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Home Explore Pest Control - E-Book

Pest Control - E-Book

Published by ssepestsur, 2020-09-05 00:32:01

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Inside pocket corners Hand rest crevice Inside pocket corners Berth hinge crevice Snack tables Upper berth bracket Prevention cum control of Pest & Covid - 19 in Indian Railways 36

Berth beading Hand rest area Seat side corner Hand rest siding 4.5 Guidelines of Bedbug Control in Coach: - 1. Check the entire coach for bedbugs and its symptoms at all suspected areas i.e. curtain & rexene folds, rexene seat pockets, snack table etc. 2. If Bedbugs or its symptoms noticed 3. Remove linens. Vacate the linen cupboards / compartments. 4. Send this all linens for washing in mechanised laundry. The washing should be done above 600 C to kill the bedbugs, eggs, nymphs etc. 5. The mixture of insecticide / chemical with water has to be spread with jet pump in all the crevices of hand rest, snacks table, folds of the rexene – upholstery and folds of the curtains etc. cover all suspected areas. 6. Remove all curtains from coach. Send it for washing. 7. Remove / Open hand rests, berth pockets, rexene suspected areas etc. and keep the pump (mixture of chemical & water) to spray on areas where bedbugs, eggs notices. 8. Ensure to close all shutters, doors of coach. Keep the coach in locked condition for 03 - 04 hrs. 9. Hot air gun should be use to eradicate the bedbugs and its symptoms. Prevention cum control of Pest & Covid - 19 in Indian Railways 37

10. Clean the coach thoroughly with vacuum cleaner & mopped with suitable disinfectant liquid i.e. dettol, lizol etc. Especially cover at the berth corners and all Rexene folds of entire coach. 11. Apply Neem oil with brush to all suspected area i.e. hand rests, berth corners, Rexene folds, inside curtain rod’s clamps etc. as shown in photos below and refit the same. Neem Oil Locations: - At inner side of hand rest At top side of hand rest At inner side of hand rest At below hand rest siding 12. Fit the washed curtains. 13. Allow the coach for traffic use. 14. Spray room freshener in coach before departure. 15. Coach should be kept under observation for 03 to 04 trips. 16. If bedbugs & its symptoms noticed again, immediately plan for coach fumigation. Prevention cum control of Pest & Covid - 19 in Indian Railways 38

4.6 Fumigation Treatment:- When the heavy bedbugs and its symptoms notices, the fumigation treatment to be done for the affected coach. Before conducting the fumigation treatment all the gaps in the coaches should be closed properly to avoid the fumes escaping through the gaps and coach should be clean, free from water stagnation and leakage taps. And ensure that all the bedroll items of the coach are available inside the coach at the time of fumigation. 4.7 Guidelines of Coach Fumigation:- 1. The coach should mark sick for fumigation treatment. 2. Arrange to place the coach at isolated area. 3. Close rolling shutters / vestibule doors. 4. The mixture of insecticide / chemical with water has to be spread with jet pump in all the crevices of hand rest, snacks table, folds of the rexene – upholstery and folds of the curtains etc. Cover all suspected areas of coach. 5. The all gaps of coach should be sealed with news papers and adhesive taps i.e. washbasin outlet (drain hole), toilet exhausts, ac ducts, Partition door & ventilation grill, toilet pan, rolling shutters / vestibule doors etc. as shown photos below- Wash basin outlet sealing (drain hole) Toilet exhaust sealing Prevention cum control of Pest & Covid - 19 in Indian Railways 39

AC ducts Partition door and ventilation grill 6. Ensure the coach cleaning. The coach should free from water stagnation & taps leakages. 7. Ensure all linens (bedroll items), curtains should available inside coach during coach fumigation. 8. Keep the 40 to 45 Aluminium Phosphide tablets per coach (3gm/tablet) in disposable cup containing the mixture of chemical and water as shown photos below. Aluminium phosphide tablet kept at Aluminium phosphide tablet kept at doorway coach bay 9. Keep the coach in properly locked condition for 72 hrs, in isolated areas. The fumigated coach should not move from its place for human safety. Prevention cum control of Pest & Covid - 19 in Indian Railways 40

10. Stickers to be pasted diagonally on the main doors of fumigated coach, consists of -- DANGER Fumigation in Progress- Coach No- CR __________ Date: _______________ Time : _______ hrs Do Not Open Up to 72 Hrs. - SSE/C&W/SUR 11. Open all the doors of the fumigated coach for de-gassing purpose for minimum 03 hrs. 12. Remove the ashes (disposable cups) from the coach and bury it after digging the soil. Remove linens and curtains from the coach. Vacate the linen cupboards / compartments. 13. Spray the mixture of chemical & water at linen cupboards / compartments. 14. Clean the coach intensively with the help of vacuum cleaner & mopped with suitable disinfectant liquid i.e. dettol, lizol etc. Especially cover at the berth corners and all rexene folds of entire coach. 15. Fit the washed curtains. 16. Allow the coach for traffic use. 17. Spray room freshener in coach before departure. 4.8 List of Pesticides:- 1. Propoxure : 20% EC 2. Fenthion : 2% 3. Malathion: 2% , 5% 4. Bifenthrin: 10% wp 5. Aluminium Phosphide Tablet (3 gm/ tablet) 6. .Neem Oil Prevention cum control of Pest & Covid - 19 in Indian Railways 41

