Detailed Syllabus (Total No. of Hours: 45): Module Topics Hrs. Cognitive Levels of No. Attainment as per Bloom’s Taxonomy 1 Mathematical Modelling & First order 7 L1, L2, L3 ordinary differential equations Exact and reducible to exact differential equation, Linear differential equation, Bernoulli’s differential equation, Exponential decay model, Heating problem (Newton’s law of cooling), RC & RL circuit model (Self-Study: Mixing problem) 2 Higher order linear differential equations 7 L1, L2, L3 Higher order linear differential equations with constant coefficients, method of variation of parameters for second order, Cauchy-Euler and Legendre’s linear differential equation, Model of Free Oscillations (Self-Study: Bessel functions of the first kind, Power series solutions) 3 Matrices II 6 L1, L2, L3 L1 Eigenvalues, eigenvectors, Caley Hamilton theorem, Diagonalization of matrix, Gram- L1, L2, L3 Schmidt orthogonalization L1, L2, L3 (Self-Study: Orthogonal transformation) 4 Multivariable Calculus I (Double Integration) 8 Multiple Integration: Double integrals (Cartesian & Polar), Change of order of integration (Fubinis theorem without proof), Change to polar coordinates Applications: Area, Mass of a lamina (Self-Study: Center of mass and Gravity (constant and variable densities) 5 Multivariable Calculus II (Triple Integration) 9 Triple integrals (Cartesian & Polar), Orthogonal curvilinear coordinates, Application: Volume on cartesian, spherical and cylindrical polar coordinates, Vector line integrals, Vector surface integrals (Self-Study: Scalar line integrals, Scalar surface integrals) 6 Complex Variable – Integration 8 49
Contour integrals, Cauchy-Goursat theorem (without proof), Cauchy Integral formula (without proof), Taylor’s series, Zeros of analytic functions, Singularities, Laurent’s series; Residues, Cauchy Residue theorem (without proof) (Self-Study: Evaluation of definite integral involving sine and cosine, Evaluation of certain improper integrals using the Bromwich contour) Books and References: SN Title Authors Publisher Edition Year 2002 1 Calculus and G.B. Thomas and Pearson 9th Edition 2006 2009 Analytic geometry R.L. Finney 1984 2 Advanced Erwin kreyszig John Wiley 9th Edition 2010 Engineering & Sons 2008 Mathematics 2004 1995 3 Elementary W. E. Boyce and R. Wiley India 9th Edition Differential C. DiPrima Equations and Boundary Value Problems 4 Differential S. L. Ross Wiley India 3rd Edition Equations 5 Higher B.S. Grewal Khanna 36th Engineering Publishers Edition Mathematics 6 A text book of N.P. Bali and Laxmi 10th Engineering Manish Goyal Publications Edition Mathematics 7 Complex Variables J. W. Brown and R. Mc- 7th Edition and Applications V. Churchill Graw Hill 8 An Introduction to E. A. Coddington Prentice 3rd Edition Ordinary Hall India Differential Equations Online References: Sr. No Website Name URL Module Covered 1. Openstax M1-M6 2 Lumanlearning .com M1-M6 3 Engineering Mathematics Tutorial - GeeksforGeeks M1-M6 50
F.E./F.T. Semester – II Choice Based Credit Grading Scheme with Holistic and Multidisciplinary Education (CBCGS-HME 2020) B.E./B.Tech (All Branches) F.E./ F.T (SEM: II) Course Name: Engineering Mechanics Course Code: ESC104 Teaching Scheme (Program Specific) Examination Scheme (Formative/Summative) Modes of Teaching/Learning/Weightage Modes of Continuous Assessment/Evaluation Hours Per Week Theory Practical/Oral Term Total (100) (00) Work (25) Theory Tutorial Practical Contact Credits ISE IE ESE PR TW Hours 3 -- 2 5 4 20 20 60 25 25 150 ISE: In-Semester Examination - Paper Duration – 1 Hour IE: Innovative Examination ESE: End Semester Examination - Paper Duration - 2 Hours The weightage of marks for continuous evaluation of Term work/Report: Formative (40%), Timely completion of practical (40%) and Attendance/ Learning Attitude (20%) Prerequisite: Basics of Force, displacement, Velocity, acceleration & related concept from Physics. Also required basics of mathematics like integration & differentiation Course Objective: This course aims to expound the basic fundamentals of force & its effects on static and dynamic systems and thereby provide a strong base for various engineering subjects. Course Outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will be able to: SN Course Outcomes Cognitive Levels of Attainment as per Bloom’s Taxonomy 1 Find resultant/equilibrant of different types of coplanar force L1, L2 system and locate the centroid of plane lamina. 2 Construct free body diagram of a coplanar system and calculate the L1, L2, L3 reactions for static equilibrium. 3 Analyze problems related to friction for system containing block, L1, L2, L3 wedge, ladder etc. 4 Find resultant of different types of non-coplanar force system L1, L2, L3 5 Analyze Projectile motion of the particle and draw motion curves. L1, L2, L3 L1, L2, L3 Locate instantaneous center of rotation and find linear and angular velocity for different links for rigid bodies having plane motion. 6 Apply D’Alembert’s principle, Work energy principle, Impulse momentum theorem in the problems based on Kinetics of Particles 51
Detailed Syllabus (Total No. of Hours: 45): Sr. Topics Lectures Cognitive Levels of Attainment as No. per Bloom’s 01 System of Coplanar Forces: 08 Taxonomy Concept of Rigid and Deformed Bodies, Fundamental 08 concepts and principles of mechanics: Newtonian L1, L2 Mechanics, Resolution of force, Moment of force about a 05 point, Couple, Varignon’s Theorem. Resultant of Coplanar 06 L1, L2, L3 system of forces, Force couple system. Centroid of composite plane lamina. L1, L2, L3 02 Equilibrium of System of Coplanar Forces: L1, L2, L3 Free Body Diagram, Condition of Equilibrium. Equilibrium of system consisting of several forces. Types of support: Types of loads, Types of Beams, Determination of reactions at supports for various types of loads on beams. (Excluding problems on internal hinges) Stresses & Strains: Tensile and Compressive Stresses, Strains, Modulus of elasticity, Bulk Modulus, Relation between elastic constants, Lateral strain, Poisson’s ratio, Problems based on stresses and strains. 03 Friction: Introduction to Laws of friction, angle of friction, angle of repose, cone of friction. Equilibrium of bodies on inclined plane, Application to problems involving blocks, wedges, ladders. 04 Forces in space: Resultant & Equilibrium of concurrent force system, parallel force system and non-concurrent non-parallel force system in 3D space 52
05 Kinematics of a Particle: 09 L1, L2, L3 Introduction to different types of motion, Projectile motion. Kinematics of a Rigid Body: Introduction to general plane motion, Instantaneous center of rotation for the mechanisms up to three links only. 06 Kinetics of a Particle: 09 L1, L2, L3 Force and Acceleration: Newton’s second law of motion, D’Alembert’s Principle, Equations of dynamic equilibrium for rectilinear and curvilinear motion, Work and Energy: Principle of work and energy, Law of conservation of energy. Impulse and Momentum: Principle of linear impulse and momentum and its application, principle of conservation of momentum Suggested List of Practical/ Experiments: Practical Type of Practical/ Experiment Topic Hrs. Cognitive Levels of Number Experiment Attainment as per 1 Basic Polygon law of coplanar forces using 3 Bloom’s Experiments Universal Force Table. Taxonomy L1, L2, L3 2 Law of Moments (Varignon's 3 L1, L2, L3 Theorem) using Bell Crank Lever 3 Equilibrium of Simply Supported 3 L1, L2, L3 Beams L1, L2, L3 4 Inclined plane (to determine 3 L1, L2, L3 L1, L2, L3 coefficient of friction). L1, L2, L3 5 Compound pendulum. 