BasketballBy: TrevorTHE BASKETBALL REASONS violation, 24 seconds violation and the up and down violation. I almost At the school of Taipei forgot the no hitting hand rule. DoubleAmerican School, lots of kids are dribble is when you bounce the ball,playing basketball. If your are longing hold the ball, then bounce it again. Ato play basketball, here are 3 of many travel is when you run or walk whenthings you need to know about you don't dribble the for 3 steps. Ibasketball. Since basketball is a very remember when I was in my TYPAgood sport, I think everyone should (Also know as Taipei Youth Parentplay it. Association) , Trevor was holding the ball, walking for 3 steps at the sameBall Size time. Backcourt violation is when you go forward to your opponent's half, You will need a good ball to then back to your own half. Iplay with. So, if you need a good ball remember that when Trevor wasto play with, just use your palm and playing with my friends at school, Ifind a perfect ball that is just right for didn’t know the full rule of backcourtyour palm. For example, my palm fits violation, so, I fouled. 24 secondsfor a size 5 ball. Be careful if you are violation is when your team hasplaying with tall or short people possession of the ball for 24 seconds.because the ball size might not be the The only way that you won’t haveright size for those people. possession of the ball is when you shoot, out of bounds and the other teamRules that has the ball. The up and down violation is when you have the ball andSome of the rules you need to know are when you are shooting, you jump anddouble dribble, travel, backcourt try to shoot, but the ball didn’t go out of your hand. I remember when Thomas was shooting, Thomas made a
up and down because he got rejected. There are a lot of famous players likeTherefore he made a up and down Kobe Bryant and Stephen Curry.violation. When you hit someone else's These people got famous because theyhand when that someone is shooting, practice hard. When famous playersyou can’t hit their hand. You can’t hit retire, they will be recorded into thetheir hand because it is against the rule. hall of fame. When these famousThey can get a free throw from the players got to a certain age that theyfree-throw line if you hit their hand. don’t want to play anymore, they can retire in the next season. Here are someThe 3 Triplets tips if you want to be a famous player. The first tip if you want to become a3 main things that you have to know if famous basketball player is to wake upyou are going to play basketball is at 4 o’clock in the morning and run.passing, shooting and dribbling. Like The second tip is that you have tomy coach used to say, “Save your practice for about 5 hours each day.dribbling for last. Pass, shoot then The 3 tip is to challenge your friend todribble.” said coach Chris. Passing is a 1 on 1 if you want to improve. Thesewhen you are throwing the ball to your tips will help you like your robot willteammates. There are a couple of help you.different passes like the chest pass andthe bounce. When you are shooting, The Reasonyou are jumping and releasing the ballwith power, to the hoop. A Lot of Why?people think that shooting is using 2hands, but really, it is actually using 1 Most of the players in a lot of placeshand. Dribbling is when you are play basketball. They play it because itbouncing the ball and running at the is their sport. At a lot of school, peoplesame time. Once you know all of these play basketball because they want to3 main things, you are ready to rock’n grow tall and healthy. In the case of ifroll. you are a skinny person, you should probably watch out because you mightFamous Players break your arm. Anyways, basketball is a very fun sport and there is a lot of things you need to know before you
play basketball. This question will end 1. Who won the game last yearoff this paragraph. Do you think you of NBA?will play basketball after reading thisarticle? 2. Who is my favorite team? 3. True or false. Golden StateMy Final Thoughts Warriors won last year?Things you should know If you are 4. Who was Lakers star playergoing to join a basketball tournamentcalled NBA, here are some facts now. last year?The team that won last year was 5. How many games didCleveland Cavaliers. My favorite teamis the Los Angeles Lakers. The best Warriors win last year?playeron References: World BookLakers EncyclopediawasKobeBryant.TheCleveland Cavaliers went against theGolden State warriors in the finals.The Golden State warriors broke theworld record of 72 games last year.Now study these up because there is aupcoming quiz right after you finishthis paragraph. Good luck on the quiz.Quiz Game
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