["ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program DEAN\u2019S AWARD CEREMONY SESSION A212 (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To appreciate and motivate students to excel in this semester. 2. To enhance the bond between lecturers and students. Sasaran Peserta 200 Tarikh 17\/01\/2023 Tempat AUDITORIUM CAS Tajuk Program FORUM PENGURUSAN STRES: KAWAN ATAU LAWAN (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To understand the concepts and scenarios of stress faced by students. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To learn strategies and ways to deal with stress effectively. Tempat 3. Giving words of encouragement and motivation to the students through this program. 250 15\/01\/2023 ONLINE PLATFORM-FACEBOOK LIVE Tajuk Program PROGRAM WE SHINE TOGETHER (WST 2022) (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. Help students to identify the problems they face and find ways to solve their problems. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. Give them awareness to think rationally in every action taken. Tempat 3. Give students the opportunity to express the problems they face. 4. A program that aims to build new relationships with other students and give them the opportunity to de-stress while performing assignments. 50 14\/01\/2023 Dewan Mawar (Inasis Muamalat) 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 90\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program EDUCATIONAL COUNSELING - SMART SHARING PROGRAM (ECS (Indikator Pencapaian) 2022) Objektif 1. Help students identify and understand techniques and skills to Sasaran Peserta practice during counseling sessions. Tarikh Tempat 2. Ensure students can identify and analyze the counselor's role in dealing with problems or issues received during counseling sessions. 3. Giving students the opportunity to apply and practice counseling techniques and skills outside the lecture room. 250 14\/01\/2023 Online Platform - Facebook Live Tajuk Program ALUMNI TALK: BE THE BEST AMONG THE BEST (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To give encouragement to students in continuing their careers not only as excellent but as a holistic student Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To develop student leadership skills that can be practiced during Tempat the work environment 50 14\/01\/2023 DKG1\/1 Tajuk Program YOUR FUTURE YOUR PRIORITY (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To provide exposure to students related to careers available in Malaysia. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To help students identify their abilities and interests in themselves. Tempat 3. To guide students to choose a career they want to pursue in the future. 150 14\/01\/2023 DEWAN BUNGA RAYA (INASIS MAS) 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 91\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program PROGRAM KECEMERLANGAN MURID TINGKATAN 6 (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. Enhance UUM students confidence in conducting group counselling. 2. Enhance UUM students skills in managing state program. Sasaran Peserta 3. Enhance UUM student skills to interact with school students. Tarikh Tempat 200 11\/01\/2023 KOLEJ TINGKATAN 6, DESA MURNI, PULAU PINANG Tajuk Program PENDIDIK GOT TALENT (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To find out and encourage fresh talent among students. 2. To recruit fresh performers for each next event. Sasaran Peserta 3. To enhancing students' abilities in the field of culture and art. Tarikh 20 Tempat 07\/01\/2023 DEWAN BUNGA RAYA (INASIS MAS) Tajuk Program PROGRAM MOTIVASI SELEMBAR HARAPAN (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To help students identify their abilities and interests in themsleves. 2. To guide students in enhancing their motivation in study. Sasaran Peserta 100 Tarikh 05\/01\/2023 Tempat KEM PLKN, SINTOK Tajuk Program HOPE DAY 2023 (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. Creating more network and collaboration among presidents from other clubs. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. Promoting our club as one of legal clubs in University. Tempat 3. Advertising our clubs focus and activities planned for 2023. 4. Recruiting new members followed the procedure. 250 04\/01\/2023 FOYER PERPUSTAKAAN SULTANAH BAHIYAH UUM 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 92\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program LEADERSHIP WORKSHOP (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To strengthen the relationship between the year one students. 2. To analyse the stress level of the first year students. Sasaran Peserta 3. To explore the leadership potential of the first year students. Tarikh 40 Tempat 22\/01\/2023 BK4 SOIS Tajuk Program CONFLICT CLASS: EXCHANGE OF THOUGHTS (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. exchange of opinions related to conflict. 2. provide added value related to conflict management and conflict Sasaran Peserta Tarikh resolution Tempat 3. to involve social interaction between conflict students at UUM and USM. 40 10\/01\/2023 UNIVERSITI SAINS MALAYSIA Tajuk Program MENTAL AWARENESS \\\"SHAPE YOUR MIND TO SHAPE YOUR (Indikator Pencapaian) FUTURE\\\" Objektif 1. Raise awareness and make changes in peoples self-knowledge in Sasaran Peserta order to form a healthy mind to shape a good future. Tarikh Tempat 2. To improve understanding of mental health conditions and increase access to healthcare for those who need it 3. To increase peoples ability to maintain good physical health 200 01\/07\/2023 Online platform via Facebook Live Kelab Pemadam UUM 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 93\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program TALK TO US \\\"DRUG AWARENESS CAMPAIGN\\\" (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To promote awareness about drug abuse among UUM students and community. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To provide relevant information on how to avoid be involved in drug Tempat abuse activities. 3. To make sure that the students became more aware with their surrounding and help to prevent others from involved in drug abuse activities. 200 09\/05\/2023 Online platform via Facebook Live Kelab PEMADAM UUM Tajuk Program DON'T SHY, BE FRIENDS (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. Improve students' knowledge, understanding, and skills so that they can avoid getting caught up in drugs. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. Build resilience and high self-identity among students in terms of Tempat physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. 3. Forming pure values, noble and commendable character, and sublime spirituality. 200 02\/05\/2023 Pusat Pemulihan Dadah Darul Munawarah, Sintok Tajuk Program WHAT INSPIRES YOU TO BE A VOLUNTEER (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To form a personality and understand the concept of cooperation and help each other. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To give awareness to young people about the importance of Tempat volunteering 3. To create and empower quality and skilled UUM volunteers 50 25\/08\/2023 DKG 3 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 94\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program BICARA SANTAI 'JODOH DALAM KALANGAN MAHASISWA' (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. Be able to give knowledge to students about young marriage such as proper time management, obeying the spouse and so on. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. Students get new knowledge that they need to apply the beginning Tempat of marriage. 3. To further strengthen the relationship between Club PEMADAM members and students UUM. 300 15\/07\/2023 Masjid Sultan Badlishah, Universiti Utara Malaysia Tajuk Program SHARING SANTAI - DESIRE TO INSPIRE WITH MR. AMIRUL (Indikator Pencapaian) HAYAT. Objektif 1. To boost pupils' confidence when speaking in front of groups. Sasaran Peserta 2. To Inform people of their obligations and responsibilities Tarikh 3. To encourage student to involve or participate in any programe Tempat 150 11\/07\/2023 Webex (Online) Tajuk Program BLOOD DONATION AND HIV TALK (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif To raise awareness of the need for safe blood To increase access to voluntary HIV testing and counseling Sasaran Peserta 30 Tarikh 23\/06\/2023 Tempat Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah Tajuk Program CANVA DEVELOPING SKILL (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To learn how to edit poster and video using Canva 2. To make sure all Exco Pemadam to have editing skill Sasaran Peserta 3. To expose to club members about Canva trick. Tarikh 47 Tempat 27\/05\/2023 Online Platform via Google Meet 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 95\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program AWARENESS PROGRAM: DRUGS MAKE YOU FOOL NOT COOL (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To increase students, teachers, and university staff's awareness and knowledge, comprehension, and abilities in Drug Prevention Sasaran Peserta Education so that they can prevent being addicted to drugs. Tarikh Tempat 2. To involve and create cooperation between UUM Pemadam Club with National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) in an effort to prevent drugs at the University level. 