EXPERIENTIALCOMMUNITIESFrom home to work to school, our world is transforming into an innovative environmentwhere it is ever more vital to build what we value most. It’s beyond houses, beyond evenhomes—it’s experiential communities—places for life, work, learning, and more.LIFEPlaces for Feeling at home is about striking a balance between the individual and community—home is where the ritualThe power of the dynamic world we live in is of life happens, where a sense of placethe amount of engagement we experience on adaily basis. Experiences are memorable, personal, becomes a sense of belonging.sensational. The experience economy realizes thepower of engagement—people moving across &beyond communities. Building places to live thatharness the power of experience involves more thanproviding amenities—it’s crafting spaces and placeswhere people bring their dreams to collide—like a Design Element:co-working space for all aspects of life. COMMUNITYGreat places for life and living are environments SPACESwhere many diverse parts add up to a whole thattranscends them all. In designing places thatconnect, we offer families, entrepreneurs, students,and dreamers the magic of opportunity—placeswhere people self-organize into cohesivenetworks and craft emergent constellations Design Element:of growth and transformation. LIFESTYLE| 2 BRAND
Places for WORK How we work becomes the ultimate expression of how we live—To answer the question of WHERE and HOW we will interconnected and responsive to thework in the future, we must answer the question of wide spectrum of human needs.WHY we will work. As work aligns more and morewith purpose and workers become thinkers, doers, Design Element:and makers, the workplace is transformed into anexperience that brings ideas to life. In the past, we DAYLIGHTdesigned workplaces around processes—now, weare moving toward workplaces designed to fulfill thewide spectrum of human needs, providing us withchoice so we can embrace changes we experienceon timescales spanning minute-to-minute andyear-to-year.The future of work will hold a mirror up to ourindividual and collective identities, as we map ourexperiences on the world and blend life, work, andplay into an integrated lifestyle.How we work becomes the Design Element: Design Element:ultimate expression of howwe live—interconnected and BALANCING FOCUS CHOICEresponsive to the wide spectrum & COLLABORATIONof humanity—an extraordinaryenterprise where people cometogether to paint the world anew.Places for LEARNING Learners become leaders who are constantly reimagining society asThe future of education is embedded in student inclusive, cohesive networks of people,success—how students and life-long learners alike together navigating the wind, thenavigate discovery and transformation. We believe calm, and everything in between.that schools and learning centers are vital touchpoints in a learner’s experience—it is througheducation that we celebrate every entity’s inherentdignity and purpose and reshape our world andourselves to become that which we never beforethought possible.That the best way to nurture student success is to Design Element: Design Element:build a purpose-driven community. Communitiesare the connective tissue that enrich our collective NATURE IDENTITYlives, fuel the soul, and propel us forward. Designingspaces that enact purpose involves embracingsynergy, innovation, and opportunity to buildcommunity. 3|
TEACHERS VILLAGETEACHERS AS AGENTS OF CHANGECan a community of education act as a catalyst forurban revitalization? Can where teachers live affectthe relevance and vibrancy of a neighborhood?Without capes, masks or super-powers, theteachers of Newark, New Jersey are transformingboth the broad horizon of education and the moreintimate future of their community. As residentsof the newly constructed Teachers Village, theseeducators proudly teach in the City’s public,private, and charter schools, patronize local shopsand eateries, and live in purpose-built, teacheroriented residential towers. These buildings serveas a foundation of support for the teachers—fostering an exchange of experiences and ideas,and affording the opportunity to put down rootsand rise to the occasion of Newark’s urban renewal.THE PARTNERSHIPWhile the concept of charter schools has becomereality, the new idea of teachers and education-based communities as purveyors of urbanrenaissance requires a new incarnation of a public-private partnership—such as the one developedby Ron Beit, CEO of the RBH Group, Newark. Tofulfill its vision and mission, RBH—as leaders in realestate financing, development, and managementservices—acquired 77 different parcels of land along11 blighted blocks of Halsey and William Streets.In a complex, virtually one of a kind public-privatepartnership, development assistance and financialbacking came from a wide variety of financialand lending institutions, individual investors, andcity, state, and federal governments. The projectalso received one of the largest residential UrbanTransit Hub Tax Credit allocations in the State ofNew Jersey. The amalgamation of these financialarrangements resulted in the $150 million neededfor the eight-building project. 5|
