branding standards guide brand / identity standards for Richland, Washington
table of contentslogo01. logo - primary logo mark02. logo versions - Pantone® colors, CMYK, RGB, HEX03. logo versions - black, grayscale, reversed out04. logo usage - standards, exceptions, improper usage05. logo usage - minimum size and space requirementscolors06. colors - color palette07. Pantone®, CMYK, RGB, HEX color specifications08. color tints/screens, color palette combinationstypography09. typography - primary typeface, secondary typeface10. sample text layoutweb standards11. web standards - fonts12. web standards - color, webpage text layout with color specsCreated for Richland, Washington by CivicPlus. Copyright info.
logo usageThe logo has been specifically designed to representRichland, Washington. The colors and typography have beenspecifically created to represent the unique characteristics ofRichland and its values. The logo is the way people will identifywith Richland, and therefore it cannot be altered or distorted in anyway. The logos described and shown in this guide demonstrate theways the logos should and should not be used. primary logo Nassau County PuRbliicchLliabnradry, WSyAste|m,BFrLan|dibnrganSdtinagndstaarnddsarGdsugidueide 11
logo usage two color Nassau County PublRicicLhiblraanryd,SyWstAem|, FBLra|ndbinragndSintagnsdtaanrddasrdGs ugiudidee 22full colorone color
logo usage grayscale logoblack logoblack logo approved background colors white logoon color - example approved background colors approved background colors Nassau County PuRbliicchLliabnradry, WSyAste|m,BFrLan|dibnrganSdtinagndstaarnddsarGdsugidueide 33
logo usageincorrect usage1. Do not reproduce in any other colors other than the approved colors in the branding guide.2. Do not reproduce with any other typography.3. Do not stretch or squish the logo, keep the logo proportionate.4. Do not put in or on a shape.5. Do not incorporate the logo into a word.6. Do not reproduce at an angle.7. Do not place over a photo or image.8. The logo should be surrounded by a minimum amount of free space.9. Any text other than department names should not be added to the logo. Department names shall be centered below the logo in Gill Sans font, Richland blue in color, and shall not extend beyond the width of the logo. CAPublic Works Department of Energy ServicesNassau County PublRicicLhiblraanryd,SyWstAem|, FBLra|ndbinragndSintagnsdtaanrddasrdGs ugiudidee 44
1½” minimumlogo usageminimum size and space requirementsThe smallest that the logo should appear is a minimum of 1½ inches tall to maintain its legibility.The logo should be surrounded by a minimum amount of free space to assure the logo is not too crowded.The logo needs enough room on all sides to remain prominent and clearly readable. Nassau County PuRbliicchLliabnradry, WSyAste|m,BFrLan|dibnrganSdtinagndstaarnddsarGdsugidueide 55
branding colorsThe branding colors were chosen specifically to represent Richland and to provide a colorpalette to mix and match. The use and consistency of the approved colors are important to theCity’s identity. The logo and branding colors below should be the only colors used. No substitu-tions for these color options are acceptable. The following pages includes the Pantone®,CMYK, RGB, and HEX value breakdowns and guidelines for proper use.Approved Color PaletteBlue Red Yellow Navy KhakiPantone® (PMS)The Pantone® Color Matching System is largely a standardized color reproductionsystem. Use Pantone® colors for printing on press for a precise color match.CMYKUse CMYK for printing 4 color process printing on press or with a laser printer. It usesfour inks – Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black.RGB or HEX#Use either one interchangeably for web use only. RGB uses three colors – Red,Green, and Blue. HEX values are web based only. These colors should not be usedfor any printing purposes. Nassau County PubRlicicLhiblaranryd,SWysAtem|, FBLran| dbinragndSintagnsdtaanrddasrdGs ugiudidee 66
branding colorsPantone® CMYK RGB Pantone® CMYK RGB Pantone® CMYK RGB 2747 100/85/0/13 20/61/141 187 0/100/79/20 196/18/48 101 0/0/79/0 255/244/84 HEX# HEX# HEX# 143D8D C41230 FFF454Pantone® CMYK RGB Pantone® CMYK RGB 276 100/100/0/58 15/0/78 4545 0/3/19/6 241/229/200 HEX# HEX# 0F004E F1E5C8 Nassau County PuRbliicchLliabnradr,y WSyAste|mB, FrLan|dinbrganSdtiangndsatarnddsarGdsuigdueide 77
branding colorsadditional shades/tintsUse the suggested shades of your color palette for neutral colors or any time you need to use a lighter color.PMS 2747 20% PMS 187 20% PMS 101 40% PMS 276 40% PMS 4545 30%suggested color combinationsUse these suites as a reference for color combinations when needing to usemultiple colors from your color palette.Color Suite 1 Color Suite 2 Color Suite 3 Color Suite 4 Nassau County PublRicicLhiblraanryd,SyWstAem|, FBLra|ndbinragndSintagnsdtaanrddasrdGs ugiudidee 88
