LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE PORTFOLIOEmily J. Richards MSc Landscape Architecture, Edinburgh College of Art, Edinburgh University 2016
CONTENTS I Emily J. Richards PortfolioIntroduction, InspirationPlaszow, Krakow, Poland- Project Overview, Reading the Landscape- Masterplanning- Designing with Light, Spaitial Approach to Directed MemoryFabian Way, Swansea, Wales- Project Overview , Reading the Landscape- Designing with Ecologies and Interactive, Integrated Productive Programme- Construction and Hard Materials, Technical Drawing- 3D VisualisationsBingara Mediterranean Garden, Queensland, Australia- Productive Landscape, Permaculture Approach, Design by AlmanacColentina River, Bucharest, Romania- Strategic Proposals, Life to the peripheries
INTRODUCTION I Emily J. Richards Portfolio I recently graduated with an Msc Landscape Architecture (class of award: distinction) from Edin- burgh College of Art. I am particularly interested in integrating interactive, innovative technolo- gies with local ecologies through a public realm interface. I especially appreciate sensitive and appropriate design with thought for local communities, ecologies, aesthetics, experience and economies alike, achieving a resilient approach through directed education and economic sus- tainability. Software Knowledge: 2D CAD, Photoshop, InDesign, Prezi to a high standard. Also familiar with Illustrator, Flash, After-effects, 3D CAD
FABIAN WAY I An integrated industrial eco-tone Ffordd Amazon, Fabian Way, Swansea, Wales
Strategic Analysis and Proposals Brecon Beacons On-site sketching, Tenant CanalExtended ‘innovation corridor’ through valley Tourist Link Brecon Beacons Abandoned Industries Suitable for hydro-stor- ageAbandoned Industrial Sites - Predominantly Open Cast Coal Mines Proposed Extension of Innovation Corridor andConvergence of tourism and Site-industryGower Peninsula In-coming traffic from Abandoned industrial sites Opening of Innovation Corridosrouth east encouraged Areas of ‘Wilderness’ with tourism potentialExtended Inoovation Corridor Yellow: Existing proposed Opening of Innovation Corridorand Opportunity innovation corridor Potential for improved ecolog- Road connecting Swansea and Gower to ValleysOn-site sketching, Tenant Canal Initial Design AreaStrategically the site lies at the pinch point of two contrasting linear Swansea Yellow: Existing Proposal : “Innovation Corridor”character zones. South East to South West an industrial trend dom-inates, comprised largely of Tata Steel Works in Port Talbot moving Glen Yr wern Canal, built 1788through industrial park zones around the periphery of Swansea. TheM4 - the main route into South Wales follows the industrial trend. Existing Proposal: Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon Port Talbot M4, main route into South Wales Tenant Canal, completed 1818North East to South West however an ecological, tourist trend dom- Heavily industrialised areasinates punctuated by abandoned industrial pockets where mineral Proposed Swansea Tidal Lagoonmining was previously prolific but being subterrainial leaves onlypock marks of previous industry upon the landscape and whose Gower Peninsula Swansea Bay Port Talbot Steel Worksdominance has since subsided into a tourist industry dominate zone. Mumbles BeachThe ‘tourism’ trend is footed on one end by the Gower peninsula, HT: 1940an area of outstanding natural beauty and the other by the Brecon HT: 1880 HT: 1920 HT: 1980Beacons National Park. HT: 1980 Neath River estuary, dredged between 1860 and 1880 Low Tide fluctuations Analysis: High and low tide variations over past 100 years
Ecological zones pulled through industrial with proposed and retained Improved permeability of industrial strip on threshold of city FABIAN WAY I Project Overview, Reading the Landscapeexisting trees The proposal harnesses the juxtaposing identities of the valleys: heavy industrial production and Main thresholds enhanced and smooth breath-taking natural wilderness, exploring ways of inter-connecting them to ensure a resilient transition between ‘zones’ future for the surrounding communities - one that allows the abundant natural resources to be accessed but not exploited and benefits the landscape that is an important ecological as well as Improved city threshold economical feature (from a tourist point of view) of the region. The project seeks to encourage and unveil a fresh perspective on industry for south Wales as wellKey Transition Mire Common Reed Salt Marsh as the human and technological relationship with nature. Alluvial Woodland Calcareous Fen Coastal Grassland More formal ‘parkland’ The spatial development of the master-plan focussed on extending the natural surrounding ecolo Broad Leaved Woodland gies through the rigidity of the industrial trends of the Fabian way thoroughfare . The site forms a platform where the counteracting forces of exhaustive industry and flourishing ecological wilder- ness coincide. The masterplan addresses the collision by using a balanced resilient programmatic approach that allows the surrounding ecosystems to continue to prosper whilst also satisfying our need for resources. The masterplan takes an integrated soft approach and seeks to be an educa- tional hub for experimentation as well as serving as a recreational hub and productive industrial landscape. The final masterplan is a dynamic/ working masterplan adopting the surrounding ecologies to guide main infrastructure, integrating developing industries into this infrastructure and forming a threshold for both the innovation valley and the city of Swansea itself. Tir John Landsfill to be Crymlyn Bog SSSI Pant-Y-Sais Key capped and incorporated into masterplan Amazon Depot Existing Buildings Crymlyn Burrows SSSI Proposed Buildings Proposed water pools Location of Proposed Tidal Lagoon Proposed water pools for algae production use Proposed water pools for salt water production use Dense alluvial woodland Broad leaved woodland Proposed trees Existing trees Coastal ecologies Wetland Ecologies Transitioning ecologies Roads, propose and existing Roads surface change to buff colour Raised walkways Ground level circulation Hard surfacing Mineral railway Tenant canal Swansea Bay
