VOLUME 13 MAY ISSUE 05 2019 Inspiring, educating, empowering and MAGAZINE celebrating women in our community More inside: Essays on motherhood The voices of Fresh goodies at Dirtbag local educators Ales Farmers Market Hair power: One local business owner's journey May 6-10 is Teacher Appreciation Week
RTeogdiasyte! r & Inspiring • Educating • Empowering & Celebrating Local Women since 2008 FEBRUARY 14 • MAY 9 • AUGUST 8 • NOVEMBER 14 Ramada Inn Bordeaux 1707 Owen Dr. Keynote Speaker KasCie Page Singer/Songwriter SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: 10:00 am–12:00 noon..............Shopportunity Expo & Wine Tasting open 12:00 noon–2:00 pm................Luncheon, Keynote Speaker, Prizes and More 2:00–3:00 pm...............................Shopportunity Expo & Wine Tasting continues TICKETS: $4500 (includes the Shopportunity Expo and 1 Luncheon ticket) VENDORS: $15000 Sponsorships Available - Call 910.484.6200 Join us for the with Proceeds support the Kidsville News Exclusive Wine Bar & Literacy and Education Foundation. Thursday Shopportunity For more information: 910.484.6200 Tasting! MAY 9 Expo Call with any questions: WWW.FAYETTEVILLELADIESPOWERLUNCH.COM • #FLPL 910-484-6200 PICTURE OF HEALTH Rodney Sherrill & Thermography, LLC Chi Chi Okoroafor VENDORS Park Lane Jewelry Paparazzi Jewelry Young Living Essential Oils Ribbon Walk 2019 INCLUDE: Mary Kay Cosmetics Mind, Body, Seimei Kourtney’s Things NUWBNS Hair Clinic Cookie Crafts 4 Crisis Cape Fear Flooring & Restoration Fayetteville Urban Ministries Pure Romance with Dee Mercy Home Medical Supply Picture of Health & Thermography REGISTER TODAY ONLINE! MAGAZINE For more details on our WWW.FAYETTEVILLELADIESPOWERLUNCH.COM • #FLPL 2019 events, check out 2019 2 MAY 2 MAY 2019
Contents MAY POLLINATORS5 There are simple ways to support our pollen-covered friends. 6 WARRIOR Happy birthday to Septima Clark, the South Carolina- born \"Queen Mother\" of the Civil Rights Movement. GIFTS FOR MOM7 Home improvement gifts make for a unique Mother's Day surprise. 5 8 HAIR POWER Meet the local business owner who helped create statewide legislation to enable licensure for those working in the natural hair and hair-braiding field. FRESH FOOD Dirtbag Ales Farmers Market supplies fresh, 11 locally grown food. 12 There's a never-before-seen character in Cape Fear Regional Theatre’s “Memphis.” THEATER 13 \"M is for Mullet\" brings Southern-fried dinner theater laughs to town. LOCAL EDUCATORS14 We love our teachers. Let's hear their thoughts! 18 From active-duty soldier to Mom MOTHERHOOD ESSAYS 19 Things you miss once they're gone LEADERS Q&A with Fayetteville City Councilman Dan 20 Culliton of District 2, the city's most economically diverse sector ECONOMIC JUSTICE Pathways for Prosperity aims to build 21 an infrastructure of opportunity for all citizens in Cumberland County. BOOK REVIEW23 Author-illustrator Ann Shen's \"Bad Girls Throughout History\" is a feminist delight. STAGES24 Each woman's life involves three distinct health stages. 19 25 PETS The answer to pet obesity may be in pet food quality rather than quantity. 27 BREAST HEALTH What are the benefits of digital infrared thermal imaging? MAY 2019 3 MAY 2019 3
letter from the editor Shoutout VOLUME 13 ISSUE 05 to our PUBLISHER This month ushers in a couple of big changes for Women’s View Magazine. contributing Bill Bowman, F & B Publications writers [email protected] For this issue, due to the increased volume of awesome content from local women — ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER along with increased engagement from local Stephanie Crider businesses and sponsors — we increased our page count from 24 to 32 pages. [email protected] EDITOR You might also see more of this magazine Leslie Pyo around town. In May, we doubled the number of copies printed and distributed. [email protected] ART DIRECTOR This growth would not be possible without Elizabeth Long the support of women in this community. WVM is a free publication. As such, its [email protected] content is realized by a volunteer group of OPERATIONS DIRECTOR both repeat and one-time writers, in addition to our small paid staff. Aside from myself and Paulette Naylor WVM’s associate publisher, Stephanie Crider, [email protected] all the writers who have helped the magazine grow to this point have been volunteers. The SALES AND MARKETING women who contribute content for each DIRECTOR issue do so because of their passion for Kim Herndon writing and/or for the causes, organizations and topics they write about. [email protected] MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE To these women, I want to say thank you. Thank you for believing in us and writing for Linda McAlister us. Thank you for your involvement in and [email protected] care for this community. Thank you for being DISTRIBUTION DIRECTOR/ willing to put your words and stories out there. SALES ADMINISTRATOR And, of course, thank you to each reader. Laurel Handforth Every time you pick up a copy of WVM, you help build the platform for your sisters' voices [email protected] to be elevated. Whether they're writing about MAY CONTRIBUTORS their business, an issue they care about or an Casey Schaffer event they helped create, each voice maters. Airaina Griffith-Knight So does each ear. Prudence Mainor Suzanne Agins Elaine Alexander Dr. Nicole Lucas Jonathan Harkness Kellie Pfaff Perkins Dr. Heather Griffiths Sarah Lindy Dr. Shanessa Fenner Jessica Osnoe Madonna Henry Hannah Lineberger Rita Thomas Judy Stapleton Dan Culliton Sherris Johnson LaNatria Ellis Tiffany Coad Miki Phillips Mke Karaman Wanda Chavis Ashlynn Campbell WOMEN’S VIEW MAGAZINE 208 ROWAN ST. FAYETTEVILLE, NC, 28301 PHONE: 910-484-6200 FAX: 910-484-9218 Women’s View Magazine is for, by and about women in Cumberland County. Published by F&B Publications in conjunction with Media Marketing Management. ©2019 by F&B Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction or use of editorial or advertisement without permission is strictly prohibited. Various vector sources credited to © Freepik and © Vecteezy. Are you interested in writing about people, causes and organizations that matter to Cumberland County? Consider contributing an article or pitching a story idea to Women’s View Magazine. We want to elevate your voice. For more information, email [email protected]. 4 MAY 2019 4 MAY 2019
STEPHANIE CRIDER Stephanie Crider has been part of the F&B Publications family since 2006. She loves sharing stories that make a difference. When she's not working, she Associate Publisher, is likely sharing a laugh with her friends, ballroom dancing with her husband Women’s View Magazine or planning fun adventures with her family. Powerful pollinators B irds, bats, bees, butterflies, beetles and even some small mammals share an important job. They are pollinators. They drink nectar from plants and carry pollen from plant to plant, ensuring a healthy and diverse ecosystem. It all sounds idyllic and lovely, but it’s also serious business. These pollinators are powerful! According to Pollinator Partnership, between 75 and 95 percent of flowering plants need help with pollination. That’s more than 180,000 plant species — and more than 1,200 of them are crops. One of every three bites of food is made possible by pollinators. Sadly, these little guys are in trouble. Beehive collapse disorder has plagued beekeepers since 2006, leaving between 20 and 30 percent of hives decimated each year. Monarch butterfly populations have plummeted over the past decade as well, with reports claiming the butterfly’s overwintering populations in California and Mexico are down 99.4 percent since the 1980s. Maybe its pollution that’s killing the pollinators. Or pesticides. Or loss of habitat. Or climate change. Or a combination of all these things. Maybe it’s something else. No one knows for sure. The good news is, there are things individuals can do to help create an environment friendly to pollinators. While government, scientists and industry can play a big role in solving the problem, so can each of us. Plant a variety of native, pollinator-friendly plants. Planting flowers and shrubs that bloom at different times ensures food sources for pollinators over a longer period. Having a variety of flowering plants also helps because there are many kinds of pollinators. Take a pass on mulch for all or part of your garden. Not all bees live in hives; some nest in the ground. Their job gets harder when mulch is involved. Bee hotels are another way to help provide a home for bees. They are available online and at many home and garden stores. Set out small bowl of water with half-submerged stones in it for pollinators to perch on and quench their thirst. Support butterflies. Growing milkweed is easy and provides a place for butterflies to lay their eggs. Instead of throwing away your overripe banana or other rotting fruits, set them out as a treat for butterflies, too. Help hummingbirds. They're pollinators, too! They not only help pollinate, they also eat bugs. Hang a hummingbird feeder. Instead of artificial red nectar, mix one part sugar with four parts water. Change the nectar and clean the feeder weekly. Hummingbirds also like to bathe frequently. A drip fountain or misting device is a great way to attract them. Avoid pesticides. Consider practices like companion planting and bordering to keep pests at bay. An online search or a call to the North Carolina Cooperative Extension (919-515-2813) will get you started. MAY 2019 5 MAY 2019 5
