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Home Explore County of Marin

County of Marin

Published by Shyanne Faulconer, 2017-02-01 19:16:42

Description: County of Marin


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CONTENTS1.0 L O G O S > > IDENTITY STYLE GUIDE: PURPOSEThis section lists acceptable The following pages are meant to guide County staff, designers, and vendorscombinations of the symbol and in the application of the logo for the County of Marin. The Identity Style Guidelogotype. When combined, these has been created to promote a uniform portrayal of the County (Outcome C ofelements create the primary and Strategic Plan). Consistent use of the county logo will convey a sense of continuitysecondary logos for the County of to the public as a family of departments and agencies working together towardMarin. Also discussed here is the the County’s mission, “to provide excellent services that support healthy, safe andhistory and significance of the identity, sustainable communities; preserve Marin’s unique environment heritage; andas well as color treatments. encourage meaningful participation in the governance of the County by all”. In practical terms, standardization of logo and materials will optimize efficiency2.0 A P P L I C A T I O N S > > in the production and use of stationery and other materials across all levels of County government.This section shows examples of howthe identity can be applied in a variety Because many departments of the County of Marin have their own publicly recognizedof print and digital media. This section logos and graphical styles, the materials shown have been designed to allow for theis meant to be used only as a guide. individual expression of departments and agencies where appropriate.05.2014COUNTY OF MARIN IDENTITY STYLE GUIDE

1.1 Background IDENTITY STYLE GUIDE 1.0 LOGOS1.2 Significance1.3 Primary Logo1.4 Secondary Logo1.5 Logotypes1.6 Logos Reversed1.7 Colored Logos1.8 Logo Graphic1.9 Color Palette1.10 Fonts1.11 File Formats and AccessCOUNTY OF MARIN

1.1The main graphic element in the FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT AARON GREENCounty of Marin’s logo is the drawingof the Marin Civic Center. Designedby legendary architect Frank LloydWright, the building is a reflectionof Marin County’s unique characterand values. These include transparentgovernance, environmental preserva-tion and healthy, sustainable andsafe communities. The drawing of theMarin Civic Center was designed byAaron Green, Frank Lloyd Wright’sWest Coast Representative and Archi-tect of Record for the Marin Civic Cen-ter, which was completed in 1962. COUNTY OF MARIN05.2014COUNTY OF MARIN IDENTITY STYLE GUIDE

SIGNIFICANCE 1.2Wright described his design for theMarin Civic Center as an “Architectureof Democracy,” representingaspiration, humanism, equality andmeritocracy. The organic arches of thebuilding mimic the surrounding hills ofMarin County. It was designed totouch the land lightly, reflecting theCounty’s deep commitment to landconservation. Inside, the light,openness and cleanliness of the spacewas intended to expose the communityto the transparency of government,inspire trust in leadership andcollaboration amongst governmententities, and encourage citizeninvolvement in County affairs. Thebuilding was designed to last 300years, consistent with the County’sshared values for sustainability, andwas recently nominated to become aUNESCO World Heritage site. COUNTY OF MARIN05.2014COUNTY OF MARIN IDENTITY STYLE GUIDE

PRIMARY LOGO PRIMARY LOGO 1.3The Primary Logo for the County of Comprised of Civic Center symbol MINIMUM SIZEMarin is comprised of the Civic Center and County of Marin logotype renderedsymbol designed by Aaron Green, in black lines and type. Always place the The Primary Logoand the County of Marin logotype. logo so that it has enough “breathing” should maintain aThis logo should be the first choice room in a layout. Never overlap with minimum width ofwhen representing the County of other logos or graphics. 1.25” from the leftMarin. Because the logo was derived edge of the domefrom a pen and ink drawing, it is to the dotted end ofmost often used in simple black and the horizon line onwhite. Color versions are described on the right. The logopage 1.7 and are reserved for special should never beapplications. stretched or distorted.The symbol can be used by itself only 1.25”in select and approved applications.Art for the logo has been providedand should never be recreated. SYMBOL LOGOTYPE05.2014COUNTY OF MARIN IDENTITY STYLE GUIDE

SECONDARY LOGO 1.4The Secondary Logo reproportions SECONDARY LOGO 0.75”the logotype in relation to the CivicCenter symbol. This logo is to be used Comprised of Civic Center symbolin cases where space limitations in and County of Marin Secondary Logotype.a layout require a smaller logo. The Always place the logo so that it has enough breath-Secondary Logo allows for “County of ing room in a layout. Never overlap with otherMarin” to be legible or appropriately logos or graphics.emphasized even at a small size.Art for the logo has been provided MINIMUM SIZEand should never be recreated. The Secondary Logo should maintain a05.2014 minimum width of 0.75” from the leftCOUNTY OF MARIN IDENTITY STYLE GUIDE edge of the dome to the right margin of the logotype. The logo should never be stretched or distorted.

LOGOTYPES 1.5The Primary and Secondary Logotypes PRIMARY LOGOTYPE MINIMUM SIZE 0.75”for the County of Marin can be used SECONDARY LOGOTYPEin instances where size constraints The Primary Logotype should maintain aor logo clutter in a layout call for a minimum width of 0.75”. The logotypesimple, typographic representation of should never be recreated stretched orthe County. distorted.The Primary Logotype arranges MINIMUM SIZE 0.5”“County of Marin” in Futura typefacein all caps on one line. This logotype The Secondary Logotype should maintainshould be used preferentially when a minimum width of 0.5”. The logotypetypographic representations of the should never be stretched or distorted.County are appropriate.The Secondary Logotype arrangesthe words “County of” in smallertype above the word “Marin.” Thislogotype can be used in cases wherehorizontal layout constraints call for amore compact version of the logotype.Futura font was selected to be con-sistent with the font found inside theMarin Civic Center in signage andother historic lettering.Digital files for these logotypes havebeen provided. They should never bealtered or recreated.05.2014COUNTY OF MARIN IDENTITY STYLE GUIDE