Ecological Transition Character TypesEco-toneTransition Mire ‘Quaking Bog’ Coastal GrassLand and ‘Dune’ EcologiesGeneral grasses layer to Schoenus nigricans Equisetum fluviante, Schoenus nigricans Equisetum fluviante, Flowering species to Iris pseudacorus Menyanthes trifoliata Iris pseudacorus Menyanthes trifoliata General Grass Layer species to Flowering Species toinclude: Bog Rush Bog Horsetail Bog Rush Bog Horsetail include: Include: Include:Schoenus nigricans Iris pseudacorus Carex arenaria Trifolium repensCarex rostrata Menyanthes trifoliata Festuca rubra Carex arenaria Dactylis glomerata Carex arenaria Dactylis glomerata Lotus cornicaltus Trifolium repens Oronis repens Trifolium repens Oronis repensCarex chinata Marsh Cinquefoil Plantago lancelota Ononis repensCarex limosa Eriophorum gracile Marsh cinquefoil Equisetum angustifolium, Marsh cinquefoil Equisetum angustifolium, Plantago maritimaEquisetum fluviante Baldellia ranunculoides Common Cotton Grass Common Cotton Grass Dactylis glomerataEriphorum angustifolium Carex rostrata, Equisetum angustifolium, Elytrigia repensEriphorum gracile Bottle Sedge Common Cotton Grass Carex rostrata, Equisetum angustifolium, No Scrub Layer. Agrostis stoloniferaMayanthus trifoliata Bottle Sedge Common Cotton Grass Holcus lanatusDogwood, Midwinter fire Plantago coropusSphegum spp. Festuca rubra Elytigia repens Festuca rubra Elytigia repens Lotus cornicaltus Lotus cornicaltus Winter Condition Grass Layer Winter Condition Grass Layer Equisetum gracile, Bldellia ranunculoides Bldellia ranunculoides Slender Cotton Grass Crex echinata, Crex echinata, Equisetum gracile, Star Sedge Star Sedge Slender Cotton Grass Plantago lanceolata Agrostis stolonifera Plantago lanceolata Agrostis stolonifera Crex limosa, Mayanthus trifoliata Bog Sedge Crex limosa, Mayanthus trifoliata Plantago maritima Holcus lanatus Plantago maritima Holcus lanatus Bog Sedge Mayanthus trifoliata Bldellia ranunculoides Mayanthus trifoliata Bldellia ranunculoides Summer Condition Grass Layer with flowering species in bloom Summer Condition Grass Layer with flowering species in bloom Swathes of similar species planted according to ecoloigcal trend (see transect plan), flowering species Swathes of similar species planting in swathes transitioning to more saline tolerant species towards planted in swathes throughout under-layer of grasses salt marshCalcerous Fen Flowering species to Salt Marsh Flowering Species to Common Reed Festuca rubra Festuca rubra Include: Include: General Grass Layer to include: Iris pseudacorus General Grass Layer Species to include: Rock Sea Lavander Ro ck Sea Lavander Rock Hitchinisia Ro ck Sea Lavander Rock Hitchinisia General Grass Layer to Carex elata Eriophorum gracile Juncus maritimus Fen Orchid include: Carex rostrata Carex elata Carex rostrata, Carex elata Carex rostrata, Cladium marisucs Equisetum angustifolium, Equisetum angustifolium, Suaeda maritima Juncus maritimus Eelgrass Juncus maritimus Eelgrass Rock Hitctchinsia Festuca rubra Osmunda regalis Bottle Sedge Bottle Sedge Caricion davallianae Common Cotton Grass Common Cotton Grass Zostera spp. Limbarda crithmoides Phragmites australis Phragmites australis Iris pseudacorous Iris pseudacorous Salicornia spp. Tripolium pannonicum Cladium mariscus Caricion davallianae Bird and Insect Species Caricion davallianae Phramatis australis Phramatis australis Schoenus nigricans Encouraged through Eco-tone planting Molinia caerulea Fen Orchid Limbarda crithmoides Fen Orchid Limbarda crithmoides Intermitent Scrub Sea Blight Salicornia spp. Sea Blight Salicornia spp. Winter Condition Grass Layer Cladium mariscus Caricion davallianae Cladium mariscus Phramatis australis Osmunda regalis Phramatis australis Osmunda regalis Upper Salt Marsh Species Lower Salt Marsh Species tripolium pannonicum tripolium pannonicum Cladium marisucs Caricion davallianae Cladium marisucs Caricion davallianae Intermitent Scrub : Salix repens Alluvial Woodland on Salix repens Salix repens Peripheries: Schoenus nigricans Molinia caerulea Schoenus nigricans Molinia caerulea Alnus glutinosa Bog Rush Bog Rush Fraxinus excelsior Salix repens Fraxinus excelsior Fraxinus Excelsior Summer Condition Grass Layer with flowering species in bloom Winter Condition Grass Layer Summer Condition Grass Layer with flowering species in bloom Spring Condition Grass Layer Swathes of similar species planted according to ecoloigcal trend (see transect plan), flowering species Typical salt marsh transitioning from upper salt marsh species swathes to lower salt marsh species more planted in swathes throughout under-layer of grassses tolerant to frequent high tides (up to 600 pa). Raised Education Rill from Board-walk Raised walk- Proposed Polished Polished limestone paving Scots Pine Salt water reservoir holding pool leading Education pavilion for salt water programs in Salt water collection pool connect- Road through indus- board walk pavilion and building way adjacent Salix and lime- punctuated with calcereous through to storage and evaporation pools for elevation, hard surfacing and retaining wall polished ed by underground pipe to saline trial strip connecting through harvest equip- edge to through to ‘Amazon Betula spe- stone fen habitat towards algae coastal grassland salt harvest. Potential for micro shellfish limestone. Adjacent salt water pool programs river in Crymlyn burrows. Salt industries transition warehouse in cies through retain- cultivation zone for health habitat farming to aid salt water cleansing, hard shellfish harvesting. water flooding at high tide to aid mire transition elevation calcereous ing wall purposes surface and retaining wall polished salt ash habitat areas. ment storage programming mire ecology fen habitat 400mm limestone for algae pools collection ‘strip’ ‘strip’ high in elevation pool adjacent to horizontal pathways= Transition mire Calcereous Fen Common Reed Coastal Grassland Salt MarshSpringSummerAutumnWinter Airborne seeding species merge calcereous fen species and transition mire in upper levels of Wind direction migrates top soil (sand) and blends common reed Coastal Grasses Migrate before salt transition mire zone (wind direction) and coastal grasses Marsh builds up
