Angelo J. Y. Koo, WG’93 David J. Greenwald, W’80 Rosanna L. Ramos-Velita, G’92, WG’92 Jairo Eduardo Loureiro-Filho, WG’96Catherine K. Leung, W’90 Mehmet Habbab, W’65, WG’67 Ricardo Alberto Salmon, W’93 Mutuma Marangu, WG’89David Y. Li, WG’92 Christian Hernandez, WG’03 Eugenio Sevilla-Sacasa, WG’81 Goran L. Seifer, WAM’95Amit Lohia, W’95 Lady Barbara Judge, CW’66 Carlo Solari, WG’00 Shailendra Sharma, WAM’11Mirzan Mahathir, WG’87 Eric Anini Kacou, WG’04 Alexander G. van Tienhoven, W’87 Adam D. Sokoloff, W’84Hiroshi Minoura, WG’84 Aditya Mittal, W’96 Federico Zorraquin, WG’87 Claude Trahan, Jr., L’78, WAM’06Masanori Mochida, WG’85 Simon D. Palley, WG’83 Glenn William Welling, W’92Michael Moh, W’92 Adil A. Popat, WG’84 ALUMNI EXECUTIVE BOARD Mark R. Weinsten, WG’90Simon D. Mordant, WAM’95 Pelayo Primo de Rivera, WG’94 Robert Adrian Newbold, WG’99, Stephen T. Zarrilli, WAM’10Sandeep Achyut Naik, WG’04 Vedat Sadioglu, W’86Kongkiat Opaswongkarn, WG’80 Alexander Sarrigeorgiou, WG’82 Emeritus Chair As of July 1, 2014James Riady Joy Victoria Seppala, WG’89 L. David Mounts, WG’04, ChairDattaraj V. Salgaocar, WG’81 Kamal F. Tabet, WG’84 Bruce D. Schulman, WG’99, PresidentPing Shao Mark Tagliaferri, W’85Jing Shyh Samuel Su, WG’83 Nicolai Tangen, W’92 Evan S. Betzer, WG’99Chang Sun, G’89, WG’89 Navin M. Valrani, W’93 Pauline Garris Brown, WG’95Chanthol Sun, WAM’97 Christian G. Varin, WG’70 Rachel Cervantes, WG’11Patrick Sun, W’81 Bernard Jan Wendeln, WG’04 Steven Dollase, WG’04Phillip Yang Wu, WG’95 Robert David Frost, WG’99Robert Qui Fang Zou, WG’94 EXECUTIVE BOARD FOR LATIN Ruth Golan, WG’01 AMERICA Raj Venkataraman Iyer, WG’02EXECUTIVE BOARD FOR EUROPE, Alberto Ivan Duran, WG’93, Chair Anne S. Morse, WG’84THE MIDDLE EAST, AND AFRICA Ethan Evan Prater, WG’04Sebastian Escarrer, WG’93, Chair Luis F. Andrade, WG’86 Khadir Nuri Richie, WG’02 J. Antonio Baltodano, W’73 Joel G. Serebransky, WG’85Fadi Abou-Arbid, WG’03 Jose M. Bonetti, W’61 Ajit Surana, WG’86Bonnie M. Bandeen, C’80, WG’85 Jorge Born, W’83 Cathryn Ploger Taylor, WG’87Edouard C. Bich, WG’88 Fernando Canales, WG’98 Juan I. Urdaneta, WG’02Lamia Boutaleb, WG’98 Antonio Carrillo, WG’93 Brian Alan-Mingway Wong, WG’03Christophe F. Charlier, C’94, W’94 Alberto J. Chamorro, W’78Zehavit S. Cohen, G’91 Claudio G. Engel, WG’83, WF’01 EXECUTIVE EDUCATION BOARDChristian H. Dahlberg, W’88 Joseph E. Harari Bruce E. Mosler, WAM’07, ChairMarco De Benedetti, WG’88 Daniel E. Levy, C’87, W’87Frank E. Destribats, WG’80 Jaime J. Montealegre, W’73 Rajeev Chopra, WAM’10Antoine P. Drean, WG’92 Jaime Peisach, W’88 Janet Raye Cowell, C’90, G’95, WG’95Marisa D. Drew, WG’92 Octavio Cortes Pereira Lopes, WG’96 Catherine E. Heigel, WAM’11Saif S. Ghobash, W’04 Alfonso Prat-Gay, G’94 William A. Henderson, WAM’08 Govind V. Iyer, WG’89 Robert A. Knakal, W’84 5