typographyTo maintain a professional look in all web and printed materials, the same typefaces should beused consistently. Shown below are the approved typefaces for Richland. All fonts within thesetype families are approved for use. In some applications it may be necessary to use a substitutetypeface, such as the approved/specified web-safe font. a esecondary typeface_ Georgiaprimary typeface _Gill SansAEGill Sans GeorgiaThe Gill Sans font family is to be used primarily for headlines, subheads, and cap- The Georgia serif font family is to be used primarily for body text andtions in printed materials. large blocks of copy in printed materials.Gill Sans - character set - regular Georgia - character set - regularabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 01234567890 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 01234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}{}”:<>?-=[];’,./|\ ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}{}”:<>?-=[];’,./|\ Georgia - character set - boldGill Sans - character set - bold abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 01234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 01234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}{}”:<>?-=[];’,./|\~!@#$%^&*()_+{}{}”:<>?-=[];’,./|\ Georgia - character set - italic abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 01234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}{}”:<>?-=[];’,./|\ Nassau County PuRbliicchLliabnradry, WSyAste|m,BFrLan|dibnrganSdtinagndstaarnddsarGdsugidueide 99
typographytype example for primary typeface Gill Sans and secondary typeface GeorgiaGill SansGillSans-72ptGill Sans - 14 pt 14/18 pt Por convite do Presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Suas Majesta- des o Rei Harald Vea Rainha Sonja da Noruega realizaram uma VisitaGeorgia pro - 9 pt Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam sagittis. Nulla eu risus. Pellentesque convallis mattis leo. Praesent auctor pede eu augue. Maecenas lacinia nisi nec purus. Vestibulum sed ipsum. Aliquam porttitor eros ac felis. Sed dui libero, scelerisque sed, cursus vitae, mattis a, risus. Suspendisse sed quam at risus dapibus tempus. Etiam vitae sem ac lorem posuere imperdiet. In rutrum ornare elit. Integer blandit, tellus quis egestas fringilla, turpis nunc convallis felis, et ultricies neque lacus eleifend lacus. Maecenas sagittis ullamcorper nisi. Ut luctus. Nassau County PublRicicLhiblraanryd,SyWstAem|, FBLra|ndbinragndSintagnsdtaanrddasrdGs ugiudidee 1100
web standardsTo keep all pages of Richlands website looking professional and consistent, use the following guidelinesfor font and color usage. Do not use any unapproved fonts or colors for text, bullets, rules or graphics. TheArial web-safe font is to be used for all web applications and as a substitute font and if the primary andsecondary fonts are not available.a eweb-safe typeface Arialarial regularThe Arial web-safe font family is to be used for all web applications.It may also be used as a substitute font when the primary andsecondary fonts are not available.Arial - character set - regularabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 01234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}{}”:<>?-=[];’,./|\Arial - character set - boldabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 01234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}{}”:<>?-=[];’,./|\Arial - character set - italicabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 01234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}{}”:<>?-=[];’,./|\ Nassau County PuRbliicchLliabnradry, WSyAste|m,BFrLan|dibnrganSdtinagndstaarnddsarGdsugidueide 1111
web standardsHeadline Subhead 1 Subhead 2 Content Text Hyperlinks Bullets Page Rules RGB RGB RGB RGB RGB RGB RGB151/0/18 24/40/97 102/87/33 0/0/0 97/112/168 0/0/0 246/243/232 HEX# HEX# HEX# HEX# HEX# HEX# HEX# 970012 182861 655721 000000 6170a8 00000000 fbf7e2type example for web-safe ArialHeadlineSubhead 1Sed mollis turpis quis elit. Nunc justo enim, posuere at, viverra non,rhoncus eget, nisl. Nunc urna orci, porta a, imperdiet sed.Subhead 2Nulla consectetuer, tellus ut hendrerit laoreet, turpis. Cum squepenatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus.• Etiam orci ligula, tempus nec.• Scelerisque a, blandit sit amet, mauris. Nassau County PublRicicLhiblraanryd,SyWstAem|, FBLra|ndbinragndSintagnsdtaanrddasrdGs ugiudidee 1122
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