Chapter - 5 Passenger Feedback System The system must be developed to collect customer’s feedback i.e. complaints cum suggestions regarding the quality of service and corrective action to be taken if required. Passenger need to be informed about the measures taken for Pest & Rodent control. A link may be provided on Social Media i.e. Twitter, Internet, Web, Rail Madad, SMS, Generate QR code......etc. for registering complaints/ suggestions. A WhatsApp group should be prepared of AC Mechanic and AC Attendant..... line staffs. This WhatsApp group helps to provide immediate solution as & when required and possible to avoid the passenger suffering due to inconvenience of pest. Passenger feedback form may be developed and collect written suggestion / complaint directly from passenger if any, for taking the corrective action. Passenger Feedback Form....... 5.1 PASSENGER FEEDBACK FORM - Date: / / Mechanical Branch (Central Railway, Solapur division ) Dear passenger, Please give your valuable feedback for help to us give you improved services. Sr. No Description Yes No 1 Bedbugs 2 Cockroaches 3 Rodent/Mice 4 Mosquitoes 5 Others 6 Suggestion for improvement, if any Name of Passenger_________________________________ PNR No._________________________________________ Train No.___________ Coach No.____________________ Berth No.___________ Mobile No.___________________ Signature of Passenger Prevention cum control of Pest & Covid - 19 in Indian Railways 42

Chapter - 6 General Instructions & Precautions A. General Instructions:- 1. The pest control contractor shall be required to use only such chemicals/pesticides that have been approved for house hold purpose by Central Insecticides Board and Registration Committee (CIB & RC) under Rules 1971 framed under Insecticides Act 1968. 2. They must be change in the chemicals quarterly to avoid acquiring insect’s immunity for particular type of chemicals. 3. Pest control agencies should provide copy of their license in prescribed form. The license should be valid for the entire duration of the contract with railway. It should not be only for selling, exhibiting and stocking insecticide but for operation also. 4. Contractor shall ensure that only trained personal in the field of pest/ rodent control,certified by Training Institutes are deployed for this treatment. 5. In order to get maximum time for the chemicals to act, the contractor may start the pest control treatment immediately on arrival of terminating train at platform after de- training of passenger. 6. In order to prevent cross infestation, the contractor make efforts to treat all the AC & Non AC the coaches of particular rake together. 7. Besides maintaining written records, the date of treatment and next due date shall also be indicated by the contractor through stickers inside the coach in the door way of the toilet area. 8. Detach Pantry Car from rake once a month, completevacates and cleans intensively for thorough paste and rodent control treatment and give adequate time. B. Precautions :- The safety precautions to be followed by the staff during handling of insecticide are as follows: 1. Use protective clothing viz. gloves, face masks, apron, rubber boots etc. Avoid inhalation of spray mist. 2. Do not apply light oil based sprays on hot surface or unprotected electrical equipment in coaches. 3. At the end of the work, change clothes, wash hands and exposed parts thoroughly before eating, drinking. 4. Do not drink, eat and chew anything while spraying. Prevention cum control of Pest & Covid - 19 in Indian Railways 43

5. Carefully read the safety instructions on the label of the product for symptoms of poisoning and first aid. (a) Mask (b) Safety goggles (c) Hand gloves (d) Uniform (e) Shoes 6.1 Reaction or Symptoms:- The early symptoms may be combinations of headache, giddiness, vertigo, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, nervousness, excessive sweating, anxiety and Skin irritation may occur. 6.2 First Aid:- If clothing and skin are contaminated, remove the clothes and wash the contaminated skin with copious amount of soap and water. In case of skin and eye contact, immediately flush with plenty of saline / clean water for about 10 to 15 minutes. If inhaled, expose into fresh air 6.3 Storage:- The package containing the insecticide should be stored in original containers only in separate room away from the working spot under lock and key. 6.4 Disposal:- The empty containers shall be broken and buried at area away from habitation. The used empty packages shall not be left outside to prevent their reuse. Packages or surplus material should be disposed off in a safe manner so as to prevent hazard to environmental. Prevention cum control of Pest & Covid - 19 in Indian Railways 44

Chapter - 7 Factors affecting on Pest Control Treatment and its Remedies 1. Cleaning and disposal of Garbage from pit line / depot premises: - The garbage & trash available at pit line or depot premises should be cleaned immediately and disposed off. It should not be lying on pit line/depot premises. Ensure & maintain the waste bins available at depot should be empty. After coach cleaning, the removed trash and food waste directly send to Municipal Corporation for the proper disposal of waste and avoid to dump on pit line trash dump or waste dump. 2. Vegetations and Water leakages at depot premises: - The unwanted vegetations should be removed from depot premises and surrounding area from time to time. More attention on water leakages at coaching complex, pit line areas. The water leakages in pipe lines should be arrested and maintain it on regular basis. The water should not accumulate anywhere. 3. Pit line and Drainage:- The pit lines and drainage system should be cleaned regularly and kept dry. It should be made clean and hygiene with disinfection by DDT powder daily. 4. Coach cleaning in Running Train:- The accumulations of materials inside the coaches such as waste foods, garbage, rubbish, boxes, newspapers, empty soda and water bottles etc. should be removed during running trains and hand over it to station garbage bin or dispose off suitably at every 3-4 hrs intervals by OBHS available staff or CTS staff where CTS facility available. Try to keep the waste bins of coaches in empty condition. 5. Intensive Cleaning of Coach:- The coaches of train should be cleaned intensively and thoroughly at least once in a month. In each primary maintenance, AC coaches should be cleaned with the help of blower/ pressurised air with suitable cleaning agent. The moping of coaches should be done regularly with disinfested liquid like Dettol, Lizol, 1% sodium hypochlorite solution... etc. The coach should be kept dry, as wet area attracts pests. 6. Timely Curtain Replacement:- The curtains in AC coaches should be replaced with washed ones at least once in a month. 7. Provisions of Dustbins(Adequate Quantity & Size): - Dustbins are primary garbage collection point within coach / station /depot premises. Prevention cum control of Pest & Covid - 19 in Indian Railways 45

