Based on the CEFR descriptors A key to success! International Edition EVN EDUVISIÓN
COSTA RICA Prohibida su reproducción Edición para revisión del docente
Based on the CEFR descriptors A key to success! Hands on! 3 is a collective work created and designed by the Department of Educational Research of Editorial Eduvisión. Author: Jeannette Soto Segura Language Consultants: Jaime Morales Brenes Natalia Fonseca Soto International Edition EVN EDUVISIÓN
Structure Based on Hands on! is a six-level cohesive program that the CEFR guides students into the process of learning English in a developmentally appropriate pace through different descriptors activities or tasks and specific meaningful contexts A key to success! and real-life scenarios. By using the Communicative Approach and the Action-Oriented Approach, students International Edition would be able to interact and develop the four skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing) in a pleasant EVN EDUVISIÓN and exciting way through activities such dialogues, songs, games, projects, among others. What is more, the program enables students to use the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT´s) as a way to learn English in a world that demands fast and effective communication. Main components Hands on! includes essential questions, dialogues, songs, scenarios, vocabulary in context, work in pair activities, and surveys to keep students willing to use the language more and more. Age appropriate exercises, appealing songs and games introduce young students to experience English by practicing the four skills. CEvery unit encloses –beyond the school activities– critical thinking tasks, cooperative OSTA Rlearning and systematically grammar activities integrating all four skills. As a consequence, ICAthese abilities would favor linguistic competences in a pedagogical scaffolding that will allow learners to use their abilities when using English as a second language. At the end of every unit, they can self-evaluate their own progress using the CEFR descriptors in order to monitor their own development. Opening Unit: Each unit begins with ProhibUi6da suthe themes. A picture-scenario allows students to activate previous knowledge nit Welcome to Central America Themes 1. Central America a Diverse Place 2. Where can I Go? 3. How will I Get There? 4. Exploring Central America: No Better Place to Be and introduces the main topic in a real- 1. R 5evieuwnit Answer tihseyofoulrlofawvinogritequsepsotirot a. What understanding anrd ceritical pthinkinrg. oducción1. WritesillysentencesusingthewordsfromtheWordbank.Followcth.eHoewxadmopyleo.u feel when you play your favorite sport? outside? Why ? life situation. The essential question fosters B.Vocabulary b. What is your favorite sport to play inside? Why? Let´s Talk: This section previews the Word bank I can statements meaning and the usage of the target Pronoun Verb Adjective 1Ildaan.IabdbcCcyoeohaoNrpu-rnlidsotebotarrmtniuehrttydhhsenape-edstnoraoi-occnyppeed-ictiotoonfctshotuamdt pyre.rephreesnesniotsnhqouwesytoiountshinDkeyvoeluopainrge doing. I - she - he- it - Good Very we - they - you cook - eat - funny - crazy make - gather - beautiful - Essential Question - celebrate - lovely - cool good Excellent prepare tIoahIcpanocainacnandleynoyozcfecrphsaotituuclelmymdkxetapyps.nnrkeasi-nhbweoenur dtbtashhseioctrotqrpueiecasdotiionf ngstssuadabyn.dout the vocabular y and structure in context by a AmWebereiclcaaou!tmiYfuoeluvtooclaCcnaeWnvniohtsriasat.tloduor eAsmiWtwemeoriclnecadao!emnYrfoteuoultbwoceeaCalncecovnhmitseriates.losuormAemoWbeneereiaclc?uaot!imfYuoel umtocoauCnnetvnaitsinriatsl.ourSentences 139 conversationEor adchainct. ión para revisiónSubject Verb Object vIoccaanbwuNlraitoreyusbnimeepnlesstuedniteedn.ces using the 1 They prepare a beautifu-lIect,a-engidcrseiochnueictnikfayden.nwd.ords ending with the -un, -ng, 2 138 Vocabulary: Clearly, this division presents 3 del docenteand introduces vocabulary related to the 4 lesson. 5 52 2