Formal Recreation View Lines from Raised Walkways as edge between Formal Industrial Zone Industrial Trends FABIAN WAY I Transitioning Ecologies, Integrated Industries Welcome Area raised walkway ecolgical and industrial also provide Abrupt Industrial Edge negotiation tool between industrial Ecological Trends Despite its historic and current heavy industrial use, and the fact that just 100 years ago theEcologically and ecological site on the threshold of the city was described as a literal ‘burnt hell on earth’ the land to theSignificant Convergence program- north and south of the site is home to two unlikely surviving ecological zones - Crymlyn Bog ming, integrated eco- and Crymlyn Burrows, formed in the wake of another powerful force of nature, a glacial path. logical and industrial The two ecosystems , also fluid and dynamic in nature, cling on to life and diversity in the face of producitivity zones ever encroaching industrialisation. The project aims to harness these dynamic, contradictory and powerful forces at work in conflicting trends on site - the natural and the man made, the slow and Welcome plaza from the fast and use their collision and relationship as a design tool to shed light on fresh perspectives fabian way of the relationship between man and nature, industry and wilderness and our manipulation of the ecosystem that we are a part. Formal Industrial Zone Ecologically Significant Zones The unlikely survival of the ecologies surrounding the industrial estate and the fluid transitioning Permeable Industrial Edge nature of them unfolding towards the sea resonates to the historic forming of the wetlands by gla- cial erosion during the last ice age. Water as a soft seemingly unmoving element in the landscape Tenant Canal Tow Path & carved through the perceived hardier mass of rock. The development of the transitioning ecologi- Welsh Coastal Path cal Eco-Tone carving through the fast seemingly hardier industrial strip and natures reclamation of post industrial sites all around seems a fitting symbolic gesture in testimony to impressive forces of nature and a symbol of ultimate adapting resilience. The ecological circulation layer holds back the encroaching industry allowing the ecological transition to roll through and complete its natu- ral course, while the implementation of structures allow for a negotiation between the two forces. Raised Walkways Amazon depot Active Sand Dune Ecologies, First dune edge Crymlyn burrows SSSIWelcome Plaza and Education Open Transition Swansea BayShelter from Crymlyn Bog SSSI Mire High Tide Line Existing retained and proposed contours, 3D CAD Education Areas Northern Welcome Plaza - Decking overlooking transi- - Refreshment vending, formal tion mire ecologies seating Programmed Education Expo Are- Traditional Recreation Parks as Along Transitioning Ecologies - wetland reading park Fabian Way Fabian Way Entrance - single carriage Palza wayTransect MasterplanScale 1:2000 Exsiting contours 0.5m Proposed contours 0.2m to create 40mmConvergence Transect Plan, Crymlyn Bog, Ffordd Amazon retaining walls and proposed wetland hab-Park to Crymlyn Burrows and Swansea Bay itat (not including proposed programmed pools)
Production Zones Basins in wetlands hold Rain water run off collected by rills transported bySpecification excess rainfall topographic gradient to programmatic pools Overflow pipes with valves Pipes from Crymlyn burrows bring salt water at high allow salt water to migrate tide to salt marsh to adjacent programmatic Tenant Canal pools Rills from building to programme pools Hydrology Programme pools transitioning from fresh water to salt water Algae cultivation pools Salt and shell fish cultivation pools Example of hard surfacing in relation to programmed pool in calcarous fen ecological trend Tapered retaining wall as Algae cultivation test End of gradient slope Concrete bench Soft puncture in hard Raised board-walk, 500mm informal seating. pond, 1.5m deep 1:3 to base of algae in front of habitat after 0.5m edging. cultivation pond. ‘puncture’ in hard surfacing 2m wide high following 400mm high ta- surfacing. reflecting Calcerous fen pered retaining wall. Galvanised Transecting Path to connected industries meets show-case habitat surrounds with steel frame. area for algae cultivation Algae syphoned off cultivation pond CO2, Sunlight white willow feature tree. surface directed with topography towards Water run off processing houses. Rill passes under pathway Mature Algae ‘Solution’ to feed cultivation test area. Industrial Algae cultivation pool - 60m x 90m x 1m deep.Processing house Extracted algae Mature Raised walkway transcending ecolo- Algae cultivation test pond. Formal recreational areaconcentrate passes Excess gies on boundary between industrial in to gravitational zone and eco-tone park. separation tank Pipes carrying harvested algae from Split into : rill and test cultivation pond to join Vegetable Oil industrial system transportation. Clean WaterConcentrated Algae Exposed algae transportation Cultivated Algae in test pool joins Transition mire ecology Rill collects run off from Amazon directed pipes also can be used as stag- rill algae pipe to be transported towards test cultivation pond. Biomass 1m nant cultivation pipes for processing in industrial zones. Raised board-walk following wide ecological trend direction. Formal recreation area decking adjacent Algae Biomass Ecological zone scattered with to raised walkway. Movable seating, over- vertical limestone ‘stick‘ sculptures looking ecological transects and access to Processing House for water level measurement. raised walkway. Algae culture extraction direc- Algae cultivation pond Formal paths taper into informal tion following topography boulder and off-cut slab paths into ecological zones and infor- mal recreation area. Calcerous fen ecology extended Alnus and prunus through Formal seating over-looking eco-tone adjacent through industrial zone industrial zone to formal and informal paths through ecological areas. Informal path lines for pool access through industrial Horizontal Transecting path continues across minor zone pathways road, under raised walkway to formal cultivation areas.
