FSMTA 2014 Annual Report Annual Membership Meeting June 26, 2014Renaissance Orlando at SeaWorld®
Executive Officer ReportsTABLE OF CONTENTSAnnual Meeting June 27, 2013 ............................................................................................................ 1Executive Officer Reports ................................................................................................................... 2 State President Leiah Carr ................................................................................................................. 2 State First Vice President Joanna Godwin.......................................................................................... 3 State Second Vice President Donna Smith......................................................................................... 4 State Secretary Debbie Sieber ........................................................................................................... 5 State Treasurer Maureen Gilbert ........................................................................................................ 6 State Immediate Past President/Historian Ralph Russ ....................................................................... 7 Executive Director James Kelley ........................................................................................................ 7Chapter Reports................................................................................................................................... 8 Big Bend Chapter ............................................................................................................................... 8 Brevard Chapter ................................................................................................................................. 8 Broward Chapter ................................................................................................................................ 9 Central Florida Chapter .................................................................................................................... 10 Dade Chapter ................................................................................................................................... 12 Emerald Coast Chapter .................................................................................................................... 13 First Coast Chapter .......................................................................................................................... 14 Flagler/Volusia Chapter .................................................................................................................... 15 Gulf Coast Chapter........................................................................................................................... 16 Heart of Florida Chapter ................................................................................................................... 16 Keys Chapter.................................................................................................................................... 17 North Central Florida Chapter........................................................................................................... 17 Palm Beach Chapter ........................................................................................................................ 19 Sarasota/Manatee Chapter............................................................................................................... 20 Southwest Florida Chapter ............................................................................................................... 22 Sugar Dunes Chapter ....................................................................................................................... 23 Suwannee Valley Chapter ................................................................................................................ 23 Tampa Bay Chapter ......................................................................................................................... 24 Treasure Coast Chapter ................................................................................................................... 25Standing Committee Reports............................................................................................................ 26 Bylaws Committee............................................................................................................................ 26 Educational Standards Committee.................................................................................................... 26 Legislative Committee ...................................................................................................................... 27Special Committee Reports .............................................................................................................. 31 Awards Committee ........................................................................................................................... 31 BOMT Liaison................................................................................................................................... 31 Elections Committee......................................................................................................................... 33 Ethics Committee ............................................................................................................................. 33 Insurance Relations Committee........................................................................................................ 33 Page 2
FSMTA 2014 Annual ReportInternational Relations Committee.................................................................................................... 34Legislative Awareness Days/MT Awareness Week Committee ........................................................ 35Liability Insurance Liaison................................................................................................................. 35Membership Committee.................................................................................................................... 35Social Media Committee................................................................................................................... 36Sports Massage Committee.............................................................................................................. 37State Store ....................................................................................................................................... 37Technology Committee..................................................................................................................... 37Convention Committee ..................................................................................................................... 38
FSMTA 2014 Annual ReportAnnual Meeting June 27, 2013AGENDAWelcomeCall To Order-State President, Leiah CarrRoll Call-State Secretary, Debbie SieberApproval of Minutes-State Secretary, Debbie SieberFinancial Report-State Treasurer, Maureen GilbertPresidents Report-State President, Leiah CarrOld Business State Presidents Report Volunteer RecognitionNew BusinessAdjournThe Success Summit program will immediately followMINUTESFSMTA Annual Membership MeetingOMNI ChampionsGate Resort Orlando, FloridaJune 27, 2013Meeting brought to order by State President Carr at 7:32 pmState Secretary Debbie Sieber took Attendance and a quorum was present. Debbie Sieber read the June 28,2012 Annual Meeting Minutes. Motion to pass the Minutes as written from the floor and 2nd from the floor. NoDiscussion. No opposition. Motion passed.Maureen Gilbert gave the Treasurer’s Report.State President Report - Annual Report will be found on the www. Fsmta.org website. Implemented many changes: Payment plan for convention Social Media Data collection for convention. Complete technology review of our system. The board will update our computer systems. We have new council. Luke Lirot and Adam Levine. Expanded and strengthened old and new professional relationships. Legislative Days was a great success. Revising our website. FSMTA is a volunteer organization.Recognized Evelyn Bishop and Brain Smith to the stage. They were recognized for their 20 years of service asconvention CE monitors.New Business:Vivian Madison Mahoney - Wanted to recognize Leiah Carr and give her a plaque from the United PractionersFund.Leslie Lopez moved to adjourn the meeting with a 2nd from the floor. Motion passedAdjourned @ 8:19 pmPresident Carr introduced Kellie Kuecha as the speaker of .the Success Summit. Page 1
Executive Officer ReportsExecutive Officer ReportsState President Leiah CarrIt has been an honor to serve and represent you during my term as President of the FSMTA. We have made atremendous amount of forward progress for the Association. During the past year we have implementedadditional changes to our State website gaining greater exposure for the Association. We have recentlyimplemented a new additional website geared to the public searching for professional Massage Therapists,myfsmtatherapist.com. This site promotes all FSMTA Members to help each of you succeed. Our previous Statewebsite received an average of only 300 website hits a month. With the new main site and detailed workcompleted we now average over 11,000 hits a month. Our new convention website averages over 32,000 hits permonth!I am delighted to report that we will be kicking off a new membership payment option at this year’s convention.Members will now have the option to pay monthly through automatic payments. This new budget friendly optionwill help many who may be experiencing financial challenges due to the current economic climate. Weimplemented the payment plan option last year for our convention, and are pleased to be adding this new monthlypayment feature to the membership program.The Board recently voted to not renew the contracts of the previous two Lobbyists in order to eliminate issues andconcerns of conflict of interest as we move forward with a stronger political and legislative plan. The Board hasvoted to renew the contracts for our two Corporate Attorneys we hired last year who will also now serve as ourLobbyist. Our Attorneys, Luke Lirot and Adam Levine will advise and manage lobbying efforts as directed by theBoard of Directors. They will advise and assist the Board and membership in implementing a new grass rootslobbying plan. Our Legislative Chair, Alex Spassoff has done an outstanding job in working with our Attorneys tostructure this program which will help our organization gain greater strength politically. Our political strength is inour numbers and united together we are a powerful force.During this year I implemented an Ethics Committee that is charged with the work of drafting updated Ethics andCode of Conduct statements for our Association. They have also been charged with the duty to draft and designclear procedures for the Boards approval to manage any issues or complaints received related to potentialviolations by Members of these policies.During my tenure the Board approved to expand our membership categories to now allow LMT’s from other statesto join, as well businesses and organizations. I appreciate the Boards approval of the changes I proposed. Ibelieve that these changes and the addition of the monthly payment program, once properly marketed, will assistin additional membership growth for the FSMTA.I have worked in conjunction with our Social Media Chair, First Vice President Joanna Godwin, and ourTechnology Chair, Greg Neely to keep our website updated and to disseminate information and updates quicklythrough our Facebook pages to our members to keep them informed. Through the use of technology such asinternet based video and phone conference programs, as well as numerous emails I have ensured that the Boardhas been consistently well informed. I have provided throughout my Presidency email updates between ourQuarterly Board meetings to the Board titled “Keeping You Connected & Informed”. This has allowed the Boardto have information and updates regarding the Association quickly. We have continued to utilize a social mediaprivate group I implemented in the first year to share information and updates in a quick and efficient manner tothe Board so that they are able to remain informed and can disperse information throughout the 19 Chapters.In April we had several Chapter Presidents and Members travel from various parts of the State to attend ourLegislative Awareness Days in Tallahassee, FL. Reactivating this event is something I am pleased to haveaccomplished as President. I continue to believe that our presence in Tallahassee, as a unified group, along withour local efforts will continue to help strengthen in the political arena. This is essential when legislation isintroduced that impacts our profession, our scope of practice and our rights.This year we implemented a volunteer application process for our Convention. This allowed equal opportunity toall members to participate and attend the Convention classes at no cost in exchange for their volunteer service. Ihope that this process remains in place to openly provide this option for all members. We are also holding thefree Success Summit again this year with a dynamic speaker, Howard Partridge. Information he will share willeducate members on methods to improve their business and contribute to their overall success. Page 2