3. To expose drug abuse and danger of drug University students 150 16\/05\/2023 FOYER LIBRARY SULTANAH BAHIYAH, UNIVERSITI UTARA MALAYSIA Tajuk Program IFTAR JAMAIE WITH CLUB PEMADAM (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To further strengthen the relationship between Club Pemadam members. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To gain new knowledge from sharing sessions. Tempat 3. Being able to create memories of breaking fast and masse. 50 14\/04\/2023 HE & SHE COFEE, UNIVERSITI UTARA MALAYSIA Tajuk Program ALUMNI TALK BELIEVE IN YOU (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To boost self-confidence and self-esteem in students 2. To Inform people of their obligations and responsibilities Sasaran Peserta 3. To apply various knowledge to them and provide motivation for Tarikh Tempat them 150 08\/04\/2023 Online platform via webex 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 96\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program READY, CAMERA, ACTION! (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To improve the skills of the participants in the use of multimedia and the appreciation of acting Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To increase knowledge related to drug abuse and the harms of Tempat drugs to young people 3. To give awareness to students to ensure that they will not get addicted to drugs 100 11\/03\/2023 DKG 1\/1, UNIVERSITI UTARA MALAYSIA Tajuk Program CERAMAH PERDANA: SAHABAT FILLAH (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To make sure that students today are able to find and select good friends Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To educate individuals about the value of forming friendships with Tempat sincere, truthful, and pious people in today's world. 3. To promote students' understanding of Islamic friendship 4. To enhance students' viewpoint so they are less prone to peer pressure from unhelpful friends. 200 26\/01\/2023 MASJID SULTAN BADLISHAH, UUM Tajuk Program HOPE DAY DARI RAKYAT UNTUK RAKYAT (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To introduce a new line of club leadership 2. To build a spirit of teamwork among club committee members. Sasaran Peserta 3. To recruit new members followed the procedure. Tarikh 4. To promote clubs as one of legal clubs in university. Tempat 50 03\/01\/2023 FOYER LIBRARY SULTANAH BAHIYAH, UNIVERSITI UTARA MALAYSIA 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 97\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program HOPE DAY GEGAU MELAKA GEGAU 2023 (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. Creating more network among students. 2. Promoting our club as one of legal clubs in University. Sasaran Peserta 3. Advertising our clubs experiences and activities planned for 2023. Tarikh Tempat 30 06\/01\/2023 FOYER PERPUSTAKAAN SULTANAH BAHIYAH, UNIVERSITI UTARA MALAYSIA Tajuk Program MALAYSIAN SERVICE-LEARNING-PROGRAM UNIVERSITY FOR (Indikator Pencapaian) SOCIETY (SULAM) E-SULAM CURRICULUM: SMALL STEPS TO Objektif BIG CHANGES Sasaran Peserta 1. To help the community improve their services in tourism and Tarikh hospitality industry. Tempat 2. To contribute to the society and community by sharing on housekeeping knowledge. 3. To increase awareness among the tourism and hospitality provider on how to manage their home stay (accommodation). 4. To provides the opportunity to the students to apply their knowledge into the industry field. 5. To foster relationship between UUM students with the local residents. 100 13\/01\/2023 HOMESTAY NO. 46 ULU LEGONG, BALING, KEDAH Tajuk Program MAJLIS SERAH TUGAS SESI 2022\/2023 (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To motivate the supreme council and the new exco 2. To appreciate the services and contributions of the supreme Sasaran Peserta Tarikh council and the old exco Tempat 21 13\/01\/2023 DEWAN PROTON 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 98\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program PSSGS UUM ENTREPRENEURSHIP WEEK (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. Increase the club savings fund 2. Cultivate entrepreneurial talent within the club's executive Sasaran Peserta Tarikh committee members Tempat 50 09\/01\/2023 SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS (INSTAGRAM, FACEBOOK AND WHATSAPP) Tajuk Program EXHIBITION ART GALLERY (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To mainly introduce the counselling services provided especially in the uniqueness of art therapy. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. Next, we want to amuse the participants by acknowledging their Tempat perceptions occur with every art they encounter. 3. Third, the participants can interact up close and personal with the sharing sessions provided during the program about how art can affect well to the self-well-being. 100 15\/06\/2023 DEWAN INASIS TRADEWINDS Tajuk Program JUALAN BAJU KAUNSELING WE STAND TOGETHER SECOND (Indikator Pencapaian) BATCH Objektif To cultivate business interest among club members as well as the Sasaran Peserta entrepreneurship skills. The second objective is to generate income Tarikh and fund for the club account and for the future benefit and use. Tempat 50 23\/01\/2023 ONLINE PLATFORM VIA FACEBOOK PAGE & ONLINE PLATFORM THROUGH INSTAGRAM KELAB PERKAP UUM 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 99\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program EXPERI-MENTAL (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif To asking people opinions on the social problems currently happening. We also want to change the mindset of all people about counseling. Sasaran Peserta Other than that, we want to spread to all people out there about the Tarikh services that available in counseling. Tempat 20 18\/01\/2023 UUM Tajuk Program COUNSELING GALA DINNER 2023: RED CARPET (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif To show appreciation towards counseling students for their hardworking in their studies throughout this semester. Also we aim to Sasaran Peserta straightens the relationship among counseling students and lecturer. Tarikh Lastly, we hope that everyone will create an unforgettable memories Tempat together before they graduates later. 253 18\/01\/2023 DEWAN KACHI Tajuk Program SENTUHAN PEWARIS, SANTUNI KOMUNITI (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. Create a good relationship between adoptive families and students of the SSKC 3733 Community Counseling course. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. Practicing an appropriate intervention which is a recovery Tempat intervention against the issues faced in the school community. 3. Increase the level of motivation of 4th grade students so that they are more interested in attending school. 4. Cooperate with various external agencies to help the local community in social issues 5. Provide exposure to time management techniques and effective study techniques. 150 05\/01\/2023 KOTA KUALA MUDA 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 100\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program HOPE DAY 2023 (WE STAND TOGETHER WITH PERKAP) (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif To create more network and collaboration among presidents from other clubs. Secondly, our objective is Promoting our club as one of legal Sasaran Peserta clubs in university. In addition, our objective also advertising our clubs Tarikh focus and activities planned for 2023. Tempat 100 03\/01\/2023 PERPUSTAKAAN SULTANAH BAHIYAH UUM Tajuk Program CHALLENGES IN MARITIME SUSTANABILITY: THE ROLE OF (Indikator Pencapaian) SHIPBUILDING Objektif 1. To enhance the knowledge of Maritime Management of University Sasaran Peserta students. Tarikh Tempat 2. To improve the idea of students in preserving the sustainability. 3. To help the university students understand the challenges in industry and better prepare before entering the industry. 100 20\/01\/2023 ONLINE PLATFORM: (WEBEX,FB LIVE: LOGTRANS UUM) Tajuk Program DIGITALIZATION AND INNOVATION IN MARITIME SECTOR TALK (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To improve participants' understanding about the maritime industry. 