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Home Explore KSS Architects Capabilities

KSS Architects Capabilities

Published by KSS Architects, 2017-07-18 19:08:50

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INTRODUCTION At KSS, we derive our design strength from thinking about the bigger ideas in the world— the ideas that drive cities, businesses, and communities. This capabilities package is designed to showcase not only our work, but also how we think—as such, it is organized around our ideas. Featuring three main sections that commence with a thought piece on each topic, followed by case studies and example of our work that convey these issues, this package is intended to convey our impact through design. We hope you'll enjoy paging through this document, and we look forward to having a conversation about how our collaborative approach can best serve your needs.CONTENTS 5 STUDENT SUCCESS29 IENNNTOREVAPTRIEONNEU&RSHIP47 CEXOPMEMRIUENNITTIIAELS65 WHO WE ARE



ENGAGEMENT INNOVATION STEWARDSHIP WELLNESS TRANSFORMATION URBANIZATION COMPLEXITY Purpose-driven environmentsThe future of education is embedded in student that encourage discovery andsuccess—how a scholar navigates discovery andtransformation are to tantamount totransformation. We believe that schools are a vitalsteward in a student’s experience—it is throughthe student experience and academiceducation that we celebrate every entity’s inherentsuccess.dignity and purpose and reshape our world andourselves to become that which we never beforethought possible. In turn, learners become leaders who are constantly reimagining society as inclusive,At KSS Architects, we believe that the best way to cohesive networks of people, together navigatingnurture student success is to build a purpose-driven the wind, the calm, and everything in Communities are the connective tissue We design spaces that enact our clients’ purpose—that enrich our collective lives, fuel the soul, and embracing synergy, innovation, and opportunity topropel us forward. build community. 7|

WHERE NATUREAND NURTURE GOHAND IN HANDCASE STUDY: GOTTESMANRTW ACADEMYGottesman RTW Academy (GRTWA) was foundedin 1967 and serves approximately 225 children fromearly childhood education through eighth grade. Toachieve the school’s mission of academic excellenceand nurturing students in an environment infusedwith the thoughtfulness & richness of Jewish life,KSS designed the new 48,000 sf educational facilitywith emphasis on connectivity with the environment,sustainability, community, Jewish culture, andflexibility in dynamic learning environments.Emerging from the highest point on the hill top, thenew school rises from the glacier-formed bedrockbelow. The exterior concrete alludes to the stonewalls of Jerusalem, while vertical wooden slatsfilter light through the common space, echoing thesurrounding landscape of mature trees - carefullypreserved during construction. 60-75% of energyconsumed by GRTWA is provided by a rooftop solarphotovoltaic system and tracked by a display near thescience center. A kosher kitchen provides consciouseating programs and onsite opportunities forreligious and religious programs. A vegetable gardenharmonizes farm-to-table practice and ceremonialJudaic herbs, embodying GRTWA’s gracefulcombination of spiritual and educational growth. 9|

EDUCATIONALLY INNOVATIVE At the heart of this project is an intimate understanding of how Gottesman RTW Academy infuses learning, nature, and community with the Jewish faith: • Cream-colored cement panels clad the exterior in an aesthetic that emulates Israel’s Western Wall—the school has even the same number of courses as the Western Wall does at its highest point. The color of the façade was matched to on-site rock outcroppings. • Included in the exterior facade of the gym is a stone that emulates the Western Stone, the monolithic mass that is the largest stone in the Western Wall. Historically one of the largest building blocks in the world, the Western Stone is one of the heaviest objects ever lifted by people without powered machinery—evoking it at the base of the gymnasium wall is a nod to both perspiration and inspiration. • Twelve small and humble square punch windows are scattered throughout the project, reflecting the twelve tribes of Israel.| 10