LOGOS REVERSED 1.6When being placed on dark or black SECONDARY LOGO REVERSEDbackgrounds, use the reversed version SECONDARY LOGOTYPE REVERSEDof the Primary and Secondary Logosand Logotypes. These versions replacethe black line art and typography withwhite. Artwork for the reversed logosand logotypes has been provided andshould never be altered or recreated. PRIMARY LOGO REVERSED PRIMARY LOGOTYPE REVERSED05.2014COUNTY OF MARIN IDENTITY STYLE GUIDE

COLORED LOGOS 1.7Color can be added to the Primary [A] CIRCULAR SEALLogo by using a circle or square to ful-ly or partially contain the logo, or by [B] SQUARE PATCHchanging the spire to gold. Coloredlogos can be used in cases where the [C] GOLD SYMBOLlogo needs to be emphasized by acontaining shape, or for special docu- Print this logo in metallicments or certificates where metallic or foil onlygold can be printed or foil-stamped. MARIN COUNTY GOLD METALLIC GOLDOption A places a solid gold circle (for digital uses) (for printing only)behind the Primary Logo but allowsthe spire and the dotted horizon line c11 m28 y90 k0 Metallic: PMS 8643to break out. PMS 7405 (uncoated) Foil: Use a matte PMS 7406 (coated) metallic foil thatOption B places the logo inside a r229 g181 b59 matches the PMSsquare but shortens the line so that the #e5b53b metallic.entire logo is contained within. Thisoption can be used in cases whereproduction constraints require the logoto be contained within a shape.In Option C, the spire has beenchanged from black to gold. Option Dis an all-gold version of the logo.The specifications for the gold colorhave been provided and should neverbe altered. Metallic gold should onlybe used in printed pieces when metal-lic spot color or gold foil can be ap-plied, such as certificates and specialpublications.05.2014COUNTY OF MARIN IDENTITY STYLE GUIDE

LOGO GRAPHIC 1.8A graphic mark can be used as adesign element on print or presenta-tion materials when needed. Themark is comprised of the primary logowithout the County of Marin logotype.The black color of the logo has beenconverted to gray (15% black) onlyfor this purpose and should not bealtered.Art for the logo graphic has been pro-vided and should never be recreated.05.2014COUNTY OF MARIN IDENTITY STYLE GUIDE

COLOR PALETTE PRIMARY PALETTE 1.9The Primary Color Palette consists of BLACK GOLD SUGGESTED COLORS2 colors, black and gold. Black is c0 m0 y0 k100 pms 7405 (Uncoated)used in the line art and typography r0 g0 b0 pms 7406 (Coated) Use of this color palette will createfor the County logos and logotypes. c11 m28 y90 k0 continuity and a strong family brand ofThe Gold is derived from the gold # 000000 r229 g181 b59 departments and agencies.spire of the Marin Civic Center and # e5b53bcan be used in special cases as in thecircular seal version of the logo. The SECONDARY PALETTEspecifications for metallic gold canbe found on page 1.7 of this guide BLUE DARK GRAY LIGHT GRAYand can be used in foil stamping the pms 3005 c0 m0 y0 k70 c0 m0 y0 k40logo. All colors are available to be c83 m50 y0 k0 r111 g111 b111 r169 g169 b169used in other print material created r7 g119 b207 # 6f6f6f # a9a9aby any County Department for their #0777cfcommunications. RED GREEN BROWNThe Secondary Color Palette is pms 492 pms 5763 pms 730comprised of 6 additional colors c0 m70 y66 k30 c53 m38 y79 k17 c29 m61 y96 k16which are derived from either the r180 g83 b64 r115 g120 b74 r162 g102 b43building color or the surrounding # b45340 # 73784a # a2662benvironment of the Marin CivicCenter. These can be used in thedesign of official communications forthe County and Departments. The Blueshould be used sparingly, primarily foran accent color. The Greys shown canbe used for lighter version screens ofthe logo. The remaining colors can beused as a larger background color orin graphics such as charts and graphs.05.2014COUNTY OF MARIN IDENTITY STYLE GUIDE

FONTS 1.10Futura is the primary font used in the SUGGESTED FONTS Headline 1 HEADLINE 1signage at the Marin Civic Center.The Futura font family was therefore Futura Family HEADLINE 2 : ALL CAPS, SPACING 75 Futuraadopted for all official logo and Arial Family 28ptlogotype art for the County and Georgia Family PARUMDITI SIT, SITATINCIPIS NONSEQUIShas been purchased for use by all Verdana Family HEADLINE 2Departments. It can also be used in ERAERUM ENDUNT.print collateral as specified here and Futuraas indicated in the word templates ALL CAPSprovided. 11/14ptArial Regular is the preferred font letterspacing 4.5for body copy. However, in specialcases where a serif font is needed to Subhead 1 : Futura Book Bold, U&lc. SUBHEAD 1communicate information, the Georgiafamily of fonts can be substituted. Body Copy 1, san serif font is set in Arial for all print materials. Futura Book BoldVerdana is the font used on the Make note that leading should be 2pts larger than font size or 11ptwebsite. more for best legibility. Ficidips andipsaped ut lamus corum volores untiam eos minis a volorrum ut asperita susam quam BODY COPY 105.2014 quias sa non cone volorist exeribu sandel id et de volorCOUNTY OF MARIN IDENTITY STYLE GUIDE maximaximin corum ipis exeruntem di dipsam re pla de volupta Arial Regular tisquiaernam il inus et int, ommos diat. Mus, ipsunt, que sequi as 9/11pt verestotata ni nobis vitiosa ndelecto beri arum imolupta dolorae latusant occuscilis a dolor rehentis ut ut ea con ni offic to invenim possiti quid moluptatem quo qui to eumque omniatur? SUBHEAD 2 : FUTURA BOOK BOLD, ALL CAPS. SUBHEAD 2 Body Copy 2, serif font is set in Georgia Regular. Ficidips andipsaped Futura Book Bold ut lamus corum volores untiam eos minis a volorrum ut asperita ALL CAPS susam quam quias sa non cone volorist exeribu sandel id et de volor 8pt maximaximin corum ipis exeruntem di dipsam re pla de volupta letterspacing 4.5 tisquiaernam il inus et int, ommos diat. Mus, ipsunt, que sequi as verestotata ni nobis vitiosa ndelecto beri arum imolupta dolorae latusant BODY COPY 2 occuscilis a dolor rehentis ut ut ea Georgia Regular 8/10/12pt

