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Published by ogretken, 2020-05-27 16:48:37

Description: WEB 2.0 EDUCATION WORLD


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The Explore Tab On entering the Aurasma Studio, the first page you will reach is the Explore page, which offers thumbnails of Auras and campaigns currently featured, popular, or recently created on the Aurasma platform.

Uploading Trigger Images A Trigger Image is a real-world image, object, or location that will be recognized by Aurasma. You simply need to upload them in to the system so you can create Auras. Click the 'Assets' tab in the top-central dashboard. Clicking 'Create New Trigger' on the far right will offer you a dropdown menu where you can upload a single Trigger Image.

You will then be taken to a new window. Be sure to fill out an appropriate name for your Trigger Image. 'From File' is automatically selected for you, which allows you to the hit 'Browse.' You can now search your computer for your Trigger Image. Hitting 'Save' will upload it in to your Studio account.Choosing 'Create Single Overlay' will allow you to upload one Overlay into your account from your desktop.

Once you hit save, your Trigger Image will populate in your account. You can then upload more Trigger Images by repeating the same step or you can move on to your Overlays.

Uploading Overlays An Overlay is the digital element (e.g. videos, images, or 3D models) launched on your mobile device's screen when Aurasma views a Trigger Image. In order to upload an Overlay click the 'Assets' tab in the top-central dashboard. The subheadings on the top left will give you the option to choose 'Triggers' or 'Overlays.' Click 'Overlays' and then choose 'Create New Overlay' to the right.

Choosing 'Create Single Overlay' will allow you to upload one Overlay to your account from your desktop. You will then be taken to a new window. Name your Overlay, choose the 'Type' of file it is, browse your desktop for your file. and hit 'Save'. Hitting 'Save' will add you new Overlay to your account. It will be available for use when you are creating an Aura.

Scanning Auras From now on you can access the things that Before you start this person has scanning, you need created by scanning to follow the person with Aurasma. who prepared the aura. Click You need to pay in if “Discover Auras” you want people see and type in the name your auras without of the person you following you. want to follow. For example type “guniz” and click “guniz’s public” and then “follow”.

Creating your own channel and sharing your material prepared with augmented reality will be an enjoyable experience for you and your students.

Gülsüm ŞANLI Mugla Anatolian High School/Muğla/TURKEY KİZAO

Güneş BALAMUT Hurriyet Primary School Mersin / TURKEY GETLOUPE

Erkan MERT Beldibi Sıtkı Zaralı Secondary School Marmaris - MUĞLA Make a timeline, tell a story Timetoast is a place to make timelines on the web. Use it to create historical timelines of important events, build a timeline for your hot new product launch or plan your next family vacation. It's up to you and your imagination. How to create a timetoast? 1. Create a timetoast account: First of all you need to create an account from the web site of timetoast at

Erkan MERT Beldibi Sıtkı Zaralı Secondary School Marmaris - MUĞLA Make a timeline, tell a story 2. Create a timetoast: 'Add event' or 'Add timespan' to get going!

Erkan MERT Beldibi Sıtkı Zaralı Secondary School Marmaris - MUĞLA Make a timeline, tell a story 3. Publish your timetoast: To publish your timeline either use the slider on your dashboard (under the timeline's 'Actions' button) or use the slider on the timeline's edit page. You can also embed your timeline on another web site. Once your timeline has been published, click the share icon below your timeline and copy and paste the embed code from the embed tab to where you want to display your timeline.

Erkan MERT Beldibi Sıtkı Zaralı Secondary School Marmaris - MUĞLA Make a timeline, tell a story 4. Sample:

Mirosława Dyka-Płonka MADLIPZ.COM Polish Nobel Prize Winners’ High School in Rydułtowy POLAND • Copy & go to the link below: • Download the Application • Follow the instructions: • Use for short instructions, announcements@fun. • Enjoy in and outside the classroom! • Open the link for examples:

Kenan ÇETE - İmkb Atatürk Anatolien Gymnasium – ZONGULDAK FLİPSNACK - e-magazin

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Die e-magazin ist erstanden und unten können sie die embed kode kopieren und in ihre web adresse, oder wo sie wollen mitteilen…. ENDE Marida Vitulli liceo linguistico “I.Calvino” Città della Pieve -PG- ITALY How to use popplet Step-by-Step Instructions on Using Popplet in Your Classroom Creating an Account: 1. Open your web browser. 2. Go to 3. In the top right corner, click “Create Account.” 4. Type in your information (name, e‐mail, password) and agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. 5. Scroll through the slides that introduce Popplet. 6. Click “Take Me to Popplet.” 7. You are now ready to use Popplet! (Note: Next time you visit, you will click “Log In” instead of “Create an Account.”)