LEARNING A PLACE WHERE NATURE AND NURTURE GO HAND-IN-HAND INVESTIGATE EXPERIMENT COLLABORATE Nature transcends boundaries in the form of Gottesman’s approach to ACTIVIT Y NUT food for meals and food for thought. The Judaic concept of “tikkun olam”, RITION repairing the world, is expressed in the project’s approach to the methods FAITH in which students learn about the natural cycle from planting, to harvest, to VEG. GARDEN ENVIROMENTAL KITCHEN cooking and composting. COMPOST DINING SCIENCE • The farm-to-table experience begins with an aromatic garden for growing SUSTAINABILITY vegetables and traditional ceremonial herbs. An outdoor classroom in its own right, the garden area is where the seeds of intentional and thoughtful HEALTH learning about the cultural relationship to both land and food is cultivated. LEARNING NUTRITION ACTIVITY • Two kitchens, to maintain kosher processes, serve as a central gathering location in the building, in essence the “hearth and home”. • Near the kitchens and garden is a compost area where students can participate in the process of breaking down organic matter into humus that can be remixed into the garden soil.| 12

“Gottesman Academy has been the thread that binds my family’s moral fiber.” PARENT, GOTTESMAN R TW ACADEMY

KIPP PHILADELPHIA WESTMORELAND ACADEMY When one of the nation’s leading charter school rigorous schedule, KSS worked closely with all networks receives the support of a landmark charter team members and city departments to ensure school realty fund, the result is certain to be amazing. zoning and site approvals occurred in a timely KSS Architects is working with KIPP Philadelphia manner; strong community support facilitated and Canyon-Agassi Charter School Facilities Fund these efforts. KSS simultaneously developed a on a fast-paced renovation that will provide an master plan for the entire project. exciting and inspiring learning environment for KIPP Philadelphia Elementary Academy. Following Phase 1, KSS moved forward with Phase 2 which included the completion of a gym As one of the first to be completed under the Fund, facility featuring a super-graphic on the building the project will highlight the beauty of a historic exterior to create a strong identity for KIPP and a light manufacturing building while incorporating guiding force in an educational-fragile community. modern building systems and amenities. The Students moved in during Phase 2 and enjoyed the first phase comprises a 15,000 sf fit-out was fruits of Phase 3—new second floor classrooms—in constructed in just four months. To meet the the fall of 2012. Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Size: 30,000 sf existing; 3,360 sf addition Features: Classrooms, Gymnasium, Multipurpose room, Extensive daylighting; Renovation of a historical light industrial building| 14

SCIENCE LEADERSHIP ACADEMY, BEEBER SCHOOL THE INQUIRY SCHOOL AT BEEBER With deep experience in innovative learning strategically placed technology infrastructure and environments and spaces which build community, flexible locations for amenities, such as utility sinks KSS developed the Inquiry School Master Plan and printers – which enable students and staff to to reflect the school’s mission, and to support take ownership of and configure their project spaces. its project-based curriculum by featuring larger In fact, all spaces of the building are considered as classrooms to accommodate both lecture-style learning spaces – even hallways are wider to make teaching and lab work. Implementation began with room for student projects. the repurposing and renovation of an Engineering Lab into a Science Classroom with lecture and While students make science, technology and laboratory space for 32 students. mathematics today, the Inquiry School, in partnership with Science Leadership Academy, As the Inquiry School prides itself as a Maker makes the passionate, innovative and thoughtful Space, special considerations have been given to leaders of tomorrow. Location: Newark, New Jersey Size: 19,216 sf Features: Tutoring Commons, Staff Workroom, Offices, Assembly Space, Outdoor Pavilion| 16

THE MATHEMATICS, CIVICS AND SCIENCES CHARTER SCHOOL RENOVATION AND ADDITION Located in two adjacent buildings—an early For the renovation, KSS’ design creates an “interior 1900s two-story building most recently used street” to connect the two existing buildings and by Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc. as a printing new addition. The interior street will be anchored press and warehouse, and a newer 2010 four- by an information commons on one end and a new story modular building—Mathematics, Civics and cafeteria capable of holding up to 400 students on Sciences Charter School selected KSS to help bring the other. The addition will be connected to the its two facilities together and expand its capacity existing buildings through a single-story lobby, to handle a growing study body. To achieve both which will front a desired courtyard for students goals, the early 1900s building will be renovated to with access from both neighboring side streets. house elementary and middle school grades, while The addition will house a new gymnasium and a new addition and the existing modular building exercise room on the first and second floors, and will handle high school grades. 20 classrooms on the third and fourth floors. Location: Philadelphia, PA Program: Elementary, middle and high school renovation and addition Size: 29,000 sf new construction; 18,500 sf addition Features: Information commons, Classrooms, Cafeteria, Gymnasium, Exercise room| 18