FILE FORMATS AND ACCESS 1.11Digital art for the Primary Logo, PRINTSecondary Logo, Logotypes andColor Logos has been provided and is E P S : This vector-based file format shouldavailable for download on the County be used for all high resolution printof Marin’s MINE intranet. County of applications.Marin Identity art should never be C O L O R S P A C E : EPS files have beenaltered or recreated. provided in both PMS spot colors and asDigital art files for use in print, web CMYK mixes for four-color printing.and MS Office applications have been R E S O L U T I O N : Because this file type isprovided. Vector EPS versions of logos vector-based, it can be enlarged withoutand logotypes are considered the losing quality.native, or original files. These files pro-vide the highest quality reproduction WEB / ELECTRONICand should be used whenever pos-sible. The filenames of the logos match P N G : This file format has been providedthe names used in this style guide. for use on the web and in on-screen or Microsoft Office applications. PNG05.2014 files can be used in the same way asCOUNTY OF MARIN IDENTITY STYLE GUIDE JPGs and are considered equivalent to JPG files. PNGs have been provided because they offer better quality for line art, are smaller in file size, and because they allow for transparency (which is necessary for the black-only logos that will be placed on colored backgrounds). C O L O R S P A C E : PNGs have been provided in RGB for use on the web, in on-screen applications, and in Microsoft Office. R E S O L U T I O N : These file types have been provided at resolutions appropriate for both Microsoft Office print applications and at lower resolution for on-screen and web-based applications.

2.1 Letterhead IDENTITY STYLE GUIDE 2.0 APPLICATIONS2.2 Letters2.3 Business Cards2.4 Envelopes and Labels2.5 Flyers2.6 Newsletters2.7 PowerPoint, Gold Seal2.8 PowerPoint, Primary Logo2.9 Digital Signatures2.10 Websites2.11 VideosCOUNTY OF MARIN

LETTERHEAD 2.1Templates for letterhead for all depart- BOARD OF SUPERVISORSments of the County of Marin havebeen created in both InDesign (for Susan L. Adams Oct 17, 2013producing pre-printed letterhead) and 2ND VICE PRESIDENTMS Word (for electronic documents). 1ST DISTRICT John DoeThe Primary Logo sits in the top left Marin County Board of Supervisorsabove the sender’s name and address Katie Rice 3501 Civic Center Driveblock. Department name, division and VICE PRESIDENT San Rafael, CA 94903tagline are used as a header to the 2ND DISTRICTright of the logo. Dear John, Kathrin SearsDepartments that have their own logos PRESIDENT Vel in es a doluptaecae volupistia volorat quibus sam volupta spernat emolpore odisuse a slightly modified letterhead 3RD DISTRICT voluptas diatum nus ent molupta tintion senetus mint at quid quis sim volores suntotemplate which leaves room for the voluptatur?department logo above the sender’s Steve Kinseyaddress block. (See page 2.2.) 4TH DISTRICT Recommendation: Senet, consed undus velia dolorem quasiti te enite volestis explibusant hicim vellupt Judy Arnold atiunt eatur autem vento estorep eliberu ntotae cusdanias apitatiatur? venis molorae 5TH DISTRICT reria vollacc ulparitas molest volorru ptatium vid ut ex et quiam re sequident vendis dit voluptatat. Marin County Civic Center 3501 Civic Center Drive Discussion: Suite 225 Ihilitaqui doluptatium que cone volorum hil modi unt ut quo voluptiat. Et idem quam San Rafael, CA 94903 net fugit porepel enihita aciisqui ius, ut es dolo expedig enisquati atifugit ulpa ipsa 415 473 3680 T eum evelend amendes sunt, sitia vendigendi totatiundis autem quianto eium imin et CRS Dial 711 esto odiatur atur, ut eu odis voluptas diatum nus ent molupta tintion senetus mint at quid quis sim volores sunto voluptatur? Luptur, aut pliquunt iuscien delenditatem nempercium faccaepe autae pos nis rene et vel etur repelit ea doluat omnit eatemporemos velis quam et veliqui bernametur, quossin ctecusa serum nos samus. Other Department Involvement: Ex eum et que ad unt fugit magnimusam erum essitis quatis es estius eosapit orenis reiur am qui officatentem reseces natur, cus aces dererro et vel imodi nataquatio occat. Sincerely, Kathrin Sears President BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DEPARTMENTS WITHOUT LOGOS05.2014COUNTY OF MARIN IDENTITY STYLE GUIDE