YToreuarstelf! Happy birthday, Microblading $350 Septima Individual Mink Lash Extensions $150 Poinsette Clark Lash Lift & Tint $100 Septima Clark (May 3, Venus Versa IPL 2 Skin Tightening 1898–December 15, 1987) Treatments Special Treatments is often referred to as the 3 Sessions for $300 $100 \"Queen Mother\" or the \"Grandmother\" of the Civil ($300 savings) ($220 Saving) Rights Movement. Martin Luther King Jr. called the GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE ONLINE AND IN SPA South Carolina woman \"The Mother of the Movement.\" 910.483.0186Book appointments today! thesanctuaryatcedarcreek.com Clark's message was that \"knowledge could empower 1965 Cedar Creek Rd. Fayetteville, NC 28312 marginalized groups in ways that formal legal equality couldn't.\" She was the first voice to effectively establish *TPWmsarusiaizrtnnpeienysrgismae.n..osd!re SApMewsctyirTaysihtEllttiGeesleauhrnHiyen“osafDcewtetnuRaiiAMdtnttehulcende&rosixeinrrsdadregrPincTnyltdhg”aeeeyAdwrearbhtrtisrysoetdunnit! AdmDFiiantyneetortenTvhielelaetre the necessary link between education and political AdFDamiynenitetter vToihllneeaetre organizing. In her words, \"Literacy means liberation.\" KasCie PagePlay Dates: AFaDdyienmtnteeirvtiTllhoeeantree Clark started her teaching career on Johns Island, off the Friday May 31 7PM Doors open at 6PM* coast of South Carolina, due to the fact black people were Special Friday Matinée 12PM Doors open 11:30AM* legally barred from teaching in public schools in Clark's hometown of Charleston. In the evenings, she taught Saturday June 1 7PM Doors open at 6PM* adult literacy classes. She later returned to Charleston and, working with the National Association for the Advancement Tickets and reservation available now online of Colored People, helped change the law that had barred www.fayettevilledinnertheatre.com her from teaching there in the first place. Black public school teachers gained the right to work in Charleston in 1920. $75 per person $65 Seniors, Active Duty Military & Clark is most famous for establishing one-week \"Citizenship Schools\" that taught adults to read and understand their Gates Four Members & Residents citizenship rights throughout the Deep South. Many of the $55 Special Friday Afternoon Matinée teachers for these schools were people who had learned to read as adults as well; one of the goals of the schools was to For more information, call 910-391-3859 or develop more local leaders for people's movements. Gates Four Country Club 910-425-6667. Teaching people to read helped countless black Southerners push for the right to vote. It also developed leaders across Very special thanks: Healy Wholesale, the country who would help push the Civil Rights Movement long after Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Paul Mitchell Studios, Ramada Plaza, and The Citizenship Schools' reach grew so large that, at the 6 MAY 2019 Women’s View Magazine. recommendation of Myles Horton and Clark, the program was transferred to the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in 1961. With the increased budget of the SCLC, the Citizenship School project trained more than 10,000 teachers who led these schools throughout the South. Before 1969, about 700,000 African Americans became registered voters thanks to Clark's work. Clark came to national prominence in 1961 as the SCLC's director of education and teaching. She was the first woman to hold a position on the SCLC board. Clark said women being treated unequally was \"one of the greatest weaknesses of the Civil Rights Movement.\" 6 MAY 2019
CASEY SCHAFFER Casey Schaffer lives in Hope Mills. She currently serves SPONSORED on the boards of the Hope Mills Chamber of Commerce BY Marketing Director, and The Fayetteville Ladies Power Lunch, and she’s on the Cape Fear Flooring & fundraising committee for the Salvation Army. Restoration Mother’s Day gifts: Home improvement edition Mother’s Day weekend is all about making Mom’s life altogether? Get mom some hassle-free flooring this year. easier and showing your appreciation for everything she Tile, hardwood, laminate or luxury vinyl plank are all great does. Are you tired of giving her the same old bouquet or options that mom will thank you for — for years to come. perfume year after year? Surprise her with one of these Plus, they give a fresh new look to any space. It’s a win-win. great home improvement ideas. 4. Give the kitchen a makeover 1. Deep clean the house The kitchen is the heart of the home. It’s where meals We all know who does the majority of the cleaning in are cooked, homework is done and life’s problems are many homes. It’s mom. Pour her a cold drink and let solved over milk and cookies. You don’t have to spend a her relax while you take over. Don’t just wipe down the ton to give this space a fresh look. A new backsplash, new counters. Deep clean. Move the furniture, dust the fans flooring or a fresh coat of paint all go a long way. Adding and baseboards, wipe down the blinds … Get those an island, new cabinets and additional storage areas are hard-to-reach nooks and crannies that don’t normally great ways to make the space more convenient and feel get scrubbed. brand-new. 2. Seasonal spruce-up 5. Build Mom a she shed Take advantage of May’s great weather to touch up the She sheds are the newest trend, and your mom will love trim outside or repaint a room inside. Is the siding looking having a space just for her. If she loves to craft, include dingy? Grab a pressure washer and clean the siding, space for her supplies. If she likes to garden, make sure fences, deck and sidewalks. Lay new mulch, prune the to have a garden bench and hose nearby. Is mom a big trees and plant new flowers. A little goes a long way. This reader? Get her a comfy chair and some good lighting. will make mom happy and boost her house’s curb appeal. Clean up an old building or build one new — just make sure that she has a cozy space all her own. 3. Upgrade her flooring Any of these thoughtful — and practical — Mother’s Day Years of vacuuming have taken their toll. What better way home improvement projects are a great way to give back to to thank mom than by eliminating the need to vacuum someone who spends so much time caring for oMthAeYrs2.019 7 MAY 2019 7
AIRAINA GRIFFITH-KNIGHT SPONSORED BY Owner, NUWBNS Natural Hair Gallery, The Lock House, NUWBNS, INC. hAirlooms Natural Hair-Braiding Academy CEO, NUWBNS, Inc. Airaina Griffith-Knight is an expert in the field of natural hair care for multicultural, transcontinental people. She developed a natural hair care curriculum, Cosmetagriculture, currently taught at hAirlooms Natural Hair-Braiding Academy and the North Carolina State Beauticians & Cosmetology Association. It was the first curriculum of its kind in North Carolina. She holds a doctorate in professional cosmetology, a Master of Science in administration, a Master of Arts in education and a Bachelor of Science in psychology. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate in industry and organizational psychology. Turning into a maofdnatsurcaliheainr ctaries: t How it all began It all began on a day in 2002 as I late 1990s. I had seen so much damaged hair during my was traveling back from New York time there. I felt a desire to figure out why. I turned into City, when God spoke to me about a mad scientist and discovered a fact: you don’t need to my name: Airaina. chemically relax your hair to have it braided. In fact, to do so opens the door for damage via a weakened hair shaft. He explained to me how incredibly powerful my name was. Air and rain: two elements of nature made feminine. This realization kicked off my pursuit of studying He said air and rain were essential for every living thing natural hair care. — and also that too much of either one is not good. He explained how I needed to be and who I was. I began attending quarterly meetings of the North Carolina Board of Cosmetic Art Examiners. It was there, My life would never be the same. There was now pride in 2007, that I met a disgruntled cosmetologist who was where there had been shame and grief. Ever since I could upset by unprofessional hair-braiders in Winston-Salem. remember, people had stumbled over the pronunciation He spoke of a representative from his city whom he had of my name. Now, it suddenly wasn’t complicated. I collaborated with in hopes of establishing hair-braiding would proudly repeat what God had spoken to anyone regulations for those working with African American hair. struggling with my name. At this time, North Carolina had deemed hair-braiding as a cultural art but not a profession and didn’t require any kind of license to practice it. When I became OK with my name, it felt like my whole A year later, I met that representative, the late Sen. life changed. I became this extremely positive person. Earline Parmon, D-N.C., who was at that time Rep. Learning that God made no mistake when he created me Parmon. We met at the 2008 Delta Days at the Capital, gave me confidence, and when I opened my eyes, I found an event in Raleigh designed to increase political validation everywhere I turned. awareness and encourage involvement in the state. At this time, I realized why I had been afforded the Curious about the topic of regulations for hair-braiders, opportunity to study abroad in Ghana, West Africa, in the I approached her. She was currently looking at an 8 MAY 2019 8 MAY 2019
Fayetteville’s Neighborhood Pet Store Full-Service Grooming Self-Wash Room Healthy Pet Foods Gourmet Treats Toys Collars & Leashes and Much More! underdeveloped bill on this topic. She told me what type Happy of information would be needed to proceed with creating Mother’s Day regulations that would protect and establish a licensing process for those working in the natural hair and hair- 1216 Fort Bragg Rd braiding industry. (910) 860-1200 @WoofGangFay I submitted to her a copy of my capstone project for my Master of Science degree, which substantiated that MAY 2019 9 North Carolina hair-braiders were not protected by nor MAY 2019 9 defined in state law. I also submitted documents from my Master of Arts in education, where I discussed what a Cosmetagriculture curriculum would look like. Among other things, I created an official definition for natural hair, which previously had not existed in North Carolina. The first version of the statewide House Bill 291, or the Hair Braider Licensure/Cosmetic Art Act, passed in 2009. By April 2011, the final amendments to this bill passed. Hair-braiding was finally considered a profession in North Carolina, and one that required licensure and training just like other professions. North Carolina hair-braiders had until July 2015 to acquire a license. In future articles, I’ll talk about the preparatory classes I developed for Fayetteville Technical Community College so that everyone would have the ability to get licensed right here in town. Next month, though, I’m going to talk about a different topic: Locs versus dreads.