Salt Production DetailingCrystallisation pan , 5/6 x. 6/7 x 0.5m deep Evaporation Pan, 18/20 x 6/8 x 0.5m deep Reservoir , 18/20 .x 10/12 x 1m deep FABIAN WAY I Hard Detailing and Technical DrawingsThick wet salt mixture scraped to crystallisation pond for further Salt water salinity increased through evaporation. Salt Water Collection Reservoir, 18/20 .x 10/12 x 1m deep The programmatic pools of the transect design form a main element of the design. The fresh waterevaporation process to form dry salt for use in health and food Excess heat from surrounding industries potentially transferred Water trapped from high tide, potentially cleansed with pools are maintained solely by rain water run off from the surrounding industry and are created toindustries. Transparent removable cover for rain protection and to aid evaporation through industrial zone in winter, continued to shell fish and algae cultivation lines mirror the size of the existing drainage areas. The lower salt water pools are maintained by inflowdehumidifier pump to aid evaporation in winter. Option for programming pools. pipes from the salt water marsh estuary in Crymlyn burrows.The hydraulic structure of the eco-tonetemporary shelter during winter months containing infrastruc- Removable covers with droplet catchers to protect from summer park during high tide, low tide and maximum and minimum rainfall is explained (left).ture to channel heat from surrounding industries. rain and insulate heat to aid evaporation, evaporated fresh water The rainwater harvested in the collection pools to the western side of the transect will hold a mix- caught in droplet catchers and transferred to surrounding wetlands ture of fresh and salt water with specific programmed functions in each. The pools will be used for algae growth experimentation as well as salt production. The respective pool functions are Salt collected for Hard white concrete Transfer valves between Water catchment Pipe transfers water Main in-flow pipe from Back up in-flow Potential Eventual Mussel outlined in the diagram below. use by surround- edging to salt evaporation pools to allow for move- covers for winter with higher salinity to tidal collection pool - one pipe from Salt Growth Experimentation, The materials chosen are aimed to be sensitive to the surrounding ecologies, sustainably and ing industries. pools with geo-textile ment of increasingly months in evap- evaporation pools, way pipe, locks water in industry clensing Salt Water for locally sourced as well as durable in a wetland climate. The materials vary in character from formal membrane to prevent saline water to crystallisa- oration pools resevoir Salt Production, Improving to more organic between industrial zones and ecologically focussed areas of the eco-tone park water leakage. tion process transferring heat Bio-diversity and Increas- from surrounding ing Algae growth acting as way-finding markers through out. industriesMaterials Selection and Specification Surfaces Programmed Water Collection Areas Ecological Transitioning Zones and Recreation Areas Entrance Plazas Canal Welcome Cracked Lime- Car-park Road Surface change Walkways Decking Plaza Decking stone Paving,General Furniture ‘Cracked’ Lime- Resin Bound Interlocking Tarmac Sur- stone Paving Board walks Gravel Surface Information Formal Seating grass mat grid face Colour Boards and Areas Pedestrian In-situ concrete Crossings paths Information Information Limestone Way Formal Eating Shelter Canal Boards Retaining Wall finding sculptures Areas Proposed Benches Lighting to Formal Wel- Natural play White polished match existing come Building Polished boulders concrete bench Existing lighting White con- maintained crete benches Rough Cut Information Limestone Boards Rill and Edging Benches Transparent Fresh Water CoveringsStructures Shelter Refreshment Salt WaterLighting Structures stands Proposed Existing Light- Existing Street lighting to ing Retained Lighting Main- match existing tainedSurface Join Details Rendered Iso-metric Section : A-A Rill and path edge Section: A-A Rill and path edge Plan: Rill and path edge Algae cultivation pipe through Off cut limestone Scale: n/a Scale: 1:10 @ A1 Scale: 1:10 @ A1 paving set in Rendered Iso-metric Section : centre of rill permeable Habitate Cut out and Bench in Hard Surfaced concrete mix Programmed Areas A 500mm 100mm 3m Exposed Agregate Pathway A 1mOff -cut Pre-case 1m long Habitat puncture in Pre-cast concrete Off -cut limestone In-situ concrete path Rill and Algae Pipe Rill, 100mm wide, Concrete rill casing Algae In-situ concrete, Aggregate 150mm 100mm wide 400mmlimestone retaining units hard surfacing bench paving exposed aggregate 1m long, 500m 400mm wide cultivation exposed white substrate agregate pin kerbpaving deep precast pipe support aggregate, 75mm 100mm subbase Rill edge, 100mm x 1m , concrete rill casing post 500m deep precast concrete In-situ - concrete, exposed white Pre-cast concrete edgeing 100mm agregate. wide, 1m long, 100mm deep.