$150M THE COMMUNITY The Great Oaks Charter School has been specifically designed to support a curriculum of general classRAISED THROUGH The Halsey Street corridor and neighborhood, time in the morning followed by robust tutoringPUBLIC-PRIVATE also known as an enclave for galleries and artists, sessions in the afternoons. A multi-purpose roomPARTNERSHIP FOR is surrounded by five universities and is in close transforms into a Tutoring Hall, complimented by aTEACHERS VILLAGE proximity to public transportation. To be ideally Commons Area, which is better suited for lower ratio situated in an area conducive to creativity and tutor/student break-out sessions. The Chen School,214 higher education, RBH proposed a built solution to providing daycare for infants, toddlers and Pre-K add re-vamped primary education to the mix—with students has also been specifically designed to meetUNITS OF AFFORDABLE the addition of one big, previously overlooked the needs of an urban daycare center. Common AreasRENTAL HOUSING component—the community of teachers needed to support group play and assemblies, considerationWITHIN TEACHERS not just sustain the schools, but to both anchor and has been given to safety concerns, and a rooftop playVILLAGE drive the surrounding community forward. area has been created for outdoor play in a limited footprint building. KSS has also completed design Research conducted by The RBH Group showed that work on another residential building, which will begin just 19 percent of Newark teachers live in the city construction in the near future. proper; 29 percent live in the New Jersey suburbs; 19 percent live in New York City; and 10 percent live THE RESULT in Jersey City. But when surveyed, Newark teachers were enthusiastic about housing options with shorter Public-private partnerships, by nature of shared- commute times and proximity to restaurants, movie goal, are also well-suited to professional-creative theaters, bars, museums and shopping. partnerships: a collection of individually talented people coming together to design and build not just THE PROPOSAL: Teachers Village—a mixed use a complex of buildings, but a community of learning, educational, residential and retail environment to imagining and achievement. We can conglomerate include three charter schools, a private daycare the finances and create the buildings, but it is not center, 214 units of affordable rental housing until the students, and their teachers, enter and marketed to teachers, and 65,000 sf of high quality use the buildings—bringing them to life, fostering retail in over 20 different businesses. community and bringing forth change—that we can call the project a success. Success can be found in65K sf THE STRATEGY: by investing in the needs and wants Newark’s Teachers Village. of the teachers, the teachers become invested inOF HIGH QUALITY not just their students, but in their surroundingRETAIL WITHIN community as well.TEACHERS VILLAGE THE ELEMENTS Richard Meier, Newark-born and world-renowned architect, designed the community’s master plan. KSS Architects was invited to the project to lend their expertise in charter school understanding and design, utilize their experience with mixed-use properties, and share their passionate commitment to urban renewal through meaningful architecture. KSS began work on the interior of the TEAM charter school, serving students K-4, and the Discovery Charter School, serving middle school students 5th through 8th grades. Making the most of their building’s assets, these two schools, who share the building, also share a common gymnasium and exercise room which is also opened to the residential community by membership after school hours.|6
RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY15 WASHINGTON ARTS SPACE“15 Washington” stands 16 stories tall on displays, coffee breaks, and lunchtime food forWashington Park in Newark, New Jersey. For almost thought. Organically shaped tables and stackable85 years the former American Insurance Building chairs enable a variety of communal and singularhas been a symbol of pride and progress in the city settings. An abundance of daylight easily convertsof “New Work.” Rutgers University, in keeping with to pinpoint theatrical lighting via the ceiling-hungits role as a world-class, urban, public research light grid designed to mesh with the historicuniversity that is not just in Newark but of Newark, architecture while providing structure for lighting,is poised to carry forward the mantle of New Work, rigging, and even sculpture.by giving to the City a place for New Art—thehistoric yet re-defined space of the Great Hall within Rutgers University partners with the scholars,the renovated environs of “15 Washington.” artists, citizens, and students of Newark to offer a forum for artistic expression, fostering new dialogueAn innovative, highly flexible arts events space, and understanding. “15 Washington” is wherethe Great Hall rises 30 feet to the ceiling and heritage meets innovation; where history is rich—uses expansive vision and creative modularity to and forward thinking, priceless.showcase performances and cross-curricular eventsfrom concert, dance, and theater to sculptural Location: Newark, New Jersey Size: Approx. 