FSMTA 2014 Annual ReportWe have furthered the work originally initiated to implement consistent branding across FSMTA to gain aconsistent professional image. We have also worked to help structure our focus on helping our members tosucceed in the massage profession. This has been accomplished to date by providing them with improvededucational opportunities and the tools, techniques and knowledge needed to succeed. Through the addition ofnew member benefits we have provided methods for members to save in both their professional and personal life.These benefits have been added to enhance and provide even greater value to FSMTA membership.We have moved forward and progressed in streamlining and improving FSMTA as a business structure. This hascome with challenges at times. As in any business you cannot continue to use the same business model in arapidly changing business climate, while your competition continues to evolve, improve and change with thetimes. As in any organization there are those who resist change, even when it is good. In business it is criticalthat you improve, evolve, and advance with the times otherwise you become stagnant and risk becoming extinctlike dinosaurs. Many Board members understand this as business owners and have supported and workedtirelessly to improve the FSMTA. It is critical, in order for our Association to remain viable and strong as anorganization, for the Board of Directors to continue to adapt, change with the times, and competition in order toincrease membership.During this past year and throughout my term tremendous advancements have occurred. Many of these changeshave brought us forward on many levels from both the corporate operational aspect to the use andimplementation of advanced technology. Through the votes and support of the Board changes have beenimplemented, policies and programs have been put in place that, if managed properly, will continue to strengthenand help to grow the FSMTA for members now and into the future.Our Board and Members are excited to be celebrating our 75th Anniversary as an Association. This is atremendous milestone for any organization, and even more so for one that has been and continues to bemanaged and operated by volunteers. The FSMTA plays an integral part in the massage profession. TheAssociation has and continues to make a significant impact on our profession and in advancing massage therapy.The work done through the members who volunteer to serve FSMTA reaches far and wide. We can each beproud to belong to a professional organization with a rich history that continues to unite, promote and protectMassage Therapist and the profession. In our 75th year, and diamond anniversary, as members we are each apart of history in the making. Your support and continued membership are greatly appreciated and play asignificant role in the work accomplished by FSMTA and in advancing our profession.As President it has been a great honor to serve and represent each of you, and to give back to the Associationand profession that I am so passionate about. I look forward to the continued work that will be accomplished byour Board of Directors to strengthen, improve and grow the FSMTA.State First Vice President Joanna GodwinAs we have been without an Executive Director for many months Leiah Carr, Debbie Seiber, Maureen Gilbert,Donna Smith, Greg Neely, Myself and a few on the board have been to corporate office multiple times. Along withthe FSMTA staff, we stepped up to help maintain and handle circumstances and situations that would normallyfall to the Executive Director. Operating with the goal to save funds and run the association as smoothly aspossible until the right director was hired.Along with the EC I was on multiple phone calls and went to corporate office several times for the interviewingprocess of an Executive Director. I am pleased to say that we found a good fit and that Mr. James Kelley washired as the Executive Director for the FSMTA.I have spoken with Sports Team Captain Diane Forrester several times about sponsorship opportunities and linedup a conference call between her and the EC to implement and finalize her ideas.I also assisted with her finding sponsorship dollars for the Sports Team.Throughout the year I’ve met with State Treasurer Maureen Gilbert to go over the Expense Reports and to signchecks.I coordinated and booked the hotel for all of the quarterly board meetings this past year.I shopped around and booked at more affordable properties, this allowed this board to save a subsequent amountof money. In an effort to save and wisely make use of Association funds I strongly suggest we continue this typeof protocol for all future meetings. Page 3
Executive Officer ReportsI was honored to assist President Carr and tech genius Greg Neely in creating an FSMTA licensed massagetherapist website with advanced search engine optimization so that patients/clients could be directed to ourmembers.I have been on and continue to be on multiple phone calls with Convention chair Greg Neely and members of theconvention committee.I have been working alongside Greg Neely, Leiah Carr and Krista Evans (FSMTA on the spot reporter.) editingand creating 2014 convention videos.I have been on and continue to be on multiple phone calls with Convention chair Greg Neely and members of theconvention committee.Along with State President Leiah Carr I reached out to several successful motivational presenters to speak at thisyear’s convention. Professional & Motivational Presenter Howard Partridge will be presenting at this year’sSuccess Summit.I've promoted and brought in a couple of convention vendors, and I have looked for and found sponsorship dollarsand assistance.Between Greg Neely, Joyce Prahasky and myself we’ve lined up some incredible entertainment at this year’sconvention. We’ve got a marching band to open the tradeshow, a DJ for Thursday and Friday and the Z StreetBand a Speakeasy band for Saturday’s banquet.I have brainstormed with Krista Evans (FSMTA on the spot reporter.) with ideas for the 2014 convention videos. Isuggested and organized the personalized video introductions of corporate staff and of the Executive Committeeto share via social media and if doable to eventually plug onto our State website.I have stayed in regular contact with the chapters for which I am liaison (Brevard, Broward, Miami Dade, PalmBeach and Keys.) and I have had multiple calls with many on the Executive Board to do my best to stay awareand assist in any way I can.I was on multiple conference calls with our magazine and convention logo creator Elaine York. She did anoutstanding job taking the ideas from this board and creating our 2014 convention logo.Along with the Executive Committee, several Board members, corporate office and FSMTA supporters in effortsto move this association forward, I have been part of many phone calls and conference calls regarding, socialmedia, strategic planning, legislative, convention, promotions, membership, membership benefits and vendorrelations.You are all very much appreciated for the work that you do for your chapter and this association. To help us allsucceed this EC welcomes your thoughts, suggestions and ideas. We cannot implement, change or enhancewithout constant communication. The FSMTA is a “team” effort, and your positive support is needed.We have made some very good connections, and have opened many doors to new membership benefits, such asimplementation of payment plans.The Corporate office Staff has gone above and beyond in their duties and this association is very fortunate tohave each of these ladies on the FSMTA team.Thank you Angela, Laura and Lynn for all of your hard work and dedication for this association!It has been my privilege to serve our members, our profession and to be part of this Executive board.Respectfully SubmittedJoanna GodwinState 1st Vice PresidentState Second Vice President Donna SmithThis has been a very busy year for the Executive Board and serving as Second Vice President has meantcommunication between office staff and Board members daily. We served almost a whole term without anExecutive Director and at this time we have one hired and in place, relieving the Executive Committee of manyresponsibilities usually handled by our Director.The Executive Committee was involved with Convention planning this year and started to prepare right after lastyear’s Convention, meeting in September to choose presenters and select themes. Many hours of hard work goesin to make our Conventions become a reality. Page 4
FSMTA 2014 Annual ReportAlong with State obligations I also keep myself connected with Chapters that are assigned to me, (Gulf Coast,Suwanee Valley, Sugar Dunes, Emerald Coast, and Big Bend.) They always have access for any questions orconcerns. Staying involved with Gulf Coast is priority and I attend all the monthly meetings.There are numerous phone conferences and meetings, and the Executive Committee met for two main ones,including Convention along with the Convention Committee, and our annual state budget that is presented to theExecutive Board. We have made ourselves available for interviews for our Executive Director. We held a meetingOctober 5th with our attorneys and lobbyists in order for them to meet face to face and have a plan for anylegislative issue that was on the radar for this session. At that time we also brought in the strategic planning andmembership chair for a meeting succeeding the attorney/lobbyist meeting. We have traveled to Atlanta to AMC’sMassage and Chiropractic Convention to network and market our insurance out of state.This year we can all celebrate a milestone of our association, the 75th year of existence. Never forget we are avoice for all therapists in and out of Florida. So many states model the outcome from other states and FSMTA isthe only state association for massage therapists. It’s time to “Honor the Past and Build the Future” as this year’stheme suggests. Thank you for all the support received and it is truly my honor to serve you.Sincerely,Donna SmithState Second Vice PresidentState Secretary Debbie SieberThe following is a recap of the year since our last annual meeting.June 30, 2013 - Post Convention MeetingJuly 19, 2013 – Went to Central Office to work on Magazine.July 31, 2013 – Went to Central Office with Pam Kendrick to help the office staffAugust 22- 24, 2013 - Managed the FCA Massage Room.September 5-8, 2013 - Attended the Pre- 2014 Convention Planning Meeting.October 3, 2013 – Attended Human Trafficking SummitOctober 11, 2013 –Attended Legislative Committee Meeting.October 23, 2013 – Went to Central Office with Pam Kendrick to help the office staffNovember 13, 2013 – Worked at Central OfficeJanuary 18- 19, 2014 – Attended FSMTA Quarterly Board MeetingJanuary 30, 2014 – Attended Angela Capo’s Mothers FuneralFebruary 18, 2014 - Attended Sarasota Chapter MeetingFebruary 28, 2014 – Went to Central Office for Executive Director’s interviewsMarch 5, 2014 – Attended Executive Director’s interviews via video conferencingMarch 6, 2014 – Attended Emergency Teleconference CallMarch 12, 2014 - Attended Heart of Florida chapter meeting swore in Ian McIntosh – 1st VPMarch 23 - 24, 2014 – Attended Budget Meeting and tour Caribe RoyaleApril 4, 2014 – Attended Convention at Corporate OfficeApril 5-6, 2014 - Attended Quarterly MeetingApril 22-23, 2014 – Attended Legislative Awareness DaysMay 12, 2014 - Attended Donna Smith’s mother’s funeralMay 14, 2014 - Attended Heart of Florida chapter meeting.I would like to thank each and every one of you that donate your time and efforts to this organization! I know life isbusy and time is valuable. It takes a lot to give when we are all so active. Just know that you are appreciated nomatter what your contribution it all matters!Respectfully SubmittedDebbie SieberState Secretary Page 5
Executive Officer ReportsState Treasurer Maureen GilbertFiscal Year April 1, 2013 – March 31, 2014Our income is derived mainly from membership dues and member liability insurance; we also rely a great deal onsponsorship. The remainder of our revenue comes from our Annual Convention, State Store sales and SportsMassage Team training. As a professional association, a sound financial position must be maintained in order toaccomplish the goals of our association and to professionally represent the objectives of our members.The consolidated financial statements indicate that our membership funds are dispersed thoughtfully to provideeducation and information for our members, legislative representation to protect our scope of practice and alsoorganizing & supporting events to help promote FSMTA therapists and Massage Therapy. The consolidatedcompilation reports are attached to this annual report and will also be available at fsmta.org.The fiscal year for both FSMTA, Inc. and FSMTA Association Services, Inc. is from April 1, 2013 to March 31,2014. FSMTA, Inc. and FSMTA Association Services, Inc. returns for 2014 State & Federal taxes are due August 15, 2014. They are in process they will be filed on time by the Association’s CPA, Joseph P. Mitchell All State of Florida not-for-profit corporation annual reports have been submitted. End of Year Consolidated Financial Statements for FSMTA, Inc. and FSMTA Association Services, Inc. have been completed by the CPA, Joseph P. Mitchell. FSMTA, Inc. and FSMTA Association Services, Inc. budgets for 2014-2015 have been presented by the Financial Review Committee to the FSMTA Board of Directors and have been approved. A copy of the budget will be posted on the FSMTA website fsmta.org. FSMTA Corporate Office Mortgage: $229,000.00 purchase price; *down payment $104,000.00/ mortgage assumed $125,000.00 / monthly mortgage payment: $1,387.00 (first payment 4/08/2014 last payment 4/08/2022) -- Mortgage balance as of 6/08/14: $103.099.35 *Down Payment repayment @ $1,000.00 per month to First Colony Bank, total Paid: $24.000.00Florida State Massage Therapy Association, Inc. – Not for Profit Corporation Total Income $813,054.00 / Total Expenses $794,620.00 = Unrestricted Assets $18,433* *(Positive position due mostly to the Executive Director vacancy. Thanks to the many volunteers working together to make this possible.) FSMTA maintains a balance of approximately $100,000.00 in our State Operating Account. FSMTA combined chapter checking accounts as reported at the end of the fiscal year: $141.908.00 FSMTA Money Market account (First Colony) balance at the end of the fiscal year: $189,284.00 FSMTA Escrow account balance at the end of the fiscal year: $51,098.59 (pre-paid membership dues)FSMTA Services, Inc. – For Profit Corporation Primarily Liability Insurance Total Income $271,692.00 / Total Expenses $275,190.00 = Net Income (Loss) $-3,498.00* *The profits generated from our liability insurance, up to $6.000.00 per month, were transferred to the general revenue account and used to support overhead costs at CO. Due to falling membership, Services did not meet the estimated monthly revenue resulting in the above loss. Bank balance at the end of the fiscal year: $5,236.95The Association has undergone staff changes over this past year; including hiring a new Executive Director,James Kelley. The Executive Committee and Board of Directors continue to interact with our extremelycompetent Corporate Office staff. We are very optimistic about our future. However, membership growthcontinues to decline. Representing the needs of our members remains the highest priority. Increasingmembership is our focus and drive as we move forward. The Board and Corporate Office will continue to lookcarefully at the issues raised by our membership. Chapter Presidents and Officers have pledged to activelyincrease membership in the year to come.The Financial Review Committee will continue to remain conservative in projected income and expenditures.Overall, FSMTA is well positioned for future growth.I know I say this every year but this is the truth… Volunteers are the true assets of this association. FSMTAthrives and survives due countless hours donated by our volunteer members.Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!Maureen Gilbert, LMT, NCTMBExecutive State Treasurer Page 6