It is essential that to provide the dustbins in adequate quantity & sizes at suitable locations of coaches, depot premises, pit lines, stations etc. so that passengers and cleaning staff should use their conveniently. The dustbins are available at each bio-toilet and below the wash basins (near main door) at both ends of coaches. In addition, dustbins of suitable sizes to be provided at both side of vestibule area of all types of coaches i.e. AC, Non AC, and Un- reserved, etc. 8. Nomination of Garbage Collection Points:- Many times it observes that as the dustbins full, garbage are lying and scattered at doorways area ( i.e. outside the dustbins) in coaches. Since it is necessary to nominate garbage collection points at different stations on each train route, with suitable travelled distance by train and ensure the proper disposal of garbage. 9. Disposal of Garbage:- Collection of all types of garbage arising from pantry car, dustbins of coaches etc. and handover to Municipal Corporation for the proper disposal of waste which will helps to prevent insects in coaches as well as in railway premises. 10. Pantry Car (Food Waste) Management:- The pantry car manager should arrange to collect all the waste materials arising out of preparation of food, remaining leftover food by passenger in plates (at their berths / seats) in different coaches, mineral water bottles and disposable cups etc. (It should not be noticed that any catering material should be thrown anywhere inside the coaches, vestibule areas etc.) These waste materials should be collected in disposable bags and unload it at nominated garbage stations by pantry car staff; it should be the responsibility of pantry car manager. If any food plates, leftover food of passenger, empty soda or empty water bottles noticed in any coach, heavy penalty should be imposed on pantry firm. Pantry manager should not only arrange to prepare and serve the food to passenger but also to collect their relevant waste from each coach and maintain the clean and hygiene atmosphere in the coaches/ train, after taking food- lunch, dinner, tea, coffee by passengers / users. The system should be developed to maintain the cleaning and hygiene of train by pantry car staff. Prevention cum control of Pest & Covid - 19 in Indian Railways 46

It is also duty of pantry car contractor / firm to maintain neat & clean climate in the areas of train where they provide the service. Pantry manager should arrange to serve the food as well as collect garbage like waste food rappers, used tissue papers, empty soda bottles, empty water bottles etc. and clean the snack tables, leftover or fallen foods on coach floor and surroundings near passenger. Pantry manager should ensure it. 11. Passenger Awareness: - It is very essential to maintain clean and hygiene the train. Involve passengers for creating awareness for disposal of waste from his berth /seat and nearby area in coach. They should collect his/her leftover food (after eating), garbage like waste food rappers, used tissue papers, empty soda bottles, and empty water bottles etc. and put it in dustbins provided in coach. Provide the necessary instructions stickers for passenger awareness at suitable locations in coaches and avoid to invite insects, viruses like mosquitoes, cockroaches, rats, Novel Corona etc. Instructions:- Help Railway to................ 1. Save water. 2. Don’t spill tea, coffee, food etc. in train, and to keep train neat and clean. Don’t make train dirty. 3. Collect & Dump the leftover / unwanted food, rubbish, empty linen pockets, boxes, tea cups, containers, newspapers, empty soda and water bottles etc in dustbins available near door in coach. 4. Don’t throw waste food anywhere in the coach. Use dustbin. 5. Keep & Maintain your berth & surrounding area neat and clean inside the coach to make hassle free journey. 6. Health is Wealth. Since avoid inviting insects like mosquitoes, ants, cockroaches, rats, bedbugs etc. & dangerous viruses like novel Corona. 7. Wear mask, keep social distancing, sanitise/ wash your hands frequently. 8. Railway administration is always trying to maintain hygiene in trains to avoid any type of infections or diseases to our passengers. 9. Contact on duty TTE or Ac Attendant/Mechanic for any inconvenience notices in train. Prevention cum control of Pest & Covid - 19 in Indian Railways 47