students from 10 prominent business schools across The Wharton Impact Investing Conference welcomesthe country. Finalists present their team projects to a prominent social entrepreneurs, impact investors, andcommittee of leading venture capital professionals for a thought leaders who take an in-depth look at the nascentpotential investment of $50,000. The Wharton Business industry’s successes, challenges, and opportunities. As thePlan Competition is an annual platform for student host of this event, Wharton represents the ideal venue toentrepreneurs to develop and launch their businesses and expand the field and spur meaningful dialogue around thenetwork with top business leaders who serve as mentors intersections between business, finance, and social impact.and judges. A new $10,000 prize is dedicated to the topbusiness plan incorporating social impact, enhancing the STUDENT SUPPORT THROUGHcompetition that has launched a number of successful GRADUATE FELLOWSHIPScompanies since its inception. The Wharton School stands strong in its commitment to providing extraordinary students with a top-notch, accessible, and affordable business education. The School is devoting more resources each year to critical support that results in a more diverse and inclusive student community. Wharton’s learning environment is enriched by the multiple perspectives offered by each incoming class, with students who bring a wide variety of academic and professional backgrounds, as well as life experiences. Wharton’s ability to meet the financial needs of the School’s exceptional students stems from the generous, ongoing support of The Wharton Fund and contributions from alumni and friends to named 9
Jeanne Ehrenkranz Fogel, C’92, WG’97 and Charles B. Holland, WG’70 Stewart R. Koch, WG’14 Darren M. Fogel, W’93 David P. Hollander, W’80 and Timothy Joseph Komada, WG’08 andLynn D. Forsell, WG’81 and Alexis Hollander Anne Komada William J. Forsell, WG’81 Thomas J. Hopkins, WG’87 Amy Castor Kornblau, C’76, G’77 andJohn H. Fox, Jr., GEE’91, WG’01 Laurent S. Hopman, WG’97 David L. Kornblau, W’77, WG’77Richard D. Franks, WG’14 Robert K. Howard, WG’80 Alysa B. Kurganska Craig, WG’99Gregory B. Fraser, WG’86 David W. Howe, WG’69 and Anton B. Kuzmanov, G’96, WG’96Jonathan L. Frey, W’88 Margaret J. Howe Melissa R. Lapica, WG’05 andJesse Friedlander, WG’02 Charissa Y. Huan, ENG’96, W’96, WG’04 Axel E. Lapica, WG’05Robert L. Friedman, WG’87 Howard C. Huang, WG’89 Muhammed Lasege, WG’10Kenneth S. Frieze, WG’95 Barry W. Huff, W’65, WG’66 Danny Y. Lee, WG’00Andrew J. Frommer, WG’81 Lee A. Huff, WG’63 James C. Lee, WG’06Benjamin M. Frost, W’96, WG’01 Melody S. Irvin, WG’74 and Allen J. Levinson, W’77, WG’78Robert White Gadsden, WG’88 