Remember to Use: In this section, a brief E. Let’s Practice I. Remember to Use and clear description of the structure of 1. Look at the map. content studied throughout the unit is tReomeumsbeerAPAGNeAsseJuruEusosnxbmobuhadjnbejbneme:cjecerifpts:irtcr:psmlapettsr, baPjnerdcotcuoofnmthomeuosnennnteonucnes.. provided by controlled and personalized practices. Let´s Practice: This branch focuses on C Central America and Belizeulturatlip first I singular secsoinnYgdoupulaerrson third pfeermSsohanelesingular speaking and writing activities using the person vocabulary and grammar studied through the lesson. Unit 6 conservation 6 KEY FACTS Cultural Tip: It presents a real-life Let´s Unit 1Guatemala information about the culture around the Unit 1Sea TurtlethirdHeIt world in regards to the lesson and the topic. pemrsaonlesingular person It helps introducing register, folk wisdoms, Conservation third singular We and/or other conventions of the language. person 2. Answer the questions using the preposition within parentheses. first plural a. Where is the library? (between) Belize - Manatee and Marine Conservatio b. Where is the bowling alley? (behind) c. Where is the hotel? (next to) Cultural second You diversity person d. Where is the zoo? (opposite) plural third peTrhsoeny plural 3. Complete the sentences with correct preposition. the bookshop. in Guatemala Diversity of a. The hospital is the bus station. mammals b. The school is in Central 29 the bank. c. The bar is the school and the gallery art. America d. The bus station is the library. e. The city hall is 106 1 342 900 A great hectares of number of birds Protected Areas in costa rica 1. Write a brochure about Central America using information that you already know and your previous experiences in the different places. 160 E. Phonics Time as many words as you can. Write Phonics Time: This section introduces 1. tinheyoleutrtenrostienbtoheoki,csehacrreeathmes.wBouridlds with your partners. learners the ability to listen, to identify or Read them D. Reading even to manipulate sounds in spoken words 1. Read the following information about Costa Rica and answer the questions. in order to achieve linguistic and phonemic 2. Circle the world that names the picture. Panamá Viejo VCoelrcraonoNegro awareness. Reading: It uses a variety of real-world Bed F. BIEdnleigodlmishatinicuEsxepressions ianShVahpsoiPisasatfatWihotbntniehnoriiatysegarhrlmedonotomhftálHsdnit.shaeVtPecirhinieatietasfjnyiorg,osaPtyeifamsocicttSusiáhtiiftyeP.ieccrfIaetorscei-inusnHomncdciasdaeoipsseitcnna1dasoin9nisdvib9gceew7yprr.eettahlhdleret consLalrcayoeTnwohetcóuoueananrpnaal.tkCyeg.lrIitedsoSaaierisncrpintonatctdriinovleNNsgivuotieyc2i,nd.ga0awiiqrn1rohuaug5engev,raiouqeivtlauscoiyst,ealuococnnutaflonoofnceuisnoiarerseigsnadmtobaike text types and adaptive songs and chants Red 1. RBeraedadthe following idiomatic expression/phrases. Practice them with a partner. Wed Buried It’s time to Happy Bed celebrate! Birthday! Red Bled Bread Wed Buried that develop a variety of reading skills such Bed Bled Roatan as skimming, scanning and/or inferring Red AhuachapánBread Family that meaning from context. Wed plays together Ittthtweatirnoaregkstepooos2n.swieWnistr.hCtidhtbaeaeiiheatavRcsnniitiromncCndtrgtirgaereaaoa/ymtrhscáarrolsgirebtoennAuitenrboued.mrigosnefn,tustehaamoniasternotiithaince.rsrwoalksnaab.eposynoWlitrisctdnlhodooiatgsakhmu’,sltroalpiiusetsypseatsosfohpciormuaefoourdavtmrnkrhteiinudsnseerenoqfyoldbiawutyriieeraea.egssstFareetteiisrnnsttidonfaorpmmawTgaphcrhpuBetteeeniidlecvoayoneiehtcnpptharrgepeoletareee.orrinoomnPxwlasddtfa.EaataurgloqstlccSbhrwguoaehaoeenulivnurbypeCaagstuendoo.ftbohrdoBfnsbeuehrc,aaliroontsithnogtgurLdifstrrsooehespiaswtraeremtiAonoitrasugnspamtvpsdhsltio,asoieeoialtcetrnfntfseuho.dlesr Buried stays COSTA RICAEnglish in Use: It offers idiomatic 148 expressions, proverbs and phrasal verbs together to the unit as a way to achieve linguistic G. Let’s Talk their family celebrations. Write 1. Interview four classmates about a. How do you celebrate your birthday? b. What do you cook for Christmas? 147 c. How do you celebrate Independence Day? d. What do you do during Holy Week? e. Record your classmate’s responses in your notebook. 