LETTERS 2.2Correspondence from all departments MARIN COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT CONTINUED FROM PG.1 Nequis abor rendem quam, quaeror sapiend itibusapid ma auteser itiumqu atiniatemof the County of Marin should be com- pg. 2 of 2 inciaes equatur accatem nusdae rem iusto venda qui con rem quae voloreptumposed on County of Marin letterhead. Committed to the preservation of life, property and environment. endantiis si te excerior ario. Ut expercit fugiam, qui beribus aligenitate nonseris delisTemplates for secondary pages of audita venihil icium, solore ratem quiditis ent facea vollabo rporeped maiost optaemultiple-page letters have also been November 1, 2013 sunt est estem lab intur, suntur? Eria et omnimag nihit, odi anducid quamus.provided. Mi, sum, to volut lab ium nimustin eveliqui sinumquatur, officaectus evelestiis John Doe exerum, volorest facil moluptat eos erectur?Pre-printed letterhead contains headers Marin County Board of Supervisorswith the County of Marin Primary Logo Jason Weber 3501 Civic Center Drive Opta voloreiusam es et ullorro volor renitis molorerferum dolut ani sin restis dolestand department names, as well as FIRE CHIEF San Rafael, CA 94903 harum ullaceatem lanihil eum enis ant pliquos dolorrum hicabo. Ximusa vellanditasdepartment logo and sender’s address et, qui nonem fuga. Ficil ente rendam que accaborectem si bera velestis reiurit atiost,block. MS Word templates include 33 Castle Rock Ave Dear John, ut apicid unt modia sediciae. Itatur, tem que ipiet maximin eosae vel minvendaethese elements as placed digital art to PO Box 518 estiunte nonsequate con remporemqui vidist venim hic temqui repeles sumquid molopreserve consistent placement of logos Woodacre, CA 94973 Vel in es a doluptaecae volupistia volorat quibus sam volupta spernat emolpore odis te inimust volupta nosam, quat lat.and the County’s distinctive Futura 415 473 6717 T voluptas diatum nus ent molupta tintion senetus mint at quid quis sim volores suntotypeface. 415 473 7820 F voluptatur? Nobit, si officte con nim enda andunt, sam sum sae maior arundiantisi voluptam voluptaque volut as ipit veni sincien dissit audaeca tendellutat.Bus am et verorroThe body of each letter can be com- Recommendation: dolore comniatque sam qui id erspelentum vid quiam ea nulpa dent et pediandam sitposed using the universal font Arial in Woodacre Senet, consed undus velia dolorem quasiti te enite volestis explibusant hicim vellupt estrumquunt excerae. Pudions edignietur ressi doloreri omnieni cuptur sandae. Ut11 point size. Subheads in letters use Throckmorton Ridge atiunt eatur autem vento estorep eliberu ntotae cusdanias apitatiatur? venis molorae aut es vendam re nonsedi gnatati ut voluptust vendant fugitio. Nam ut earist, solutArial Bold for emphasis. Marin City reria vollacc ulparitas molest volorru ptatium vid ut ex et quiam re sequident vendis quiasperum fugit, omnihil ime cum, cus entio. Point Reyes dit voluptatat. Hicks Valley Ut lacestibus eos sitint, nobit hillabor as et omnissunt velles magnis molor alibus Tomales Discussion: eum, offici sum que vel min numque se con repudit atatem quost et fuga. Acea Ross Valley: rescue 40 Ihilitaqui doluptatium que cone volorum hil modi unt ut quo voluptiat. Et idem quam dolupta tquostio. Ne alitio blaudicit quiant quo moluptat et aut eium, aut et quia cus net fugit porepel enihita aciisqui ius, ut es dolo expedig enisquati atifugit ulpa ipsa suntorerro mo modia con re neceped molorum ium autent am ex eiumqui testem eum evelend amendes sunt, sitia vendigendi totatiundis autem quianto eium imin et repudam, torem sum quuntia epratur? esto odiatur atur, ut eu odis voluptas diatum nus ent molupta tintion senetus mint at quid quis sim volores sunto voluptatur? Sincerely, Luptur, aut pliquunt iuscien delenditatem nempercium faccaepe autae pos nis rene Jason Weber et vel etur repelit ea doluat omnit eatemporemos velis quam et veliqui bernametur, quossin ctecusa serum nos samus. Jason Weber Fire Chief Other Department Involvement: Ex eum et que ad unt fugit magnimusam erum essitis quatis es estius eosapit orenis reiur am qui officatentem reseces natur, cus aces dererro et vel imodi nataquatio occat. Ed ma quost incias molupta por auta voluptur as repellaut autecta vit est dolupta tionseq uibusa voluptis arum utem il ipsam eatios etus, isimet unte aute dior aute omni aut auta doluptaes acerferumque nis mincto te intur ma cus sequi adionseque quodio. Rume pel il moluptatati beribus el iliquibus aceperorum estiatatium eveniss intiorecum enia et iunt hil enis alitiatus dolest acerum volo volupta nusam, quia quat labo. Onsenecate doluptat omnis aut omnihit oditibus, sandae doluptat. Volore nis dis es et as el moloreperias eos unt eatia nissit porempe llandam et quis nisciis eserorate sequatur, sam, sape dolendam, velendunt eic tes non comnihic tem. MARIN COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT P.O. Box 518 · 33 Castle Rock Ave · Woodacre, CA 94973 DEPARTMENT WITH LOGO SECONDARY PAGE FIRST PAGE (for all letterhead)05.2014COUNTY OF MARIN IDENTITY STYLE GUIDE