for Cinco de Mayo Much like St. Patrick's Day is celebrated by people with no trace of Irish heritage, Cinco de Mayo has become a day of celebration for people who do not trace their ancestry to Mexico. In fact, History.com notes that Cinco de Mayo is a relatively minor holiday in Mexico. The day commemorates an 1862 symbolic yet not significantly strategic win by a heavily outnumbered Mexican army over French forces sent by Napoleon III to establish an empire on Mexican land. In the United States, Cinco de Mayo has become a day to commemorate Mexican culture, including its much-loved cumisuinceh.-loved cuisine. Food is front and center at many Cinco de Mayo celebrations. Home cooks hosting friends or those who simply want to enjoy some homemade Mexican fare this Cinco de Mayo can try their hands at this recipe for Fiery Corn Salsa from Kelley Cleary Coffeen's \"200 Easy Mexican Recipes\" (RobRerctipReoss\"e()R. obert Rose). Fiery Corn Salsa In a large bowl, combine oil, Makes 2 cups lime juice and cilantro. Add tomatoes, corn and jalapeño 1/4 cup olive oil to taste. Mix well until corn 3 tablespoons freshly squeezed mixture is well coated. Season lime juice with salt and pepper to 2 teaspoons minced fresh taste. Transfer to an airtight cilantro container and refrigerate, 3 tomatoes, seeded and diced stirring occasionally, for 1 hour 1 1/2 cups corn kernels or up to 2 days. 2 to 3 jalapeño peppers, seeded and diced Tip: For a smoky flavor, use Salt and freshly ground black corn kernels shaved from pepper cobs that have cooked on the barbecue grill. 10 MAY 2019 10 MAY 2019
PRUDENCE MAINOR Prudence Mainor is an avid vegetable gardener and longtime advocate for supporting local farmers and Contributing Writer merchants to create and sustain communities. She lives in, works in, shops in and tirelessly promotes Fayetteville and Cumberland County. A delicious collaboration A few years ago, Dirtbag Ales Brewery and more sustainable food system,” Pflugfelder and his farming neighbors and Taproom (located in Hope Mills) everything offered at the DBA Farmers pool their resources and share entered into a delicious collaboration Market must be farmed, raised or expensive farm equipment to keep with Sustainable Sandhills that created within a 100-mile radius of Hope production costs to a minimum. benefits everyone in Fayetteville and Mills. A juried application process selects surrounding communities. “We love market vendors, and all vendors must Sara Rolfsen-Kohn operates Minerva local,” said Shannon Loper, manager meet sustainable production practices Goods and sells jams, jellies and pie of Dirtbag Ales. “We love using local and pass rigorous state inspections. Here fillings from locally sourced fruits products in our brews. While searching are just a few of the vendors you'll see at and vegetables. She recycles her for farm-fresh local produce for our market when you visit. containers by offering customers fifty beer, it dawned on us how many cents for each returned jar. people don’t know about all of the Adam Jeter, of Spartan Tusk and amazing resources our area has to offer. Feather Livestock, is a young veteran Many other local vendors offer a who named his farm to honor his variety of fresh vegetables and fruits in “We thought, what if we created military unit. He and his family raise season along with fresh herbs, cheeses, a space and brought together all free-range beef, pork and laying soaps, landscape plantings and a few the things that are so great about hens on leased land in Raeford. Their handcrafted items and clothing. our community? We contacted our bratwurst varieties regularly sell out partners at Sustainable Sandhills … on market days, and they often have “We find that vendors are often and are moving into our third year of a a waiting list for their beef cuts. Jeter seeking us out,” said Loper. “The wildly successful collaboration.” collaborates with the longtime family- community feel, local produce, local owned and -operated Gillis Hill Farm artists and local beer all combine to Thus began the Dirtbag Ales Farmers to bring poultry to market. create the perfect atmosphere for a Market, bringing together local farmers sell-out Sunday afternoon.” and craftspeople with folks looking for David Pflugfelder, of CATHIS, is local produce and products. another young veteran. He grew up DBA Famers Market, located at 5435 farming. Pflugfelder and his family Corporation Dr. in Hope Mills, is open True to Sustainable Sandhills’ mission tend about 50 acres in Lillington late April through mid-November on “to create a vibrant marketplace for and raise pastured, organic, non- Sundays from 10 a.m-3 p.m. For more people of all backgrounds to support genetically modified beef, pork information, visit the Dirtbag Ales local producers while creating a healthier and poultry. They also sell eggs. Farmers Market Facebook page. MAY 2019 11 MAY 2019 11
SUZANNE AGINS Suzanne Agins is an artistic director of the Upstart Creatures, a company focusing on the intersection between food and theater based in New York City. Her Director, “Memphis” at recent directing work includes “The Heart of Robin Hood” (2018, Hudson Valley Cape Fear Regional Theatre Shakespeare Company, Garrison, New York), “Pride and Prejudice” (2018, www.suzanneagins.com Hangar Theater, Ithaca, New York) and “Dreamgirls” (2017, Cape Fear Regional Theatre, Fayetteville, North Carolina). Agins teaches acting, directing, and collaboration at her alma mater, Princeton University, and new play development at New York University. The never-before-seen character in Cape Fear Regional Theatre’s production of “Memphis” “Memphis,” a musical written in the early Director Mary Kate Burke and I made the plea to Theatrical 2000s featuring outstanding songs Rights Worldwide, the company that licenses “Memphis and choreography, tells a wonderful, the Musical.” We asked permission to change Delray’s important story about the unifying gender without altering the text, other than changing power of music as a force for social change in the 20th “brother” to “sister” and “he” to “she.” We emphasized that century. Music impacts the story’s two main characters, the core of the character, that sibling connection, would Huey and Felicia, in different ways. Huey is a white man remain intact. We assured them that it was possible for a whose connection to the blues makes him a potent woman with an alto voice to sing the music in the original advocate for the musicians creating that music. Felicia is keys, so nothing in the score would need to be modified. an African American woman who sings the blues with an We crossed our fingers. otherworldly force. One week later, a reply appeared. TRW had forwarded When I began preparing to direct “Memphis” for Cape our request to the book and lyric writer, Joe DiPietro, Fear Regional Theater, I thought about the last show and although they reiterated that this was unusual, we I’d directed there — 2017’s smash hit “Dreamgirls.” I were granted permission to make the swap for CFRT’s reflected on what a joy it had been to work with such production. As the email stated, “The most important powerhouse women in a story about the strengths of characteristic for Delray is not gender as much as it is female relationships. strength, love, care and concern for a younger sister, Felicia.” Then I realized that, unlike Effie in “Dreamgirls,” Felicia in In the audition process, it was absolutely thrilling to \"Memphis\" didn’t have other women around her. There was hear women belting out Delray’s songs — from the no one to fight for the spotlight, sure, but also scorching show opener no one to confide in, no one to turn to when “Underground” to the her relationship with Huey hit speedbumps or depth of feeling in when her career started to take off. “She’s My Sister” — and Felicia did have a brother, though — Delray watching women go — whose overprotectiveness and abiding toe-to-toe with Huey in care for his little sister were his defining the scenes. It all felt right; characteristics. I read through the script effortless. And we’ve again, searching for cast a wonderful actress reasons Delray had to \"Memphis\" in the role, Dani Burke, be male. He owned a plays May 9-26 who hails from Charlotte, business, which might at CFRT, North Carolina. have been unusual for 1209 Hay St. a woman in the show’s The only stipulation in TRW’s agreement? That 1950s setting, but my www.cfrt.org we write Mr. DiPietro and research turned up his collaborator, composer enough examples to David Bryan, an email reassure me it was possible. after the production had And that was it. If only Delray were a woman! closed, letting them know She could be a sounding board for Felicia — a how the gender change strong female relationship in her life. had played and was Most theaters wouldn’t even dare to ask received. We can’t wait about making this kind of change, knowing for you to tell us how you the likelihood of a no. But CFRT Artistic think it worked. 12 MAY 2019 North Carolina actress Dani Burke will 12 MAY 2019 bring the first female Delray to the stage.
