in and will inform the future of the creative industry in Fayetteville/ Cumberland County.Our first two workshops were held July 21 and Aug. 18 at the Arts Council.The first was a general welcome and a discussion of the roles of creativesin community building. The second offered a free legal clinic to help artistsget professional answers to their legal and tax questions. September's eventwas canceled due to Hurricane Florence. But we are back this month! Cometo Cape Fear Botanical Gardens Oct. 13 from 1-2:30 p.m. for the workshopHow Does/Can Nature Influence Your Craft? CFBG Executive Directorand Director of Education & Horticulture Adriana Quiñones will lead thegroup's exploration of this idea.Learn more about the organization, get a full list of the year's plannedmonthly workshops, and learn how to join by emailing [email protected]. Follow Cumberland Makers and Creatives onFacebook for updates.CMAC'S UPCOMING EVENTSOct. 13: How Does/Can Nature Influence Your Craft? at Cape Fear Botanical GardenNov. 17: The Talk: Sonny Kelly, Using Art to Discuss Difficult Topics at Cape Fear Regional TheatreDec. 7: Cocktails & Creatives: Holiday Party and Show & Tell at Latitude 35Photo credit: Jordan Naber of the Arts Council of Fayetteville/Cumberland County. SEPTEMBER 2018 21
STEPHANIE CRIDER LAST VIEW EditorA s Hurricane Florence made her all smiling like angels. I laugh every time All those warmly-lit Christmassy family entrance to the Carolina shores, I see it because the story that goes with photos by the mantle? Just outside the The Weather Channel’s Mike it is where the real memory happened. frame are all the boxes of decorationsSeidel was there to broadcast it. He got On the drive to the studio, our oldest was we are still putting up (even though it iscaught doing something many of us do complaining loudly as she changed out likely Dec. 20-something). And sure, weon a much smaller scale. Seidel vamped of her dance clothes into her dress. She have on pretty sweaters and well-coiffedfor the camera as if he were about to be fell against the window and ended up hair, but what you don’t see is that we areblown away by the winds. Partway into with a bloody nose. The middle child was likely wearing pajama bottoms and fuzzyhis segment, two pedestrians strolled distraught and screaming because she slippers, too.casually through the frame. Did Seidel did not want to have her picture takencost anyone their life? Doubtful. Did he that day. She cried so hard she threw up The first-day-of-school photos? Webreach his viewers' trust? Absolutely. Was in the parking lot. And their brother blew take those outside because the livingit a smart move? No. out his diaper so thoroughly that he ruined room floor is usually littered with school his outfit. And of course, we were running supply wrappings and the dining room But in today’s world, curating our lives late. We rolled out of the car a big hot table covered in pop-tart wrappers andand online presence is the norm. mess of frustration and tears. cereal bowls. I distinctly remember one year when those photos happened after We all do it. It’s in the pictures we post My husband went inside to save our everyone got home from school. Becauseon social media, text to friends and family appointment time, and as I cleaned sometimes life is like that.and lovingly place in scrapbooks to be everyone up, I threatened them withpreserved for posterity. everything I could think of – early Looking at all the happy faces, scenic bedtime; no screen time; no playdates – if views and #blessed posts, it is a shame It is entertaining to imagine what is just they did not pull themselves together and we don’t always see (or share) what’soutside the frame of the perfect shot or smile for the camera. And smile they did. real. Sometimes, that is much morewhat happened a few minutes before or It was not my best parenting moments, but fun and interesting interesting than theafter the shutter clicked. Sometimes, that is we got the shot. This is just one of many perfectly timed/posed and hashtagwhere the real story lies. photos where the story is better than the #blessed moments we show the world.. photograph depicts. What’s going on outside your camera’s I am as guilty as anyone when it comes view?to curating my life. We have a family photo where we are22 SEPTEMBER 2018
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