BUSINESS CARDS 2.3At right are recommended business Kathrin Sears Linda Dahlcard layouts for the County of Marin. PRESIDENT DIRECTOR & GENERAL MANAGEROption A is a layout for departmentsthat do not have their own proprietary BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Marin County Parkslogos. This layout uses the County of 3501 Civic Center Drive, Suite 260Marin Primary Logo, with the name, 3501 Civic Center Drive, Suite 225 San Rafael, CA 94903department and address block to the San Rafael, CA 94903 415 473 6387 Tright of the logo. 415 473 7331 T 415 473 3795 F 415 473 3645 F [email protected] B is an alternate layout for [email protected] marinparks.orgdepartments with their own logos.It provides more emphasis to the Jason Weberdepartment logo and uses the Countyof Marin Logo as a watermark in the Joanne Peterson FIRE CHIEFbottom right hand corner of the card. DIRECTOR Marin County Fire DepartmentDigital templates have been provided 33 Castle Roack Avenueand should not be altered or DEPARTMENT OF PO Box 518recreated. Woodacre, CA 94973 HUMAN RESOURCES 415 473 6717 T 415 473 7820 F 3501 Civic Center Drive, Suite 415 [email protected] San Rafael, CA 94903 415 473 6104 T 415 473 5960 F DEPARTMENTS WITH LOGOS [B] [email protected] DEPARTMENTS WITHOUT LOGOS [A] Marin County - Phase 2 , pg 3 title: MarinCty Business Cards 4 07.20.11 / L Studio05.2014COUNTY OF MARIN IDENTITY STYLE GUIDE Marin County - Phase 2 , pg 1 title: MarinCty Business Cards 4 07.20.11 / L Studio

ENVELOPES AND LABELS DEPARTMENT OF 2.4Standard envelopes and mailing INFORMATION SERVICESlabels have been created for all & TECHNOLOGYdepartments of the County of Marin.Envelopes and labels use the Primary 371 Bel Marin Keys Boulevard, Suite 100Logo of the County of Marin with de- Novato, CA 94949partment names and return address in only. Individual department logoswill not be included on envelopes DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Ms Marianna Leuscheland labels. L Studio 3501 Civic Center Drive, Suite 225 2302 Bridgeway Blvd05.2014 San Rafael, CA 94903 Sausalito, CA 94966COUNTY OF MARIN IDENTITY STYLE GUIDE Ms Marianna Leuschel L Studio 2302 Bridgeway Blvd Sausalito, CA 94966 #10 ENVELOPES [ Envelope ] Marin County Parks [ Envelope ] 3501 Civic Center Drive, suite 260 san rafael, Ca 94903 Ms Marianna Leuschel L Studio 2302 Bridgeway Blvd Sausalito, Ca 94965 STANDARD MAILING LABELS