ELAINE ALEXANDER Elaine Alexander is an award-winning Charlotte playwright and Fayetteville native. Her one-act comedies have been festival winners at theaters Playwright and Director, throughout the United States, most notably in New York City and Los Angeles, “M is for Mullet\" California, and as far away as Sydney, Australia, and Cuenca, Ecuador. Elaine also performs with and directs a comedy troupe, The Hot Mess Players, which performs plays and audience-interactive murder mysteries for both private and public audiences throughout the Carolinas. L to R: Peter Guarascio as Mario Fellini, Dominic Hilton as Rae Shawn Simmons, Keith Hopkins as Beau Elvis Johnson, not a killer. I’m a lover! Interrogate Kellie Floyd Payne as Kat Chatterton, Eva Montes as Verita Delgado, Eileen Davis as Wanda June James and Lonnie my waitress — she’s an ex-con. Or Gregory as The Sheriff. | Photo credit: Carlo Pieroni maybe the town’s new mayor. She showed up at my restaurant cursing A shocking murder has she was already stiff. A half-eaten Darleen’s name.” happened in the little town fruitcake lay beside the body. Could of Grissetville. And we need the fruitcake have been the murder Kat Chatterton: “I’m the town’s your help to solve it! Bring your weapon? It’s up to y’all to find out. biggest celebrity — the TV hostess best sleuthing skills to “M is For of ‘Kat’s Chat,’ Grissetville’s local Mullet,” an audience-interactive Let’s meet the six official suspects lifestyle show. Why would I risk my show performed by The Hot Mess of “M is for Mullet” and see what fame to kill Darleen — even if she Players for The Fayetteville Dinner they have to say in their defense. was seeing my boyfriend, Mario? Theatre. Come out May 31-June 1 at Y’all need to interrogate the town’s Gates Four Golf & Country Club. Beau E. Johnson, “The Mullet con artist psychic, Verita. Or the Man”: “I’m a local legend as the town’s other crook, Grissetville’s While enjoying an elegant dinner, inventor of ‘The Mullet’ hairdo. I new mayor.” you and your friends will play may have cut hair too short, but I’ve detective to determine who never cut a life too short. If you’re Rae Shawn Simmons: “I run the snipped the life of haircutter investigating somebody who could Bounce That Booty Gym. I give Darleen Dewberry of Darleen’s Curl have murdered Darleen, look at the ‘killer’ workouts. But I’m not a killer, Up and Dye Salon. other five suspects or the town’s although Darleen did threaten new mayor. I heard she hated her to sue me. If you want the real The show begins at Darleen's new Mullet hairdo that Darlene killer, I’d check out Mario, who was memorial service, where it is gave her.” two-timing Darleen with Kat. Or announced that her body was found the town’s new mayor. She was in her salon beside a spilled bottle Mario Fellini: “My restaurant has a sweating last time I saw her. And I of Cheerwine and a can of Aqua Net reputation for having the best Italian know it wasn’t from exercise.” hairspray. But apparently Darleen cuisine, and I’ve got a reputation didn’t need that Aqua Net, because for cheating on the ladies. But I’m Wanda June James: “I’m a former 13 MAY 2019 cheerleader stuck waiting tables at Mario’s Italian Restaurant. I’m also an ex-jailbird, and there’s no way I’d do something to get me caged up again. If you want to know the real killer, talk to Rae Shawn or that new mayor. I’ve heard them both at the restaurant complaining about Darleen.” Verita Delgado: “I may be a psychic, but I don’t know who murdered Darleen. I just know it wasn’t me — even though she ruined my fortune-telling business with her lies. My tarot cards say to look at two-timing Mario or that new mayor. I saw her give me the evil eye.” Want to interrogate these suspects yourself? Get your tickets at www.fayettevilledinnertheatre.com. Call 910-391-3859 with questions. MAY 2019 13 MAY 2019 13
COVER STORY Voices of local educators Dr. Nicole Lucas Jonathan Harkness Department of Sociology chair, High school teacher for Bible and Fayetteville State University previously geography, Village Christian Academy I was born in Washington state to immigrant parents who I’ve been a teacher for eight years. are from Trinidad and Tobago. I I hold a master’s degree in biblical double majored in psychology history and geography from Jerusalem and African American Studies at University College in Israel. My wife is a Oberlin College in Oberlin, Ohio. middle school teacher, and we have a I received my Master of Science 13-month-old son, James. and doctorate in sociology with a concentration in health disparities, Imagine you love something so mental health, and inequality from much that all you want to do is tell Virginia Polytechnic Institute and others about it. People wonder how State University. in the world a person can teach history, math, English or science My favorite memory is when I every day all day. We love what we do; we love learning and sharing our (new) see students and their families found knowledge with others. Now imagine you have four to eight classes a day at graduation. I see hope for with roughly 20 people in each class. Each person has a different personality, the future in the eyes of the a different imagination, a different point of view and a different interest. One graduating students and of the hidden challenges we face on a daily basis is keeping each of those the intense excitement and personalities interested in what we love. unconditional support from their family members … it is a great Kellie Pfaff Perkins experience and drives what I do every day. Visual art teacher, Terry Sanford High School I have a master’s in art education with a concentration in painting from the University of North Carolina at Pembroke. I started my career teaching elementary school and then moved to teaching in high school. I am a 2013 Kenan Fellow. Through an internship with the Kenan Fellows Program for Curriculum and Leadership Development, I joined North Carolina Department of Public Instruction content specialists and other Kenan Fellows from across the state to help develop blended teacher training supporting effective delivery of the new Common Core and Essential Standards. My joy is to see students excel and use their imaginations, along with their critical thinking processes, by creating artwork they never envisioned they could design and create. … I wanted to make art come alive for students like it did for me. 1144 MMAAYY 22001199
May 6-10 is Teacher Appreciation Week Dr. Heather Griffiths Associate Professor of Sociology, Fayetteville State University I received my Master of Arts and doctorate in sociology from the University of Delaware. My current projects include hosting a Meet and Greet for the Fayetteville chapter of the National Organization of Women and studying the way miscarriage is depicted in film. Nothing makes me happier than giving students that work hard an A for their final grade. I absolutely hate giving students an F because if a student gets an F that means I failed; I failed to deliver the material in a way that spoke to them. I failed to motivate them. I failed to catch their interest. There are always students who failed for reasons that have nothing to do with me, but that doesn't change the fact that they failed on my watch. Whatever grade my students earn, I am absolutely cheering them on. Sarah Lindy Dr. Shanessa Fenner K-4 teacher, Berean Baptist Academy Principal, William T. Brown Elementary School I spent my formative years in New England and adolescence in I have been a principal for Lynchburg, Virginia. I graduated 13 years. I am also a writer, from Pensacola Christian College in model, actress and former Pensacola, Florida, with a bachelor’s radio personality. I also have in early childhood education and my own TV show. a master’s in curriculum and instruction for elementary education. I love watching my babies learn, grow and evolve into I love how children act silly (singing/ amazing individuals every day. dancing) without a care in the world. Children are capable of achieving much more than what we sometimes think they can. I love seeing a child learn to read and watching the process of learning. It reminds me that learning never stops. MAY 2019 15