FSMTA 2014 Annual ReportState Immediate Past President/Historian Ralph RussDuring the last year I have attended all but one quarterly FSMTA Executive Board meetings. I continue to offerinformation to members that query me. I try to at least have ideas and/or history on each subject that arises. I wasappointed as FSMTA Historian and using most of my budgets to make the two positions work as well as practical.The Historian duties are coming along well. We continue to have Budget constraints which continue to be felt byall and we are meeting the challenge.I have visited local massage schools both as part of my Heart of Florida membership and also as a presenter toclasses. I have melded together several jobs to make things go as good as I can. My best effort is and probablywill be recruiting new members and/or getting therapist to come to our convention.I get calls from vendors and presenters about conventions past and future to which I tout our event as the best.Contrary to popular belief, our business associates, vendors, affiliates, etc. do not want to feel that we are divided.Their business depends on us having continuity. Anything that negatively affects their bottom line will reflectpoorly on all of us.Executive Director James KelleyIt has been an honor to serve FSMTA as Executive Director for the last three months since my hiring in lateMarch. I have come to know many of our members and have an even deeper appreciation for the workaccomplished by and for FSMTA.Much has been accomplished by the Corporate Office staff in the last few months. We have completed a rigorousbudget process, working with each Chapter President to gain a commitment to grow membership in their chapter,thus driving the membership dues income. We have tied the chapter budgets to the state budget for the first timein FSMTA history! We are assisting the new Membership Chair in his efforts for a strong membership drive. Wehave assisted the Elections Chair in mailing ballots for the bi-yearly State Officer elections.Legislative Awareness Days is an extremely important function of our association and I enjoyed meeting andgreeting many legislators and staff while at the State Capital in Tallahassee. I am looking forward to working veryclosely with our Legislative Chair to revitalize our grass-roots efforts to educate our members and give them thetools to effectively work within our political process to advocate for legislation having a positive impact on themassage therapy profession.The future holds a great deal of promise for us and working together we can accomplish much in the next year.As a former database programmer and accountant, my first large projects include a complete revision of ourmembership database with full integration into our accounting package, documenting the Corporate Officepolicies & procedures, and updating and automating our insurance application and renewal process.One of the most impressive and endearing observations about our association has been the tremendousdedication and loyalty of our staff and volunteer members. The Corporate Office staff show up for work with asmile on their faces and demonstrate their professionalism each and every workday. The volunteer members ofour association continually astonish me with the time and energy poured into each project and the passion anddevotion displayed for our association. I am looking forward to working with you and celebrating our 100thanniversary in 25 years!Respectfully submitted,James Kelley Page 7
Chapter ReportsChapter ReportsBig Bend ChapterOFFICERS John Lilly President 58 $5,369.39STATISTICS Number of Members Bank BalanceBrevard ChapterOFFICERSPresident Carl Stewart1st Vice President Paula Panikowski2nd Vice President Kha TaylorSecretary Babs DiddenTreasurer Cathie BishopCOMMITTEE CHAIRSEvents and Sports Kha TaylorLibrarian Steve RothWebmaster Carl StewartConvention Paula PanikowskiPhotography Jeff ChipparinoEducation Babs DiddenHospitality Barbara CrawfordSTATISTICSNumber of Members 174Bank Balance $11,997.30ACCOMPLISHMENTSWe changed monthly meeting format to save money by reducing dinner to desserts and water. We cancelledConstant Contact and use Free Mail Chimp for Chapter correspondence. We cancelled the existing web hostand domain name before we moved to a website under the FSMTA corporate domain for additional annualsavings. Per our Treasurer, our cutbacks have created a savings of $225 per month for ten months which includereducing chapter meeting meal costs from $150 to $50, provider remuneration from $150 to $100, Interpreter from$150 to $125, and monthly board member meetings from $50 to $0. We have also cut out one meeting a yearsaving us $407.We have started a monthly fund raising program that averages a net gain of approximately $40 per month.Brevard strives to bring the best presenters to our members and make our meetings accessible to most of thepopulous parts of our long county with a total of 10 meetings alternating between Melbourne and Cocoa FL.Brevard is also going to start planning events, possibly every month to just get together. We are consideringanything from bowling to dancing.CHAPTER AWARD RECIPIENTS Chapter Service Award of the Year: Jody Stork Page 8
FSMTA 2014 Annual ReportCHAPTER MEETINGSDATE LOCATION PRESENTERApr 9, 2013 Cocoa, FL Matt Howe-PTSD 50-9391May 14, 2013 20-366221Jun 11, 2013 Melbourne, FL Gail Nass – Pain Management with Biofeedback EST TBD Cocoa, FL Keith Fitch – Tuning ForksJul 9, 2013 Melbourne M. McGillicuddy 50-8500Sep 10, 2013 Melbourne Eric Stephenson/DeepTissue Made Easy TBDOct 8, 2013 Cocoa Shelly Kalef/K3D Therapy 50-11686Nov 12, 2013 Melbourne Matt Howe/Intro to CeramicThermodymanics 50-9319Dec 1, 2013 Cocoa Holiday Event. Attend a play “Oliver” in Cocoa Village. After the play, we met at a nearby park for cake and ice cream.Jan 14,2014 Melbourne, FL Annual meeting and presenter Aroma Healing Touch Robin Nasan LableuFeb 11, 2014 Cocoa, FL Carla Van Arnam 50-4864 Zero BalancingMar 12, 2014 Melbourne, FL Bonnie Kissam 50-1980 Flexible SpineWe have noticed previous members who let their membership lapse last year are coming back to FSMTA thisyear. This past year has been one of cutting costs where possible.Broward ChapterOFFICERSPresident John Romano1st Vice President Abrahan Paredes2nd Vice President Nanci KerschTreasurer Diane WagnerSecretary Nicholas WilliamsImmed. Past President Craig PhilhowerCOMMITTEE CHAIRSEthics/Bylaws Chair: Bob PoulinEvents/Sports Chair: Jason LatonaIllegal/Unlicensed Actv: Alice BeluskoHospitality Chair: Deborah DeJeanSign-in Chair: William CherneyEducational Standards: Marcia ChavesSTATISTICSNumber of Members 261Bank Balance $10,773.51ACCOMPLISHMENTSOur Holiday party for 2013 was a fantastic dinner at Chima, a Brazilian all you can eat steak house.Our events/sports team members and events:Nov 2013 Smart Ride (Bike Event) -benefits various HIV/AIDS organizations in Florida Page 9
Chapter ReportsDec 2013 Kids in Distress Inlet Challenge (Bike Event)Feb 2014 -benefitting kids organizationMay 2014 Tour De Broward (Run/Bike Event -benefitting Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Nurses appreciation weekStarted LMT fun days, which have included Dinner and a Movie nights, Flamingo Gardens events andRenaissance Faire event. More planned for 2014/2015 year.Made contact with our agent from DMQA Unlicensed/Illegal Activities Division and have been working with him tohelp report related activities.CHAPTER MEETINGSMeetings were held at Imperial Point Medical Center’s auditorium on the first Tuesday of every month from 7 –9:30 PM. Secondary locations can be held at Everest University in Pompano Beach. There were no meetings forthe months of July and December. Light refreshments are provided for attendees. Two CEU’s are given tolicensed attendees; Mandatory CEU’s are $10 for members and $40 for non-members, regular CEU’s are free formembers and $40 for non-members.DATE LOCATION PRESENTERJuly 6: No Meeting Due to Convention n/aAug 3: Veronique Farnault Bamboo Massage Yes 4Sept 1: Bruce Baltz Hot Stone Massage Yes 5Oct 1: Elizabeth Rohack Trager Yes 3Nov 5: Greg Neely HIPAA, What you need to know now Yes 5Dec 7: Chapter Party Chima – Brazilian all you can eat steakhouseJan 7: Stephanie Heidemann n/a Authentic Voicework MPS Therapy Yes 4Feb 4: Laine Miller Inc therapeutic exercise into your practiceMarch 4: Dashi Kocica Intro to MLD Yes 5April 1: Elisa DiFalco Treating TMJD Yes 4May 6: Dennis Price Fast Track for Body Mechanics Yes 5June 3: Eric Stephenson Yes 5 Yes 4Central Florida Chapter2013 OFFICERSPresident Debbie Kirsch1st Vice President Carolyn Walker2nd Vice President Mary SiegelTreasurer Lania CrouchSecretary Donna De Milt2013 COMMITTEE CHAIRSElections Lydia SmithHospitality Lydia SmithMembership Mary SiegelNewsletter Debbie KirschEvents Team Ben KeyesLegislative Hanna Jean EvansStudent Mentor Tom Keegan Page 10
FSMTA 2014 Annual Report2013 ACCOMPLISHMENTSApril – David Kent presented Taking Your Practice to the Next Level and we celebrated Earth Day by making adonation to purchase 25 trees for Florida through the Arbor Day Foundation.May – Virginie Vandevoorde presented: “Are you still pressing on the knots?” We honored our Volunteers withcake and presented them with lapel pins – “I make a Difference.” Chapter Awards were presented to: TomKeegan, Chapter LMT of the Year 2012Hospitality Team, Outstanding Chapter Service 2012(Lydia Smith, Donna DeMilt, Elaine Howard, Larry Stephens, and Monica Leibacher)DJ Johnson, Outstanding Sports Team Member 2012June Tina Allen presented Introduction to Pediatric Massage.July – Karen Ball presented Foot Reflexology. Members brought their tables and exchanged treatments witheach other.August – Don McCann presented Relief from Back Pain.September – David Gonzalez presented A Functional Approach to Stretching & ROM.October – Michael Uriarte presented How to Treat Sinus Headaches. Excellent presentation!MTAW – Our Chapter Volunteers partnered with students from the Central Florida School of Massage Therapy toprovide chair massage at the Fashion Square Mall. We raised $500 for the Wounded Warrior Project. Volunteersreceived an MTAW t-shirt and lunch. Massage Envy helped sponsor the event with a $150 donation.November – Carla Van Arnam presented Zero Balancing.December – Holiday Party. Every attendee brought a Teddy Bear or $10 to purchase a bear. These weredistributed in our community to hospitals and police departments.Chapter Elections were completed and new Chapter Officers took office on January 20, 2014.Lania Crouch, President Donna De Milt, SecretaryJill Troutman, First VP Pam Guldi, Treasurer2014 OFFICERSPresident Lania Crouch1st Vice President Jill Troutman2nd Vice President VacantTreasurer Pam GuldiSecretary Donna De MiltImmed. Past President Debbie Kirsch2014 COMMITTEE CHAIRSLegislative Lania CrouchNewsletter Jill TroutmanMembership Jill TroutmanEvents Team Ben KeyesSTATISTICS AS OF MARCH 2014:Members 492Checking Balance $13,5582014 ACCOMPLISHMENTSJanuary– Lyn Milum presented Subtle Energy Basics for Practitioner Self-Care. The new Chapter Board wasintroduced.February – Wolfgang Luckmann presented Treating Fibromyalgia.March – Bob Murray presented Tai Chi for the Massage Therapist.Sports Massage Team Training – Teresa Matthews facilitated a Sports Massage Team Training and AdvancedTraining class at the Central Florida School of Massage Therapy on March 8th. Page 11
Chapter ReportsUnited Practitioners Organization: The Central Florida Chapter continues to support the United PractitionersOrganization with a monthly donation from its members.CHAPTER AWARD RECIPIENTS Debbie Kirsch, Chapter LMT of the Year 2013 Larry Stephens, Outstanding Chapter Service 2013 Bonnie Stiller, Outstanding Sports Team Member 2013CHAPTER MEETINGSMeetings are held the third Monday of the month at the Marks Street Senior Center, 99 East Marks Street,Orlando, FL. Our meeting starts at 5:30pm with, networking; announcements at 6:30pm; Speaker Presentation is6:45-8:45pm. 2 CEs are awarded for each Speaker Presentation. Visit the Chapter website at: fsmta-cfl.com.Dade ChapterOFFICERSPresident Angel Orozco1st Vice President Keith Miller2nd Vice President Renee SciovilleTreasurer Jeffrey BrownSecretary Mona PrestonImmed. Past President RoseAnne EliassonSTATISTICSMembers 193Checking Balance $10,395.94Website www.fsmta-dade.orgMeetupwww.meetup.com/fsmtadadeFacebook FSMTA Dade ChapterACCOMPLISHMENTSThe past year our Dade Chapter has seen growth in the attendance of our monthly chapter meetings. Ourpresence in three of our local massage schools has been strengthened. Students from Miami Dade College,Praxis Institute and Educating Hands are always in attendance at monthly meetings, exposing them to thebenefits of FSMTA. In keeping with our President Angel Orozco's focus on holistic health, each chapter meetinghas a brief impactful message to support health and healing and we also have a delicious healthy meal to inspireus to walk our talk as health practitioners. The formation of new committees and different members gettinginvolved has created a new and exciting synergy. Our current focus is on enrolling new members and moreimportantly retaining current members. We are also reaching out to new educational presenters who will sharenew and different material which stirs an interest in both old and new members. We recognize that our activemembers are those therapists who attend convention each year and experience bonding and a renewed interestin our profession. On a local level we are planning social events to create excitement and bonding right here athome. We were also able to raise over $700 for the PIP defense fund. We look forward to growing a larger andactive membership here in Dade County.CHAPTER AWARD RECIPIENTS Chapter LMT or the Year 2013: Keith Miller Outstanding Chapter Service 2013: Jeff BrownCHAPTER MEETINGSDade Chapter meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month, usually at Educating Hands School ofMassage 3883 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, 33137 Page 12