2. To inform participants about the digitalization and innovation in Sasaran Peserta Tarikh maritime sector nowadays. Tempat 100 18\/01\/2023 ONLINE PLATFORM: (CISCO WEBEX AND FACEBOOK LIVE) 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 101\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program TALK WITH CILT 2022 (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To bring exposure to Chartered Institute of Logistics (CILT)s membership benefits to students in the logistics industry Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To know the meaning of CILT Tempat 3. To know the purpose of CILT serve in the logistics industry 150 17\/01\/2023 ONLINE PLATFORM: (WEBEX & FB LIVE LOGTRANS) Tajuk Program STML GO GREEN SYMPOSIUM 2023: DINNER AWARD (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. Forming a network of cooperation and opportunities between final year students and lecturers of the School of Technology, Sasaran Peserta Management and Logistics (STML) together with invited industry. Tarikh Tempat 2. Strengthen the relationship and communication between students, Dean and lecturers of the School of Technology, Management and Logistics in the joint dinner celebration program. 3. Honor the talents and efforts of final-year students who are about to complete their time as Universiti Utara Malaysia students (UUM). 500 17\/01\/2023 FOYER, SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT AND LOGISTICS (STML) Tajuk Program STML INDUSTRIAL TALK 1.0: POS LAJU MALAYSIA (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif To spread awareness to our university students on supply chain management in the industry. Next, we aim to build a strong connection Sasaran Peserta with the industry as this is our first program with the Pos Laju Malaysia Tarikh company. We also aim to enhance our students' confidence when they Tempat enter the industry by giving them the first insight of the working environment. 200 12\/01\/2023 FACEBOOK LIVE STML AND WEBEX ROOM MEETING 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 102\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program READY FOR THE FINAL RUN (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To make sure STML students prepare and ready for the physical final exam for session 2022\/2023 Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To increase the numbers of dean list STML students Tempat 3. To encourage and make sure STML students mentally healthy towards the physical final exam 100 10\/01\/2023 DKG 1 UNIVERSITI UTARA MALAYSIA Tajuk Program SEASPEAK, THE VOYAGE OF THE CURRENT MALAYSIA (Indikator Pencapaian) MARITIME INDUSTRY Objektif 1. Expose the students to the industry in Malaysia and its current Sasaran Peserta situation for future reference. Tarikh Tempat 2. Provide an initial overview of how the maritime industry plays an important role in the countrys economic activities 3. Establishing industrial relations to indirectly help students engage with the industry. 120 07\/01\/2023 ONLINE PLATFORM (CISCO WEBEX) Tajuk Program ONE STEP TO INTERNSHIP (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To increase students knowledge about the preparation before, during, and after internship day. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To encourage students to take the added benefit of all potential Tempat opportunities in the future. 3. To build networking between LogTrans students and alumni. 100 05\/01\/2023 WEBEX DAN FACEBOOK LIVE 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 103\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program LETS SWIM INTO MICROCREDENTIALS (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To create an understanding of what Micro qualifications are for students. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To know how it helps or improves the Teaching and Learning Tempat Process. 3. To foster critical thinking among students. 100 27\/01\/2023 ONLINE PLATFORM THROUGH CISCO WEBEX Tajuk Program ANNUAL GRAND MEETING IPRMSA (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To introduce about IPRMSA members to other students. 2. To announce leadership, line up of IPRMSA for next session. Sasaran Peserta 3. To plan something can be done for our organization in the coming Tarikh Tempat session. 100 26\/01\/2023 ONLINE WEBEX Tajuk Program E-HOPE DAY: \u201cTOGETHERNESS, METICULOUS, PUNCTUALITY & (Indikator Pencapaian) DYNAMIC IN IPRMSA\u201d Objektif 1. To widen our networking and increase collaboration among Sasaran Peserta presidents from other clubs. Tarikh Tempat 2. To promote our club as one of legal clubs in Universiti Utara Malaysia. 150 03\/01\/2023 SULTANAH BAHIYAH UUM LIBRARY FOYER 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 104\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program FAMILY DAY SKUAD 19 (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. Develop understanding and teamwork between siblings, and strengthen existing family institutions. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. Cultivate the spirit of cooperation, respect and foster good values Tempat through the activities carried out. 27 07\/03\/2023 MOTEL TANJUNG PUTERI, LANGKAWI Tajuk Program BAKSIS PULAU TUBA (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To cultivate the value of volunteerism and identify the value of leadership in trainees. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To strengthen the relationship between the trainees of the Kor Tempat Universiti Utara Malaysia and the local community 27 05\/03\/2023 PULAU TUBA LANGKAWI Tajuk Program SUKAN ANTARA PLATUN 2022 (SUKAP) (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. Testing, strengthening and intensifying good physical and mental health among Kor SUKSIS University Utara Malaysia. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. Strengthen the brotherhood of fellow trainees of the Kor SUKSIS Tempat University Utara Malaysia itself. 75 27\/01\/2023 UNIVERSITI UTARA MALAYSIA 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 105\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program PERKHEMAHAN KOR SUKSIS MARA LASAK (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To strength the relationship between the coaches and trainees. 2. To gaining various benefits which in turn raises trainee's spirits to Sasaran Peserta Tarikh be more viable and positive. Tempat 75 06\/01\/2023 KEM RIMBA ILHAM, PUSAT BASIKAL LASAK, BATU PAHAT, PERLIS Tajuk Program MAJLIS PENANGGUHAN KELAS LATIHAN PSSCM UUM DAN (Indikator Pencapaian) MAJLIS MAKAN MALAM JASA DIKENANG DR SHAMSUL BAHRAIN Objektif 1. To strengthen the bonding between the members. Sasaran Peserta 2. To postpone the training class for this semester. Tarikh 3. To give appreciation to advisor from past session. Tempat 50 21\/01\/2023 DEWAN INASIS TM Tajuk Program MAJLIS IJAZAH PERSATUAN SENI SILAT CEKAK MALAYSIA (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To officially accepted as the students of Seni Silat Cekak Malaysia by YM Guru Utama. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To introduce YM Guru Utama to the students who are new in Tempat learning Silat Cekak Malaysia. 3. To obtain official consent from YM Guru Utama in order to continue module 3 and 4 in Seni Silat Cekak Malaysia's lesson. 35 20\/01\/2023 CHANGLUN, KEDAH 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 106\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program MAJLIS BACAAN YASSIN HAJAT (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To raise awareness about the importance of praying to Allah SWT in addition to our efforts. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To teach students how to seek assistance from Allah SWT. Tempat 3. To foster a love of worship. 25 19\/01\/2023 TERATAK DARUS SAADAH Tajuk Program CERIA SUKAN CEKAK (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To strengthen our relationship with members in our association. 2. Maintaining our health physically and mentally Sasaran Peserta 3. To ensure that all members can communicate well so that future Tarikh Tempat work will be more efficient 30 14\/01\/2023 PUSAT SUKAN UNIVERSITI UTARA MALAYSIA Tajuk Program MARHABAN JUMADA AL-THANI (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To introduce the art of Marhaban and Berzanji to students. 2. To shape students to be more grateful. Sasaran Peserta 3. To produce students who have a noble personality, good character, Tarikh Tempat and high prudence. 25 05\/01\/2023 INASIS TM HALL 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 107\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program KELAS LATIHAN PERINGKAT ASAS (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To acknowledge new members about martial arts. 2. To explain the foundation of the Buah Silat Cekak theoretically, Sasaran Peserta Tarikh especially to the new members Tempat 30 12\/11\/2022 DKG 5 Tajuk Program BICYCLE RIDE DAY (PERMEDIA SPORTS WEEK 1.0) (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To have at least 20 participants attend on this program. 