Jessica Osnoe Madonna Henry English and theater instructor, Classroom teacher, Fayetteville Academy E. Melvin Honeycutt Elementary School I've lived in Fayetteville most of I am an international exchange my life and taught high school teacher from Jamaica. I love teaching and college courses in English in and decided to experience teaching public and private schools. in another country that is different from the one I am used to. Sometimes, they simply say the funniest things. I recently taught When I was in primary school, \"To Kill A Mockingbird\" with my the students who couldn’t read so ninth grade students and at the well were not given much attention. beginning of the unit, I heard one I vowed since then to become a of them say, \"Atticus? Isn't that teacher to help those students a math thing?\" Someone else who needed a little more attention immediately replied, \"That's an from teachers. I love that I get the abacus\" and we had a laugh over opportunity to help students who are it. Simple, bright moments like struggling with learning and see the joy on their faces when they really learned that have a way of reaching the something new. Teaching is for persons who want to make a difference in a kid’s quiet needs of each day when I life. If that is not your aim and goal, do not get into it. Do it for the kids and do don't know how much I need to not use teaching as a stepping stone to get to where you want to in life. laugh or smile until I do. Hannah Lineberger I've had several teachers throughout my life who not only Third grade teacher, Rockfish Elementary School taught me concepts and how to I am a North Carolina teaching fellow and think and write, but who modeled for me the beauty of using one's graduated from the University of North Carolina skills and talents to help others at Pembroke. discover their own. That is the joy of what I get to do every day: help What I love most about being a teacher is being people discover and develop their there for my kids — in and out of the classroom. I natural aptitudes and gain the call myself their daytime mom because I am with skills needed to use them to the some of them more during the day than they best advantage and become the are with their own parents. I also love planning fullest versions of themselves. activities that make them yell, ‘this is fun!’ when they're actually learning and don't realize it. I support them outside of school at pageants, sporting events and dance competitions. 1166 MMAAYY 22001199
... CONTINUED What are some What makes you of the hidden feel supported challenges of by parents and your job? students? Dealing with the behaviors of people. On any When they verbalize their appreciation for given day, any colleague, student or parent the hard work this job requires! I also enjoy brings their life to school. It might be a good appreciation in the form of gift cards. ;) day, a stressful day or a bad day, and you — Sarah Lindy don’t know ahead of time which it is. You have to first decipher the code, then deal When they recognize how hard you work, with the situation and, finally, try to build how creative you are or how much you them up so they can succeed, all the while put into what you do that is above what is ignoring the life you brought with you. Doing required, it is really rewarding. this while handling discipline is often very — Kellie Pfaff Perkins challenging. — Kellie Pfaff Perkins Please make sure the school has the correct The amount of time it takes to plan and phone numbers at all times. Communicate prepare engaging activities for a classroom with your child’s teacher on a consistent of students with various ability levels. basis. Develop a positive relationship with — Hannah Lineberger the school. — Dr. Shanessa Fenner Making sure that your kiddos came to Parents let me know the improvements school and that they had breakfast to eat. they have seen in their child, and my And also making sure that they are in a students always want to hug me and good mood so they can learn. And not share their stories. This makes me feel trying to force them to learn if they are appreciated and supported. Parents can stressed out. I wish everyone understood show their kids that they are interested in that being a teacher you are always on their education by asking them what they duty, 24 hours a day and 7 days per week. learned today, asking them, “What is your — Madonna Henry homework?” and keeping in touch with their child’s teacher to make sure their The increasing price of presence. It is a child is doing what they are supposed to at difficult thing to remain present, responsive school. — Madonna Henry and adaptable to a room full of different people with vastly different needs several times each day. — Jessica Osnoe At times, I feel like I do more than teach. I train and co-parent. It is an overworked/ underpaid position, but I could not see myself doing anything else. — Sarah Lindy MAY 2019 17
Transitioning Rita Thomas is an Army veteran and freelance artist. Her from soldier to lifelong pursuit of sewing clothes inspires her to design military mom and create Native American regalia for herself and other local dancers. She holds a Master of Arts in history. Once again, the month of May rolls around, filled with the aroma of flowers, the taste of than 140 soldiers, I had to constantly maintain a high chocolates and a plethora of cards declaring degree of physical and mental stamina. love, appreciation and admiration for mothers across our nation and around the world. I sit in the warmth Everything changed the day I doubled over with of the spring sun, pondering the many choices I made to abdominal cramping and severe nausea during an keep the welfare of my children in mind while remaining early-morning run. Pushing my body to its physical loyal to the pledge I made to serve our country. limits came to a screeching halt. I was pregnant with our first child. Before children, choices were easy. I joined the military as a single soldier two days before Mother's Day in 1996. I immediately signed up for \"Pregnancy PT\" and Without any thought about the worries to be endured by took my place in the large gym among other my own mother, I joined the U.S. Army ready to start a new female soldiers grouped according to pregnancy adventure, serve my country and see the world. trimester status. My chuckles at the women in their third trimester waddling around the track I met and married Dale, my husband, during Advanced ceased as I slowed from a light-footed jog to the Individual Training at Fort Gordon, Georgia. As the signature waddle. end of training approached and classmates received orders for their next duty stations, I feared we would be Our first son, Jonathan, entered our lives amongst separated as a result of our initial enlistment orders. I the chaos of a permanent change of station with had enlisted with my station of choice being Fort Lewis, boxes piled high along the walls of our two-bedroom Washington. Dale was headed to Fort Bragg, North apartment. Dale had just accepted a bonus to re-enlist Carolina. Realizing we faced separation to opposite and transfer to Germany. ends of the country, I raised my hand and accepted the physical and mental challenges required by the 82nd Again considering the consequences of separation — Airborne Division. this time knowing the vast Atlantic would separate us from close family and friends — I decided to discharge Rigorous physical training began each new day and was a from military service in the interest of my new role, regular part of life. As one of five women in a unit of more motherhood. We now had to consider Jonathan's 18 MAY 2019 future and how a military upbringing would affect his 18 MAY 2019 mental and physical health. Though Dale and I made most of our decisions together, many of my career choices linked directly to my ability to care for Jonathan and maintain the stability of our household. Though I missed the challenges of soldiering, my new role as military spouse and mother allowed me to continue to serve my country, see the world and play a critical role in our family. After Jonathan came Amber. I was positioned to influence one of the most valuable assets to our country: children of the next generation. I think back and applaud the many military moms in whom I found inspiration over the years. The many family support meetings and isolated, selfless acts of care for my family and myself remind me that our often- unsung warriors in the home deserve high recognition. To those who have touched my life directly or indirectly in my military journey, I say thank you for the loving memories. I appreciate all that you have taught me and what you have done and are doing for our country. Keep up the great work.