40 competence. pssIRsbttvPohuttoreaeuucormocvcddyrajtieuaorieeesncegcnbnnw-uiapsdthuttp:ttsaUleaaadItwtthntntEihrianefeyioodfet,grem:utfcsifprssIleeitdelncttrrdarirunocnesesbactPctsnnpaestarepcauo:euincscrorrIopdeosittocau-mii,vjlogessarpiaratricuativaisenehgptetenibdhsenects.dletotesóieefoannudsndpogtntcoitur.pcf.celmdnFeuotrmueihesaoratirdnnourtnaihntgnaatsiesneinltItprytrolmdtCihiaahtandToreloe´tgtbrahsveguia,eoatwgureiadMcy Prraocjeect visióRsuin1ónINFO1. ReTaLhdidoeHeGnMretecCh’ifrsooiamTeodwahbuoMfnedafabnesiders“doeotes“doTe,htdOhouioxtueaqtnTdwotatoisruogMtsgutaebafiyLterfndcoaithetrtiGMysesholitofxvoaenoeeebhnadtrwinn!wwofntn,losniTtalbvieasimeAsdlotIohtutaiahdySdwaho.tnhhbrht,f”htcealissiewooensernddoerdeastiwatIctatthgnrtLycsdaoia,ine,otvhsLfosiphtehmOoosirabsed“iia,td!tianscaroboahekI”hnmapihnyaitgu,ergidaktaiirnnnetSomMrat’tpnn“he!tttiiw.yrogdtino”hOwudrrdoodapoee,avesgdtcnMrsitwhiaortunehnhmteahaapwffeosysFetrdeMooapwmeoryyeaaauaaeopmrrladosohlstsslcnueabaeLlahsfeahran.uyoliheoendonlrlei.Nlmasttseerrdfddoty,enoeFInocr’hMaetr’o!mfpfsadihtawaogihIsrtloensbn,hilrheceLtlefyrhudIeiirhtaryaodict?tdfiesiihshrnrmnn”,MwoieoneidfrnnBnreoedwno.niagouedarr’sudatgeyttn.,sfsshsahobdSoepa.faerosnresnBainuedv:,Lil,uzriwpieneRiithoettddy,hadeave.ndaenteesrsb,h’an.ctfethebeMyyThagxceohilitclotmen,oaeuimiiuktstwmeeiastn.gehedrgeteoeo,ingevieuwnit1. Complete the following boxes with your chores at home and at school. 58 eb.egd.roI colmea…n my 2. Answer the following questions. a. What is your favorite chore at home? At home b. yTeolul alebaorunteodnien tchhisourenitthoartacbhoildutreonndeoyosoumaelrewahdeyreknaerowu. nd the world that c. What is your least favorite chore at home? d. Do you have any chores at school? Mention them. I can statements 1. Color the option that represents how you think you are doing. At school I can rtehseptoonpdictoofcsotumdpy.rehension questions Developing Good Very good Excellent about aI ncaalynzecotemxptsreahbeonudt tshheotrtorpeiacdoinf gstsudayn.d tIocpaicnoofrastlulyday.nswer basic questions about the 33 vIoccaanbwulraiterysbimeepnlesstuedniteedn.ces using the -Iacbasnouidnedn.tify words ending in -an, -ad, -am, measurable learning outcome based on the CEFR 34 del docente descriptors. hear Audio-Icon: It represents the conversations and chants that you can hear in the CD. 3
Scope and Sequence a.U nits Themes Remember to Vocabulary and use... Phonology Unit 1 Our Family “To Do” List 1. Family Chores Subjective pronouns Vocabulary: Family members, rooms of the house, family Essential Question: 2. Things I Like to Do to Help chores/duties, expressions likes How do you help your my Family and dislikes, frequency adverbs, family every day? making requests, household items, 3. Can you Help me? prepositions, expressions Pages 7 - 34 4. Where is the Broom? Phonology: Vowels and consonant combination: an, ad, am, ad Unit 2 Families Celebrate 1. W hat is There to Celebrate? Simple Present Tense Vocabulary: Expressions, special Together! family times, verbs, activities 2. M y Family’s Special Dates together, prepositions, special family Essential Question: meals, special family activities How do our families 3. When is your Birthday? celebrate together? Phonology: Vowels and consonant 4. S haring my Family combination: ap, ag, op, og Pages 35 - 60 Celebrations! Unit 3 May I Help You? 1. Is he the Cashier or the Can/ Could Vocabulary: Community helpers, Cler k? community services, offering help, Essential Question: asking for something, verbs actions, How do people in my 2. Going to the Store food, nouns, ordinal numbers, prices community meet their needs? 