2. To ensure students aware that healthy and strong body will create Sasaran Peserta Tarikh a healthy and strong brain despite heavily hectic schedule. Tempat 20 13\/01\/2023 SPORT CENTRE ROUTE C DMAS SPORT CENTRE Tajuk Program MAGIC OF EDITING 3.0: VN VIDEO EDITOR (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To improve mobile video editing skills among the students. 2. To give an added value that is useful to students especially to keep Sasaran Peserta Tarikh up with the current changes in the digitalizing industry. Tempat 3. To give exposure to students on TikTok content creation. 4. To cultivate the proper use of digital media. 80 03\/01\/2023 SMMTC SEMINAR HALL 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 108\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program BONDING ANOK PANTAI TIMUR (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To foster stronger relationship and cohesiveness in teams. 2. To build trust and team bonds. Sasaran Peserta 3. To learn corporate values between team members. Tarikh 100 Tempat 28\/01\/2023 PADANG HOKI, UNIVERSITI UTARA MALAYSIA Tajuk Program THE SECRET GARDEN DINNER (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. Strengthening friendships between students studying at UUM 2. Appreciate the services and sacrifices of the committee members Sasaran Peserta Tarikh for the 2021\/2022 session Tempat 3. Create a wonderful memory for students especially for final year students 200 13\/01\/2023 DEWAN TAN SRI OTHMAN Tajuk Program MESRA BERSAMA MAMPAN (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. As a main platform for all Pahangs students in University of Utara Malaysia to know more about MAMPAN organization. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To encourage all Pahangs students in University of Utara Malaysia Tempat to join the leadership program offered by MAMPAN organization. 3. As a main platform for MAMPANorganization to spread and promote about the benefits and initiatives provided for all Pahangs students. 150 07\/01\/2023 INASIS TM HALL, UUM 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 109\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program STML INDUSTRIAL TALK 1.0: POS LAJU MALAYSIA (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif To spread awareness to our university students on supply chain management in the industry. Next, we aim to build a strong connection Sasaran Peserta with the industry as this is our first program with the Pos Laju Malaysia Tarikh company. We also aim to enhance our students' confidence when they Tempat enter the industry by giving them the first insight of the working environment. 200 12\/01\/2023 FACEBOOK LIVE AND WEBEX Tajuk Program STML DEBATE SELECTION (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif The purpose of this program is to find debate talent among POM students and bring selected candidates to compete to represent STML Sasaran Peserta students. Tarikh 50 Tempat 10\/01\/2023 GREEN IDEA ROOM Tajuk Program DAMAI BADMINTON SPORT DAY (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To strenghten our relationship between commitee. 2. To get a good health and body stamina. Sasaran Peserta 3. To get more knowledge about badminton and give opportunity to Tarikh Tempat who want to learn about this sport. 40 06\/01\/2023 PUSAT SUKAN UUM 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 110\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program WIRA ANTI RASUAH (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. Participants will know the forms of corruption. 2. Cultivating pure and anti-corruption values among participants. Sasaran Peserta 3. Knowing the effects of corruption. Prevent the symptoms of Tarikh Tempat corruption from spreading. 100 21\/01\/2023 ONLINE PLATFORM VIA WEBEX CISCO MEETING Tajuk Program DIGITAL FINANCE FUNCTION: THE UPTAKE AND FUTURE (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To share finance knowledge with non-finance students 2. To highlight the importance of digital finance and how it impacts the Sasaran Peserta Tarikh youth today Tempat 3. To fulfill the requirements of organizing a Service Learning Project of Seminar in Finance students 50 07\/01\/2023 AIMST UNIVERSITY Tajuk Program TAHANEKA (BONDING DAY) (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To celebrate the potential leadership qualities among club members in club management and programmes Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To further enhance the ukhwah between the club members to get Tempat to know each other 40 21\/01\/2023 PADANG PUSAT SUKAN, UNIVERSITI UTARA MALAYSIA 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 111\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program TAHA ORGANIZATIONAL MANAGEMENT COURSE (OMC) (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To strengthen the knowledge of our club members in handling and planning a program or activities. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To provide exposure to all the club exco regarding the role of every Tempat student body in an organization, the latest format of activities and program planning, and the correct way to fill Almanac, Working Paper, and Project Report. 40 14\/01\/2023 DEWAN SEMINAR PUSAT ISLAM, UNIVERSITI UTARA MALAYSIA Tajuk Program TAHA CLUB T-SHIRT 2.0 (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif To increase the morale of club members to continue to work hard in the line of duty. The second is to standardize the wearing of club Sasaran Peserta members during events or programs organize and encourage students Tarikh to provide support to the club by purchasing club shirts. Next, is to add Tempat and raise funds for the club. 60 05\/01\/2023 ONLINE PLATFORM: GOOGLE FORM Tajuk Program PROGRAM JELAJAH ILMU KELUARGA ANGKAT KHIDMAT (Indikator Pencapaian) MASYARAKAT (JKMAS 5.0) Objektif 1. To be able to experience the atmosphere of living on campus to Sasaran Peserta form 6 students Tarikh Tempat 2. To give exposure to form 6 students about uum academic and non- academic programmes and activities. 3. To explore and discover the beauty and interesting places of University Utara Malaysia which also known as university. 150 07\/01\/2023 DEWAN SEMINAR PUSAT ISLAM 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 112\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program ANNUAL GRAND MEETING AND DINNER PERAK PATRIOT (Indikator Pencapaian) CHAPTER CLUB Objektif To meet the provisions of the club's constitution to change the Sasaran Peserta leadership and draft the club's constitution. To give exposure to club Tarikh members about club activities carried out for the 2021\/2022 session To Tempat build a bonding between the Perak Patriot Chapter Club members and the Perak Patriot Chapter Club advisors. 100 05\/01\/2023 DEWAN SRI ANGSANA, EDC UUM Tajuk Program STORIES IN PIXELS- SERIES 1: CHINESE NEW YEAR (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. Attract students to get to know the Photography Club. 2. Let students to explore and show their creativity in taking pictures. Sasaran Peserta 3. Let the contestants have more exposure to the outdoor. Tarikh 50 Tempat 22\/01\/2023 ONLINE PLATFORM VIA INSTAGRAM AND FACEBOOK Tajuk Program PROGRAM BAKTI SISWA PERWISA: CSR (CLEAN, SAFETY AND (Indikator Pencapaian) RESPECT) UNTUK ANAK-ANAK SINTOK. MODUL 1 KITA JAGA Objektif KELAS KITA Sasaran Peserta 1. To educate students or generations with high character and Tarikh personality in the future. Tempat 2. To disclose students about good discipline and behaviour. 3. Practicing and simulating to students the correct ethical way in every situation. 204 17\/01\/2023 SEKOLAH KEBANGSAAN BANDAR BARU SINTOK, CHANGLUN, KEDAH 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 113\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program PROGRAM USAHAWAN CEMERLANG (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To enhance the entrepreneur skills among the PERWISA students. 2. To produce more graduated students to join entrepreneurship. Sasaran Peserta 3. To make this club as a platform for the students to enhance their Tarikh Tempat skills in entrepreneurship. 25 15\/01\/2023 DKG 1, DEWAN TM, ALOR SETAR (PERUSAHAAN ROTI SERI) Tajuk Program PROGRAM BAKTI SISWA PERWISA: CSR (CLEAN, SAFETY AND (Indikator Pencapaian) RESPECT) UNTUK ANAK-ANAK SINTOK Objektif 1. To educate students or generations with high character and Sasaran Peserta personality in the future. Tarikh Tempat 2. To disclose students about good discipline and behaviour. 3. Practicing and simulating to students the correct ethical way in every situation. 