Pop me an email and tell me about the laughter in your life: [email protected] As we get older, even after our hearing isn’t as good As a senior citizen, mother of two, stepmother of two more, as it once was, in our hearts and heads we hear that grandmother of eight and — holy moly! — two great- voice — or those sweet voices — still saying “Mama,” grandchildren, Judy Stapleton has traveled many miles from her “Mom.” Even if they were telling on the other child. Or we home stompin’ grounds of Mississippi. After raising her kids, she hear “Nana,” “Grandma,” “Big Mama” or even “Gigi.” spent 29 years working for the federal government before retiring. She now works as a receptionist for F&B Publications in Fayetteville. I remember as a young mother how often I wished I could just go to the bathroom or sit in my bedroom for five minutes without hearing that well-known name those little voices were always calling out. But then, of course, without the noise, you knew those precious babies were into something that they should not be into. Now that the kids and grandkids are all older and spread in different corners of the planet, I sure miss those voices. It’s so funny. I have one granddaughter, and when she is in her kidding mood, she will call me by my first name! She will say, “Now, Judy.” What a mess she is, yet I am so thankful for the laughter and her time that she shares with me. I will have to say, my grandchildren have all known me as Big Mama. But as they have gotten older, 16 and up, they introduce me as “Grandmother.” The first time I heard this, I almost cried, but then I realized not everyone knows what a Big Mama is. As long as they still address me as Big Mama when they come to visit or call me, it’s OK. I do have one that still only calls me Big Mama. Oh, such a sweet sound, when I hear those voices. It’s funny how just combing your hair or putting makeup on without anyone calling your name makes you miss what you once thought was a disturbance. Now, at the same time, I’ve never been one of those grandmothers who wanted the grandbabies to come over for a weekend, a night or even an hour without their parents. After they hit the age of 8 or 9, I could handle time alone with them. Not that I didn’t love them, it was just something I knew I didn’t want to do. Just sayin’. Just the other day, I was able to go and have a lovely dinner with my granddaughter and hear her laughter and sweet voice. Can’t wait for my next outing with one of my kids/grandkids. God Bless you and your kids/grandkids. MAY 2019 19 Happy Mother’s Day, ya’ll! MAY 2019 19
LOCAL LEADERS: us prone to making snap judgments as we shoot &A Fayetteville City off a comment without reading the full article Q Councilman Dan Culliton or understanding the Fayetteville City Councilman Dan Culliton is the current representative for District 2. He complexity or background is a longtime Fayetteville resident and chiropractic physician and is the former chair of behind an issue. the city’s Planning Commission. With a long history of public service, he is committed to improving upon the wonderful city he, his wife Ashley and their four children call home. The amount of valid perspectives many issues Women’s View Magazine: As WVM: What is one issue you're contain was something the Council member for District passionate about addressing as a very enlightening as I 2, whom do you represent? City Council member? started in public service. As a Council member, I Dan Culliton: District 2 is Culliton: One issue that I have spend hours upon hours known to have both the richest been consistently focused on is each week in meetings and and the poorest streets in all removing the crime and blight briefings about a vast array of Fayetteville. It reaches from that surrounds our downtown of city business. These are our downtown to the Highland B-Street area. Those residents complicated issues that Country Club, Fayetteville State deserve a safe place to live and affect us, our future and the University, all the way to the raise their children. In my opinion, future growth of our city. city limits east of the (Cape we have failed in that area. On the surface, an issue Fear) River, the Department may seem simple or black of Veterans Affairs on Ramsey In collaboration with city staff, and white, but that’s rarely Street and out to the airport. City Council has formed a the case. This makes the needs of the task committee for this area, district extremely diverse. and we are finalizing the It takes calm, level heads to However, this does not mean Central Campbellton District prevail. The ability to hear any one need is less important Comprehensive Plan to finally all sides of an issue and be than the next need. start making some real changes in able to reach a common those neighborhoods. If successful, consensus is crucial for an In our downtown, we are this will be used as a template for effective leader. seeing the largest economic other areas in the city that suffer development investment in some of the same issues. our city’s history taking place. It’s an extremely exciting time. WVM: What's one component of Investments made downtown City Council's function you wish will not only have large impacts more citizens were aware of? on those folks in District 2 but on everyone throughout our Culliton: Things are not as simple city. Therefore, it is extremely as they may sometimes seem. important that we get it right, We often, in this day and age of and I and the rest of Council social media, see a headline come have been working hard to across our news feed — and often, make sure that is what happens. these headlines are designed to be sensational or evoke reaction. One area that I would like to Many of us are constantly on the see more attention brought to go and therefore are relegated to is east of the river, where city- getting our news in these small, owned property off Fields Road superficial snippets. This leaves is still being considered for a multitude of potential projects. 20 MAY 2019 Contact: 910-433-1992 | [email protected] MAY 2019 20 20 MAY 2019
SHERRIS JOHNSON Sherris Johnson created Our P.L.A.C.E. in 2015, a local, arts-based nonprofit. She also co-founded Executive Director, The Marquis Slam in 2012. Our P.L.A.C.E. Pathways for Prosperity Working to level the playing field “The imperative is clear: we need to build an infrastructure of opportunity to ensure all our citizens have a clear path to family-supporting work, that employers have the workforce they need to grow and innovate, and that our civic culture is one that supports prosperity for all.” —www.pathwaysforprosperity.org In January of 2017, then-Fayetteville community attended and identified • Coordinate local industry with City Councilman and current Sen. f ive key areas — K-12 education, Kirk deViere, D-N.C., partnered with pre-K education, workforce and education and training resources. Councilman Larry Wright to create industry alignment, affordable Increase job training completion an initiative called Pathways for housing, and parent life skills in programs that will be developed Prosperity. They were motivated by and mentoring — to address the to assist in job/trade/skill training. a 2015 Harvard University study that reduction of generational poverty Develop entrepreneur training ranked Fayetteville in last place of in 11 local communities. These areas and find ways to support people the country’s 100 largest economic were broken down into separate who work from home. Led by a centers in earnings potential for work groups that met and identified Community-Agency Council (to be children growing up in poverty. and developed two to three empaneled). objectives and strategies, which The statistics show that in were combined into a Community • Increase the number of safe, Fayetteville and Cumberland Action Plan in May 2018. County, 1 in 4 children live in poverty. affordable homes and address Almost 43% of single mothers in Pathways for Prosperity has set opportunities for improvement the area live in poverty. There is goals and intentions to achieve in housing policies and allocation an 18% chance that a child born the following within the next three of funds for affordable housing. into poverty will end up worse off years: Pending lead agency. than his or her parents. Finally, Cumberland County ranks 18th out • Reduce the amount of • Connect 500 families to of 2,478 U.S. counties in the way it helps poor children climb the absenteeism of children in child resources for health care, financial income ladder. care to 8% from its current 11%. literacy and job opportunities. Increase the quality of child care by Recruit and mentor 10% of “The challenge was linking all helping four major services receive participants in the Communities the systems,” said deViere. “We a minimum of a four-star rating for in Schools programs, which teach had most of the pieces in place pre-K education. Led by Partnership about f inancial literacy, health here. Connecting them required for Children Cumberland County. care, job opportunities and more, the education systems, nonprofit to be mentors to the next group of organizations and private employers • Double enrollment in work- participants entering the program. to have a data-based economic vision of how the city’s unique assets based learning opportunities for There are years of work to be can attract family-supporting work.” Cumberland County public school done to restore the impoverished students, primarily those who areas in the community. If you The Pathways for Prosperity Summit qualify for the free or reduced are interested in joining a focus took place in November 2017. lunch program. Reduce out-of- committee, would like to offer More than 250 people from the school suspensions by 15% for K-12 support/resources or learn more education. Led by a Community- about Pathways for Prosperity, visit Agency Council (to be empaneled). pathwaysforprosperity.org or email [email protected] MAY 2019 21