FLYERS [Heading] [Heading] COUNTY OF MARIN 2.5 [Date] at [Location] [OPTIONAL: INSERT DEPARTMENT]A suite of flyers has been created for [DATE] AT [LOCATION]use by the County and all County [ SU B H EADIN G ] [ S UB H EADIN G ] PRESENTSDepartments. Templates are avail-able with the Primary County logo, Marin County Civic Center Marin County Civic Center [Insert time (e.g., 10:00am, or 10:30-11:30am) or subheading] [Event Name]the Gold Seal logo and departmental 3501 Civic Center Drive 3501 Civic Center Drive What will be happening during this time? [Date]logos, as applicable. Suite 000 Suite 000 San Rafael, CA 94903 San Rafael, CA 94903 [insert another time or subheading] at [Location]Shown here are both the color and 415 473 0000 T 415 473 0000 T What will be happening during this time?black/white versions of the flyers. 415 473 0000 F 415 473 0000 F [Note: If more times are needed, simply copy the time/description group, and paste after this [ SU B H EADIN G ]Images on colored versions amy be CRS Dial 711 CRS Dial 711 grouping.]removed for an alternative format. [insert time (e.g., 10:00am, or 10:30-11:30am) or subheading] To register visit: What will be happening during this time? countyofmarin (or an alternate URL/RSVP/Social Media link, as necessary) To register visit: countyofmarin (or an alternate URL/RSVP/Social Media link, as necessary) Photo by: Jeff Wong  Insert information in these [insert time 1 (e.g., 10:00am)] To register visit: bullets relevant to the event being advertised What will be happening during this time? The Marin County website events page  You may make these [insert time 2 (e.g. 12:30- (or an alternate URL/RSVP/Social Media link, bullets any of these five 2:00pm)] as necessary) colors, so long as all the bullets are the same color What will be happening during this time? [If additional information is necessary, add it  Insert information in these Note: If more times are needed, simply copy here] bullets relevant to the  You may select the top- the time/description group, and paste after event being advertised most black, blue, red, this grouping. Photo by: Jeff Wong green, or brown from the  You may make these “Theme Colors” font colors [Or, if there is a significant amount of additional necessary information, you may add it here, bullets any of these five [If additional information is necessary, add it here] in the panel above (or just instead of in the right-hand column above.] colors, so long as all the copy and paste any of bullets are the same color All public meetings and events sponsored or conducted by the County of Marin are held in accessible sites. these five bullets) All public meetings and events sponsored or conducted by the County of Marin are held in accessible sites. Requests for accommodations may be made by calling (415) 473-4381 (Voice), (415) 473-3232 (TDD/TTY) or Photo by: Jeff Wong Requests for accommodations may be made by calling (415) 473-4381 (Voice), (415) 473-3232 (TDD/TTY) or  You may select the top- by e-mail at [email protected] at least five business days in advance of the event. Copies of [If additional information is necessary, add it here]  Please do not use different by e-mail at [email protected] at least five business days in advance of the event. Copies of most black, blue, red, documents are available in alternative formats, upon request. shades of these colors documents are available in alternative formats, upon request. green, or brown from the “Theme Colors” font colors  These colors have been in the panel above (or just All public meetings and events sponsored or conducted by the County of Marin are held in pre-set to the official copy and paste any of accessible sites. Requests for accommodations may be made by calling (415) 473-4381 County colors these five bullets) (Voice), (415) 473-3232 (TDD/TTY) or by e-mail at [email protected] at least five business days in advance of the event. Copies of documents are available in alternative  Please do not use different formats, upon request. shades of these colors Marin County Civic Center 415 000 0000 T  These colors have been 3501 Civic Center Drive 415 473 0000 F pre-set to the official Suite 000 CRS Dial 711 County colors San Rafael, CA 94903 [A] SIDE BAR (COLOR) [B] TITLE BAR (COLOR) [C] CENTERED (COLOR) Marin County Civic Center [Heading] Marin County Civic Center [Heading] COUNTY OF MARIN 3501 Civic Center Drive [Date] at [Location] 3501 Civic Center Drive [OPTIONAL: INSERT DEPARTMENT] Suite 000 Suite 000 [DATE] AT [LOCATION] San Rafael, CA 94903 [SUBHEADING] San Rafael, CA 94903 [ S UB H EADIN G ] PRESENTS 415 473 0000 T 415 473 0000 T 415 473 0000 F [insert time 1 (e.g., 10:00am)] To register visit: 415 473 0000 F [insert time (e.g., 10:00am, or 10:30-11:30am) or subheading] [Event Name] CRS Dial 711 CRS Dial 711 What will be happening during this time? [Date] What will be happening during this time? The Marin County website events page [insert another time or subheading] at [Location] countyofmarin [insert time 2 (e.g. 12:30- (or an alternate URL/RSVP/Social Media link, countyofmarin What will be happening during this time? 2:00pm)] as necessary) [Note: If more times are needed, simply copy the time/description group, and paste after this [ SU B H EADIN G ] grouping.] What will be happening during this time? [insert time (e.g., 10:00am, or 10:30-11:30am) or subheading] [Note: If more times are needed, simply copy To register visit: What will be happening during this time? the time/description group, and paste after To register visit: this grouping.] (or an alternate URL/RSVP/Social Media link, as necessary) (or an alternate URL/RSVP/Social Media link, as necessary) [If additional information is necessary, add it here.] [If additional information is necessary, add it here] All public meetings and events sponsored or conducted by the County of Marin are held in accessible sites. Requests for accommodations may be made by calling (415) 473-4381 (Voice), (415) 473-3232 (TDD/TTY) or by e-mail at [email protected] at least five business days in advance of the event. Copies of [If additional information is necessary, add it here] documents are available in alternative formats, upon request. All public meetings and events sponsored or conducted by the County of Marin are held in accessible sites. Requests for accommodations may be made by calling (415) 473-4381 (Voice), (415) 473-3232 (TDD/TTY) or by e-mail at [email protected] at least five business days in advance of the event. Copies of documents are available in alternative formats, upon request.  Insert information in these  Insert information in these All public meetings and events sponsored or conducted by the County of Marin are held in bullets relevant to the bullets relevant to the accessible sites. Requests for accommodations may be made by calling (415) 473-4381 event being advertised event being advertised (Voice), (415) 473-3232 (TDD/TTY) or by e-mail at [email protected] at least five business days in advance of the event. Copies of documents are available in alternative  Lorem ipsum dolor sit  Lorem ipsum dolor sit formats, upon request. amet, consectetur amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed adipiscing elit. Sed Marin County Civic Center 415 000 0000 T elementum vestibulum elementum vestibulum 3501 Civic Center Drive 415 473 0000 F lobortis. lobortis. Suite 000 CRS Dial 711 San Rafael, CA 94903  Etiam et convallis lorem.  Etiam et convallis lorem. Sed odio velit, pharetra Sed odio velit, pharetra rhoncus fringilla at, facilisis rhoncus fringilla at, facilisis a tortor. a tortor.  Vivamus tincidunt quis dui  Vivamus tincidunt quis dui hendrerit consequat. hendrerit consequat.  Praesent eget vehicula  Praesent eget vehicula felis. Proin blandit mauris felis. Proin blandit mauris sed felis tempor pharetra. sed felis tempor pharetra. [D] SIDE BAR (B/W) [E] TITLE BAR (B/W) [F] CENTERED (B/W)05.2014COUNTY OF MARIN IDENTITY STYLE GUIDE