200 03\/01\/2023 SEKOLAH KEBANGSAAN BANDAR BARU SINTOK, CHANGLUN, KEDAH Tajuk Program GPMS YASSIN RECITATION DAY (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To seek blessings and assistance from Allah SWT in order to make it simpler for each and every students to perform in the final Sasaran Peserta examination. Tarikh Tempat 2. To motivate students to make reading Yassin as a part of their usual routine. 400 04\/02\/2023 ONLINE PLATFORM VIA CISCO WEBEX MEETING 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 114\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program AIR TO AIR TALK: FUTURE CAREER (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To ensure that all participants gain confidence in their careers in the workplace. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To give exposure to understanding how to adapt to the job. Tempat 100 20\/01\/2023 ONLINE PLATFORM VIA CISCO WEBEX MEETING Tajuk Program SURVIVAL SKILL SELF DEFENSE (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To enhance students to become more confident to live daily life and be more careful in tense situations 2. Following that, this self-defence class will boost students' competence and efficiency in reducing the difficulty of real life. 3. Besides that, by learning to use the right step of defence, it will make the student more discipline and focus of their environment. 4. Last but not least, to increase a student's survival skills. Sasaran Peserta 60 Tarikh 19\/01\/2023 Tempat BIG STAGE SME DARBY Tajuk Program PHOTOGRAPHY SKILLS WORKSHOP (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To expose or give participants tips and trick in taking good picture and editing photos. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To inspire the participants to get more involved in photography. Tempat 200 17\/01\/2023 ONLINE PLATFORM: CISCO WEBEX MEETING 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 115\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program INTENSIVE CLASS: FA & FN (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. Help students improve understanding among students who take the subjects of Introduction to Financial Accounting and Financial Sasaran Peserta Management. Tarikh Tempat 2. Revise what they have learned and what they missed and prepare for the examination. 3. Bring relationships between students of different courses. 60 17\/01\/2023 DKG1\/1 Tajuk Program THE ARABIAN NIGHT (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. Enhancing relationship between of Islamic Business School (IBS), students of Bachelor Islamic Finance and Banking, and IFBA Sasaran Peserta committee. Tarikh Tempat 2. Polishing student soft skills of managing programs. 3. Encourage students to take part in the organization and program. 250 13\/01\/2023 DEWAN TAN SRI OTHMAN (DTSO) Tajuk Program ALUMNI SHARING ROAD TO INTERNSHIP (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. Attract the interest of UUM students to work directly in the internship place with the appropriate selection after graduation. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. .Povide exposure and share experiences during the internship, as Tempat well as to adapt skills during work in the company. 3. Encourage students to prepare physically and mentally in advance for internship and job training. 100 06\/01\/2023 WEBEX 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 116\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program SCIMPA DEAN\u2019S AWARD (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif To show appreciation for the students who succeeded in achieving best results for their A212 final examinations and to encourage the Sasaran Peserta motivation of students for keep continuing to grab more success in the Tarikh future. Tempat 48 28\/01\/2023 DEWAN SMMTC Tajuk Program CIA\u2019S FRIENDLY BOND (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif To create bonds between members of the association. Sasaran Peserta 35 Tarikh 21\/01\/2023 Tempat TERATAK SIMPUL WENG DALAM BALING CAMPSITE, KEDAH Tajuk Program LANGIT BERATAP SENI X BUAS PRODUCTION (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif To give knowledge of Music arts to the participants to develop skills talent can develop into an impressive advantage for participan Sasaran Peserta 200 Tarikh 13\/01\/2023 Tempat PUSAT BUDAYA DAN SENI (PBS) Tajuk Program ALUMNUS MAJORING TALK AND FYP SHARING (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif To make sure new intake students had vision about the majoring and final year student got the flow and planning about final year project. Sasaran Peserta 172 Tarikh 10\/01\/2023 Tempat WEBEX 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 117\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program WORKSHOP INSTRUMENT ORCHESTRA (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif To imrove the skills on orchestra instrument and for strengthen orchestral music of smsah students. Sasaran Peserta 51 Tarikh 07\/01\/2023 Tempat DEWAN SEKOLAH MENENGAH SULTAN ABDUL HALIM (SMSAH) Tajuk Program FASHION FOR THE WORLD: STARTUP TALK (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To give the students input about redesigning fashion while breaking gender bias and the issues faced in the industries. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To give students a clear view of a startup and its benefits. Tempat 100 17\/01\/2023 ONLINE PLATFORM: ZOOM CLOUD MEETINGS Tajuk Program ROCKET LAUNCH: ARE YOU READY? (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To give the students tips on pitching to attract investors or customers in 60 seconds Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To give students knowledge and tips on what to prepare before Tempat meeting an investor. 100 24\/01\/2023 ONLINE PLATFORM: ZOOM CLOUD MEETINGS 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 118\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program SCHOOL OF COMPUTING MAJORING TALK (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. We want to grow students' knowledge of the course specialization offered by the School of Computing. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. We would like to help students obtain a better and quality insight of Tempat the course specialization. 3. We hope to help students choose their course specialization based on their interest in computer science. 200 17\/01\/2023 DEWAN AUDITORIUM UUM CAS Tajuk Program HERITAGE ON THE MOVIE: BATIK INDUSTRY (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To give an illustration of how the business world operates 2. To encourage more people to engage in Batik industry Sasaran Peserta 3. To provide ideas on how people can pursue an industrial Tarikh Tempat profession 200 09\/06\/2023 DEWAN SEMINAR A , PUSAT KONVENSYEN UUM Tajuk Program SEIKHLAS KASIH RAMADHAN CAKNA (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To get closer to God by doing good deeds such as giving charity. 2. To improve the relationship among the students. Sasaran Peserta 3. To take care of the welfare of students who belong to the Tarikh Tempat disadvantaged group. 150 07\/04\/2023 CAF\u00c9 EVERY INASIS 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 119\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program A DAY WITH CONTENT CREATOR (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To improve the quality of editing skills. 2. To learn how to earn a decent living. Sasaran Peserta 3. To build individuals who are confident and competent in their own Tarikh Tempat potential. 150 07\/01\/2023 DKG4\/2 Tajuk Program SUKAN MEMBINA PERSONALITI TERBILANG (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. to fire up the committee members and athletes spirit in sport. 2. to help athletes achieve a balanced life with sport. Sasaran Peserta 30 Tarikh 19\/05\/2023 Tempat GOOGLE MEET Tajuk Program MAJLIS BACAAN YASSIN DAN DOA SELAMAT SEMPENA AWAL (Indikator Pencapaian) RAMADHAN Objektif 1. to help us attain great rewards in the holy month of Ramadan. Sasaran Peserta 2. to give lessons that keep us on the path of righteousness. Tarikh 32 Tempat 22\/03\/2023 GOOGLE MEET Tajuk Program LET\u2019S WATCH MOVIE TOGETHER (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. Connecting the committee member of UUM Hockey Club. 2. Give some self motivation and inspiration. Relaxing and unwind Sasaran Peserta Tarikh after a tough day. Tempat 25 30\/01\/2023 DKG 1 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 120\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program WHY PROTOCOL IS ESSENTIAL? (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To ensure all committees members of UUM Hockey Club will fond of what to do in managing any event in the future. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To add more skills regarding all the protocols in handling any event Tempat to the committees of UUM Hockey Club. 25 30\/01\/2023 GOOGLE MEET (HTTPS:\/\/MEET.GOOGLE.COM\/DEJ-PPQW-GXK) Tajuk Program HELPING HANDS: MINI KARNIVAL @ PDK KEDAH (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To engage with the disabled kids by providing activities that can help in increasing the quality of life within the community Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To act as one of our ways in giving back to the society Tempat 3. To build strong relationship and networking among clubs involved in this programme and the community as well To build and maintain a long-term relationship between students of UUM and the community chosen 40 14\/01\/2023 TASIK DARUL AMAN JITRA, KEDAH Tajuk Program SPORT AND SPICES (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To apply sportsman values and expand the potential of sports talent in individuals. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To cultivate the value of sportsmanship among the community to Tempat appreciate the cultural heritage of a sporting event. 3. To create harmony, goodwill, and consideration through friendship among the participants and sports organizers. 4. To improve the skills of GHZP4313 students in managing and implementing an event with a sporting event concept. 100 07\/01\/2023 UUM SPORT CENTRE 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 121\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program MELIORISM CHROMA COLOR RUN (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To educate the public and UUM students on the importance of having knowledge of baby hatch, gynecologic cancer, and breast Sasaran Peserta cancer. Tarikh Tempat 2. To demonstrate several ways in practicing good deeds. 3. To cultivate kindness among the students as well as to the public. 700 07\/01\/2023 PUSAT SUKAN UNIVERSITI UTARA MALAYSIA Tajuk Program HIT THE TRAIL WITH ALUMNI! (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To develop broader social skills among the committee members and alumni. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To strengthen the bond between UUM Canoe Clubs alumni and the Tempat new committees. 20 14\/01\/2023 GUNUNG KERIANG, KEDAH DARUL AMAN Tajuk Program WORTH EVERY PENNY (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To generate side income for UUM Canoe Club's contra account. 2. To develop entrepreneurship skills among UUM Canoe Club's Sasaran Peserta Tarikh members. Tempat 15 17\/12\/2022 UUM GUTHRIE LAKE 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 122\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program TRY IT, WEAR IT, LOVE IT! (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To generate side income for UUM Canoe Club. 2. To attract more people about the existence of the club when the Sasaran Peserta Tarikh buyers wearing the jersey. Tempat 30 10\/12\/2022 UUM CSNOE CLUB Tajuk Program PROGRAM KEM CATUR BESTARI (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To enhance the participants' confidence, including self-discipline and unity spirit. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To train the participants tactical, strategic, and cognitive skills. Tempat 3. To build a strong ability among participants from the aspects such as physical, emotional, intellectual, and social. 100 25\/05\/2023 DEWAN PUSAT BUDAYA DAN SENI Tajuk Program WEEKLY CHESS TRAINING (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. Increase the knowledge and polish the skills in Chinese Chess 2. Expand the social circle and enhance communication skills with Sasaran Peserta Tarikh club members. Tempat 30 06\/01\/2023 MEDAN SELERA HIJAU KUNING 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 123\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program FABULOUS FOOD (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To offer a platform which connects participants from various states through the sharing in the food photo contest. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To push the university students out of their comfort zone with the Tempat fixed theme by joining the event and sharpen their photography and presentation skills. 30 11\/12\/2022 ONLINE PLATFORM VIA UUM CHESS CLUB FACEBOOK PAGE (HTTPS:\/\/WWW.FACEBOOK.COM\/UUM.CHESSCLUB) Tajuk Program FUTURE POSTMAN (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To let students to have the awareness of cherishing time and the present, and improve their ability to plan for the future. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To guide university students to imagine their future life, find their Tempat own motivation for learning, and leave a little mark on their own growth. 30 21\/01\/203 ONLINE PLATFORM VIA GOOGLEFORM Tajuk Program SPREAD HAND, SHARE LOVE (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. Creating and instilling leadership values among students especially to implement a program. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. Give awareness and understanding to intellectual role and Tempat responsibility in achieving human capital development. 3. Cultivate a sense of concern in students and strengthen relationships friendship between students and the outside community. 50 06\/05\/2023 RUMAH ANAK YATIM, YAYASAN BUNGA RAYA, ALOR SETAR, KEDAH 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 124\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program COMPETITION OF DIGITAL WORKS (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To give exposure and experience in presenting their projects. 2. To expose the student about the 'ala mini-exhibition'. Sasaran Peserta 3. To enhance the soft skills in the student. Tarikh Tempat 350 17\/01\/2023 DATARAN FOYER PUSAT PENGAJIAN PENGURUSAN PERNIAGAAN (SBM) Tajuk Program PROTOCOL DEVELOPMENT:MANAGE PROGRAMME LIKE (Indikator Pencapaian) PROFESSIONAL Objektif 1. Explain what a protocol is Sasaran Peserta 2. Explain the importance of protocol in a ceremony Tarikh 3. Tell the aspects that are under the protocol Tempat 26 26\/05\/2023 BILIK SEMINAR SOG Tajuk Program INSPIRATION: CHIT CHAT WITH ALUMNI (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To give encouragement and inspiration to students to become a more valuable person in the future. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To improve communication skills among students to communicate Tempat more confidently with alumni. 3. To establish links between students and alumni more comfortably. 50 13\/01\/2023 DKG 5\/1 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 125\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program MAKE YOUR OWN DESIGN WITH CANVA (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To introducing about Canva to all Development Management Association students. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To educate students to increase the value and neatness of an Tempat design. 3. To make sure that students know about the advantages of Canva. 25 07\/01\/2023 BILIK MESYUARAT UTAMA SOG Tajuk Program INTERNAL TRAINING: SECRETARY & TREASURER (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To train students about planning skills. How to divide their time effectively and efficiently and how to avoid procrastination. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To convey knowledge on how to make a formal email, meeting Tempat agenda, meeting minutes and meeting memo. 3. To train students how to be detail-oriented. 4. To train students to manage finances in the program. 5. To impart knowledge on how to manage finances more accurately. 6. To educate students on the science of counter-accounting. 27 07\/01\/2023 BILIK SEMINAR SOG Tajuk Program MALAYSIAN YOUTH VOLUNTEER \u2013 ECHO WINTER 2.0 2023 (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To unlearn and relearn the importance of climate change among Malaysian Youth in a targeted community. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To cultivate sustainable lifestyles and attitude changes in youth by Tempat giving them the big picture on climate change issues, so they are willing to take action. 3. To enable youth to adopt and maintain sustainable lifestyles by connecting them through hands-on activity created by projects. 4. To empower youths in taking tangible actions and create an action plan to reduce the critical factors that affect our environment. 50 27\/02\/2023 HYBRID-UUM, LOCATION IN KEDAH-PERLIS AREA, ZOOM, GOOGLE MEET 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 126\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program NORTHERN YOUTH LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE 12.0 WINTER (Indikator Pencapaian) 2023 Objektif To unlearn and relearn the importance of the self- care management Sasaran Peserta among Malaysian Youth in a targeted community. To cultivate attitude Tarikh changes in youth by engaging them with professionals on mental Tempat consultant to practice a mental health habit. To enable youth to adopt and maintain sustainable healthy lifestyles by connecting them through activities created by project. To empower youths in taking tangible actions to reduce the critical factors that affect mental health and well- being. 