25,000 sf Features: Amphitheater, Flexible arts events space, Faculty lounge, Art library, Rehearsal rooms, Control booth and recording studio.|8
RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY HAHNE & CO. BUILDING ADAPTIVE REUSE The adaptive reuse of portions of the vacated partnerships are numerous, including charter schools, Hahne & Co. department store provides Rutgers county and city colleges, boys and girls clubs, the city University with a unique, mission-driven opportunity museum, and local professional artists. Ultimately, to strengthen its relationship with the community the center will become a beacon of diversity, of Newark and the State of New Jersey. The drawing together people of all ages, ethnicities, and development of this historic landmark as a center for occupations—utilizing the Arts as a common bond. the creation, exhibition, and conversation of Arts and Communications enhances the city’s “Arts Triangle”— For Rutgers University, as an anchor institution the downtown area under development to reignite in Newark, it is through the thoughtfully crafted the vibrancy of Newark’s city core. relationship between architecture and community that the fabric of its urban neighborhood will be Rutgers is developing approximately 38,594 sf of the strengthened and revitalized. A great place, such as 441,000 sf building as a distinctive, community-based the renovated and re-purposed Hahne & Co. Building, educational program that includes an art incubator, will not only bring a community of students and community media center, portrait studio, design neighbors together, but inspire it to do great things. consortium, and letterpress studio. Community Location: Newark, New Jersey Size: Approx. 38,594 sf Features: Art incubator, Community media center, Portrait studio, Design consortium, and Letterpress studio.| 10
AUBER RESOURCES HILLANDALE LIVING KSS is working with a prominent New Jersey Amenities in the master plan include a pool, developer on a master plan to renovate and tennis courts, topiary gardens, walking paths, and retrofit an existing academy campus into a putting greens. A large portion of the site work will residential community. The former Morris County reinforce pedestrian connections between existing school, situated on a hilltop, boasts over 150,000 structures while collecting the existing parking into square feet of historical masonry construction, larger clusters. This new parking will be set into some of which dates back to early 20th century. the hillside as to effectively conceal this additional built space and maintain the existing tranquil This project will implement up to 60 age-restricted atmosphere in and around the campus. condominiums within the existing structures while taking full advantage of the site’s striking geography The resulting master plan represents a and extreme topography. The oldest portion of thoughtful, astute, architectural marriage the structure, a central hall, will be dedicated of historic renovation and preservation with to common space and capitalize on its former modern-day necessities and accoutrements. residential scale to provide comfortable, relaxed areas to be utilized and enjoyed by small groups. Location: Morris County, New Jersey Size: 150,000 sf Program: Age-restricted condominiums Features: Pool, Tennis courts, Topiary gardens, Walking paths, and Putting greens| 14
BIOVID BIOVID OFFICES BioVid is the endurance racer of the pharmaceutical Engagement. The break room is the center of the marking industry—a consulting company that action, with a handmade 1940s shuffleboard table broke through the wall of the 2008 recession by (used daily for lunchtime tournaments) and team- re-investing itself to serve its customers. Their building spaces for activities like cooking classes. existing offices were isolated and empty. Looking to relocate, the team found what they needed—a Wellness. The Quiet Car is an alternative, \"heads- historic, abandoned warehouse in the Canal Works down\" workspace that eases the transition to the district of Bristol, PA, with great potential. KSS’s open plan. The Quiet Car is a no-phone zone, and is design capitalizes on the depth of heritage of the also home to the