FSMTA 2014 Annual ReportWe are also able to provide simultaneous translation in Spanish in our monthly meetings. (Nosotros ofrecemostraducción simultánea en Español en nuestras reunions mensuales) .Date Presenter ClassApr 10, 2013 Ed Wilson LAW ( 2 CE's Required Class )May 8, 2013 Karel Curras Postural AwarenessJun 12, 2013 Terrence Thomas Postural Assessment for Better MassageOutcomesAug 14,2013 Shelly Kalef Intro to \"K3D\" Therapy Decongestive/Detox/DeepSep 11,2013 Life Without Pain Gail NaasOct 9,2013 Angel Orozco A Holistic Approach to Cancer PreventionNov 13,2013 Kelly Armstrong MPS Neuro Mechanical TherapyDec 11,2013 Holiday Party N/AJan 8,2014 Cindy Gillan Massage and Cancer Care: Recognizing the Real IssuesFeb 12 ,2014 Veronique Farnault Intro to Bamboo-Fusion MassageMar 12, 2014 Virginie Vandervoorde The Body Has All the AnswersEmerald Coast ChapterOFFICERSPresident James Fritschle1st Vice President Julius Daniels2nd Vice President Wendy RutlandTreasurer Tabitha BrownSecretary Calhoun StallingsCOMMITTEE CHAIRSSports Team Bill AnnisSTATISTICSMembers 104Checking Balance $3,077.52ACCOMPLISHMENTSThe 2013 timeline is marked by Emerald Coast Chapter’s 25th Year Anniversary. We had a grand Luaucelebration at the home of David and Wendy Rutland! Throughout the year the chapter was able to offer anamazing 20 introductory based continued education units free to FSMTA members at monthly meetings.Additionally, we were able to host two advanced training workshops in the NW Florida. We accomplished this bypartnering with Sugar Dunes chapter to bring Don McCann and his teaching staff, to teach the Cranial-Core-Distortion Release training. Then in the spring partnering with FSMTA member school, the Fortis Institute, wehosted James Waslaski advanced Orthopedic Massage- Upper Body Workshop.The volunteer activity of our chapter board and many chapter members made our monthly meetings quitesuccessful. We provided strong support during legislative awareness days in Tallahassee, local communityoutreach during national massage therapy awareness week, and local sporting events with sports massage team.Also, Ashton Hayward, the Mayor of Pensacola signed our 2013 Massage Therapy Awareness proclamation forchapter member to share with the public declaring the efficacy of massage therapy.CHAPTER AWARD RECIPIENTS Outstanding Sports Massage Team Member: Bill Annis Outstanding Chapter Service: Tabitha Brown LMT of the Year: Wendy Rutland Page 13
Chapter ReportsCHAPTER MEETINGSDate Presenter ClassApr 8 Stacy Shidemantle FL Required Class, Ethics 2CEApr 23, 24May 13, Legislative Awareness Days in Tallahassee, massage event in Capitol RotundaJun 10,Jun 26-30 Stacy Shidemantle FL Required Class, Medical Errors 2CEAug 12Sep 9 Debbie Lokim Self-Care for LMT's 4CEU Florida Massage Convention at Omni Orlando (July, NO Regular Chapter Meeting) Teresa Matthews Deep Tissue Massage Techniques 2CE Matthew Howe PTSD and Massage 2CESep 28 Saturday, Chapter 25 Anniversary Hawaiian Luau Party!Oct 7Oct 25 Chapter Meeting Kelly Kuecha Brand Omnipresence, Branding and Marketing (No CEU)Nov 11 Veterans Administration Homeless Stand Down and Community OutreachDec 2 (Massage Therapy Awareness Week Event) 6CEU for Pro Bono Volunteer Hours (Participants had to pre-register with BOMT). Elise DiFalco Intro to Manual Lymphatic Drainage 2CEU Saturday Holiday Party @ Ever'man Natural Foods in the Community RoomJan 13, 2014 Annual Chapter Business Meeting at FortisFeb 10 Kellie Armstrong OT (MPS) Microcurrent Point Stimulation 2CEUMar 10 EC chapter board planning/business meetingMar 14 James Waslaski, the Center for Pain Management Orthopedic Massage, 4 CEUAfter 25 years, the founding members of Emerald Coast Chapter can be proud. FSMTA and Emerald CoastChapter are embracing today’s technological advances by building a virtual community online, keeping pace witha fast changing world. Respectfully, this “connected” wired-world serves to highlight our real community thatexists in our “hands on” regular monthly gatherings. Chapter meetings are the core of this organization. EmeraldCoast is an atmosphere of learning, sharing, and family. A special thanks to chapter sponsors, PerformanceHealth, Bon Vital, and Cryoderm for your generous donations of products for door prizes. May endless gratitudeuplift the chapter builders and peacemakers from times past to the present day; your involvement is the spirit andlife-force that holds this community together.First Coast ChapterOFFICERSPresident Sarah (Sally) Burton1st Vice President Eileen Bild2nd Vice President Stephanie LindscottTreasurer Joan PoatesSecretary Scott HartsfieldSTATISTICSMembers 182Checking Balance $5,936.00ACCOMPLISHMENTSGarage Sale for Massage Therapists, membership drive mailings, supported Specialty Hospital for HospitalAwareness Week, and for Massage Therapy Awareness week they were our venue.CHAPTER AWARD RECIPIENTS LMT of the Year: Kendra Blackmer Outstanding Chapter Service: Pat Stores Page 14
FSMTA 2014 Annual ReportCHAPTER MEETINGSAll chapter meetings are held at Specialty Hospital 4901 Richard Rd. Jacksonville, Fl. 32207 on the 3rdThursday of each month. No meetings are held in July/Dec.Mar 21, 2013 Michael GarciaApr 18, 2013 Teresa MatthewsMay 16, 2013 Virginie VandervoordeJun 20, 2013 Wolfgang LuckmanAug 15, 2013 Kimberly ReavesSep 19, 2013 Joe DurantOct 17, 2013 Madison GrayNov 21, 2013 Kimberly ReavesJan 16, 2014 Wolfgang LuckmannFeb 20, 2014 Ariela GrodnerMar 20, 2014 Teresa MatthewsApr 17, 2014 Bonnie KissamThe First Coast Chapter has been diligently working on membership enrollment /members participating more. Weare seeing some improvement in the area of getting more participation. We have been getting employmentrequests from various chiropractors, spas, and other massage therapists owning a chair massage business.Communication of these opportunities is done through constant contact and will continue in this manner.We have had to make some budget cuts. We now are having a potluck once a quarter and meeting our goal ofkeeping the grocery bill at $100.00 or less per monthly meeting. We also have asked members to donatemassage items that they no longer are either using or do not want in order to have door prizes and keep chapterexpense down. The members were very receptive to this and we have had success with this during our lastmeeting.Moving forward is what I see for the First Coast chapter as we receive guidance from state and seek outmembers in the chapter to help us grow and maintain the Florida State Massage Association as the professionalorganization that it is.Submitted by:Sarah (Sally) Burton, PresidentFlagler/Volusia ChapterOFFICERSPresident Gregory Neely1st Vice President Edwin Ennslin2nd Vice President Teresa CaveyTreasurer Krystal HaworthSecretary Holly HaysImmed. Past President Mark BigelowCOMMITTEE CHAIRSLegislative VacantEducation Teresa CaveyMembership/School Edwin EnnslinSocial Media Joel FearsSports Mara SiliesSTATISTICSMembers 166Checking Balance $8,477.13CHAPTER AWARD RECIPIENTS Sports Team Member of the Year: Mara Silies Page 15
Chapter Reports Chapter Outstanding Service Award: Tina Bashlor Chapter LMT of the Year: Krystal HaworthOur Sports Team is back on track this year doing the MS150 and also the Disney Marathon, thanks to Mara Siliesand Krystal Haworth for all the hard work. Our Sports team also participated in the inaugural running of theTomoka Marathon.Additional Thanks goes to our Sponsor Pevonia Equipment for all that they have done for our Chapter this year.Be sure to visit their website www.pevoniapro.com.It has been an honor to serve, represent and promote the FSMTA as a Chapter President.Gulf Coast ChapterOFFICERS Marion Padgett Shawn Walker President Heather Dixon 1st Vice President Nena Sudduth 2nd Vice President Sue Carnill Treasurer Nena Sudduth Secretary Immed. Past President Shawn Walker Marion PadgettCOMMITTEE CHAIRS Marion Padgett Donna Smith Legislative Rianne Chave-Hansen Education Vacant Membership/School Sports Team 47 Elections $ 4,412.12 Social MediaSTATISTICS Members Checking BalanceHeart of Florida ChapterOFFICERSPresident Adele Boyd1st Vice President Ian McIntosh2nd Vice President Franko TriscrittiTreasurer Pam KendrickSecretary VacantImmed. Past President Jeri GabbardCOMMITTEE CHAIRSElections Thor KnutsonSTATISTICSMembers 129Checking Balance $8,320.41ACCOMPLISHMENTSWe have continued to promote massage therapy in Polk County, by adding new events such as: 1st Red RibbonHalf Marathon, When Pigs Fly South BBQ Event, Sun & Fun Fly-in Event. Page 16
FSMTA 2014 Annual ReportCHAPTER AWARD RECIPIENTS Outstanding Chapter Service: Jeri Gabbard Chapter LMT of the Year: Franko TriscrittiCHAPTER MEETINGSDATE LOCATION PRESENTER4/10/2013 Everest University Lklnd Visceral Manipulation Overview Mariann Sisco5/08/2013 Ridge Career Center WH Cervical Solutions Debra Roberts6/12/2013 Everest University Lklnd Himalayan Salt Massage Laurie Messing7/01/2013 No Meeting due to convention8/14/2012 Ridge Career Center WH Scaly Skin? Conditions,Causes and Client Dr Annie Morien9/11/2013 Everest University Lklnd MPS Scar Training-Acumed Kelly Armstrong10/09/2013 Everest University Lklnd Intro to Lomi-Lomi Gloria Coppola11/13/2013 Ridge Career Center Intro to Ortho Bionomy Luanna Overmyer12/01/2013 Winter Haven Christmas Party1/08/2014 Everest University Lklnd Intro to Medicupping Stacie Nevelus2/12/2014 Ridge Career Center Intro to PTSD Matt Howe3/12/2014 Everest University Lklnd NMT and the Gravity Game-Foot Judith DeLanyThe new board's vision is to promote local therapist working together. At every meeting we use technology to putour most current events up on a big screen while we review the latest happenings. We have started toacknowledge visiting members, new members, and prospective members at our meetings, and we have plans to\"highlight\" one or two therapists per meeting and have them give their \"elevator speech\" as a method of teachingall of us how to market our specific talents.We are working with Polk County notables so that we can get in front of Polk County legislators so that they canbe informed of our intentions and our potential voting power. We continue to work with our sister chapters inTampa and Orlando (I-4 corridor) as we move toward convention so that we can attract solid CE providers thatmay be able to present Monday in Orlando, Tuesday in Polk, and Thursday in Tampa.We are also working toward having an FSMTA presence at the Sunshine State Games in June which attractAmateur athletes who will compete in the Lakeland Civic Center.Keys ChapterOFFICERS Mary Ann Nelson Leonora Stullken President Jody Gay 1st Vice President Arlene Haessler Secretary Immed. Past President 28 $3,291.83STATISTICS Number of Members Bank BalanceNorth Central Florida ChapterOFFICERS Bruce Gonseth Dominic McDonald President Tina Kincaid 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Page 17
Chapter ReportsTreasurer Verona ShipleySecretary Angel DeaconImmed. Past President Mary KoontzCOMMITTEE CHAIRSEducation Tina KincaidMembership Dominic McDonaldSocial Media Bruce GonsethSpecial Events Angel DeaconSTATISTICSMembers 94Checking Balance $4,904.19ACCOMPLISHMENTSThis year has been interesting with changes in our board members and of course the weather.CHAPTER MEETINGSOur board and chapter meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of each month with a 2hr CE Presenter just after ourmeetings. We meet at the Marion Baptist Association 1520 Ne 14th St. Ocala. Our board of directors meet at5:00 pm until 6:30 at which time members start arriving and we have chapter updates and any info that needs tobe put out to the members.This is the line-up for CE Presenters that we had;April Michael McGillicuddy on Intro to Kinesio TapingMay Robin Lebleu on Heal With Oils and FoodJuly Wolfgang Luckmann on Chinese Hand and Foot Reflexology w/Aromatherapy Essential OilsAug Holly Strong on Soma Energetics Vibrational Sound TherapyOct Jenifer Funk on More Clients MondayNov Terri May on Round TableFeb Ellen Delaney on Prenatal MassageMar Laurel Freeman on RNR Neck & ShouldersOur chapter held elections in December and there was a shift in leadership. We say farewell to Larry Miller ourpast Treasurer, He will be missed; he did a great job for our chapter. James Bohannon was sworn in asTreasurer but had resign early due to medical and personal reasons. We didn't have to wait too long to havesomeone that stepped up to take the position which was put to the members with no apposed. Verona Shipleywas sworn in as our new treasurer and has been doing a great job and she is very enthusiastic. Tina Kincaid isour 2nd VP. Bruce Gonseth has accepted President for a second term with all members in favor.We are sad to say that we have lost a very special and dear friend of our chapter to illness. Alvis Cameron wasone of the Chapter’s members that started up the Sports Massage Team for the chapter.On the lighter side, we almost had an early addition to our family at our last convention in Orlando. Angel Deaconalmost went into labor while volunteering at the convention. She was taken to the hospital and returned the nextday and started volunteering again. She later went home after convention and had to return to Orlando to stay atthe hospital for a month before giving birth to a baby girl.We have done our special events during the year with giving free massages to the walkers and runners for Marchof Dimes, Walk for Babies, Bike Race for Hospice, The Pollack Bike Race, We Can Weekend and CancerSurvivors Workshop. We are working on some other Special events for the upcoming year.The new Board Member Team we have will be fantastic and everyone has been working well with each other andlook forward to making these next two years memorable.Bruce Gonseth LMT, CNAChapter President Page 18