Visual North to South Across Proposed ‘Eco-tone’ Park Swansea BayRaised walkway Welcome plaza with refreshment’s and al fresco dining Transitioning ecologies through eco-tone park, across Fabian Decking overlooking transition mire and rest of Eco-tone Pedestiran crossingadjacent to Amazon way to Crymlyn burrows
FABIAN WAY I 3D VisualisationsFresh Water ProgrammingAlgae Programming PoolHorizontal paved walkways Raised walkway in front of commercial Algae cultivation experi- Cracked white limestone Belt of transition mire Retaining wall functions as informal Encouraged transition Existing lighting retainedconnecting industries, production zones mentation pools, under paving overlooking (adjacent wetland ecology) spectator seating adjacent to transition mire habitat ecologiesadjacent rill and algae water propellor programming pools, permeating hard surfacing mire and raised boardwalk transcendingcultivation and transporta- seating provided for with surrounding seating and ecologiestion pipe leanring , recreation and opportunity for wild algae spectation cultivation experiments
PLASZOW, KRAKOW I Transitioning Light and Dark Landscape Plaszow, Krakow, Poland, Edinburgh College of Art
Reading the Landscape : Sound Analysis, Density Analsyis,GPS Tracking, Flash Animation Directed survey walks GPS tracking around predicted points of resonance Intuition walks, undirected site exploration and trackingGPS Tracking from intution walks, surveying walks and sound analysis overlaid with predicted ‘points of resonance’ on site. Sound analysis breakdown by percentage of man made and natural sounds. Predicted points of resonance to survey, points based on desk top re- search, histroical points predicted as higherst resonance. Sound analysis, green natural, pink man made, based on audition break down of sound frequencies and percentage, transparency indicates noise above certain decebel
Hand Drawing: On-site Sketches Appel Platz, Plaszow , Initial reading the landscape and site character analysis PLASZOW I Project Overview, Reading the LandscapeOld Jewish Cemetery, Plaszow Design Development, Sun Movement, Directed Light a The project focusses on taking advantage of the enclosed largely undeveloped land that bridges the gap between the inner city urban area of Podgorze and the city peripheries. The area has theOld Jewish Cemetery, Plaszow, initial site analysis and character exploration Illuminated Scuulpture twice a day potential to be the largest green recreational space in Krakow, as well as exposing many layers of with directed sunlight in winter the regions complicated history in a concentrated and reflective setting. The site also has strongSketches: Design Test Sketches potential to be an important biodiversity haven as well as a strategic green link between the inner Winter Sun Path Reflective rooms flodded city and the surrounding nature. The integrated nature of the site to the surrounding area and theQuarry face right of steps Summer Sun Path with light at midday only obvious local urge to use it as a recreation space also suggests potential for using it as an educa-from central plaza tional centre for biodiversity and ecological conservation as well as recreation.Boardwalk around water Designing spatially with light and room control The painful history of Plaszow as use as a former Nazi concentration camp, from desk top research,edge seemed to be the over riding resonating personality of the site. Initial surveys of the site through Bridge East to West Across Quarry GPS tracking, sound recordings, confirmed the resonance of the former concentration camp. The Railing from central Island Glass Barrier to Quarry Edge off Central Plaza site did not resonate with noise however, it was the eerie peacefulness that caused the greatest viewing platfrom impact. The project then turned into the direction of light and reflection and manipulation of memory in landscape through light and ephemeral qualities.Looking to walk way from central island in quarry. Board walk around the quarry steps out and into edges of water bodyto enable contact with different ecological systems. No direct connection from walkway around quarry to central island Design Development, Contour Modellingapart from the north board walk. Stair case from central plaza joins walkway on this face. Central Island will have aneducation centre with possibilities for fishing/ recreational use of the water as well as ecological. Cafe/ Restaurant/ Education Centre Seating area/Viewing Platform Staricase to Quarry Base from Concentration Camp Central Plaza. Hub at the centre e of the Plaszow. Proposed hard surfacing to accommodate a seating area around restaurant or cafe and Transition zone poplar testing with contour modelling in sketch up overlooking the view to the water feature and ecological succession a in Libaan quarry. Access down to the quarry through a structure that steps down the face of the wall. Potential education centre ass well as cafe/restaurant. Steps leading to Concentration camp area through transition spaces.