company-wide yoga program. space, articulating street art as contemporary focal points. To give voice to BioVid’s cutting-edge Transformation. A reclaimed set of bleachers serves approach to adding value for their clients, KSS as a gathering space for town halls and trainings, applied a series of design ideas to the renovation: emphasizing BioVid’s commitment to employee development. Innovation. Open plan seating punctuated with private meeting rooms maximizes opportunities Overall, the new BioVid space is an expression for spontaneous collaboration while providing of the company’s capacity to be both analytical areas for more quiet, formal conversation. and creative—an exceptionally crafted space that empowers employees to perform. Location: Bristol, PA Program: Corporate office Size: 9,000 sf Features: Offices, Meeting/conference rooms, Break room/Event space, Employee training area| 16
\"The space makes a huge difference. The new office fosters innovation and unleashes the creativity of our staff.\" Andrew Aprill President and Owner, BioVid
SPARKS SOHO OFFICE When Sparks, an innovative brand agency, wanted for events. A bar area doubles as an activity hub to renovate their SoHo offices to express their and primes the space for everything from launch cutting-edge, funky vibe, KSS delivered. Designed parties to think tank roundtables. to promote Sparks’s youthful work environment while also serving as a flexible event space, The atmosphere embodies SoHo’s craftsman, the new offices feature elegant standing desk boutique culture. Modern furnishings complement configurations and an open floor plan. In modest the original brick and milled woodwork, playing square footage, the new offices provide an array to the space’s 5th floor loft feel. Skylights and of programming, from brainstorming areas to glazing at each end of the slender workspace fill it entertaining space. KSS lifted the floor to create an with natural light. Overall, the space’s stylish yet elevated conference area that doubles as a stage authentic ambience fully expresses Sparks’s brand. Location: New York, NY Program: Corporate office Size: 3,700 sf Features: Offices, Standing desk configuration, Bar/kitchen area, Conference room/stage| 18
UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PENNOVATION CENTER Pennovation Works—the 23 acre former DuPont and a “bleacher” to facilitate the many pitches that industrial site along the Schuylkill River, in the start-up companies typically present. This central up-and-coming neighborhood of Grays Ferry, is the space, above all else, is an area of intersections— next generation of Philadelphia and global innovation. where disciplines, theories, and brilliant ideas overlap Pennovation Center, a brick and mortar factory and collide in a spectacular array of what-if, outside- relic, is the site’s anchor building and will become an the-box, next-big-thing thinking, doing, and “we’re iconic landmark for Penn. The Pennovation Center’s going to need more space” happening. program will enable entrepreneurs, researchers, and industry partners to translate inventiveness into KSS, as the executive architect, has facilitated viable ventures in a dynamic environment. a thoughtful process through creativity, careful management, and thorough oversight in all aspects Co-working space has been amalgamated and of the team’s work. The Pennovation Center is centralized to connect offices, labs, and shared the cutting edge home for the next generation of resources—allowing engineers to break out from their entrepreneurship in the region and its design is both laboratory space and work cross-curricular with other an inspiration and a testament to the University’s lessees. In addition to co-working desk space, the mission of fostering innovation by creating vital, common area includes meeting rooms, social space, vibrant, and prolific intersections. Location: Philadelphia, PA Size: 58,000 sf addition and renovation Completion Date: Est. Summer 2016 Features: Business Incubator, Offices, Wet and dry labs, Co-working desk spaces, Studio spaces, Meeting rooms, Central presentation “bleacher,” Social spaces Design Architect: HWKN| 22