FSMTA 2014 Annual ReportPalm Beach ChapterOFFICERSPresident Lesli (R. McQuiston) López1st Vice President Alicia Bray-Brand2nd Vice President VacantTreasurer Beth E RuppSecretary Carol WatsonCOMMITTEE CHAIRSMembership Carol WatsonSports Team/Chair Team Lesli LópezEducation/School Liaison Lesli LópezHospitality Pam SmithElections, Cheryl DittmerLAD/Legislative/Bylaws Lesli LópezSocial Media (Communications) Lesli LópezFinance Beth E. RuppSpecial Events & Convention Alicia Bray-BrandMeeting Presenter Hostess Averell Dadone- DucheSTATISTICSMembers 253Checking Balance $14,710.06ACCOMPLISHMENTSOur Chapter held its first ever Bi-Annual CE Event in May, which featured Elisa Di Falco presenting her BocaLymph Lift- MLD 7 CE 1 day seminar. 54 members were able to attend and benefit from this event. Planning forour 2nd Bi-Annual CE Event has already begun.At our January Chapter meeting, our newly elected Chapter Board was sworn in, with two returning boardmembers (Alicia moved from 2nd to 1st VP and Lesli moved from Treasurer to President). Katharine “Katha” Kingtransitioned to Immediate Past President. We also welcomed former chapter board member, Carol Watson, asour new Chapter Secretary.Another milestone was holding a special election in March that resulted in the installation of Beth E Rupp as ournew Treasurer. We now have a very strong chapter board interested in key issues of importance to our Chaptergrowth, i.e. membership retention and growth, grassroots interaction with legislators in order to promote ourFSMTA mission and vision, and increased member involvement in the running of the Chapter. Teamwork +Transparency = Trust! Our members are our greatest ASSET, and we are seeing more willingness to becomeactively involved in making their membership in FSMTA a valuable and memorable CHOICE! Our MembershipGrowth Goal is 290! Watch us Grow!CHAPTER AWARD RECIPIENTS Chapter LMT of the Year: Alicia Bray-Brand Chapter Service of the Year: Katharine (Katha) KingCHAPTER MEETINGSOur meetings continue to be held on the third Thursday of the month, with no meetings in December at present at1901 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd., West Palm Beach, FL in the Ramada Inn.Month Date Topic PresenterApril 4/18/2013 “Medical Errors” Ross HoffmanMay 5/16/2013 “Ethics” Ross Hoffman Page 19
Chapter ReportsJune 6/20/2013 “Laws” Ross HoffmanJuly 7/18/2013 Sound Massage Leiah CarrAugust 8/15/2013 Headache TMJ Richard RoysterSeptember 9/19/2013 Segmental Reflex Massage w/ Traditional Chinese Yusef MihalovOctober 10/17/2013 “Myokinesthetics” Dr. Mike UriarteNovember 11/21/2013 Cranial Release Technique-Introduction Dr. William DoresteJanuary 1/16/2014 “Tuina”-Chinese Manual Bodywork Dr. Stuart Shipe, DAOM, PAFebruary 2/20/2014 “Massage Marketing”: How to Succeed as an LMT in an Economic slowdown Cary BayerMarch 3/20/2014 Massage & Pain Management: with the AVAZZIA unit GAIL NAASThis past year has been one of transition with regular and special elections securing 4 of our main chapterpositions. Katha King (Chapter Service Award recipient) moved to IPP. Lesli R. McQuiston López (formerTreasurer) was elected as Chapter President. Alicia Bray-Brand has moved positions from 2nd VP to 1st VP andcontinues to bring much energy and creativity to her new VP position as well as being our Special Events &Conventions Chair. Carol Watson returned to our board as our Secretary and brings with her many years ofprevious chapter board experience as well as also Chairing our Membership Committee. Rounding out our boardis Beth E Rupp, our newest board member and Treasurer (Finance Chair).We have celebrated several notable moments: Our first Bi-annual CE Event was a success and came in underbudget. The Chapter members voted to provide members with a CE opportunity with Elisa Di Falco presenting herBoca Lymph Lift 1 day seminar. 54 members participated in that event. At least 2 of those went on to receiveCHMLD (Certified Holistic Manual Lymph Drainage) credentials in Di Falco’s 48 credit certification seminar. Thosenewly certified members are considering ways to benefit our chapter as well as their personal businesses with thisnew training. Additionally, the offer made to our members by Elisa Di Falco has actually increased ourmembership as some new and former members have come/returned to us as a direct result of Elisa’s efforts tohelp grow FSMTA. Every member has special skills and gifts to offer our association.Our chapter is setting realistic goals for membership growth and income generation, and with budget suggestionsprovided by our new FSMTA Executive Director, James Kelley, our Chapter is poised to achieve these goalsthrough greater community presence, dynamic monthly meeting CE presentations, and greater voluntaryparticipation by chapter members. Our Chapter Board is focused on Teamwork and Active Involvement. Ourfuture is looking bright and we are financially secure.Respectfully submitted by,Lesli R. McQuiston López, MNM, LMTPalm Beach Chapter, PresidentSarasota/Manatee ChapterOFFICERS Eddie Hooper, II Amy Luycx President: Nicole Evans 1st Vice President Cheryl Stoppiello 2nd Vice President Evelyn Bishop Secretary Brian George Treasurer Immed. Past President Michele Weissman Nicole Evans & Eddie Hooper IICOMMITTEE CHAIRS Susan Klein Nicole Evans Sports Team Open at this time Membership team Eddie Hooper, II Hospitality Chair Carlos Diaz Education Chair Legislative Chair Mentor Chair Chair Massage Chair Page 20
FSMTA 2014 Annual ReportElections Chair & By Laws Adrian MorellSTATISTICSMembers 361Checking Balance $10,385.11CHAPTER AWARD RECIPIENTS LMT of the Year: Michele Weissman Service LMT of the Year: Casey Austin Sports LMT of the Year: Nicole EvansCHAPTER MEETINGS04/2013 Deanne Picciano Pregnancy & Infant massage05/2013 Virginia Vandevoorde Pressing on knots?06/2013 Scott Kingsbury Lower Back Conditions07/2013 Elisa DiFalco Foundations MLD08/2013 Debbie Roberts Funky Hips09/2013 Michael McGillicuddy Sports/Pain Management10/2013 Don McCann Unlocking your Healing11/2013 Carla Van Arnam Intro to Zero balancing12/2013 Christmas Party Siesta Beach Resort01/2014 Kathleen Gallen Thai02/2014 Matthew Howe Bodywork for PTSD03/2014 Judith DeLany Dynamic FootThe news from the Sarasota, Manatee, Charlotte, Desoto, Glades and Hardee County Chapter is that eventhough our Chapter membership numbers have decreased, the really good news is that our budget remainshopeful and the activities with the Sports Team are active and growing. We are hosting a class next week with 14new therapist, 5 of which are students of SSMT (Sarasota School of Massage Therapy). We plan to work veryclosely with Brian Boyd, the new State Membership Chair, and return our membership numbers to an all-timehigh.Sarasota’s attendance for this year’s 75th Anniversary Convention and Trade Show appears to be at an all-timelow. I am not sure if it is because it a non-renewal year, or another reason. We have put out numerous Eblasts,announced the Specials at the Membership meeting, talked to all the massage schools in our area to createinterest. I am sure it will be another great Convention. Greg Neely has worked his miracles again this year.As most of you know, Brian George, Immediate Past President of our chapter, and chairperson of the State Store,will have the State Store just outside the Exhibit Hall. He has a number of new items that I am sure most of youwill be interested in. Please stop by and say hello. He may very well have something that “you simply can’t livewithout!” We can make this another outstanding year at the State Store.We are looking forward to the results of this year’s Executive officers elections. Who will lead us into the next twoyears? Our chapter will be beginning our elections process soon for our 2015-2017 Board of Directors. I havealready had a few inquiries from membership. I have instructed them to look at our Policies and Procedures andour By-Laws to prepare them for what is ahead of them.I hope to have a chance to talk with other Chapter Presidents about how successful they have been with thepresenters and their presentations at their chapter meetings. Last minute cancellations are very “challenging” tosay the least. AND, working with our slimmer budget for 2014-2015.We ALL have much work to do, let’s get at it and make FSMTA all it can be and more!Eddie Hooper, II LMT, PresidentSarasota/Manatee Chapter FSMTA Page 21
Chapter ReportsSouthwest Florida ChapterOFFICERSPresident John Graham1st Vice President Nick Abram2nd Vice President Sydney SheafferTreasurer Terry LowderSecretary Kevin ShortImmed. Past President Sherrie EasterlyCOMMITTEE CHAIRSBylaws Sydney SheafferLegislative & Insurance Ron StevensWebsite & Newsletter John GrahamMembership Service Nick AbramSports Massage Team Teo NikolovEducation Kelly GrahamSTATISTICSMembers 227Checking Balance $9,576.25ACCOMPLISHMENTS2013 / 2014 has been a very trying year. We have a couple of open positions to fill. Terry Lowder, will be retiringfrom Treasurer after the end of this term. John Graham will be completing the President term and will move intoIPP. Nick Abram would like to remain in the 1st VP role for another 2 year term and Sydney Sheaffer will becompleting the 2nd VP role which he stepped into so graciously.17 members attended the 2013 Annual Convention. We also participated in a booth at FCA in Naples, and hadour annual Christmas Party.We continue to focus on value to our membership and growing our chapter membership.We have initiated a new newsletter utilizing mail chimp to be more effective in our communication and more costeffective as it is a free account.We are trying to revamp our website to the new provider and format to match Central Office. This is a tool thechapter will benefit from. The future calendar of membership classes and events, and sponsors’ class enables thetherapist to be aware of local available presentations, new members are announced, and messages fromsponsors are welcomed. A business tip tab is being created, minutes of board and membership meets areincluded. Membership benefits are posted as well as a link to central office.Website sponsors and newsletter advertisement has shown to be a good way in which the chapter has been ableto increase revenueCHAPTER MEETINGSLocation: BASS PRO SHOPS, 10040 Gulf Center Dr., Ft. MyersTime: 6:00 – 9:00 P.M., First Tuesday of the Month with 2 CE hours per meetWe are pleased to have all of the 2014 schedule filled with a vast variety of qualified interesting presenters. OurCE Presentations have ranged from the “Big Three's Mandatories” to subjects such as Freeing the Neck andShoulders, Lymphlift of the Face, Active Isolated Stretching, Cervical with Cranio Cradle, Muscle Balancing,Visceral Manipulation, Cranio Sacral, Muscle Energy Technique and Oncology Massage.John Graham, PresidentFSMTA Southwest Florida Chapter Page 22
FSMTA 2014 Annual ReportSugar Dunes ChapterOFFICERS Stacy Shidemantle Judy Price President Lee Thompson Treasurer Immed. Past President 62 $1,824.34STATISTICS Number of Members Bank BalanceSuwannee Valley ChapterOFFICERSPresident Michael Bates, LMT1st Vice President Deborah Haas, LMT2nd Vice President Jason Wallbridge, LMTSecretary Margaret Kampny, LMTTreasurer David Henning, LMTImmed. Past President Elizabeth Killebrew, LMTCOMMITTEE CHAIRSWeb Master Jason Wallbridge, LMTLegislative Greg Young, LMTSports Team Elizabeth Killebrew, LMTHospitality Kari Bubnow, LMTEducation Jason Wallbridge, LMTMembership Angela Blakemore, LMTStudent Liaison Anna Rahman, LMTChair Massage Gerald Roach, LMT; Dan Fago, LMTSTATISTICSMembers 92Checking Balance $2,367.98ACCOMPLISHMENTSDuring the 2013 – 2014 year the Board worked closely with the membership increase participation in theoperation of our Chapter, resulting in 6 new Committee Chairs and 2 new Officers becoming active participants.Our Student Liaison, along with other members, has started visiting each class at the Florida School of Massageat the beginning of their training, and again just before graduation to encourage their participation in FSMTA.Instructors who are FSMTA members are now personally inviting their students to attend meetings as their guestsresulting in several new faces joining us each month. Hopefully this new approach will result in an increase inmembership.Our membership is beginning to do personal outreach to therapists they know that are not members and invitingthem to attend meetings as their guests. We are also contacting expired members we have a personalrelationship with to encourage them to renew.CHAPTER AWARD RECIPIENTS Outstanding Service: David Henning, LMT LMT of the Year: Michael Bates, LMTWe look forward to an exciting year as we continue to breathe renewed life into our Chapter.Respectively Submitted, Page 23
Chapter ReportsMichael Bates, LMTChapter PresidentTampa Bay ChapterOFFICERSPresident Joyce Prahasky1st Vice President Kathy Souder2nd Vice President Nelson CacciatoreSecretary Blythin LeggettTreasurer Lauren RosenbergImmed. Past President Diane HandleyCOMMITTEE CHAIRSEducation Kathy SouderMembership/Community Relations Jane KordishChair Team Diane HandleySports Team Diane ForresterSocial Media Sam BelyeaSTATISTICSMembers 474Checking Balance $6,028.48ACCOMPLISHMENTS We donated 70 Turkeys to Metropolitan Ministries in December Our Chair team participated in over 5 events this past year. Our therapist working at the State Fair earned $14,482.80 in compensation over a 10-day period. We have had a very active sports team with over 20 events in the last year. Massage Therapy Awareness Week was an enormous success at MacDill Air Force Base. Over 22 therapist were involved in this 1st Annual Event. Looking forward to doing it again this year. A new Chair was formed: Community Relations Chair. We are working, quite successfully, with schools and MacDill Airforce Base.CHAPTER AWARD RECIPIENTS Sports Therapist of the Year: Steve Sebrell Service Award Winner: Diane Handley Therapist of the Year: Jane KordishCHAPTER MEETINGSMeetings are rotated between two locations, one in Tampa and one in Clearwater.4/18/2013 Alex Spassoff, Florida Laws and Rules, Clearwater5/16/2013 Pilar Hook, Intro to Ashiatsu Deepfeet Bar Therapy, TampaJune No Meeting, Annual Convention7/18/2013 Debbie Ray, Stuff That Works: Building Your Massage Practice, Clearwater8/15/2013 Dr. Annie Morien, Skin Cancer in Your Clinic, Tampa9/19/2013 Aaron Mattes, Active Isolated Stretching, Clearwater10/17/2013 Georgina Johnson, Intro to Reiki, Tampa11/21/2013 Leslie Lopez, Intro to the Compassionate Touch, ClearwaterDecember No Meeting Page 24
