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Home Explore Logo Descriptions

Logo Descriptions

Published by Shyanne Faulconer, 2017-02-01 18:16:04

Description: Descriptions of Benton County logos currently in use.


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This is the logo currently residing on the County's website, and wasdesigned by our CMS website host forthat specific use. This logo is not partof the branding project directly, but willbe in use on the County's website until a new brand and logo is adopted bythe Board of Commissioners and any other interested County offices.

This logo is used on the County's social media accounts and publicrelations documents. It is difficult todecipher the individual elements inthe logo and difficult to understandin small formats, making it not ideal for continued use.

The Senator Benton seal is the\"older\" version of the County's logo. It is typically not used, but can beseen on occasional past documents as well as at the Prosser Courthouse.

The Prosser Courthouse sketch is used by multiple departmentsthroughout the County, including the Commissioners' Office and the Auditor's Office on letterhead, business cards, and other documents.

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