FASHION with LaNatria Ellis Reddy or not . . . Headwraps — www.shopfeline.com Tee — www.stateoffunk.com Pants — H&M Shoes — Zara Photographer – Timothy Ellis Shot at Volta Space in Fayetteville, North Carolina Follow LaNatria Instagram: @Caribbean_cowgirl Website: www.caribbeancowgirl.com 2222 MMAAYY 22001199
TIFFANY COAD Tiffany Coad is a property manager at United Management II by day and an avid reader and writer Property Manager, after business hours. She believes writing, as all art, United Management II should reflect our world back to us and reveal areas where we must change and share in each other’s joy, pain, love and lives. is an easy read. Though historically accurate, it is not a deep dive into specifics. Rather, it’s a satisfying dab- ble into looking critically at the world and its expectations by thinking about the work of notable women to make a difference. It can be devoured in mere hours — or savored as a daily dose of inspiration. Though the exuberant nature of the bright, watercolor-esque illustrations may lead one to assume the book is kid-friendly, these women’s stories explore everything from prostitution to leading a monarchy, burlesque to pirating, erotica to astronomy, and ev- erything else life has to offer. Readers should use discretion when sharing these stories with children. Perusing “Bad Girls” may lead to some positive self-reflection and awareness. One might ask, “where is my place in the world? What about the world do I want to change? How can I best help my sisters, mothers, daughters in their journeys?” A uthor-illustrator-letter- Beatrix Potter, Julia Child to Ching “Bad Girls” captures a feminist agen- er Ann Shen’s “Bad Girls Shih, Edith Head to Barbara Walters, da: Live freely. Passionately contribute Throughout History” and so many more. This collection of to society and receive due recognition celebrates and, in a one- to two-page essays accompanied for those contributions. Shen invites sense, normalizes the by lushly illustrated portraits chal- the reader to join ranks amongst the mammoth contributions from some of lenges the reader to find even one area forgers of our past and present to work the most exceptional women in recent of life not shaped by the hands of a to make a better future. memory. After reading it, greatness no hard-working woman. longer seems so far out of reach. Shen Ann Shen is based in Los Angeles, Cal- explores the inner and outer workings An exciting and stirring romp ifornia. Graduating from the Universi- of women ranging from Joan of Arc to through feminine history, “Bad Girls” ty of California San Diego and the Art Center College of Design, Shen is the author of both “Bad Girls Throughout History” and its companion, “Legend- ary Ladies: 50 Goddesses to Empower and Inspire You.” Learn more about her at www.ann-shen.com. MAY 2019 23
MIKI PHILLIPS Miki Phillips is trained in both traditional medicine and holistic natural healing. With more than 40 years of experience in health care, she utilizes the best of both Founder/Owner, worlds. As a health coach and a holistic practitioner, she guides and assists clients Mind Body Seimei in overcoming health challenges and achieving their health goals. www.mindbodyseimei.com SPONSORED BY The three 2 stages of 1 3 a woman’s health Awoman’s life and health have Birth to puberty: The primary detox, de-stress and rebalance three distinct stages: birth to concern of this stage is to grow up the body. puberty (onset of menstrual healthy and strong. Children must be cycle), child-bearing potential (first taught to make healthy life choices, Areas women need extra support, menstrual cycle to last menstrual especially in the areas of nutrition, through natural supplements or cycle) and elderly (last menstrual cycle hydration, sleep and exercise. lifestyle changes, include hormonal to death). Thousands of years ago, in Multivitamin and multimineral balance, energy levels, sleep and matriarchal societies, these three stages support, natural antibiotics and digestion. Also beneficial for were called The Maiden, The Mother antivirals for cold and flu season and this stage are multivitamin and and The Crone. Native Americans use natural products for allergy season all multimineral support and prenatal the terms girl/child, woman/mother and benefit growing girls. vitamins (when needed). elder/grandmother. To this day, there are specialists Child-bearing potential: This stage Elderly: Women in this stage are for each stage because the health for women often involves school, typically still active and vibrant but concerns for each are so different. childbearing and/or building a can be affected by lifestyle changes Pediatricians care for those in the career. Toxins and stress are far more in health, career, family dynamics and first stage, gynecologists for those significant at this stage. more. Common needs of this stage in the second and geriatricians for include hormonal balance, bone those in the third. Here is where a little-known strength, and extra support for the There are many natural ways to natural medicine device, the nervous system, the eyes and energy take charge of and aid your health in SCIO, shines. SCIO, which stands levels. As with the first two stages, each stage. for Scientific Conscious Interface multivitamin and multimineral Operation System, was created by Dr. support will be a benefit, too. William Nelson in the early 1990s to Call Mind Body Seimei at 910-791-0751 for: • A free 30-minute consultation and a free online health assessment. • Information about a biofeedback session. Mind Body Seimei offers sessions using the SCIO mentioned in this article. • Assistance in ordering natural herbal supplements that can provide the health support needed for various stages of a woman’s life. Nature’s Sunshine Products have been the industry gold-standard for organic, whole-food supplements for more than 50 years. The products carry herbs of the highest quality that can be purchased at mindbodyseimei.com. Click on the Nature’s Sunshine tab and select the Member Benefit option. A one-time $40 order gives you a year’s membership, which allows you to buy all supplements at wholesale — 30 percent off the retail price. 2244 MMAAYY 22001199
QUALITY FOOD AND PET OBESITY SPONSORED BY “My dog isn’t come from plant-based protein overweight.” If you say or meat-based protein? Which MIKE KARAMAN that, there is about one is best? a 50-50 chance you are correct. The 11th annual survey from You’ve probably also heard that the Association for Pet Obesity grain-free pet foods are better. Prevention found that pet obesity But why? It’s because grain is the rates held steady in 2018. For No. 1 allergen for pets. Grain is an example, 59.5 percent of cats and easy way for food companies to 55.8 percent of dogs are in the add bulk, but this could put your overweight or obese categories. pet at risk. Grain-free foods keep That equals an estimated 56 your pet feeling fuller longer. million cats and 50 million dogs. Here are examples of what to When looking for dietary look for in a high-quality kibble recommendations for pets, most for dogs: owners ranked veterinarians • A protein-rich diet with the first as their best resource. Online three to four ingredients being research came in second, pet proteins from animal sources stores and friends tied for third, • Low-carb and low-glycemic then trainers, breeders and ingredients to provide stable groomers. A common suggestion energy levels is to feed pets less and have them • Probiotics for digestive and exercise more. Unfortunately, this immune health is not always the right answer. • An ingredient list with no grains, white potatoes, corn, Although your vet may be your tapioca or wheat most trusted source, they are not the person you see every time Don’t be fooled into thinking you purchase your pet’s food. that a 40-pound bag of grocery Find a store with a staff that can store food that costs the same educate you and help you make as a 20-pound bag of specialty the right decisions. food means you are getting more for your money. Since there are What and how much to feed quality ingredients in specialty your pet depends on various food with no fillers, you will factors. There is not one food that need to feed your pet less. You’ll is right for every animal. Owners probably get the same amount should consider factors such as of meals out of the bag — and medical history, allergies, age, better health benefits. overall health, activity level and more when purchasing pet food. Coupled with exercise, routine Ask an educated salesperson walking or other physical to discuss various food brand activity, diet becomes the next options that will best fit your most important part of your pet’s needs. Yes, you can read the pet’s life. Quality food will help ingredient label, but that can be reduce obesity, lower the cost of misleading, too. We all hear that vet bills and prolong the life of protein is good, but there are your best friend. other things to consider. Does it MAY 2019 25
26 MAY 2019 26 MAY 2019