3 6 Collision of Elastic Bodies using 3 Law of conservation of momentum 7 Design Design of Flywheel 3 53
8 Experiments Finding Equilibrant using Universal 3 L1, L2, L3 Force Table L1, L2, L3 L1, L2, L3 9 Finding centroid of a composite 3 plane area 10 Group Mini Project 3 Activities Total 30 Books and References: SN Title Authors Publisher Edition Year 1 Engineering Mechanics 2006 Irving H. Prentice 4th 2011 2 Vector Mechanics for Shames Hall Edition, Engineers, Vol I - Statics, F. P. Beer McGraw 9th 2006 Vol II, – Dynamics and E. R. Hill. Edition, 2018 Johnston 3 Engineering Mechanics R. C. Pearson 4th Edition Hibbler Press. 4 A Text Book of Engineering Mechanics Bansal R.K Laxmi 6th Edition Publications. Online References: Sr. Website Name URL Module No. M1 & M2 M3 & M4 1 MIT M5 & M6 2 BRITANNICA 3 OCW-MIT dynamics-and-control-i-spring-2007/lecture-notes/lec08.pdf 54
F.E. Semester –II Choice Based Credit Grading Scheme with Holistic and Multidisciplinary Education (CBCGS-HME 2020) B.E./B.Tech. (All Branches) F.E./F.T. (SEM: I/II) Course Name: English for Professional Communication Course Code: HSMC 101 Teaching Scheme (Program Specific) Examination Scheme (Formative/ Summative) Modes of Teaching / Learning / Weightage Modes of Continuous Assessment/ Evaluation Hours Per Week Theory Practical/ Term Work Total (100) Oral (00) (25) Theory Tutorial Practical Contact Credits ISE IE ESE OR TW Hours 2 - 2 4 3 20 20 60 25 - 125 ISA: In-Semester Examination- Paper Duration – 1 Hours IE: Innovative Examination ESE: End Semester Examination - Paper Duration - 2 Hours The weightage of marks for continuous evaluation of Term work/ Report: Formative (40%), Timely completion of practical (40%) and Attendance/Learning Attitude (20%) Prerequisite- Basic knowledge of English language, Grammar and Vocabulary Course Objective: The course will be able to develop communication skills with professional and technical writing skills. Course Outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will be able to: Sr. Course Outcomes Cognitive Levels of No. Attainment as per Bloom’s Taxonomy 1 Produce appropriate vocabulary and correct words L1, L2, L3 2 Communicate effectively by using structure of English language L1, L2, L3 3 Write effective and coherent paragraphs professionally L1, L2, L3 4 Enhance professional and technical writing skills L1, L2, L3 L1, L2, L3 5 Understand and apply the communication patterns in organization 55
6 To improve speaking ability in English both in terms of fluency L1, L2, L3 and comprehensibility Detailed Syllabus (Total No. of Hours: 30): Module Topics Hrs. Cognitive Levels of No. Attainment as per Bloom’s Taxonomy 1 Communication Foundation 05 L1, L2, L3 1.1 Concept and Meaning: Etymology, Definition and 05 Process of Communication L1, L2, L3 1.2 Barriers: Linguistic, Semantic, Personal, L1, L2 Socio- Psychological, Physical, Environmental, Mechanical, Cross-Cultural 1.3 Methods of Communication: Verbal Communication 1.4 Methods of Communication: Non- Verbal Communication 1.5 Networks of communications: Understanding Organizational Communication 2 Word Formation 2.1 Concept of Word Formation: Reduplicating; Clipping, Blending; Acronym 2.2 Conversion and Compounding 2.3 Root Words; Affixation. 