KIPP NEW JERSEY NEWARK COLLEGIATE ACADEMY, LITTLETON AVE. KIPP Newark Collegiate Academy is a thriving and library—each available for use by the local KIPP New Jersey High School, bursting at its community. An existing field will be upgraded with seams with a population of 540 students. To playing turf, preserving a sense of open space. better accommodate this wealth of learners, KSS is working to build a new, larger Academy which To engage the street, the building is set on a glass will phase growth to accommodate the 1,000 high base. The translucent-paneled gym emanates light school students who will progress through the to saturate the area at night. During the day, an charter network in the coming years. expanse of windows along the café affords exterior views while students enjoy high-top café seating The new Academy is situated within the Littleton indoors. The building’s upper floors are bent to Avenue Redevelopment Area and is intended to break down the building’s scale. With energy provide community space for the neighborhood as recovery units on the roof and handsome street well as the school. In addition to academic rooms, and landscaping below, the new school will work the 4-story building includes a gymnasium, café, hard to be just as smart and savvy as its students. Location: Newark, New Jersey Size: 120,000 sf Features: Library, Gymnasium, Cafeteria, Performing arts room, Classrooms, Art and Science labs, Administrative offices| 20

“With this new facility, KIPP New Jersey continues to invest in the community as well as in the education of future generations of leaders. This facility drastically enhances the quality of services we can provide at KIPP Newark Collegiate Academy in order to equip our kids to change the world.” — RYAN HILL, FOUNDER AND CEO OF KIPP NJ

UNCOMMON SCHOOLS NORTH STAR ACADEMY CHARTER SCHOOL “High expectations and no excuses.” That is The 80,000 sf renovation encompasses 30 the culture of Uncommon Schools and North classrooms, administrative offices, a music room, Star Academy Vailsburg Elementary and Middle and a teacher prep room. Elements include: School. The students, staff, and partners are working together to make North Star one of the • Modernized HVAC equipment and electrical service highest-performing New Jersey public schools. • Completely renovated entry lobby and exterior KSS Architects was contracted to bring the ailing structure up-to-date, and to transform the tired curtain wall building into an inspiring learning environment. • Enhanced natural lighting by replacing fixtures Additionally, the demolition of the adjacent former convent would make way for a new 9,000-square- and exchanging solid walls for glazing foot gymnasium, a middle school regulation • Restoration and repointed exterior masonry basketball court, gym equipment, a temporary stage, and storage. Uncommon Schools and North Star Academy hold academic excellence and student achievement as their highest priorities. Their ability, through strategic partnership with KSS, to provide a long term, high quality and low maintenance space for their school enables their financial resources to be allocated in support of that mission. Location: Newark, New Jersey Program: Complete renovation of and gymnasium addition to three-story school serving 1,000 students Size: 75,000 sf renovation; 9,000 sf addition Features: Gymnasium, Multipurpose space with stage, Classrooms, Administrative offices, Music room, Teacher prep room| 22