NEWSLETTERS 2.6A template for the newsletter has been    created for use by the County and all  County Departments. The template [Insert Title Here]uses the Primary County Logo and op- [Insert Title Here]tions are provided for it to be printedin either black and white or in color; [INSERT A SUBTITLE OR DESCRIPTION HERE; THIS TEMPLATE IS [INSERT A SUBTITLE OR DESCRIPTION HERE; THIS TEMPLATE ISthe black and white version may also MEANT FOR TEXT-HEAVY FLYERS OR NEWSLETTERS] MEANT FOR TEXT-HEAVY FLYERS OR NEWSLETTERS]be printed on gold-colored paper. Marin County Civic Center [Insert section 1 title] [Insert section 4 title] Marin County Civic Center  [Insert section 1 title] [Insert section 4 title]The recommended colored paper 3501 Civic Center Drive 3501 Civic Center Driveis available at Staples, Item No. Suite 000 Insert section 1 body; this can be an overall Photo by: Jeff Wong Suite 000 Insert section 1 body; this can be an overall • Insert section 4 body; this can be a490944. San Rafael, CA 94903 description, with the following sections as San Rafael, CA 94903 description, with the following sections as supporting section, or a stand-alone 415 473 0000 T support; or this can be one of multiple You may also want to place a picture with 415 473 0000 T support; or this can be one of multiple section. 415 473 0000 F different sections; or whatever information the text; this is optional, of course, but if you 415 473 0000 F different sections; or whatever information CRS Dial 711 you would like to present in this style. This do, please ensure the photo is ADA- CRS Dial 711 you would like to present in this style. This • You may use bullets, if you would like, template is meant for text-heavy flyers, and compliant (please refer to the note in the template is meant for text-heavy flyers, and but they may or may not be necessary for this sentence is filler. This template is text box below). this sentence is filler. This template is the information you would like to present. meant for text-heavy flyers, and this countyofmarin meant for text-heavy flyers, and this To turn them off, click the “Bullets” button sentence is filler. This template is meant for [Insert section 5 title] sentence is filler. This template is meant for in the “Paragraph” section above, in the text-heavy flyers, and this sentence is filler. • Insert section 5 body; this can be a text-heavy flyers, and this sentence is filler. “Home” ribbon. This template is meant for text-heavy flyers, This template is meant for text-heavy flyers,  Insert information in and this sentence is filler. This template is supporting section, or a stand-alone  Insert information in and this sentence is filler. This template is • This template is meant for text-heavy these bullets relevant meant for text-heavy flyers, and this section. these bullets relevant meant for text-heavy flyers, and this flyers, and this sentence is filler. to the event being sentence is filler. This template is meant for • You may use bullets, if you would like, to the event being sentence is filler. This template is meant for advertised text-heavy flyers, and this sentence is filler. but they may or may not be necessary for advertised text-heavy flyers, and this sentence is filler. [Insert section 5 title] This template is meant for text-heavy flyers, the information you would like to present. This template is meant for text-heavy flyers,  You may make these and this sentence is filler. To turn them off, click the “Bullets” button  Lorem ipsum dolor sit and this sentence is filler. • Insert section 5 body; this can be a bullets any of these in the “Paragraph” section above, in the amet, consectetur supporting section, or a stand-alone five colors, so long [Insert section 2 title] “Home” ribbon. adipiscing elit. Sed [Insert section 2 title] section. as all the bullets are • This template is meant for text-heavy elementum the same color • Insert section 2 body; this can be a flyers, and this sentence is filler. vestibulum lobortis. • Insert section 2 body; this can be a • You may use bullets, if you would like, supporting section, or a stand-alone supporting section, or a stand-alone but they may or may not be necessary for  You may select the section.  Etiam et convallis section. the information you would like to present. top-most black, blue, lorem. Sed odio velit, To turn them off, click the “Bullets” button red, green, or brown • You may use bullets, if you would like, pharetra rhoncus • You may use bullets, if you would like, in the “Paragraph” section above, in the from the “Theme but they may or may not be necessary for fringilla at, facilisis a but they may or may not be necessary for “Home” ribbon. Colors” font colors in the information you would like to present. tortor. the information you would like to present. the panel above (or To turn them off, click the “Bullets” button To turn them off, click the “Bullets” button • This template is meant for text-heavy just copy and paste in the “Paragraph” section above, in the  Vivamus tincidunt in the “Paragraph” section above, in the flyers, and this sentence is filler. any of these five “Home” ribbon. quis dui hendrerit “Home” ribbon. bullets) consequat. • This template is meant for text-heavy • This template is meant for text-heavy  Please do not use flyers, and this sentence is filler.  Praesent eget flyers, and this sentence is filler. different shades of vehicula felis. Proin these colors [Insert section 3 title] blandit mauris sed [Insert section 3 title] felis tempor pharetra.  These colors have Insert section 3 body; this can be a Insert section 3 body; this can be a been pre-set to the supporting section, or a stand-alone supporting section, or a stand-alone official County colors section. You may use bullets, if you would section. You may use bullets, if you would like, but they may or may not be necessary like, but they may or may not be necessary for the information you would like to for the information you would like to present. To turn them off, click the “Bullets” present. To turn them off, click the “Bullets” button in the “Paragraph” section above, in button in the “Paragraph” section above, in the “Home” ribbon. the “Home” ribbon. • This template is meant for text-heavy • This template is meant for text-heavy flyers, and this sentence is filler. flyers, and this sentence is filler. • This template is meant for text-heavy • This template is meant for text-heavy flyers, and this sentence is filler. flyers, and this sentence is filler.     NEWSLETTER NEWSLETTER PRINTED ON COLORED PAPER05.2014COUNTY OF MARIN IDENTITY STYLE GUIDE

POWERPOINT: GOLD SEAL, FUTURA 2.7Two PowerPoint templates are [A] TITLE SLIDE [B] TEXT AND BULLET LIST SLIDE [C] DIVIDER SLIDEavailable, in both 4:3 and 16:9 Slide without images. Full bleed image with section title.aspect ratios, so that both standardand high-definition (HD) screens may [D] GRAPHIC SLIDE [E] IMAGE SLIDE [F] CLOSING SLIDEbe accommodated. Repeat of the cover slide Use this slide for charts, tables and other types Similar to Text and Bullet List slide, with photoIn this version, the Gold Seal placed of large graph. in circle the footer, accompanied by thetitle of the presentation. Futura is thefont family used throughout (you musthave Futura installed when using thispresentation).The template includes layouts for thetitle slide, bullet point slides, dividers,bullet list and image slides and aclosing slide.Font styles and layouts are embeddedin the PowerPoint template.Please constrain placed images to theareas provided in the slide templates.Remember to resize images propor-tionally so that they are not stretchedor distorted.Also, please note that the best way toensure proper formatting is to “Dupli-cate” slides in Powerpoint, as op-posed to inserting “New Slide.”05.2014COUNTY OF MARIN IDENTITY STYLE GUIDE