Chapter:-8 COVID-19 Corona virus History: Coronaviruses are first discovered in the 1960s when people with common cold were infected with the new virus. Coronaviruses include the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) and MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome). In 2003, Coronaviruses include the SARS-CoV (came from civet cats) and in 2012, another coronavirus capable of causing a severe acute respiratory illness later known as Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) was discovered in humans. Dromedary Camels were identified as one possible reservoir for the MERS virus. In December 2019 a virus apparently closely related to SARS coronavirus emerged in Wuhan, district of Hubei in China. The virus, later named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), caused an illness known as COVID-19, which was similar to SARS and was being characterized primarily by fever and respiratory symptoms. It spreads from an animal to a human. It is originated in bats and passed from bats to other animals before being transmitted to humans. In March the World Health Organization declared the outbreak a pandemic, and travel to, from, and within many countries was severely restricted in an effort to control its spread.In many areas, schools and many businesses closed, and stay-at- home guidelines were implemented, which strongly encouraged people not to leave their places of residence. In India, the first case of Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 was reported in Kerala on 30 January 2020 when three students returned from Wuhan in China, 8.1 What is Novel Coronavirus? Novel coronavirus is a respiratory illness which has the capacity to spread from person to person. The deadly virus spreads through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose of an infected person when they cough or sneeze. OR In medical terms, the novel coronavirus is a virus that can infect both humans and animals, causing respiratory illness. Prevention cum control of Pest & Covid - 19 in Indian Railways 48

Which can be as simple as the common cold or as severe as pneumonia and lungs issues. However, older people and those with medical conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer and chronic respiratory disease are more prone to get infected. 8.2 What is COVID-19? COVID-19 also referred to as 2019-nCov and 2019 Novel Coronavirus. The WHO announced the official name of the disease as COVID-19, while the virus is called SARS-CoV-2. COVID-19 is the name of the disease and the virus name is SARS-CoV-2. 8.3 Common Symptoms of COVID-19: COVID-19 symptoms are not the same for all persons. It can affect in different ways. COVID-19 is a respiratory disease and people infected by the virus can show mild to moderate symptoms who can recover without the need for special treatment. However, persons with existing medical conditions and those above 60 years old have a higher risk of contracting the disease. 1. Fever 2. Dry Cough 3. Tiredness 4. Aches & Pains 5. Sore Throat 6. Diarrhoea 7. Conjunctivitis 8. Headache 9. Loss of taste or smell 10. A rash on skin or discolouration of fingers or toes 11. Difficulty breathing or Shortness of Breath 12. Chest pain or pressure 13. Loss of speech or movement. The WHO recommends that those who are healthy but show mild symptoms should isolate and inform their medical provider for advice on testing and referral. Persons who have cough, fever or difficulty in breathing should consult their doctor and get medical attention. 8.4 Characteristics - Structure, Infection, Incubation period and Risks of Coronavirus:- 1. Structure:- Coronavirus, any virus belonging to the family Coronaviridae. Coronaviruses have enveloped virions (virus particles) that measure 65-125 nm Prevention cum control of Pest & Covid - 19 in Indian Railways 49

(1 nm = 10−9 metre) in diameter. Club-shaped glycoprotein spikes in the envelope give the viruses a crownlike, or coronal, appearance. The nucleocapsid, made up of a protein shell known as a capsid and containing the viral nucleic acids, is helical or tubular. The coronavirus genome consists of a single strand of positive-sense RNA (ribonucleic acid). 2. Infection of COVID-19: Droplets transmitted through the air by coughing or sneezing, the novel coronavirus spreads to nearby people who can inhale with their mouth, nose or eyes. These particles travel through the back of your nasal passages and attach themselves to the mucus membrane in the back of your throat and particular receptor cells pick up these viruses. COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2 have spiked proteins resembling crowns, hence the term coronaviruses. These spikes attach to cell membranes thereby entering the human cell. This genetic material of the virus attacks the metabolism of the cell and multiplies. 3. Incubation Period of COVID-19 The genetic material of the novel coronavirus has hijacked the cells, immune system may start to show the symptoms of COVID-19 from 1 to 14 days, estimated by WHO as more data available. Once the virus hijacks body cells, it first affects the lining of your throat, airways and lungs. Lungs might experience, making difficult to breathe, This can even lead to pneumonia. From here the coronavirus multiplies rapidly and goes on to infect other cells. Infection is mild at the initial stages. Persons with the illness might not show symptoms or some the infection can become severe. Symptoms of shortness of breath begin to show in 5 to 8 days. After which the infection causes Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). This may require a ventilator to support your lungs to breathe. Prevention cum control of Pest & Covid - 19 in Indian Railways 50

4. Risks of Coronavirus Infection: Severe symptoms or complications of a COVID-19 infection can be in the form of viral pneumonia. Tiny sacs in lung which exchanges oxygen and Carbon dioxide, are infected by SARS-CoV-2. These sacs are filled with pus or biological fluid and make difficult for the infected person to breathe easily. While people of all ages can get infected by the virus, people with medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, Cancer, heart ailments, lung disease, HIV, asthma, etc. are more at risk of contracting the virus. 8.5 Coronavirus Prevention : The coronavirus is spreading around the globe. Personal hygiene can go a long way in containing the spread of the novel coronavirus. Prevention is better than cure. The WHO has listed several COVID19 prevention method which is as below as- 1. Use Masks When Required: Masks can protect against the possible transmission of COVID-19. While using mask, should take proper measures for the use and disposal of a mask. Clean hands with an alcohol-based solution or soap before handling mask. Wear a mask by properly covering your nose, mouth, and chin. Also, avoid touching the mask while wearing it. Every type of mask cannot be reused, if using a disposable one discard it after one use. To dispose of a mask, throw it in a covered waste bin and wash hands thoroughly. 2. Regularly Washing Hands: The very important thing to do is to wash your hands with soap and water regularly and thoroughly. The WHO recommends washing your hands for at least 20 seconds to avoid contacting the virus. 3. Maintain a Distance of At least 3-6 Feet if Step Outside: The Indian government has been urging the public to stay indoors. These measures are an excellent step towards curbing the spread of coronavirus and breaking the chain of transmission. Covid19 is airborne as the virus is primarily spread through droplets caused by the infected person when they cough or sneeze or talk, through direct contact with the infected individual and indirect contact with surfaces in the close environment or with objects touched by the infected person. Hence, WHO recommend Social Distancing and to keep at least 3-6 feet or 1-metre distance between persons to avoid any possible transmission of the disease Prevention cum control of Pest & Covid - 19 in Indian Railways 51