UNCOMMON SCHOOLS 377 WASHINGTON MULTI-STORY SCHOOL Great potential lies in one of Newark’s parking Exploring the unique nature of personal ‘‘growth’’ lots – and is clearly envisioned by North Star at the heart of the complex stacking of classrooms, Academy. Rising from the asphalt, a new school will gymnasiums, and cafeterias, the school interiors ascend to house over 1,600 students in 13 grades were united by an abstracted tree metaphor - a on 6 activity-filled floors. Also taking shape: 2 visual manifestation of natural growth from roots, gymnasiums, 2 cafeterias, and 2 performance art trunks, foliage and leaves spanning across the rooms serving as stages for the gymnasiums – all multiple floors as students graduate from grade in all, 165,000 sf of learning and community pride. to grade. Directly adjacent and connected to the new school is an existing parking garage that will To continue its incubation of schools, North Star sport a re-clad exterior, and a rooftop play area. Academy is building a K-12 new school at 377 In an ideal “bridge” position straddling the city and Washington Street. Mindfully planned, the design nearby residential neighborhoods, the parking lot gives each school its own identity, with features at 377 Washington will soon be transformed in its such as a dedicated drop-off and entrance area to a physicality–and in its power–to provide education, gymnasium and cafeteria, each for the high school self-confidence and inspiration to Newark students. and combined middle and elementary schools. Location: Newark, New Jersey Program: New construction of K-12 school to serve 1,500 students Size: 165,000 sf Features: 6-floor school facility, 2 gymnasiums, 2 performance art rooms, 2 cafeterias| 24

UNCOMMON SCHOOLS CAMDEN PREP RENAISSANCE SCHOOL To serve 800 students in Camden’s Whitman Park The massing of large gathering spaces—the gym neighborhood, KSS is designing a new K-8 school and the cafeteria—offer centralized locations for Uncommon Schools on a site with a suite of where students can gather to start every day with former industrial buildings. With separate K-4 excitement and community. An outdoor recreation and 5-8 areas that share spaces, the conceptual space between the two areas offers a natural design capitalizes on the complex circulation refuge from the bright activity of the school day. of students throughout the day to streamline patterns of movement. With a focus on identity on A strategically designed student drop-off circuit multiple scales, the design expresses the learning takes advantage of the school’s prime location to environment’s One School—One Mission ethos. expedite arrival and pickup, and the entire complex Individual classes are given the opportunity to is rotated off the street axis to better address identify with unifying, motivating statements like the site and soften corners. All in all, Haddon Ave “Courage” and “Change History”. School will be a thriving community designed to support learning and play. Location: Camden, New Jersey Size: 86,000 sf new construction Features: Classrooms, Gymnasium, Cafeteria, Athletic field, Green Roof| 26



INNOVATION &ENTREPRENEURSHIPWhat is innovation?Innovation is the modern response to entrepreneurial spirit—exploration that recognizes needs and constructively fulfillsthem. At its best, innovation is scalable, with the capacity tomeet people where they are and unveil new perspectives ontools and processes already at hand. And innovation is vibrantlyand fiercely empirical—a canvas where inquiry, analysis, anddesign come together to paint the world anew.INNOVATORSare leading-edgechangemakersInnovators Early Early Late Slow (2.5%) Adopters Majority Majority Starters (13.5%) (34%) (34%) (16%)Innovators are makers, scientists, tinkerers & creatives at the forefrontof thinking, making, & doing. Unlike the majority groups or even earlyadopters, innovators are leaders in producing & systemizing newsolutions & processes. 31 |

QUALITIES OF SPACE At the heart of the innovation center typology are three central movements—to connect, to ideate, and to experiment.Innovation Centers e considerations for the qualities of space that make a successful innovation center can be mapped in relation to these three central movements. Access to Venues for Balance of subject workshops collaboration experts & speakers & focus Spaces Interdisciplinaryfor interactive cross-pollination IDEATE collisions CONNECT Visibility & Spatial transparency flexibility & reconfiguration Rhythm of Flexibility Tools forindividual & of space prototyping Sparkgroup work ownership & testing inspiration & play Balance of EXPERIMENT Serendipity messiness & & natural clean lines encounters Venues for informal social interaction

An innovation center is a hub forhigh-impact strategic exploration.The world, in today’s experience-driven, disruption economy,is experiencing monumental shifts—stimuli like increasedglobal competition, ever-rising consumer expectations, andintensifying complexity are requiring companies and institutionsto dedicate resources, tools, and delineated structures todriving innovation. Innovation centers have three core goals: SPECIAL PARTNERSHIPS ECOSYSTEMPROJECTS ex: Leveraging the ex: Crafting research ex: Launching ashared economy to collaborations with demonstration labreframe competitive local universities for marketing & sales advantageWhat kind of culture differentiatesan innovation center?Whether an innovation center is found in a co-working space,on a college campus, in the heart of a company’s headquarters,or as a startup partnership, its values-based culture of thirstfor knowledge and natural curiosity imbue it with a sense ofvital purpose. Molding the space to articulate and support thatpurpose hinges on creating a place where out of the chaos ofsketches, stickies, and tangent-driven conversations comeslogic, inspiration, and action.