75 27\/02\/2023 HYBRID-UUM, LOCATION IN KEDAH-PERLIS AREA, ZOOM, GOOGLE MEET Tajuk Program MALAYSIAN YOUTH VOLUNTEER-SPEAK UP WINTER 2022 (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif To empower students in Malaysia by developing their English-speaking ability and enhancing their knowledge and skills in STEAM. To widen Sasaran Peserta Malaysian students' perspective on the world by providing them a Tarikh cross-cultural learning environment. Tempat 80 27\/02\/2023 ONLINE VIRTUAL PLATFORM-ZOOM Tajuk Program AIESEC IN KP MOVIE NIGHT (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif To let UUM university student grab a chance enjoy movie show with more affordable price ticket Sasaran Peserta 35 Tarikh 13\/01\/2023 Tempat PHYSICAL UUM, LOCATION IN KEDAH-PERLIS AREA, DKG5 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 127\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program OUT CAMPUS DONATION ACTIVITY (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif To let AIESECer grab a chance to explore the out-campus donation activity and help to gain awareness towards focused issues for the Sasaran Peserta upcoming project volunteering among the external Tarikh 50 Tempat 03\/01\/2023 CHANGLUN AREA Tajuk Program AIESEC IN KP DONATION ACTIVITY (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif To let AIESECer grab a chance to explore the out-campus donation activity and help to gain awareness towards focused issues for the Sasaran Peserta upcoming project volunteering among the external Tarikh 35 Tempat O1\/01\/2023 CHANGLUN AREA Tajuk Program BADMINTON TRAINING A221\/7 (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To improve the skill and interest of members 2. To enhance the relationship between members Sasaran Peserta 20 Tarikh 10\/01\/2023 Tempat SPORT CENTRE UUM 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 128\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program GAME OF THROWS 4.0 (GOT 4.0) (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To apply the techniques learnt during training in the tournament. 2. To enhance skills and gain experience by competing in an open Sasaran Peserta Tarikh tournament. Tempat 3. To acquaint and create network with the participant from other universities. 4. To teach club members how to manage and handle program. 500 27\/05\/2023 UUM FIELD Tajuk Program RE-UNIGHT WITH UTARA BLUES ALL STAR (ALUMNI) (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To build strong connection and bonding between alumni and team members. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To motivate Frisbee team members to prepare for the forthcoming Tempat tournament. 20 14\/01\/2023 UUM SPORT ARENA Tajuk Program SNAP & CATCH: FRISBEE PHOTO AND VIDEO CONTEST (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To get engagement from the university students and communities about the frisbee club in UUM. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To strengthen the bonding among the club members and university Tempat students. 3. To promote Frisbee to university students. 50 10\/01\/2023 UNIVERSITI UTARA MALAYSIA 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 129\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program NATIONAL INVESTMENT CHALLENGE EXTRAVAGANZA (N.I.C.E) (Indikator Pencapaian) 2023 Objektif 1. To act as a platform for students to gain confidence in investing, Sasaran Peserta meet financial experts, and discover and recognize the right and Tarikh legal investment platform. Tempat 2. To expose students to actual industry and engage with them to have a better understanding of how the corporate world functions. 3. To increase students' investment literacy and interpersonal skills 4. To upbring networking opportunities to all students as the event comprises students from various universities. 5. To prepare a platform for industries to train students by exchanging investment knowledge 6. To train organizing committees to organize a flagship event which sharpens their communication skills, collaborating skills as well as leadership skills. 7. To ensure participants and committees are given a platform to nurture their interest in investing and allow them to join more investment competitions. 150 05\/10\/2023 LIBRARY FOYER, MUADZAM SHAH HALL, DKG 1\/3 Tajuk Program BYIC INFO NIGHT 2022 (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To provide a clear explanation on the establishment of BYIC UUM. 2. To increase the exposure of BYIC UUM as a beneficial and Sasaran Peserta Tarikh informative club to the university students. Tempat 3. To recruit new member for BYIC UUM. 4. To strengthen the event management skills of committee members. 150 19\/01\/2023 ZOOM 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 130\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program KICKSTART WITH TECHNICAL ANALYSIS 2.0 (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To educate students on the technical analysis in investments. 2. To help students identify trading opportunities in price trends and Sasaran Peserta Tarikh patterns seen on charts Tempat 3. To provide a platform for students to learn how to analyze and organize the overall market picture. 4. To provide students with opportunities to learn about the stock charts if they are interested in pursuing a career in this field 50 16\/01\/2023 DKG 1\/3 Tajuk Program BYIC EDUCATIONAL CLASS: WHAT IS INVESTIMENT (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To provide the basic knowledge of the investment to the public. 2. To inspire the students to start investing at an early stage in life. Sasaran Peserta 3. To increase the interest of students in the investment field. Tarikh 4. To provide a platform for the participants to expand their Tempat networking connection. 50 14\/01\/2023 DKG 1\/1 Tajuk Program GET ON BOARD WITH UUMUN: TRAINING WORKSHOP 1.0 (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif To provide new club members a well-balanced experience of actual Model United Nations conferences. This training workshop would be a Sasaran Peserta golden opportunity for any member regardless of their MUN Tarikh background, to excel themselves in this field and sharpen their skills. Tempat Furthermore, Get on Board With UUMUN: Training Workshop Series 2 also encourages UUMUN members to voice out more confidently and partake in current issues that's happening all around the world. 50 13\/01\/2023 DKG 6\/1 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 131\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program GET ON BOARD WITH UUMUN: TRAINING WORKSHOP (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif To provide new club members a well-balanced experience of actual Model United Nations conferences. This training workshop would be a Sasaran Peserta golden opportunity for any member regardless of their MUN Tarikh background, to excel themselves in this field and sharpen their skills. Tempat Furthermore, Get on Board With UUMUN: Training Workshop also encourages UUMUN members to voice out more confidently and partake in current issues that's happening all around the world. 40 06\/01\/2023 DKG 6\/1 Tajuk Program UYC AWARD NIGHT A221 (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. Show appreciation to all the UYC associates for all of their hard work in the past semester Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. Appreciate those best performers who are paying hard work in Tempat UYC by awarding them with some special gift. 3. Increase the retention rate of UYC associates, to create a sense of belonging 4. 4. To increase the engagement among the associates, for the long- term relationship 20 16\/01\/2023 DKG 1 Tajuk Program WRITING STANDOUT RESUME (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To allow participants to learn how to build a resume. 2. To upskill our members in writing resumes. Sasaran Peserta 3. To increase participants' knowledge about resume do\u2019s and don\u2019ts. Tarikh 20 Tempat 12\/01\/2023 ONLINE PLATFORM: ZOOM 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 132\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program UYC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (UDP) (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To allow participants to understand the importance of teamwork. 2. To allow participants to pitching their idea and knowledge.. Sasaran Peserta 3. To increase participants' knowledge about the consulting industry Tarikh Tempat and UUM Youth Consulting. 4. To understand the operation of the club in adherance to HEP 24 10\/01\/2023 ONLINE PLATFORM:ZOOM Tajuk Program CONSULTING WORKSHOP #1 (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To introduce participants about what consulting is about. 