Milton M. Irvin, WG’74 Frances Winston Levy, WG’83 andBrian J. Galinat, WG’14 Alice French Jacobs, L’89 and Jack F. LevyJoan Marie Gallagher, WG’92 Jeremy M. Jacobs, Jr., WG’89 Clyde S. Lewis, WG’70James D. Garrity, WG’89 Nora Jaffe Leslie Catherine Li, G’89, WG’89Michael D. Gayda, W’76 Sarah J. Kruer Jager, WG’14 Zhaohui J. Liang, WG’04Paula J. Gehr, WG’70 Janice Watson Jenkins, CW’61 and Robert C. Lieber, WG’84David J. Gerber, W’06 Frank C. Jenkins, WG’66 Shiang-Lei C. Chen, WG’94 andE. Martin Gibson, WG’62 and Virginia T. Gibson Scott M. Jenkins, WG’84 and Yardly Roberts Eric K. Lim, WG’94Robert J. Glaser, Jr., WG’83 Nathaniel M. Jewell, WG’13 Mark S. Lippman, WG’91Edwin C. Gommers, WG’14 Todd J. Jirovec, WG’93 Pamela Codo, WG’06 andVarun Gosain, GRW’99 Craig S. Johnson, W’82, WG’87 Frederic P. Lotti, WG’06David J. Greenwald, W’80 and Jeffrey F. Johnson Frederick C. Lowinger, W’77, WG’77 and Beth A. Greenwald David J. Johnston, WG’68 Lynn T. LowingerJohn P. Griffith, Jr., WG’87 Tracy Smith, SW’94 and Daniel J. Lowy, WG’13Andrei A. Gusev, WG’00 Daniel F. Joseph, WG’94 Robert W. Lundy, WG’14Amin Hariri, WG’04 Randall W. Kahn, WG’98 Anita Hsueh Lynn, ENG’91 andElaine Goldberg Harris, WG’84 Madhu P. Kalia, WG’93 Haniel J. Lynn, ENG’91, WG’95Edward B. Hart, WG’14 Sumeet Kanwar, WG’98 Ralph L. Mack, W’82 and Susan MackGeoffrey T. Hart, WG’02 Anthony Vahan Karibian, WG’97 Richard Jay Mack, W’89Erica S. Henning, WG’03 Lawrence C. Karlson, WG’80 Vincent S. Maddi, WG’89Brian M. Hermelin, WG’92 Kathryn Jonas Kasanoff, WG’85 and Sushil K. Madhogarhia, WG’07Robert M. Hernandez, WG’68 Bruce Kasanoff, WG’85 Kevin P. Magid, WG’89Randolph T. Hickman, WG’00 Saul Kattan, WAM’05 Rebecca Martinez Ureña and Percival J. KirkNicole Feuerring Hill, C’77, WG’79 and Nancy O. Kaufman, WG’96 and Joseph L. Mathias, IV, WG’96 John Hill, Jr., G’77 Joseph A. Kaufman, WG’93 Ellen C. Mathias, WG’89Kristine F. Hintz, C’78, WG’80 and Samer Munzer Khalidi, WG’96 Gary H. Matt, WG’89 Brad Hintz, WG’78 Nazar M. Khan, C’98, W’98 Christine Mawby, WG’09Brendan L. Hoffman, C’90, WG’97 Pravin Khatau, WG’84 Laura Hitt McCann, WG’82 andGail Cantor Hoffman, WG’87 and Lynne A. Kielhorn, WG’94 Timothy P. McCann, WG’86 Matthew B. Hoffman, WG’87 Jin Hwan Kim, WG’14 Edward J. McCarthy, WG’70Rebecca J. Hogenhuis, G’94, WG’94 and Sarah Kim, WG’14 Lisa J. McClure, WG’99 Vlad Hogenhuis, WG’94 John A. Kleban, WG’85 and Carrie A. Kleban Wesley S. McDonald, WG’88 17
