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Home Explore GBR with Induced Periodontal Regeneration

GBR with Induced Periodontal Regeneration

Published by JIACD, 2020-02-06 12:48:16

Description: Feb 2010


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The Wonders of Web 2.0: Mackey Community is King Shannon Mackey1 INTRODUCTION to make a positive difference. That is some- When it comes to speaking about the inter- thing I would buy, something I see value in.” net, most people may not know what “Web 1.0” means. To make matters worse, these The essential attributes of a Web 2.0 site same people may not even realize that Web 1.0 is becoming obsolete and we are mov- include multiple user participation, dynamic ing to Web 2.0. The phrase “Web 2.0” isn’t used to describe a fundamental change to content, a rich user experience and collec- the hardware or software that serves to sup- port the functionality of the Internet, but an tive intelligence. Rather than offering a dental evolution in how users around the world are interacting through the World Wide Web. It website where users are limited to a passive denotes an intriguing progression from a per- spective that asks “What can I get?” to one role — watching or reading a body of informa- that clearly declares: “I want to participate!” tion provided to them — a Web 2.0 site allows So what is Web 2.0? Web 2.0 is a broad shift in Internet usage its users to actively participate in the evolution once previously focused on retrieving infor- mation (what you might call Web 1.0) toward of your site. You allow certain administrative something more akin to communal collabo- ration. In other words, Web 2.0 is the emer- privileges, like the ability to modify website con- gence of active community as a significant aspect of Internet usage. It is a reflection of a tent, add links, discuss issues via forums, etc. larger shift in marketing toward consumer par- ticipation in the sales process. Web 2.0 users As an implant specialist, Web 2.0 might express it this way, “This is no longer a one-way street. I want to become a part of is an opportunity for you to: your selling process. I crave an experience that engages me and gives me ownership of Improve your reputation and credibility as a the final product. I want my opinion to matter; dental expert. Continually discover interesting ways to engage new prospects Retain current patients by providing new avenues of participation Understanding the Personality of Web 2.0 When it comes to improving the success of your dental practice by attracting a certain type of patient, consider this simple way of thinking about Web 2.0: “it is better to give than to retrieve.” Don’t resign yourself to the idea that the vastness of the Internet can only lead to online anonymity. Get your thoughts, 1. Owner & Customer Relations Director Roadside Multimedia, Marysville, WA The Journal of Implant & Advanced Clinical Dentistry 99

Mackey musings, ideas, suggestions, recommenda- carve out a little piece of their own digital world, tions, advertisements and everything else out adding friends and pictures, instant messag- there for people to interact with! For example, ing — establishing a virtual home. If you haven’t Roadside Multimedia creates websites that already, ask Roadside Multimedia to help you harness the convenience of over 150 web set up a Facebook page for your dental practice. communities, allowing prospects and patients who visit your website to interact with thou- Twitter® is a free social networking and micro- sands of people by two clicks of the mouse. blogging service that enables users to send and read text-based, 140-character messages known This is an ideal moment to discuss a concept as “tweets”. It closes the gap between almost called “cloud computing.” The basic implication anyone, allowing subscribers to “follow” and be of a “cloud” is that your computer is no longer followed by anyone else using the service. If you the center of the universe, and that’s a good have a cell phone with unlimited text-messaging, thing! Imagine how many people live within consider using Twitter along with a promotion 10 miles of your office. Consider the informa- to have your patients subscribe to your tweets. tion stored on every website owned by some- one who practices or is somehow connected YouTube® should need no introduction, but to implant dentistry within that same radius. imagine creating a series of affordable 30- or Let’s call this your “possibility cloud.” Now 60-second video vignettes advertising your den- think about the sum total of cell phones, laptop tal services that you can post on YouTube. This is and desktop computers that you own and use. service is also offered by Roadside Multimedia. These devices represent a largely untapped opportunity for you to broadcast your den- Delicious® is a social bookmarking web ser- tal services and interact with people who live vice that allows you to store, index, share, and dis- near your practice, yet know nothing about you. cover new and relevant websites. Yammer is the business equivalent of Twitter, enabling employees I realize that this can be a difficult con- to communicate with greater speed than email, yet cept to wrap your mind around, but imple- without the constant intrusion of an IM window. menting it is much easier and more intuitive than you may think. Let’s take a look at a Although still in beta, Google® Wave is a handful of infamous Web 2.0 communi- web-based attempt to merge e-mail and instant ties and also a few up-and-comers. Each of messaging with wikis and social network- these sites represents another opportunity ing. Described by Google as a “personal com- for you to connect, build a sense of commu- munication and corporate collaboration tool”, nity and persuade others to visit your practice. who knows what possibilities such an appli- cation could open up for your practice? Web 2.0 Case Studies If you spend any time on the Internet, you should Squeeze Every Benefit Out of Web 2.0 be familiar with at least a handful of Web 2.0 sites. The concept of utilizing the Internet to increase Facebook®, for example, gives users a chance to the effectiveness of communication is not new, but the means by which that interac- tion best occurs is constantly evolving. As 100 Vol. 2, No. 1 February 2010

Mackey new applications continue to emerge, here ent ways. As a part of your website creation, are a few simple recommendations for get- Roadside Media adds a simple two-click func- ting the most out of your web presence: tionality that allows your patients to share their experience on a huge variety of Web 2.0 sites. 1. Let Your Patients Position You as the Authoritative Educational Expert The more Web 2.0, Don’t Ignore, Engage your patients trust your expertise, the more will- What are the boundaries of your business? Is ing they are to remain loyal to you. Use Web 2.0 it the physical location of your practice? Is features as an opportunity for your patients to it the amount of time you have each day to inform and educate themselves and their sphere get things accomplished? Is it the budget of influence about their experience with you. you currently have that funds your practice? The boundaries of your business depend on 2. Optimize Your Website for Ease of Use the quantity and quality of relationships you’ve Make it easy for your patients to bookmark your fostered. Whether its vendors, partners, col- site, include map functionality, link out to other leagues, patients, prospects, friends or fam- relevant locations such as dental journals, den- ily, Web 2.0 offers you the opportunity to form tal information websites, or other companies a vibrant online community that can actively who make the products and services you use. promote your services by interacting with one another and participating in the creation of 3. Take Advantage of Free Advertising content that appears on your website. Don’t Produce articles for your site. Learn how to tag allow Web 2.0 to overwhelm you. Remember, photos and pictures. Add your favorite dental on the Internet, community is king. I suggest podcasts, create a blog to which each member that you pick one idea in this article and experi- of your team can contribute. Produce short vid- ment with it. Give your patients the chance to eos that highlight your services. Create a video join a few of the many web-based communities consult, where you introduce your services that have sprung up over the past few years. much like you would during an initial onsite visit. Or, create your own web-based dental com- munity. The results might just surprise you. 4. Highlight Your Patients’ Experience Why not ask a handful of your patients to pro- Correspondence: vide a 1-minute video testimonial? Take your Shannon Mackey camcorder, find a pleasant, quiet spot in Owner & Customer Relations Director your office and briefly interview them about Roadside Multimedia their experience. Then post the video to [email protected] YouTube® and link it back to your website. (425) 530-1848 Direct Line (801) 996-0758 Fax 5. Expand Your Cloud Give your patients a chance to share their thoughts in 150 differ- The Journal of Implant & Advanced Clinical Dentistry 101

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