3. Where do I Get some Fresh Phonology: Vowel and consonant Vegetables? combination: ob, ip, ig, in. Pages 61 - 86 Common prefixes, suffixes and roots 4. How Much does it Cost? COSTA RICAMaking Simple Questions with BE Unit 4 Getting Around Town 1. A Day in my Community Vocabulary: Classroom language, directions, traffic signs, expressions Essential Question: 2. Help! I Need a Pair of of directions, colors What does your Shoes community look like? Answering Simple Phonology: Vowel and consonant 3. Walk this Way Questions with BE combination: it, ill, ug, ub, up Pages 87 - 112 Minimal pair sounds: /j/ and /dƷ/ 4. Step-by-Step Directions ProhibidaFun Places and Spaces suVocabulary: Outdoor activities, 1. Let’s Go Outside indoor activities, verbs, adjectives, 2. Indoor Fun on a Rainny Day adverbs, giving instructions, directions 3. Come on! Make-up your Mind Phonology: Phonemes: ending sound: ng. Vowel consonant 4. A re you Ready to Have combination: un, ut, et, eg Fun? Unit 5 Essential Question: What makes a place fun? reproducciónPages 113 - 138 Adverbs of frequency (always,sometimes,never) 1. Central America a Diverse Vocabulary: Indigenous people, Place afro-descendants, multinational diversity, adjectives, natural 2. Where can I Go? sites, entertainment, means of transportation, sport activities, events 3. How will I Get There? Phonology: Vowel consonant 4. Exploring Central America: combination: en, ed, ell, all, an No Better Place to Be Unit 6 Welcome to Central America Edición para revisiónEssential Question: What does it mean to welcome someone? del docentePages 139 - 164 Present Progressive 4
Learn to know Learn to do Learn to be and live in Learning Singular personal subjective pronouns community outcomes Simple present tense (regula verbs) Simple sentences with subject - N aming household items, • Showing gratitude appreciation and My Project… verb -object expressing likes and dislikes in respect towards own and others’ Possessive Pronouns regards to household chores, family members “Haunted making simple requests, Hangers” asking and answering • Learning how to handle emotions questions about location of and emergencies in the family p. 31 house items • Promoting equality for both genders and cooperation within group activities Personal pronoun Naming family traditions • E xpressing appreciation and My Project… Simple present tense regular and celebrations, describing gratitude Simple present tense irregular family traditions and “Act Out a Singular possessive pronouns celebrations, telling time and • Identifying one’s and others’ feelings. Fable” dates • Demonstrating empathy • Showing respect to families’ traditions p. 58 and celebrations Singular common nouns Identifying community • Expressing appreciation and My Project… helpers, naming goods and gratitude towards community helpers “Character Simple present tense regular verb services in the community, asking and responding to • S howing respect to people and to Rol Play” Nouns as modifiers questions about goods and what they do p. 84 services in the community, Interrogative sentences beginning with recognizing and using My Project… -Wh questions numbers and prices “The Geologist” Simple sentences with subject/verb/ p. 110 object My Project… Modal “can” “Personally Relating” Uncountable nouns p. 137 Imperative Verbs COSTA RICALocating buildings and Prepositions of location Interrogative sentences with -Wh places in the community, Yes/No questions with BE asking for help to find places Pronouns (he, she, I, we) • R equesting for help politely Present progressive Adjectives - nouns in the community, following • Helping people when they are lost Adverbs Modal can/could information to get to a place, Adverbs: here, there giving step by step directions Adverbs of frequency: always, sometimes, never. Prohibida su-ing nouns and noun phrases like + noun / like + -ing form Recognizing play time • D emonstrating affection and outdoor activities, recognizing empathy towards peers play time indoor activities, telling preferences about • Allowing others to express themselves love + noun / love + -ing form enjoy + noun / enjoy + -ing form reproducción-ing adjectives outdoor or indoor activities, • S howing cooperation withing group giving and following activities instructions for playing games Simple present irregular verbs Talking about the diversity of Central America, asking and responding about attractions, My Project… getting to know the possible ways to get to tourist “Creating a destinations, asking to find Modern Day out what things they enjoy Fable. Compare more in Central America and Contrast Present progressive among Fables” There is / there are p. 162 Edición para revisiónModal CAN for offering advice Adjectives for describing places: fascinating, famous, exciting, crowded del docente-Wh questions • Showing respect to foreigners or people from different cultural backgrounds Prepositions: by - on 5