Robert M. Harting^ $500 to $999 Winfield F. Robinson, Jr.^ $250 to $499 Buxton S. Midyette^Kenneth P. Heinze^ Leonard J. Anable Arthur M. Sachs^ Arthur N. DeWinter^ Robert A. MortonJohn B. Henard Harry P. Ridenour, Jr.^ Leonard P. Sayles Paul R. McCann^ Steven V. MossG. D. Henderson Walter A. Roe^ Schuyler J. Scutt, Jr.^ Raymond D. Usilton^ Peter W. Murray^A. S. Holmes George B. Seeley III^ Ethan A. Seidel^ Peter D. Zaglio Joseph V. NewmanTom G. Hussmann^ John A. Stroebele^ Peter M. Sherin^ S. D. OberfieldMichael J. Kearney^ J. P. Thompson, Jr. Gordon B. Silcox Up to $249 Charles C. Pearson, Jr.Lewis H. Knickerbocker, Jr. Lawrence D. Tornek^~ Peter V. Sullivan^ Fredric J. Bell Sydney N. Phin^Lauren R. Madden Stephen C. Twining^ Steven D. Bloom T. E. Russell IIIPeter S. McDougall $250 to $499 Thomas C. Watson, Jr.^ Robert W. Brendel William H. Schmidt, Jr.^Donald M. Mitchell Howard M. Berger^ Roland W. Whitridge^ J. N. Brennecke Barry H. Shanler^Robert A. Moore Douglas V. Bloom Robert O. Wilbur^ E. D. Challis II~ Albert M. ShieldsA. A. Morisey Theodore A. Olson John E. Clark, Jr. Louis E. Stoddard IIIJames T. Parkinson III James M. Paxton CLASS OF 1966 John F. Cook^ Frank Szabo, Jr.Jerry J. Pezzella, Jr. Warren M. Posey $25,000 to $49,999 Robert S. Eads^ Henry W. WhiteWilliam F. Reidenbach Robert J. Reagan^ Alfred P. West, Jr. David L. Evans^ Thomas H. Witmer^William J. Rysanek III^ Michael Sherwin Albert P. Finch III^ Oliver E. Wood, Jr.James H. Sanborn Frank S. Wilkinson $5,000 to $9,999 Lawrence A. Fullerton^David P. Traut^ James S. Anchin^ Kenneth R. Glaser^ CLASS OF 1967Neil E. Yarhouse^ Up to $249 Ralph W. Grambo, Jr. $25,000 to $49,999 Harry L. Allen, Jr. $2,500 to $4,999 David W. Grow^ Mehmet HabbabCLASS OF 1965 Paul S. Allersmeyer Barry W. Huff Richard P. Gunshor Willis S. Hesselroth^$25,000 to $49,999 Henry M. Bennett Frank C. Jenkins^ Richard S. Hawkins^ James S. RiepePei-Yuan Chia^ Daniel C. Bolger^ James L. Mersfelder John A. Hendricks^ William S. Spears^ Chester H. Brown, Jr.^ Stephen J. Warner^~ Clarence O. Hollis, Jr.$2,500 to $4,999 Scott L. Brown^ 25James P. Carreras, Jr.^ Richard S. Bullock $1,000 to $2,499Thomas E. Clune^ David L. Cox Larry L. Bennison^Gregory Coleman William L. Derby^ James A. Bowditch^Jeremiah P. O’Grady Hugh E. Donahue J. D. Coogan, Jr.^~Brian B. Topping^ Robert B. Dyer Christopher P. KirchenRichard L. Veith^ Richard L. Fischer^~ Robert D. Rands John D. Hartigan^ Marvin Samuel Self^$1,000 to $2,499 John G. Hunter B. K. Townsend, Jr.Barry H. Beracha^ James W. Irwin^William K. Buscaglia, Jr.^ Richard J. Jacobs^ $500 to $999Robert L. Fairbank, Jr. Marcel F. Kohler J. M. Brown, Jr.^Robert M. Halperin William A. Latta^ Kemal E. CansenThomas C. Hardy^ Richard F. McCloskey Richard E. Dahlberg^George A. Long~ James A. Michael^ Jon P. Larrick^Wilbur H. Stocking, Jr.^ Donald W. Millen William D. McDonaldJames D. Simpson III Alexander R. Morris Stanley M. Rea, Jr.Frederick B. Taylor^ Smith Murphey IV Richard F. Stradling, Jr.^ Julien R. Ransone^ John P. Thornton, Jr. Richard K. Rappleye