FSMTA 2014 Annual Report1/16/2014 Carla Van Arnam, Zero Balancing, Clearwater2/20/2014 Don McCann, Tools For Successfully Treating Scoliosis, Tampa3/20/2014 Laurie Messina, Himalayan Salt Stone Massage, ClearwaterWe have had a very active chapter this past year and are very aggressively working on increasing ourmembership.Respectively Submitted,Joyce Prahasky, LMTChapter PresidentTreasure Coast ChapterOFFICERS Bob Murray Ross Hoffman President Molly Rehyansky 1st Vice President Sheree Bagensie 2nd Vice President LeeAnn Black Secretary Sheree Bagensie Treasurer Past President 160 $8,774.87STATISTICS Number of Members Bank Balance Page 25
Standing Committee ReportsStanding Committee ReportsBylaws CommitteeCommittee Chair Stanley SheafferCommittee Members Robert Poulin Ron Stephens Maureen Gilbert Ralph Russ John GrahamThe By-Laws committee continues to be actively involved with refining our organization. Several matters arebeing addressed as we move forward in streamlining our governing documents.New membership classification status has been implemented to expand our enrollment potential and garner newand evolving markets in Florida, nationally, and internationally. Social media policy thru our Facebook and webpages is still being formulated. Developing guidelines that are not too restrictive but all-encompassing has been achallenge. Personal views may not be the same as the Associations standpoint so disclaimer statements arebeing considered. We wish to acknowledge our members viewpoints by empowering them through reasonableconstraints without too much restriction to maintain our goals of advancing and promoting the Association and themassage profession. Our grassroots involvement is still our major focus and remains the tight knit factor whichstrengthens our organization.Several disciplinary actions were also addressed for various reasons. The By-Laws committee continues to becommitted to enforcing our documents and removing any member who does not abide by such rules. Theaddition of the ethics committee has facilitated addressing issues not specifically defined in our governingdocuments.At the present the By-Laws committee is completely reviewing and revising the corporation's governingdocuments. By interpreting and developing new rule changes for clarifying our Constitution, By-Laws, andPolicies and Procedures we can facilitate more efficient function of our organization.All members are urged to involve themselves with our governing documents and submit suggestions on any itemwhich they fell may need revision or more clarification. Our wonderful organization exists on your input anddirection. Thank you for the opportunity to serve.Respectfully Submitted,Sydney Sheaffer, LMTBy-Laws Committee ChairEducational Standards CommitteeCommittee Chair: Michael Bates, LMTAnnual Budget $0I was appointed to this position in October 2013 and the experience turned out to be quite an unexpectedchallenge. Pre-convention work was the primary focus for this year. In addition to convention planning a draftSOP for Chapter Education Chairs is being completed. A basic survey of the Chapters was completed; with 17of the 19 Chapters responding. Clearly some of the duties of this committee have changed and will be redefined.Convention planning will of course be a primary duty. Monitoring and approving classes has changed because wecan gather a lot of information from the web and quarterly feedback from Chapter Presidents. Chapters are veryup to date on providing CEs for their members. Spot checking is still important but not critical. Finding new anddifferent providers will be helpful to our Chapter Educational Standards Chairs but they already do an outstandingjob finding their own presenters; we also have the option to check them out on line. Participating in other MassageConferences will be another avenue to evaluate presenters in the future.As the result of my appointment, I became an active part of the convention committee in order to assist with theselection of the Presenters for Convention 2014. Because of the challenges at Corporate Office, there has beenlimited administrative support. The responsibility of receiving, processing and keeping track of all the presenter Page 26
FSMTA 2014 Annual Reportapplications, signed contracts, bios, pictures and class descriptions had fallen to this committee chair. I assistedGreg by inputting presenter bios, photos and class information into the data bases, which became a full-time “job”for several weeks. In 2014, the responsibility will return to corporate office and the ED Chair will oversee theprocess.The Educational Standards Committee will continue to be an integral and very active part of convention planning.During Convention 2013 our outstanding Monitor and Registration Teams worked together to make all the classesrun smoothly and keep the presenters and attendees happy.Respectfully submittedMichael Bates, LMTCommittee ChairLegislative CommitteeCommittee Chair Alex R SpassoffBudget $ 2,000.00Actual Expenses $ 511.22This report covers the period of April 1, 2013 - May 2, 2014During the 2013 legislative session the 2 key issues were a bill dealing with restriction of hours for massagetherapy establishments and a second bill dealing with mandatory BI to replace mandatory PIP auto insurance.S/CS/HB 7005 (2013) Massage Establishments: Revises definition of term \"Board-approved massage school\";provides additional grounds for denial of license or disciplinary action; revises penalties; prohibits operation ofmassage establishment during specified times; provides exceptions; prohibits use of massage establishment asprincipal domicile unless establishment is zoned for residential use under local ordinance; provides penalties;declares that massage establishment operating in violation of specified statutes is nuisance that may be abated orenjoined.Required massage establishments to be closed between the hours of midnight and 5 AM unless the massagetherapy was performed by a massage therapist under a physician’s prescription. The law went into effect on Oct.1, 2013.Mandatory BI Auto Insurance never came out of Senate Banking and Insurance Committee.Late in August 2013 the Legislative Committee became aware of proposed changes to CH 480 that the Board ofMassage Therapy was proposing. Due to the number of changes, lack of prior communications regarding thechanges and discussions with Executive Board and BOMT it was difficult to find a legislative sponsor. It wastherefore decided to review the changes and propose the changes for another session. During the fall of 2013, aseries of investigative reports by the media revealed that 3 LMTs out of over 38,000 had renewed their licensesand were on a list of sexual predators. Sen. Jack Latvala of Pinellas County (where 2 of the LMTs practiced)sponsored SB 1068 and Rep. David Kerner of Lake Worth sponsored a companion bill, HB 1065, in the House.SB 1068 requires applicants for licensure as a massage therapist and certain persons with ownership in ormanagement responsibilities for a massage establishment to submit to background screening. The bill requiresthe Board of Massage Therapy (board) to deny an application for licensure if any person who is screened isdetermined to have been convicted of or entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere to specified criminal acts. Thebill also requires the Department of Health (DOH) to suspend the license of a massage therapist who it learns hasbeen convicted of or entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere to one of the specified criminal acts.The FSMTA Lobby Team proposed some changes to SB1068. It was further amended by FCA (FloridaChiropractic Association) on extremely short notice, to exempt DCs, MDs and DOs, their spouses, children andsiblings from massage establishment regulation. See the report filed by Janet Mabry, FSMTA Lobbyist, for detailsof what transpired.During Legislative Awareness Days (LAD) April 22-23, members of the FSMTA from around the state were ableto meet nearly all of the legislators or their staff and speak to them about the amendment language as being too Page 27
Standing Committee Reportsbroad and why we objected to the language. A flyer was created for LAD outlining the benefits of massagetherapy as well as some of the types of manual therapies that massage therapists use. These were handed out tothe legislators and staff members as a means of educating them about the many benefits of massage therapy. Aswe were leaving Tallahassee, Janet and I decided to issue an action alert to the general membership to havethem notify their legislators to keep the exemption language out of the House bill. The next day we worked out thecompromise language for HB1065 (details below in Janet’s report). In addition to what Janet has reported, I wouldlike to add that some of the reasons this amendment got so much traction and FCA was unwilling to compromisewas because when it was first mentioned it was conceptual without specific language. The actual language wasnot seen until just before (30 minutes) the first committee meeting. In other words FSMTA wasn’t given thecourtesy of review much less any input.Secondly, the FCA was told by a massage therapist(s) with close ties to the FCA that massage therapists (notFSMTA Legislative nor EC) were okay with the exemption. Furthermore, the ED of BOMT also signed off on thelanguage. The FSMTA was not consulted prior to amendment being introduced and the BOMT voted 5-1 againstthe exemption amendment after they were able to read the entire amendment. As of this writing the bill has notbeen signed by the Governor.Report from Janet Mabry:HB 1065 The most important bills this year were the fingerprinting bills filed by Senator Latvala andRepresentative Kerner. HB 1065 passed and has been enrolled but not yet sent to the Governor. This bill whichwe supported upon filing, after working most of the fall with Representative Zimmerman a prime co-sponsor onthis legislation, took some twists and turns due to the impact of the Florida Chiropractic Association.Early in Session on March 11, Senator Grimsley, as a courtesy to Senator Latvala, filed an amendment thatincluded some recommended changes by FSMTA and also and exemption to establishment licensure for theChiropractic Association. Unfortunately, we did not have sufficient time to review this language until approximately30 minutes before the meeting. Although Alex and I had heard that this might be attempted we were unpreparedfor the magnitude and the scope that the amendment covered. The language as first put into the bill stated.(13) An entity wholly owned by one or more physicians licensed under chapter 458, chapter 459 or chapter 460 orby such physicians and the spouse, parent, child, or sibling of such physicians is exempt from the requirements ofthis section. As used in this subsection the term \"entity wholly owned\" means a proprietorship, group practice,partnership, or corporation that provides health care services rendered by licensed physicians and health carepractitioners in which the licensed physicians or such physicians and the spouse, parent, child, or sibling of suchphysicians are the business owners in all aspects of the business entity, including but not limited to beingreflected as the business owners on the title or lease of the physical facility, filing taxes as the business owners,being account holder on the entity's bank account , being listed as the principals on all incorporation documentsrequired by this stat, and having ultimate authority over all personnel and compensation decisions relating to theentity.\"As anyone could see, this was much too broad and also made us wonder immediately why it needed to be writtenin such a way. Working with Representative Roberson, who was a tremendous advocate for both FSMTA and themassage therapy board, we were able to keep the language off the House bill as we worked on compromiselanguage. At the same time we were working with the Board of Massage and the DOH lobbyist, Paul Runk, to getthe language to the Board and have them take a position on it.One of the arguments put forward by the Chiropractors was that they had been exempt from the establishmentlicense up until 1998. This exemption was by Department policy first in DBPR and later in DOH. When all policywas mandated to be put into rule it was found that the Board did not have statutory authority for such anexemption. The language in the proposed rule, in 1998 to codify policy, was as follows:\"The term establishment does not include the office of a physician licensed under chapter 458, or 459, achiropractic physician licensed under chapter 460, an acupuncturist licensed under chapter 457, a podiatristlicensed under chapter 461, a dentist licensed under chapter 466, or a physical therapist licensed under chapter Page 28