POWERPOINT: PRIMARY LOGO, ARIAL 2.8A second set of PowerPoint templates [A] TITLE SLIDE [B] TEXT AND BULLET LIST SLIDE [C] DIVIDER SLIDEare available. In this version, the Slide without images. Full bleed image with section title.Primary Logo is placed in the footer,accompanied by the title of the [D] GRAPHIC SLIDE [E] CLOSING SLIDE [F] CLOSING SLIDEpresentation. Arial is the font family Repeat of the cover slideused throughout, with Arial Bold used Use this slide for charts, tables and other types Similar to Text and Bullet List slide, with photofor headings. Use this presentation of large graph. in circle added.when you will not have access to adevice with the Futura font installed.The template includes layouts for thetitle slide, bullet point slides, dividers,bullet list and image slides and aclosing slide.Font styles and layouts are embeddedin the PowerPoint template.A flyer is available that is based onthis PowerPoint template.Please constrain placed images to theareas provided in the slide templates.Remember to resize images propor-tionally so that they are not stretchedor distorted.Also, please note that the best way toensure proper formatting is to “Dupli-cate” slides in Powerpoint, as op-posed to inserting “New Slide.”05.2014COUNTY OF MARIN IDENTITY STYLE GUIDE

DIGITAL SIGNATURES EMAIL SIGNATURES 2.9Specifications for standard email Kathrin Sears ......... [ Email Signature ]signatures have been created for all PRESIDENT, 3RD DISTRICT Joanne Peterson [ Email Signature ]departments. County of Marin DIRECTOR Board of Supervisors County of MarinDepartments with logos may use their [email protected] Drive, Suite 260 Department of Human Resourcesown logos above the sender’s name San Rafael, CA 94903 [email protected] Drive, Suite 415and address block. Departments 415 473 7331 T San Rafael, CA 94903without logos may use either [A] the 415 473 3645 F 415 473 6104 TCounty of Marin Primary Logo or CRS Dial 711 415 473 5960 F[B] their own department logotype [email protected] CRS Dial 711(as placed digital art set in Futura [email protected], in keeping with other County BOARD OF SUPERVISORScorrespondence). DEPARTMENTS WITHOUT LOGOS [A] Linda DahlSet the email signature in Arial DIRECTOR & GENERAL MANAGER [ Email Signature ]Regular, with the exception of the County of Marinsender’s name being in Arial Bold 9pt. Marin County Parks DEPARTMENT OFThe title/position is set in 8pt all caps. 3501 Civic Center Dr, Suite 260Address blocks are 9pt and separated San Rafael, CA 94903 HUMAN RESOURCESfrom the title by a single line space. 415 473 7010 TDisclaimer link is set in 8pt. Black type 415 473 3795 F .........should be used throughout. CRS Dial 711 Joanne Peterson [email protected] DIRECTORIn order to keep the “County of County of MarinMarin” legible, the Secondary Logo DEPARTMENTS WITH LOGOS Department of Human Resourcesor Secondary Logotype is used for the [email protected] Drive, Suite 415social media avatar. SOCIAL MEDIA AVATARS San Rafael, CA 94903 415 473 6104 TDigital artwork and templates have 415 473 5960 Fbeen provided and should not be CRS Dial 711altered or recreated. [email protected] DEPARTMENTS WITHOUT LOGOS [B]COUNTY OF MARIN IDENTITY STYLE GUIDE [ Email Signature ] SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS Social Media icons will be used to direct audience to social media sites.

WEBSITES 2.10C O U N T Y O F M A R I N : The County PLACEMENTof Marin website homepage uses theSecondary Logo in the top left corner The County of Marin Primary Logoof the page. appears in the bottom right handD E P A R T M E N T W E B S I T E S : Several corner of the page, preferably withCounty of Marin departments have a dotted line to its left.their own, custom-designed andindividually branded websites, withproprietary URL addresses, but whichare hosted by and accessible from theCounty of Marin website.These websites must use the County ofMarin Primary Logo in their standardpage footer to link back to the Countyof Marin homepage. The logo shouldbe placed on the bottom right handcorner, in either black or white.05.2014COUNTY OF MARIN IDENTITY STYLE GUIDE

VIDEOS 2.11When creating videos, specific [A] DEPT. WITHOUT LOGO, START OF VIDEO [B] DEPT. WITHOUT LOGO, END OF VIDEOinstructions are available that definelogo usage. Logos must be placed at For the first several seconds, the County’s Primary Logo Last slide/segment should have the County’s Primarythe beginning and end of the video. should appear on any corner depending on graphic. Logo in reverse against a black background. Logo Logo should be no more than 1/9. should not be bigger than 1/4 of screenUse the Primary Logo if a Departmentlogo does not exist. If a third partyvendor will be creating the video, theirlogo can appear at the end of thevideo, accompanied by the PrimaryLogo. [C] DEPT. WITH LOGO, START OF VIDEO [D] DEPT. WITH LOGO, END OF VIDEO For the first several seconds, the Department logo should The Department logo will appear right before County’s overlay any corner depending on graphic. Logo should primary logo. Size can vary as long as logo is legible. be no more than 1/9.04.2014 [E] THIRD PARTY CONTRACTORS, END OF VIDEOCOUNTY OF MARIN IDENTITY STYLE GUIDE The contractor’s logo can appear on the last slide along with the County’s Primary Logo. County logo should be approximately 1/4 of screen. Size of logo should not exceed 1/9 of the screen.

COUNTY OF MARIN FILE ACCESS Digital art for logos and logotypes can be accessed using the County of Marin MINE intranet. Templates for letterhead and other materials can also be found here. Digital art for all files shown in this style guide is available and should never be recreated. Some items in the stationery system (such as standard envelopes and some letterhead) may be pre-printed at the County print shop and ready for use by departments. Templates can also be used to guide layout and specifications when printing materials with outside vendors. If questions arise, please contact the County Administrator’s Office. THANK YOU FOR USING THE COUNTY OF MARIN IDENTITY STYLE GUIDE. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS, WE’RE HERE TO HELP. CONTACT: Office of the County Administrator 3501 Civic Center Drive, Suite 325 San Rafael, CA 94903 PHONE 415.473.6358 FAX 415.473.4104 EMAIL [email protected] PREPARED BY: L STUDIO, SAUSALITO, CA UPDATED 05.2014

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