Robert M. Davis^ $5,000 to $9,999 Thomas H. NicholsonThomas S. Drumm James L. Freeman^ Dennis Ramsier^E. K. Furst~ Donald J. Vredenburgh^Laurens W. Goff $2,500 to $4,999 Burton J. Willingham^Bruce M. Gregory Joseph H. Cappalonga^Patrick P. Guerrise Paula J. Gehr^ Up to $249John R. Hallen^ Charles B. HollandRichard W. Hevner Clyde S. Lewis^ Cameron AdairThomas J. Keller^ Edward J. McCarthy^ W. R. AsherAllan M. Kline^ Richard J. Rouse A. M. Ayers^Scott C. Lederman Richard G. Borso^George E. Loomis $1,000 to $2,499 Richard P. Clarke^James M. McMonagle Richard L. Arvedlund John I. Condon, Jr.John W. Moses Dan W. Boone III^ Robert H. Cooper^Thomas O. Niederer Bertram P. Finn^ James E. Crane^Charles G. Oewel Joseph F. Huber^ J. H. Davis^Drew J. Otocka Julio S. Leung Mary Davis^William L. Paternotte Edmund O. Piehler, Jr.^ David J. Evans^H. P. Pelouze III Edward C. Rorer^ Alfred H. Freeman, Jr.Oliver Perin Gary M. Stibel Leonard H. Gaffga^Benjamin R. Punongbayan Christian G. Varin Bernard P. GawleyArthur B. Ralph John S. Gibbs, Jr.Peter M. Ramsey $500 to $999 Wayne K. HamiltonRussell G. Redenbaugh~ C. E. Beimfohr Robert V. Henning, Jr.^Franklin Reinow Janet R. Desmon^ Thomas F. Hill^Edward A. Rubel Angel B. Divino Arthur H. Keeney IIIHenry D. Ryder William A. Ince^ Daniel W. KollinDavid G. Santry Jay C. McCutcheon William H. Langdon^Lindley C. Scarlett^ David P. Montgomery^ Betty H. Langhammer^Richard E. Simmons Washburn S. Oberwager Robert P. Lentz III^Merlin L. Stigge~ Richard A. Perkins^ John P. LonghineEdward H. Sullivan III Robert D. Piety^ Robert A. LoweJerry C. Wilkinson~ Richard C. LufkinDavid L. Wilson, Jr. $250 to $499 Robert M. Lupoli Thomas G. Amato^ Peter T. Macy^CLASS OF 1970 Alan J. Berdy^ Peter M. Montague$25,000 to $49,999 Michael R. Coltrane^ Alan J. Montgomery^David B. Ford^ Glenn A. Deibert^ Stephen E. MyersGary A. Glynn~ James S. Doak^ David L. Nevins Robert D. Garth^ William J. Raver^$10,000 to $24,999 Guy R. Henshaw Jonathan P. Russell^Edward J. Doheny^ Collie L. Hutter^ Jess R. SantamariaKeith E. McDermott^ T. M. Jones, Jr. William T. Schwartz^Rowland T. Moriarty, Jr. Alan S. Markle^ Donald J. Short^~Mitja M. Peterman^ James L. Mater^ Don E. Smolek Richard H. Stowell 27
$25,000 to $49,999 William W. Renshaw, Jr. Hollis S. Holm^ $10,000 to $24,999 Elaine T. Markezin^David N. Fleischer^ John B. Richards Elayne B. Howard Janice H. Luddy^ Jeanette C. Young^Judith E. Fleischer Anne M. Roher^ William K. Hsieh^John F. McCartney^ Robert L. Johnson $5,000 to $9,999 $250 to $499James B. McElwee^ $250 to $499 Barbara L. Kaiser^~ Anonymous^ Samuel T. Adenbaum Heather M. Acker Carol S. Klein Thomas J. Hoskins^ Robert A. Berman^$10,000 to $24,999 Robin G. Bortnick Marvin I. Kline John M. Keller Helen M. Billak^Larry D. Bailey^ Patricia H. Canfield^ Robert A. Kosian Donald G. Cassidy, Jr.Joel M. Koppelman James A. Finkelstein Lydia C. Li $2,500 to $4,999 Jeff W. FergusonThomas M. Luddy^ Barbara T. Hazlett Thomas H. Mahoney IV Omar I. Ashur James W. FoxAndrew G. McMaster, Jr.