Welcome to Hands On! 3 Let’s meet our friends I’m Irina I’m Felipe I’m Samuel I’m Min I’m Valentina COSTA RICA I’m Luis Prohibida su reproducción Edición para revisión del docente 6
U1nit Our Family “To Do” List Themes 1. Family Chores 2. Things I Like to Do to Help my Family 3. Can you Help me? 4. Where is the Broom? COSTA RICA Prohibida su reproducción Essential Question Edición para revisiónHow do you help your family every day? del docenteI mop the floor. I sweep my room. I do the dishes. I set the table. I help washing the car. I take out the trash. 7
L 1esson Family Chores A. Let’s Talk 1. Chant: Sing along. At My House At my house, there is work to do. At my house, we all have a chore. At my house, we all have duties. At my house, mom cooks the meals. At my house, I make the juice. COSTA RICAAt my house, dad does the dishes. At my house, my brother sweeps the floor. At my house, my sister mops the floor. At my house, there is always work to do. Prohibida suAt my house, we all help with chores. At my house, we all help with duties. reproducción B. Let’s practice Edición para revisión1. Answer the following questions with your body elbow. a. What are your chores at home? del docenteb. What is your favorite chore to do? c. What is your least favorite chore to do? 8
C. Vocabulary 1. Match the words to the corresponding picture. Make your own set of flashcards. kitchen • • bedroom • • dining room • • bathroom • • Unit 1 living room • COSTA RIC•A mop P•rohibida su • sweerp e• producción• Edición para revisión wash • del docente • 9
Let´s hear D. Reading 1. Listen and read the following story. Mom asked Samuel to clean up his bedroom. Samuel got to work. Samuel peeked under the bed. Samuel picked up his toys. Samuel fixed up his desk. Mom was happy with Samuel. CO2. Circle the corresponding face based on the story. STA RICAa. Did Samuel’s mom ask him to clean up his room? b. Did Samuel clean his room? Prohibida su Yes No reproducciónc. Was Samuel’s mom happy with Yes No d. Is Samuel’s chore to clean his Samuel? room? Edición para revisión Yes deNol docenteYes No 10
E. Phonics Time 1. Select and write the correct consonant to complete the word. Color the picture. p-m-f-r-h-c-v-t-b and an an an an an an an 2. Read the tongue twister several times. Compete with your classmate saying Unit 1 the tongue twister in front of everybody. The winner will be the most accurate and fastest of all. COSTA RICA ProhiTobngiude Tawistesr u The man has a pan in front of the fan reproducciónHe ran with the can to pick the pan With his tan he makes a ban “Do not ever run with a pan in your hand” Edición para revisión del docente 11
Let´sF. E nglish in use Idiomatic Expressions hear 1. Listen and read the following idiomatic expressions. Practice them with a partner. Run errands sHhwooemmeeet There is no I love place like you to pieces home COG. Let’s Practice STA RICA1. Interview four classmates about their family chores. Write their responses in the space below. a. What is your father’s chore at home? Prohibida su b. What is your mother’s chore at home? reproducción c. What is your chore at home? Edición para revisión del docented. What is your brother/sister’s chore at home? 12
L 2esson Things I Like to Do to Help my Family hear A. Let’s Talk 1. Listen and read the following poem. Let´s Unit 1 Chores, Chores Everywhere B. Let’s practice I like to do the dishes I like to mop the floor I like to sweep the floor I like to wash my clothes… But sometimes I don’t like to do them all I don’t like to do the dishes I don’t like to mop the floor I don’t like to sweep the floor I don’t like to wCasOh SmyTcAlothResICA 1. With a partner read the poem again. 2. Think about the title. Prohibida su3. Talk. reproducción What do you think this poem talks about? Edición para revisiónDoes it have a rhythm, pattern, rhyme? del docenteWhich words from the unit you recognize? 13