FSMTA 2014 Annual Report486, Florida Statutes, if massage therapy is provided by persons licensed under chapter 480 only to patients ofthe licensed physician, chiropractic physician, acupuncturist, podiatrist, dentist, or physical therapist.\"At this juncture we started to draft some of our own language, however it was then decided that we would notmove forward with any compromise language after the bill passed out of the Heath Quality Subcommittee on 3/18without the chiropractor exemption language. It was decided that our first line of lobbying would be to try andremove the Senate language and keep the House bill clean.However, it soon became apparent that the Senate sponsor was not willing to do this and that also the Housesponsor was in favor of some type of establishment licensure exemption language for Chiropractors. We thenoffered the following language to the sponsors that would have exempted Chiropractors, Physicians licensedunder chapter 458 and 459, podiatrist and nurses and licensed massage therapists. The language stated:\"An entity wholly owned by one or more health care providers subject to the provision of 465.0135 FloridaStatutes general background screening provisions is exempt from the requirement of this section. As used in thissubsection the term \"entity wholly owned\" means a proprietorship, group practice, partnership or corporation thatprovides health services rendered by licensed health care practitioners.\"This language was rejected by both sponsors and the Department as being too broad and having too much of afiscal impact. At this point we were back to fighting to keep the bill clean in the House and take the language off inthe Senate. During LAD days this is the position that members lobbied. However, on 4/23 the bad language wasfiled to the House bill by Representative Kathleen Peters, with Representative Kerner's okay. After meeting withRepresentative Peters for approximately an hour she said she would entertain compromise language. Thefollowing language was offered to her and the Chiropractors.(13) This section does not apply to a physician licensed under chapter 458, chapter 459, or chapter 450 whoemploys a licensed massage therapist to perform massage on the physician's patients at the physician’s place ofpractice. This subsection does not restrict investigations by the department for violations of chapter 456 or thischapter. (This was relatively the same language that we had begun working on after seeing the Chiropractorlanguage).Unfortunately, this language was at first rejected by Representative Peters, Kerner, Senator Latvala and theChiropractic Association. However, due to some great advocacy on our behalf by Representatives Zimmermanand Roberson. Quick research done by the research team, at the Florida Justice Association (another client ofmine) on \"shady chiropractors\" that may have benefited from the first proposed language. And the ability toquickly get this information to our advocates on the House floor, both the House and Senate sponsors finallyaccepted our much more narrowly drawn exemption language! That language as seen above is what is in theenrolled and passed legislation.The HB 1065 passed the house on 4/25/ with a vote of 117 Yeas and 0 Nays and final passage in the Senate witha vote of 38 Yeas and 0 Nays.HB 819 This bill was the Department of Heath package that amended 480.033 and 480.041 relating to massagetherapy apprentices and apprenticeship programs. This bill which we worked on early with the DOH ultimatelyfailed during session.A contentious amendment that dealt with charges for medical records managed to once again sink the wholeDOH package.Conclusions and Recommendations 1. While I appreciate and thank all who participated in LAD and in contacting their legislators, it would have been even better if everyone had reported back to the Legislative Chair whom they met and the reactions so that it could be forwarded on to the lobbyist. 2. Paying for 2 lobbyists and having one also represent the FCA and FSMTA was not the best use of our resources. Even though Allison stated to me that she remained “neutral” on this issue with both sides, it was, in my opinion, a conflict of interest. Page 29
Standing Committee Reports 3. While anyone can meet with their legislator at any time and is free to express their own opinion on an issue, it puts the Lobby Team at a disadvantage if someone does not clearly state that they are speaking for themselves and not the FSMTA, especially if the LMT tells the legislator that they are an LMT. This is why the Lobby Team developed and distributed talking points and the flyer. 4. It is important to stick to a consistent and concise message. Repeat the message over and over so that massage therapy and FSMTA become linked with the message. Stick to talking points and flyer. 5. It would be much more effective if at the very least, all Chapter Officers would make it a point to personally meet with each of their state elected state Representatives and Senators in their home district offices when the legislature is not in session. 6. Each chapter should devote at least one meeting a year, preferably in August - October to be used to invite their legislative delegation to attend for a “meet and greet” getting to know the legislators and the legislators get to know massage therapists and about the benefits of massage therapy. 7. General membership email blasts along with FB postings are the most effective means of communications. However, too many members are not tuned in to legislative issues, nor do they know nor follow the links provided with all the details of proposed legislation. Even though the legislative updates were emailed to the Executive Board members, posted on FB and on the FSMTA legislative web site, too many members were unaware or confused about the legislative issues this year. 8. Invite key legislators to our annual convention and trade show as visitors and/or guest speakers. 9. Upgrade of FSMTA database so that members and their representatives can be matched. Too many members are either not registered to vote or they do not know who their representatives are. Perhaps each chapter web page could have a link to the email address and phone number of the legislators for their chapter.This is just a starting point to be put in place before we can move forward with effective favorable legislation.Trying to put forth legislation without the necessary infrastructure is an exercise in futility. Since we lack themoney to compete with insurance, pharmacy, etc. we have to rely on our superior numbers and the usegrassroots lobbying.Respectfully Submitted:Alex R. SpassoffLegislative Chair, FSMTA Page 30
FSMTA 2014 Annual ReportSpecial Committee ReportsAwards CommitteeAnnual Budget $2700.00Expenses $1100.00Balance Remaining $1600.00There were no meetings, but the Executive Committee has been appraised of all activities.FUTURE PROJECTS and/or CONCERNS:Order State Awards and create power point for All Award Winners will be done by State President.INCOME/EXPENSES List expenses incurred for each project and income sources received.Chapter Awards -EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIESWere any items/equipment purchased for this Committee? __x___No ____Yes:____Were these items/equipment added to the inventory list? __x___ No _____ Yes:Submitted by Debbie SieberBOMT LiaisonCOMMITTEE CHAIR: Maureen Gilbert. LMT, NCTMBCOMMITTEE MEMBERS: Alex Spassoff, State Legislative ChairNote: State President is an ex-officio member of this committee and attends most BOMT meetings. Executive Director,Executive Committee, Chapter Presidents and other Board members also attend some of the BOMT meetings. ChapterPresidents and Chapter Officers are encouraged to attend one BOMT meeting during their terms of office, budget permitting.TOTAL ANNUAL BUDGET $2.700.00TOTAL ANNUAL EXPENSE: $2,476.02DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES: Attend all BOMT Meetings. Report to FSMTA Board of Directors quarterly andcommunicate relevant information to FSMTA members and interested parties through email communications andposting on the FSMTA Website.COMMITTEE GOAL: Monitor and keep up to date with changes and regulations pertaining to the massagetherapy profession. On behalf of our membership, FSMTA maintains a cooperative working relationship with theBOMT staff and Board members to help improve the massage profession.ACCOMPLISHMENTS:Meetings Attended by Committee Chair and one or more committee members and Executive Director: April 25-26, 2013 – Jacksonville July 24-26, 2013 – Orlando October 24-25, 2013 – Tampa Conference Call Meeting Attended: conference calls are only conducted if necessary June 12, 2013 ♦ September 18, 2013 ♦ December 11, 2013 Report Quarterly to FSMTA Board of Directors. FSMTA Keeping You Informed email communications sent regularly and as necessary to report relevant information such as meeting time & dates, agendas, minutes, rules changes and other information which may have an impact on our scope of practice.Minutes to all BOMT meetings may be accessed on the BOMT web site:http://floridasmassagetherapy.gov/meeting-information/past-meetings/The BOMT is continually reviewing Laws and Rules and making changes as necessary. It is our responsibility tokeep up to date with changes and work within our scope of practice. Exact wording may be found on line. TheBOMT Laws and Rules are found in Chapter 480 - Florida Statutes; Rules Chapter 64B7 - Florida Administrative Page 31
Special Committee ReportsCode and Chapter 456 - Florida Statutes. All may be accessed on line athttp://floridasmassagetherapy.gov/resources/Board Members: (as of 3/31/2014)Chair Bridget K. Burke-Wammack, LMTVice Chair Lydia Nixon, LMTLMT Members Karen Ford, LMT Sharon Phillips, LMT Jonathan Walker, LMTConsumer Members Robyn Guery Davis Dohn HavardBoard Counsel Lee Ann Gustafson, Esq. Assistant Attorney GeneralBOMT News 2013:For more details on these items, please visit the BOMT Website:http://floridasmassagetherapy.gov/ License Renewal The Florida Department of Health will now verify licensee compliance with continuing education requirements at the time of licensure renewal. Licensees must report continuing education course completion to the electronic tracking system, powered by CE Broker, before license renewal. There are currently over 3000 CE/CME providers reporting course information to CE Broker. Changes to Proof of Graduation Requirements The Board experienced many issues involving fraudulent transcripts used to receive massage therapist licenses. The BOMT took a hard stand on this fraud and changes were made to Rule Chapter 64B7- 32.002 Proof of Graduation and became effective December 8, 2013. 2013 Legislative Changes to Chapter 480, Florida Statutes The 2013 legislative session saw the passage of House Bill 7005. As a result, significant changes to were made to massage establishment regulations. Changes were made to Massage Establishment Hours of Operation, Advertising, Nuisance and Criminal Penalties. This language became effective October 1, 2013. Unlicensed Activity (ULA) Unlicensed massage establishments & unlicensed massage therapists complaints are reported to the ULA unit. In conjunction with law enforcement and the state attorney’s offices, the unit investigates and refers for prosecution all unlicensed complaints and allegations. ULA cases come before the BOMT to determine the disposition of the license and impose fines in accordance with rules governing our profession. Florida Massage School’s Pass Rates on Approved Exams The Board of Massage Therapy enacted a rule change to 64B7-32.003-Minimum Requirements for Board Approved Massage Schools. Beginning with graduate passage rates for calendar year 2013, an approved program must achieve a graduate passage rate that is not lower than 10 percentage points less than the average passage rate for graduates of comparable degree programs who are first-time test takers on the Board approved exam during a calendar year. Photo Identification Requirements The Board of Massage Therapy enacted a rule change to 64B7-28.008-Display of Licenses. Every licensed massage therapist must attach to the displayed license a 2 by 2 inch photograph of the individual whose name appears on the certificate which was taken within the previous two years. The final requirement date for compliance is September 1, 2013. Florida Board of Massage Therapy won 2013 Davis Productivity Award The BOMT office was experiencing a significant increase in the number of applications received. Staff identified over 30 items impacting application processing time. Best practices were implemented and the average number of days to process an application and issue a license was significantly reduced. Page 32
FSMTA 2014 Annual ReportFSMTA attendance at every BOMT is very important. It shows that the Association appreciates the fact that weare regulated under the Department of Health. Reporting BOMT Meetings through email communications and onour website, FSMTA.org, keeps members informed and up to date with changes that may affect our scope ofpractice. FSMTA Chapter Presidents have been requested to attend at least one BOMT meeting during their twoyear term of office.If you have never attended a BOMT meeting…think about doing so, you may find it very educational.The BOMT meetings take place quarterly and in four different locations around the State.Please plan to attend when there is a meeting in your area.Respectfully SubmittedMaureen Gilbert, BOMT LiaisonElections CommitteeCHAPTERS:The chapter elections were completed for the following (EVEN YEAR) chapters: Broward, Central Florida, Dade,Emerald Coast, Flagler/Volusia, Heart of Florida, North Central Florida, Palm Beach, Sugar Dunes and SuwanneeValley. Some chapters even requested a special election waiver to fill a few vacancies that were not filled duringtheir stated election period. Remember if you are need of filling an empty board position and are not sure of theproper steps or procedures feel free to contact Katha King at [email protected] look forward to next year’s elections for the following (ODD YEAR)chapters: Big Bend, Brevard, First Coast,Gulf Coast, Keys, Sarasota/Manatee, Southwest Florida, Tampa Bay, Treasure Coast.STATE:The state elections did have a few bumps and turns in the process. The Candidates submitted all requestedapplications on time to find there had been a wrong nomination committee count based on prior years which hadto be resolved as one of those bumps in the road. The State elections were called to a vote after committees werebrought up to par based on the BI Laws and P&P. The election was sadly delayed, as was the member’sMassage Message Magazine in order for all nominees to be posted for the general membership. Electionsprocedure and committees are up to snuff and the elections were put underway. It has been a very exciting andactive election this year compared to prior years. I think most member can agree. As of the writing of this annualreport Electronic Voting and mail balloting are ongoing so results cannot be posted at this time. I wish allcandidates the best of luck with the election and their future roles for the upcoming years. For any electionquestion feel free to contact Katha King at [email protected] CommitteeThe newly appointed Ethics Committee (2014) has already been called into service this year with memberscoming forward with complaints from simple to complex. Be assured the ethics committee takes every complaintvery seriously no matter how small or how big. Feel confident if you file a complaint it will be reviewed andresearched. Trust your complaint will not fall on deaf ears. The ethics committee now has a form if you are inneed of a form you may contact the ethics chair Katha King or central office they will be happy to give you a formfor your convenience.The Ethics committee is also working to update the FSMTA’S Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics and Patient Bill ofRights. Which are out of date and have not been updated in many years? Look forward to updated copies assoon as completed. We look forward to keeping your association strong, current with the times and we are atyour service.Insurance Relations CommitteeCOMMITTEE CHAIR Vivian M. MahoneyCOMMITTEE MEMBERS 0TOTAL ANNUAL BUDGET $ 1,000TOTAL ANNUAL EXPENSE $ 993 Page 33
