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SMA_DASIG_Zine_Paglaom (1)

Published by Team DASIG, 2022-06-21 21:57:07

Description: SMA_DASIG_Zine_Paglaom (1)


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28 Paglaom

Rejection is Redirection Never in my expectations will my senior high The next few weeks were blue because we school be so different and peculiar. I was looking received rejection after rejection from businesses, forward to moving to another school because I companies, and organizations. Because of that, have stayed in my previous schools for a decade. I we all went full force in sending letters to wanted to try new things I had not previously numerous businesses and companies—even big experienced in my small school. Little did I know ones like Robinsons Galleria, IL Corso, and many that I would experience new—-new normal. I was hotels in Cebu. We know they won’t reply to us, so I disappointed to do school online because I had asked for Cres’ suggestion, and he said to try IPI many plans written for the next two years of senior and Julies. It was our second week calling their high school. telephone, but we just received vague answers, or they won’t answer the call. I was down because the The journey in realizing our project proposal admin committee was sad every time we received started on April 4, 2022, when we had our a rejection and heard that another team was simulation. After that, it was a signal for us to sponsored by IPI. prepare to contact our partner barangay, prospective guest speakers, and sponsors. When Sir Cres suggested that I should ask Singzon how Miss Raki approved our transmittal letters, it was they contacted them, and I immediately forwarded the time when we stepped into the real world. them an email. But two weeks have passed, and they still haven’t replied. We sent our emails to our prospective sponsors with high hopes, but after a week, we either Two weeks before the day of our implementation, received rejections or no replies. We thought our I was scrolling through Facebook when an ad from path would be straight by just following what we Baguio Lokal Store popped up. My phone beeped, have written and planned, but we are not the notifying a message saying, “How can we help Author of life. you, Simone?” my face lightened up in the hopes that this could be the sign that we would finally I was typing my 5th message to the Facebook have a sponsor! I was thinking twice before Page of the Barangay Pahina San Nicolas when I replying to the automated message because I realized that they had only seen zone me all the thought it was impossible. After all, they are from time. I chatted Fiona, my assistant project director, the North, and we are in the South. to ask for an update if the SK Chairman had replied to her already. She said no. I looked at the It was a Monday, a week before our scheduled calendar to check how many weeks were left before implementation in the middle of a stressful and our implementation, and we only have less than a anxious week because we still didn’t have any month. This time might be very long, but we also sponsors after all the follow-ups, when Fiona have other performance tasks that we need to chatted to me, “GURL CALL NAKO” I called her. accomplish, so dividing our time even more, She said that the mall manager of Robinson’s cutting short the days and weeks that our teachers Galleria Cebu called her a while ago to inform us have set for us. that Robinson’s Land Corporation approved our proposal and decided to sponsor the honorarium I was updating sir Cres about our progress and for the speakers. It was a day full of shouting and asked him if we could just visit the barangay since jumping for everyone because who would have their reply to me is to visit and talk directly to the imagined that a large company would support a secretary. He has known our situation since grade student project? A few hours after, I received 11, so he advised us to push through visiting the confirmation from Baguio Lokal Store that they barangay because that is the only way for us to would like to sponsor us inabel lei with Cordilleran communicate with them properly. The next day, I fabrics and our logo engraved for our speakers went there together with some of my members. We and Doc Helmae. spoke with the secretary, and they welcomed us graciously. We went home feeling fulfilled that we finally had crossed that goal to be connected with our beneficiaries. 29 Paglaom

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