C. Vocabulary 1. Match the following actions to the activities you like or dislike. I like • • • I dislike • COSTA RICA Proh• ibida• su 11 12 reproducción 10 4 87 Edición para re•visión 5 del docente 14
D. Reading 1. Read the following story and answer the questions. Everybody helps at home. Irina helps at her house. She sweeps the floors. Unit 1 COSTA RICA Prohibida su reproducción Luis helps at his house. He always Valentina helps at her house. She cleans his room. sometimes washes the dishes. Edición para revisióna. Explain how the children in the story help at home? del docente 15
Let´s hear E. Phonics Time 1. Listen and read the poem. Circle all the words that end with -ad. Let´s The Tall Man There was a sad man The tall, tall man There was a mad man The tall, tall man He was a dad The tall, tall man He had a lad The tall, tall man. hear 2. Cross out the picture that does not end with -ad. Color the pictures COSTA RICAthat end with -ad. Listen to the words. Prohibida su KrideproduDadcción Sad Edición para revisión del docente Pad Mad Woman 16
F. E nglish in use Idiomatic Expressions 1. Draw the picture of the following idiomatic expression and use it in a sentence. I am going to run errands today Unit 1 COSTA RICA Prohibida su G. Let’s Practice reproducción1. Write a sentence using the following idiomatic expressions. To do list EdiciónHome sweet home para revisión del docente I love you to pieces 17
Let´sL 3esson CXxaxn you Help me? hear A. Let’s Talk 1. Sing the song. Use the tune of Firework by Katy Perry. Fire help! Do you ever feel like needing help? The only thing you say: “Can you help me?” Do you ever feel making a request? The only thing you say: “Please… thank you!” Do you ever feel like helping others? COSTA RICAThe only thing you say: “May I help you?” Do you know that they can help you? ‘Cause is nice to help You just gotta ask Prohibida suAnd let it shine Just help sometime reproducciónLike a person how can ‘Cause baby you’re a firework Come and show ‘em what you’re worth Edición para revisiónMake ‘em go “oh, oh, oh!” As you shoot across the sky-y-y del docente 18
2. Find a partner and discuss the song using the following sentence starters. a. I agree with the song because . b. This song is interesting because . c. I wonder if about the song. B. Vocabulary 1. Match the sentence with the corresponding picture. Can you help me • • cleaning the room? Can you pass the • COSTA• RICA Unit 1 broom? Prohibida suI don’t like to mop. • • reproducción EdiciónCan you help me para revi•sión set the table? • del docente 19
C. Reading 1. Read the following story and answer the questions. Helping at Home Sometimes my mom needs help. She tells me, “Can you help me pass the broom?” I go and get the broom from the closet and give it to my mom. Every time my mom needs help, she asks and I am happy to help her. COSTA RICA 2. Talk to your partner to answer the questions about the story, then write your answers. a. What do you have in common with Felipe? Prohibida su• • reproducción • b. What differences did you find with Felipe? • Edición para revisión • del docente • 20
D. Phonics Time 1. Read the words in the Word bank. Classify them according to their ending sound. Write them in the corresponding column. Word bank Pam, cab, lab, Sam, ham, nab, tab, jam, -ab -am 2. Draw a picture illustrating the following words. Unit 1 Pam COSTA RICSaAm Prohibida su repJamroducciónHam Edición para revisión del docente 21
E. E nglish in use Idiomatic Expressions 1. Get in a group of four and act out the following idiomatic expressions. I love you I am going to pieces. to write my to-do list for tomorrow. F. Let’s Talk 1. Find a partner to read the following dialogue. In my house, we all hCaOveScThoAreRs. ICA In my house, my baby sister does not do anything. She is one year old. Prohibida suMy favorite chore is to clean my room. It looks very nice when reproducciónI finish with it. I don’t like to sweep the floor, but my father always sweeps the floor. Edición para revisión When I finish with my chores, my del docentemom says, “I love you to pieces!” 22