2. To allow participants to learn how to work as a consultant. Sasaran Peserta 3. To increase participants' knowledge about the consulting industry. Tarikh 20 Tempat 09\/01\/2023 DKG 1 AND ONLINE PLATFORM VIA ZOOM Tajuk Program A221 UYC FAMILY DAY (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To allow committee members to bond with each other. 2. To allow them to have fun and relaxation. Sasaran Peserta 3. To reduce the stress of committee members. Tarikh 20 Tempat 07\/01\/2023 ONLINE PLATFORM:ZOOM Tajuk Program UYC INFO SESSION 2022\/2023 (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To introduce our club to UUM students 2. To give some insights about joining our club Sasaran Peserta 25 Tarikh 05\/01\/2023 Tempat ONLINE PLATFORM: ZOOM 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 133\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program UUM YOUTH CONSULTING ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (Indikator Pencapaian) 2022\/2023 Objektif 1. To officially announce a new management team and new Sasaran Peserta associates in UYC Tarikh Tempat 2. To initiate the plannings for the upcoming semester 20 03\/01\/2023 ONLINE PLATFORM: ZOOM Tajuk Program A221 UYC EDUCATION HUB (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To upskill and develop UUM students talent. 2. To spread awareness about consulting industry among UUM Sasaran Peserta Tarikh students. Tempat 3. To create a holistic learning experience for our clubs members. 40 02\/01\/2023 DKG 1 AND ONLINE PLATFORM VIA ZOOM Tajuk Program ENHANCE YOUR LEADERSHIP SKILLS (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif Our aim for this program is to get at least 30 participants to join the program Sasaran Peserta 30 Tarikh 02\/01\/2023 Tempat DKG 1 AND ONLINE PLATFORM VIA ZOOM 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 134\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program SHARING SESSION WITH GDSC FORMER PRESIDENT (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To provide exposure to participants on the overall experience of being a GDSC UUM committee. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To share meaningful insights on leadership qualities. Tempat 3. To increase exposure of GDSC UUM to attract participants in becoming a member of GDSC in UUM. 60 20\/01\/2023 CISCO WEBEX & FB LIVE Tajuk Program COMPUTER SCIENCE INTERNSHIP AND RECRUITMENT FAIR (Indikator Pencapaian) 2022 (CSIRF 2022) Objektif 1. To give exposure for Year 3 and Year 4 students about their future Sasaran Peserta career. Tarikh Tempat 2. To expand students' networking circle with local startup and company. 3. To give opportunity for the students to know more about internship. 40 07\/01\/2023 UNIVERSITI SAINS MALAYSIA, 11800 PENANG, MALAYSIA Tajuk Program GIT AND GITHUB WORKSHOP (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To extend the knowledge of participants on the usage of the Version Control System platform. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. Attract more people to learn and have fun with the tech platform Tempat and environment. 3. To learn on the usage and the environment of the Git and GitHub Platform. 80 06\/01\/2023 ONLINE PLATFORM (CISCO WEBEX) 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 135\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program STUDENT SHOWDOWN: FIFA 23 (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. to encourage and improve the skills of university students in E- Sports, specifically in the FIFA video game. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. Improving social skills: Participating in a tournament can help Tempat students develop communication and collaboration skills, as well as build confidence and resilience. 16 20\/01\/2023 ARCADE V-MALL UUM Tajuk Program E-SPORTS: ICE BREAKING (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. Built strong relationship among E-Sports Members 2. Reduce the shyness of members to greet each other and chat Sasaran Peserta Tarikh friendly Tempat 3. Create a cheerful and comfortable atmosphere while with members 26 18\/01\/2023 TM STUDENT RESIDENTIAL HALL Tajuk Program FAMILY BONDING WITH ARCHERS (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To strengthen the bond between the member of UUM athlete 2. To test the physical and mental strength of the member Sasaran Peserta 3. To enhance the team spirit within the member Tarikh 20 Tempat 14\/01\/2023 LAPANG SASAR MEMANAH UUM 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 136\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program KEMBARA INDUCTION CAMP (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To appreciate the beauty of nature in Sintok Forest. 2. To produce active members in exploration and natural areas. Sasaran Peserta 3. To train club members to manage student activities more efficiently. Tarikh 50 Tempat 26\/01\/2023 HUTAN SINTOK, UUM Tajuk Program SQUASH CLINIC (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif To educate our club members on more advanced squash skills and techniques and expand their squash knowledge. Besides, the Sasaran Peserta relationship among our squash club members can also be strengthened Tarikh through this program. Furthermore, by participating in this program, the Tempat participants can spend their spare time wisely and have a healthier life. 30 14\/01\/2023 KACHI SQUASH COURT Tajuk Program SQUASH CLUB TRAINING A221 (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif To build and master the squash skills and techniques among the Squash Club members. It is because majority of our members are new Sasaran Peserta to the club and do not know how to play squash. Besides that, this Tarikh training session also to guide the squash members to improve their Tempat skills in squash. Lastly, we hope that this program can inspire of our members to participate in clubs upcoming events. 30 07\/01\/2023 KACHI SQUASH COURT 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 137\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program A221 PPC 7TH TRAINING (FOOTWORK) (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To encourage students to play table tennis in order to maintain a healthy physique. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To offer students with an opportunity to enhance their footwork Tempat skills and performance in playing table tennis. 3. To promote a platform for students to share their opinions, particularly about table tennis. 50 20\/01\/2023 UUM SPORT CENTRE Tajuk Program PING PONG SHARING TALK (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To give understanding and experience to all PPC members about table tennis. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To encourage sharing idea and information to member and Tempat communicate with each other 3. To provide an opportunity for members to bond with each other. 50 13\/01\/2023 UUM SPORT CENTRE Tajuk Program PPC FAMILY DAY 2022\/2023 (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To encourage students to engage in sports and promote a healthy lifestyle. Sasaran Peserta 2. To improve members social and communication skills. Tarikh 3. To foster a spirit of teamwork between the new members and Tempat existing members by grouping them to complete the activities. 40 13\/01\/2023 UUM SPORT CENTRE 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 138\u00a0 \u00a0","ALMANAK 2023\u00a0\u00a0 Tajuk Program A221 PPC 6TH TRAINING (OVERALL) (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To enhance the awareness of playing ping pong among the students. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To provide a platform for the students to improve their skills and Tempat ability in playing table tennis. 3. To promote a platform that enables students to exchange their thoughts, especially in table tennis. 50 10\/01\/2023 UUM SPORT CENTRE Tajuk Program SEARCHING FOR TALENT 2.0 (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To search for talented members of the UUM Ping Pong Club. 2. To gain new knowledge, skills, and experience among the Sasaran Peserta Tarikh members. Tempat 3. To enhance the communication skills among the members. 10 08\/01\/2023 ONLINE PLATFORM VIA CISCO WEBEX ([email protected]) Tajuk Program A221 PPC 5TH TRAINING (MULTIPLE BALL) (Indikator Pencapaian) Objektif 1. To share with all PPC members on the ways to exercise multiple balls training in table tennis. Sasaran Peserta Tarikh 2. To organize a training session that will encourage all PPC Tempat members to bond with each another. 3. To provide a platform for all PPC members to release stress, develop social skills, and workout throughout this training program. 50 03\/01\/2023 UUM SPORT CENTRE 2023\u00a0 \u00a0JABATAN\u00a0HAL\u00a0EHWAL\u00a0PELAJAR\u00a0 \u00a0 139\u00a0 \u00a0"]
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