2.4 Contrast of Meaning: Synonyms. Antonyms; homonyms; homophones; homographs 2.5 Standard Abbreviations and one-word substitution 3 Basic Language Skills 08 3.1 Listening: Types of Listening 3.2 Process of Listening; Hearing and Listening. 3.3 Exercises on Listening Skill (Video/ Audio) 3.4 Speaking: Art of Public Speaking; Activities on Speaking Skills 3.5 Reading: Concept and Methods 3.6 Types of Reading, Skimming, Scanning, Intensive Reading, Extensive Reading 3.7 Writing: Principles; Business Correspondence: Elements, 3.8 Types and Formats of Letter 56
4 Written Communication 05 L1, L2, L3 4.1 Types of writing (Expository, descriptive, persuasive 05 L1, L2 and narrative) 02 4.2 Report Writing: Structure and Types L1, L2, L3 4.3 Notice Agenda and Minutes of meeting 4.4 Editing and Proofreading: Techniques for writing precisely, 4.5 Comprehension and Summarization 5 Professional Writing Skills 5.1 Introduction to Technical Writing:Definition, Importance and Types of Technical Writing 5.2 Technical Proposal 5.3 Writing Instructions: Tips to Write Instructions; Writing User Manuals 5.4 Describing: Describing Technical Object 5.5 Writing Research Paper: Structure of Writing standard technical research paper: Exercises 6 Oral Communication 6.1 Intonation Pattern for effective presentation Common Everyday Situations: Conversation and Dialogues 6.2 Compeering, Hosting, Anchoring, Presentation on English language and Communication skills topics Suggested List of Practical/ Experiments: Practical Type of Practical/ Experiment Topic Hrs. RBT Number Levels Experiment 1 2 L1, L2, L3 Basic Introduction 2 2 L1, L2, L3 3 Experiments 2 L1, L2, L3 2 L1, L2, L3 Public Speaking (Practice1) 2 L1, L2, L3 Public Speaking (Practice 2) 2 L1, L2, L3 4 Public Speaking (Practice 3) 5 Activities based on Basic Language Skills. 6 Writing 57
7 Reading, Picture Reading 2 L1, L2, L3 8 Speaking 2 L1, L2, L3 9 Listening 2 L1, L2, L3 10 Practice Sessions in Language Lab 2 L1, L2, L3 (Consonants, Vowels, Diphthongs) 11 Tests on Building Vocabulary, 2 L1, L2, L3 Conversation Starters 12 Conducting meeting 2 L1, L2, L3 13 Watching Videos on Oratory 2 L1, L2, L3 14 Editing 2 L1, L2, L3 15 Proofreading 2 L1, L2, L3 Books and References: Sr. Name of the Book Name of the Publisher Edition Year of No Author Publication 1 Practical English Michael Swan OUP 4th Edition 1995 Usage 2 Remedial English F.T. Wood Macmillan 2014 Edition 2007 Grammar 3 On Writing Well William Zinsser Harper 25th 2001 Resource Anniversary Book Edition 4 Study Writing Liz Hamp- Lyons Cambridge 2nd Edition 2006 and Ben Heasly University Press 58
5 Communication Sanjay Kumar OUP 1st Edition 2011 Skills and PushpLata 6 Exercises in CIEFL University 1997 Edition 1997 Spoken English Press Parts. I-III Online References: Sr. No. Website URL Modules 1 Name Covered M 1-M 6 Coursera 2 NPTEL M 1-M 6 3 NPTEL M 1-M 6 59
F.E./F.T. Semester – II Choice Based Credit Grading Scheme with Holistic and Multidisciplinary Education (CBCGS-HME 2020) B.E./B.Tech. (All Branches) F.E./F.T. (SEM: I/II) Course Name: Activity Based Learning 2 Course Code: HME-ABL 201 (Yoga Practice & Society Outreach-II) Teaching Scheme (Program Specific) Examination Scheme (Formative/ Summative) Modes of Teaching / Learning / Weightage Modes of Continuous Assessment / Evaluation Hours Per Week Theory Presentation Report Total (00) (50) (25) 75 Theory Tutorial Activity Contact Credits - Course Hours IA ESE 50 25 (AC) -- - 2 21 The weightage of marks for continuous evaluation of Term work/ Report: Formative (40%), Timely completion of practical (40%) and Attendance/Learning Attitude (20%) Prerequisite: Social awareness Course Objective: This course intends to explain the importance of physical and mental fitness by participating in activities related to self-development and community building. Course Outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will be able to: SN Course Outcomes Cognitive Levels of 1 Demonstrate yogic exercises such as basic kriyas and asanas with ease Attainment as per Bloom’s Taxonomy L1, L2, L3 2 Demonstrate yogic exercises such as pranayama and mudras for well being L1, L2, L3 3 Understand the socio-economic conditions of community in which they L1, L2 work. Identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them L1, L2, L3 in day to day problem-solving 4 Develop competence required for group-living and sharing of responsibilities. Acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitudes. 5 Develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters and practice L1, L2, L3 national integration and social harmony 60
Detailed Syllabus (Total No. of Hours: 30): Module Topics Hrs. Cognitive Levels of No. Attainment as per Bloom’s Taxonomy Yoga in Modern Times: Relevance of Yoga in 06 L1, L2 Today's World, Stress management, type of Stress, 1 Dimensions of Health: Physical, Mental, Social and L1, L2, L3 Spiritual L1, L2, L3 Breathing Awareness & Yogic Breathing: 05 L1 Pranayam and its types and Benefits of Pranayama: 2 Kapal bharti, Anulom Vilom, Brahmri, Ujjayi, Bhastrika etc., Techniques and Importance of Dhyana, suitable place for Dhyana, Meditation and its types, Benefits of Meditation Introduction to different asanas: 05 Ardhachakrasan, Padahatasan, Parvottasan, Savasana, Matsyasana, Dhanurasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana, 3 Pavanamuktasana, Setubandhasan, Swastikasan Cycling, Twisting, etc. Clapping Therapy Orientation on Domain (Environment), Discussion 04 on different activities related to environment, 4 Cleanness drive, tree plantation activity, Group formation (6 Groups consisting of 5 students each). Poster / Slogan/ Street play Selection of topic related to Environment, Placards, Poster (A3 size), Poster / Placards / Slogan Presentation,/Street play demonstration. Survey 06 L1, L2, L3 Questionnaire preparation, Identification of area, visit 5 to specified area, Data collection Impact Compilation of collected data, Analysis of data, Predicted Outcomes. Project 04 L1, L2, L3 Project based on environmental activities 6 Demonstration 61
Books and References: SN Title Authors Publisher Edition Year - - 1 Light on Yoga B. K. S. Iyengar Allen & Unwin - 2018 2 Yoga for Everyone: A B.K.S. Iyengar Dorling Step-by-Step Kindersley - Illustrated Guide to - Iyengar Yoga - 3 Social Work the Mark Doel Routledge Taylor - Basics & Francis Group 2001 Sarah Gehlert John Wiley & 2nd 4 Handbook of & Teri Edition Health Social Browne Sons Work Dr. Jessica A. Ritter, BSW, Springer - 5 101 Careers in MSSW Publishing Social Work, Second Company Edition 6 National Service Scheme M. B. Dilshad Trust - in India Publications Online References: Sr. Module Website Name URL No. covered 1 Coursera M1-M3 physiology/welcome-and-introductions-b4dTw 2 Coursera M1-M3 physiology/yoga-and-nervous-system-health-aFD8h 3 Pinterest M1-M3 4 Youtube M1-M3 5 You tube M1-M3 6 You tube M4-M6 7 Wikipedia M4-M6 9 DCCAE M4-M6 protection-and-awareness/Pages/default.aspx 62