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Home Explore ErinFeatureArticle


Published by wangw, 2016-11-06 23:27:17

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The Art of Handwriting Erin L. I started cursive from 2nd grade. pencils and pens. But now since we do notCursive is a style of writing which most use quills anymore, we will write cursivepeople believe that it makes you write differently. Also, sometimes people writefaster because you don't have to lift up cursive differently than what I writeyour hand so many times writing a word. because in some schools, teachers writeRoman invented cursive thousands of cursive differently so they will teach theiryears ago. Cursive is not only used in kids how he/she writes.America, but also in other countries. For example: The quick brown foxDifferent Types of Cursive jumps over the lazy dog. Here is a twenty- six letter alphabet in cursive. Look at the There are also different styles of f, it looks so fancy. Look at the s, when Icursive because people used to write with write it, it is so smooth and it looks like aquills, feathers used for writing, and it is French word. And look at the q. Theeasier to write cursive with that than

cursive looks like a queen. When I write Quotes from Teachersthe q, it feels like that I am the queen. “I think writing in cursive allowsWhy I Like Cursive? our personality to shine through in a different way than keyboarding” Mr. I like cursive writing because it Aianilooks very cool and pretty. It looks likesome other countries writing. (but it isn’t) “I love cursive because it looksAlso, when I write a lot of words or pretty and beautiful” Mrs. Leesentences, my hands will not be hurt orsore. You do not need to lift the pen or “I like cursive because I can writepencil up and down as much as you very fast, get more experience and you getwriting regularly. I can write faster in more choices.” Mr. Youssef.cursive than writing regularly. “I like cursive because it looks pretty, and it is easier to take notes than regular handwriting. Pen and Pencil VS Keyboarding I think that writing cursive is better than using a computer even though that I type faster bin writing, you just need a paper and pen to write, but for a computer, you have to carry it and it is very heavy. If you lose it, it will need to cost a lot of money to buy it and if you lose a paper and a pencil, you will only need about 100nt. Also it is easier to take notes if you need. When you write with pencil and paper you can just take it out of your bag and then start writing, but if you use computer, you need to turn your

computer on and then type your My Wish to Teacherspassword and the go to notes, and thenstart typing. That is a lot of step so it will I wish that teachers will keeptake a lot of time to do it. Last time, I was teaching kids how to write cursive.taking notes on a computer in a field trip Perhaps when kids grow up, there will beand it took me a long time to do it because some book in cursive and if kids do notI needed to do a lot of steps until I can take know how to write it, then kids cannotnotes. My friend (Sophie) was using paper read it. Also, it will train your brain toso when I was just got on the computer, work more and better because cursive isshe was already finished taking notes. linked to brain development. I know that some people do not like cursive because it is old fashion, but I still like it. I think it is a form of art which should be saved. What do you think reader?

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