L 4esson Where is the Broom? hear A. Let’s Talk 1. Sing the song. Use the tune of One Way or Another by One Direction. Let´s Unit 1 I’m Gonna Help My mom cooks and clean I’m gonna help her I’m gonna help her, help her, help her, help her My dad mops and sweeps I’m gonna help him I’m gonna help him, help him, help him, help him My mom sweeps the floor I’m gonna help her I’m gonna help her, help her, help her, help her My dad mops the floor I’m gonna help him COSTAI’m gonna help him, help him, RICAI will help with chores And if my sister is around Prohibida suShe will help too. reproducciónB. Let’s practice 1. What is your favorite part of the song? 2. How do you help in your house? Edición para revisión3. Do you have chores every day? del docente4. Do you like your chores? 5. Would you change anything about your chores? 23
C. Vocabulary 1. Write silly sentences using the words from the Word bank. Follow the example. Subject Word bank Object you - I - mom - Verb Items - broom - dad - sister - Pam - machine - mop - Wash - sweep - wastebasket - dish - Sam clean - help dustpan Subject Sentences Object 1I Verb items. wash 2 COSTA RICA 3 4 Prohibida su 5 reproducción Edición para revisión del docente 24
D. Reading 1. Read the following story. My mom cooks and cleans, but she doesn’t like to clean. I help her clean sometimes because I like to eat her food. My dad cooks and sets the table, but he doesn’t like to set the table. I help him setting the table sometimes because I like to eat his food. I help my mom, I help my dad. Everybody helps around the house. E. Phonics Time 1. Listen to the ending sound. Match the picture that corresponds to the sound. Unit 1 COSTA RICA Fresa -am • TAXI FREEPIK Prohibida su -abr•eproducción h2o Edición para revisión o2 co2 o2 co2 del docente h2 h2 h2o h2 h2c cho h2c o2 cho h2c h2o h2 cho h2 o2 h2o co2 cho h2c h2o h2 o2 co2 o2 h2 co2 o2 h2o 25
F. E nglish in use Idiomatic Expressions 1. Draw a line from each idiom/phrase beginning to its correct ending. To • • sweet home Run • • like home Home • • do list There is no place • • to pieces I love you • • errands G. Let’s Practice 1. Draw what I say. COSTA RICAa. Find a partner and tell him/her your favorite chore and your least favorite chore. b. Your partner will draw your favorite chore and your least favorite chores. c. Draw your partner’s favorite chore and his/her least favorite chore. Prohibida suFavorite chore Least favorite chore reproducción Edición para revisión del docente 26
H. Reading time 1. Read the following information about ways children help at home around the world. Helping at home is an universal activity. Every family is different and children help in their own way. But, working together to keep out homes happy and healthy doing our chores is one important thing we all have in common. Here are some examples on how kids help at home. In Haiti, Valdo washes his own In South Africa, Gabou feeds Unit 1 school uniform by hand, helps sweep the porch of his house, COSTA RICAthe pig that they keep behind the house, helps washing the and pounds spices for his laundry, and sweeps the dirt mother. walkway in front of his house. Prohibida su reproducción In New York City, Luna collects Edición para revisiónplastic bottles from the stores to Lars, in The Netherlands, helps with grocery shopping and del docentetake them later to the recyclingmaking dinner every day. place to be recycled. 27
2. In groups of four, make connections and ask questions about the story. Make connections Ask questions Good readers notice pieces of text Good readers ask questions before, that relate to or remind them about during and after reading to better their lives, past experiences, and understand the author. Ask questions other stories that they had read. about the author and the text like the following examples: Start with your partner like this: • What is the author trying to say? • That reminds me of… • Do I know something about this • This made me think of… topic? • I read another book that… • How could I explain this text to other? • This is different from… • I remember when... 3. Read the story on page 27. Using the information that you learned about making connection and asking questions, complete the following graph. The story Your life COSTA RICA Prohibida su reprodaHteuhlpoicmngeción Edición para revisión del docente 28