^ L. G. Henisee James Maley^ David L. Kornblau^ Jane I. Fox Richard A. Hinckley, Jr. Kim E. Michelstein Frederick C. Lowinger Iris D. Frank^$5,000 to $9,999 Robert L. Powell Joan M. Millane David L. Rosenblum^ Beverly C. HoffmannMarsha R. Cohen^ George S. Schott Deborah T. Moore Howard S. HoffmannConstance L. Dollase Dabney L. Sharp Mary Jane F. Morrow $1,000 to $2,499 Walter G. Jones^Wayne A. Josephson Ellen D. Simons Arthur L. Murray Pauline J. Albert^~ Marc H. KleeMazen S. Zein^ John L. Sullivan, Jr. Michael G. O’Donnell Tien-Shang Chang Ralph Lim^Nicholas J. Zocchi, Jr.^ Steven H. Tyre Benito T. Ohara Theodore K. Ejangue Richard C. Oppelt^ Mary A. Vascellaro Catherine F. O’Neal Mara W. Hilderman^ Eddie L. Sampson$2,500 to $4,999 Suzanne P. Welsh Eric G. Pearson Mark S. Waldman^ William E. Silverman^Soussan M. Arfaania Kathleen G. Putnam William B. Wiener III Robert F. Storch^Kenneth P. DeAngelis Up to $249 Richard Rampell Caesar F. Sweitzer^Kenneth I. Tuchman Michael N. Abernethy^ David M. Roshkind $500 to $999 Dale A. Achenbach John M. Ruse Hayes B. Clark^ Up to $249$1,000 to $2,499 Glenn J. Angiolillo Jayson N. Schwartz Frederick W. Gaertner John P. AubinRand L. Alexander Katherine C. Aurori^ Lawrence K. Spitz Richard A. Goglia Dennis J. BergBarbara J. Bissell-Howell^ Edvige K. Barrie^ Bonnie S. Stainman Barbara D. Knox Harvey N. BertrandJohn R. Cleveland Helen Blohm~ Ronald F. Stengel^Stephen M. Dyott Richard M. Brown III Eugene F. Streng 31Peter A. Frank Ellen G. Cohen^ Barbara H. TeafordCynthia A. Graham John A. Condon^ Mark N. ThomasJohn C. Lydecker Katherine C. Creighton Joan L. WeinerWyn L. Lydecker Vincent R. Cuiule^ Dennis M. WigginsRosalind S. Neff Neal Curry^ Brian H. Wildes^Roy S. Neff Daniel Dalley~ Richard J. Willbrant, Jr.^Andrew P. Siwulec^ William B. Davis III^ Steven R. Zuch Jean K. Davis$500 to $999 Bruce J. Gamache CLASS OF 1977William J. Barrow II David A. Gingras $50,000 to $99,999James R. Biery^ Howard E. Goodman Roger B. CollinsRichard L. Burcham Jane R. GoodmanDebra K. Decker^ Donald A. Goodwin^ $25,000 to $49,999Stanley J. Lehman David M. Gordon^ Donna O’Hara Golkin^John E. Luth Clair E. Gunnet, Jr. H. Joseph Leitch III^Joseph S. Magnano Andrew P. Harwood^ Sankey V. Williams^