17 Key 19 Soft: 18 18 12 1. Short Cut Grass 2. Long Meadow Grass, existing re-enforced 12 13 14 3. Managed Wildflowers 12 4. Reflection Pool 2 5. Wetland Water body 6. Areas of Succession Cycle 23 7. Alottments 1 1 Hard: 23 12 12. Existing Converted Buildings 12 13. Welcome Centre 14. Museum/Information Centre 12 3 30 15. Cafe Restaurant 3 16 Quarry Bridge/BoardwalkPoalwesjtaańców Śląskich 17. Proposed Junction 21 18. Hard surfacing - Limestone 1 19. Carpark 20. Steps 3 20a. Steps Structure 21. Fencing - Proposed 12 Memorials: 1 23. Working Cemetery 24. Cemetery Ruins reinforced with 2 polished limestone 25. Christian Memorial 16 Lib6 aan Quarry 3 Wielicka 26. Soviet Monmuent 2 27. Jewish Memorial 7 6 20 28. Polish Memorial 2 29. Graves 12 30. Krakus Mound 3 Masterplan Layers Unpacked - Soft 6 21 2 Proposed Wildflower 14 12 14 12 16 5 3 2 Dispersing wildflowers 18 Existing managed parkland Water Works 2 20 “Neutral” vegetation buffer 24 13 Informal recreational 2 Recreational green link to2 20 1 15 14 19 4 Grey House 3 2 21 12 3 open green space 3 18 2 1 12 18 29 Existing dense woodland 12 3 Proposed trees 1 Existing trees 2 18 20 3 1 4 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 4 7 4 2 2 2 3 3 1 18 3 18 25 3 1 2 2 27 28 26 1
Loose , Low Intensity Enclosed Woodland Enclosed Woodland: Oak , Sycamore 2015 - Succession Order: 1,2,3 2035 - Succession Order: 2,3,1 PLASZOW I Masterplanning and Planting Area Sub-Character Managed Succession Managed Succession Birch,Elderflower 2035 Breakdown Open Parkland Norway Maple 2035 Further analysis of the pattern and personality of the site led to the development of a design Open Parkland Transition Spaces: 2035 concept in line with the initial reaction to the sites ephemeral qualities and points of resonance. Sub-Character Areas of Transi- Sensory Spaces: Willow , Birch The contradictory light and dark qualities and natural spatial and resonating hierarchies led to the tion Spaces Loose to Formal Transition Wild Flower Meadow Wetland Reeds exploration of an experience of increasing intensity, communicating the story of the site through Experiential, High Intensity Formal Spaces rhythm in the landscape. Sub-Character High Intensity Experiential Area Open Wild Flower Meadow Meadow Grass, 2015 2055 At first the power of adjacent light and dark spaces and the transition areas between, whetherType Breakdown Sub-Character Spaces Short Grass (Goats) 2015 2055 sudden or gradual, were explored. The power of shadow and reflection in defining a space was Formal Paved Areas/ Intermitant Fruit Trees 2055 explored through precedents and photography - how can the light define the character of the Character Type Low Intensity Parkland Commercial Centres space, effect ephemeral atmosphere and therefore emotions to trigger memory? The idea that Strategy Area Recreation Areas Managed Hawthron the manipulation of light on site in this manner could create an experiential trail developed from Transition Areas this and led to thinking about rhythm in landscape increasing intensity and the contradictory Overview High Intensity Experiential Meadow Grass Between anti-climatic end that provokes thought in a place that should be, at least, reflective if not effective in triggering emotion and memory. Base Map Proposed Cherry Trees Managed Hawthorn 2015 and Larch Meadow Grass Between Proposed Cherry, Apple, Pear Wild Flowers and Winter Bulbs. 2015-Summer 2035 2055 Alternating frequency of harvesting in different strips through wildflower meadows to encourage different species Tree Felling Strategy Memorial trail. Historical Education centre Commemorative Visitor centre and some Existing ground Existing Existing ground Existing and for industrial history of the Historical Education historical information line retained proposed trees region in quarry - local Ecological Education retaining wall to line to remove in elevation history story telling. Recreation Ecological education centre Existing Retained Vegetation Retained Existing Vegetation & Ecological to allow interaction with and be removed Existing Vegetation Removed Proposed Vegetation Encouraged educational education of succession. programming through Informal : Walking and forraging trails and eco- hiking trails low intensity logical zones areas. Ecological centre Formal: Central hub Introduction of bee hives and butterflies to establish ecological Enhanced woodland and links and economical profit. green links to allow Section through high sensory experiential rooms within concentration camp All programming layers Section E-E Rooms and intensity vary in size and Scale: 1:100 space throughout former concentration camp with space to evolve and change Proposed Larch and Spruce trees Proposed evergreen and desiduous trees planted purposefully to direct sunlight comfortable seating to existing trenches retained, expanded and Diverse ecology due to pollination through time Increased intensity of planting with to keep room structure through fruit trees in elevation creating intimate at certain times to historic features encourage longer stay flooded to creative reflective pools, planted of flowers by bees from allotments, incerased gradient the seasons reflective rooms with water hyacinth to maintain intensity alive atmosphere and prevent stagnation 300mm brick Existing Gravel bed at Proposed paved edging concrete to retaining wall to base of pool join existing retained. be retained to encourage ecologies