WANDA CHAVIS Wanda Chavis is a motivational speaker, author, SPONSORED BY musician and singer-songwriter. She has been Owner, married 43 years to Rev. Jeff Chavis, senior pastor Picture of Health & at United Pentecostal Church in Spring Lake. Thermography, LLC Wanda homeschooled her three sons, who have www.phthermography.com given her eight gorgeous grands. They love riding 910-580-2077 with MawMaw in her red convertible. Digital infrared thermal imaging: What is it, and is it right for you? Digital infrared thermal imaging of the breast offers detection of breast disease, especially in women with detection of breast disease earlier than is possible with self-examination, physician palpation or dense breast tissue. mammography alone. DITI is a noninvasive test. This means it involves no compression of Many women who are at high risk for breast cancer or contact with the body, no radiation and no pain. A clinician simply captures infrared images, or thermograms, require close monitoring. DITI is the safest method for of the breasts, using medical infrared cameras. frequent monitoring without repeated radiation exposure. The digitized images are stored on a computer and sent electronically to a central database where a physician, DITI is also useful in identifying dozens of medical issues such as a radiologist or thermologist — a thermal imaging specialist — analyzes and interprets the medical data. elsewhere in the body, such as autoimmune disorders; Significant asymmetries of the breast can indicate an sinus, thyroid or dental issues; carotid artery blockage; abnormality in body functions. This may be pathological — a disease — or it might just indicate an anatomical deep vein thrombosis; and more. DITI is available for full- anomaly, which is nothing to worry about. body or half-body thermograms. Special regions of interest When a thermogram is positive, meaning it registers something suspicious, the separate task of differential can also be captured. diagnosis begins. Every thermogram report is sent to the patient in an email with federally protected privacy, with If you are interested in learning more about DITI or setting full-color images that can be shared with the patient’s physician/specialist. up an appointment, call Picture of Health & Thermography, DITI detects the subtle physiologic changes that LLC at 910-580-2077, or visit www.phthermography.com. It is accompany breast pathology, whether it is cancer, fibrocystic disease, an infection or a vascular disease. located in Suite 201 at 117 Broadfoot Ave. in the Haymount With this information, the physician/specialist can plan accordingly and lay out a strategic clinical program to Healing & Wellness building. further diagnose and/or monitor the patient until other standard testing becomes positive. This allows for the Use the code WomensView for a 10 percent discount off earliest possible treatment. your first thermogram! MAY 2019 27 If a positive, suspicious DITI breast examination is performed, the appropriate follow-up diagnostic and clinical testing may include mammography and other imaging tests, clinical laboratory procedures and nutritional and lifestyle evaluation. All patients’ thermogram images are kept on record and form a baseline for all future routine evaluations. DITI is a thorough and objective physiological screening for abnormalities in the breast. It is valuable for early MAY 2019 27
is May 7, 2019; May is National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month. It's a peak season for those with asthma and allergies, and a perfect time to educate your family, friends, co-workers and others about these diseases. Here are some quick facts. There is no cure for asthma. The best way to manage it is to avoid triggers, take medicine to prevent symptoms and prepare to treat attacks. An asthma episode, also called an asthma flare-up or asthma attack, can happen any time. Mild symptoms may only last a few minutes, while more severe asthma symptoms can last hours or days. Many asthma- Common asthma Kids miss Climate change related deaths are symptoms are more than will make asthma preventable with coughing, shortness 13.8 million and allergies worse. proper treatment and of breath, wheezing school Find out what you care. Ten people a and chest tightness. days due to can do by visiting day die from asthma. asthma. https://ctt.ec/ eb6N6+. Asthma affects more than 26 million Americans. More than 6 million children under the age of 18 Showering at night have asthma. removes pollen from your hair More than 50 million Americans have all types of allergies — before you go to pollen, latex and more. The rate of allergies is climbing. bed. Don't sleep with pollen. To learn more, visit 28 MAYw2w01w9 .aafa.org/asthma-and-allergy-awareness-month 28 MAY 2019
The UPS Store Print/Sign Shop Westwood & Fort Bragg Meet Singer-songwriter Picture ADEpeGvtploeiirvfretMeycsrwoiioanmhftgeisorne! MPaINedreSfeTfcoOtrRGMEi!oftms KasCie Page ANYTHING!We Print, Keynote speaker for the May 9 Pack & Ship! Fayetteville Ladies Power Lunch The Fayetteville Ladies Power Lunch is a quarterly We Specialize in: networking event where women in Fayetteville learn from, empower and celebrate each other. Each lunch • Acrylic Photos • Canvas Prints features a keynote speaker, a local woman who is • Photo Stickers • Notary Services making a difference in this community. Thursday, • Magnets • Mailbox Solutions May 9, FLPL welcomes singer-songwriter KasCie Page • Custom Puzzles • UPS/USPS/DHL Shipping to share about how she went from a young girl singing • Signs • Stationary in church to an award-winning recording artist. A • Banners • Special Teacher Discounts Shopportunity Expo before and after the meal provides • Business Cards • We print memories a chance to connect with and learn about dozens of local woman-owned and -managed businesses and • AND MUCH MORE! organizations. Door prizes, a 50-50 raffe and a wine bar with tasting options round out the experience. SWtevees&twDeobboiedMSilhbuornp, pOwinnegrs Center & Fort Bragg Where: Ramada Plaza, 1707-A Owen Dr. Cost: $45 to attend. Vendor tables and Westwood: 439 Westwood Shopping Center sponsorships are also available. 910.860.1220 Learn more and register: www.FayettevilleLadiesPowerLunch.com theupsstorelocal.com/2974 Page’s advice to young singer-songwriters: Fort Bragg: Fort Bragg Mini-Mall 910.436.7877 “Just don’t ever give up. It’s not an easy industry. I’ve theupsstorelocal.com/4787 struggled with thinking what I’m writing is not good enough or that somebody won’t be interested in what I LOCAL VETERAN OWNED BUSINESS have to say. You may get a no 50 times. But there’s always MAY 2019 29 someone out there who will say yes.\" MAY 2019 29 KasCie’s recognition in the music industry: • 2016 Entertainer of the Year, Florida Country Music Radio • 2018 Female Artist of the Year, Carolina Country Music Awards • 2019 Nominated for three titles at CCMA: Female Artist of the Year, Entertainer of the Year, Songwriter of the Year for “Proud of You”
ASHLYNN CAMPBELL Ashlynn Campbell has worked with Boys and Girls Homes of NC for four years as a foster care consultant. Prior to that, she served as a Foster Care Consultant foster care social worker at Brunswick County Department of Social Boys and Girls Homes of NC, Inc. Services. While studying social work at Methodist University, she ran 910-646-1124 track and won seven National Collegiate Athletic Association titles. She is in the Methodist University Athletic Hall of Fame. Let’s not forget grandmothers When thinking of relationships, grandparents is often lost. They often connections to friends, parents have no choice; that connection is and significant others may come to simply taken away. mind. But how often do we focus on grandparents — biological But sometimes, beautiful things grandparents, foster grandparents happen. I’ve watched children I work or step-grandparents? Often in with at Boys and Girls Homes of NC children’s lives, beyond connections form incredibly special bonds with with their parents, relationships those they are placed with. I have with grandparents are the next witnessed foster parents forming closest ones formed. bonds with the children’s biological grandparents. And I’ve seen At least for me that is true. My several cases where grandparents, mother is my best friend, but my particularly grandmothers, will “grandmother is a little bit parent, come forward either to adopt their a little bit teacher and a little bit grandchildren or to serve as a best friend,” to borrow from an placement home for them until they unknown author. can find a permanent home. Boys and Girls Homes of NC is a There are many days I’ve thought, Often, grandparents may not be foster-to-adopt agency. In 2018, God, what would I do if I couldn’t financially able to take care of their 40 children were adopted by its pick up the phone and call her? Or, grandchildren, but they are still able licensed foster-to-adopt families, when I am having a bad day, just go to connect with those children when and close to 35 adoptions will be to her home and lay with her? My they are placed in a foster home. finalized in 2019. Boys and Girls relationship with my grandmother Grandparents attend baseball games, Homes offers training courses in has made me the wife, mother, school functions and spend holidays the Fayetteville area to become daughter and social worker that I with the children as well. Allowing foster-to-adopt parents. Classes am today. this contact helps the foster parents are scheduled for this spring, give as much normalcy to the child’s summer and fall. Contact Tracey The connection we have is like no life as possible, and that is always the Natale at 910-977-5894 or Taylor other; we often laugh about how I most important thing. Barber at 910-918-9701 to learn followed her dream and became more about becoming a foster-to- a social worker. I tell her all the This May, as we celebrate our adopt parent. time that she is a social worker, just mothers, foster mothers and step- without the BSW behind her name. mothers, let’s not forget one very 30 MAY 2019 important category of mothers: our 30 MAY 2019 For children in foster care, grandmothers. They are the ones the possible relationship with who loved our mothers before us.
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