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Home Explore PrinceEdwardCounty_BrandManual


Published by Shyanne Faulconer, 2017-02-01 19:23:25

Description: PrinceEdwardCounty_BrandManual


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The County™ Branding Guidelines / 4.0 Brand Applications > Menu | Version 2.0 | 514.7 Electronic CommunicationsThe County has a pre-established email signature Name 1template that should be used by all municipal staff.Information includes: Title 2 • Name The Corporation of the County of Prince Edward • Position/Title • The Department Name T: 123.456.7890 ext.123 | F: 123.456.7890 3 • Business Telephone and Extension 4 • Business Facsimile [email protected] • Business Email • Business Address ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––There are standardized details that are not to be TheCountyTMmodified. These include “The County™”, webpage url,facebook & twitter hyperlinks, and the legal statement 280 Picton Main Street, Picton, ON, K0K 2T0 5with references to ‘Acts’ italicized. Mailing Address: 332 Picton Main Street, Picton, ON K0K 2T0 | facebook | twitterTemplates for electronic communications are managed,produced and regulated internally through the Corporate This communication is intended for the addressee indicated above. The information 6Communications Department. To acquire the email contained in the email will be used for municipal purposes and will be managed insignature template, contact 613.476.2148 ext. 224 or accordance with The Municipal Act and The Municipal Freedom of Information andemail [email protected]. Protection of Privacy Act. If you have received this in error, please notify us immediately. 1. N ame: 12pt Arial Bold 4. Logo: Icon only graphic, followed by “The” in 19pt Arial Regular, followed by 2. Title: 11pt Arial Regular no space and “County” in 19pt Arial Bold. 3. Address: “The Corporation of the County 5. Mailing Address: followed by the website of Prince Edward”, followed by the “”, “facebook”, and business telephone number is preceded “twitter shown in blue (C88 M55 Y7 K8) by “T:”, followed by “ext.” (extension and separated by a dash. number), “F:” (facsimile number), followed by business email address 6. Disclaimer: 9pt Arial Regular with shown in blue (C88 M55 Y7 K8) reference to the “Acts” in italics

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 4.0 Brand Applications > Menu | Version 2.0 | 534.8 Apparel Polo White Dress White T-Shirt Front Polo BlackThe County apparel provides a unique Dress Black T-Shirt Backopportunity to reinforce the brand image ina positive and memorable way. It is thereforecritical that The County logo be tastefully andconsistently applied to all items.Give the logo plenty of space and stick withneutral colours including earth tones, blacks,whites, greys, navy and beige (as examples).In ideal situations, it may be possible to selectapparel colours that reflect the primary oraccent colour palettes noted in this manual.When placing The County logo, both the primaryvertical or primary horizontal can be used.There is also flexibility to use either the colourversion or the black/white version. Ensure propercontrast is present when placing the logo oncoloured backgrounds (refer to Section 3.2).Acceptable areas to place the logo include:left side chest, center front, center back, andhorizontally along the sleeve.The proposed use of any graphic treatmentson apparel must be reviewed and approved bythe Corporate Communications Department.

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 4.0 Brand Applications > Menu | Version 2.0 | 534.9 Vehicle Identification Side-door RearThe County logo should appear in its fullcolour version whenever possible, on lighttoned vehicles. For dark vehicles the one-colour white solid version should be used(See Section 3.2 for Placing the Logo onBackground Colours).It is important to evaluate the visual contrastof a vehicle’s colour to determine whetherthe full colour or one colour solid versionshould be used.When placing The County logo, both theprimary vertical/horizontal can be used.Acceptable areas to place the logo include,either side doors, on the rear, and reversedout of rear window.The proposed use of any special graphictreatments on vehicles must be reviewed andapproved by the Corporate CommunicationsDepartment.

5.0The County™ Branding GuidelinesPhotographyThe County brand is dependent on good qualityimages that help distinguish the brand, tell itsstory, and ultimately draws further interest.Photography is an essential part of reflectingThe County spirit and sense of place. When choosing photography, ensure it: • Reflects authenticity • Delivers impact • Captures a moment in time • Engages the viewer • Tells a story