I. Remember to Use to useRemember SubjectProunoun A subject pronoun is used as a substitute for proper and common nouns. E xample: John is a doctor = He is a doctor A subject pronoun is used when the pronoun is the subject of the sentence. A subject pronoun indicates: N umber: singular or plural. G ender: male or female. P erson: first, second or third person. I You She Unit 1 first person singular third person singular female COSTA RICAsecond person singular He We first person plural Prohibida suthird person singular It third person singular rmaele producción Edición para revisión del docenteYou second person plural They third person plural 29
J. Practice 1. Write the corresponding subject pronoun. Use the chart below as a guide. Word bank Singular Plural I - you - she - he - it they - you - we a. (Joe, Scott, and Bob) They went hiking on the mountain together. b. (My Aunt Jane) likes to watch scary movies on television. c. (Nick and I) d. (The neighbor’s car) COSTA RICAhave a favorite restaurant in town. has a very noisy engine. e. (Jenny and Fatima) wore heavy coats to school because of the rain. Prohibida suf. (The little old lady) walks very slowly with a cane. g. (Adam’s grandfather) reproducciónago. retired from the U.S. Army four years h. (The blue notebook) contains all the notes from Science class. Edición para revisióni. (The pens and pencils) belong in the cup on the counter. del docentej. (Your uncle Peter) works for a large company in Europe. 30
My Project INFO Haunted Hangers Get in a group of four. Every team will design and create a wall hanging using construction paper shapes on the theme of helping around home. Let’s see how creative you can get! Team materials Team roles • 2 scissors • Gatekeeper • Taskmaster • 1 glue bottle • Timekeeper • Cheerleader • 4 sheets of colored construction paper Possible shapes Unit 1 COSTA RICA Prohibida sucircle square rectangle reproducción Edición opvalara revtriainsgleión del docente 31
INFO 1. Each student needs to have a team role. Give or take each a role. a. Gatekeeper needs to collect all the materials. b. Taskmaster will come up with a work plan. c. Timekeeper will remind everybody about the time left. d. Cheerleader will tell every team member how well they are doing. 2. Come up with four chores you do at home a. Paste the shapes together to illustrate the chore. b. Write a sentence that goes with your pictures about the chore. c. Hang your poster in front of the class and read the sentences to your classmates. Example COSTA RICA I sweep the room Prohibida suwith the broom. She cleans her bedroom. reproducción Edición para revisión del docenteI do the dishes everyday. I help with the garden at home every Sunday. 32
eview R 1unit 1. Complete the following boxes with your chores at home and at school. e. g. I clean my bedroom… At home Unit 1 COSTA RICA Prohibida su reprodAut scchocol ión Edición para revisión del docente 33
2. Answer the following questions. a. What is your favorite chore at home? b. Tell about one chore that children do somewhere around the world that you learned in this unit or about one you already knew. c. What is your least favorite chore at home? d. Do you have any chores at school? Mention them. I can statements 1. Color the option that represents how you think you are doing. Developing Good Very good Excellent COSTA RICAI can respond to comprehension questions about the topic of study. I can comprehend short readings and Prohibida suanalyze texts about the topic of study. I can orally answer basic questions about the reproduccióntopic of study. I can write simple sentences using the Ediciónvocabulary been studied. para revisión I can identify words ending in -an, -ad, -am, del docente-ab sound. 34
Read the Text Version
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