$250 to $499 Michael D. Milone Frederick N. Hartman^ $5,000 to $9,999 Elliot J. Sussman^ Randal Morgan, Jr. Mary Ellen Hennessy-Jones Thomas J. Fleisch Thomas E. ZanecchiaHerbert E. Althouse, Jr.^ Robin R. Shephard Dan W. Hoerig^ George M. JamesLorraine L. Barba Mark R. Tucci Carol A. Ingald^ Beth J. Kaplan~ $250 to $499Randolph C. Barba Sharon T. Jahnke Scott M. Pinkus^ Barbara M. Baumann^Arthur H. Berman Up to $249 William F. Jones, Jr. James A. Urry^ Bruce R. Collins^Richard M. Cureton^ Anonymous Sandra S. Kurinsky Teresa C. del MundoTeresa L. Dekalb Theodore S. Alpert Peter A. Leidel $2,500 to $4,999 H. B. Hall, Jr.^Suzanne F. Donner Sanford Anstey Kenneth J. Lichtenstein^ Lynn D. Forsell^ Deborah IrwinDavid B. Driscoll Suzanne M. Attwood^ Raymond A. Link William J. Forsell^ David R. KerrCatherine B. Grossman Karl W. Barnes Janet S. Loeb^ Andrew J. Frommer^ Edward L. Koch III^Donna N. Heller^ Ann H. Barnett^ William S. McKeever Kenneth D. Moelis Patricia K. LaubachMarylyn T. Hoenemeyer^ Cheryl E. Barr Kenneth A. Miller Claudia Quintana Paul A. LaubachLeonardo D. Katz Frank X. Barrera David A. Minkus^ Ernesto L. Tinajero Victor M. Sauerhoff^Margarita Knoepffler^ Susan L. Becker^ Douglas E. Molstad^ Karin N. Weisburgh^ Craig H. Scott^Genevieve F. Matsumoto Arlyn R. Bell^ Bernard E. Palmer, Jr. Roberta M. Todd^ Mark R. Bernfeld^ Lawrence J. Richardson $1,000 to $2,499 Theodore A. Westley^ James D. Blinn Louisa C. Ridgway David H. Barber^ Charles K. Burgess^ Susan W. Rosenberg Jean L. Barber^ Up to $249 Carolyn W. Callighan Donald J. Ryan Judith L. Bollinger^ Ilene C. Albert-Nelson^ Edward T. Carroll III Bettyann M. Sadowski-O’Neill^ Thomas N. Cook Richard B. Brown, Jr. Susan M. Cecala Steven D. Schwartz James F. Earl^ Robert M. Cort Thomas J. DiClemente^ Kenneth D. Scott Sandra S. Earl^ Peter M. Dickstein Nona E. Ellis Rosalind S. Seiden^ C. T. Faulders III^ John R. Dilyard^ David N. Feldman Alan M. Shapiro Sheree G. Fleming^ Joe Ducceschi^ James D. Felter Ronald R. Spoehel^ Richard L. Greenberg Juannie G. Eng Florence Fong-Lopez^ Wendy L. Starr Janet M. Hanlon Barry S. Feigenbaum Susan M. Graydon Jefferson E. Strode Thierry Ho William E. Fisher Charles F. Gross^ Thomas A. Wimberly^ Andrew M. Howley Steven Geovanis Herbert A. Hansen Steven R. Woolford Robert C. Lang Jill Goldman James E. Zaccaria Thomas T. Lankford Evan M. Graf^ Ann R. Marks Diane E. Hellens CLASS OF 1981 Bret E. Russell^ Janis S. Hersh $50,000 to $99,999 Ralph H. Hershberger Richard A. Sapp^ $500 to $999 Elizabeth B. Hess Michael A. Benjamin^ Dale E. Hower $25,000 to $49,999 Andrew S. Berman Stacy B. Humphrey Deborah Gohh Ouyang^ Alan J. Fishbein Gary Q. Kokalari^ William J. Goss Jeanne M. Lee $10,000 to $24,999 Robert H. Lindauer, Jr.^ David A. Longfellow^ Claudia R. Braunstein Brian E. Nerney Sharon Lowenheim^ Mary P. Moran^ L. A. Pace Randy E. Manner Steven A. Okin^ Harry A. Perkins Stephen J. Marmon Eugenio Sevilla-Sacasa^ Catherine M. Richards Mary D. McCarthy Ricki R. Rogers Catherine A. McHugh 35
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