CREATING ACOMMUNITY OFINNOVATIONCASE STUDY: FIRST ROUNDCAPITALFirst Round Capital empowers the dreamersand doers of the world by enabling startups tocross-pollinate, providing access to key resources,connections, and the space to perform. When FirstRound Capital decided to relocate to the UniversityCity section of Philadelphia, the company sought tofind a nontraditional space befitting its own uniquemission and culture. The venture fund got what itwanted at 4040 Locust Street, the former home tothe first Urban Outfitters’ store and later a bowlingalley and restaurants. To showcase the building’scharacter and create an open and flexible workenvironment, KSS gutted the interior, punching outwindows and exposing brick and steel.Intermingling established companies with drop-inentrepreneurs, the new office features incubatorspace for fledgling companies, a large commonarea with a café kitchen and movable seating tofoster collaboration and impromptu inspiration,and technology-rich meeting rooms, offices andorganized workstations. First Round Capital’snew home has become a real resource for thePhiladelphia tech community at large. 35 |

300+ First Round Capital forged local partnerships which (ENGAGED COMMUNITY + INSPIRATIONAL resulted in the creation of a thriving technology PLACE) X VISION = A COMMUNITY OFCURRENT STARTUPS hotbed—and a model to follow to produce CONVERGENCEFINANCIALLY successful startup companies, accomplishedBACKED BY FRC graduates, and a sustainable ecology system To inspire these start-up founders, dreamers, and for the technology and business sectors in the doers, and to create a vibrant off-campus home, Philadelphia region. it became pivotal for First Round Capital to find just the right location—and create just the right80+ In a win-win scenario for the business, the office environment. Strategically set in close university, and the students, classroom theory proximity to the campuses of Drexel University andEVENTS PER YEAR is augmented by real-life experience, raising the the University of Pennsylvania, the FRC office isCONNECTING THE bar of value for the university’s degree program— situated in the perfect spot in West Philadelphia—FIRST ROUND and creating a competitive advantage in its this specific geography enables First Round CapitalCOMMUNITY recruitment strategy. to benefit from the fertile ground of students and ideas, and the location empowers the students In an effort to attract and eventually retain talent, to easily access entrepreneurial and experiential First Round Capital focuses on college students— thinking and doing. tapping into their endless supply of big ideas and boundless energies. FRC, in conjunction with The Additionally, the specific design of First Round University of Pennsylvania and Drexel University, Capital’s office space—safe, flexible and purposefully engages these students by offering collaborative—directly enables FRC to bring invaluable entrepreneurial experience on both sides together the big ideas and the funding to of the startup equation—the generation of ideas make them come alive. Most importantly, the and the procurement of their funding. connection between First Round Capital and Drexel University, and the location of the entrepreneurialFor me this is more than just an office move. It is my space and its collaborative design, creates aacknowledgement that I can do more to help local entrepreneurs community—a literal hotbed of technologically-get their business off the ground. And while I don’t expect that I minded individuals, student start-up companieswill slow down my travel schedule or that our new office location and venture capitalists. This Community ofwill immediately result in us funding dozens of Philadelphia area Convergence pays dividends to the university,companies – I do want to play a more active role in helping the its students, and the regional business sectorcurrent generation of Philadelphia entrepreneurs make their mark. as a whole by creating a sustainable local ecoI’m not trying to turn Philadelphia into Silicon Valley (or Chinatown system of technological knowledge, experienceinto China) – but I do think we can enable more great companies to and invention—a community of innovation right inbe built here in Philadelphia. Philadelphia’s own backyard.- JOSH KOPELMAN, MANAGING DIRECTOR, FIRST ROUND CAPITAL| 36

UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PENNOVATION CENTER Pennovation Works—the 23 acre former DuPont to facilitate the many pitches that start-up companies industrial site along the Schuylkill River, in the typically present. This central space, above all else, is up-and-coming neighborhood of Grays Ferry, is the an area of intersections—where disciplines, theories, next generation of Philadelphia and global innovation. and brilliant ideas overlap and collide in a spectacular Pennovation Center, a brick and mortar factory array of what-if, outside-the-box, next-big-thing relic, is the site’s anchor building and will become an thinking, doing, and “we’re going to need more space” iconic landmark for Penn. The Pennovation Center’s happening. program will enable entrepreneurs, researchers, and industry partners to translate inventiveness into KSS, as the executive architect, has facilitated viable ventures in a dynamic environment. a thoughtful process through creativity, careful management, and thorough oversight in all aspects Co-working space has been amalgamated and of the team’s work. The Pennovation Center is centralized to connect offices, labs, and shared the cutting edge home for the next generation of resources—allowing engineers to break out from entrepreneurship in the region and its design is both their laboratory space and work cross-curricularly. In an inspiration and a testament to the University’s addition to co-working desk space, the common area mission of fostering innovation by creating vital, includes meeting rooms, social space, and a “bleacher” vibrant, and prolific intersections. Location: Philadelphia, PA Size: 65,000 sf addition and renovation Features: Business Incubator, Offices, Wet and dry labs, Co-working desk spaces, Studio spaces, Meeting rooms, Central presentation “bleacher,” Social spaces Design Architect: Hollwich Kushner Recognition: CREW Philadelphia Community Impact Award, 2016, Curbed Philadelphia Best Adaptive Reuse Project, 2016, Architect’s Newspaper Best Adaptive Reuse, Honorable Mention, 2016| 38

The design creates a truly iconic landmark for Penn’s innovation ecosystem and a dynamic hub for Penn’sculture of innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration. AMY GUTMANN, PRESIDENT, UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA

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JONATHAN ROSE COMPANIES P.S. 55 GREEN BRONX MACHINE Innovator, educator, and entrepreneur Stephen More than just farming equipment, the Green Ritz is growing a Green Bronx Machine in an old Bronx Machine is a sophisticated engine of learning. library at PS 55 in the Bronx. He fully expects the Students come to understand the science of underutilized library to become the National Health growing food, as well as its nutritional benefits and and Wellness Center at PS 55. Stephen’s machine methods for preparation and cooking. The Green utilizes the new concept in urban farming known as Bronx Machine offers tools for the measurement of “aeroponics”; a plant-cultivation technique whereby electricity, lighting, and water, a computer station plants are grown vertically (to maximize growing to conduct research and analyze data, and a mobile space), and their roots receive nutrients via a rich kitchen to practice food preparation techniques. mist instead of soil. This method of urban farming Fresh salads and vegetables from the Green is still heavily hands-on, and brains-on, for skillful Bronx Machine appear in PS 55’s school cafeteria, cultivation and exponential growth. student’s home kitchens, and ultimately across the neighborhood - all while generating outstanding academic performance in school. THE FARM ‘COMMUNAL’ MODEL 4 1 231. GROWING TOWERS ‘FARM’ 9 62. FLEXIBLE STATION 5 73. SEED STATION4. TEACHERS’WORKSTATION 85. LEARNING AREA6. TEACHING TOWERS Location: Bronx, New York7. RESEARCH STATION8. COOKING KITCHEN Size: 1,500 sf renovations9. COMMUNAL TABLE Features: Meeting spaces, Dining facilities, Bookstore, Retail destinations, Theater, Informal hang out spaces, Admissions, Dean of | 42 Students, Student services