4. Care for Respiratory System: According to the WHO, the early symptoms of COVID-19 are dry cough, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, tiredness, fever, etc… Thus, the COVID-19 virus mainly affects the respiratory system. Coughing and sneezing are the primary means of transmission of coronavirus. To have a healthy respiratory system avoid smoking. Quit completely. Revitalize respiratory health by practicing breathing exercises and yoga. These will improve overall health as well. If feeling unwell stay at home. 5. Avoid Touching Eyes, Nose, Mouth: There are chances that might have picked up the virus from a contaminated surface. If frequently touches nose, eyes or mouth, can accidentally transferring the virus to body. Since , it is advised that to avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth without thoroughly washing hands. 6. Strictly Follow Rules and Government Advises: It is our moral duty to follow the rules and advice issued via public platforms. Stay indoors unless for an emergency situation 1. Maintain personal hygiene. 2. Do not forward news or facts about Coronavirus unless it is issued from an authentic source 3. Do not panic. 4. Download Aarogya Setu App on Mobile 5. The AYUSH ministry recommended that homeopathic medicine Arsenicum Album 30 could be taken empty stomach daily for three days as a prophylactic medicine against the infection. The dose should be repeated after one month. 6. Drink warm water throughout the day. Steam inhalation can be practiced once in a day. 7. Daily practice of Yogasana, Pranayama and meditation for at least 30 minutes as advised by Ministry of AYUSH (YOGA at Home, Stay Home and Stay Safe) Prevention cum control of Pest & Covid - 19 in Indian Railways 52

8.6 Cleaning, Sanitation, Sanitization, Sterilization and Disinfection:- 1. Cleaning:- It is the process in which removal of dirt, impurities infection agents from the living and non living objects or environment, it will not kill microorganism but reduce its number and spreading. It will physical removes infections agents but does not destroy them. It involves the use of acid cleaner, abrasive cleaner, Soap and detergent. Cleaning is the first step to process then sanitization, disinfection because this products can’t effectively penetrate through dirt and debris to do their work. 2. Sanitation:- It is the cleaning process to make free from germs and bacteria environment. Sanitation related to clean drinking water, disposal of human excreta and sewage. It refers to maintenance of hygiene conditions through services such as garbage collection and waste water disposal. It is the process of washing, cleaning or removing dirt and eliminates, dust debris and germs on the surface. It involves collection, transport, treatment, disposal and / or reuse of human excreta, domestic waste water, solid waste and associate promotion of hygiene to prevent disease and safe guard human privacy and dignity. There are four types of sanitization methods- filtration, landfills, recycling and ecological. 3. Sanitization:- This process helps to reduce the number of microorganism in safe level, and to prevent the spread of disease. Sanitization meant to reduce, not to kill the growth of bacteria, viruses and fungi. Heat and chemical are commonly used method to destroy/reduce/ kill and germs. According to WHO hand sanitizer should contain at least 60% alcohol to kills virus and bacteria. Alcohol-based hand sanitizer is more effective. e.g. Chlorine, quaternary ammonium, Iodine, Ethanol, IPA, etc. 4. Sterilization:- It is the process in which all forms of microorganism are completely destroyed. Destroy microorganism either in the vegetative from or in the spore form. Some of the bacteria are capable of forming spore which is cannot be destroyed by cleaning, disinfection and sanitization. Same time, Sterilization techniques are used to destroy bacterial endospore. It is used in hospitals for surgical tools. e.g. Heating, formaldehyde, Ethylene, oxide. Prevention cum control of Pest & Covid - 19 in Indian Railways 53

5. Disinfection:- It is the process for destroy vegetative from of microorganism but not spores form on inanimate (non living) surface. Disinfection kills germs on the surface or object. The most common chemical is used for disinfection are A) Chemical agents:- Alcohol, Chlorine, Formaldehyde, Lizol, Harpic, IPA, 1% Phenol etc. B) Physical Agents;- Ultraviolet radiation, Pasteurization 6. Antisepsis:- It is the process for destroy vegetative from of microorganism but not spores form on an animate ( living) surface. e.g. Dettol, boric acid, 0.2% Phenol etc. 8.7 How Soaps kill the Coronavirus? Soap is made up of pin-shaped molecules which consist of Hydrophobic Head (Water Loving) and Hydrophilic Tails (Repeal water). The outer surface of the coronavirus consist of Lipid layer and most of bacteria also have lipid layer on their surface. While washing hand with soap the hydrophobic head bind to water molecules and hydrophilic tails bind to the lipid layer of Coronavirus and when rubbing both hands, the hydrophilic tails destroy the lipid layer of the Coronavirus. Hence, the water repeal property of hydrophilic tails pulls off the Virus from the surface of hand. WHO recommends rubbing the hand at least 20 seconds to remove coronavirus from the surface of our hand. e.g: We wash our utensil daily basis in our kitchen. We found that the oily layers on the surface utensil this oily layer is called a lipid. we cannot remove the oily layer from the surface of utensil unless and until we are not using soap. The same phenomenon takes place in the case of hand washing. 8.8 How to Protect Railway from Coronavirus?:- To Protect Railway from Coronavirus, the following steps should be taken – 1. An audit of High Touch Surfaces / areas:- High touch areas of trains can harbour millions of bacteria and should be regularly cleaned and disinfected to encourage healthy work places. 2. Clean and Disinfect Identified High Touch Surfaces / areas:- Cleaning remove dirt impurities and grime while disinfecting solutions work to clean the germs and bacteria. 3. Encourage Proper Hand Washing Techniques:- Proper hand washing is one of the best defences against the spread of illness, not only for Prevention cum control of Pest & Covid - 19 in Indian Railways 54