Special Committee ReportsACCOMPLISHMENTS:August 2013: I attended the Annual Fl Workers’ Compensation Educational Conference in Orlando.August 2013 and February 2014: I attended the FL Chiropractic Physician’s Association Convention, (FCPA).Throughout the year, I attended four (1- hour) webinars: One on HIPAA Law and Compliance and three on ICD-10 Coding requirements that were supposed to have gone into effect by Oct 1st this year (2014) but have nowbeen postponed.I have answered literally hundreds of phone calls and email questions by FSMTA members and others aboutinsurance law, PIP issues, coding, billing, fees, and on chiropractor and massage therapists workingrelationships. In addition to the above, I never stop researching, reading, copying and saving information thatrelates to massage therapists when it comes to insurance or other health related issues that may open doors forus in the future.I attended four (4) FSMTA Quarterly Board Meetings in Orlando. I presented an insurance billing seminar at the2013 FSMTA Annual Convention.Sept 2013: Tallahassee, I joined our Attorneys, Luke Lirot and Adam Levine in a hearing before the 1st DCAwhere they presented Oral Arguments on our FL PIP Case.October 2013: Orlando, I attended a Special Legislative Committee Meeting with attorneys and lobbyists.March 2014: I attended the Chicago Illinois AMTA Convention to hear special guest speaker Dr. Janet Kahnspeak on the Affordable Health Care and how, when or if it will benefit massage therapists. You can stay tuned tothis issue by going to www.ihpc.orgI attend (27th year) the Annual Florida Workers’ Compensation Educational Conference to monitor all aspects ofthe insurance, work comp and medical industry as I (and often others with me) attend many, many breakouts insearch of information that may help, enhance or protect a massage therapists profession and ability to acceptworkers’ compensation cases.Attendance at the FCPA has been beneficial as it affords me opportunities to speak with chiropractors who are inour corner, who understand what we have been going through. FCPA CEO Dr. Rod Lacy has provided me with afree booth to help collect donations for Attorneys Adam Levine and Luke Lirot to continue their fight for massagetherapist’s rights with the ongoing FL PIP Lawsuit against the State of FL Dept. of Insurance.PS: As anyone can see, there is no way that all of this could be done on a $1,000 budget. So volunteering is thename of the game when you are trying to improve our profession and help our therapists keep their licenses, theirability to work and to remain respected in the medical field.VivianInternational Relations Committee2013 was a year of exploration of possibilities is this newly formed International Relations Chair. I had theopportunity of meeting face to face with several massage therapists as well as Massage Therapy Schools’Directors in other countries to find out what FSMTA could do in order to be involved in the internationalcommunity of massage therapists. I told them about the benefits of membership and emphasized on our annualconvention and trade show.There was special interest from massage therapists in Puerto Rico as well as the massage school Escuela deMasajes Begonia Ferrero in Gran Canaria, Spain. This school not only teaches Therapeutic Massage but alsomany other alternative medicine modalities as Naturopath Medicine, Acupuncture, Nutrition, etc.I met with Dr Sergio Chacón, who is the medical coordinator that oversees and assess all programs in all theirlocations through the Canary Islands. They were very open to have bilateral cooperation not only to come to ourconvention but for us to teach workshops there. This is a very interesting possibility to explore.At this time my recommendations to the board are to create a different type of membership and/or programs toattract international members. Lesli Lopez, Palm Beach President, contacted me and show interest in gettinginvolved in this chair so Lesli and I will be meeting in the near future and will continue to further develop this chair.Angel OrozcoInternational Relations Chair Page 34
FSMTA 2014 Annual ReportLegislative Awareness Days/MT Awareness Week CommitteeThe events Chaired by me are Legislative Awareness Days and Massage Therapy Awareness Week. Sincerethanks to all the chapters and individuals participating. It brought awareness to the importance of our profession.Tallahassee was a success this year and we were able to visit many of the Capitol offices and meet with peoplefrom our district.Sincerely,Donna SmithLiability Insurance LiaisonSince 1997 FSMTA has offered an effective insurance program to our members, which is underwritten throughAllied Professionals Insurance Company, a Risk Retention Group Inc. the nation's largest alternative health RiskRetention Group.We have had many additions to our coverage over the years. Some of the major coverages that have been addedare Colon Hydro-Therapist, Facial Specialist, Personal Trainers are some of the added coverages. Otherprofessions /certifications can be individually reviewed. Some of the Special Coverage Extensions are Hot StoneAddendum; Skin Care Application, Nutritional Specialist; Colon Hydro Therapy & Personal Trainer are some usedin diverse practices.FSMTA is the only state massage association in the country offering a malpractice insurance program for itsmembers. Unlike national groups, FSMTA is able to customize its coverage program to meet the unique andevolving needs of Florida LMT's.In the next year, we are exploring partnering with APIC to improve our services to members by licensing ourMembership Administrator as an insurance agent. This credentialing will not only enhance member services, itwill heighten our credibility and professional image throughout the industry.We have over 60% of our membership taking advantage of the coverage and rates. In conjunction with themembership drive conducted this summer and fall by our Membership Chair, we are challenging ourselves toreach 75-80% by the end of the next fiscal year.Membership CommitteeCommittee Chair: Brian BoydCommittee Members Brian BoydAnnual Budget $ 500.00Annual Expenses $ 0.00Balance Remaining $ 500.00The Membership Committee has met several times with various members of the Corporate Office and ExcutiveCommittee.The Chair obtained an Expired Members report by chapter for the period of January 1, 2013 - December 31 2013.The Chair is systematically contacting expired members. Status: OngoingThe Chair is devoting time to learn capabilities of Survey tools so that it can determine who the customer is of theAssociation's product on a chapter by chapter basis. Status: OngoingPROJECTS:The chair is taking an action to develop a template so that local chapters have a tool to use when contactingan expiring member. This effort coupled with the multiple email contacts from corporate office and the follow-on efforts of this chair are expected to increase membership renewal.The chair is developing a series of demographic surveys which will lead to developing statistical data on the“typical” member in any given chapter. This information can be used to show prospective members that ourlocal chapters represent the groups that are similar to them. The association will grow stronger as prospectivemembers can find common ground and reasons to associate with local members.This chair is requesting all members who have access to this report to coordinate through Joyce for volunteertime at the membership booth. Page 35
Special Committee Reports In order to capitalize on the “Glitz & Glamour” of the “Mad Hatter” theme, I am also willing to wear a “38L Jacket with Tails and a Tall Top Hat as I move from Monitor to Membership booth, if those items can be found before convention. Please coordinate these items through Joyce.CONCERNS 1. There has been preciously little time for the current chair to affect membership of the association. 2. There have been conflicting reports as to the availability of the data that would assist this effort. The State maintains a database of all LMT's which include contact information. That information seems to be public record; however, this information is not readily comparable to association data. Request the assistance of the EC, EB, ED, and other knowledgeable individuals in creating a working database of both members and non-members that are actively licensed for direct marketing of our products. 3. The release of the \"monthly payment plan\" may well improve membership as it makes it more of a budgeted expense for prospective members. The chair is concerned with continued delays in releasing this NEW Member's Benefit. 4. The release of the $20.00 gift card for membership referrals will also make building membership easier. The chair remains concerned with roadblocks and delays in releasing this NEW Member's Benefit. 5. This chair is still unclear on the strategy of selling Wonka Bars to our existing members in order to drive prospective members, who attend the annual convention, to the membership booth. This chair reiterates the daunting and difficult task that the former membership chair eloquently described in his last Quarterly Report. To date, this chair has not been able to engage the leadership of the organization sufficiently to establish local chapter goals nor establish a cohesive marketing plan going forward. It is my opinion that if the leaders of the organization continue to ignore the assistance of this chair, the organization may well suffer such financial crisis as to terminate its own validity as an association. This chair is open to working with future focus groups to develop a means to create a need for our product line, and bring new members into our association. There are no reimbursable expenses, nor income source.Submitted byBrian Boyd, MS, LMTSocial Media CommitteeTo enhance our Social Media Management, I would like us to look at acquiring a service like sprout social or hootsuite. (Research will need to be done to see which would be the best fit for the best price.) There is still a hugeneed to get our Association seen on a wider and more professional scale with print media and internet. We shouldformulate and generate a professional advertising campaign. (It may be time to look at hiring a professional adagency, it will of course cost, but I believe it will be money well spent.)Facebook and web presence is growing due to the work that has been done thus far.I have spoken with our Executive Director James Kelly about turning all of the facebook accounts over tocorporate office. Of course the admins that are currently assigned to the individual chapter pages will stay on.Website uniformity is still a need and Greg Neely has been working toward building that.State President Leiah Carr and Greg Neely have spent countless hours updating content and generalmaintenance on the State Website. www.fsmta.orgOur tech/convention chair Greg Neely continues to expand our web reach above the thousands. He can sharethose continuing achievements.The Convention and State Facebook page continues to stay current. Each Chapter President and a chaptermedia representative should be listed as an administrator, and should be doing their best to promote ourassociation. I have recently updated all admins, if I have missed you please contact me.Submitted byJoanna GodwinCommittee Chair Page 36
FSMTA 2014 Annual ReportSports Massage CommitteeCommittee Members Diane ForresterAnnual Budget $1,000Annual Expenses $ 300Committee Events Updated Chapter Sports Massage rosters` Sports Team Shirts made available to Chapter Sports teams Created an alliance with Florida Sports Foundation Appointed Lead Trainer for the 8 Hr. Sports Massage Training at Convention Updated Sports manuals with assistance of Maureen Gilbert State Sports Team Trainers pictures included on the State Sports websiteAccomplishments Sarasota/Manatee and Heart of Florida participating in the Sunshine State Games in June Two 8 Hr. Sports Massage Trainings ---Central Fla,, Tampa Bay Ad donated by the Race Place magazine in support of the FSMTAState StoreOur new inventory line-up this year consists of more messenger bags, Ladies’ & Men’s Polo Shirts, Nametags,zippered Sweatshirts, Larger Tervis Tumblers, Laundry Bags, Sports T-shirts & much, much more.Wahoo!! The FSMTA Web store is up and running. The merchandise is all loaded in and the kinks in the orderprocessing have been repaired (thanks Greg). Our location this year is going to be in the open area (like lastyear). This proved to be easier for our members to access the State Store and see all that we have to offer. All wecan do is grow and get bigger and better. It is a pleasure and an honor to be chair of this committee.After this convention, we will be sending out an interactive email asking for your comments on the state store andwhat FSMTA items you would like to see sold to our members.As usual, if any of you have any ideas of desired merchandise or ideas of really anything else, please contact me.All suggestions are welcome and appreciated. This department, like all departments, can only get better withmore bright minds throwing their two cents in.Thanks for reading and talk to me about your ideas!H. Brian GeorgeState Store ChairTechnology CommitteeCommittee Chair Gregory NeelyCommittee Members Gregory Neely Krystal HaworthAnnual Budget $ 1,000.00Annual Expenses $ 897.10Accomplishments Converted the Office to Bright House along with the internet services that repeated cost savings to the FSMTA on a monthly basis. Converted the www.fsmta.org website and domain over into the control of the FSMTA. A temporary website is still in place that will shift once the database issues have been rectified. Upgrades have been done to the myfsmta.org website to incorporate the 2014 and 2015 Conventions. Purchased Flipbook software and Antivirus software for the corporate office. Purchased video editing software so that the association will be able to do videos for the future to keep members informed. Page 37
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