Scheme Semester VIII
B.E. Semester –VIII (E&TC) Choice Based Credit Grading Scheme with Holistic Student Development (CBCGS-HME 2020) TCET Autonomy Scheme (w.e.f. A.Y. 2023-2024) Course Description Teaching Scheme (Program Specific) Examination scheme Sr. Course Course Title Modes of Teaching / Learning / Weightage Modes of Continuous Assessment / Evaluation No. Code Hours Per Week Credits Theory (100) Practical/Oral Term Work Total 40 60 (25) (25) Theory Tuto Practical Contact Hours PR/OR TW rial 1 PCC-ETC801 5G Networks 3 2 54 IA IE ESE 20 20 60 2 PEC-ETC801X Professional Elective V 3 - 2@ 5 4 20 20 60 25 25 150 20 60 25 25 150 3 OEC-ETC801X Open Elective III 3- - 3 20 4 OEC-ETC802X Open Elective IV 3- - 3 3 20 60 - - 100 12 3 20 20 60 - - 100 5 PROJ-ETC801 Project II -- 12 20 100 50 150 6 Total 15 12 27 21 Total marks 650 C25otnhtaWcteeHkr)s. during Semester Break/ End of Semester (Between 21st and Term Work Course Description 50 50 1 SI- ETC701 Summer Internship 120 * 3 Course Description Contact Hrs. during Week End / Semester Break/ End of Semester (Between 21st and 25th 1 AP- ETC701 Activity Points - - - 52 - -Week)/Du-ring Sem- ester - -- Course Description Teaching scheme# Assessment/Evaluation Scheme (Holistic Student Development - HSD) (Conducted in the beginning of Semester Presentation Report Term during first 3 Weeks) AC AC Wor k 1 HME- Professional Skills ETCPS801 VIII 15 - 30 45 2 50 25 75 2 HME- Research Based ETCRBL801 Learning- IV -- 30 30 1 25 25 50 15 - 30 Total 75 3 Total marks 125 26 Grand Total marks 825 Total
PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE IV OPEN ELECTIVE III OPEN ELECTIVE IV Course Code Course name Course Code Course name Domain Course Course name Code PEC-ETC8011 Pattern Recognition 1 OEC-ETC8011 Project Management OEC-ETC8021 Managerial Economics OEC-ETC8022 Digital Business Management PEC-ETC8012 Internet of Things 2 OEC-ETC8012 Energy Audit and Management PEC-ETC8013 Microwave Design 3 OEC-ETC8013 Innovation Management OEC-ETC8023 Social Network Analytics PEC-ETC8014 4 OEC-ETC8014 Environmental Management OEC-ETC8024 Basic Taxation for Engineers PEC-ETC8015 Nanotechnology 5 OEC-ETC8015 IPR and Patenting OEC-ETC8025 Product Design and Development PEC-ETC8016 Cryptography and 6 OEC-ETC8016 Supply Chain Management OEC-ETC8026 Development Engineering Network Security Cloud Computing 1. IA- In-Semester Assessment, ESE- End Semester Examination, PR- Practical Examination, TW – Term Work Examination, OR- Oral Examination, AC- Activity evaluation 2. @-Professional Elective Courses Lab will be conducted in the form Capstone Project 3. #As per AICTE, Students has to earn 100 Points by participating in 400 Hrs. of activities during 4 years of Engineering. After Completing 52 hrs. of Activities, Students can earn 13 Points. This Points will not be reflected in Grade Card. Separate transcript will be issued to students after completion of Final Year. 4. *Total hrs. mentioned should be completed till end of Semester 8. Credits will be awarded at the end of 8th Semester and will be reflected in the Grade Card of 8th Semester. Student will submit a report to earn Term work marks in internship.
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