FAIRLEIGH DICKINSON UNIVERSITY DOERFLER INNOVATION CENTER To prepare students for the rapidly changing catalysts. The Doerfler Innovation Center is a business/interdisciplinary environment and foundational project in this effort to revolutionize emerging global trends, in which innovation and the learning environment as one where active entrepreneurship play an increasingly important learning, project-based learning, and the role, FDU requires a visible identifiable space entrepreneurial spirit is alive and activated. for proof-of-concept work, business incubation, and collaboration opportunities for FDU faculty The Doerfler Innovation Center will transform the and students. For FDU, the key to a sustainable lower floor of the Monninger Center for Learning future is to develop the ability of students—our and Research on FDU’s Florham Campus into an future citizens and leaders—to become holistic, exciting and engaging space: interdisciplinary problem solvers, finding creative - A space that supports group projects as well as ways to simultaneously create greater social, full-class discussion and individual work environmental, and economic prosperity. - Movable furniture with a variety of reconfigurable seating & table types Taking an integrated approach to innovation, - A motivating environment with a welcoming Fairleigh Dickinson University is focused on ambience & reconfigurable settings providing a campus full of innovation pockets— - A transparent, fun, colorful space that includes a makerspaces, entrepreneurship and innovation variety of sub-environments centers, places for student engagement and idea - Learning on display Location: Madison, NJ Size: 1,100 sf Features: Write-on surfaces, Lounge areas, Study pods, Technology-rich tools, Coffee bar| 44


EXPERIENTIALCOMMUNITIESFrom school to home to work, our world is transforming into an innovative environmentwith blended edges—a world where it is ever more vital to build what we value most.It’s beyond places for life or work or learning—it’s experiential communities.LIFEPlaces for Feeling at home is about striking a balance between the individual and community—home is where the ritualThe power of the dynamic world we live in is of life happens, where a sense of placethe amount of engagement we experience on a becomes a sense of belonging.daily basis. Experiences are memorable, personal,sensational. The experience economy realizes thepower of engagement—people moving across &beyond communities. Building places to live thatharness the power of experience involves more thanproviding amenities—it’s crafting spaces and placeswhere people bring their dreams to collide—like a Design Element:co-working space for all aspects of life. COMMUNITYGreat places for life and living are environments SPACESwhere many diverse parts add up to a whole thattranscends them all. In designing places thatconnect, we offer families, entrepreneurs, students,and dreamers the magic of opportunity—placeswhere people self-organize into cohesivenetworks and craft emergent constellations Design Element:of growth and transformation. LIFESTYLE| 48 BRAND

Places for WORK How we work becomes the ultimate expression of how we live—To answer the question of WHERE and HOW we will interconnected and responsive to thework in the future, we must answer the question of wide spectrum of human needs.WHY we will work. As work aligns more and morewith purpose and workers become thinkers, doers, Design Element:and makers, the workplace is transformed into anexperience that brings ideas to life. In the past, we DAYLIGHTdesigned workplaces around processes—now, weare moving toward workplaces designed to fulfill thewide spectrum of human needs, providing us withchoice so we can embrace changes we experienceon timescales spanning minute-to-minute andyear-to-year.The future of work will hold a mirror up to ourindividual and collective identities, as we map ourexperiences on the world and blend life, work, andplay into an integrated lifestyle.How we work becomes the ultimateexpression of how we live— Design Element: Design Element:interconnected and responsive tothe wide spectrum of humanity—an BALANCING FOCUS CHOICEextraordinary enterprise where & COLLABORATIONpeople come together to paint theworld anew.Places for LEARNING Learners become leaders who are constantly reimagining society asStudent success is powered by experiences and inclusive, cohesive networks of people,embedded in community. Students and life-long together navigating the wind, thelearners thrive on the interaction and collaboration calm, and everything in between.that takes place in purpose-driven, experientialenvironments. Centers of coactive discovery andcooperative perception, communities inspireengagement with the people, places, and ideas thatsurround us, activating our education.Fostering an exchange of thoughts and concepts, Design Element: Design Element:and affording the opportunity to put down roots,experiential communities are foundational to NATURE IDENTITYthe way we learn, collectively and individually.Connectivity and synergy propels us forwardand allows us to consistently reconstruct ourphilosophies and constantly revitalize ourworldview. 49 |

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