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 5.0 Photography > Menu | Version 2.0 | 555.1 Photography OverviewSubject Matter Style Scale Cropping• Experiential • Bright tonal range • Foreground - Clearly focused on • Original - Start with an appropriate• Strong sense of place • Clear/sharp focus on subject one subject matter foreground, middle-ground, or• Optimistic and warm background image• Real life (not posed or staged) matter • M iddle-ground - Clearly focused• Singular subject matter per image • Natural lighting (no extensive on mid-range view of an • C ropping - Select an area that is an experience in action appropriate size for the document photo-retouching) • Clean, simple areas of “white • B ackground - Serves as a • F inal Image - Is focused on single backdrop for the environment in subject, clutter free, and provides space” which experience occurs ample clear-space for typography

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 5.0 Photography > Menu | Version 2.0 | 565.1 Photography Overview (Continued)Scenery People Living The Corporate Communications Department maintains a selection• Picturesque nature • Real people experiencing a • Strong sense of place of County photography. Images• Serene views moment in time are available for use by internal• Rustic/vintage touches • P ride in the roots and heritage; departments as well as for• Real life (not posed or staged) • N atural and spontaneous suggesting a way of life in The external use. The Corporate• Singular subject matter per image • M ulti-cultural and multi- County Communications Department will determine appropriate use of The generational • B e wary of using the same County images, including instances • O ptimistic and warm demographic, setting and industry when permission of subjects in too often. Diversify throughout photographs is required before those multiple uses images can be reproduced. For more information, contact the Corporate Communications Department at 613.476.2148 ext. 224 or email [email protected] to make an order request.

6.0The County™ Branding GuidelinesCo-BrandingThe County brand is accessible by everyoneincluding residents, visitors, business, andorganizations. The intended composition of thisbrand was built under the pretense that the brandcaptures The County as a whole, not simply themunicipality or key official stakeholders.

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 6.0 Co-Branding > Menu | Version 2.0 | 586.1 Co-Branding with a Partner Wording placed hereAs an additional graphic added to the primary Part of Part oflogo, a simple inclusion of a descriptor line Supported byalongside the logo will help to provide clarity Funded by Special attention must be made whenand purpose to the presentation of two brands In Association with placing the appropriate wording intogether. The available options include: Sponsored by conjunction with The County logo. It is recommended that only the provided • Part of statements shown be used. The • Supported by positioning of the wording must match • Funded by the examples shown and reflect the same • In Association with size and placement. When typesetting the • Sponsored by wording, the Arial Regular typeface should • Made in be used. The size of the letters is equal to half the height of the letters in CountyCo-branding with The County logo may only (see example above).occur when a group or individual has submittedan application that outlines how they meet TheCounty’s Co-branding requirements, and inreturn have received approval from The County’sCorporate Communications Department.Those interested in co-branding with The Countyare asked to contact the Corporate CommunicationsDepartment at 613.476.2148 ext. 224 or [email protected] to confirmeligibility and process.

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 6.0 Co-Branding > Menu | Version 2.0 | 596.1 Co-Branding with a Partner (Continued)The following section establishes the Vertical Positioningrelationship between the use of TheCounty logo in conjunction with external In Association withmunicipal partners. Those interested inco-branding with The County are asked to In Association with The height proportion ofcontact the Corporate Communications the branded partner logoDepartment at 613.476.2148 ext. 224 or email xx should match to the [email protected] to confirm proportion of The County’seligibility and process. logo. The example shown exhibits the correct verticalIn order to graphically express the relationship positioning.between The County logo and a partnerbrand, co-branding standards have been The width proportionestablished. As a general rule, if the between the partner logopartnership is 50/50, The County logo will and the center grey key-appear in conjunction with the partner brand, =x line should be equal to “x”with both logos being displayed at equal size. (same width as the size as the height of The County’s type treatment). The same amount of space “x” should be placed from the grey key- line to The County logo.

The County™ Branding Guidelines / 6.0 Co-Branding > Menu | Version 2.0 | 606.1 Co-Branding with a Partner (Continued)Those interested in co-branding with The Horizontal Positioning The width proportion of theCounty are asked to contact the Corporate branded partner logo shouldCommunications Department at 613.476.2148 In Association with match to the width proportionext. 224 or email communications@pecounty. of The County to confirm eligibility and process. x The example shown exhibits x the correct horizontalIn order to graphically express the relationship positioning.between The County logo and a partner In Association withbrand, co-branding standards have been The height proportionestablished. As a general rule, if the between the partner logopartnership is 50/50, The County logo will and the center grey key-lineappear in conjunction with the partner brand, should be equal to “x” (samewith both logos being displayed at equal size. height as the size of The =x County smaller case letters). The same amount of space “x” should be placed from the grey key-line to The County logo.

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