10 13 9 11 Eco-Island 5 9 Car Park 6 4 25 Summer (above) and Win3ter (below) Swathe Planting Palette 12 19 11 21 6 Central Plaza 17 North South Vehicular Link 10 Eco-Island 13 16 15 1 9 8 19 13 9 14 18 13 9 21 3 5 1 3 1 1 Car Park Central Plaza 1 Central Avenue North South Vehicular Link 16 15 4 5 6 Central Plaza 1 North South Vehicular Link 19 8 18 18 17 Central Avenue 13 26 21 14 18 Car Park 6 1 4 4 26 17 4 15 14 16 1 22 19 9 22 21 18 Linear Park Link 7 21 3 Central Avenue 2 Art Exhibition Shelters from old 20 6 18 4 amunitions Store 21 Key 22 26 Hard Materials 7 21 22 1. Limestone Paving Restaurant and Cen- Concentration Camp 2. Limestone Steps (set in slope max 1 in 10 gradient) tral Plaaza 3. Textured Stone Ramp 4. Corten Steel Tree Grills 7 21 5. Interlocking Grass Matting 6. Resin Bound Gravel Path 22 3 7. Tarmac Road Surface 2 8. Shared Car and Pedestrian Surface 23 9. Wooden Viewing Platform with Railing 10. Proposed Ecology Island 11. Wetland Board Walk 12. Bridge Structure 13. Steel Step Stucture on cliff Edge 14. Proposed Restaurant 15. Proposed Museum 16. Proposed Shelter 17. Proposed outdoor eating area 18. Existing Amunitions Stores converted to Art Exhibition Spaces 19. Bonfire barbecue area Soft Materials 22 21 20. Short Managed Grass Species 22 Area of Former Concentration Campving 21. Long Grass type 1 (Summer Flowering) 23 22. Long grass type 2 (Winter Flowering) 21 23. Meadow Wild flower Mix Planting (Summer) 22 22 24. Allotments 21 25. Cemetery COURSE: Strategy and Intervention, MSc, Edinburgh College of Art 26. Water Works PROJECT TITLE: Plaszow, Krakow TITLE: Detail Plan Tree Species SCALE: 1:500 @ A0 NAME: Emily Richardsps (set in slopeExisting max 1 in 10Proposed gradient) 20 Date: 16th December 2015e Ramp Hawthorn Poplars 7 Willow Evergreen (Larch and Spruce) Betula Hard LandscapeTree Grills Robina Desiduous Fruit Trees Fraxinus Eco-Island Wetland Species MattingFagus 7rass Tillia BetulaGravel PathAcer UknownSurface 24 3 2nd Pedestrian Surfaceng Platform with Railingology Islandrd Walk 22ure
PLASZOW I Detail Design, Design with Light and SpaceQuarry Platform across Museum through Transition Area Accuulating Intensity of Species along directed pathSection B-BScale: 1:100 @ 2 x A0Platform Hard Limestone Central Walkway Proposed Existing Prposed Birch Light Accumulating Proposed Museum Car park trees to Screening Trees Car Park Accumulative uniform Safety bollardsleading to Steps Birch Tree Soft Topographic Tree joining Corten Steel Shelter Building built on rear of building Planted in poplars, denser and at road pathStructure Landscape Undulation existing and existing foundations in elevation Accumulative more rigid towards interval in Elevation proposed lines 1 level . Swathe to screen high intensity area Screening of vetation di- water works and Water Works recting to central capark Area avenueLight and Shade intensity along directed pathEast to West Facing Directive Walkway, Across Museum and RestaurantSection C-CScale: 1 : 200 @ A0Proposed Car Park (including bus Proposed trees at North face Existing birch Proposed sheltered Proposed Birch, Proposed birch av- 10m wide two Proposed Birch Accumulating Proposed Restau- Propposed accu- Proposed swathesspaces) hidden by existing vegeta- rear of museum, of proposed trees walkway, corten soft landscape, enue from quarry laned directive Avenue in Hard poplars in ele- rant and outside mulative poplars of grasses accu-tion and topography in elevation car park screening museum retained steel light directing, east west directive platform through limestone walkway Landscape, vation eating area to to follow contours mulating at area connecting carpark, swathes central plaza through central transforming to to face view over in swathes of museum and accumulating plaza and towards uniform poplars in quarry and city of proposed grasses restaurant in concentration concetration elevation Krakow accumulating in camp camp intensity at area of forer concentration camp Directed movement City visior movement Direction of movement Local Residential movement through transition area Residential parkland loose organic movement through Directed movement through organic to uniform, directed throguh central plaza to accumulation and directed attention to landscape rhythm and memory concentration camp, possible to “ignore” intensity, from Krakus mound through central plaza Choice in memory.