employee but also for visitors and occupants. Hang of posters that demonstrate proper hand washing techniques in rest rooms, kitchens and other high traffic areas also provide and sanitizer and contains at least 60% alcohol according to Centres of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 4. Follow Proper Sanitary Methods When Handling Cleaning Equipment:- Use fresh, clean sanitary supplies is crucial to preventing cross - contamination and protecting occupant health. Instruct custodial teams to used microfiber cleaning clothes in a variety of colours. Make the colour codes – one colour should be used for toilet and urinals, another colour wash basin soap dispenser and so on. Mops and cloths should be cleaned and laundered after each use. 5. Implement a Cleaning Schedule That Encourages Frequent Sanitization:- Railway organisation should rely on strong cleaning program with written procedures when cleaning and sanitizing. A strong custodial cleaning plan should identify what surfaces need to be cleaned, who is responsible for each area, what products should be use, and how to clean the area to prevent cross – contamination. 8.9 Guidelines on Disinfection and Sanitization against COVID-19 in Railways: Apart from maintaining hygiene and following the prevention tips / procedure given below, carry out the process of disinfection and sanitization to reduce the chances of contracting the COVID-19 virus. It helps to provide interim guidance about the environmental cleaning /decontamination of trains, railway platforms, and railway offices. 1. Cleaning and Disinfection during Coach Maintenance: - Prior to cleaning, the worker should wear disposable rubber boots, gloves (heavy duty), and a triple layer mask. Then start the routine coach / train cleaning as per the agreement of Mechanised Cleaning Contract (MCC) with disinfection. If the contact surface is visibly dirty, it should be cleaned properly with the recommended chemicals and hot water. Special attention to the required for high touched surfaces / items of coaches, should specially becleaned with disinfectants. Prevention cum control of Pest & Covid - 19 in Indian Railways 55

Sr. Area High Touched Surfaces / Items Disinfectant No 1 Exterior of Main door handles, hand rails, window 1) 1% bars / grills of coach footsteps, etc. Sodium coach Lavatory pan / commode lid cover, toilet hypochlorite, floor, wash basin, taps, faucet, soap 2 Coach dispensers, soap stand, gravity cocks, 2) 70% Stain less Steel Mug, Lavatory door Alcohol, lavatory latches-catches, lavatory door handles, coat hooks, dustbins, etc. And 3 Doorways, Main door latches, Main door handles, Gangway, Partition door and its handles, latches, 3) Other Compartment Window grills, upper berth climbing stair, suitable & vestibule snacks tables, hand rest, table tops, seats, effective area magazine holder, bottle holder, luggage Disinfectant hooks, window sills, glass shutter, against 4 Parcel and vanishing shutter, side berth clamp, seat coronavirus. luggage van guard, holder, middle berth chain, etc. i.e. Door latches / catches, door handles, etc. 1. Lizol 5 Pantry Car 2.Nimyl Counter table top, Window sills, glass 3. dettol etc. 6 Electric shutter, cabinet door handles, etc. fittings Electric switches and charging points Can be used and wipe 7 Linen/ Withdraw blankets, hand towel, bed down Curtains sheets and pillow cover, etc. from all ac surfaces coaches OBHS Staff should have liquid soap, tissue paper rolls and disinfectant chemicals sufficiently so that same can be refill as needed during journey. During running train, OBHS staff should clean and wipe high touched surfaces / items frequently. Note: 1. Do not immediately wipe off the disinfectant from a soiled surface. Most disinfectants need to sit for five to ten minutes to eliminate illness-causing bacteria. Have cleaning personnel check the labels of their cleaning products to learn how long they should wait before wiping off the solution. Prevention cum control of Pest & Covid - 19 in Indian Railways 56