AEROFARMS TURNING A CITY GREEN WITH URBAN AGRICULTURE At 212 Rome Street in the Ironbound neighborhood KSS is designing the flagship headquarters for of Newark, New Jersey, growth is taking place. Aerofarms, and the aeroponic urban farm. The AeroFarms is the reason for that growth. As a leader farm will be completed in phases, culminating in urban agriculture, the company utilizes state-of- in three independent buildings. Building 1 will the-art technology to grow leafy greens, herbs and be processing, shipping and receiving, and farm micro greens in a process called “aeroponics”. In this related support areas; Building 2 will be comprised process the seeds are placed on a cloth material of growing and cooling space and a laboratory; and placed onto 5’-0” growing trays where they are Building 3 will contain additional growing space, misted with nutrient rich water. The trays are placed germination, event space and corporate offices. on growing racks under integrated LED lighting. Once the seeds have germinated and reached maturity, the The facility will operate on a 24 hours a day, 7 days trays are removed from the racks and taken by carts a week schedule. Local delivery of the produce will to the harvester. The harvesting machine removes occur 4 times a week to local food markets and the greens from the cloth and packages the product restaurants throughout Newark. into plastic containers. From here, the greens are packaged for shipment. Location: Newark, New Jersey Size: 77,000 sf of renovation and addition Features: Processing area, Shipping and receiving, Farm related support and growing areas, Cooling space, Laboratory, Shop, Event space, Corporate office space Awards: PlanSmart NJ Economic Development Achievement Award| 24
TECHX TECHX FOUNDRY From inception through production, from Transforming ideas into reality. mentoring to marketing, TechX is the largest With deep experience in centers for innovation, and most advanced ecosystem available for the learning environments and design for community commercialization of tech hardware innovations. building, KSS is partnering with TechX to make Conceived as a consortium of leading edge experts their Big Idea a reality. In addition to design and and cutting edge technology, TechX offers members programming of the prototype building, KSS is work space (office and industrial), academia also lending expertise in brand development and (training, certification and coursework), community identity, and the provision of marketing materials (events and expert guidance), and the FabLab: to assist in fundraising efforts with investors. access to millions of dollars of equipment to design, prototype or make anything. TechX brings ideas and their proprietors to life. Location: Northeast Region Prototype Size: 80,000 sf Features: Meeting spaces, Production spaces, Flex office spaces| 26
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BURLINGTON STORES, INC. NEW CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS Burlington Stores was growing and transforming Burlington Stores Headquarters is a workplace and itself in the marketplace, and needed to attract a marketplace at once—the very essence of a space new employees—young and dynamic merchant that fulfills needs and elevates people to achieve. buyers that would move frequently and effortless ly between locations in New York City and the A monumental open stairway wide enough for company’s traditional home in Burlington, New people to walk side-by-side promotes fitness Jersey. Burlington needed to redefine its corporate and movement. A generous café area with space to reflect their values—collaboration, ample daylighting, bright colorscapes, and long, openness, vibrancy. European-style tables encourages dynamic conversation. A vast ribbon wall embraces the full KSS designed the new headquarters as a place spectrum of the day, shining light onto what has where buyers could intersect with vendors, where become a transformative space for Burlington trend-setters could interact with merchandise. employees—and the company itself. Location: Burlington, New Jersey Size: 225,000 sf new construction Program: Corporate Headquarters Features: Open and Collaborative Spaces, Fitness Center, Conference Space, Multi-Purpose Training Area, Outdoor Meeting and Lunch Space, Cafe| 30
LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY RICHARD & MARGOT WARCH CAMPUS CENTER Lawrence University wanted to create a place for The campus center embraces Appleton’s history as students to experience its vibrant college community the heart of the papermaking industry by facing the and embrace its natural surroundings. By breaking Fox River. Situated on a hill, the building literally down the building’s large scale into sections emerges from the ground. Its materials embody connected by a glass-enclosed Great Hall, the growth, starting with poured concrete finishes at the design team created a village in which students can foundation and lower levels, locally quarried limestone engage the university’s community, circulating both wall panels at mid-level floors, and finally to soaring horizontally and vertically on its interior “streets” to glass panels to symbolize the sky. An illuminated find places to eat, study, and relax with friends. stair tower at the campus center’s northwest corner beckons students, returning alumni, and the town of Appleton to a place of community and pride. Location: Appleton, Wisconsin Size: 110,000 sf new construction Features: Cafe Bookstore, Dining Hall and servery, Theater Meeting rooms, Multi-purpose room, Student performance space, Convenience store, Gallery, Student lounges Recognition: LEED Gold Certification, U.S. Green Building Council Associate Architect: Uihlein/Wilson Architects| 32