Western Woodland visualisationWildflowers disperse into low intensity area from Walking recreational trail through forraging area Open unprogrammed area for sports and leisure Intimate gathering spaces created around wood- High energy spend trail through recreationaltransitionary zone fruit trail activities land edg for informal casual meetings and social parkland programming
3D VISUALISATIONS I Hard Detailing and Technical DrawingsVisualisation from Centre of Appel Platz Across Viewline to Monumentmore loosley arranged rooms as slopes Late afternoon in winter light corridor Linear rooms on approach to Appel Regimented tree lines incresing Appel Platz flower blanket mainteained throughgradients towards southern green link created from behind soviet monument winter and summer by volunteers from therecreatonal trail out of woodland to Appel Platz Platz, disturbed light shadows iontensity towards appel platz community and sold to raise money for the reflective gardens. Flower blanket stretches across valley from old jewish cemetery to Christian cross monument
COLENTINA RIVER I Life to the peripheries Bucharest, La Notre Student Competition, Romania
Colentina Emerald Necklace I Concentrated Energy: Positive ChangeSUDs and Major Filtration Strategy Suds Strategies of Most Intense Suds Most Intense Suds Secondary Intensity Strategy Areas Strategy AreasIn order of intensity: Most Intense Suds Most Intense Suds- Most important where individual housing meets the river Strategy Areas Strategy Areas- Where industry meets the river- Where open fields meet the river Recreation Trails More Frequent Corssings and Cycle Routes through lakes- Where Commune housing meets the river Through Green SpacesSUds Strategy to be exhibioned and create new wildlife habi- Sustainable Transport Routes between Nodes: Continuous trail along both sides of the lakestats, mini wetlands along the edge of lakes filter water before Running, Cycling, Wlaking City Centre to Florescait reaches the river and cleaning the lakes to provide newhabitats for plants and fish and a safer hman environemntRecreation Routes- Recreation Routes for: running, walking cycling- More crossing over the lakes- Better Sustainability Connections to the city centre andbeyond- Good Connectivity on both sides of the lakes- Routes meeting at nodes for recreational activitiesencouraging socialising communities, sense ofbelonging and neighbourhood feeling and belongingProposed Transport Links to nodes and beyond : Proposed new mtro stations at nodes and- Possible new metro stations or tram routes creating better beyondlinks for neighbourhoods and connecting the outskirtsacross the river the city centre as well as creating newtransport nodesProposed Nodes and possible energy centre locaitons:- Nodes to encourage stopping on transit routes- Bridges to be a destination rather than transit route and toinclude commercial and recreational centres-Platforms onto the lakes to encurage water sports and useof the water-Education centres for renewable energy and water filtrationmethods-Possible location of mini dams and exhibition pools andWetlands Proposed Green Space and Ecological Improvments - Majorly inreased habitat zones and ecology along river banks in exhibition pools and Filtration Strategies - Increased Habitat Zones and Sustainable ecology levels in adjacent parks -Cleaner River environment for wetland plants and fish - Green Links in green voids - Street planting for wildlife corridors through the city centre - Pocket parks along major routes to green nodes - Wildlife CorridorsProject : Colentina River , BucharestCompetition: Le Notre Student CompetitionTitle: Landscape StrategyScale: As ShownDate: 20th March 2015Name: Emily RichardsInsitution: Edinburgh College of Art
Colentina Emerald Necklace I Landscape Strategy I Concentration and Filtration Proposed New Node Proposed New Node COLENTINA I Strategic Proposals Locks for Boat Passage Transport Links Mini Energy Dam Commercial Centre The Colentina River project was a student competition that I chose to use for my fourth year design Fishing Boat Passage project while working in practise.The design aim was to activate the peripheries of the city through Swimming Wildlife Corridor a series of neighbourhood hubs and a focus on local neighbourhood identities and productivity. Water Filtration Fishing Recreation Prposed New Node Open Filtration and SUDs Techniques Exhibitioned Tourism Recreation Routes Wildlife Corridor Minor Node Proposed New Node Transport Links Mini Energy Dam Proposed New Node Tourist Centre Transport Links Educational Centre Wide Life Corridor Open wildlife Habitat System & Commercial Centre Open Filtration Recreation Activities Proposed New Node Fishing Swimming Water Sports Mini Energy Dam Commercial Centre TourismProject : Colentina River , Bucharest Bucharest City CentreCompetition: Le Notre Student Competition Main NodeTitle: Landscape StrategyScale: 1:25000Date: 20th March 2015Name: Emily RichardsInsitution: Edinburgh College of Art
BINGARA LIVING CLASSROOM I A Mediterranean Almanac Garden Brisbane, Queensland University of Technology
Concept Plan Programming Wider Connectivity Entrance Plaza Years Time and natural cycles Reconnecting to a natural rhythm Harvest Process Queensland University of Technology January John Mongard Landscape Architects Eat Moments and Days June Months and Seasons December NorthDescription of concept: Every element of design would be geared towards the idea of time and a natural rhythm from the shape of the gradually growing arbour to the regernation ofolive trees plated over years addressing yearly timescale as well as seasonally from West to East. Dayly time and mometns expressed throguh movement of chickens through the day to fertilisedifferent areas of the garden and through the daily tasks of harvesting cooking, preparing and eating meals.
Masterplan 1:250 at A1 Main pedestrian Entrance. PLASZOW I Masterplanning and Planting Entrance: Herbs, Sundial Main view opposite vehicle The Bingara living classroom was a project undertaken during my semester abroad in my third Tomatoes, Basil (December) Entrance/ turnaround. . year at QUT in Brisbane. The project was part of an on-going project in the out back of New South Olives, Strawberries, Beans, Herbs Wales that had a focus on perma-culture and education through design. I was allocated the ‘Med- Grape Arbour, Educational Programming (Harvest, cook, Eat) iterranean Garden’ area of the master-plan to detail a design for. The design focussed on time and Workers Cottage (Mud and wood) landscape, seasonal changes and a living almanac . The main structure of the design developed Camping in the olive grove around a growing pergola and olive groves that step out into the surrounding landscape following Main Path, compacted gravel + drainage the natural structure. Sculptural ‘dead tree’ + decomposing ecology Garden Produce (Yearly yield 20+Years): 50Kg - 300Kg 750Kg 400L Oil - 1800Kg 1300Kg Native and Edible Figs Location Mediterranean Garden within Living Classroom Citrus trees colver and beans Designated mediterranean Existing Eucalyptus and look out, inforaml eating garden. North Biolink planting, living classroom Water course leading to ‘great lake’
Emily RichardsE-mail: [email protected]: +44 7969269447
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