2. 70%Alcoholcanbeusedtowipedownsurfaceswheretheuseofbleachisnotsuitabl e. e.g. Metal (Chloroxylenol (4.5-5.5%)/ Benzalkonium Chloride or any other disinfectants found to be effective against coronavirus may be used as per manufacturer’s instructions) 3. Always use freshly prepared 1% sodiumhypochlorite. 2. Indoor & outdoor areas -Railway offices, Railway platformsspaces:- Indoor areas such as Railway offices, conference rooms, Coach care centres, Workshops, etc. are vey essential to decontaminate from Coronavirus by using 1% sodium hypochlorite or phenolic disinfectants.  Outdoor areas have less risk than indoor areas due to air currents and exposure to sunlight. These include railway station, platforms, railway colonies, apartments, railway’s common public places and roads, etc. Cleaning and disinfection efforts should be targeted to frequently touched/contaminated surfaces. 1. Start cleaning from cleaner areas and proceed towards dirtierareas. 2. All indoor areas such as entrance lobbies, corridors and staircases, escalators, elevators, security guard booths, office rooms, meeting rooms, cafeteria should be mopped with a disinfectant with 1% sodium hypochlorite or phenolic disinfectants. The guidelines for preparing fresh 1% sodium hypochlorite solution 3. High contact surfaces such elevator buttons, handrails / handles and call buttons, escalator handrails, public counters, intercom systems, equipment like telephone, printers/scanners, and other office machines should be cleaned twice daily by mopping with a linen/absorbable cloth soaked in 1% sodium hypochlorite. Frequently touched areas like table tops, chair handles, pens, diary files, keyboards, mouse, mouse pad, tea/coffee dispensing machines etc. should specially becleaned. 4. For metallic surfaces like door handles, security locks, keys etc. 70% alcohol can be used to wipe down surfaces where the use of bleach is notsuitable. 5. Hand sanitizing stations should be installed in office premises (especially at the entry) and near high contactsurfaces. 6. In a meeting/conference/office room, if someone is coughing, without following respiratory etiquettes or mask, the areas around his/her seat should be vacated and cleaned with 1% sodiumhypochlorite. 7. Carefully clean the equipment used in cleaning at the end of the cleaningprocess.  8. Remove PPE, discard in a disposable PPE in yellow disposable bag and wash hands with soap andwater. Prevention cum control of Pest & Covid - 19 in Indian Railways 57

In addition, all employees should consider cleaning the work area in front of them with a disinfecting wipe prior to use and sit one seat further away from others, if possible. Additionally, consider installing a sanitizing station for visitors. It is advised that surroundings should be disinfected as frequently as possible. Proper protection should be used while handling chemicals and while disinfecting the surroundings. Note: 1. Corrosion can takes place on metal surfaces due to 1 % sodium hypochlorite solution. 2. 70 % alcoholic solutions are fire hazards so, handle it carefully. 8.10 The Guidelines for Preparing fresh 1% Sodium Hypochlorite Solution:- Product Available 1% (percent) chlorine Sodium hypochlorite – liquid bleach 3.5% 1 part bleach to 2.5 parts Sodium hypochlorite – liquid 5% water 1 part bleach to 4 parts water NaDCC (sodium dichloro- 60% 17 grams to 1 liter water isocyanurate) powder 60% 11 tablets to 1 liter water NaDCC (1.5 g/ tablet) – tablets 25% 80 g to 1 liter water Chloramine – powder Bleaching powder 70% 7g g to 1 liter water Any other As per manufacturer’s Instructions 8.11 Precautions:- 1. Do not use disinfectants spray on potentially highly contaminated areas (such as toilet bowl or surrounding surfaces) as it may create splashes which can further spread the virus. 2. To prevent cross contamination, discard cleaning material made of cloth (mop and wiping cloth) in appropriate bags after cleaning and disinfecting. Wear new pair of gloves and fasten thebag. 3. Disinfect all cleaning equipment after use and before using in otherarea 4. Disinfect buckets by soaking in bleach solution or rinse in hotwater Prevention cum control of Pest & Covid - 19 in Indian Railways 58

8.12 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):- Wear appropriate PPE which would include the following while carrying out cleaning and disinfectionwork. 1. Wear disposable rubber boots, gloves (heavy duty), and a triple layermask 2. Gloves should be removed and discarded damaged, and a new pairworn. 3. All disposable PPE should be removed and discarded after cleaning activities are completed. 4. Hands should be washed with soap and water immediately after each piece of PPE is removed, following completion of cleaning. 8.13 Ultraviolet (UV) Sanitization:- Ultraviolet (UV) radiation covers the wavelength range of 100–400 nm, which is a higher frequency and lower wavelength than visible light. UV radiation comes naturally from the sun, but it can also be created by artificial sources used in industry, commerce and recreation. The UV region covers the wavelength range 100-400 nm which is divided into bands: 1. UVA (Long wave): - 315-400 nm capable of penetrating deep into the skin 80% skin ageing. – Wrinkles to age spots, black light, UV Inks. 2. UVB (Medium Wave): - 280-315 nm, medical applications – helps provide durability, can damage the DNA in on skin. – Sunburn. 3. UVC (Short wave): - 200-280 nm good at destroying genetic materials, germicidal (254 nm) absorbed by DNA, clear coats, surface cure, tack, chemical or scratch resistance. 4. VUV (Vacuum UV): - 100-200, nm Ozone < 200 nm Prevention cum control of Pest & Covid - 19 in Indian Railways 59