BANCROFT NEW CAMPUS “One world. For everyone.” For nearly 130 years, linked by views and pathways. These buildings and Bancroft has been a leader in breaking down a sensory trail will form natural protective edges boundaries for individuals with neurological to the pedestrian campus, with vehicular traffic challenges, autism, and intellectual and and parking located along the perimeter. Key to developmental disabilities. To progress with its the success of the campus is the introduction innovative continuum of care and to unlock each of a commons building that creates synergies person’s full potential for lifelong learning and between the education and housing programs and fulfillment, Bancroft is relocating programs on their provides nodes of interaction with the surrounding 16 acre Haddonfield campus to a new 30 acre campus. community. With a focus on life skills and job training, the new The Commons houses a clinic and medical/dental campus will provide state-of-the-art facilities for center providing both in- and outpatient services. the Bancroft School, the Lindens, and Transitional Caring for the students’ well-being is paramount, Housing in 178,000 square feet of space. Its buildings and the on-site clinic offers an environment where will be organized around a series of outdoor rooms participants can access necessary services in a safe, which will serve a variety of scales and purposes, comfortable setting. LINDENS HOUSING QUAD BEHAVIORAL CLINIC JOB TRAININGTRANSITIONAL LIVING VOCATIONAL VILLAGE MEDICAL & DENTAL CLINIC TRAINING CENTER ELEMENTARY & HIGH SCHOOL LIFE SKILLS & TRANSITIONAL PLRoOcaGtRiAoMn: New Jersey Size: 178,000 sf; 90 acres Features: Clinic, Medical/Dental Center, Classrooms, Housing, Pool, Early education and intervention, Elementary school, High school, Commons, Sensory space/therapy rooms, Food Service, Gym/motor rooms, Wawa, Welcome center, Lindens Crisis Housing, Transitional step-down housing Contact: Dennis Morgan, 856.524.7514| 34
KSS ARCHITECTS FIRM HISTORY EXPERTS KSS Architects is a full-service architecture, AT BUILDING BONDS BETWEEN planning, and interior design firm in Princeton, New Jersey and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. PEOPLE, PROJECT, CLIENT, Since our founding in Princeton in 1983, KSS AND COMMUNITY Architects has matured, growing in size, abilities, and ambitions. KSS today has a staff of near RELATIONSHIPS that are lasting 60 talented and dedicated design professionals passionate about creating built environments that We believe that deep human relationships are the stimulate commerce, learning, and community. heart of all great architecture. We value building those relationships as much as the building ofWE THINK LIKE OWNERS GUIDANCE through the process stone and steel. We are experts at building bonds between people and project, client and community.STEWARDING ALL Our clients are leaders in the fields of business, Our firm creates design solutions that facilitate RESOURCES industry, education, development, cultural and and celebrate these interwoven relationships, social impact. They call us their trusted advisor creating rich and rewarding communities. because we have honed a process of ideation, built upon intensive listening, deep research, and DESIGN that inspires collaborative imagining. We think like owners, stewarding all the resources of the project to the Architecture, when steeped in expertise greatest return. We have earned the trust of our and insight, can affect meaningful change— clients to lead them through challenges, manage transforming the heart of the matter beyond the process, and exceed their goals with design metal and mortar, into empowerment, creativity, that inspires and execution that delivers. knowledge and achievement. Thoughtful detail imbedded in a structure cultivates change - INNOVATION in the intersections meaningful and lasting change. We consistently use creativity to turn opportunity into reality. We are relentless and fearless in our reimagining of what places can be, creating meaningful innovation that realizes many goals at once. Although we face a world more complex than ever before, our inquisitive minds and deep expertise provide the unique ability to solveRELENTLESS IN REIMAGINING challenges with elegant, effective solutions that goWHAT PLACES CAN BE beyond single paradigm design. 37 |
KSS ARCHITECTS PHILADELPHIA Public Ledger Building150 South Independence Mall West Suite 944 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106 T 215.320.3000 | F 215.351.5374 PRINCETON 337 Witherspoon Street Princeton, New Jersey 08542 T 609.921.1131 | F 609.921.9414 www.kssarchitects.com
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