I. UVC light can be used to disinfect/ Sanitize objects and surfaces:- Ultraviolet (UV) light is produced by the sun and by special lamps. This energy destroys the genetic material inside viruses and other microbes. Therefore, UVC light is used for disinfection. UVC lamps and robots are commonly used to sanitize water, objects such as laboratory equipment, and spaces in trains, buses, and airplanes. Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation has been a mainstay for killing and inactivating microorganisms for well over a century. This process utilizes short- wavelength ultra-violet C light to kill microbes. UV-C light encompasses a range of 200 to 280 nm, but the most effective wavelength for decontamination is between 250-260 nm. UV-C light of 254 nm wavelength has been known to destroy SARS- CoV-1, which is another coronavirus. UV-C light of specifically 254 nm in wavelength has been used to sanitise devices and kits. II. UVC Technology:- The UV-C spectrum is known as the germicidal spectrum. It is the reason that contains the peak germicidal wave length. UV-C light is very effective and strong ray to kill viruses, bacteria & germs. It has spectrum 200 nm to 280 nm (nanometer). It is designed in special bulb and it emits UV-C rays to destroy virus, germs and bacteria by the use of UV-C technology it is possible to destroy 99.99% of all pathogens within a second. Therefore, it is doing the work without addition of chemicals, without harmful side effects, inexpensively, highly efficiently and absolutely reliably. III. Advantages:- Effectively for all types of micro- organisms, bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa. 1. 99% killing of bacteria, viruses within seconds (extremely short amount of time) 2. No formation of by – products hazardous to health 3. No chemical need since Non toxic 4. No ecological damage 5. Low operating cost – (low maintenance) 6. Easy to handle, operate & maintain 7. Highest reliability IV. Disadvantages:- Exposure to UVC light is dangerous for human body. 1. UVC sanitizers can damage your eyes and skin. Prevention cum control of Pest & Covid - 19 in Indian Railways 60

2. UV light can cause cancer. 3. Scientists are exploring ways to use a specific type of UVC light for devices that could be safe for humans. However, existing products are not safe to use on your body. V. Applications:- Human beings are easy target of germs, bacteria, virus etc. In recent time, Coronavirus deeply harmed the human society all over the world. Many people are affected, many are died, people are getting financially weaken and world economy collapsed. Time to time our society is affected by virus like EBOLA, MARS, H1N1, & recently Corona. So to keep our family and society safe from these kinds of deadly viruses, germs and bacteria need to take some important precautions. Since to maintain good hygiene, society, and house hold items should be cleaned and need to sanitize in frequent intervals. It is not an easy task to wash our hands and sanitize the daily needed item by liquid chemical sanitizers by spraying and wiping. It may cause fatal on skin or may damage expensive electronic items. So to get rid of this, need to have an alternate method to sanitize and i.e. UV sanitizer which is the best, very easy and effective alternative. UV-C lamps and robots are commonly used to sanitize water, objects such as laboratory equipments, hospitals, rooms, offices, groceries, mobile phones, flies, etc. UV-C tube lights can be used in railways as UV Coach Sanitizer.In Indian railways, UV sanitizer will become more effective while sanitizing the coaches of trains. UV Coach Sanitizing Technology against Coronavirus (COVID-19) 61 Prevention cum control of Pest & Covid - 19 in Indian Railways

REFERENCES 1. Railway Board L. No:- 2000/M (C) /141/7 Vol. IV Dtd. 21/12/2010. 2. Pamphlet on Pest & Rodents Control in Main Line Coaches by CAMTECH , GWL. CAMTECH/2013/M/GLW/Pest Control/1.0, August-2013 3. Pest Control Procedures Manuals by Chartered Institute of Environmental Health. April 2013 4. Household Pest & Rodent Control- AG 1156, University of Arkansas, United States, Dept. Of Agriculture. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. , 14., 15. zoology/cockroach/cockroach-habitat-locomotion-and-life- history/27528 16., sr. no. 6 17., 18. 19. 20. 21. What-Is-The-Most-Common-Type-Of-Bed-Bug?&id=793308 22. 23. homeopathy-effective-in-prevention-of-virus-infections-says-ayush- ministry/73738453 24. homoeopathy-drug-being-distributed-widely/article31645532.ece Prevention cum control of Pest & Covid - 19 in Indian Railways 62

25. ultraviolet-light-kill-the-coronavirus/index.htm 26. 27. 28. help- detect-kill-the-coronavirus-6402346/ 29. uvc-coronavirus-disinfect-puro-pictures 30. covid-19. 31. Disclaimer The information given in this booklet does not supersede any existing provisions laid down in RDSO and Rly. Board’s instructions. This document is not statutory and instructions given in it are for the purpose of guidance only. If at any point contradiction is observed, Rly. Board /RDSO’s guidelines or Zonal Rly.’s instructions may be followed.  Users of this booklet are welcome to send their valuable feedback / suggestions which will help to incorporate improvement in next edition.  [email protected][email protected] Prevention cum control of Pest & Covid - 19 in Indian Railways 63

Sachin K. Shahane The objectives of this technical literature is to upgrade maintenance, controlling techniques, & methodologies by adopting new ideas and achieve improvements to provide the standards of services and commitment to customer for their happy & comfortable journey. To tackle the passenger complaints regarding pest control, many trials have been conducted; problems have been identified and resolved. It is a very challenging task for maintaining the pest free and well sanitized coaches in Indian Railway. In this pandemic situation to fight against coronavirus (COVID-19), UV Coach Sanitizer is innovated and developed at Solapur Coaching Depot. It is the best, reliable, economical and effective alternative to make the coaches of trains free from germs, bacteria and viruses like Novel Corona. UV Coach Sanitizer, to fight against Coronavirus (COVID-19) Innovated and Developed at Solapur Coaching Depot, Central Railway

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